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Name: ___Anthony Morá n and José Batista


Topic: Daily activities.
Phase: Early Production

Course design Self-Evaluation

Directions: Take a look at the strategy you have just designed. Think about your answers to parts A-C below.
Write your answers to the Writing Reflection questions #1-2, using parts A-C to help you. Hand in your self-
evaluation to the instructor by uploading it to Google Classroom teaching reflection.

A. Objectives:
1. Evoke the strategy/activity you designed.
Yes, because learn some vocabulary meaningful and that they can associate.

2. Would your students meet the objectives? How do you know?

Since the vocabulary is simple, we consider they would be able to fulfill the objective.

3. Is the strategy appropriate for the level / ability of your target population in the phase of
Language Acquisition?
The activities and the material are prepared for the level of the audience.

B. Meaningful Communication:
1. Does your strategy/activity have a meaningful purpose? How?
Yes, because every day we have a routine with some elements.

2. Are there ways you could increase the interaction for your students? (You may think about
student´s performance on group or team works) (Depends on the phase you chose)
With a dialogue and some games.

C. Teaching:
1. Do you scaffold the activity / activities enough for students to be able to complete them

We associate the vocabulary with some activities that students make every day.

*Writing Reflection: Write your answers to these questions:

1. Write 3 things you did well in the strategy design.

Appropriate vocabulary.
Use context.
Promote reading.

2. Write 3 things you would change/revise about the strategy design.

Dramatization instead of matching
Guessing the activity.
Make your own routine using pictures

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