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Activities of the Unit #9 and Unit #10

Linares Collaguaso Ana Lucia

Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Technical University of Quevedo

English VI

Lic. Teresa Schettini

1. Which of these changes are the most important? How are they affected the way we live?
For me, in my opinion, the most important change we are experiencing has been in education. Before,
teachers only relied on memorization and learning the same thing where there was no change, only what the
teacher said was, from the teacher to the students. Nowadays we are experiencing a great change in
education, it is more dynamic. and of our own criteria and also with the technology that is on our side to
develop new ideas and their advances, facilitating what was previously most difficult in education for
students. I can experience that today learning can be more flexible for both students and teachers.

2. Do you think any of these changes could occur in your lifetime?

Yes, in fact, most of the changes have already happened and the rest will be in the future.

3. Can you think of two other changes that could occur in the future?
Most of the changes have already been seen and the worst threat to humanity is that we will be
replaced by machines later.
Activity: Add your own consequences to the if clauses in column A

1. If you sleep less during the day. F
a. may be hungry all day.
2. If you do homework at night, C
3. If you don't have a good breakfast, A b. you might learn nothing.
4. If you change thought, D c. You will have more time in the day.
5. If you do not study the exhibition, B d. You won't let yourself be helped.
6. Yes, study, E e. You will not be able to work.
F. You may not rest well
Currently, our country has changed a lot, especially in terms of
education and also for our comfort. As a community, there were some
disadvantages for some people, but the majority of us have benefited
from the different benefits it has so far, we can move around more.
quickly, and also arrive safer to our homes with our families
Which of these skills do you think are most important for work? in life? Why?
ability thinking: the ability to develop different abilities that human beings have.
Look at the ones you have marked. What jobs do you think you might be good at?
• Critical: it is essential to develop in life, since thanks to that we can solve problems, to be able
to analyze situations of diversity that arise
• Creativity: it is essential for every person where everyone unleashes their imagination and
creates creative and good work.
Look at the ones you have marked. What jobs do you think you could be good at?
 Technologist
 Teacher.
 Psychologist
 Mister




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