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I was invited to a weeding. This is my sister weeding.

It was
just took place in The Adora Place 2 months ago. The bride is
my sister and the groom is the man who is my brother-in-law
now. Hmmm… To talk about the venue, I don't know how to
describe it. I just know it's a very luxurious place. This
restaurant is look like the castle. Light from chandelier, colour
from decoration, sound from music,… Everything in there is
so perfect. But the best thing in there, I think is the
decorations. At my sister weeding reception, she and her
husband, they choose white and pink as main colours.
Everywhere around the wedding was decorated with lots of
balloons and roses mounted around the walls. From the main
door, you can see a red path strewn with flowers for the bride
can come next to the groom. With the luxurious setting in the
auditorium, it made the place even more beautiful. On that
day, I dressed up a suit that I had prepared for important days.
I don’t wear a vest many times but I think I look pretty good
in it. That make me look like taller, and that is the best thing I
like when I wear something. About the food and drink that
day, I think every was all good. But I'm not really sure about
that. Because I belong to the bride's family, so I need to
showed up early, and that made me feel so hungry. Maybe
that’s why I felt foods and drink was so delicious that day. I
can remember that on that day, my sister weeding had a lot of
dishes such as honey grilled chicken, crab soup, beff steak,
fried shrimp,…and some traditional dishes. With drink, I
didn’t really focus on it because I just drank beer a lot because
I felt so happy on that day so I didn’t know what kind of drink
they have. But all of that, I need to tell your guys about my
favorite food because that food is so good. This is Lobster
with cheese. It wasn't the first time I ate it, but the restaurant
made a really perfect dish. Taste, aroma and juicy of that
shrimp made me feel it was one of the best dishes I have ever

On that day, I felt very happy because my sister got married.

Maybe you can think that why I didn’t feel some sad about it.
But with me, I really happy 100 percent because I knew my
sister had chosen the right person so I could feel secure about
that. And I can stay home alone after my sister gets married 
I really love this.

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