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ID: 954943a4

Jennifer bought a box of Crunchy Grain cereal. The nutrition facts on the box state

that a serving size of the cereal is cup and provides 210 calories, 50 of which
are calories from fat. In addition, each serving of the cereal provides 180
milligrams of potassium, which is 5% of the daily allowance for adults. If p percent
of an adult’s daily allowance of potassium is provided by x servings of Crunchy
Grain cereal per day, which of the following expresses p in terms of x ?




ID: d28c29e1

The International Space Station orbits Earth at an average speed of 4.76 miles per
second. What is the space station’s average speed in miles per hour?

A. 285.6

B. 571.2

C. 856.8

D. 17,136.0
ID: b4912cc5

The population density of Iceland, in people per square kilometer of land area,
increased from 2.5 in 1990 to 3.3 in 2014. During this time period, the land area of
Iceland was 100,250 square kilometers. By how many people did Iceland’s
population increase from 1990 to 2014?

A. 330,825

B. 132,330

C. 125,312

D. 80,200
ID: 65c49824

A school district is forming a committee to discuss plans for the construction of a

new high school. Of those invited to join the committee, 15% are parents of
students, 45% are teachers from the current high school, 25% are school and
district administrators, and the remaining 6 individuals are students. How many
more teachers were invited to join the committee than school and district
ID: 3726e079

If and , what is the value of ?

ID: 0ea56bb2


2012 5,600

2013 5,880

The manager of an online news service received the report above on the number of
subscriptions sold by the service. The manager estimated that the percent
increase from 2012 to 2013 would be double the percent increase from 2013 to
2014. How many subscriptions did the manager expect would be sold in 2014?

A. 6,020

B. 6,027

C. 6,440

D. 6,468
ID: 8e528129

Pure beeswax has a density of 0.555 ounce per cubic inch. An online company
sells pure beeswax at a price of $8.00 per ounce. What is the selling price, in
dollars per cubic inch, for pure beeswax purchased from this company?
ID: 0231050d

The line graph shows the total amount of snow, in inches, recorded each year in
Washington, DC, from 2003 to 2015. If is the percent decrease in the annual
snowfall from 2003 to 2007, what is the value of p ?
ID: 707db2d3

For the finale of a TV show, viewers could use either social media or a text
message to vote for their favorite of two contestants. The contestant receiving
more than 50% of the vote won. An estimated 10% of the viewers voted, and 30%
of the votes were cast on social media. Contestant 2 earned 70% of the votes cast
using social media and 40% of the votes cast using a text message. Based on this
information, which of the following is an accurate conclusion?

A. If all viewers had voted, Contestant 2 would have won.

B. Viewers voting by social media were likely to be younger than viewers voting by text message.

C. If all viewers who voted had voted by social media instead of by text message, Contestant 2 would have won.

D. Viewers voting by social media were more likely to prefer Contestant 2 than were viewers voting by text message.
ID: c9fb15ad

Species of Growth
tree factor

Red maple 4.5

River birch 3.5

Cottonwood 2.0

Black walnut 4.5

White birch 5.0

American elm 4.0

Pin oak 3.0


One method of calculating the approximate age, in years, of a tree of a particular

species is to multiply the diameter of the tree, in inches, by a constant called the
growth factor for that species. The table above gives the growth factors for eight
species of trees. If a white birch tree and a pin oak tree each now have a diameter
of 1 foot, which of the following will be closest to the difference, in inches, of their
diameters 10 years from now? (1 foot = 12 inches)

A. 1.0

B. 1.2

C. 1.3

D. 1.4
ID: 63573fea

During the first month of sales, a company sold 1,300,000 units of a certain type of
smartphone. During the same month, 15% of the units sold were returned. If sales
and the return rate remain the same for each of the next 5 months, about how
many units of this smartphone will be returned to the company during this 6-month

A. 195,000

B. 975,000

C. 1,170,000

D. 6,630,000
ID: 69f6717f

A sample of oak has a density of kilograms per cubic meter. The sample is in the shape of a cube, where each edge has
a length of meters. To the nearest whole number, what is the mass, in kilograms, of this sample?




ID: fea831fc

On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere set off on his midnight ride from Charlestown to
Lexington. If he had ridden straight to Lexington without stopping, he would have
traveled 11 miles in 26 minutes. In such a ride, what would the average speed of
his horse have been, to the nearest tenth of a mile per hour?
ID: d693f563

Last year, Cedric had plants in his garden. This year, the number of plants in Cedric’s garden is greater than the
number of plants in his garden last year. How many plants does Cedric have in his garden this year?
ID: 181cc4d6

Rectangle A has length 15 and width w. Rectangle B has length 20 and the same
length-to-width ratio as rectangle A. What is the width of rectangle B in terms
of w ?




ID: 7cab9fe1

Which expression represents the result of increasing a positive quantity by ?




ID: 3638f413

Jeremy deposited x dollars in his investment account on January 1, 2001. The

amount of money in the account doubled each year until Jeremy had 480 dollars in
his investment account on January 1, 2005. What is the value of x ?
ID: 445dd032

Tanya earns $13.50 per hour at her part-time job. When she works z hours, she
earns dollars. Which of the following expressions gives the amount, in
dollars, Tanya will earn if she works hours?




ID: 121dc44f

The population of City A increased by from to . If the population is times the population, what is
the value of ?




ID: 939c46d1

The glass pictured above can hold a maximum volume of 473 cubic centimeters,
which is approximately 16 fluid ounces. Jenny has a pitcher that contains 1 gallon
of water. How many times could Jenny completely fill the glass with 1 gallon of

A. 16

B. 8

C. 4

D. 3
ID: 8a714fa1

Which of the following represents the result of increasing the

quantity x by 9%, where ?




ID: 3f775bbf

Power capacity
Low Medium High Total

Texas 4 2 3 9

California 1 0 1 2

Oregon 1 0 1 2

Indiana 0 2 0 2

Colorado 1 1 0 2

Iowa 2 0 0 2

Oklahoma 1 0 0 1

Total 10 5 5 20

The table shows the distribution, by location and power capacity (maximum rate of
power generation) of the twenty largest wind projects in the United States in 2013.
The total power capacity of the nine wind projects located in Texas was 4,952
megawatts (MW), and the total power capacity of the twenty wind projects was
11,037 MW in 2013. The amount of energy produced in one hour at a rate of one
megawatt is one megawatt-hour. If each of the nine Texas wind projects in 2013
had operated continuously for 24 hours at the maximum rate of power generation,
approximately how many megawatt-hours of energy would the nine projects have

A. 200

B. 5,000

C. 11,000

D. 120,000
ID: 8637294f

If and , what is the value of ?

ID: 8e2e424e

The number k is 36% greater than 50. If k is the product of

50 and r, what is the value of r ?

A. 36

B. 3.6

C. 1.36

D. 0.36
ID: e21d10a7

One of a planet's moons orbits the planet every days. A second moon orbits the planet every days. How many more
days does it take the second moon to orbit the planet times than it takes the first moon to orbit the planet times?
ID: 7d721177

The density of a certain type of wood is kilograms per cubic meter. A sample of this type of wood is in the shape of a
cube and has a mass of kilograms. To the nearest hundredth of a meter, what is the length of one edge of this sample?




ID: 67c0200a

The number is less than the positive number . The number is greater than . The number is how many
times ?
ID: 40e7a1a9

is greater than . What is the value of ?

ID: 8917ce38

Which of the following speeds is equivalent to 90 kilometers per

hour? (1 kilometer = 1,000 meters)

A. 25 meters per second

B. 32 meters per second

C. 250 meters per second

D. 324 meters per second

ID: ec787383

A distance of furlongs is equivalent to how many feet?

ID: 7e6c745f

Food Protein Cost

1 large egg 6 grams $0.36

1 cup of milk 8 grams $0.24

The table above shows the amount of protein in two foods and the cost of each
food. Based on the table, what is the ratio of the cost per gram of protein in a large
egg to the cost per gram of protein in a cup of milk?

A. 1 : 2

B. 2 : 3

C. 3 : 4

D. 2 : 1
ID: 709e04de

The value of is times . The value of is what percent greater than ?




ID: ba61d95f

The population of Greenville increased by from to . If the population is times the population,
what is the value of ?




ID: 873d2838

The population density of Cedar County is people per square mile. The county has a population of people. What
is the area, in square miles, of Cedar County?
ID: 8cbf1415

In a group, % of the items are red. Of all the red items in the group, % also have stripes. What percentage of the items in
the group are red with stripes?

A. %

B. %

C. %

D. %
ID: c7c6445f

A certain town has an area of square miles. What is the area, in square yards, of this town?




ID: 73ddfdac

A distance of furlongs is equivalent to how many feet?

ID: 96a45430

A number n is increased 6%. If the result is

318, what is the value of n ?

A. 199

B. 299

C. 300

D. 337
ID: 61b87506

For the values and , the ratio of to is to . If is multiplied by , what is multiplied by in order to maintain the
same ratio?
ID: b2f6f17d

A customer’s monthly water bill was $75.74. Due to a rate increase, her monthly bill
is now $79.86. To the nearest tenth of a percent, by what percent did the amount of
the customer’s water bill increase?

A. 4.1%

B. 5.1%

C. 5.2%

D. 5.4%
ID: eb672707

How many tablespoons are equivalent to teaspoons?

ID: 55818046
According to the 2010 Census, the adult population aged 18 years or greater of the United States in 2010 was 234,564,071.
In 2010, a survey was conducted among a randomly chosen sample of adults aged 18 years or greater in the United States
about their preference to live in a warm climate or a cool climate. The table below displays a summary of the survey results.
Climate Preferences
Warm Cool Total

18–35 years old 295 168 45 508

36–50 years old 246 123 41 410

51–65 years old 238 117 48 403

Greater than 65
137 78 64 279
years old

Total 916 486 198 1,600

Which of the following is closest to the difference between the percentage of

adults aged 18–50 years who responded “warm” and the percentage of adults
aged 51 years or greater who responded “warm”?

A. 4%

B. 5%

C. 10%

D. 18%
ID: 20845d36

The number is less than the positive number . The number is greater than . The number is how many
times ?
ID: cb4894f9

A triathlon is a multisport race consisting of three different legs. A triathlon participant completed the cycling leg with an
average speed of miles per hour. What was the average speed, in yards per hour, of the participant during the cycling
ID: 1180401d

The total area of a coastal city is 92.1 square miles, of which 11.3 square miles is
water. If the city had a population of 621,000 people in the year 2010, which of the
following is closest to the population density, in people per square mile of land
area, of the city at that time?

A. 6,740

B. 7,690

C. 55,000

D. 76,000
ID: f6cbb04a

The equation above can be used to calculate the distance d, in miles, traveled by a
car moving at a speed of 55 miles per hour over a period of t hours. For any
positive constant k, the distance the car would have traveled after hours is how
many times the distance the car would have traveled after hours?

A. 3

B. 6


ID: 96c3e32d

One side of a flat board has an area of square inches. If a pressure of pounds per square inch of area is exerted on
this side of the board, what is the total force, in pounds, exerted on this side of the board?
ID: 2e92cc21

The number is greater than the number . The number is less than . What is the value of ?
ID: 8c5dbd3e

The number is greater than the number . The number is less than . What is the value of ?
ID: 94c65646

is of what number?
ID: 7b731fc3

What number is greater than ?

ID: e9f4521a

is of . What is the value of ?

ID: 89c39d77

A competition consisted of four different events. One participant completed the first event with an average speed of
miles per hour. What was this average speed, in yards per hour?
ID: 3d73a58b

A gift shop buys souvenirs at a wholesale price of dollars each and resells them each at a retail price that is of
the wholesale price. At the end of the season, any remaining souvenirs are marked at a discounted price that is off the
retail price. What is the discounted price of each remaining souvenir, in dollars?
ID: 566759ef

Thomas installed a new stove in his restaurant. At the time of installation, the stove
had a value of $800. Thomas estimates that each year the value of the stove will
depreciate by 20% of the previous year’s estimated value. What is the estimated
value of the stove exactly 2 years after Thomas installed it?

A. $480

B. $512

C. $556

D. $640
ID: 040f2a84

The regular price of a shirt at a store is . The sale price of the shirt is less than the regular price, and the sale
price is greater than the store's cost for the shirt. What was the store’s cost, in dollars, for the shirt? (Disregard the
sign when entering your answer. For example, if your answer is , enter )
ID: 8213b1b3

According to a set of standards, a certain type of substance can contain a maximum of phosphorus by mass. If a
sample of this substance has a mass of grams, what is the maximum mass, in grams, of phosphorus the sample can
contain to meet these standards?
ID: 34f8cd89

of the items in a box are green. Of those, are also rectangular. Of the green rectangular items, are also
metal. Which of the following is closest to the percentage of the items in the box that are not rectangular green metal items?




ID: 20b69297

Anita created a batch of green paint by mixing 2 ounces of blue paint with 3
ounces of yellow paint. She must mix a second batch using the same ratio of blue
and yellow paint as the first batch. If she uses 5 ounces of blue paint for the
second batch, how much yellow paint should Anita use?

A. Exactly 5 ounces

B. 3 ounces more than the amount of yellow paint used in the first batch

C. 1.5 times the amount of yellow paint used in the first batch

D. 1.5 times the amount of blue paint used in the second batch
ID: d6456c7a

A certain park has an area of square yards. What is the area, in square miles, of this park?




ID: 51c9d65f

For a certain rectangular region, the ratio of its length to its width is to . If the width of the rectangular region increases
by units, how must the length change to maintain this ratio?

A. It must decrease by units.

B. It must increase by units.

C. It must decrease by units.

D. It must increase by units.

ID: 25faa756

The number is greater than the positive number . The number is less than . The number is how many
times ?
ID: ad911622

The value of a collectible comic book increased by from the end of to the end of and then decreased by
from the end of to the end of . What was the net percentage increase in the value of the collectible comic
book from the end of to the end of ?





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