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Learning the Law of Time

Peace Lightning was in the midst of a epic lesson in levitation when his phone chimed,
letting him know his hour was up. Losing focus caused him to crash down to the floor from
where he was hovering 8 inches above it just seconds earlier. Levitation, along with biokinesis
and telekinesis were all new skills that Peace had honed since his education on The Law of Time
had begun just 30 months prior. Since that fateful summer day 2 years ago when the little
Pleadian wizard, Machais, first mentioned a website about the Law of Time, Peace’s world, hell
his entire reality, had been thrown topsy-turvy. Everything he thought he knew was wrong. The
techni-color veil which was the Purple Haze Jimi sang about, and which had fogged his brain for
his first 4 decades was lifted, or rather he rose above it and he would never see the world the
same again.
Over the last 2 years many unbelievable and magical things had occurred over and over as
Peace went about his normal everyday existence. Peace had used the force on a TSA agent who
held a half kilo of MDMA which the agent had just pulled out of Peace’s carry-on assuring the
airport cop that it was ok for Peace to have that medicine and that Peace loved and respected the
agent for doing such a meaningful job. Peace then placed the ecstasy back in his carryon and
boarded his flight to Boston’s Logan airport. Peace had learned the law and taken authority over
his life no longer needing to register his vehicles or drive with a valid driver’s license. Peace had
changed his eyes from blue to bioluminescent silver and learned hermetic secrets known only by
a handful of humans since the last great flood. He learned he was an Andromadean Ambassador
to Earth, part of the Galactic Peace Council of which Peace’s genetic ancestry belonged. He
learned he was a Baron on Sealand, a tiny principality off the coast of Great Britain and that his
family has practiced hermetic rituals and were the knowledge keepers for humanity for millenia
prior. His ancestry contained Pharoahs, Knights, Wizards and were contemporaries to
Malchizadek, Jesus Christ, and the Buddha here on Gaia and had possessed knowledge of sound
healing which was now going to help humanity on their next step of evolution and ascension. To
top it all off he is in Jedi training and learning the ancient martial art of Wing Chun Kungfu.
He had days where he was in Bruce Almighty and every traffic light was green and every bird
was singing for him. He felt an earthquake 500 miles away as his senses were evolving. He had a
stranger tell him that he and 13 friends would save the world and he had a stranger call him by
name and tell him he was being watched on a muni bus one night and he had recently added
levitation to his superhuman repertoire of skills and feats, not to mention all the things he had
written which then happened. It was as if he had leveled up and was being allowed to program
the reality he lived in day to day. Life just got stranger every day. Hovering airplanes every time
his wife or he passed the local airport, commercial 747’s literally hovering in place like
hummingbirds. The ability to look and look again until the item he was trying to find finally
appears, even when the item was not in the store to begin with. Even mermaids, aliens and other
multi or higher dimensional entities and beings were apt to make appearances as Peace went
about hir normal, or at least used to be normal, routine.

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