Trabajo Ingles Hecho

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Silvia: ¡Hello, guys! How are you? What plans do you have for the weekend?

Aníbal: Hi Silvia, I'm fine, thank you. Well, I'm going to invite some friends to my house. We
go to watch some movies and play video games. And you?

Silvia: That's great! I'm not going shopping this time, I'd rather stay at home. But I'm having a
barbecue at Marina's place on Saturday afternoon. Maribella, what are your plans?

Maribella: Hello both. That sounds fun! I'm going to visit my grandparents on Saturday
morning. After that, I'm thinking of going out with some friends to the park. What else are you
going to do on the weekend, Silvia?

Silvia: Well, after the barbecue, we're going to go to the theater to see a new play. Aníbal, what
else do you have planned?

Aníbal: After movie night, on Sunday I go to study for my exams. I'm also hosting a dinner with
my family on Sunday night. Maribella, what do you plan to do on Sunday?

Maribella: On Sunday I'm going to rest at home and read a book. In the afternoon, I'm going to
a yoga class with my sister. Silvia, do you have any arrangements for Sunday?

Silvia: On Sunday I'm planning to go to the gym in the morning. After that, I'm going to visit
my aunt and spend the afternoon with her. Maribella, what book are you going to read?

Maribella: I'm going to read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez.
Aníbal, do you already know what you are going to cook for the family dinner?

Aníbal: Yes, I'm going to prepare pesto pasta with salad and for dessert, a chocolate cake. Silvia,
what time is the play?

Silvia: ¿It’s at 8 p.m. Maribella, are you going to do something special with your friends in the

Maribella: Yes, we're going to play frisbee and have a picnic. Aníbal, what movies are you
going to see with your friends?
Aníbal: We are thinking of seeing the new action movie and a comedy. Would you like to come
to dinner on Sunday?

Silvia: ¡Sure, it sounds delicious! See you on Sunday then.

Maribella: ¡Perfect, see you on Sunday! Have a nice weekend!

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