Avaliação de Inglês-3a Série

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Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Teacher: Cecy Coimbra
Série - 3a / 4o Período

Atividade Avaliativa

1- Read the text and mark the correct answer:

Bill Gates' Daughter Can't Use Her Computer All Day

Her father may have made lots of money in computer software, but Bill Gates' daughter can
only spend a limited amount of time each day in front of a monitor.
Gates told a meeting in Ottawa, Canada that his 10-year-old daughter started using her
computer several hours a day to play video games.
Gates decided to limit her computer time to 45 minutes a day, plus time for the homework
she receives from school.

Based on the text, it is correct to say that:

a) Gates' daughter can’t only spend a limited amount of time each day in front of a monitor.
b) Bill Gates doesn't want his daughter to spend the entire day in front of a computer.
c) Gate’s daughter doesn’t like playing vídeo games, she likes playing the guitar.
d) Gates decided to limit her computer time to 55 minutes a day.
e) Bill Gates’ daughter is 12 years old.

2- Read the statement below and mark the correct answer:

Sandra says, “yeah, I’m ​young​, ​rich​, ​beautiful​, and ​famous​. People think ​rich​ people are
happy​. That’s not always true!

The words in bold are:

a) Personal Pronouns.
b) Present PePerfect.
c) Phrasal Verbs.
d) Adjectives.
e) Articles.

3- Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada lacuna da frase adiante:

Do you think __________ is as experienced as __________?

a)her – I
b) him – she
c) she – I
d) myself – we
e) they – him
Marque as alternativas corretas:

4- I live ____ New York City.


5- ​Go to the house ____ Brick Street.


6- (Cesesp – PE) “In some ……………….. of the Middle East

…………… can have four ……….”
a) country – men – wife
b) countries – man – wifes
c) countries – men – wives
d) countries – man’s – wives
e) countrys – men’s – wives

7- (Cesesp – PE) “Most …… and …….. are afraid of ………”

a) womans – childs – mouses
b) women’s – children’s – mouses
c) women – children – mice
d) womans – children – mices
e) womens – children – mices

8- (FMU – SP) ………………. are animals.

a) Sheeps, deers, ox, geese
b) Sheep, deer, oxes, goose
c) Sheeps, deers, oxes, geese
d) Sheeps, deer, oxen, goose
e) Sheep, deer, oxen, geese

9- (UFBA – BA) A única palavra em cujo plural o –y não é substituído

por –ies é:
a) lady.
b) baby.
c) family.
d) cowboy.
e) fancy.

10- (ITA – SP) Dadas as informações de que o plural de

1. OX é OXEN
constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):
a) apenas a afirmação 1.
b) apenas a afirmação 2.
c) apenas a afirmação 3.
d) apenas as afirmações 1 e 2.
e) todas as afirmações.

God bless you!

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