Nightmare Busters

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CPPS 4 aC as ae ae


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The inside of the cartridge contains sensitive electronic technology. Never expose
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Do not bend, slam or throw the cartridge. Doing so may result in permanent damage.
Carefully place the cartridge back into its box when not in use.


This game cartridge is compatible with NTSC and PAL machines. If the game
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Nightmare Busters: #SF-005

©2012 Christophe Gayraud, Jean-Christophe Alessandri
©2012 Super Fighter Team
‘ *J 4 b

i i troducti he \ : it

“Never let dreams die!” SMe uet Ta moKenl Gere msnreck ek Eu dA Cm

Peer Camere ay Ginter teal eae Cur unui on C7
CRM Cl MRM CRO URUIER Rice m UTRi eet ute and carefree, with no concern for all the silly
Now here we are, our first game for the SNES / SFC, and the incredible tsa NT oR Ron uuet oe
company was founded on continues to flow nine years later.
Naa ee mR oak h oR ld eto od
ACK lCe Rl Cee R ICMR AO Mm ote oR nae mel t-t- ha { } and other sprites, waiting to welcome the
Pence are ana ela tea
MUTE RLM leeaa ee (cole R RO ol aR CE Ne UCM UMUC Meu R Uren bundled in their bed sheets.
Dre ee I eR Re aR (oe oda a
Ney AUC ale tegen
He was a good man who will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, my friend. carry with them a deck of cards. According to
Elie (Coe Ror CeCe BL COR cue) eae a eer Olt
each youth receives a deck to symbolize his passage into adulthood. Becoming skilled
TET ee) with these cards, however, can take years.
Desa cata Ccia)
ety eR ilu cet uu Reece Ota
flexible and especially sharp - for besides using
CURE Chae cue uee ats Nats
cards as weapons. Target practice, which is
an organized event in their communities, is
aan a sar
Pun etic eee mel LR elu Lag
Ce Mma Merced

Bike Micog aoe Reese eLd

lie Belg coven Mae Marieke Roti
cece cents
ac meel OMe e lek rg
He OC ee elma tela
Cle ar eR ole Ren Re Va RL
only hope against a dire threat to
Ursa enol oka
aia bio ag ,

NOE Merle ae Rca isle elmore Rela mae ae Ree Ker eCa E
Saute (lara Malan aati sprung to life...
AT) ood ELe maT te
fog sticks in the air, and SBS oa MNT C-1 elu ece)| Renee aa
pets .e-le) eagle goa Cg Sec eam uber cise srt
ATE MeleLU gol gr-m rele) -40 8 co) OD colette Rete R a ae eel ea aaa
wake the dead. Lost, alone lm Ula tae
and having surrendered to
raw Lec aueletl oldd What will be the fate of these poor youths? Are
out for salvation... BAe (a too EUR CR ae tra)
Tru remillce MTU clar-lare Reel
i tela ran A TMC oice}
i P-TeleMPL Cele UM Cle tek oR a aie1 RelOR eller enter this new, perilous world of nightmares to
feel ane te RRC Ae ea RR mua ae) m A) DETR aS ee Miao ee cee
eee R Clam aR OM leone Melilla en Ost diam ae (Um cu Rel eR LaLe| Clr ints
inside the closet, he confirms the bedroom to be monster-free.
Arca UCM MMe een nc te oe
However the little one will not be pacified. Soaked with sweat and eyes brimming MUM cate Se CRC Cuee ane Runge esa cal
Pm en MeL ad Late oO ames m aR aed ie ole Me a4 NE aT SEE LMM A UCigE aOR eM RCI ESC ee tr ei ken a
ceo Rua eR Uta ROR Ctra Chiat a
Tema alan CRC Leutae- luce Mo oR MCR ual ol uel elm
Cu ear LaTe) ce acme ah eon ale elec chris cll Min aCy
conceals something far more sinister. Synchronized with the wavelengh of dreams, the Sear coeeuc hut eaten ea cuia ued Maan ah
Tiel MN eee eo trek RIC AON Cm alias Role CR Lael eee the count! Clean the clocks of creepy creatures causing a commotion! And do it fast -
Tae Tare eT Ratt me eR Tei ia ae elm Medea ee me ela am Uae lel

Pot helt MLM Climo eR OLR Clam eum eRe ai ela

eae oeaed
Di ee
A delightful, spirited leprechaun, Flynn is loved and Flynn and Floyd may have a lot of tricks up their sleeves, but they'll need your help to
citar NMI MA ALM ae Cea Chee Menem ee ecm ec eee ec M IM elke1c om (el)
s Creare Ne alee (tucoe ee UL Aol cle cor lela
sd) oy] Lae
mainstay of many a party. Furthermore, his
Memeo ee Lee eR (Urea 5 D-PAD Y » 3

for leaving the forest folk in stitches.

Ten EM a Ole Clu mC ORLeLS

conceived the whoopee cushion. Any
trickster who uses the novelty item to
induce a laugh riot at the dinner table has this
Tetietu hemi a

TRU RC heme COR Ue em elon

La nam dele (MT ol MaMa ely eL tole em Chad
Prelate meee eR RMU em aeore Rt
is a dandy in his favorite outfit, even if it fits him a tad
Uae L:] A

D-PAD: Used to move your character around the screen, as well as aim his attacks.
Flynn shares a deep bond with his brother Floyd, with Bt eee NPE ee eR MarR eu eee
ec ac ete al
Peer oa eaeren cree S iia. START: Used to make a menu choice, or to pause/unpause the game.
his forestmates by demonstrating his .
RECUR elena cee unc aaecoecicn ae mutei care
Cree atedaea cee eta SelM oLceytc ccm ol Rela) (rele Te RU Mel aut.) oe CLR LA CCiKeIg
ere CC n eee ace ees
TRU arn a RELL B: Jump. Use the D-PAD to control your direction.
appear to be nothing more than a couple While holding down on the D-PAD, press button B to slide.
of colorful, fun-loving sprites, deep within
them flows an incredible amount of energy Peer aCe Eouiecte a
NTA tRer Lin Me Ese R CTT LM Lela M LC Ten
eect Ream Uc amu eco ee R nL aOR ce tet sata
ancient power is to be used only in times of crisis.
Land R: Press to cycle through your spells.
, ca 4 " :

] Hae
Ne Ca
- ie

F x y
‘ ‘ i

f FIRE CARD J P_ENERGY AXE | | These nifties can be found lying about, are dropped by enemies, and appear in barrels
| Eee eM Mee SR ol eel mL eR eee eA eee
Show the bad guys you're serious by Sie wR Ve mR Tie Rela tl aelelcig | Collect ‘em all!
Talay a daca Ce(ode laren

Ss th
— >a ¢ i

’ iracM ploy ecole eta le ae tele tole lualo)gs

Tal olias Maranon oh Mella elm g)a-19) 91a nC NATL el DNV)

eye) RCM elem UUM eA Lear ELC

BS) sTolol mace Mt RCM Ure ae (ol 4 Attack from both sides with this handy,
twice the work! if low powered, burst of energy.

Tera ede ale a leis) cy BTCC eu Me) ea!

Tan ona H rece Ril oye baddies some shock therapy!

ty le
Pie ee eR Un eit uae Scene aieoM cet
this spinning disc is feared by even Lea uy TRV CRS alec] Cod
the meanest shadow creatures. PRR ue Te Ce oe
ie eee Ue Role
eRe aia RC) iV)
Pein eigen ies +

Ree RCae et cg
CeCe act acectaa cs
Prec en cee ee nenr
aes eel an ORR Cm sia Mm amo) 1ee Bit) ENS UM MR aoe ROC)
mY PUR RUM el aeOC EM oit at alla Ule stronger by devouring everything in its path. Its can set alight
clea NUL ae La) elt
r e
aD p i
4, Nac Ww
ATR elle eens < “ The wings of these oversized insects are coated with
meee mele CLE ‘ ‘v4 XY Fs EM ae tem ia eee Reels R aly
Telrad ae Sos travel in swarms.

re af
f Sie ty
STEN ii,
a oo a Lumbering slowly along, they are easy to avoid. With the strength of Nordic lumberjacks, these one-legged
as Re masa te sec uese oy Ore Ue een mn ara hci et
ear <M cag OMT RCL el helmets crafted by their heavy hammer strokes.
Te cd
/ Soe CAs

Gia ene eu A This airborne troll and owl duo swoops in for the % ty +
Ge em ee CC Nee ee ( As) ‘i PRN UM ea cate Se Oe a Ped
STAM el gre-1e-le RR nde Le Fr 7» a

These Korrigan love to explore every nook and ite mice eee ele alee
Meee cm ae cules flight pattern makes them difficult to dispatch.
ne eauetuch eta ae ck atia te Mommie Meet aera ss
With fur as dark as a moonless night, the 7 Rue case en aa
Weretomcat is little more than a bulging bulk underworld with a glacial, cadaverous hand,
of muscles with a mighty jaw. The spawn Ltn Mela r-mecer-| ace een em Cota (ot)
of the forbidden union of a goblin anda 1 Tole Aah =e Lele)Ld
wildcat, this abomination inherited the
Pe ae eM eA el unreOM PL=t
Romo aere ee tame
lI A Mortar muerte
Bea cet
unleash dark magic
@, a

bursts of speed. Few survive a on those few

thrust of its deadly claws. EN oer
1 the effort.

Rue Core ue Meee)

] eee ec nce
fiendish tricks. A former pyrotechnic showman, If ever the Tyrant had
Tabasko was fired for scorching an entire EM een ic eae
“ audience after one of the spectators insulted a eR UR ago
e e' 7 ete Muara mites tele Le Cele UM oto) M- Lie Lr Leome Lae Mn oT aL Maa TeceTa re MOL ay
. ad 3 OemAR URC M RE soa la) his bloated form confines him to a chair, he has turned this disability into
, renee aero cl ET Te Neale ey aol a Riel LeU A MCCA MM al cela MLA coo Co)
Wi. Caan a Maer ale Mn re MMe RoC eC a Lana Rel olin a
— Pe esaeicyee Fa elat aod uote (eyelet)MU TOC eLg

eS tir
BCR CMC c-aie- els Flynn and Floyd land on a platform which a
begins to descend down the side of a cliff.
The village is in flames! With one look, Flynn After collecting some treasures, the brothers
PTAs CRN Mee a not ao MTC ay prepare for the next enemy onslaught. Their
underlings. Clenching their fists and taking > journey is frequently interrupted, each stop
EMe(Mtan e ela ee ol Laced La) te = Ts =~ Lar ala MAO Recaro
stop to the senseless destruction. 13
Will this wild ride never end?


This place, wherein once dwelled peaceful Talk about gate crashing! It's time to bust into
folk, now harbors trolls and their ilk. Popping the den of the Tyrant, though he doesn’t plan
up at every turn, these foul creatures hope to stick around for long. Our well-dressed
to carve up our good hearted heroes with heroes will need to speed their way through
Ua alle eR Uae e EMR Celecoe- eRe] eRe ce mone] aT
humongous stone hammers. coward before he can make his pudgy escape.
After telling all these nasties to take a hike, “ SUR a Re AC et aOR CLS
it's on to the next troubling chapter... ET eV Lae ee 1 lemel meen
ON alee el one EeLe

THE CAVES | ee een

oe PTE SHIP | ae
aren Re UT Rca mee el MMe OR eC RS
ECAR Reel cir Bc lair Maa melee (olen
RoR eile a eel)
These days no one dares to discuss the caves, Taco Oc al Lena)Tel
for the mere mention of them makes even the F EMM eo RR ELON i La AoM (ole g cs
Persea ean:s Smet cee aeter et ee Bese
lava await all who venture in, and certain foul sO sll il Hearing the clanks and rattles of the Tyrant's az
Cee ST er eUr aur ie hor Ela) —~ Cea a a
hiemesrleren curler ue ic CMa eR Cm URLS Ue
RM Cian mae eeu Thala
Peer ek MURR Uke aC a
acca Cen aa cs

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