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This chapter discusses the level of their positive and negative mental health

condition, their academic performance, how their positive and negative mental health

condition influenced their academic performance, and lastly, the discussion of the results.

Level of Students’ Positive Mental Health Condition

One of the aims of this study was to determine the level of nursing students’

positive mental health condition. As shown in Table 3, the overall mean score is 3.82

(SD=.951). Further, the standard deviation of 0.951 suggests that the values in the dataset

are moderately spread out around the mean and is acceptable. The data points deviate

from the mean by an average of approximately 0.951 units.

Table 3. Level of the Positive Mental Health Condition of Nursing Students

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation
Positive Mental 105 3.82 .951 High There is a high
Health Condition significance in
the students’
mental health

All statements corresponding to the students’ positive mental health condition fall

along high level. Among the positive mental health condition of nursing students, being

challenged by the academic work is given highest regard by the students with a mean

score of 4.18. This are followed by their feeling that their academic work is important and

relevant to the society (4.14) and their belief that they can achieve their goals even with
obstacles. Among the conditions which students give the lowest regard is their sense of

feeling good about themselves (3.54), confidence in their academic abilities (3.55) and

being satisfied with their lives (3.59).

Level of Students’ Negative Mental Health Condition

This study also aimed to determine the level of students’ negative mental health

condition. Table 4 shows the level in which students express being mentally negative.

The overall means score of 3.10 (SD=1.236). The standard deviation of 1.236 suggests a

moderate level of variability in the data, where values may deviate moderately from the

mean. The data points deviate from the mean by an average of approximately 1.236 units.

The data points are somewhat spread out, but not excessively so, which is acceptable.

Table 4. Level of the Negative Mental Health Condition of Nursing Students

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation

Negative Mental 105 3.10 1.236 Moderately High There is a

Health Condition moderate
significance in
the students’
mental health

Among the fifteen statements, it was their recent nervousness and stress they felt

that was highest with a mean score of 4.01. Similarly, the feeling of being bothered,

nervous and anxious (3.66) as well as being down, depressed and hopeless (3.54).

However, the least of their negative mental condition is about the absence of friends to

share their joys and sorrows, criticizing and blaming other people for things (2.48) and

their feeling that they could not overcome their difficulties.

Level of Students’ Academic Performance

Another aim of this study is to determine the academic performance of the

nursing students. Table 5 shows the average general weighted average of the students.

The grades of the respondents range from 81% to 90% which all fall above the passing

grade of the institution where they are studying which is 60%. The mean grade is 84.97%

which means the academic performance of the respondents are above the passing

percentage set by their college.

Table 5. Level of Academic Performance of Nursing Students

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation

Academic Average The nursing

Performance students have
105 84.97 2.251 displayed

Correlation of Positive Mental Health Condition and Academic Performance of

Nursing Students

This study aimed to determine if academic positive mental health condition is

significantly correlated with positive mental health condition of nursing students. Table 6

shows the correlation coefficient and significance value between the two variables. From

the results, it can be drawn that positive mental condition and academic performance has

a weak positive and statistically significant correlation (r=.377, p<.05). This means that

as students’ positive mental health condition increase, their academic performance would

also increase.

Table 6. Correlation coefficients of positive mental health condition and Academic
performance of Nursing Students
Academic Positive Mental Health
Performance Condition

Pearson Academic 1 .377

Correlation Performance

Positive Mental .377 1

Health Condition

Sig. (1-tailed) Academic .000*


Positive Mental .000*

Health Condition

*Correlation is significant at 0.05 level of significance

Influence of Positive Mental Health Condition and Academic Performance of

Nursing Students

One of the main purposes of this study to determine if positive mental health

condition of students would significantly influence their academic performance. It is

hypothesized that positive mental health condition of nursing students do not

significantly influence their academic performance. Table 7 shows the model fit summary

of the regression analysis.

Table 7. Model Fit Measures of the influence of positive mental health condition to
academic performance of Nursing Students
Overall Model Fit

Adjusted R df1 df2 (residual) F p value

Model R R Square Square

1 .377a .142 .134 1 103 17.045 .000b

Predictors: (Constant), positive mental health condition

It can be said from the R square value of .142 that 14% of the variance in

academic performance is accounted for by the students’ positive mental health condition.

This supports the weak positive correlation indicating that the relationship between the

two variables weak yet still positive. The p value of 0.000 indicated that 14% is still

significantly different from zero. Hence there is enough reason to say that students’

positive mental health condition significantly influences their academic performance, F

(1,103) =17.045.

Further, Table 8 shows the beta coefficient value of the regression for positive

mental health condition and academic performance.

Table 8. Model Coefficients of the influence of positive mental health condition to

academic performance of Nursing Students

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Predictor Estimate (β) SE β t p

Intercept 82.067 .733 112.002 .000

Positive Mental .796 .193 .377 4.129 .000

Health Condition

Dependent: positive mental health condition

Data reveals that positive mental health condition (β=0.796, t=4.129, p<.05) is

positively associated with academic performance. In fact, for every one unit increase in

the positive mental health condition, there is a .796 increase in their academic


Correlation of Negative Mental Health Condition and Academic Performance of
Nursing Students

This study also aimed to find out if academic negative mental health condition is

significantly correlated with academic performance of nursing students. Table 9 shows

the correlation coefficient and significance value between the two variables.

From the results, it can be drawn that negative mental condition and academic

performance has a weak negative and statistically significant correlation (r=-.279, p<.05).

This means that as students’ negative mental health condition increases, their academic

performance decreases. This is explained by the negative r value.

Table 9. Correlation coefficients of negative mental health condition and Academic

performance of Nursing Students
Academic Negative Mental
Performance Health Condition

Pearson Academic Performance 1 -.279

Negative Mental Health Condition -.279 1

Academic Performance .002

Sig. (1-tailed) Negative Mental Health Condition .002

Influence of Negative Mental Health Condition and Academic Performance of

Nursing Students

Another main purposes of this study to determine if the students’ negative mental

health condition would significantly influence their academic performance.

It is hypothesized that negative mental health condition of nursing students do not

significantly influence their academic performance. Table 10 shows the model fit

summary of the regression analysis.

Table 10. Model Fit Measures of the influence of negative mental health condition to
academic performance of Nursing Students
Overall Model Fit

Adjusted R df1 df2 (residual) F p value

Model R R Square Square

1 .279a .078 .069 1 103 8.708 .004b

Predictors: (Constant), negative mental health condition

It can be said from the R square value of .078 that 8% of the variance in academic

performance is accounted for by the students’ negative mental health condition. This

supports the claim that the relationship between the two variables weak and negative. The

p value of 0.004 indicated that 8% is still significantly different from zero. Hence there is

enough reason to say that students’ negative mental health condition significantly

influences their academic performance, F (1,103) =8.708

In addition, Table 11 shows the beta coefficient value of the regression for

negative mental health condition and academic performance.

Table 11. Model Coefficients of the influence of negative mental health condition to
academic performance of Nursing Students
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Predictor Estimate (β) SE β t p

Intercept 87.378 .843 103.706 .000

Positive Mental -.700 .237 -.279 -2.951 .004

Health Condition

Dependent: negative mental health condition

Data reveals that negative mental health condition (β=-.700, t=-2.951, p<.05) is

negatively associated with academic performance. In fact, for every one unit increase in

the negative mental health condition, there is a .700 decrease in their academic


This study hypothesized that their mental health condition, positive or negative

has no significant effect towards their academic performance. Based on the results, there

is enough data to say that having positive or negative mental health condition can have an

effect on their academic performance. Based on the results on Table 3 about the students’

positive mental health condition, the result has deviated moderately. However, Table 4

which is about the students’ negative mental health condition has a much higher

deviation, it can also be seen on Table 7 which is the Influence of Positive Mental Health

Condition and Academic Performance of Nursing Students that it has a 14% variance

compared to Table 10 which is the Influence of Negative Mental Health Condition and

Academic Performance of Nursing Students only have an 8% variance.

It can be said that positive mental health condition has a greater impact to the

students’ academic grades than students having negative mental health condition towards

their academic grades. Even though having negative mental health condition has a

smaller impact, it is still significant to know and understand that having a negative mental

health condition has an effect towards the students’ grades and it should still not be

disregarded. In fact, it should be discussed even more because it was stated in one of the

articles in Chapter I of the study that some of the reasons that Filipino students do not

seek mental health condition services is because of the presence of stigma towards

seeking help about mental health condition.


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