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Chernivtsi National University

Department of English

Linguistic Learning Practice


Name Surname _____Tetiana Dutchak____________

Group # ______________212___________________
Signature ___________________________________

Chernivtsi - 2024
Module 1. Research Material

Topic 1. Introduction
1.Linguistic learning practice: course requirements.
2.Course syllabus.

Topic 2. Lecture on Corpus Linguistics

Task 1. Register here to use the following corpora:
✓ British National Corpus (BNC)
✓ Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
✓ iWeb: The Intelligent Web-based Corpus

Task 2. Read the overview of each corpus above, take notes. What are the differences
between them? (see Supplement 1)

Task 2: Listen to the lecture and take notes (see Supplement 1).

Topic 3. Using Corpora to Spot Linguistic Patterns

(week 1)

Task 1. Choose three words: one verb, one noun and one adjective (all words should
have different roots). (Alternatively, your linguistic practice supervisor may provide
you with the words to analyse).
Find out their frequency in each of the corpora.
✓ British National Corpus (BNC)
✓ Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
✓ iWeb: The Intelligent Web-based Corpus
Make a table illustrating your findings (see example in supplement 2). The table
should have a corresponding title.
Calculate the sum total for each word and write it in the last column of the table.

Task 2. BNC and COCA have a tool that helps you see the usage of words in
different genres of texts (Search - Chart - See frequency by section).
Compare the frequency of one word that you have chosen for task 1 across different
genres in BNC and COCA.
Make pie charts for each word in both corpora (see example in supplement 2).

Additional resources - How to make a diagram:

Task 3. COCA allows you to compare the frequency of words diachronically starting
from 1990 to 2019 with a 5-year interval.
Compare the changes in the frequency of one word that you have chosen for task 1
from 1990 to 2019.
Make a bar chart demonstrating the results of your search (see example in supplement

Task 4. Write a descriptive report comparing the information in the pie charts and bar
chart (the guidelines on how to write this descriptive report are given in the file “A
Descriptive Report Based on Information in a Chart, Table, Graph or Diagram”).

Useful language for describing tables, charts and graphs:

Topic 3. Using Corpora to Spot Linguistic Patterns

(week 2)

Task 1. Use the collocations dictionary to find

collocations with the words from task 1 (topic 3).
Write them out.

Task 2. Choose either a noun or a verb from task 1 above.

Check the frequency of each collocation with the chosen word in three corpora that
you learnt to use last week.
✓ British National Corpus (BNC)
✓ Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
✓ iWeb: The Intelligent Web-based Corpus
Make a table illustrating the frequency of the collocations with each word (see
supplement 3).

Task 3. Create a line graph representing the frequency of each collocation in three
corpora (see example in supplement 3).
Task 4. Write a descriptive report based on the line graph comparing the frequency
of the collocations you have found in three corpora (the guidelines on how to write
this descriptive report are given in the file “A Descriptive Report Based on
Information in a Chart, Table, Graph or Diagram”).

Topic 4. Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

Task 1: Listen to the lecture and take notes (see Supplement 1 for a template).

Task 2. Use the table from the previous week where you represented the frequency of
the collocations in three corpora to calculate the percentage for each numerical
The formula used to calculate the percentage is: (value/total value)×100% (see
example in supplement 4).

Topic 5. Glossary of Linguistic Terms

Task 1. Look back at the tasks that you have done in Module 1 and make a glossary
of linguistic terms (see Supplement 5).
The glossary should include at least 20 terms with definitions, examples and
Learn the terms and their definitions.

Task 2. Make a list of references where you looked up the definitions of linguistic
terms which includes at least 3 sources.

Task 3. Learn the terms and their definitions.

Supplement 1
Date: 09.02.2024
Topic: Lecture on Corpus Linguistics

Task 2. Notes on Corpora:

✓ British National Corpus (BNC)

The BNC is a corpus containing textual data collected from a variety of sources
representing the British English language. It is a valuable resource for research in
linguistics, literature, and communication sciences.

✓ Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)

COCA is one of the largest corpora of the English language, containing a wide range
of texts from American sources. Its diversity allows for the study of various aspects
of the English language in an American context.

✓ iWeb: The Intelligent Web-based Corpus

I-WEB is a corpus consisting of texts that contains of websites in various English-

speaking countries. It is important for studying the usage of English in real
communications on the Internet.

Task 2. Lecture notes:

Corpus linguistics delves into the creation, processing and application of text corpora.
These corpora can vary in terms of data type, language, parallelism, markup, and
genre. Corpora provide a broader context than a single sentence, contributing to
communicative competence. Lexicographic activities, like dictionaries, are static,
whereas corpora are dynamic, constantly evolving. Corpus-based learning uses
traditional and innovative tools in the classroom to improve language comprehension.
The purpose of corpora includes representativeness, frequency analysis, tracking
changes over time, studying combinatorics, and assessing the status of language units
among different authors. Concordance search engine automates the extraction of
specific language units from electronic texts.


What were the key points of the lecture?

The lecture focused primarily on corpora, their structure, types and approaches to
their creation. The discussion included traditional and innovative methods related to
texts, including terms such as concordance, communicative competence and others.
Particular emphasis was placed on the practical application of corpora, in particular in
determining word frequency.
What did you find interesting?
I came across a whole system of corpora with numerous texts and examples
demonstrating the use of different words. I was struck by how useful such sites are
for linguists and people working with word frequency and context.

What was difficult to understand?

At first, it was difficult for me to understand the whole system of cases. My questions
about their application were resolved towards the end of the lecture thanks to the
lecturer's explanations.

What information would you add?

I would include detailed information on the characteristics of other corpora and sites,
for a more searchable experience, as using corpora to their fullest often requires a
comprehensive knowledge of their features.

Supplement 2
Topic: Using Corpora to Spot Linguistic Patterns
Task 1. Word frequency analysis in the corpora

Table 1
Word BNC COCA iWeb Total
Hospitality (noun) 863 ENTRIES: 4656 100000 105519
3379 TEXTS 62251 TEXTS 66033 TEXTS
To contribute 2627 26625 100000 129252
1133 TEXTS 19547 80619 TEXTS 101299 TEXTS
Aloof (adjective) 225 ENTRIES: 1510 10964 12699
1366 TEXTS 9638 TEXTS 11183 TEXTS
Word frequency in the corpora
Descriptive report:

The table presents a comparative analysis of the distribution of word frequencies in

three corpora: The British National Corpus (BNC), the Corpus of Contemporary
American English (COCA) and the internet-based iWeb corpus.
Overall, the data shows significant differences in the frequency of word usage across
the corpora, indicating differences in language usage between British English,
American English and texts on the Internet.

In the case of the word 'Hospitality', used as a noun, it is observed that it appears
most frequently in the iWeb corpus, with a total of 100000 entries obtained from
62251 texts. COCA follows with 5883 entries from 4893 texts, while BNC has the
lowest frequency with 4656 entries from 3379 texts.Further analysis shows that the
verb "to contribute" also appears most frequently in the iWeb corpus, with a total of
100000 entries obtained from 80619 texts.

It is followed by COCA with 26625 dictionary entries from 19547 texts, while BNC
also has the lowest frequency with 2627 entries from 1133 texts. Also, when I
examined the adjective "aloof", the iWeb corpus again shows the highest frequency
with 10964 entries out of 9638 texts. This is followed by COCA with 1510
occurrences out of 1366 texts, while BNC has the lowest frequency with 225
occurrences out of 179 texts
Task 2. Pie charts illustrating word frequency across different genres
Task 3. Bar chart representing word frequency diachronically
Task 4. Descriptive report
Analyzing COCA data shows a decline in "aloof" from 257 occurrences in 1990-94
to 167 in 2015-19, while "to contribute" rose steadily from 2835 to 3001.
"Hospitality" peaked at 702 in 2005-09, dropping to 613 in 2015-19, reflecting
dynamic linguistic trends.In the BNC, "to contribute" is most frequent in non-
academic and academic texts (752 and 744 occurrences), followed by newspapers
(152), with the lowest in spoken language (115). Examining "hospitality" and "aloof"
across genres enriches our understanding of linguistic choices.

The figure for "aloof" slid to 167, "to contribute" rose to 3001, and "hospitality"
peaked at 702, contributing to dynamic linguistic trends.The trend for "aloof"
declined, hitting a trough of 167 in 2015-19, while "to contribute" climbed to 3001.
"Hospitality" peaked at 702 in 2005-09 before descending to 613 in 2015-19.
Data on "aloof" reflects a decrease to 167, "to contribute" exhibits an increase to
3001, and "hospitality" peaks at 702 before declining to 613, showcasing dynamic
linguistic shifts.

"The trend for 'aloof' maintained a value of 257 in 1990-94, while 'to contribute' rose
to 3001, and 'hospitality' peaked at 702 before declining to 613 in 2015-19."
"The trend for 'aloof' wavered between 257 in 1990-94 and 167 in 2015-19, 'to
contribute' showed a steady increase from 2835 to 3001, and 'hospitality' fluctuated,
peaking at 702 in 2005-09 and declining to 613 in 2015-19."

"The figure for 'aloof' slid to 167, 'to contribute' rose to 3001, and 'hospitality'
fluctuated, peaking at 702 in 2005-09 before declining to 613 in 2015-19, reflecting
dynamic linguistic trends."
Supplement 3
Date: 23.02.2024
Topic: Using Corpora to Spot Linguistic Patterns

Task 1. Collocations:
Noun collocations: Hospitality

ADJ. generous, lavish, warm | corporate

VERB + HOSPITALITY extend, offer (sb), provide (sb with), show sb | accept |
repay, return | abuse

Verb collocations: Contribute

1) give
ADV. enormously, generously, greatly, handsomely, heavily, substantially| equally |
fully | financially
VERB + CONTRIBUTE be asked to, be encouraged to
PREP. Contribute to, contribute towards
PHRASES have little/a lot/much to contribute (to sth)
2) help cause sth
ADV. greatly, largely, significantly, substantially | effectively | further | actively,
directly | indirectly | undoubtedly | unwittingly
PREP. Contribute to
3) write for a newspaper, etc.
ADV. regularly
PREP.Contribute to

Adjective collocations:Aloof
1) not friendly
VERBS be, look, seem | find sb
ADV. a bit, a little, somewhat
2) not involved in sth
VERBS hold (yourself), keep (yourself), remain, stand | keep sb
ADV. largely
PREP. Aloof from

Task 2. Collocations frequency analysis in the corpora

Table 2
The frequency of the collocations with the noun “hospitality” in the corpora
Collocation BNC COC iWeb Total
Generous hospitality 7 18 362 387
Lavish hospitality 4 6 68 78
Warm hospitality 0 26 1744 1776
Corporate hospitality 23 14 1023 1060
Extend hospitality 1 3 85 89
Offer hospitality 4 11 221 236
Provide hospitality 4 8 163 175
Show hospitality 0 13 186 199
Accept hospitality 2 1 30 33
Repay hospitality 0 0 1 1
Return hospitality 0 0 6 6
Abuse hospitality 1 0 4 5
Total 46 100 3893 4045

The frequency of the collocations with the verb “contribute”in the corpora
Collocation BNC COCA iWeb Total
Enormously contribute 0 0 3 3
Generously contribute 0 4 76 80
Greatly contribute 0 23 655 678
Handsomely contribute 1 0 1 2
Heavily contribute 0 1 45 46
Substantially contribute 2 12 130 144
Equally contribute 0 6 71 77
Fully contribute 0 6 174 180
Financially contribute 0 3 133 136
Be asked to contribute 9 17 409 435
Be encouraged 5 2 84 91
to contribute
Contribute to 1503 16486 298248 316237
Contribute towards 97 94 6125 6316
Have little to contribute 3 7 0 10
A lot to contribute 1 28 0 29
Much to contribute 15 85 792 892
Largely contribute 0 0 61 61
Significantly contribute 5 86 1123 1214
Effectively contribute 2 7 334 343
Further contribute 1 45 751 797
Actively contribute 4 24 1142 1170
Directly contribute 3 53 1237 1293
Indirectly contribute 1 13 143 157
Undoubtedly contribute 2 8 108 118
Unwittingly contribute 0 7 39 46
Contribute to 1503 16486 298248 316237
Regularly contribute 1 18 371 390
Total 3158 33518 610500 647182

The frequency of the collocations with the adjective “aloof” in the corpora
Collocation BNC COCA iWeb Total
Be aloof 5 34 380 419
Look aloof 0 1 18 19
Seem aloof 0 6 100 106
Find aloof 0 0 0 0
A bit aloof 2 10 118 130
A little aloof 5 19 78 102
Somewhat aloof 3 18 156 177
Hold aloof 3 5 95 103
Keep aloof 0 14 152 166
Remain aloof 16 51 276 343
Stand aloof 4 28 255 287
Largely aloof 3 1 14 18
Aloof from 58 182 1510 1750
Total 99 369 3152 3620

Task 3. Line graph showing collocations frequency

Task 4. Descriptive report
This comprehensive report delves into the realms of the words “hospitality”, “to
contribute”, and “aloof” by leveraging insights from the BNC, COCA, and iWeb
corpora. Key revelations encompass prevalent themes such as "generous hospitality"
and "warm hospitality," with the BNC spotlighting corporate hospitality, COCA
emphasizing verb “to contribute”, and the iWeb introducing the nuanced concept of
adjective “aloof”. The interplay of terms like "generously contribute" and "aloof"
unveils intricate cultural and contextual variations.

Highlighting notable details, phrases like "extend hospitality" and "financially

contribute" enrich the analysis. The examination suggests intricate connections
between "corporate hospitality" and "financially contribute," introducing
complexities in aloof behavior, ranging from being "a bit aloof" to "largely aloof."

In conclusion, this report not only unveils intricate patterns within the realms of the
words “hospitality”, “to contribute”, and “aloof” but also demonstrates a mastery of
diverse and sophisticated vocabulary for data analysis and report writing.
Supplement 4

Date: 29.02.2024
Topic: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

Task 1. Lecture notes:

Частота вживання частин мови у письменників

Автор red blue black pink Разом

Еллі Есірі 25/1 23/2 10/3 7/4 65
Рупі Каур 31/2 37/1 10/3 8/4 86
Чарльз Буковскі 21/1 19/2 7/3 4/4 51
Емілі Дікенсон 41/1 33/2 15/3 10/4 99
Разом 118 112 42 29 301

Автор Разом
Red Інші
Еллі Есірі 25 а b 40 65
Інші 93 с D 143 236
Разом 118 183 N 301

( 25 ×143−40 × 93 )2 × 301 ( 3575−3720 )2 × 301

χ 2= = =0 , 01
118 ×183 ×65 × 236 118 × 183 ×65 ×236

Автор Разом
Blue Інші
Еллі Есірі 23 а b 42 65
Інші 89 с D 147 236
Разом 112 189 N 301

( 23 ×147−42 ×89 )2 ×301 ( 3381−3738 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 , 11
112 ×189 ×65 ×236 112 ×189 × 65× 236
Автор Разом
Black Інші
Еллі Есірі 10 а b 55 65
Інші 32 с D 204 236
Разом 42 259 N 301

( 10 ×204−55 ×32 )2 ×301 ( 2040−1760 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 , 14
42 ×259 × 65× 236 42× 259 ×65 ×236

Автор Разом
Pink Інші
Еллі Есірі 7а b 58 65
Інші 22 с D 214 236
Разом 29 272 N 301

( 7 ×214−58 ×22 )2 ×301 ( 1498−1276 )2 × 301

χ 2= = =0 ,12
29 ×272 ×65 × 236 29 ×272 ×65 ×236

Автор Разом
Red Інші
Рупі Каур 31 а b 55 86
Інші 87 с D 128 215
Разом 118 183 N 301

( 31 ×128−55 × 87 )2 ×301 ( 3968−4785 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 , 5
118 × 183 ×86 ×215 118 ×183 ×86 × 215

Автор Колір
Blue Інші
Рупі Каур 37 а b 49 86
Інші 75 с D 140 215
Разом 112 189 N 301

( 37 ×140−49 ×75 )2 ×301 ( 5180−3675 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =1 , 74
112 ×189 ×86 × 215 112 ×189 × 86 ×215
Автор Колір
Black Інші
Рупі Каур 10 а b 76 86
Інші 32 с D 183 215
Разом 42 259 N 301

( 10 ×183−76 ×32 )2 × 301 ( 1830−2432 )2 × 301

χ 2= = =0 , 5
42 ×259 ×86 × 215 42 ×259 × 86 ×215

Автор Разом
Pink Інші
Рупі Каур 8а b 78 86
Інші 21 с D 194 215
Разом 29 272 N 301

( 8 ×194−78 ×21 )2 ×301 ( 1552−1638 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0,015
29 ×272 ×86 × 215 29× 272× 86 ×215

Автор Разом
Red Інші
21 а b 30 51
Інші 97 с D 153 250
Разом 118 183 N 301

( 21 ×153−30× 97 )2 ×301 ( 3213−2910 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 ,1
118 ×183 ×51 ×250 118×183 ×50 × 251

Автор Разом
Blue Інші
Чарльз 19 а b 32 51
Інші 93 с D 157 250
Разом 112 189 N 301

( 19 ×157−32× 93 )2 ×301 ( 2983−2976 )2 × 301

χ 2= = =0,0005
112 ×189 ×51 ×250 112 ×189 ×50 ×251

Автор Колір
Black Інші
7а b 44 51
Інші 35 с D 215 250
Разом 42 259 N 301

( 7 ×215−44 ×35 )2 ×301 ( 1505−1540 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0,002
42 ×259 ×51 ×250 42× 259 ×50 ×251

Автор Колір
Pink Інші
4а b 47 51
Інші 25 с D 225 250
Разом 29 272 N 301

( 4 ×225−47 ×25 )2 ×301 ( 900−1175 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 ,22
29 ×272 ×51 ×250 29 ×272 ×51 ×250

Автор Колір
Red Інші
Емілі Дікенсон 41 а b 58 99
Інші 77 с D 125 202
Разом 118 183 N 301
( 41 ×125−58 ×77 )2 ×301 ( 5125−4466 )2 ×301
χ 2= = =0 , 3
118 ×183 ×99 × 202 118 ×183 × 99 ×202

Автор Колір
Blue Інші
Емілі Дікенсон 33 а b 66 99
Інші 79 с D 123 202
Разом 112 189 N 301

( 33 ×123−66 ×79 )2 ×301 ( 4059−5214 )2 ×301

χ 2= = =0 , 9
112 ×189 ×99 ×202 112 ×189 ×99 × 202

Автор Колір
Black Інші
Емілі Дікенсон 15 а b 84 99
Інші 27 с D 175 202
Разом 42 259 N 301

( 15 ×175−84 ×27 )2 × 301 ( 2625−2268 )2 × 301

χ 2= = =0 , 17
42× 259× 99 ×202 42 ×259 × 99 ×202

Автор Колір
Pink Інші
Емілі Дікенсон 10 а b 89 99
Інші 19 с D 183 202
Разом 29 272 N 301
( 10 ×183−89 ×19 )2 ×301 (1830−1691 )2 × 301
χ 2= = =0 , 03 Характеристики
29 ×272 × 99× 202 29 × 272× 99 ×202
розподілу слів за методом χ2

Автор red blue black pink

Еллі Есірі
Рупі Каур
Чарльз Буковскі
Емілі Дікенсон

Подивившись на цю таблицю, ми можемо зробити висновок, що жоден з

авторів не використовує частини мови в своїх творах у надмірній мірі.

Task 2. Collocations frequency percentage calculation

The frequency of the collocations with the noun ‘hospitality’ in the corpora

Collocation BNC % COCA % iWeb % Total %

Generous hospitality 7 15,22 18 18,00 362 9,30 387 9,57
Lavish hospitality 4 10,87 6 6,00 68 1,75 78 1,93
Warm hospitality 0 0,00 26 26,00 1744 44,80 1776 43,91
Corporate hospitality 23 50,00 14 14,00 1023 26,28 1060 26,21
Extend hospitality 1 2,17 3 3,00 85 2,18 89 2,20
Offer hospitality 4 8,70 11 11,00 221 5,68 236 5,83
Provide hospitality 4 8,70 8 8,00 163 4,19 175 4,33
Show hospitality 0 0 13 13,00 186 4,78 199 4,92
Accept hospitality 2 2,17 1 1,00 30 0,77 33 0,82
Repay hospitality 0 0 0 0 1 0,03 1 0,02
Return hospitality 0 0 0 0 6 0,15 6 0,15
Abuse hospitality 1 2,17 0 0 4 0,10 5 0,12
Total 46 100 100 100 3893 100 4045 100

The frequency of the collocations with the verb ‘contribute’ in the corpora
Collocation BNC % COCA % iWeb % Total %
Enormously 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
contribute 0,
Generously 0 0 4 0,01 76 0,01 80
contribute 0,01
Greatly contribute 0 0 23 0,07 655 0,11 678 0,10
Handsomely 1 0,03 0 0 1 0 2
contribute 0
Heavily 0 0 1 0 45 0,01 46
contribute 0,01
Substantially 2 0,06 12 0,04 130 0,02 144
contribute 0,02
Equally 0 0,00 6 0,02 71 0,01 77
contribute 0,01
Fully contribute 0 0 6 0,02 174 0,03 180 0,03
Financially 0 0 3 0,01 133 0,02 136
contribute 0,02
Be asked 9 0,28 17 0,05 409 0,07 435
to contribute 0,07
Be encouraged to 5 0,16 2 0,01 84 0,01 91
contribute 0,01
Contribute to 1503 47,59 16486 49,19 298248 48,85 316237 48,86
Contribute 97 3,07 94 0,28 6125 1,00 6316
towards 0,98
Have little 3 0,09 7 0,02 0 0 10
to contribute 0
A lot to 1 0,03 28 0,08 0 0 29
contribute 0
Much 15 0,47 85 0,25 792 0,13 892
to contribute 0,14
Largely 0 0 0 0 61 0,01 61
contribute 0,01
Significantly 5 0,16 86 0,26 1123 0,18 1214
contribute 0,19
Effectively 2 0,06 7 0,02 334 0,05 343
contribute 0,05
Further 1 0,03 45 0,13 751 0,12 797
contribute 0,12
Actively 4 0,13 24 0,07 1142 0,19 1170
contribute 0,18
Directly 3 0,09 53 0,16 1237 0,20 1293
contribute 0,20
Indirectly 1 0,03 13 0,04 143 0,02 157
contribute 0,02
Undoubtedly 2 0,06 8 0,02 108 0,02 118
contribute 0,02
Unwittingly 0 0,00 7 0,02 39 0,01 46
contribute 0,01
Contribute to 1503 47,59 16486 49,19 298248 48,85 316237 48,86
Regularly 1 0,03 18 0,05 371 0,06 390
contribute 0,06
Total 3158 100 33518 100 610500 100 647182 100

The frequency of the collocations with the adjective ‘aloof’ in the corpora

Collocation BNC % COCA % iWeb % Total %

Be aloof 5 5,05 34 9,21 380 12,06 419 11,57
Look aloof 0 0 1 0,27 18 0,57 19 0,52
Seem aloof 0 0 6 1,63 100 3,17 106 2,93
Find aloof 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A bit aloof 2 2,02 10 2,71 118 3,74 130 3,59
A little aloof 5 5,05 19 5,15 78 2,47 102 2,82
Somewhat aloof 3 3,03 18 4,88 156 4,95 177 4,89
Hold aloof 3 3,03 5 1,36 95 3,01 103 2,85
Keep aloof 0 0 14 3,79 152 4,82 166 4,59
Remain aloof 16 16,16 51 13,82 276 8,76 343 9,48
Stand aloof 4 4,04 28 7,59 255 8,09 287 7,93
Largely aloof 3 3,03 1 0,27 14 0,44 18 0,50
Aloof from 58 58,59 182 49,32 1510 47,91 1750 48,34
Total 99 100 369 100 3152 100 3620 100

Supplement 5
Date: 08.03.2024
Topic: Glossary of Linguistic Terms

Glossary of Linguistics Terms


Cataphora The coreference of one If you need one, there’s a Катафора
expression with towel in the table
another which The relationship of one to
follows it a towel
Collective noun A noun that refers to a Club Збірний іменник
group of entities that - it is a large club
may be considered - they are a large club
either as individuals or
as one larger entity
Collocation the combination of - get permission Словосполучення
words formed when two - get lost
or more words are often
used together in a way
that sounds correct
Context The interrelated The historical context of Контекст
conditions in which the war.
something exists or
Coordinate clause A clause that is - I will go home and he Складносурядне
belonging to a series of will go to work речення
two or more clauses - John like hamburgers,
which are not but Alice prefers fruit
syntactically dependent salads
one on another
Corpora a collection of linguistic BNC, COCA, iWeb Корпус
data (usually contained
in a computer database)
used for research,
scholarship, and
Definition A statement of the To descend - to go or Визначення
meaning of a word or come down.
word group or a sign or
Distributive numeral A numeral which - by the DOZEN Розподільний
express a group of - in PAIRS числівник
number specified
Genre A category for Fiction genre, poetry, Жанр
classifying discourse drama
and literature works,
usually by form,
technique or content
Homonym A word that has the «two» and «too» Омонім
same pronunciation as
Linguistic Connected with Rose rose to put rose roes Лінгвістичний
language or the study of on her rows of roses.
language. (Robert J. Baran)
Linguistic patterns Formations in a Attaching the suffix «-ing» Мовна
language that construct to verbs to turn them into закономірність
its words and sounds gerund
and give them meaning
Participle Lexical item, that has I like to see SMILING Дієприкметник
some of the faces
characteristics and
functions of both verb
and adjective

Pro-verb A verb that substitutes He likes cheese and I DO, «Дієслово-

for a contextually too замінник»
recognizable verb
phrase, that helps to
avoid the repetition of
Quantifier A determiner that - all (all are welcome, all Квантифікатор
expresses a referent’s these people)
definite or indefinite - many
amount - some
Reflexive pronoun A pronoun that has He provides himself on his Зворотній
coreference with the appearance займенник
Relativizer A subordinating I saw the man who did Релятивізатор
conjunction that links a your work
relative clause to its
head noun
Sentence adverb An adverb that limits or Fortunately, Ned was Сентенційний
describes the meaning invited to a surprise party. прислівник
of an entire statement Unfortunately, the party
was thousand miles away
Translation The activity or process “Aloof – відчужений” Переклад
of changing the words
of one language into the
words in another
language that have the
same meaning
Word A single unit of “Hospitality” Слово
language that means
something and can be
spoken or written.

1.Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [Електронний ресурс]. Режим
2. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
3. Merriam-Webster Dictionary - America's Most Trusted Dictionary
[Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
4. Collins Online Dictionary [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

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