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Manish Jain MJAIN.MBA2009@GMAIL.

COM +44(0)7934940344

Index Arbitrage, Delta One, Securities Lending and Repo Trader looking to get back into trading and financial
markets after a detour into data analytics and data management consulting. With experience of trading equities and
commodities, understanding of regulations like LCR and NSFR and ability to do deep quantitative work I can work
with and lead teams in trading and risk management.

Avanade, London, United Kingdom
(Data & AI Advisory) Manager from Jul 2021

 Led teams developing data science and analytics models. Examples of work includes geospatial
models for prioritising retail locations during fuel crisis, quantitative models for assessing risk to
company assets, applying machine learning to wells’ images. Generative AI projects include
knowledge retrieval, semantic search, and contract generation.

United Kingdom
(Analytics and Insights Consulting Services) Consultant from Apr 2019 to Jun 2021

 Worked with data science team to build a recommender system for a client in gaming industry. Ran
various analytics projects in areas such as topic modelling and segmentation. Developed models for
queue management, store opening post Covid lockdowns and affordability score calculation.

UNICREDIT, London, United Kingdom

(DELTA ONE TRADING) Vice President from Nov 2009 to Sep 2018

 Traded futures, total return swaps, repo and dividend swaps to manage a book of delta one index and single
name equities.

 Traded index rebalancing using factor models, and other corporate action events including share class arbitrage
and rights issues.

 Was given additional responsibility of a commodity index book after reorganization. Turned around a
passive tracking book to a more actively managed book.

 Managed a project to create a daily granular risk report for the desk, allowing it to better allocate
capital and manage positions.

 Part of working group to prepare the bank for LCR and NSFR regulations.

 Led a project that applied logistic regression to predict probability of dividend cut for various European
companies using balance sheet data, macro, sectoral and earnings call transcript data.

 Initiated project to applying NLP to earnings call transcripts to predict dividends for coming years.


Assistant Vice President (Casualty and Personal Accident Underwriting), Aug 2003-July 2007
 Created innovative structures to re-insure casualty portfolios (e.g. motor insurance, workers’
compensation), building a business of USD 4M from scratch for these areas. Work involved loss
modelling with help from actuaries and collaboration with legal department for drafting contracts.
 Modelled historical losses in Japan casualty book and concluded that business is unprofitable.
Subsequently coordinated and led negotiations with Japanese insurance companies to cut down
business and bring casualty treaty book back into conformity with underwriting standards.

 Initiated and completed project to develop pricing software for personal accident business based on
model developed by internal actuaries.


2007 - 2009 London Business School

Master of Business Administration (with distinction)
Dean's List: top 10% of class.
1999 – 2003 Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering

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