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1. Which gas was inside the discharge tube while JJ Thompson performed his experiment?
Ans: Air

2. The discharge tube had two metal plates in it. What were they used for?
Ans: They served as electrodes; one positive called the anode and the other negative to allow a
high potential difference to be applied.

3. What was observed by JJ Thompson when a high voltage was applied across the plates by
switching on the electricity?
Ans: Gaseous molecules in the tube got ionized and a ray was formed.
4. How was it found out that the ray carried a charge?
Ans: The cathode rays were deflected by both the electric and magnetic field, hence they were
carrying charges.


Name the legs or part of the legs of a cockroach that the followings descriptions refer to.

5. These are the shortest legs, and they act like brakes when the cockroach runs. They are closest
to the cockroach’s head.
Ans: Prothoracic legs
6. They are the shortest legs, and they move the cockroach forward.
Ans: Metathoracic legs
7. The upper portion of the leg that attaches the leg to the thorax.
Ans: Coxa
8. It acts like a knee and allows the cockroach to bend its leg.
Ans: Trochanter


Find the remainder ‘P’ when the function

3 2
3 x +7 x + 3 x +2
9. f(x)¿
x +2
Ans: r = 0
3 2
x +5 x + 6 x+10
10. f(x) ¿
x +3
Ans: 10
3 2
2 x −4 x + 3 x 7
11. f(x) =
Ans: r = -6

3 2
x −5 x +3 x+ 12
12. f(x) =
Ans: r = 3

13. What is the wavelength of the fundamental mode of 2L string fixed at both ends?
Ans: 4m
14. What is the wavelength of the first harmonic mode of a 0.5m string fixed at both ends?
Ans: 0.5m
15. What is the wavelength of the fundamental mode of a 0.4m string fixed at both ends?
Ans: 0.8m
16. What is the wavelength of the second harmonic mode of a 0.24m string fixed at both ends?
Ans: 0.56m


When magnesium is heated to redness in ammonia, magnesium nitride is formed according to the

3Mg + 2NH3 → Mg3N2 + 3H2

[Mg =24.0, N=14.0, H=1.0]

17. When 7.2g of magnesium is made to react with excess ammonia, how much nitride is expected
to be formed in the yield if the yield is 100%?
Ans: 10.0g of the nitride
18. If 36g of the magnesium yielded 40g of the nitride. What was the percentage yield?
Ans: 80%
19. What volume of ammonia gas at stp will be needed to react completely with 48g of magnesium?
[ leave your answer to 1 d.p and take the molar volume of a gas to be 22.4dm3]
Ans: 29.9 dm3
20. Calculate the volume of hydrogen expected to be formed when 8.96 dm of ammonia gas at stp
has reacted? [ leave your answer to one d.p and take the molar volume of a gas to be 22.4dm3]
Ans: 13.44dm3

Distinguish between stomata and lenticles with respect to the following.

21. Where they normally occur
Ans: The stomata are located in the leaves and the lenticles are located in the stem.
22. Quantity of water transpired.
Ans: Stomata transpires large quantities of water whereas lenticles transpire small quantities of
23. Cells that surround the openings
Ans: The stomata have guard cells that surround them whereas the lenticles lack guard cells
24. Shape of openings
Ans: The lenticles are pore-like openings which are lens-shaped whereas the stomata are
narrow openings.

Find the translational vector, U in the form Ai + Bj that translates.
25. The point (3,7) to the point (7,3)
Ans: 4i – 4j
26. The point (5,4) to the point (-3,7)
Ans: -8i +3j
27. The point (3, -5) to the point (-7,4)
Ans: -10i + 9j
28. The point (2, -3) to the point (-4, 5)
Ans: -6i +8j

29. Find the displacement of a particle whose position changes from 5im to 5jm in 10s.
Ans: (-5i + 5j) m
30. Find the displacement of a particle which moves -5im to 5im in 10s.
Ans: 10im
31. Find the average velocity of a particle whose position changes from 5im to 5jm in 10s.
Ans: (-0.5i+0.5j) m/s
32. Find the displacement of a particle which moves from 2im to (2i +5j) m in 5s.
Ans: 5jm


1. A nuclide is bombarded with high energy nuetrons. It captures one but disintergrates to give
a new nuclide and two neutrons. How are the old and new nuclides related?
Ans: The old and the new nuclide are isotopes
2. A cleaning solution is labelled as having a hydroxide ion concentration of 1.0 ✕ 10 mol/dm.
What is the concentration in ppm of the hydroxide? [take O=16.0 and H= 1.0]
Ans: 1.70ppm.
3. State the main characteristic feature of fungi that places them in a different kingdom from
plants, bacteria and protist.
Ans: The presence of chitin in their cell wall
4. What name is given to the swellings that are often located at the base of the ovary or
receptacle and produce a sugary solution called nectar?
Ans: Nectary
5. Name the mode of nutrition exhibited by tapeworm.
Ans: Parasitic
6. In a scattering experiment a low energy projectile is launched at a neutral atom which is
observed to emit a particle. What is the identity of the emitted particle?
Ans: Electron
7. A linear spring constant 5 ✕ 104 Nm is stretched by 2cm. Find the magnitude of the
force that stretches the string.
Ans: 1000N
8. A radioactive specimen contains 1016 radioactive atoms each with a decay constant of 2 ✕
10-12 /s. Find the count rate that is measured by a Geiger-Muller counter that detects
all events from the specimen.
Ans: 2 ✕ 104 count/s
9. Solve the linear equation 6(3+2x)- (7x -2) = 3x – 4
Ans: -4
10. Solve the absolute value inequality 4x+2<10.
Ans: x:x is -3<x>2.
11. Evaluate √ 72 x 4 y 7 z 13

Ans: 6 x 2 y 7 z 6 ❑√ 2 yz
12. Sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV) is very soluble in water but can be
precipitated on adding excess ammonium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV). Explain this
Ans: Sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV) ions on adding ammonium hydrogen
trioxocarbonate which is also soluble to the solution excess hydrogen
trioxocarbonate (IV) are produced. These ions like common ion effect suppress the
ionization of the sodium compounds.

1. The total energy of a particle at rest equals the product of the mass of the
particle and half the square of the speed of light in vacuum.
Ans: False
2. The total energy of a particle moving very rapidly equals the product of the mass
of the particle and half the square of the speed of the particle.
Ans: False
3. The kinetic energy of a particle moving very rapidly equals the product of the
mass of the particle and half the square of the speed of light in a vacuum.
Ans: False
4. The total energy of a particle moving very rapidly equals the product of the mass
of the particle and the square of the speed of light in a vacuum and a factor that
depends on the speed of the particle.
Ans: True

5. Nylon and Polyester are both condensation polymers.

6. Using different catalysts, it is possible to manufacture polymers of different
7. Starch is a naturally occurring addition polymer.
8. Natural rubber is a polymer whose monomer has five carbons.

State whether the following statements about flowers are true or False.
9. Pollen is produced in the anther
10. An inflorescence is a cluster of flowers
11. A flower with both mega and micro sporangia is said to be imperfect
12. A plant having both male and female flowers on the same stalk is said to be

13. The complement of an angle is never congruent to its supplement


14. An angle is never congruent to its supplement


15. Only a right angle is congruent to its supplement

16. In a right angled triangle, the acute angles are congruent

17. The impulse of a force equals the work done by the force in a short time.
18. The impulse of a force equals the change in kinetic energy produced by the force
19. A small force that acts for a long time can produce the same impulse as a large
force that acts for a short time
20. The magnitude of the impulse of a steady force between two instants equals the
area under the force time graph bounded by those instants

21. Aluminium trioxonitrate(V) is stable to heat


22. Potassium trioxonitrate (V) on heating decomposes to KNO 2 and O2(g)


23. Copper (II)trioxonitrate(V) on heating decomposes to copper (II) oxide, NO 2 and


24. Sodium trioxonitrate(V) on heating decomposes to sodium oxide and N 2O


25. The skin is the largest organ in the human body

26. The epidermal layer of the human skin contains no blood vessels
27. Human skin has a low permeability, that is , moat foreign substances are unavle
to penetrate and diffuse through the skin
28. The density of skin flora does not depend on on the region of the skin
29. Two lines are parallel if they are perpendicular to the same line

30. Two lines are parallel if they are parallel to the same line

31. Two lines are perpendicular if they are perpendicular to the same line

32. Two lines are parallel if they have the same gradient

1. I am an exception and I always enjoy the status
I am an exception when symbols are considered
As an element, I do not occur in nature pure
I am one of those elements with B in our symbol
I am the exception because apart from the B, I have nothing else to boast of
I have atomic number 5
I am the metalloid with the lowest atomic number in the periodic table
Who am I ?
Ans: Boron

2. I may be thought of as the product of force and displacement or I may be

mistaken as a particular type of mechanical or mathematical relation but I am
only a physical quantity.
I am a physical quantity that emits electrons
I am a measure of the minimum photon energy required for the observation
of the photoelectric effect.
Who am I?
Ans: Work function

3. I am a three digit number between 400 and 500. I am an odd number. I am

an exact square
Ans: 441
4. I am quite common and have evolved multiple times through convergent
evolution with varying structure and function.
In most biological nomenclature, I am a small rigid plate that grows out of
the skin of certain groups of organisms.
In humans, I am the white substance that forms on the teeth.
To the ordinary person, I am the white substance that forms around the
inside of hot water pipes or containers in which water is boiled .
I am generally known as being one of the small flat pieces that cover up the
skin of some fishes and snakes.
Who am I?
Ans: Scales

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