Taller 4

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Three Irrational, Rigid Attitudes

1. I have to do perfectly or be perfect.

2. You and other have to treat me nicely!

3. Life has to be easy, secure, predictable, and comfortable.

Three Rational, Flexible Alternative Attitudes

1. I want to do perfectly well, but do not (absolutely) have to do so.

2. I would like you and others to treat me nicely, but you and others do not
(absolutely) have to do so.
3. I wish life were easy, secure, predictable, and comfortable but it does not
have to be so.
Three Derivatives or Secondary Extreme Attitudes Stemming from the Rigid

1. It is awful, terrible, the end of the world.

2. It is unbearable, I cannot stand or tolerate it.

3a.I am a bad person, a failure or worthless.

3b.You are a bad person, a failure or worthless.

3c.Life is totally bad.

Three Derivative or Secondary Attidues Stemming from the Flexible Attitudes
that are Non-Extreme

1. It is bad not awful, terrible or the end of the world.

2. It is uncomfortable, not unbearable or intolerable. I can stand it. It is worth

bearing, I am worth doing it for, I commit to doing it.
3a. I did a bad thing or failed but I am not a bad person, a failure, or a
worthless person.
3b.You did a bad thing but you are not a bad person, a failure or a worthless

3c. Life is a mix of bad, neutral and good happenings but is not totally bad.

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