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Round 1 Physics

Contest 1a

A uniform meter stick carries a 20 g mass at the 15 cm mark and a 30 g mass at the 60 cm mark.
(1) At which mark must the meter stick be placed on a knife edge in order to be in equilibrium?

Ans: 42 cm
x=( m1 l 1+ m2 l 2) / ( m1 +m2 )=( 20 g ×15 cm+30 g ×60 cm ) / ( 20 g+30 g )=42 cm

(2) If the 20 g mass were moved to the 10 cm mark while keeping the 30 g mass at the 60 cm mark, at which
mark must the knife edge be located?

Ans: 40 cm
x=( m1 l 1+ m2 l 2) / ( m1 +m2 )=( 20 g ×10 cm+30 g ×60 cm ) / ( 20 g+30 g )=40 cm

(3) If instead the 30 g mass were moved to the 75 cm mark while keeping the 20 g mass at the 15 cm mark,
at which mark must the knife edge now be located?

Ans: 51 cm
x=( m1 l 1+ m2 l 2) / ( m1 +m2 )=( 20 g ×15 cm+30 g ×75 cm ) / ( 20 g+30 g )=51 cm
Round 1 Physics
Contest 1b

(4) Determine the angle of refraction when light falls at an angle of incidence of 30 ° from air onto glass of
refractive index 1.53.

Ans: 19 °
−1 −1
θr =sin ( sin θi ) / n=sin [ ( sin 30° ) / 1.53 ]=19 °
(5) Light is incident from air into glass of refractive index 1.62 at an angle of incidence of 30 ° . Find the
angle of refraction.

Ans: 18 °
−1 −1
θr =sin ( sin θi ) / n=sin [ ( sin 30° ) / 1.62 ]=18 °
(6) Determine the angle of refraction when light falls at an angle of incidence of 30 ° from air onto
diamond. The refractive index of diamond at the light wavelength is 2.45.

Ans: 12 °
−1 −1
θr =sin ( sin θi ) / n=sin [ ( sin 30° ) / 2.45 ]=12 °
Round 1 Physics
Contest 2a

Find the kinetic energy of a uniform 2.0 m long solid rod of diameter 0.20 m when it rotates about the
given axis at 0.50 rad s−1. The mass of the rod is 32 kg .
(1) An axis perpendicular to the axis of the rod and passing through its center.

Ans: 1.3 J
−1 2
K=M L ω / 24=32 kg × ( 2.0 m ) × ( 0.50 rad s ) / 24=1.3 J
2 2 2

(2) An axis perpendicular to and crossing the axis of the rod 0.50 m from one end.

Ans: 2.3 J
K=M ω ( L / 12+ d ) / 2=32 kg × ( 0.50 rad s ) × [ ( 2.0 m ) / 12+ ( 0.5 m ) ] / 2=2.3 J
2 2 2 −1 2 2 2

(3) An axis that coincides with the axis of the rod.

Ans: 0.080 J
−1 2
K=M R ω / 4=32 kg × ( 0.20 m ) × ( 0.50 rad s ) / 4=0.080 J
2 2 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 2b

(4) The quantity of an ideal gas is 0.20 mol and the slope of an isobar on a V -T diagram for the gas is
3 −1
8.3 m K . Find the pressure of the gas.

Ans: 0.20 Pa
P=nR / m=0.20 mol ×8.31 J mol−1 K −1 / ( 8.3 m3 K −1) =0.20 Pa

(5) The slope of an ideal gas isobar on a V -T diagram is 0.041 m3 K −1. Find the pressure of the gas if the
quantity of the gas is 7.4 mol .

Ans: 1500 Pa
P=nR / m=7.4 mol × 8.31 J mol−1 K −1 / ( 0.041 m3 K −1 ) =1500 Pa

(6) The slope of an ideal gas isobar on a V -T diagram is 0.060 m3 K −1. Find the number of moles of the gas
if its pressure is 250 Pa.

Ans: 1.8 mol

n=Pm / R=250 Pa× 0.060 m3 K −1 / ( 8.31 J mol−1 K −1 )=1.8 mol
Round 1 Physics
Contest 3a

A particle moves along a straight line.

(1) Find the velocity of the particle at time t=5.0 s if its initial velocity is −2.0 m s−1 and its acceleration is
2 −4
c t where c=0.24 m s .

Ans: 8.0 m s−1

t 5.0 s
v=v 0 +∫ aⅆt =−2.0 m s + ∫ c t ⅆt =−2.0 m s +0.24 m s × ( 5.0 s ) / 3=8.0 m s
−1 2 −1 −4 3 −1

0 0

(2) Find the velocity of the particle at time t=1.0 s if its initial velocity is −3.0 m s−1 and its acceleration is
4 −6
k t where k =25 m s .

Ans: 2 .0 m s−1
t 1.0 s
v=v 0 +∫ aⅆt =−3.0 m s + ∫ k t ⅆt =−3.0 m s +25 m s × ( 1.0 s ) / 5=2.0 m s
−1 4 −1 −6 5 −1

0 0

(3) Find the velocity of the particle at time t=5.0 s if its initial velocity is 2.0 m s−1 and its acceleration is mt
where m=4.0 m s−3.

Ans: 52 m s−1
t 5.0 s
v=v 0 +∫ aⅆt =2.0 m s + ∫ mtⅆt =2.0 m s +4.0 m s × ( 5.0 s ) / 2=52 m s
−1 −1 −3 2 −1

0 0
Round 1 Physics
Round 1 Physics
Contest 3b

(4) A concave spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of 0.32 m. Find the lateral magnification produced
by the mirror for an object distance of 0.80 m .

Ans: 0.25
m=R / ( 2u−R ) =0.32 m / ( 2× 0.80 m−0.32 m )=0.25

(5) Another concave spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of 0.64 m. Find the lateral magnification it
produces for an object distance of 0.72 m.

Ans: 0.80
m=R / ( 2u−R ) =0.64 m / ( 2 ×0.72 m−0.64 m )=0.80

(6) For the concave spherical mirror whose radius of curvature is 0.32 m, find the lateral magnification it
yields for an object distance of 0.72 m.

Ans: 0.29
m=R / ( 2u−R ) =0.32 m / ( 2× 0.80 m−0.32 m )=0.29
Round 1 Physics
Contest 4a

The filars of a symmetrically arranged bifilar pendulum are each 2.5 m long and are separated by 0.40 m .
Find the radius of gyration of the object suspended by the filars for the given period T of oscillations of
the bifilar pendulum.
(1) T =1.5 s

Ans: 0.095 m
4π √ g
=1.5 s × 0.40 m× √ ( 10 m s−2 ) / (2.5 m) / 4 π=0.095 m

(2) T =0.25 s

Ans: 0.016 m
4π √ g
=0.25 s × 0.40 m× √( 10 m s−2 ) /(2.5 m) / 4 π =0.016 m

(3) T =3.2 s

Ans: 0.20 m
4π √ g
=3.2 s ×0.40 m × √ ( 10 m s−2 ) / (2.5 m)/ 4 π=0.20 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 4b

(4) Find the surface gravity for a spherical body of radius 2400 km and mass 1.2 ×1023 kg.

Ans: 1.4 m s−2

N m kg ×1.2 ×10 kg / ( 2400 ×10 m ) =1.4 ms
2 −11 2 −2 23 3 −2
g=GM / R =6.67 ×10

(5) A celestial object is nearly spherical in shape with a mean radius of 1200 km and a mass of 1.7 ×10 22 kg.
Estimate the surface gravity of the object.

Ans: 0.79 m s−2

g=GM / R =6.67 ×10 N m kg ×1.7 × 10 kg / ( 1200 ×10 m ) =0.79 ms
2 −11 2 −2 22 3 −2

(6) Find the surface gravity for a celestial object of radius 720 km and mass 3.1 ×1021 kg.

Ans: 0.40 m s−2

g=GM / R =6.67 ×10 N m kg ×3.1 ×10 kg / ( 720 ×10 m ) =0.40 m s
2 −11 2 −2 21 3 −2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 5a

(1) An insulated metal sphere has a net charge of −5.6 μC . Estimate the number of excess electrons on the

Ans: 3.5 ×1 013

N e =q / e=−5.6 × 10−6 C / (−1.6 ×10−19 C )=3.5 ×10 13

(2) A parallel plate capacitor is charged to 9.6 mC . Find the difference between the number of free electrons
on the plates of the capacitor.

Ans: 1.2 ×1 017

N=2Q / |e|=2 ×9.6 × 10−3 C / ( 1.6 ×10−19 C )=1.2 ×1017

(3) How many electrons are needed to neutralize an insulated conductor carrying a net charge of 4.8 nC ?

Ans: 3.0 ×1 010

N=q /|e|=4.8× 10−9 C / ( 1.6 ×10−19 C )=3.0 ×10 10
Round 1 Physics
Contest 5b

(4) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density at the center of a single-turn circular loop of radius
0.20 m in which a current of 5.0 A flows.

Ans: 1.6 ×1 0−5 T

−7 −1 −5
B=μ0 I / 2 R=4 π × 10 H m ×5.0 A / ( 2× 0.20 m )=1.6 ×10 T =16 μT

(5) Find the radius of a single-turn circular loop which produces a 52 μT magnetic field at its center when a
current of 5.0 A flows through it.

Ans: 0.060 m
R=μ 0 I / 2 B=4 π × 10−7 H m−1 ×5.0 A / ( 2 ×52 ×10−6 T )=0.060 m

(6) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density at the center of a single-turn circular loop of radius
0.030 m in which a current of 12 A flows.

Ans: 2.5 ×1 0−4 T

−7 −1 −4
B=μ0 I / 2 R=4 π × 10 H m ×12 A / ( 2× 0.030 m )=2.5 ×10 T
Round 1 Physics
Contest 6a

Assume the given Kuiper belt object is spherical in shape.

(1) The mass of Eris is 1.7 ×10 22 kg and its mean radius is 1200 km. Find the magnitude of the gravitational
field strength of Eris 250 km above its surface.

Ans: 0.54 ms−2

g=GM / ( R+ h ) =6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 1.7 ×1022 kg / ( 1200× 103 m+250 × 103 m) =0.54 m s−2

(2) Pluto has a mass of 1.3 ×1022 kg and a mean radius of 1200 km. Find the magnitude of the gravitational
field strength of Pluto 250 km above its surface.

Ans: 0.41 m s−2

g=GM / ( R+ h ) =6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 1.3× 1022 kg / ( 1200 × 103 m+250 ×10 3 m ) =0.41 m s−2

(3) The mass of Makemake is 3.1 ×1021 kg and its mean radius is 720 km. Find the magnitude of the
gravitational field strength of Makemake 30 km above its surface.

Ans: 0.37 m s−2

g=GM / ( R+ h ) =6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 3.1× 1021 kg / ( 720 ×10 3 m+30 ×103 m )=0.37 m s−2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 6b

(4) The plane of a circuit of area 0.25 m2 is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. Find the magnitude
of the emf induced in the circuit when the magnitude of the field is changing at 3.0 T s−1.

Ans: 0.75 V
|E|= AⅆB / dt=0.25 m2 ×3.0 T s−1=0.75 V

(5) An emf of 16 V is induced in a circuit of area 0.32 m2 whose plane is perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field of changing magnitude. Find the rate at which the magnitude of the field varies.

Ans: 50 T s−1
dB / dt=|E| / A=16 V / ( 0.32 m2 )=50 T s−1

(6) Find the area of a circuit whose plane is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field in which an emf of
4.8 V is induced when the magnitude of the field changes at 18 T s−1 .

Ans: 0.27 m2
A=|E| / ( dB / dt )=4.8 V / ( 18T s−1 )=0.27 m2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 7a

(1) The velocity of a 2.0 kg object moving along a straight line is given by v ( t )=at +b t 2 where a=1.0 m s−2
and b=3.0 m s−3. Find the force on the object at t=5.0 s .

Ans: 62 N
F=mⅆv / dt=m ( a+2 bt )=2.0 kg × ( 1.0 m s−2+ 2× 3.0 m s−3 ×5.0 s ) =62 N

(2) The velocity of a 4.0 kg object moving along a straight line is given by v ( t )=c t −1+ d t 3 where c=2.0 m
and d=0.50 m s−4. Find the force on the object at t=2.0 s .

Ans: 22 N
F=mⅆv / dt=m (−c t −2+ 3 d t 2 )=4.0 kg × ( −2.0 m× ( 2.0 s )−2+ 3× 0.50 m s−4 × ( 2.0 s )2 ) =22 N

(3) The velocity of a 5.0 kg object moving along a straight line is given by v ( t )=u+ f t 2 where u=16 m s−1
and f =8.0 m s−3. Find the force on the object at t=2.0 s .

Ans: 160 N
F=mⅆv / dt=m ( 2 ft ) =5.0 kg × ( 2 ×8.0 ms−3 ×2.0 s ) =160 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 7b

The reference temperature in each case is 20 ℃ .

(4) The resistance of a resistor is 56 kΩ at the reference temperature and its temperature coefficient of
resistance is 5.0 ×10−3 K −1. Find the resistance of the resistor at 80 ℃ .

Ans: 73 kΩ
R=R 0 (1+ α Δ T )=56 kΩ × ( 1+ 5.0× 10−3 K−1 × 60 K )=73 kΩ

(5) Find the resistance at 40 ℃ of the 56 kΩ resistor whose temperature coefficient is 5.0 ×10−3 K −1.

Ans: 62 kΩ
R=R 0 (1+ α Δ T )=56 kΩ × ( 1+ 5.0× 10−3 K−1 × 20 K )=62 kΩ

(6) The resistance of a resistor is 33 kΩ at the reference temperature and its temperature coefficient of
resistance is 2.0 ×10−3 K −1. Find the resistance of the resistor at 50 ℃ .

Ans: 35 kΩ
R=R 0 (1+ α Δ T )=33 kΩ × ( 1+2.0 × 10−3 K−1 × 30 K )=35 kΩ
Round 1 Physics
Contest 8a

A −5.0 nC charge is located at the origin and a +5.0 nC charge is located on the x -axis at x=2.0 m .
(1) Find the electric field on the x -axis at x=0.50 m .

Ans: −200 V m−1 i^

[ ]
q1 ( r−r 1 ) q 2 ( r −r 2 )
[ ]
−9 −9
1 −5.0× 10 C ^ 5.0× 10 C ^
i =−200 V m i^
9 −1 −1
E= + =9.0 × 10 m F × i−
4 π ϵ 0 |r−r 1| 3
|r −r 2|
|0.50 m−0|
|0.50 m−2.0 m|

Or 200 V m−1 in the negative x direction.

(2) Find the electric field on the x -axis at x=1.50 m.

Ans: −200 V m−1 i^

[ ]
q1 ( r−r 1 ) q 2 ( r −r 2 )
[ ]
−9 −9
1 −5.0× 10 C ^ 5.0× 10 C ^
i =−200 V m i^
9 −1 −1
E= + =9.0 × 10 m F × i −
4 π ϵ 0 |r−r 1|3 |r −r 2|
|1.50 m−0|
|1.50 m−2.0 m|

Or 200 V m−1 in the negative x direction.

(3) Find the electric field on the x -axis at x=−1.0 m .

Ans: 40 V m−1 i^

[ ]
q1 ( r−r 1 ) q 2 ( r −r 2 )
[ ]
−9 −9
1 5.0 ×10 C ^ 5.0 × 10 C ^
i =40V m i^
9 −1 −1
E= + =9.0 × 10 m F × i−
4 π ϵ 0 |r−r 1|3 |r −r 2|
3 2
|−1.0 m−0| |−1.0 m−2.0 m|

Or 40 V m−1 in the positive x direction.

Note: 1 V m−1=1 N C−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 8b

Where needed, take the Wien constant as 2.90 ×10−3 K m and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant as
−8 −2 −4
5.67 ×10 W m K .
(4) Determine the temperature at which the maximum of the spectral radiancy of a blackbody occurs at a
wavelength of 2.00 μm.

Ans: 1450 K
T =b / λm =2.90 ×10−3 K m / ( 2.00 ×10−6 m) =1450 K

(5) The temperature of a blackbody changes from 2500 K to 3000 K . Find the difference between the
wavelengths at which the spectral radiancy is maximum at the two temperatures.

Ans: 1.9 ×1 0−7 m

|30001 K − 25001 K |=1.9 × 10

| Δ λm|=b| Δ ( 1 / T )|=2.90 ×10−3 K m × −7

(6) For a blackbody at 5000 K , find the wavelength at which the spectral radiancy is maximum.

Ans: 5.8 ×1 0−7 m=580 nm

−3 −7
λ m=b / T =2.90 ×10 K m / ( 5000 K )=5.8 ×10 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 9a

(1) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density a very long straight wire produces 0.250 m from itself
when the current in the wire is 2.40 ×10 2 A .

Ans: 1.92 ×1 0−4 T

μ0 I −7 −1 2 −4
B= =4 π × 10 H m × 2.40× 10 A / ( 2 π × 0.250 m )=1.92× 10 T
2 πr

(2) Find the distance from a very long straight wire carrying a current of 15.0 A at which the magnetic flux
density produced by the wire has a magnitude of 8.00 mT .

Ans: 3.75 ×1 0−4 m

μ0 I
=4 π ×10 H m ×15.0 A / ( 2 π ×8.00 ×10 T ) =3.75× 10 m
−7 −1 −3 −4
2 πB

(3) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density a very long straight wire produces 4.50 mm from itself
when the current in the wire is 3.6 ×10 2 A .

Ans: 0.016 T
μ0 I
=4 π × 10 H m × 3.60× 10 A / ( 2 π × 4.50 ×10 m) =0.016 T
−7 −1 2 −3
2 πr
Round 1 Physics
Contest 9b

Find the work done when the point of application of the constant force F undergoes the displacement d .
(4) F=( 8.0 i^ +5.0 ^j ) N and d= ( 6.0 i^ −3.0 ^j ) m.

Ans: 33 J
W =F ⋅d=48 J −15 J=33 J

(5) F=(−7.0 i^ +3.0 ^j ) N and d= ( 4.0 i^ +5.0 ^j ) m.

Ans: −13 J
W =F ⋅d=−28 J + 15 J =−13 J

(6) F=( 6 .0 i^ −9.0 ^j ) N and d= ( 6.0 i^ + 4.0 ^j ) m.

Ans: 0
W =F ⋅d=36 J −36 J=0
Round 1 Physics
Contest 10a

(1) An incompressible fluid flows from a section of a pipe network where the pipe diameter is 25 cm at a
speed of 9.0 m s−1 into a section where the diameter is 15 cm. Find the speed of fluid in the narrower

Ans: 25 m s−1
2 2 2 −1 2 −1
v 2=D1 v 1 / D2=( 25 cm ) ×9.0 m s / ( 15 cm ) =25 m s

(2) A cylindrical tank of diameter 2.0 m filled with an incompressible fluid is equipped with a pipe of
diameter 5.0 cm near its base. Find the flow speed of the water in the tank when water flows out of the
pipe at 8.0 m s−1.

Ans: 5.0 ×1 0−3 m s−1

v 2=D1 v 1 / D2=( 5.0 ×10 m) ×8.0 m s / ( 2.0 m ) =5.0 ×10 m s
2 2 −2 −1 2 −3 −1

(3) An incompressible fluid flows in a 24 cm diameter pipe with a speed of 16 m s−1. Find the diameter of a
hose attached to the pipe through which fluid flows at 64 ms−1.

Ans: 12 cm
D2=D1 √ v 1 / v 2=( 24 cm ) × √ ( 16 m s ) / ( 64 m s ) =12 cm
−1 −1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 10b

(4) An automatic gun fires a hail of 2 g bullets at a target at a steady rate of 50 rounds per second each of
which is embedded in the target. Find the magnitude of the average force on the target if the muzzle
velocity of the gun is 800 m s−1 and it is aimed directly at the target.

Ans: 80 N
−3 −1 −1
F=2 ×10 kg × 800 m s ×50 s =80 N

(5) A similar gun fires 5.0 g bullets with a muzzle velocity of 950 m s−1 at 40 rounds per second. Find the
magnitude of the average force on the target assuming the gun is aimed directly at the target and each
shot is embedded in the target.

Ans: 190 N
−3 −1 −1
F=5.0 ×10 kg × 950 m s × 40 s =190 N

(6) A third gun has a muzzle velocity of 1000 m s−1 and can fire a 1 second burst of twenty 2 g bullets. Find
the magnitude of the average force on a target at which this gun is directly aimed if each shot is
embedded in the target.

Ans: 40 N
−3 −1 −1
F=2 ×10 kg × 1000 m s ×20 s =40 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 11a

The radius of gyration about the center of mass of a physical pendulum is 0.58 m . Find the angular
frequency of small amplitude oscillations of the physical pendulum for the given distance d between its
center of mass and its pivot.
(1) d=0.25 m

Ans: 2.5 rad s−1


K cm +d

0.25 m ×10 m s−2
( 0.58 m ) + ( 0.25 m ) 2
=2.5 rad s

(2) d=0.50 m

Ans: 2.9 rad s−1


K cm +d

0.50 m ×10 m s−2
( 0.58 m ) + ( 0.50 m ) 2
=2.9 rad s

(3) d=0.75 m

Ans: 2.7 rad s−1

√ √
dg 0.75 m ×10 m s −1
ω= 2 2
= 2 2
=2.7 rad s
K cm +d ( 0.58 m ) + ( 0.75 m )
Round 1 Physics
Contest 11b

(4) The refractive index of BK7 glass is 1.52 at 525 nm. What is the speed in BK7 glass of monochromatic
light of wavelength 525 nm?

Ans: 1.97 ×1 08 m s−1

8 −1 8 −1
v=c / n=3.00 ×10 m s / 1.52=1.97 × 10 m s

(5) At a wavelength of 355 nm, the refractive of BK7 glass is 1.54 . Find the speed of monochromatic light
of wavelength 355 nm in BK7 glass.

Ans: 1.95 ×1 08 m s−1

8 −1 8 −1
v=c / n=3.00 ×10 m s / 1.54=1.95 ×10 m s

(6) The refractive index of LASF9 glass is 1.80 at 2.25 μm. What is the speed in LASF9 glass of
monochromatic light of wavelength 2.25 μm?

Ans: 1.67 ×1 08 m s−1

8 −1 8 −1
v=c / n=3.00 ×10 m s / 1.80=1.67 ×10 m s
Round 1 Physics
Contest 12a

(1) The surface gravity of a round celestial object of radius 740 km is 0.30 m s−2. Find the gravitational
potential on the object’s surface.

Ans: −2.2 ×1 05 J k g−1

−2 3 5 −1
U =−gR=0.30 m s ×740 ×10 m=−2.2 ×10 J kg

(2) The mean terrestrial surface gravity is 9.81 m s−2. Assuming the earth is spherical and of radius 6370 km ,
what is earth’s surface gravitational potential?

Ans: −6.25 ×1 07 J k g−1

−2 3 7 −1
U =−gR=9.81 m s × 6370 ×10 m=−6.25 ×10 J kg

(3) The moon, earth’s only natural satellite, has a mean radius of 1740 km and a surface gravity of
1.62 m s . Find the moon’s surface gravitational potential assuming it is spherical.

Ans: −2.82 ×1 06 J k g−1

−2 3 6 −1
U =−gR=1.62 m s × 1740× 10 m=−2.82× 10 J kg
Round 1 Physics
Contest 12b

(4) An object is projected near the surface of the earth at an angle of 60 ° to the horizontal with a speed of
50 m s . Find the speed of the object 2.0 s after launch.

Ans: 34 m s−1
2 2 2

v=√ u cos θ + ( u sin θ−¿ ) = ( 50 m s ) cos 60 ° + ( 50 m s × sin 60° −10 m s ×2.0 s ) =34 m s
−12 2 −1 −2 2 −1

(5) An object is projected near the surface of the earth at an angle of 30 ° to the horizontal with a speed of
60 m s . Find the speed of the object 1.0 s after launch.

Ans: 56 m s−1
2 2 2

v=√ u cos θ + ( u sin θ−¿ ) = ( 60 m s ) cos 30 ° + ( 60 m s × sin 30 °−10 m s ×1.0 s ) =56 m s
−12 2 −1 −2 2 −1

(6) An object is launched at 45 ° to the horizontal with a speed of 40 ms−1. Find the speed of the object 2.0 s
after the launch.

Ans: 28 m s−1
2 2 2

v=√ u cos θ + ( u sin θ−¿ ) = ( 40 m s ) cos 45 ° + ( 40 m s ×sin 45 °−10 ms ×2.0 s ) =28 ms
−12 2 −1 −2 2 −1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 13a

(1) A particle of mass 2.0 ×10−11 kg carrying a net charge of 5.0 ×10−18 C is released in a uniform electric
field of magnitude 8.0 ×10 6 V m−1. Find the speed of the particle after 2.0 s .

Ans: 4.0 ms−1

v=qEt / m=5.0 ×10−18 C × 8.0 ×106 V m−1 ×2.0 s / ( 2.0 ×10−11 kg ) =4.0 m s−1

(2) A pollen grain of mass 6.0 ×10−11 kg carries a net charge of magnitude 1.3 ×10−18 C . Find the speed of
the grain 8.0 s after it is released in a uniform 5.0 ×107 V m−1 electric field.

Ans: 8.7 m s−1

v=qEt / m=1.3 ×10−18 C × 5.0× 107 V m−1 ×8.0 s / ( 6.0 ×10−11 kg ) =8.7 m s−1

(3) Another pollen grain also of mass 6.0 ×10−11 kg carries a net charge of magnitude 1.8 ×10−18 C . Find the
speed of the grain 12 s after it is released in the uniform 5.0 ×107 V m−1 electric field.

Ans: 18 m s−1
v=qEt / m=1.8 ×10−18 C × 5.0× 107 V m−1 ×12 s / ( 6.0 × 10−11 kg )=18 m s−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 13b

(4) An object of mass 2.0 kg moving along the x -axis with a velocity of 5.0 m s−1 collides with an object of
mass 1.0 kg moving along the x -axis with a velocity of −8.0 m s−1 and the 1.0 kg object moves at
1.0 m s after the collision. What is the velocity of the 2.0 kg object after the collision?

Ans: 0.50 m s−1

v 1=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m2 v 2 ) / m1=[ 2.0 kg ×5.0 m s +1.0 kg × (−8.0 ms −1.0 m s ) ] / ( 2.0 kg ) =0.50 m s
−1 −1 −1 −1

(5) Another object of mass 2.0 kg moving along the x -axis with a velocity of 15 m s−1 collides with an
object of mass 1.0 kg moving along the x -axis with a velocity of −8.0 m s−1 and the 1.0 kg object moves
at 4.0 ms−1 after the collision. Find the velocity of the 2.0 kg object after the collision.

Ans: 9.0 m s−1

v 1=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m2 v 2 ) / m1=[ 2.0 kg ×15 m s +1.0 kg × (−8.0 ms −4.0 m s ) ] / ( 2.0 kg )=9.0 m s
−1 −1 −1 −1

(6) A 4.0 kg object moving along the x -axis with a velocity of 2.5 m s−1 collides with a 3.0 kg object moving
along the x -axis with a velocity of −1.0 m s−1 and the 3.0 kg object moves at 1.2 m s−1 after the collision.
Find the velocity of the 4.0 kg object after the collision.

Ans: 0.40 m s−1

v 1=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m2 v 2 ) / m1=[ 4.0 kg ×2.5 m s +3.0 kg × (−1.6 m s −1.2 m s ) ] / ( 4 .0 kg )=0.40 m s
−1 −1 −1 −1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 14a

(1) A tuned circuit with a tunable capacitor set to a capacitance of 5 pF has a resonance frequency of
14 kHz. Find the resonance frequency of the circuit when the capacitance is increased to 20 pF .

Ans: 7 kHz
f 2=f 1 √ C1 /C 2=14 kHz × √ 5 pF / ( 20 pF )=7 kHz

(2) Another tuned circuit with a variable inductance has a resonance frequency of 99 MHz when its
capacitance is tuned to 11 pF . What is the inductance in the circuit?

Ans: 2.3 ×1 0−7 H

L= 2 2
=1 / ( 4 π
× ( 100 ×10
Hz )
×11.04 ×10 F )=2.3 × 10 H
−12 −7

4π f C

(3) If the inductor in a tuned circuit were tuned to 5.0 ×10−7 H and the capacitor to 72 pF , what would the
resonance frequency of the tuned circuit be?

Ans: 27 MHz
1 −1
=( 2 π √ 5.0 ×10 F ) =27 MHz
−7 −12
f= H × 72× 10
2 π √ LC
Round 1 Physics
Contest 14b

A diffraction grating ruled with 500 lines per mm is illuminated at normal incidence with white light.
(4) Find the wavelength diffracted at an angle of diffraction of 60.0 ° in first order.

Ans: 1.73 μm
λ=sin θd / mg=sin60.0 ° / ( 1× 500 mm−1 )=1.73× 10−3 mm=1.73 μm

(5) Find the wavelength diffracted at an angle of diffraction of 45.0 ° in second order.

Ans: 707 nm
λ=sin θd / mg=sin 45.0 ° / ( 2 ×500 mm−1) =7.07 ×10−4 mm=707 nm

(6) Find the wavelength diffracted at an angle of diffraction of 30.0 ° in third order.

Ans: 333 nm
λ=sin θd / mg=sin30.0 ° / ( 3× 500 mm−1 ) =3.33× 10− 4 mm=333 nm
Round 1 Physics
Contest 15a

(1) The sound intensity 3.0 m from an engine is 18 W m−2. Find the sound intensity 9.0 m from the engine.

Ans: 2.0 W m−2

I 2=I 1 ( d 1 / d 2) 2=18 W m−2 × ( 30 m / ( 90 m ) ) =2.0 W m−2

(2) The sound intensity measured 250 m from a certain engine is 0.30 W m−2. Find the sound intensity 50 m
from the engine.

Ans: 7.5 W m−2

I 2=I 1 ( d 1 / d 2) 2=0.30 W m−2 × ( 250 m / ( 50 m ) ) =7.5 W m−2

(3) The sound intensity measured 2.0 m from a singing bird is 2.5 ×10−6 W m−2. Find the intensity of the
bird song 5.0 m from the bird.

Ans: 4.0 × 10−7 W m−2

I 2=I 1 ( d 1 / d 2) 2=2.5 ×10−6 W m−2 × ( 2.0 m / ( 5.0 m ) ) =4.0 ×10−7 W m−2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 15b

(4) Determine the radius of the Bohr orbit for the second excited state of a hydrogenic atom of atomic
number 3.

Ans: 1.59 ×1 0−10 m

2 2 −10 −10
r n =n a0 / Z=3 ×0.529 ×10 m /3=1.59 ×10 m

(5) Find the atomic number for a hydrogenic atom whose radius of the Bohr orbit for the second excited
state is 9.52 ×10−11 m.

Ans: 5
Z=n2 a0 / r n=32 ×0.529 ×10−10 m / ( 9.52× 10−11 m )=5

(6) Find the radius of the Bohr orbit for the first excited state of a hydrogenic atom of atomic number 4 .

Ans: 5.29 ×1 0−11 m

2 2 −10 −11
r n =n a0 / Z=2 ×0.529 ×10 m / 4=5.29× 10 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 16a

(1) A quantity of a monoatomic ideal gas has a heat capacity at constant volume of 75 J K −1. How many
moles are there in the quantity of gas?

Ans: 6.0 mol

n=2C V / 3 R=2 ×75 J K −1 / ( 3 ×8.314 J mol−1 K−1 )=6.0 mol

(2) How many more moles of a monoatomic ideal gas must be added to a quantity of monoatomic ideal gas
to change its heat capacity at constant volume from 250 J K−1 to 320 J K−1?

Ans: 5.6 mol

Δ n=2 Δ C V / 3 R=2× ( 320 J K −1−250 J K−1 ) / ( 3 × 8.314 J mol−1 K −1 ) =5.6 mol

(3) Find the heat capacity at constant volume of 28 mol of a monatomic ideal gas.

Ans: 350 J K−1

−1 −1 −1
C V =3 nR / 2=3 × 28 mol ×8.314 J mol K / 2=350 J K
Round 1 Physics
Contest 16b

A particle of charge −2.50 nC moves in a uniform magnetic field of flux density ( 3.00 i^ −8.00 ^j ) T .
(4) ^
Find the magnetic force on the charge when its velocity is ( 50.0 i+30.0 k^ ) km s−1.

Ans: (−6.00 i−2.25 ^j+ 10.0 k^ ) ×10−4 N
F=q v ∧ B=−2.50 ×10−9 C × ( 5.00 i+ ^ 3.00 k^ ) ×10 4 ms −1 ∧ ( 3.00 i−8.00
^ ^j ) T =(−6.00 i−2.25
^ ^j+10.0 k^ ) ×10−4 N

(5) Find the magnetic force on the charge when its velocity is ( 8 0.0 i^ −30.0 ^j ) km s−1.

Ans: ( 1.38 k^ ) mN
F=q v ∧ B=−2.50 ×10−9 C × ( 8 .00 i−3.00 ^j ) ×10 4 m s−1 ∧ ( 3.00 i−8.00
^ ^j ) T =( 1.38 k^ ) ×10−3 N

(6) Find the magnetic force on the charge when its velocity is ( 50.0 ^j+30.0 ^k ) km s−1.

Ans: (−6.00 i−2.25 ^j+ 3.75 k^ ) ×10−4 N
F=q v ∧ B=−2.50 ×10−9 C × ( 5.00 ^j+3.00 k^ ) × 104 m s−1 ∧ ( 3.00 i−8.00
^ ^j ) T =(−6.00 i−2.25
^ ^j+3.75 ^k ) × 10− 4 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 17a

(1) A pellet falling vertically at terminal velocity is observed in a vehicle moving horizontally at a steady
speed of 15 m s−1 to move at 30 ° to the horizontal. What is the terminal speed of the pellet relative to the

Ans: 8.7 m s−1

−1 −1
v p=v v tanθ=15 m s × tan 30 °=8.7 m s

(2) The terminal velocity of a raindrop of diameter 2 mm is about 6.0 m s−1. Find the angle a stream of
vertically falling 2 mm raindrops is observed to make with the horizontal in a vehicle moving
horizontally at a steady speed of 6.0 m s−1.

Ans: 45 °
θ=atan ( v r / v v ) =atan ( 6.0 m s−1 / ( 6.0 m s−1 ) ) =45°

(3) Find the speed of a vertically falling object whose velocity vector instantaneously makes an angle of
60 ° with the horizontal as observed in a vehicle moving horizontally at 25 m s−1.

Ans: 43 ms−1
−1 −1
v p=v v tanθ=25 m s × tan 60 °=43 m s
Round 1 Physics
Contest 17b

(4) A spring of spring constant 18 N cm−1 and a spring of spring constant 12 N cm−1 are connected in
parallel. Find the extension of the parallel combination when a 72 N force is applied to it.

Ans: 2.4 cm
x=F / ( k 1+ k 2 )=72 N / ( 18 N cm−1 +12 N cm−1 )=2.4 cm

(5) A spring of spring constant 18 N cm−1 is connected in parallel with a second spring and a 66 N force
applied to the parallel combination produces an extension of 3.0 cm. Find the spring constant of the
second spring.

Ans: 4.0 N c m−1

k 2=F / x−k 1=[ 66 N / ( 3.0 cm ) ] −18 N cm =4.0 N cm
−1 −1

(6) Find the magnitude of the force that extends a parallel combination of a 12 N cm−1 spring and a
14 N cm spring by 0.50 cm .

Ans: 13 N
F=( k 1+ k 2 ) x =( 12 N cm−1 +14 N cm−1) × 0.50 cm=13 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 18a

Express the given Boolean function in a form which can be implemented with ¿ and NOT logic gates
(1) A+ B ⋅C

Ans: A+ B+C
A+ B ⋅C= A+ B+C

(2) A ⋅ B⋅ C

Ans: A+ B+C
A ⋅ B⋅ C= A + B+C

(3) A ⋅ B+C

Ans: A+ B+C
A ⋅ B+C= A ⋅B ⋅C= A +B+ C
Round 1 Physics
Contest 18b

A particle moves from the point r 1 to the point r 2 and then to the point r 3. Find the magnitude of the
displacement of the particle.
(4) r 1=3.0 i^ m, r 2=3.0 ^jm , r 3=4.0 ^j m

Ans: 5.0 m
^ |= √ (−3.0 m )2 + ( 4.0 m )2=5.0 m
r =|r 3−r 1|=|4.0 ^j m−3.0 im

(5) r 1=0, r 2= ( 4.0 i^ −3.0 ^j ) m , r 3= ( 5.0 i+12

^ ^j ) m

Ans: 13 m
r =|r 3−r 1|=|5.0 i+12
^ ^jm−0|= √ ( 5.0 m ) + ( 12 m) =13 m
2 2

(6) r 1=12 i^ m, r 2=3.0 ^jm , r 3= ( 4.0 i^ +15 ^j ) m

Ans: 17 m
r =|r 3−r 1|=|( 4.0 i+15
^ ^ |= √ (−8.0 m)2 + ( 15 m )2=17 m
^j )−12 im
Round 1 Physics
Contest 19a

A 0.25 kg object suspended at the free end of a spring whose other end is fixed is displaced by 0.050 cm
and released. The spring constant of the spring is 36 N cm−1 and damping is negligible.
(1) Find the amplitude of the oscillation of the acceleration of the object.

Ans: 7.2 m s−2

−2 2 −1 −2
a 0=x 0 k / m=0.050× 10 m× 36 ×10 N m / ( 0.25 kg ) =7.2m s

(2) Find the amplitude of the oscillation of the velocity of the object.

Ans: 0.060 m s−1

v 0=x 0 √ k / m=0.050 ×10−2 m× √ 36 ×10 2 N m−1 / ( 0.25 kg )=0.060 m s−1

(3) Find the amplitude of the oscillation of the kinetic energy of the object.

Ans: 4.5 × 10−4 J

K 0= x0 k / 2=( 0.050 × 10 m ) ×36 × 10 N m / 2=4.5 × 10 J
2 −2 2 −1 −4
Round 1 Physics
Contest 19b

(4) The refractive index of soda-lime glass is 1.52 at a wavelength of 685 nm. Determine the critical angle
for 685 nm light passing from soda-lime glass into air.

Ans: 41.1 °
−1 −1
θcr =sin 1 / n=sin (1 / 1.52 )=41.1°

(5) The refractive index of LaK glass, a lanthanum crown glass, is 1.69 at a wavelength of 685 nm.
Determine the critical angle for 685 nm light passing from LaK glass into air.

Ans: 36.3 °
−1 −1
θcr =sin 1 / n=sin (1 / 1.69 )=36.3 °

(6) The refractive index of soda-lime glass is 1.45 at a wavelength of 4.45 μm. Determine the critical angle
for 4.45 μm light passing from soda-lime glass into air.

Ans: 43.6 °
−1 −1
θcr =sin 1 / n=sin (1 / 1.45 )=43.6 °
Round 1 Physics
Contest 20a

(1) A converging thin lens has a focal length of 0.25 m. Find the position and nature of the image of a
paraxial object 0.45 m from the vertex of the lens.

Ans: 0.56 m from vertex; real

v=uf / ( u−f )=0.45 cm ×0.25 m / ( 0.45 m−0.25 m) =+ 0.56 m

(2) Another converging thin lens has a focal length of 0.30 m . Find the position and nature of the image of a
paraxial object 0.15 m from the vertex of the lens.

Ans: 0.30 m from vertex; virtual

v=uf / ( u−f )=0.15 cm ×0.30 m / ( 0.15 m−0.30 m) =−0.30 m

(3) A converging thin lens has a focal length of 0.25 m. Find the position of a real paraxial object at which a
real image is formed 2.5 m from the vertex of the lens.

Ans: 0.28 m
u=vf / ( v−f )=2.5 cm× 0.25 m / ( 2.5 m−0.25 m )=0.28 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 20b

(4) A cylindrical solenoid wound with 5000 turns per meter has a volume of 36 cm3 and an air core.
Estimate the self-inductance of the solenoid.

Ans: 1.1 ×1 0−3 H

−1 2
L=μ 0 n V =4 π ×10 H m × ( 5000 m ) × 36× 10 m =1.1 ×10 H
2 −7 −1 −6 3 −3

(5) An air-cored cylindrical solenoid wound with 50 turns has a length of 4.0 cm and a cross-sectional area
of 15 cm2. Estimate the self-inductance of the solenoid.

Ans: 1.2 ×1 0−4 H

L=μ 0 N 2 A / L=4 π ×10−7 H m−1 × 502 × 15 ×10−4 m2 / ( 4.0 ×10−2 m ) =1.2× 10−4 H

(6) An air-cored solenoid wound with 4000 turns per meter has a self-inductance of 2.5 ×10−4 H . Estimate
the volume of the solenoid.

Ans: 1.2 ×1 0−5 m3

H / ( 4 π ×10 H m × ( 4000 m ) )=1.2 ×10 m
2 −4 −7 −1 2
−1 −5 3
V =L / μ0 n =2.5 ×10
Round 1 Physics
Contest 21a

A light rigid rod rotating freely about a fixed axis perpendicular to its length carries two particles each
of mass 0.50 kg which can slide symmetrically on the rod on either side of the rotation axis. The rod
rotates with an angular speed of 81 rad s−1 when the particles are each 1.0 m from the axis.
(1) At what angular speed does the rod rotate when the positions of the particles change from 1.0 m to 1.5 m
from the axis?

Ans: 36 rad s−1

2 2 −1 2 2 −1
ω 2=ω 1 d 1 / d2 =81rad s × (1.0 m ) / ( 1.5 m ) =36 rad s

(2) At what angular speed does the rod rotate when the positions of the particles change from 1.0 m to
0.50 m from the axis?

Ans: 324 rad s−1

2 2 −1 2 2 −1
ω 2=ω 1 d 1 / d2 =81rad s × (1.0 m ) / ( 0 .50 m ) =324 rad s

(3) Find the angular speed at which the rod rotates when the positions of the particles change from 1.0 m to
1.8 m from the axis.

Ans: 25 rad s−1

2 2 −1 2 2 −1
ω 2=ω 1 d 1 / d2 =81rad s × (1.0 m ) / ( 2.0 m ) =25 rad s
Round 1 Physics
Contest 21b

(4) The common-emitter DC current gain of a bipolar-junction transistor is 75. What is the emitter current
when the collector current is 750 mA ?

Ans: 760 mA
1+ β
iE = i =76 × 750 mA / 75=760 mA
β c

(5) The common-base DC current gain of a certain bipolar junction transistor is 0.96 . Find the collector
current when the base current is 25 mA .

Ans: 600 mA
α 0.96
ic = i b= ×25 mA =600 mA
1−α 1−0.96

(6) The common-emitter DC current gain of a bipolar-junction transistor is 32. Find the common-base DC
current gain of the transistor.

Ans: 0.97
α= =32 / 33=0.97
1+ β
Round 1 Physics

Contest 22a

(1) A Carnot engine absorbs 500 kJ of heat at a hot reservoir maintained at 800 K and does 300 kJ of work
in each cycle. Find the temperature of the cold reservoir.

Ans: 320 K
T C =T H ( 1−W / Q )=800 K × ( 1−300 kJ / ( 500 kJ ) )=320 K

(2) A Carnot engine operating between temperature baths maintained at 900 K and 400 K absorbs 810 kJ of
heat at the hot reservoir in each cycle. Find the work done in each cycle.

Ans: 450 kJ
W =Q ( 1−T C / T H )=810 kJ × ( 1−400 K / ( 900 K ) )=450 kJ

(3) A Carnot engine operating between temperature baths maintained at 1200 K and 300 K does 750 kJ of
work in each cycle. Find quantity of heat the engine absorbs at the hot reservoir in each cycle.

Ans: 1000 kJ
Q=W ( 1−T C / T H ) =750 kJ × ( 1−300 K / ( 1200 K ) )=1000 kJ
Round 1 Physics
Contest 22b

A two-input logic gate with inputs A and B is made up of an XOR gate with two inputs, A' and B. The
input to an inverter whose output is connected to input A' of the XOR gate constitutes input A of the
logic gate. Find the output bit sequence from the logic gate for the given input bit sequence.
(4) A=1000, B=1000

Ans: 1111
C= A ⊕ B= A ⋅ B+ A ⋅ B=0111+1000=1111

(5) A=1000, B=0001

Ans: 0110
C= A ⊕ B= A ⋅ B+ A ⋅ B=0110+0000=0110

(6) A=1100, B=1010

Ans: 1001
C= A ⊕ B= A ⋅ B+ A ⋅ B=0001+1000=1001
Round 1 Physics
Contest 23a

An object of mass 0.2 kg moves with a constant acceleration.

(1) Find the work done on the object by the net force acting on it when its velocity changes from −2 m s−1
to 8 m s−1.

Ans: 6 J
W =m ( v 2−u2 ) / 2=0.2 kg × [ ( 8 m s−1 ) −(−2 m s−1 ) ] / 2=6 J
2 2

(2) Find the work done on the object by the net force acting on it when its velocity changes from 2 m s−1 to
8ms .

Ans: 6 J
W =m ( v 2−u2 ) / 2=0.2 kg × [ ( 8 m s−1 ) −( 2 m s−1 ) ] / 2=6 J
2 2

(3) Find the work done on the object by the net force acting on it when its velocity changes from −2 m s−1
to 2 m s−1.

Ans: 0
W =m ( v −u ) / 2=0.2 kg × [ ( 2 m s ) −(−2 m s ) ] / 2=0
2 2 −1 2 −1 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 23b

A 5.0 kg object hangs from the roof of a horizontally moving vehicle by means of a light inextensible
(4) Find the tension in the string when the acceleration of the vehicle is 24 m s−2.

Ans: 130 N
2 2

T =m √ g + a =5.0 kg × ( 10 m s ) + ( 24 m s ) =130 N
−2 2 −2 2

(5) Find the tension in the string when the acceleration of the vehicle is 2.25 m s−2.

Ans: 51 N
2 2

T =m √ g + a =5.0 kg × ( 10 m s ) + ( 2.25 m s ) =51 N
−2 2 −2 2

(6) Find the tension in the string when the acceleration of the vehicle is 10.5 m s−2.

Ans: 73 N
2 2

T =m √ g + a =5.0 kg × ( 10 m s ) + ( 10.5 m s ) =73 N
−2 2 −2 2

Accept 72.5 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 24a

An amplifier circuit is made up of an ideal op amp whose output terminal is connected to its inverting
input through a 100 kΩ resistor. The inverting input is also connected to a resistor R whose other
terminal is grounded. A small signal is applied to the non-inverting input.
(1) Find the voltage gain of the amplifier when R=100 kΩ.

Ans: 2
AV =1+ Rf / R=1+ ( 100 kΩ ) / ( 100 kΩ )=2

(2) Find the output voltage for an input voltage of 0.1 V when R=25 kΩ.

Ans: 0.5 V
V o =V i ( 1+ R f / R )=0.1 V × [ 1+ ( 100 kΩ ) / (25 kΩ ) ] =0.5 V

(3) Find the voltage gain of the amplifier when R=10 kΩ.

Ans: 11
AV =1+ Rf / R=1+ ( 100 kΩ ) / ( 10 kΩ )=11
Round 1 Physics
Contest 24b

A railgun inclined at 30 ° above the horizontal launches a 2.0 kg payload with a speed of 2.0 km s−1.
(4) What is the greatest height above the railgun of an airborne target the payload can strike?

Ans: 50 km
h=u sin θ / 2 g=( 2.0 ×10 m s × sin 30 ° ) / ( 2 ×10 m s )=50 km
2 2 3 −1 −2

(5) The inclination of the railgun above the horizontal is changed to 60 ° . What is the greatest height above
the railgun of an airborne target the payload can now strike?

Ans: 150 km
h=u sin θ / 2 g=( 2.0 ×10 m s × sin 60 ° ) / ( 2 ×10 m s )=1 50 km
2 2 3 −1 −2

(6) What is the kinetic energy of the payload when it exits the railgun?

Ans: 4.0 MJ
−1 2
K=mu / 2=2.0 kg × ( 2.0× 10 m s ) / 2=4.0 MJ
2 3
Round 1 Physics
Contest 25a

(1) Find the rms speed of 6.0 ×10 22 ideal gas molecules each of mass 3.3 ×10−27 kg contained in a vessel of
volume 5.5 ×10−3 m3 when the pressure of the gas is 64 kPa.

Ans: 2.3 ×1 03 m s−1

v rms= √ 3 PV / Nm=√ 3× 64 ×10 Pa× 5.5 ×10 m / ( 6.0 × 10 ×3.3 ×10 kg ) =2.3 ×10 m s
3 −3 3 22 −27 3 −1

(2) Find the rms speed of 6.0 ×10 22 ideal gas molecules each of mass 5.3 ×10−26 kg contained in a vessel of
volume 2.6 ×10−3 m3 when the pressure of the gas is 72 kPa.

Ans: 420 ms−1

v rms= √ 3 PV / Nm=√ 3× 72× 10 Pa ×2.6 × 10 m / ( 6.0 ×10 × 5.3 ×10 kg )=420 m s
3 −3 3 22 −26 −1

(3) Find the rms speed of 6.0 ×10 22 ideal gas molecules each of mass 4.6 × 10−26 kg contained in a vessel of
volume 2.6 ×10−3 m3 when the pressure of the gas is 72 kPa.

Ans: 450 ms−1

v rms= √ 3 PV / Nm=√ 3× 72× 10 Pa ×2.6 × 10 m / ( 6.0 ×10 × 4.6 × 10 kg ) =450 m s
3 −3 3 22 −26 −1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 25b

(4) A long cylindrical solenoid wound with 5000 turns per meter carries a current of 4.0 A . Find the
magnitude of the magnetic flux density inside the solenoid.

Ans: 0.025 T
−7 −1 −1
B=μ0 ∋¿ 4 π × 10 H m ×5000 m ×4.0 A=0.025 T

(5) A long cylindrical solenoid wound with 8000 turns per meter carries a current of 6.0 A . Find the
magnitude of the magnetic flux density inside the solenoid.

Ans: 0.060 T
−7 −1 −1
B=μ0 ∋¿ 4 π × 10 H m ×8000 m ×2.5 A=0.060 T

(6) A long cylindrical solenoid wound with 3000 turns per meter carries a current of 12 A . Find the
magnitude of the magnetic flux density inside the solenoid.

Ans: 0.045 T
−7 −1 −1
B=μ0 ∋¿ 4 π × 10 H m ×3000 m ×12 A=0.045 T
Round 1 Physics
Contest 26a

(1) A very wide tank with an open top contains water to a depth of 3.2 m. Find the speed of water that
escapes from a small hole at the bottom of the tank.

Ans: 8.0 m s−1

v=√ 2 gh=√ 2 ×10 m s ×3.2 m=8.0 m s
−2 −1

(2) Water exits a small hole at the bottom of a very wide tank with an open top at a speed of 12 m s−1. Find
the depth of water in the tank.

Ans: 7.2 m
−1 2
h=v / 2 g= ( 12m s ) / ( 2×10 ms ) =7.2m
2 −1

(3) A very wide tank with an open top contains water to a depth of 0.45 m. Find the speed of water that
escapes from a small hole at the bottom of the tank.

Ans: 3.0 m s−1

v=√ 2 gh=√2 ×10 m s−2 ×0.45 m=3.0 m s−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 26b

(4) The initial position of a particle is 3 im ^ and its velocity is given in terms of time t by
v ( t )=[ ( 2 i^ +5 ^j ) m s ] t . What is the position of the particle at time t ?
−4 3

1 5
2 4
) 1 4 −4
2 ( 5 4 −4
) (
Ans: 3 i^ m+ i^ + ^j t m s = 3 m+ t m s i^ + t m s ^j
4 )
r ( t )=r +∫ v ⅆt =3 im+
( 12 i+^ 54 ^j) t ms =(3 m+ 12 t m s ) i+^ ( 54 t m s ) ^j
4 −4 4 −4 4 −4

(5) The velocity of a particle whose initial position is ( 2 i^ + 3 ^j ) m is given in terms of time t by
^ b t 2 ^j ) where a and b are constants. Find the position of the particle at time t .
v ( t )=( a t i+

( 1 2
2 ) (1 3
Ans: 2 m+ a t i^ + 3 m+ b t ^j
3 )
r ( t )=r 0 +∫ v ⅆt =( 2 i+
^ 3 ^j ) m+ 1 a t 2 i+
2 3 )( 2 ) (
^ 1 b t 3 ^j = 2 m+ 1 a t 2 i+
^ 3 m+ 1 b t 3 ^j
3 )
(6) The velocity of a particle whose initial position is 5 ^j m is given in terms of time t by v ( t )=( c t 4 i+
^ d t −2 ^j )
where c and d are constants. Find the position of the particle at time t .

1 5^
c t i + ( 5 m−d t ) ^j
Round 1 Physics

( 1 5^
r ( t )=r 0 +∫ v ⅆt =5 ^j m+ c t i−d
5 )1 5^
t ^j = c t i+
( 5 m−d t −1 ) ^j
Round 1 Physics
Contest 27a

(1) Find the work done by a fixed quantity of an ideal gas when its volume changes from 2.0 m3 to 5.0 m3 at
a constant pressure of 4.0 kPa.

Ans: 12 kJ
W =P Δ V =4.0 kPa × ( 5.0 m3−2.0 m3 )=12 kJ

(2) A fixed quantity of an ideal gas undergoes an isobaric process in which its volume changes from
3 3
0.50 m to 4.5 m and 840 kJ of work is done by the gas. What is the process pressure?

Ans: 210 kPa

P=W / ΔV =840 kJ / ( 4.5 m3−0.50 m3 )=210 kPa

(3) A fixed quantity of an ideal gas with an initial volume of 2.0 m3 undergoes an isobaric process at a
pressure of 120 kPa. Find the final volume of the gas if the work done by the gas is 720 kJ .

Ans: 8.0 m3
3 3
V f =V i +W / P=2.0 m +720 kJ / ( 120 kPa )=8.0 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 27b

(4) Find the impedance at an angular frequency of 50 rad s−1 of a series LR circuit in which L=0.10 H and
R=12 Ω.

Ans: 13 Ω
2 2 2

Z=√ R + ω L = ( 12 Ω ) + ( 50 rad s ×0.10 H ) =13 Ω
2 −1 2

(5) Find the impedance at an angular frequency of 8.0 rad s−1 of a series LR circuit in which L=5.0 H and
R=9.0 Ω.

Ans: 41 Ω
2 2 2

Z=√ R + ω L = ( 9.0 Ω ) + ( 4.0 rad s ×10 H ) =41 Ω
2 −1 2

(6) Find the impedance at an angular frequency of 21 rad s−1 of a series LR circuit in which L=5.0 H and
R=88 Ω.

Ans: 137 Ω
2 2 2

Z=√ R + ω L = ( 12 Ω ) + ( 21 rad s ×5.0 H ) =137 Ω
2 −1 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 28a

Some physical properties of a hypothetical material are as follows: Young’s modulus equals
11 −4
2.0 ×10 Pa , Poisson’s ratio equals 0.30 , and electrical resistivity equals 8.0 ×10 Ω m. Find the
change in resistance of a wire made of the material of the given dimensions under the given condition.
(1) A 2.0 m length of wire of cross-sectional area 5.0 mm2 is stretched by a 0.40 kN tensile force.
Ans: 0.20 Ω
Δ R=ρ

2) L
=ρ ( ϵ L −2 ϵ T ) =ρ 2 ( 1+ 2 ν )=8.0 ×10 Ω m× 0.40 ×10 N ×2 m× (1+2 × 0.30 ) / ( ( 5.0 ×
−4 3

(2) A 5.0 m length of wire of cross-sectional area 3.0 mm2 is stretched by a 0.90 kN tensile force.
Ans: 3.2 Ω
Δ R=ρ

2) L
=ρ ( ϵ L −2 ϵ T ) =ρ 2 ( 1+ 2 ν )=8.0 ×10 Ω m× 0.90 ×10 N ×5.0 m× ( 1+ 2× 0.3 ) / ( ( 3.0 ×
−4 3

(3) A 3.0 m length of wire of cross-sectional area 5.0 mm2 is stretched by a 0.50 kN tensile force.
Ans: 0.38 Ω
Δ R=ρ

2) L
=ρ ( ϵ L −2 ϵ T ) =ρ 2 ( 1+ 2 ν )=8.0 ×10 Ω m× 0.50 ×10 N ×3.0 m× ( 1+ 2× 0.3 ) / ( ( 5.0 ×
−4 3
Round 1 Physics
Contest 28b

(4) A physical pendulum suspended 0.200 m from its center of mass has a radius of gyration of 0.500 m
about its center of mass. Find the length of the equivalent simple pendulum.

Ans: 1.45 m
L=( K 2cm +d 2 ) / d=( ( 0.500 m )2+ ( 0.200 m )2 ) / ( 0.200 m )=1.45 m

(5) Another physical pendulum has a radius of gyration of 0.450 m about its center of mass and is pivoted at
a point 0.300 m from its center of mass. Find the length of the equivalent simple pendulum.

Ans: 0.975 m
L=( K 2cm +d 2 ) / d=( ( 0.450 m )2+ ( 0.300 m )2 ) / ( 0.300 m )=0.975 m

(6) Find the length of the simple pendulum equivalent to a physical pendulum whose radius of gyration
about its center of mass is 0.2 m which is pivoted 0.4 m from its center of mass.

Ans: 0.5 m
L=( K 2cm +d 2 ) / d=( ( 0.2 m )2 + ( 0.4 m )2) / ( 0.4 m) =0.5 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 28c

A 1.0 kg particle of charge +5.0 μC moves directly towards a +25 μC charge that is fixed in position.
The speed of the 5.0 μC charge is 4.0 ms−1 when the charges are 5.0 m apart.
(7) Find the distance between the charges when the speed of the 5.0 μC charge is 2.0 m s−1.
Ans: 0.18 m

] [ ]

[ 1.0 kg × ( ( 4.0 m s ) −( 2.0 ms ) )

−1 −1 2 −1 2
4 π ϵ0 1 1
m ( u −v ) +
2 2
r= = 9 −1 −6 −6
+ =0.18 m
2q 1 q 2 r0 2× 9.0 ×10 m F ×5.0 ×10 C × 25 ×10 C ( 5.0 m )
(8) Find the distance between the charges when the speed of the 5.0 μC charge is 1.5 m s−1.
Ans: 0.16 m

] [ ]

[ 1.0 kg × ( ( 4.0 m s ) −( 1.5 m s ) )

−1 −1 2 −1 2
4 π ϵ0 1 1
m ( u −v ) +
2 2
r= = 9 −1 −6 −6
+ =0.16 m
2q 1 q 2 r0 2× 9.0 ×10 m F ×5.0 ×10 C × 25 ×10 C ( 5.0 m )
(9) Find the distance between the charges when the speed of the 5.0 μC charge is 1.0 m s−1.
Ans:0.15 m

] [ ]

[ 1.0 kg × ( ( 4.0 m s ) − ( 1.0 m s ) )

−1 −1 2 −1 2
4 π ϵ0 1 1
m ( u −v ) +
2 2
r= = 9 −1 −6 −6
+ =0.15 m
2q 1 q 2 r0 2× 9.0 ×10 m F ×5.0 ×10 C × 25 ×10 C ( 5.0 m )
Round 1 Physics
Contest 29a

(1) Find the angle of minimum deviation of light passing through a 60 ° prism if the refractive index of the
prism glass is 1.45 at the light wavelength.

Ans: 32.9 °
D=2asin( n sin A / 2)− A=32.9°
Accept 33 °
(2) Find the angle of minimum deviation of light passing through a 60 ° prism if the refractive index of the
prism glass is 1.60 at the light wavelength.

Ans: 46.3 °
D=2asin(n sin A / 2)− A=46.3 °
Accept 46 °
(3) Find the angle of minimum deviation of light passing through a 60 ° prism if the refractive index of the
prism glass is 1.25 at the light wavelength.

Ans: 17.4 °
D=2asin( n sin A / 2)− A=17.4 °
Accept 17 °
Round 1 Physics
Contest 29b

(4) The magnitude of the electric field between the plates of a charged capacitor is 5.0 V m−1. Find the
energy density in the region between the plates of the capacitor.

Ans: 1.1 ×1 0−10 J m−3

−1 2
u=ϵ 0 E / 2=8.85 × 10 F m × ( 5.0 V m ) / 2=1.1× 10 J m
2 −12 −1 −10 −3

(5) The magnitude of the electric field between the plates of a charged capacitor is 8.0 V m−1. Find the
energy density in the region between the plates of the capacitor.

Ans: 2.8 ×1 0−10 J m−3

−1 2
u=ϵ 0 E / 2=8.85 × 10 F m × ( 8.0V m ) / 2=2.8 ×10 J m
2 −12 −1 −10 −3

(6) The magnitude of the electric field between the plates of a charged capacitor is 12 V m−1 . Find the
energy density in the region between the plates of the capacitor.

Ans: 6.4 × 10−10 J m−3

−1 2
u=ϵ 0 E / 2=8.85 × 10 F m × ( 12 V m ) / 2=6.4 ×10 J m
2 −12 −1 −10 −3
Round 1 Physics
Contest 29c

An incompressible fluid of density 1000 kg m−3 flows under a pressure of 4.0 × 105 Pa in a pipe of inside
diameter 2.0 cm that supplies fluid to a network of pipes.
(7) Find the pressure in a 1.2 cm inside diameter pipe 2.0 m above the inlet pipe when the fluid flows at
2.0 m s in the inlet pipe.
Ans: 4.2 ×1 05 Pa

( ( ))
1 −1 2 1.2 cm
p2=4.0 ×10 Pa+ × 1000 kg m × ( 2.0 m s ) × 1−
5 −3 −3 −2 5
+1000 kg m ×10 m s ×2.0 m=4.2× 10 Pa
2 2.0 cm
(8) Find the pressure in a 1.0 cm inside diameter pipe 3.0 m above the inlet pipe when the fluid flows at
5.0 m s in the inlet pipe.
Ans: 4.4 ×1 05 Pa

( ( ))
1 −1 2 1.0 cm
p2=4.0 ×10 Pa+ × 1000 kg m × ( 5.0 m s ) × 1−
5 −3 −3 −2 5
+1000 kg m ×10 m s × 3.0 m=4.4 ×10 Pa
2 2.0 cm
(9) Find the pressure in a 0.50 cm inside diameter pipe 2.5 m above the inlet pipe when the fluid flows at
4.0 ms in the inlet pipe.
Ans: 4.3 × 10 5 Pa

( ( ))
1 −1 2 0.50 cm
p2=4.0 ×10 Pa+ × 1000 kg m × ( 4.0 m s ) × 1−
5 −3 −3 −2 5
+1000 kg m ×10 m s × 2.5 m=4.3 ×10 Pa
2 2.0 cm

( )
1 2 d
p2= p1 + ρ v 1− 4 + ρg Δ y
2 D
Round 1 Physics
Contest 30a

(1) Find the shortest wavelength in the bremsstrahlung spectrum produced by electrons accelerated from
rest through a potential difference of 25 kV .

Ans: 5.0 ×1 0−11 m

λ min=hc / eV =6.63× 10−34 J s−1 × 3.00 ×108 m s−1 / ( 1.60 ×10−19 C ×25 × 103 V )=5.0 ×10−11 m

(2) Find the shortest wavelength in the bremsstrahlung spectrum produced by electrons accelerated from
rest through a potential difference of 37 kV .

Ans: 3.4 × 10−11 m

λ min=hc / eV =6.63× 10−34 J s−1 × 3.00 ×108 m s−1 / ( 1.60 ×10−19 C ×37 × 103 V )=3.4 × 10−11 m

(3) Find the minimum accelerating voltage for an x-ray tube that generates bremsstrahlung of wavelength
18 pm.

Ans: 69 kV
V =hc / eλ=6.63 ×10−34 J s−1 ×3.00 ×10 8 m s−1 / ( 1.60 ×10−19 C × 18 ×10−12 m) =69 kV
Round 1 Physics
Contest 30b

(4) The focal length in air of a plano-convex thin lens made of glass of refractive index 1.60 is 18.0 cm.
What is the magnitude of the radius of its curved surface?

Ans: 10.8 cm
R=( n−1 ) f =10.8 cm

(5) The surfaces of a bi-convex thin lens each has a radius of magnitude 20.0 cm and the refractive index of
the glass the lens is made of is 1.52. Find the focal length of the lens.

Ans: 19.2 cm
1 R1 R 2 1 + 20.0 cm× (−20.0 cm )
f= = × =19.2 cm
n−1 R2 −R 1 1.52−1 −20.0 cm−20.0 cm

(6) The surfaces of a bi-convex thin lens have radii of magnitude 20.0 cm and 10.0 cm and the refractive
index of the glass the lens is made of is 1.45. Find the focal length of the lens.

Ans: 14.8 cm
1 R1 R 2 1 +20.0 cm× (−10.0 cm )
f= = × =14.8 cm
n−1 R2 −R 1 1.45−1 −10.0 cm−20.0 cm
Round 1 Physics
Contest 30c

(7) Determine the change in mass when a hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbs a Lyman photon that
excites it to the first excited state.

Ans: 1.81 ×1 0−35 kg

Δ m=( E f −Ei ) / c =
( −13.6 eV −13.6 eV

2 ) 2 2 −35
/ c =10.2 eV / c =1.81 ×10 kg

(8) Determine the change in mass when a hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbs a Lyman photon that
excites it to the second excited state.

Ans: 2.15 ×1 0−35 kg

Δ m=( E f −Ei ) / c =
( −13.6 eV −13.6 eV

2 ) 2 2 −35
/ c =12.1 eV / c =2.15 ×10 kg

(9) Determine the change in mass when a hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbs a Lyman photon that
excites it to the third excited state.

Ans: 2.27 ×1 0−35 kg

Δ m=( E f −Ei ) / c =
( −13.6 eV −13.6 eV

2 )2 2 −35
/ c =12.75 eV / c =2.27× 10 kg
Round 1 Physics
Contest 31a

(1) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density at an axial point 30.0 cm above the plane of a single-
turn circular loop of radius 40.0 cm in which a current of 16.0 A flows.

Ans: 1.29 ×1 0−5 T

μ 0∋ R2 4 π × 10 H m × 1×16.0 A × ( 40.0 ×10 m)
−7 −1 −2
B= 2 3/2
= =1.29 ×10 T
2 3 /2
2(x +R ) 2 × (( 30.0× 10 m ) + ( 40.0 cm ) )
2 −2 2

(2) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density at an axial point 40.0 cm above the plane of a single-
turn circular loop of radius 9.00 cm in which a current of 5.00 A flows.

Ans: 3.69 ×1 0−7 T

μ 0∋ R2 4 π × 10 H m × 1×5.00 A × ( 9.00 ×10 m )
−7 −1 −2
B= 2 3/2
= 2 3/ 2
=3.69 ×10 T
2(x +R ) 2 × ( ( 40.0 ×10 m ) + ( 9.00× 10 m ) )
2 −2 2 −2

(3) Find the magnitude of the magnetic flux density at an axial point 12.0 cm above the plane of a single-
turn circular loop of radius 35.0 cm in which a current of 16 A flows.

Ans: 2.43 ×1 0−5 T

μ 0∋ R2 4 π × 10 H m × 1×16 A × ( 35.0 ×10 m )
−7 −1 −2
B= 2 3/2
= 2 3/2
=2.43 ×10 T
2(x +R ) 2 × ( ( 12.0 ×10 m ) + ( 35.0 ×10 m ) )
2 −2 2 −2
Round 1 Physics
Round 1 Physics
Contest 31b

(4) Find the work done by 5.0 mol of an ideal gas in an isothermal volume change from 1.0 m3 to 2.0 m3 at
400 K .

Ans: 12 kJ
W =nRT ln ( V f / V i ) =5.0 mol ×8.314 J mol × 400 K × ln ( 2 .0 m / ( 1.0 m ) ) =12 kJ
−1 3 3

(5) Find the work done by 8.0 mol of an ideal gas in an isothermal volume change from 8.0 m3 to 2.0 m3 at
500 K .

Ans: −46 kJ
W =nRT ln ( V f / V i ) =8.0 mol × 8.314 J mol ×500 K × ln ( 2.0 m / ( 8.0 m ) ) =−46 kJ
−1 3 3

(6) Find the work done by 6.0 mol of an ideal gas in an isothermal pressure change from 8.0 kPa to 1.0 kPa
at 250 K .

Ans: 26 kJ
W =nRT ln ( Pi / P f ) =6.0 mol ×8.314 J mol ×250 K × ln ( 8.0 kPa / ( 1 .0 kPa ) )=26 kJ
Round 1 Physics
Contest 31c

The proton mass is 1.67 ×10−27 kg and the mass of the earth is 5.97 ×10 24 kg . The kinetic energy of a
certain cosmic ray proton approaching earth is 5.00 ×10−21 J in deep space. Ignore the influence of other
bodies and fields.
(7) Find the maximum kinetic energy the cosmic ray proton can have when it is 100 Mm from the center of
the earth.
Ans: 1.16 ×1 0−20 J
K=K 0+ GMm / r=5.0 ×10−21 J +6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 5.97 ×1024 kg × 1.67× 10−27 kg / ( 100 ×106 m )=1.16 × 10
(8) Find the maximum kinetic energy the cosmic ray proton can have when it is 50.0 Mm from the center of
the earth.
Ans: 1.83 ×1 0−20 J
K=K 0+ GMm / r=5.00 ×10−21 J +6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 5.97 ×1024 kg × 1.67× 10−27 kg / ( 50.0 ×106 m )=1.83 ×
(9) Find the maximum kinetic energy the cosmic ray proton can have when it is 7.00 Mm from the center of
the earth.
Ans: 1.00 ×1 0−19 J
K=K 0+ GMm / r=5.00 ×10−21 J +6.67 ×10−11 N m2 kg−2 × 5.97 ×1024 kg × 1.67× 10−27 kg / ( 7.00 ×106 m )=1.00 ×
Round 1 Physics
Contest 32a

The mass of Ganymede, a Jovian moon, is 1.48 ×1023 kg and its mean radius is 2.63 ×103 km .
Ganymede’s surface gravity is 1.43 m s−2.
(1) Find the gravitational potential due to Ganymede 500 km above its surface.

Ans: −3.15 ×1 06 J k g−1

U =−GM / ( R+ h )=−6.67× 10−11 N m2 kg−2 ×1.48 ×10 23 kg / ( 2.63 ×106 m+500 ×103 m )=−3.15 × 106 J kg−1

(2) Find the gravitational potential due to Ganymede 600 km above its surface.

Ans: −3.06 ×1 06 J k g−1

U =−GM / ( R+ h )=−6.67× 10−11 N m2 kg−2 ×1.48 ×10 23 kg / ( 2.63 ×106 m+600 ×103 m )=−3.06× 106 J kg−1

(3) Find the gravitational potential due to Ganymede 50 km above its surface.

Ans: −3.68 ×1 06 J k g−1

U =−GM / ( R+ h )=−6.67× 10−11 N m2 kg−2 ×1.48 ×10 23 kg / ( 2.63 ×106 m+50 ×103 m )=−3.68 × 106 J kg−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 32b

A piece of rock heated to 120 ℃ cools to 110 ℃ in 20 s in an air current maintained at 20 ℃.

(4) When will the temperature of the rock fall to100 ℃ ?

Ans: 42 s

t=t 1
T −T s
T 0−T s
=20 s ×
[ (100−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ] =20 s × ln 0.8 / ln 0.9=42 s
T 1−T s
T 0−T s
( 110−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ]
(5) When will the temperature of the rock fall to 80 ℃ ?

Ans: 97 s

t=t 1
T −T s
T 0−T s
=20 s ×
[ ( 80−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ] =20 s × ln 0.6 / ln 0.9=97 s
T 1−T s
T 0−T s
( 110−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ]
(6) When will the temperature of the rock fall to 60 ℃ ?

Ans: 174 s
Round 1 Physics

t=t 1
T −T s
T 0−T s
=20 s ×
[ (60−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ] =20 s × ln 0.4 / ln 0.9=174 s
T 1−T s
T 0−T s
[ ( 110−20 ) K
(120−20 ) K ]
Round 1 Physics
Contest 32c

The experimentally determined proportionality factor in the nuclear radius formula is 1.2 fm. Estimate
the radius of the atomic nucleus of the given isotope.
(7) Fe-56

Ans: 4.6 fm
1/3 1/3
R=R 0 A =1.2 fm × 56 =4.6 fm

(8) Mg-24

Ans: 3.5 fm
1/3 1/ 3
R=R 0 A =1.2 fm × 24 =3.5 fm

(9) C-14

Ans: 2.9 fm
1/3 1/3
R=R 0 A =1.2 fm × 14 =2.9 fm
Round 1 Physics
Contest 33a

(1) Find the magnitude of the magnetic force on a 15 nC charge moving at 0.80 km s−1 parallel to a long
straight wire carrying a current of 8.0 A when the charge is 5.0 mm from the wire.

Ans: 3.8 nN
F=qv μ0 I / 2 πr=15 ×10−9 C ×800 m s−1 × 4 π ×10−7 Wb A−1 m−1 × 8.0 A / ( 2 π ×5.0 ×10−3 m )=3.8× 10−9 N
(2) Find the magnitude of the magnetic force on a 4.0 μC charge moving at 1.50 km s−1 parallel to a long
straight wire carrying a current of 25 A when the charge is 12 mm from the wire.

Ans: 2.5 μN
F=qv μ0 I / 2 πr=4.0 ×10−6 C × 1500 m s−1 × 4 π × 10−7 Wb A−1 m−1 ×25 A / ( 2 π ×12 ×10−3 m )=2.5× 10−6 N
(3) Find the magnitude of the magnetic force on a 5.0 mC charge moving at 0.30 km s−1 parallel to a long
straight wire carrying a current of 36 A when the charge is 2.0 mm from the wire.

Ans: 5.4 mN
F=qv μ0 I / 2 πr=5.0 ×10−3 C ×300 m s−1 × 4 π ×10−7 Wb A−1 m−1 ×36 A / ( 2 π × 2.0 ×10−3 m )=5.4 ×10−3 N
Round 1 Physics
Contest 33b

(4) Find the kinetic energy of the electrons ejected from free hydrogen atoms in the ground state that are
illuminated by ultraviolet radiation of wavelength 85 nm in a photoionization experiment.

Ans: 1.6 ×1 0−19 J

K=hc / λ−E0=6.63 × 10−34 J s ×3.0 × 108 m s−1 / ( 85 ×10−9 m ) −13.6 eV ×1.60 ×10−19 J / eV =1.6 ×10−19 J =1.0 e

(5) In a photoionization experiment with free hydrogen atoms, radiation of wavelength 75 nm is used. Find
the kinetic energy of the electrons produced from ground state hydrogen atoms.

Ans: 4.8 × 10−19 J

K=hc / λ−E0=4.8 ×10 J =3.0 eV

(6) In a photoionization experiment with free hydrogen atoms using radiation of wavelength 65 nm, what is
the kinetic energy of the least energetic electrons produced?

Ans: 8.8 ×1 0−19 J

K 2=hc / λ−E 0=8.8 × 10 J =5.5 eV
Round 1 Physics
Contest 33c

Where needed, you may take the Wien constant as 2.90 ×10−3 m K , the Stefan-Boltzmann constant as
−8 −2 −4 −23 −1
5.67 ×10 W m K , and the Boltzmann constant as 1.38 ×10 J K .
(7) The emissivity of the surface of a spherical object of radius 0.200 m is 0.960 . Find the net rate of
radiation from the object when its temperature is 400 K and the temperature of its surroundings is 300 K

Ans: 479 W
H=4 π R 2 eσ ( T 4−T 4s ) =479W

(8) The emissivity of the surface of another spherical object of radius 0.250 m is 0.800 . Find the net rate of
radiation from the object when its temperature is 500 K and the temperature of its surroundings is 300 K

Ans: 1.94 kW
H=4 π R 2 eσ ( T 4−T 4s ) =1.94 kW

(9) The emissivity of the surface of a third spherical object of radius 0.300 m is 1. Find the net rate of
radiation from the object when its temperature is 800 K and the temperature of its surroundings is 300 K

Ans: 25.7 kW
H=4 π R 2 eσ ( T 4−T 4s ) =25.7 kW
Round 1 Physics
Round 1 Physics
Contest 34a

Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, orbits Jupiter in an inclined elliptic orbit of eccentricity
0.0013 and semi-major axis 1.0704 × 109 m.
(1) What is Ganymede’s distance to perijove?

Ans: 1.0690 ×1 09 m
9 9
r p =a ( 1−e )=1.0704 ×10 m× ( 1−0.0013 )=1.069× 10 m

(2) What is Ganymede’s distance to apojove?

Ans: 1.0718 ×1 09 m
9 9
r a =a ( 1+e )=1.0704 × 10 m× ( 1+0.0013 )=1.0718 ×10 m

(3) What is the difference between the semi-major and semi-minor axes of Ganymede’s orbit?

Ans: 904.5 m
Δ=a−b=a ( 1−√ 1−e )=904.5 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 34b

(4) The thermal conductivity of a composite material is 0. 80 W m−1 K −1. Find the rate of heat flow through
a rod made of the composite material of length 2.0 m and cross-sectional area 1.5 ×10−3 m2 whose sides
are thermally insulated and whose ends are held at 40 ℃ and 25 ℃ .

Ans: 9.0 mW
−1 −1 −3 2
dQ / dt=kA ( T H −T C ) / L=0.80W m K ×1.5 ×10 m × ( 40−25 ) K / (2.0 m) =9.0 mW

(5) The rate of heat flow through an insulated composite rod of thermal conductivity 0.64 W m−1 K−1 is
32 mW . The cross-sectional area of the rod is 5.0 ×10−3 m2 and its length is 2.5 m. Find the temperature
difference between the rod ends.

Ans: 25 K
Δ T =L ( dQ / dt ) / kA=25 K

(6) The thermal conductivity of Styrofoam is 0.027 W m−1 K−1. Find the rate of heat flow through a
Styrofoam sheet of surface area 2.0 m2 and thickness 0.25 m whose faces are held at −5.0 ℃ and 25 ℃
assuming heat loss from the edges can be neglected.

Ans: 6.5 W
dQ / dt=kA ( T H −T C ) / L=0.027 W m K ×2.0 m × ( 25−(−5.0 ) ) K / ( 0.25 m )=6.5W
−1 −1 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 34c

The lifetime of a stationary free neutron is 882 s .

(7) What is the lifetime of a free neutron moving at 1.5 ×107 m s−1?

Ans: 883 s
2 2

T =T 0 / √ ( 1−v / c )=882 s / 1−( 1.5 ×10 m s ) / ( 3.0 ×10 m s ) =883 s
7 −1 2 8 −12

(8) What is the lifetime of a free neutron moving at 2.4 × 108 m s−1 ?

Ans: 1470 s
2 2

T =T 0 / √ ( 1−v / c )=882 s / 1−( 2.4 ×10 m s ) / ( 3.0 × 10 m s ) =1470 s
8 −1 2 8 2

(9) What is the lifetime of a free neutron moving at 1.4 × 108 m s−1?

Ans: 997 s
2 2

T =T 0 / √ ( 1−v / c )=882 s / 1−( 1.4 ×10 m s ) / ( 3.0 × 10 ms ) =997 s
8 −1 2 8 −12
Round 1 Physics
Contest 35a

(1) Find the mean free path for an ideal gas at a pressure of 1.0 ×105 Pa and a temperature of 400 K . Each
gas molecule is approximately spherical with a radius of 2.0 ×10−10 m .

Ans: 7.8 ×1 0−8 m

J k × 400 K / ( 4 π √ 2 × ( 2.0× 10 m ) ×1.0 × 10 Pa )=7.8 ×10 m
λ=kT / 4 π √ 2 r P=1.38 ×10
2 −23 −1 −10 5 −8

(2) Find the mean free path for an ideal gas at a pressure of 2.0 ×103 Pa and a temperature of 500 K . Each
gas molecule is approximately a sphere of radius 2.0 ×10−10 m .

Ans: 4.9 × 10−6 m

J k ×500 K / ( 4 π √ 2× ( 2.0 ×10 m ) ×2.0 ×10 Pa )=4.9 ×10 m
λ=kT / 4 π √ 2 r P=1.38 ×10
2 −23 −1 −10 3 −6

(3) Find the mean free path for an ideal gas at a pressure of 5.0 ×103 Pa and a temperature of 800 K . Each
gas molecule is approximately spherical with a radius of 2.5 ×10−10 m .

Ans: 2.0 ×1 0−6 m

J k ×800 K / ( 4 π √ 2 × ( 2.5 ×10 m ) ×5.0 ×10 Pa )=2.0 ×10 m
λ=kT / 4 π √ 2 r P=1.38 ×10
2 −23 −1 −10 3 −6
Round 1 Physics
Contest 35b

A particle is accelerated in a particle accelerator which has a 2.0 m long tube near the last stage of the
accelerator through which the particle passes.
(4) What is the length of the tube as observed in the frame of the particle when it passes through it at a
constant speed of 8.1 ×107 m s−1?

Ans: 1.9 m
2 2

L=L0 √ 1−v / c =2.0 m× 1−( 8.1 ×10 m s ) / ( 3.0 ×10 m s ) =1.9 m
7 −1 2 8 −1 2

(5) What is the length of the tube as observed in the frame of the particle when it passes through it at a
constant speed of 1.2 ×108 m s−1?

Ans: 1.8 m
2 2

L=L0 √ 1−v / c =2.0 m× 1−( 1.2× 10 m s ) / ( 3.0 ×10 m s ) =1.8 m
8 −1 2 8 −1 2

(6) What is the length of the tube as observed in the frame of the particle when it passes through it at a
constant speed of 2.1 ×108 m s−1?

Ans: 1.4 m
2 2

L=L0 √ 1−v / c =2.0 m× 1−( 2.1× 10 m s ) / ( 3.0 ×10 m s ) =1.4 m
8 −1 2 8 −1 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 35c

The mass of the hydrogen atom is 1.0078 u, that of the neutron is 1.0087 u, and 1 u=931.49 MeV / c 2.
Determine the binding energy of the given isotope of Zn.
(7) The mass of 64
30 Zn is 63.929 u.

Ans: 559.64 MeV

E B=( Z M H + N mn−M ( 30 Zn ) ) c = (30 × 1.0078u+ 34 ×1.0087 u−63.929 u ) × 931.49 MeV / u=559.64 MeV
64 2

(8) The mass of 66

30 Zn is 65.926 u .

Ans: 578.64 MeV

E B=( Z M H + N mn−M ( 30 Zn ) ) c = (30 × 1.0078u+ 36 ×1.0087 u−65.926 u ) × 931.49 MeV / u=578.64 MeV
64 2

(9) The mass of 70

30 Zn is 69.925 u.

Ans: 611.99 MeV

E B=( Z M H + N mn−M ( 30 Zn ) ) c = (30 × 1.0078u+ 40 ×1.0087 u−69.925 u ) ×931.49 MeV / u=611.99 MeV
64 2
Round 1 Physics
Contest 36a

(1) A 2.0 kg object moving at 8.0 m s−1 along a straight line overtakes a 4.0 kg object moving in the same
direction at 2.0 m s−1. Find the kinetic energy of the 4.0 kg object if the 2.0 kg object is stopped by the

Ans: 72 J
v 2=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m1 v 1 ) / m2=( 2.0 kg ×8.0 m s−1 +4.0 kg × 2.0 m s−1−0 ) / ( 4.0 kg )=6.0 m s−1;
−1 2
K 2=m2 v 2 / 2=4.0 kg × ( 6.0 m s ) / 2=72 J

(2) A 2.0 kg object moving at 8.0 m s−1 along a straight line overtakes a 4.0 kg object moving in the same
direction at 1.0 m s−1. Find the kinetic energy lost in the collision if the 2.0 kg object is stopped by the

Ans: 16 J
v 2=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m1 v 1 ) / m2=( 2.0 kg ×8.0 m s−1 +4.0 kg × 1.0 m s−1−0 ) / ( 4.0 kg )=5.0 m s−1;
| Δ K|=( m1 u21 +m2 u 22−m2 v 22 ) / 2=16 J
(3) A 2.0 kg object moving at 8.0 m s−1 along a straight line overtakes a 4.0 kg object moving in the same
direction at 4.0 ms−1. Find the change in kinetic energy in the collision if the 2.0 kg object is stopped by
the collision.

Ans: −64 J
v 2=( m1 u1 +m2 u2−m1 v 1 ) / m2=( 2.0 kg ×8.0 m s−1 +4.0 kg × 4.0 m s−1−0 ) / ( 4.0 kg )=8.0 m s−1 ;
Δ K =−( m1 u21 +m2 u22−m2 v 22 ) / 2=−64 J
Round 1 Physics
Round 1 Physics
Contest 36b

The mean free time between electron collisions in copper is 2.4 × 10−14 s .
(4) Determine the drift speed of electrons in copper in the presence of a 6.4 V m−1 electric field.

Ans: 0.027 m s−1

v d=eτE / m=1.60 ×10−19 C × 2.4 ×10−14 s × 6.4 V m−1 / ( 9.11× 10−31 kg ) =0.027 m s−1

(5) Determine the drift speed of electrons in copper in the presence of a 12 kV m−1 electric field.

Ans: 51 m s−1
v d=eτE / m=1.60 ×10−19 C × 2.4 ×10−14 s × 12×10 3 V m−1 / ( 9.11×10−31 kg ) =51 m s−1

(6) Find the magnitude of electric field for which the drift velocity in copper has a magnitude of 16 m s−1.

Ans: 3.8 kV m−1

E=m v d / eτ=9.11× 10−31 kg ×16 m s−1 / ( 1.60 ×10−19 C × 2.4 ×10−14 s )=3.8 kV m−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 36c

(7) A step-index optical fiber has a cladding refractive index of 1.52. Find the core refractive index required
for a numerical aperture of 0.175.

Ans: 1.53
n1= √ NA 2−n22= √ 0.1752 +1.522=1.53

(8) A step-index optical fiber has a cladding refractive index of 1.46 . Find the core refractive index required
for a numerical aperture of 0.250.

Ans: 1.48
n1= √ NA −n2= √ 0.250 +1.46 =1.48
2 2 2 2

(9) Find the numerical aperture of a step-index optical fiber with a core index of 1.46 and a cladding index
of 1.44 .

Ans: 0.241
NA =√ n21−n22= √ 1.46 2−1.442=0.241
Round 1 Physics
Contest 37a

(1) In a Franck-Hertz experiment conducted with a certain atomic vapor, the onset of the first drop in
current as the accelerating voltage is swept occurs at 4.90 V . Predict the wavelength of the spectral line
corresponding to the transition giving rise to the drop in current.

Ans: 254 nm
λ=hc / eV =6.63 ×10−34 J s ×3.00 ×10 8 m s−1 / ( 1.60 × 10−19 C ×4.90 V ) =254 nm

(2) Another atomic vapor which is known to emit strongly at 589.0 nm is used in a Franck-Hertz
experiment. Predict the voltage at which the first drop in current arising from the transition giving rise
to this wavelength is likely to be observed.

Ans: 2.105 V
V =hc / eλ=6.626 ×10−34 J s ×2.998 ×10 8 m s−1 / ( 1.602 ×10−19 C × 589.0× 10−9 m )=2.105 V
Accept 2.108 V
(3) The emission from the previous atomic vapor also includes a line of wavelength 589.6 nm . Predict the
voltage for the first drop in current for this line.

Ans: 2.103 V
V =hc / eλ=6.626 ×10−34 J s ×2.998 ×10 8 m s−1 / ( 1.602 ×10−19 C × 590× 10−9 m )=2.103 V
Accept 2.106 V
Round 1 Physics
Contest 37b

(4) Young’s modulus of an alloy is 9.7 × 1010 Pa and its bulk modulus is 1.4 × 1011 Pa . Find its Poisson

Ans: 0.38
ν=( 3 B−E ) / 6 B=( 3 ×1.4 × 1011 Pa−9.7 ×10 10 Pa ) / ( 6 ×1.4 ×10 11 Pa ) =0.38

(5) Find the shear modulus of the alloy with a Young modulus of 9.7 × 1010 Pa and a bulk modulus of
1.4 × 10 Pa .

Ans: 3.5 ×1 010 Pa

S=3 BE / ( 9 B−E )=3 ×1.4 ×1011 Pa× 9.7 ×10 10 Pa / ( 9 × 1.4 ×1011 Pa−9.7 ×1010 Pa ) =3.5 ×1010 Pa

(6) Young’s modulus of an alloy is 2.4 × 1011 Pa and its Poison ratio is 0.30 . Find its bulk modulus.

Ans: 2.0 ×1 011 Pa

B=E / 3 ( 1−2 ν ) =2.4 ×10 Pa / ( 3 × ( 1−2 ×0.30 ) )=2.0 ×10 Pa
11 11
Round 1 Physics
Contest 37c

(7) Find the speed of a conical pendulum of length 2.0 m inclined at 30 ° to the vertical.

Ans: 2.4 m s−1

v=√ gl sin θ / cos θ= √ 10 m s × 2.0 m×sin 30 ° / cos 30° =2.4 m s
2 −1 2 −1

(8) A conical pendulum of length 5.0 m inclined at 45 ° to the vertical has a bob of mass 2.0 kg . Find the
kinetic energy of the bob.

Ans: 35 J
2 2 −2 2
T =m v / 2=mgl sin θ / 2 cos θ=2.0 kg × 10 m s ×5.0 m× sin 45 ° / ( 2 cos 45° )=35 J

(9) Find the speed of a conical pendulum of length 3.0 m inclined at 60 ° to the vertical.

Ans: 6.7 m s−1

v=√ gl sin2 θ / cos θ= √ 10 m s−1 × 3.0 m×sin 2 60 ° / cos 60 °=6.7 m s−1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 38a

A Stern-Gerlach apparatus is operated with a collimated beam of atoms produced by a hot oven. The
incoming beam intensity is I and all the atoms in the beam have a total angular momentum quantum
number equal to 3 / 2.
(1) What is the intensity of the beam that exits the apparatus in the same direction as the incoming beam?

Ans: 0

(2) How many spots are observed on a screen placed ahead of the apparatus?

Ans: 4
2 F+1=4

(3) What are the intensities of each of the beams that emerge from the apparatus?

Ans: I / 4
I n=I / ( 2 F +1 ) =I / 4
Round 1 Physics
Contest 38b

A brachytherapy procedure involves implantation of seeds of iodine-125, an iodine isotope that decays
by electron capture with a half-life of about 60 d .
(4) If a 9.6 MBq iodine-125 seed is implanted in a patient and left in place, what is the residual activity
180 d after the procedure?

Ans: 1.2 MBq

−t / t 1 /2 −180d / ( 60 d )
A=A 0 2 =9.6 MBq ×2 =1.2 MBq

(5) How many iodine-125 atoms are there in a 14 MBq seed?

Ans: 1.0 ×1 014

6 −1 −1 14
N= A 0 t 1 / 2 / 0.693=14 × 10 s × 60 d × 86400 s d / 0.693=1.0 ×10

(6) One hundred and eighty days after seeds with a total activity of 160 MBq were implanted in a patient, a
top-up procedure was conducted in which additional seeds with a total activity of 64 MBq were
implanted. What is the residual activity 180 d after the top-up procedure?

Ans: 10.5 MBq

−t / t 1 /2 −t 1 / t 1/ 2 −360d / ( 60 d ) −180d / ( 60d )
A=A 0 2 0
+ A12 =160 MBq ×2 +64 MBq × 2 =10.5 MBq
Round 1 Physics
Contest 38c

A student monitors the level of water in a Veronica bucket by measuring the electrical resistance
between the top and bottom surfaces of water in the bucket. The bucket is in the shape of a truncated
right circular cone with a bottom radius of 0.20 m , a top radius of 0.25 m and a full vertical depth of
0.60 m . The resistivity of water in the bucket is 2500 Ω m.
(7) Determine the resistance the student measures when the bucket is full of water.

Ans: 9.5 kΩ

R= =0.60 m ×2500 Ω m / ( π ×0.25 m× 0.20 m )=9.5 kΩ
π rt rb
(8) Determine the resistance the student measures when the depth of water in the bucket is 0.50 m .

Ans: 8.2 kΩ
hρ 0.50 m×2500 Ωm
R= = =8.2 kΩ
π r b [ r b +h ( r t−r b ) / H ] π × 0.2 m× [ 0.2m+0.5 m × ( 0.25 m−0.20 m ) / ( 0.60 m) ]
(9) Determine the resistance the student measures when the depth of water in the bucket is 0.40 m .

Ans: 6.8 kΩ

R= =6.8 kΩ
π r b [ r b +h ( r t−r b ) / H ]
Round 1 Physics
Contest 39a

(1) Two 5.0 kg objects, one stationary and the other moving at 20 m s−1, collide elastically in such a manner
that the incoming object takes off at 30 ° to the line of approach. Find the kinetic energy of the incoming
object after the collision.

Ans: 750 J
1 −1 2
T 1= m1 u1 cos ψ=5.0 kg × ( 20 m s ) × cos 30 ° / 2=750 J
2 2 2

(2) In a similar elastic collision involving two objects each of mass 4.0 kg, the kinetic energy of the
stationary object is 840 J after the collision and the incoming object takes off at 60 ° to the line of
approach after the collision. Find the kinetic energy after the collision of the incoming object.

Ans: 280 J
2 2
T 1=T 2 cot ψ=840 J ×cot 60 °=28 0 J

(3) In another elastic collision of a similar kind, each object has a mass of 3.0 kg and the incoming object
takes off at 45 ° to the line of approach with a kinetic energy of 450 J . Find the initial kinetic energy of
the incoming object.

Ans: 900 J
2 2
T 0=T 1 sec ψ=450 J ×sec 45° =900 J
Round 1 Physics
Contest 39b

(4) Find the work done by 5.6 mol of a monoatomic ideal gas which undergoes an adiabatic process in
which its temperature changes from 250 K to 420 K .

Ans: 12 kJ
3 −1
W = nR ( T f −T i ) =3 ×5.6 mol × 8.314 J mol × ( 420 K−250 K ) /2=12 kJ

(5) A monatomic ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process in which its pressure changes from 1.2 ×105 Pa
to 2.1 ×105 Pa and its volume changes from 1.3 m3 to 0.80 m3. Find the work done by the gas in the

Ans: −18 kJ
1 3
W= ( P1 V 1−P2 V 2 ) = ( 1.2 ×10 5 Pa ×1.3 m3−2.1 ×105 Pa × 0.80 m3 ) =−18 kJ
γ −1 5−3

(6) A monatomic ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process in which its pressure changes from 1.5 ×105 Pa
to 2.5 ×105 Pa and its volume changes from 2.0 m3 to 0.40 m3. Find the work done by the gas in the

Ans: 300 kJ
1 3
( P V −P2 V 2 ) = 5−3 ( 1.5 × 10 Pa ×2.0 m −2.5 ×10 Pa ×0.40 m )=300 kJ
5 3 5 3
γ −1 1 1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 39c

(7) The double-slit experiment is performed with a slit separation of 1.0 mm and a separation between the
slits and the screen of 2.0 m. Find the wavelength of light that gives a fringe separation of 1.5 mm.

Ans: 750 nm
−3 −3
λ=ax / D=1.0 ×10 m× 1.5 ×10 m / ( 2.0 m )=750 nm

(8) Find the fringe separation for a wavelength of 550 nm in a double slit experiment in which the slit
separation is 0.50 mm and the distance between the slits and the screen is 4.0 m.

Ans: 4.4 mm
x=λD / a=550× 10−9 m× 4.0 m / ( 0.50× 10−3 m )=4.4 mm

(9) Find the difference in fringe separation for two wavelengths 5.0 nm apart in a double slit experiment in
which the slit separation is 2.0 mm and the distance between the slits and the screen is 10 m.

Ans: 2.5 ×1 0−5 m

Δ x =Δ λD / a=5.0 × 10−9 m× 10 m / ( 2.0× 10−3 m )=2.5 ×10−5 m
Round 1 Physics
Contest 40a

(1) A hydrogen atom moving away from a detector at 1.2 ×108 m s−1 makes a transition from the first
excited state to the ground state. Find the frequency of the radiation recorded by the detector.

Ans: 1.6 ×1 015 Hz

13.6 eV ×1.60 ×10
J eV
× 1−
( 21 ) =1.6 ×10
√ √
8 −1 8 −1 2
c−v Δ E 3.00 ×10 m s −1.2 ×10 m s 15
f= = 8 −1 8 −1
× −34
c+ v h 3.00 ×10 m s +1.2 ×10 m s 6.63 ×10 J s
(2) Find the frequency recorded by the detector if the hydrogen atom were moving towards the detector at
8 −1
1.2 ×10 m s when it makes the transition from the first excited state to the ground state.

Ans: 3.8 ×1 015 Hz

13.6 eV ×1.60 ×10
J eV
× 1−
( 21 ) =3.8 ×10
√ √
8 −1 8 −1 2
c+ v Δ E 3.00 ×10 m s +1.2 ×10 m s 15
f= = 8 −1 8 −1
× −34
c−v h 3.00 ×10 m s −1.2 ×10 m s 6.63 ×10 J s
(3) Another hydrogen atom moving at 1.5 ×108 m s−1 away from a detector makes a transition from the
second excited state to the first excited state. Find the frequency recorded by the detector.

Ans: 2.6 ×1 014 Hz

13.6 eV × 1.60× 10 J eV
× ( 21 − 31 ) =2.6 ×10
√ √
8 −1 8 −1 2 2
c−v Δ E 3.00 ×10 m s −1.5 ×10 m s 14
f= = × Hz
c+ v h 3.00 ×10 8 m s−1 +1.5 ×108 m s−1 6.63 × 10 −34
Round 1 Physics
Round 1 Physics
Contest 40b

(4) Find the speed of an electron at which its de Broglie wavelength is 5.0 pm.

Ans: 1.3 ×1 08 m s−1


v=c / √ 1+ ( λmc / h ) =c / 1+ ( λ / λ C ) =3.0 ×10 m s / √ 1+ ( 5.0 pm /2.426 pm ) =1.3 ×10 m s
2 8 −1 2 8 −1

(5) Find the speed of an electron at which its de Broglie wavelength is 3.0 pm.

Ans: 1.9 ×1 08 m s−1


v=c / √ 1+ ( λmc / h ) =c / 1+ ( λ / λ C ) =3.0 ×10 m s / √ 1+ ( 3.0 pm / 2.426 pm ) =1.9 ×10 m s
2 8 −1 2 8 −1

(6) Find the speed of an electron at which its de Broglie wavelength is 1.5 pm.

Ans: 2.6 ×1 08 m s−1


v=c / √ 1+ ( λmc / h ) =c / 1+ ( λ / λ C ) =3.0 ×10 m s / √ 1+ ( 1.5 pm /2.426 pm ) =2.6 ×10 m s
2 8 −1 2 8 −1
Round 1 Physics
Contest 40c

A particle of mass 3.3 ×10−27 kg is trapped inside a cube of side 15 pm by infinitely high potential walls.
The potential energy of the particle is everywhere zero inside the cube.
(7) What is the ground state energy of the particle?

Ans: 2.2 ×1 0−19 J

h2 3 ( 6.63 ×10 J s )

2( x
n + n y +n z ) = ×
2 2 2 −19
E111= =2.2×10 J
8mL 8 3.3 ×10 kg × ( 15 ×10 m )
−27 −12 2

(8) What is the energy difference between the first excited state and the ground state of the particle?

Ans: 2.2 ×1 0−19 J

h2 6−3 ( 6.63 ×10 J s )
E112 −E111= Δ ( n2x + n2y +n2z ) = × =2.2 ×10−19 J
8 3.3× 10 kg × ( 15× 10 m)
−27 −12 2

(9) What is the energy difference between the third and second excited states of the particle?

Ans: 1.5 ×1 0−19 J

h2 11−9 ( 6.63 ×10−34 J s )
E113 −E122 = 2
Δ ( x y z) 8
n 2
+ n2
+ n2
= × 2
=1.5 ×10−19 J
3.3× 10 kg × ( 15 × 10 m )
−27 −12

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