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Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

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Review article

Analytical methods for the analysis of bromoform in red seaweed

Asparagopsis armata and Asparagopsis taxiformis – A review
Joshua L. Hutchings , Yevgeniya Grebneva , Sarah J. Dilmetz , Daniel W.M. Pincher ,
Peter Hoffmann *
University of South Australia, Clinical and Health Sciences, Australia


Keywords: Global warming is a significant risk to all species on this planet and is exacerbated by the release of greenhouse
Bromoform gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Agricultural practices represent >20 % of the total GHG emissions with 14.6 %
Methanogenesis being ruminant livestock farming alone. The red seaweed species Asparagopsis taxiformis and Asparagopsis armata
are a significant source of bioactive substances including brominated compounds that have been shown to reduce
Gas chromatography
methane emission of livestock by up to 98 % when supplemented into livestock feeding regimes. Bromoform is a
Quantitative methods major contributor to the reduction in methanogenesis and can be found in remarkably high concentrations of
1–5 % in the dry mass of Asparagopsis species. The high toxicity of bromoform makes it essential for the emerging
seaweed industry to accurately quantify bromoform in Asparagopsis. Bromoform quantification is normally
conducted on a hyphenated gas chromatography system due to its volatility and routine quantification methods
have been established for over 60 years in water and air. The complexity of the algal matrix provides a challenge
for researchers and industry alike to extract and quantify bromoform in a manner that is safe, green, cost-
effective and reflective of the actual concentration. This review summarises gas chromatography instrumenta­
tion and methods, non-chromatography instrumentation potentially useful for quantification, sample preparation
methods, in-field analysis, and storage and stability of bromoform in seaweed.

1. Introduction microbial fermentation creating the gaseous waste of CH4 and CO2
[4–7]. The consumption of meats will rise with the population due to the
Global warming is a significant issue that threatens all species on this inherent nutritional value and cultural significance perceived by society
planet by an increase in land and ocean temperatures, leading to more [8]. A growing population expected to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050
frequent and extreme meteorological events [1]. Greenhouse gases and a lack of sustainable technologies is exacerbating the problem [9].
(GHG) contribute to global warming with the main source being human The family of Bonnemaisoniaceae, belonging to the large phyla of
practices such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, marine red algae, Rhodophyta, contains two noteworthy species of the
manufacturing and agriculture that produce N2O, CH4 and CO2 [2]. red seaweed Asparagopsis, A. armata and A. taxiformis. Asparagopsis spp.
Currently, livestock farming is the source of 14.6 % of all human con­ have been shown to produce a wide range of halogenated metabolites
tributions to GHG emissions producing an estimated 7.1 billion tonnes of with biological activities which have been demonstrated to reduce
CO2-equivalent (CO2e) per annum [3]. This is mostly through ruminant methane emissions whilst increasing feed efficiency when incorporated
animals, like cattle and sheep, as they metabolise their feed through into ruminant feed [10–12]. Implementing this technology into routine

Abbreviations: GHG, Greenhouse Gases; NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; SLE, Solid-Liquid Extraction; LLE, Liquid-Liquid Extraction; GC, Gas Chromatog­
raphy; EAE, Enzyme Assisted Extraction; MS, Mass Spectrometry; SPE, Solid Phase Extraction; HS, Headspace; SPME, Solid Phase Microextraction; SBME, Solvent Bar
Microextraction; PT, Purge & Trap; ECD, Electron Capture Detector; RSD, Relative Standard Deviation; VOC, Volatile Organic Compound; XSD, Halogen Specific
Detector; FID, Flame Ionisation Detector; m/z, Mass-to-Charge; EI, Electron Ionisation; Q, Quadrupole; MS/MS, Tandem Mass Spectrometry or Triple Quadrupole;
MRM, Multiple Reaction Monitoring; SIM, Selective Ion Monitoring; SIFT-MS, Selected Ion Flow Tube-Mass Spectrometry; LOQ, Limit of Quantification; LOD, Limit
of Detection; ISTD, Internal Standard; SL, Splitless; S, Split; FD, Freeze-Dried; FF, Fresh Frozen; LPME, Liquid Phase Microextraction; TOF, Time-Of-Flight; IR,
Infrared; PMR, Proton Magnetic Resonance; DBP, Disinfection By-Products; pptv, Parts Per Trillion Volume.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: Peter.Hoffmann@unisa.edu.au (P. Hoffmann).

Received 13 September 2023; Received in revised form 27 November 2023; Accepted 13 March 2024
Available online 19 March 2024
2211-9264/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

ruminant agricultural practices could create more sustainable farming A variety of factors affect the concentration of bromoform and the
by reducing GHG emissions from livestock which would be a great overall halocarbon profile in red seaweed. McConnell & Fenical 1976
benefit to the environment, farmers and consumers. A. armata and observed a marked difference in the dominant halocarbons not only
A. taxiformis, have been shown to inhibit methane production by up to between A. armata and A. taxiformis, but also within the A. taxiformis
98 % in vivo when incorporated into ruminant feed [6,10,12]. These species harvested from different geographical locations [22]. Addition­
seaweeds are native to New Zealand and Australia but are considered ally, a review by Kladi, Constantinos & Roussis 2004 provides a
extremely invasive in European oceans making them widely distributed comprehensive list of the halogenated volatile compound profiles for the
throughout the ocean in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical regions gametophyte and tetrasporophyte life stages of both A. armata and
[13,14]. They can be sustainably harvested in the ocean however A. taxiformis, showing a tremendously larger profile in gametophytes
aquaculture farming of A. armarta has been successfully developed, [11]. Parchemin et al. 2023 used an interesting approach to compare
unlike A. taxiformis [14]. temporal, spatial and interspecies differences in the metabolome
The lifecycle of Asparagopsis consists of haploid stages (n), gameto­ combining data from gas chromatography and liquid chromatography
phytes and diploid stages (2n), carposporophyte and tetrasporophyte mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
(Fig. 1) [15–17]. Gametophytes are macroalgae characterised by their of A. armata and A. taxiformis. They found that the variation of metab­
plumose branches and extruding barbs. The male haploid gametophytes olome was significantly associated with water temperature, which is
release gametes to fertilize the gametes produced in the female game­ indirectly caused by the seasonality of sampling and sampling location.
tophyte cystocarps (reproductive structures within the algae). The Autumn and spring months, in particular October and March compared
fertilized gametophyte (carposporophytes) releases diploid carpospores, to other months of the year sampled from Straits of Messina in Italy,
which are single cell units, into the surrounding water for dispersion of Bretagne, Banyuls-sur-Mer and Marseille in France and Moorea in
the genetic material. These carpospores grow into tetrasporophytes, French Polynesia, tended to show the least variation in the metabolome.
pompom-like structures made up of trisiphonous filaments. They un­ This was perhaps due to the smaller variation in day/night temperature
dergo meiosis to form haploid spores which grow into the gametophytes. and less fluctuation from day to day. It was also suggested that the
The gametophytes and tetrasporophytes are defined as free-living algae shallow sampling depth of 0 to − 1 m for A. armata contributed to less
but differ significantly in morphology and physiology; the gametophytes inter-group variability when compared to A. taxiformis which was
are found secured into the subtidal substrata whereas tetrasporophytes sampled at a depth of between − 5 and − 15 m [29]. It should be noted
attach to other algae through their trisiphonous filaments which con­ however, that it is not clear what life stage or anatomical section of the
tributes to their ability to quickly proliferate and outcompete native algae was collected for analysis and some variation in the metabolome
marine flora [18]. could be attributed to this, given different gene and protein expression
Red seaweed is known to contain numerous bioactive compounds in different tissue types will alter the metabolites produced [30]. This
involved in antimicrobial and antiviral activity, enzyme inhibition and highlights the importance of well-planned sample collection and thor­
antioxidation [19]. Halocarbons, which are small organic molecules ough reporting of experimental methods. Regarding spatial variation for
containing one or more halogen atoms, are major metabolites in red A. taxiformis, Greff et al. 2017 selected seaweed samples from both
seaweed and contribute to bioactivity [19]. The more abundant chlorine tropical and temperate zones and measured higher levels of bioactivity
and bromine containing compounds in red seaweed, particularly in temperate zones which indicated a heightened defence against mi­
Asparagospis, include tribromomethane (bromoform), dibromochloro­ crobes using halogenated metabolites such as bromoform [21,31].
methane, dibromoacetic acid, bromochloroacetic acid, dibromo­ The production of bromoform by red seaweed increases with envi­
methane, tetrabromomethane and dibromonitromethane; iodine ronmental and oxidative stress and provides a defence mechanism from
compounds are far less abundant [20,21]. Unlike Asparagopsis (Bonne­ herbivorous sea animals and pathogenic bacteria [21,32,33]. Marshall
maisoniaceae asparagoides), other members of the Bonnemaisoniaceae et al. 1999 found that increases in light intensity resulted in higher
family which include B. nootkana, B. hamlfera and Trailliela intricate are concentrations of released halocarbons, with peak bromoform produc­
unable to produce halomethanes and instead, produce a range of C7-C9 tion at 12 h followed by a gradual decrease over the remaining 36 h of
halogen containing ketones, alcohols and carboxylic acids [22,23]. One their experiment [34]. Low light conditions tended to stimulate pro­
of the proposed reasons for this is the lack bromoperoxidases which duction of dibromomethane and dibromoethylene which were inversely
oxidize bromide anions into bromonium intermediate cations required correlated to bromoform production. More recently, Torres et al. 2023
to form halomethanes such as bromoform [24–26]. The abundance of supported the results of Marshall and co-workers, also finding that
some of these major halogenated compounds in A. armata and production rate of bromoform tended to decrease at very high levels of
A. taxiformis can be seen in Table 1. irradiance and white light containing white intermediate wavelengths
promoted bromoform formation with indoor A. taxiformis tetraspor­
ophyte cultures with long term cultures exposed to <60 μmol photons
m− 2 s− 1 as a recommendation [35]. It was determined by Paul et al.
2006 that the concentration of internal bromoform is not correlated with
bromoform released into the surrounding water, acting as a possible role
in feeding deterrence in addition to surface-mediated bacterial protec­
tion. It was also found that an absence of bromide in the culture medium
resulted in the absence of halogenated metabolites due to the loss of
refractile vesicles, leading to an increased susceptibility to surface
colonisation by bacteria. [21]. The abundant expression of bromoform
in algae due to oxidative stress has led to the high concentrations found
across the ocean. It has a reputation for depleting the ozone layer as it
reacts readily with reactive oxygen species, ozone, upon evaporation
from the ocean [36,37].
Bromoform, along with other halocarbons such as dibromochloro­
methane, are volatile constituents of red seaweed primarily responsible
for the reduction of methane production by inhibiting metalloenzymes
Fig. 1. The lifecycle of Aspargopsis armata adapted from Félix et al. 2021 [16]. in the Wolfe cycle. The structural analogy with methane allows for
Figure generated at https://www.biorender.com/. competitive binding of these halomethanes to target enzymes M

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 1
Reported concentrations of the most abundant halogenated compounds in Asparagopsis spp.
Species Compound (% dry weight) Ref


A. armata 1.45 (T) 0.02 (T) 0.14 (T) 0.12–2.6 (T) – [21]
1.67 (G) 0.03 (G) 0.08 (G) 0.02–1.1 (G) – [21]
0.10–1.04 – – – – [27]
A. taxiformis 0.42 0.014 – – 0.00001 [20]
0.1723 0.00158 0.00098 0.00009 – [28]

T, Tetrasporophyte; G, Gametophyte; BF, Bromoform; DBCM, Dibromochloromethane; BCA, Bromochloroacetic acid; DBA, Dibromoacetic acid; DBM,

methyltransferase and methyl coenzyme M reductase [5,38]. To help Australian legislation that dictates the maximum concentration of
understand the complex changes that occur in ruminants when exposed halomethanes allowed in bovine meat or milk products however, the
to feed containing bromoform, several authors conducted in-vitro and Medical Research Council have long established a limit of 0.25 mg/L
in-vivo experiments. In-vitro assays conducted by O'Hara et al. 2023 individually or total trihalomethanes in drinking water [44].
used rumen medium from canulated beef heifers to investigate changes Accurately quantifying the concentration of bromoform in seaweed
in ruminant microbial communities when grown on a 50:50 barley is important from a health and business prospective. The volatility of
silage: barley straw substrate with or without a 2 % dry mass addition of bromoform presents challenges at all timepoints from collection to
either seaweeds A. taxiformis, Mazzaella japonica or Palmaria mollis. A feeding the livestock as there is no certainty of retention in the seaweed,
progressive change in microbial genera over the 13-day assay occurred affecting dosages and assurances to the buyers. To overcome these
only in response to A. taxiformis addition, seeing almost a complete challenges technologies and processes could be developed to be inte­
disappearance of methane-producing microbes as well as a reduction in grated into the workflow including analysis at the point of collection,
major volatile fatty acids (VFA) and fibrinolytic bacteria primarily valid analytical methods, and optimised sample preparation, storage
involved in recalcitrant lignocellulosic biomass digestion [39]. In and stability conditions. The current literature regarding these processes
agreement, Machado et al. 2016 saw a decrease in VFAs and CH4 for will be discussed in this review, including technologies that could be
both A. taxiformis and green algae Oedogonium sp. in a dose-response used to achieve an accurate and robust workflow for seaweed analysis
manner. Asparagopsis proved to be a more potent methane inhibitor from field to lab to farms to guarantee product quality.
than Oedogonium, providing a > 99 % CH4 reduction with >2 % dose
compared to a 61.6 % CH4 reduction at 100 % dose, respectively [28]. 2. Sample preparation
An extensive in-vivo experiment carried out by Krizsan et al. 2023
used only a 0.5 % dry mass A. taxiformis supplementation on Nordic Red Vital to any quantitative analysis of volatile compounds is a robust
dairy cows and found no significant difference in methane-producing sample preparation workflow to optimise analyte recovery to reflect the
Archaea, lower CH4 emissions and increased H2 and CO2 emissions true concentration in a sample in addition to high precision and sensi­
when compared to the control. Increases in H2 and decreases in CH4 are tivity [45]. When developing a suitable workflow for the emerging
proposed to be due to redirection of propionate synthesis in Provotella seaweed industry to measure the concentration of bromoform and other
spp., which increased in proportion in the treatment group [40]. The anti-methanogenic compounds, minimising the cost, the use of
effect of Asparagopsis feed addition to the intestinal microflora of post- dangerous or toxic solvents, workflow and analytical apparatus
weening ruminants has not to our knowledge been explored for bro­ complexity, and sample preparation time must be considered.
moform or other halogenated compounds. However, Meale et al. 2021
investigates how supplementation of a synthetic compound, 3-nitrooxy­
propanol, from birth to 3 weeks post-weaning in calves increased the 2.1. Preparation of raw material
persistence of methane reductions in calves to at least 1-year post-
weaning, with 17.5 % lower emissions than those not supplemented Seaweed in the gametophyte life stage consists of various unique
from birth [41]. It was also demonstrated the early feed addition of 3- structures including the leaves, stem and roots which when sampled and
nitrooxypropanol maintained a microbial community phenotype that analysed, can induce variation between samples of the same plant. The
favoured H2 production and suppressed microbes associated with CH4 use of a blender or homogeniser to liquify and blend all fresh or fresh-
generation. A similar study that investigates the persisting microbial frozen gametophyte structures before extraction is a viable way of
changes and CH4 reduction with bromoform would be tremendously decreasing experimental variation. Alternatively, freeze-drying is an
beneficial to this field of research and should be considered in the future. effective way of removing moisture from fresh-frozen samples at low
Abbott et al. 2020 and Glasson et al. 0.2022 extensively review the temperature under vacuum while mostly retaining volatile compounds
known impacts of brown, red and green seaweeds on ruminant microbes by sublimating ice [46]. Freeze dried samples can then be ground to a
and discusses archaeal and bacterial biosynthetic pathways associated fine powder in a blender or mortar to increase homogeneity [47].
with methane inhibition [4,5]. Besides the well-established action of Freeze-drying is however an energy intensive process, is time-
bromoform, Milledge, Nielsen & Harvey 2019 suggested that some consuming especially for large quantities of material, can produce
tannins and flavonoids found in Asparagopsis may also contribute to anti- inconsistently dried material that is irregular in structure such as
methanogenesis [42]. gametophyte material and is difficult to up-scale to a commercial level
Bromoform is a high-density liquid at room temperature and toxic by required for animal feed production [48]. The rate at which a sample is
inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion, primarily affecting the central frozen in preparation for freeze drying will also contribute to drying
nervous system [43]. Each batch of seaweed grown and harvested could time, with faster freezing creating smaller ice crystals that sublime
contain varying amounts of bromoform due to the conditions of growth slower than larger crystals. Larger ice crystals, however, may penetrate
and life stage [21]. Therefore, to safely implement seaweed supple­ adjacent cells and release metabolites such as bromoform into the vac­
mentation in feed, accurate quantification of bromoform concentrations uum, so a balance in freezing rate is a consideration for preparing
is required to ensure they do not exceed safe limits and still provide an samples for analysis [49]. In contrast to multi-structured gametophytes,
adequate degree of methane reduction in livestock. There is currently no tetrasporophytes are homogenous in structure and metabolite distribu­
tion, and are better suited to immediate solid-liquid extraction (SLE),

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

negating the need to freeze-dry and powder. of common liquids then allows sampling from each phase [60]. The
As an alternative to freeze-drying, edible oil submersion of the raw molar ratio of the analyte in the organic to aqueous phase at equilibrium
product and the subsequent use of the bromoform-rich oil has been is called the partition coefficient and is a determining factor when
explored by Magnusson et al. 2020 and further evaluated by Tan et al. selecting a suitable LLE solvent [61]. SLE can be conducted prior to LLE
2022 who compared this technique to freeze-drying for the conservation to provide a liquid matrix for the addition of the partitioning solvent. For
of bromoform [48,50]. This technique can be considered a SLE for the bromoform emissions from seaweed samples, extracting from a seawater
usable product, however a further liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) aqueous phase is a common approach. Authors conducting analysis of
extraction is conducted for gas chromatography (GC) quantification of bromoform in water sources frequently use LLE in combination with
bromoform using methanol. In both studies however, no internal stan­ liquid or headspace GC techniques which are well-established methods,
dard was added during the initial stages of sample preparation to assess employing n-hexane [61–63] and pentane [63,64]. Separating the
the recovery of bromoform in the different matrices and extraction organic and aqueous phases in LLE can be challenging if preparing a
performance. The stability of bromoform using these methods will be liquid injection, especially if the phases are partially miscible which can
discussed in a later section of this review. induce inconsistencies in data, and normally requires a large volume of
solvent. Headspace methods negate the separation of phases and extract
2.2. Solid-liquid extraction volatiles from the organic top layer, providing that the analyte partitions
by the majority to the organic phase.
Analysis of seaweed samples by liquid injection GC requires the
analyte to be extracted from the solid seaweed matrix and into a suitable 2.4. Enzyme-assisted extraction
solvent, a process known as SLE or leaching [51]. Solubility of the
metabolite and solvent need to be complementary to effectively recover Compounds of interest may be present in various forms within the
the metabolite of interest and minimise the extraction of interfering matrices, either free or bound to structural constituents. Free com­
compounds into the liquid matrix. Commonly used solvents for bro­ pounds can be readily analysed following a simple solvent extraction,
moform extraction include methanol, hexane, pentane and dichloro­ however, bound compounds must be released from the matrix using
methane, all being volatile and directly compatible with GC analysis. In various methods such as thermal treatment, acid or alkaline digestion,
many protocols, methanol is used to extract bromoform however there chemical treatment or enzyme-assisted extraction (EAE) [65]. Macro­
are cases were bromoform that has been released into fresh or salt water, algae such as Asparagopsis contain a diversity of oligo- and poly­
LLE with pentane is used [52,53]. Methanol has long been used as an saccharides, providing structure to the cell walls and influencing the
extraction solvent for a wide range of compounds, being cheap and composition of symbiotic, epiphytic bacteria on the algal surface [66].
effective but also toxic and highly flammable, leading researchers and Sulphated polysaccharides, specifically sulphated galactans, are major
industry to investigate alternative options. Green solvent alternatives, water-soluble components of the Rhodophycean outer cell wall which
which have been detailed extensively by Clarke et al. 2018, are assessed form gels when hydrated which create a physical barrier that reduces
on five main factors and should be renewable, sustainable, non-toxic, enzymatic access to target sites [67,68]. Work by Rodríguez Sánchez
recyclable and scalable [54]. Green solvents used for high value com­ et al. 2023 builds on previous literature to determine the fine structure
pound extraction from agricultural food waste in particular has been of sulphated polysaccharides in A. taxiformis using NMR spectroscopy,
thoroughly reviewed by Torres-Valenzuela, Ballesteros-Gómez & Rubio reinforcing findings of unusual sulfation patterns and several different
2019. While not all of the explored solvents discussed by Torres- branched agaran and carrageenan species [69]. Additionally, other
Valenzuela and co-workers are compatible with GC due to their low complex saccharide species such as lignans and carrageenan which may
volatility or are relevant to seaweed, it showcases technologies and hinder enzymatic hydrolysis are also present and their proportions vary
solvents that have potential for effective extraction of small molecules depending on the algal life stage and growing conditions [70]. Paul, Nys
such as bromoform [55]. Ethyl acetate, which can be produced by some & Steinberg 2006 demonstrated that many of the potentially autotoxic
yeasts from sugar, is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic alter­ secondary metabolites including bromoform are contained within gland
native to methanol which has been previously used to extract bromo­ cells, inside parent cells and thus would require disruption of the cell
form for GC analysis from treated water [56], soil [57] and meat walls to release the metabolites, whether that be enzymatic digestion or
products [58]. The extraction solvent-to-sample ratio, time and tem­ other methods [21]. Higher extraction efficiency, greener processes,
perature play key roles in obtaining results that are representative of the high selectivity and low toxicity are key advantages of using EAE when
absolute concentration of bromoform within the sample. compared to acid or alkaline treatments, which can hydrolyse bonds
A detailed method of bromoform extraction and analysis from red between extremely resistant plant cell wall components such as lignans,
seaweed published by Romanazzi et al. 2021 involved a double solvent pectin, cellulose and hemicellulose, thereby permitting release of cell
extraction in methanol of either fresh or freeze-dried seaweed at a ratio contents for analysis and increasing the efficiency of a subsequent
of 1:10 or 1:100, respectively, for 30 min at 0 ◦ C with sonication [59]. extraction [71]. Factors including temperature, time, pH, particle size
Results concluded that the first extraction recovered >80 % of the and substrate type can affect the efficiency of enzymes, therefore it is
bromoform in the sample and the second extraction increased the re­ essential to select an enzyme that is optimised for a condition likely to
covery to 94 % and 99 % for freeze-dried and fresh seaweed, respec­ retain the compounds of interest [72,73]. For example, an enzyme that
tively. Subsequent extractions provided negligible increases in recovery. acts faster at lower temperatures might be more appropriate when
Other published methods followed similar protocols but with varying investigating highly volatile haloforms or thermally unstable
extraction multiples, solvent ratios, extraction times and temperatures compounds.
[21,28,52,53]. The inconsistency between protocols indicates there is an EAE has been previously applied to workflows and reviewed for the
opportunity to optimise the standard protocol to achieve more repre­ analysis of polyphenolics [74], lipids, pigments, polysaccharides and
sentative results. peptides in plants [74–78]. Given these examples of EAE being suc­
cessfully employed to extract valuable constituents from seaweed, it is
2.3. Liquid-liquid extraction clear that EAE is a valuable tool in the biotechnology space. The
extraction of various bioactive saccharides in seaweed has been subject
Liquid-liquid extraction requires the analyte to be in a liquid matrix to extraction on an industrial scale using alkaline solvents and novel
which is then thoroughly mixed with a miscible or partially miscible technologies, including EAE [79]. Sánchez-Camargo et al. 2016 used the
solvent where the analyte will partition between each phase as equi­ carbohydrase Viscozyme L and protease Alcalase 2.4 L FG to hydrolyse
librium is established once agitation has ceased. Complete coalescence the brown algae Sargassum muticum for the extraction of phlorotannins

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

and measurement of the extract antioxidant capacity [71]. A higher draws up a solvent-extracted sample with a syringe and delivers it to a
extraction yield of 13.6 ± 1.4 % and 20.6 ± 0.1 % total phenols was heated injection port, vaporising the sample which can then be mixed
observed after 2 h using Alcalase and Viscozyme, respectively, when with a carrier gas. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is sometimes conducted
compared to a 2.5 h extraction using a heated 1 M aqueous NaOH so­ prior to liquid injection to concentrate analytes and remove interfering
lution. The extraction of fatty acids from the microalgae Nannochloropsis compounds which have been co-extracted by the solvent but can result
spp. using various extraction methods has been extensively reviewed by in sample loss [91].
Brennan & Regan 2020, finding that a mixture of the enzymes cellulase
and hemicellulase gave a higher fatty acid recovery when compared to 3.1.2. Headspace sampling techniques
the individual use of the enzymes [80]. The volume of enzymes required Headspace (HS) refers to the gaseous phase above a liquid or solid
for large-scale extractions was noted to be costly but was argued by phase sample in a sealed vial and can be used as a sampling space for
Wang et al. 2017 that Novozyme enzymes could be reused several times, volatile compounds released as the system equilibrates [92]. Headspace
consequently increasing the value for money of EAE [81]. is advantageous in that no solvents and little sample preparation are
The extraction of small molecular weight volatile metabolites using required for analysis but has relatively low sensitivity when compared to
EAE has not been thoroughly documented [82]. This is especially true liquid injection with SPE [93]. Three main types of HS sampling are
for algal sources, however, volatile oils from various terrestrial plant headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME), solvent bar micro­
materials have been investigated. A review by Wijesinghe & Jeon 2012 extraction (SBME) and purge and trap (PT). Headspace can also be
evaluated the extraction of industrially important metabolites from performed without any additional concentration step. A major challenge
seaweed, including bioactive polysaccharides and peptides, carotenoids when attempting to quantify bromoform in seaweed using HS-GC is the
and polyphenols but gave no mention of volatile components [83]. They tendency for bromoform to remain in the matrix, rather than partition
reinforced the importance of EAE, noting a range of different enzymes into the headspace or onto the adsorbent SPME fibre. Several authors do
that target mainly structural carbohydrates and significant to this study, quantify bromoform of fresh seaweed using GC–MS without any pre-
the optimal temperature for the enzymes which ranged between 40 and treatment to measure bromoform emissions into the surrounding
60 ◦ C. Chacko & Vasudevan 2016 compared 4 common enzymes for the seawater or air, however modern analytical methods aim to disrupt the
treatment of cardamon spice followed by the GC–MS analysis of volatile cell wall [34,94,95]. Mechanical, chemical or enzymatic processing
flavour compounds, finding that Viscozyme gave the highest oil yield in methods are required to release the higher concentration of bromoform
almost all assessed incubation temperatures, pH and enzyme concen­ contained within gland cells or vesicles, which are protected by tough
tration conditions when compared to other common enzymes. Inter­ cell walls of a parent cell and an inner membrane. Paul, Nys & Steinberg
estingly, when compared to the control of no enzyme pre-treatment, the 2006 determined the ratio of released: internal bromoform and dibro­
GC–MS spectra for many of the flavour compounds showed no signifi­ momethane to be a large ratio of 1:77 and 1:83, respectively. This
cant difference for enzyme-treated cardamon which is in agreement cellular disruption is required before it can be analysed by headspace
with Sowbhagya et al. 2010 who investigated volatile oil components in methods which otherwise would only measure emitted bromoform
cumin seeds [84,85]. Further research should investigate whether EAE is released by physiological means [21]. Processing methods for accessing
beneficial for the extraction of bromoform and other volatile brominated bromoform from algal cells will be discussed later in this review but is an
compounds from seaweed, and what is the most effective enzymatic important consideration if headspace sampling is used to quantify
regime to achieve higher efficiency extraction. Given the complexity of bromoform.
the cell wall polymers in Asparagopsis, a stepwise approach utilising The use of HS sampling for bromoform quantification in various solid
endohydrolytic enzymes, for instance, glucanases, cellulases, gal­ materials other than macroalgae has been previously investigated. In a
actanases and proteases independently or in combination is advised study by Cardador & Gallego 2016, various carbohydrate-rich canned
[19,21,68]. vegetables were homogenised and the bromoform was SLE was con­
ducted using Na2SO4 and the organic modifier n-pentane for analysis by
3. Gas chromatography (GC) HS-GC–MS from the same vial [96]. A LOQ of 0.3 μg/kg with an RSD of
5.2 % was achieved without any pre-concentration step. By comparison,
Gas chromatography is a popular choice for separating and purifying Calderón-Preciado & Bayona 2015 used HS-SPME to concentrate sam­
volatile and semi-volatile compounds [86]. A gas or liquid sample is ples of leafy vegetables to quantify bromoform using GC coupled to an
introduced through a heated injection port by a gas-tight syringe and electron capture detector (ECD) with a LOQ of 0.25 μg/kg and an RSD of
mixed with an inert gas mobile phase, frequently He, N2 or H2 [87]. 3.5–7.8 % [97].
Components in a sample are separated based on their boiling point and
polarity as they pass over a column and are retained to varying degrees, 3.1.3. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME)
passing through an ionisation source, then eluting onto a detector at Headspace sampling techniques have been popularised for quanti­
different timepoints which can be displayed on a time vs intensity tative and qualitative analysis of volatile and semi-volatile compounds
chromatogram for identification and quantification [86]. Two due to the minimal sample preparation, low cost and relative speed of
frequently used ionisation modes; electron ionisation (EI), a type of hard analysis, negation of solvent use and simplicity of operation [98].
ionisation that bombards the eluent with electrons to cause high frag­ Solvent-free HS-SPME further simplifies traditional methods of sample
mentation of the analyte, and chemical ionisation which is a soft ion­ concentration and headspace analysis by removing the need for a gas
isation using a reagent gas that becomes protonated by an electron beam injection into the headspace by using an adsorbent fibre, concentrating
before transferring a proton to the analyte [88]. Most GC systems use a the analyte in the process. Partitioning of the analyte between the matrix
split mode where the sample is diluted post-injection by redirecting a and the organic phase on the fibre permits the separation of analytes for
defined ratio to waste. Split mode is useful for quantifying samples with analysis [99]. The sample is placed unadulterated in a headspace vial
a high analyte concentration, so to prevent overloading of the column and a fused silica-coated fibre is inserted into the vial headspace that has
and negating the need for dilution during sample preparation and been given time to equilibrate at an elevated temperature, commonly
improving peak shape [89,90]. 40–60 ◦ C. Free volatiles in the headspace are adsorbed to the fibre over
5–30 min before thermal desorption into the GC injector port is con­
3.1. Sample introduction ducted [100]. Aside from the advantages of HS-SPME, fibres can be
costly and have a short lifespan but efforts are being made to develop
3.1.1. Liquid injection sorbents to improve these attributes [101]. The data produced by HS-
A traditional method for GC analysis is a liquid injection which SPME-GC–MS can be complex and require experienced personnel to

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

interpret the results. HS-SPME-GC has been previously used by various and are commonly used for water analysis. Several authors have re­
authors for the analysis of trihalomethanes in water samples [102–104] ported good repeatability and reproducibility of volatile organic com­
and food [105–107]. HS-SPME-GC–MS has been employed for qualita­ pound (VOC) quantification with PT but note the expense of glass
tive volatile analysis of seaweed by several authors, however quantita­ sparging tubes and low throughput when compared to SPME methods
tive studies investigating bromoform using this sampling method in [117,118]. Literature detailing PT-GC for the analysis of bromoform
seaweed are scarce [29,108]. emissions from seaweeds is abundant, however this is not the case for
cell-bound bromoform in seaweed requiring extraction methodology.
3.1.4. Solvent bar microextraction (SBME) Abe, Okuda & Hasimoto 2021 recently investigated the effect of light
Concentrating an analyte from a liquid or slurry matrix for headspace intensity on the emission of halomethanes by the marine diatom Ditylum
analysis can also be achieved using solvent bar microextraction (SBME). brightwellii, achieving a detection limit of <5 pmol/L and a RSD of <5 %
An aliquot of organic solvent is dispensed into a hollow fibre which is [119]. Keng et al. 2021 also measured bromoform and other halo­
most commonly polypropylene due to its compatibility with a wide methane emissions from tropical seaweeds with a PT-GC–MS method
range of organic solvents and small pore size [109]. The fibre is then with detection limits of 10 pmol/L, however did not report any other
sealed using a flame and pliers, placed into a sample headspace vial and quality control parameters [120].
magnetically tumbled in the matrix [101]. This facilitates the movement
of the analyte from the aqueous phase into the organic phase, leaving 3.2. Detectors
behind particulates and hydrophilic compounds which is especially
useful for “dirty” matrices such as soil or wine [110,111]. SBME pro­ Selecting an appropriate detector is essential for analyte quantifi­
vides a high level of enrichment and reproducibility with very little cation in order to achieve the required sensitivity, reproducibility and
organic solvent, however, preparation of solvent bars for each sample, accuracy. The analyte structure and electronegativity of components,
manual trimming and withdrawing an aliquot of analyte-enriched sol­ ionisation potential, molecular mass, predicted concentration and ma­
vent for injection into a GC is time-consuming [112]. Contamination trix composition will help determine the type of detector that is used for
between samples can occur if the bar is not replaced between analysis. Most GC detectors fall under the class of gas-ionisation phase
extractions. detectors and this review will focus on mass spectrometers (MS), elec­
Previous authors have used SBME to quantify various halogen- tron capture detectors (ECD), halogen-specific detectors (XSD) and
containing compounds in water, wine and soil. Cardador & Gallego flame-ionisationhalogen-specific detectors (FID) for the quantification
2010 reported a 10 times higher sensitivity when compared to HS-SPME of halomethanes primarily in seaweed, but also in water and oil.
for the quantification of haloacetic acids in water, but found the optimal
extraction time was 60 min, compared to 25 min and 20 min for HS- 3.2.1. Mass spectrometer (MS)
SPME and HS-GC–MS, respectively [109]. It was also suggested that Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis has been
the addition of sodium sulphate prevents the decomposition of tri­ employed across a multitude of research fields and is based on the
bromoacetic acid to bromoform, which could otherwise result in an unique mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ionised compounds [121]. The GC
overestimation of bromoform in a homogenised seaweed matrix. Simi­ column-separated analytes are introduced into an MS via a heated
larly, with water samples, Correa et al. 2015 achieved 5.8 % relative transfer line where they first undergo ionisation by, most commonly,
standard deviation (RSD) and 91 ± 2 % recovery using SBME-GC-ECD bombardment with an electron beam generated by a filament known as
for water samples spiked with trace amounts of bromoform ranging electron ionisation (EI) [122]. Ions enter the quadrupole (Q1), consist­
between 10 and 900 ppb (ng/mL) [113]. The authors concluded that the ing of four parallel rods that generate an alternating polarity electrical
method exhibited good performance parameters, considering that bro­ field which causes oscillation of ions to filter out neutral species and
moform is volatile. As such, the migration of bromoform into a different allow through only ions with the m/z determined by the user. The
phase such as the headspace or a different solvent does not just depend quadrupole can then be scanned over a certain m/z range and detect all
on its volatility but more on the affinity for the original matrix phase m/z ions produced during ionisation in that m/z range. Single quadru­
[114]. Feasibly, the use of industrialised SBME fibres would improve the poles report permitted ions to a detector that generates an m/z vs in­
precision of the method as well as the application of different extraction tensity spectrum. Coeluting species of the same m/z may be impossible
solvents. In another study by Wang et al. 2012, the speed of solvent bar to differentiate on a single quadrupole and can be overcome by the use
preparation was increased by using a hand-held sealing machine instead of a triple quadrupole (MS/MS) or isotopically labelled compounds
of pliers and immersing the solvent bar in organic solvent rather than [123]. A MS/MS consists of the Q1, followed by a collision cell (Q2)
dispensing it with a pipette [110]. Optimisation and analysis of four filled with an inert gas that precursor ions collide with and fragment into
chlorobenzenes in soil using the modified solvent bar preparation product ions. Product ions are filtered in a second quadrupole (Q3) to
demonstrated that they were well sealed and able to achieve an RSD of select ions of interest and the most intense ion is selected as the quan­
1.6–6.3 % for a 100 ng/g matrix spike and a recovery of 93–105 %, tifier ion. The intensity or peak area of the quantifier can be compared to
compared to Soxhlet extraction which achieved a lesser 79–85 % re­ a standard curve of the analyte. Other characteristic but less intense
covery and 7.9–9.3 % RSD. It was concluded by Chia & Huang 2005 that product ions may be selected as qualifier ions and are used to confirm
SBME had similar precision and a much higher sensitivity to hollow fibre the identity of a compound [124].
liquid phase microextraction when quantifying organochlorine pesti­ To date, the most notable advantage of MS/MS over other methods of
cides in wine [111]. detection is the ability to rapidly and simultaneously detect multiple
analytes in a sample in a mode known as multiple reaction monitoring
3.1.5. Purge and trap (PT) (MRM) [125]. MRM alternates the m/z scan windows between analytes,
Purge and trap (PT) is a method of sampling volatiles that has been in searching for only the precursor ions and corresponding product ions of
use since the 1970s and since, numerous design changes have been interest to detect them in a single run. When there is only one analyte of
developed to improve the technique for a range of matrices [115]. interest, selective ion monitoring (SIM) increases the sensitivity by
Traditional PT only analysed liquid samples by bubbling an inert gas 1000-fold by scanning for only a handful of m/z characteristic to the
through a syringe into a liquid sample, then using a sorbent trap to hold analyte, rather than spending additional time conducting a full m/z
and concentrate volatiles from the headspace and thermally desorbed scan. SIM is not confined to MS and can be used in other detector types
onto a column [116]. Nowadays, setups work to remove water vapour for single compounds analysis [126].
with condensers or permeators to prevent response degradation and For the analysis of metabolites in complex matrices, GC–MS or
potential damage to the mass spectrometer or electron capture detectors GC–MS/MS have served as indispensable tools both in the laboratory

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

and in the field, subsequently GC–MS has been used by several authors [138,139]. While ECD provides good sensitivity, precision and accuracy
for bromoform analysis in seaweed which is summarised in Table 2 for halogens, the selectivity for electronegative species also captures
[20,50,59]. GC–MS does however come with its disadvantages [127]. noise and negative peaks for co-eluting hydrocarbons from the matrix
The initial and upkeep cost of an MS-based system is considerably higher [140]. Additionally, saturation occurs at much lower analyte concen­
than that of gas-ionisation phase detectors, requiring before-use and trations when compared to a quadrupole which causes a drop-off in
scheduled maintenance for optimal performance. A GC–MS provides a analyte linearity and an inaccurate value [141,142]. A summary of
relatively easy platform for users to operate and maintain, however quantitative GC-ECD methods for bromoform can be seen in Table 3.
additional operator training may be required for the use and interpre­
tation of data generated by a triple quadrupole. 3.2.4. Halogen specific detector (XSD)
Bromine has two naturally occurring isotopes, m/z 79 and 81, which The requirement for higher selectivity and specificity of halogens
when analysed by EI-GC–MS (Fig. 2), appear as ions of approximately than what has been provided by ECD gave rise to the XSD [143]. The
equal abundance [126]. A loss of one bromine radical from bromoform principle of operation between XSD and ECD is similar but presents some
with an m/z 253 shows the highest abundance triplet at m/z 171, 173 distinct differences which allow for exclusion of coeluting compounds
and 175. An m/z 158, 160 and 162 clusters with a low relative abun­ that are absent of halogens [144]. The GC eluent and air or oxygen enter
dance is characteristic of two bromine radicals. Loss of H79Br+ 2 ⋅ and the heated reactor core which combusts organic compounds and as they
H81Br+ 79 + 81 +
2 ⋅ to give C Br2 and C Br2 at m/z 91 and 93, respectively, can be move towards a platinum cathode surface, are sensitised by an alkali
observed as the second highest abundance cluster [128]. metal such as potassium. Halogen atoms adsorb to the cathode surface
and due to the high electron affinity of the halogen compared to the
3.2.2. Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) potassium, causes negative surface ionisation and a consequent increase
A variation of the typical quadrupole configuration is SIFT-MS, a in electron emission and local surface temperature. Some electrons,
technology commercially introduced in the 1990's which has primarily potassium halide ions and halide ions strike the anode, which is sup­
been used for volatile analysis of food, human breath and air [129–133]. ported by an alkali glass ceramic rod, and causes measurable change in
In contrast to a triple quadrupole, air and water are ionised using a voltage at the detector [145]. Andersson et al. 2019 used a GC-XSD to
microwave plasma source, producing a number of positively or nega­ quantify a range of halogenated disinfection by-products in water and
tively charged ions, known as reagent ions which are introduced into observed a similar sensitivity to other authors reviewed in the literature
and selected by the Q1. Carrier gas and gaseous sample from a head­ using GC-ECD, with a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.05 μg/L [140].
space vial, mouthpiece or airflow meter via heated line is introduced This was only slightly higher sensitivity obtained by Nikolaou et al. 2002
into the Q2 and analyte molecules react with selected reagent ions to who achieved a LOQ of 0.03 μg/L for bromoform in drinking water using
produce product ions and neutral products that can be filtered by the Q3. GC-ECD [144]. Given these results, there appears to be little difference
Signals from product ions are amplified by a particle multiplier for in sensitivity when using XSD when compared to ECD for bromoform
computational processing [134]. quantification.
Quantitative analysis using SIFT-MS has been employed for a variety
of compounds but has not been thoroughly investigated for trihalo­ 3.2.5. Flame ionisation detector (FID)
methane targets or algal matrices. Using HS-SIFT-MS, Perkins & Lang­ Flame ionisation detectors typically use a hydrogen flame and high
ford quantified bromoform in drinking water using O+ 2 ⋅ reagent ions to voltage anode to combust and positively ionise gaseous sample intro­
achieve an LOQ of 2 μg/L which was almost 2 orders of magnitude duced by a GC, which passes through the flame chamber and strikes a
higher than a compared PT-GC/MS method at 0.021 μg/L and >4 times negatively charged detector. The movement of ions to the cathode
higher than the compared HS-GC-ECD at 0.47 μg/L [135]. It was noted, generates a current where the magnitude can be related to the mass of
however that the throughput was at least 3 times higher in HS-SIFT-MS carbons in the sample, which can be amplified and converted to a
than HS-GC-ECD and showed precision and accuracy of 2.9–7.3 % RSD spectrum [146,147]. FID provides a wide dynamic range and high
and 6.0–13.5 % RSD, respectively, but these parameters were not sensitivity to volatile organic compounds, especially hydrocarbons such
directly compared to other quantification methods. In another study, as petrochemicals [148]. While there is a requirement for a high-purity
quantification of chloroform produced from NaOCl interaction with hydrogen source, FID is generally considered robust and portable [149].
various matrices was conducted using SIFT-MS [136]. Quantification Like ECD, FID detects compounds only on the basis of retention time and
was achieved using relative ion ratios, however, validation data was not therefore coeluting compounds cannot be differentiated. While GC-FID
reported. Nonetheless, approximately 1 ppb of chloroform was quanti­ is a less common tool for bromoform quantification than ECD or MS,
fied using O+2 ⋅ reagent ions and identifying peaks that match isotopic it has been used for wastewater [150], emissions from seaweed [151],
ratios characteristic of chlorine isotopes. In a complex seaweed/ and desalinated water [152].
seawater matrix that varies in metabolite composition and ratio between
batches, overlapping peaks from isobaric species would increase the 3.3. Detection of bromoform using GC
difficulty in both identification of bromoform and accurate
quantification. The requirement for detection and quantification of bromoform
emerged long before the discovery of bromoform-rich seaweed, but as a
3.2.3. Electron capture detector (ECD) toxic by-product of water chlorination processes in swimming pools and
Electron capture detectors are widely used for detecting compounds drinking water designed to kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria [153].
with a high electron affinity, most notably halogens like bromine or Consequently, researchers have investigated numerous means of quan­
bromine-containing compounds. The inert carrier gas is bombarded tifying bromoform in water to ensure that safe concentration limits
with alpha or beta particles from the radionucleotide (commonly 63Ni) dictated by state legislation are not exceeded [154]. A seaweed matrix is
to form free electrons, forming a background level of current flow. When far more complex than water, containing structural polysaccharides and
an eluent is introduced with the carrier gas it is negatively ionised by lignans, minerals, polyphenols, a high concentration of salt and similarly
capturing electrons as it passes over the grid, reducing the flow of to treated water, the presence of other trihalomethanes that may
electrons which can be detected as a decrease in current [137]. More interfere with the extraction and quantification of bromoform [155].
recently, non-radioactive electron sources such as thermionic emission Given this, specificity and precision are key factors to consider when
in a vacuum from silicon nitride membrane-wrappeda hot filaments or selecting a detector whereas sensitivity is perhaps of lesser importance
pulsed helium discharge ionisation have been developed in a bid to with concentrations of bromoform in Asparagopsis spp. several folds
reduce the upkeep and risk associated with ionising radiation sources higher than that of disinfected water sources [19]. Quantification

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 2
Summary of GC–MS methods for bromoform quantification.
Instrument GC program Parameters Matrix LOD LOQ Precision Recovery (%) Ref
(RSD %)

HS-GC–MS 35 ◦ C for 5 min, ramped at 10 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Oven-dried red – – – – [167]

min to 230 ◦ C for 5 min. Detector temperature: seaweed
200 ◦ C
ISTD: fluorobenzene
GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C ramped at 16 ◦ C/min to Carrier gas: H2 FD red seaweed – – – – [159]
250 ◦ C. Gas flow rate: 1.5 mL/min
Injection volume: 1 μL
Injector temperature:
180 ◦ C
Ion source: positive mode
Dwell time: 50 ms
HS-SPME- 40 ◦ C for 10 min, ramped at 4 ◦ C Carrier gas: He Cryogenically – – – – [173]
GC–MS (SL) to 140 ◦ C, ramped at 10 ◦ C to Gas flow rate: 0.8 mL/min homogenised brown
200 ◦ C, ramped at 30 ◦ C/min to Transfer line temperature: seaweed
250 ◦ C and held for 5 min. 280 ◦ C
Source temperature: 230 ◦ C
Quadrupole temperature:
150 ◦ C
Mass range (m/z): 40–450
GC–MS (S) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed – – – – [170]
min to 250 ◦ C for 0.5 min. Gas flow rate: 1 mL/min
Injection volume: 1 μL
Split ratio: 50:1
Injection temperature:
280 ◦ C
Electron impact ionisation:
70 eV
ISTD: Naphthalene
GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed and 0.06 mg/g 0.18 – – [50]
min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Injection volume: 1 μL canola oil containing mg/g
Inlet pressure: 8 psi fresh red seaweed
Injection port temperature:
250 ◦ C
Interface temperature:
300 ◦ C
Qualifier ions (m/z):
172–174, 127–129 (ISTD)
ISTD: Naphthalene
GC–MS (S) 40 ◦ C for 5 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD seaweed 1 μg/mL – 2.0–5.1 88–112 [20]
min to 160 ◦ C, ramped at 60 ◦ C/ Gas flow rate: 1.2 mL/min
min to 280 ◦ C and held for 4 min. Injection volume: 2 μL
Inlet temperature: 250 ◦ C
Transfer line temperature:
280 ◦ C
Mass range (m/z): 50–460
ISTD: Diiodomethane-d2
GC–MS (SL) Split vent time 0.5 min. Carrier gas: H2 FF and FD red seaweed 0.08 mg/g 0.26 5.3 98.4–100.5 [59]
40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Gas flow rate: 1.5 mL/min mg/g
min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Injection volume: 1 μL
Injector temperature:
180 ◦ C
Positive mode
50 ms dwell time (SIM)
Ion source electrode
temperature: 230 ◦ C
Quadrupole temperature:
150 ◦ C
Quantifier ion (m/z): 172.8
Qualifier ions (m/z): 170.8,
174.8, 251.8 and 253.8
ISTD: Not used
GC–MS (Pulsed 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed – – – – [27]
SL) min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Injection volume: 1 μL
Injection port temperature:
180 ◦ C
Transfer line temperature:
280 ◦ C
Pulse pressure: 9.8 psi
HS-GC–MS (S) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Refers to the method by FD red seaweed – – – – [6]
min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Paul, Nys & Steinberg 2006
(continued on next page)

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 2 (continued )
Instrument GC program Parameters Matrix LOD LOQ Precision Recovery (%) Ref
(RSD %)

GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed and – – – – [48]
min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Gas flow rate: 2 mL/min red seaweed in blended
Injection volume: 1 μL vegetable oil
pulsed at 35 psi
Injection port temperature:
250 ◦ C
GC–MS interface
temperature: 300 ◦ C
ISTD: Naphthalene
GC–MS 40 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 10 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed – – – – [37]
min to 200 ◦ C for 1 min. Gas flow rate: 0.9 mL/min
Injection port temperature:
250 ◦ C
Interface temperature:
300 ◦ C
Ion source temperature:
230 ◦ C
GC–MS/XSD 27 ◦ C for 1.3 min, ramped at Carrier gas: He Drinking water – 0.05 – 81 [140]
(SL) 7 ◦ C/min to 80 ◦ C, ramped MS/XSD split ratio: 1:9 μg/L
30 ◦ C/min to 250 ◦ C and held for Electron ionisation:
5 min. 70 eV
Mass range (m/z): 40–550
Surrogate ISTD:
ISTD: 1-chlorodecane
GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed – – – – [171]
min to 250 ◦ C for 2 min. Gas flow rate: 2 mL/min
Injection volume: 1 μL
Pulsed pressure: 35 psi
Injection port temperature:
240 ◦ C
Interface temperature:
250 ◦ C
ISTD: Naphthalene
GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Seawater – – – – [172]
min to 250 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Gas flow rate: 1 mL/min
Injection volume: 1 μL
Inlet pressure: 8 psi
Injection port temperature:
240 ◦ C
Interface temperature:
250 ◦ C
ISTD: Naphthalene
PT-GC–MS 36 ◦ C for 5 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Seawater 10 pmol/L – – – [168]
min to 200 ◦ C, ramped at 40 ◦ C/ Transfer line temperature:
min to 240 ◦ C. 95 ◦ C
ISTD: d-methyl iodide,
SPME-GC–MS 35 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 30 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Drinking water 0.1 ng/mL – 3.9 (SPME) 101 ± 4 [174]
(SL), PT- min to 125 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped Gas flow rate: 1 mL/min (SPME) (SPME)
GC–MS (SL) at 50 ◦ C/min to 270 ◦ C for 5 min. Electron ionisation: 4.7
70 eV 0.04 ng/ (PT) 101 ± 4 (PT)
Purge trap temperature: mL (PT)
250 ◦ C
Manifold temperature:
50 ◦ C
Transfer line temperature:
280 ◦ C
Scan time: 0.6 scan/s
GC–MS (SL) 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 16 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He FD red seaweed – – – – [21]
min to 250 ◦ C for 2 min. Injection volume: 2 μL
Inlet pressure: 8 psi
Injection port temperature:
250 ◦ C
Interface temperature:
300 ◦ C
ISTD: Naphthalene
Several 31 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 1 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He (PT) Drinking water 0.1 μg/L – 0.1–28 126.7 [169]
min to 40 ◦ C, ramped at 80 ◦ C/ Injection volume: 1 μL (LLE- (LLE- (HS-GC–MS)
min to 200 ◦ C. (LLE), 3 μL (PT), 500 μL GC–MS) GC–MS)
ISTD: halothane 1 μg/L 2.63–20.35

(continued on next page)

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 2 (continued )
Instrument GC program Parameters Matrix LOD LOQ Precision Recovery (%) Ref
(RSD %)

0.1 μg/L 25.49

SPME-GC–MS 35 ◦ C for 4 min, ramped at 6 ◦ C/ Injector temperature: Drinking water 0.116 μg/ – 9 85 [180]
min to 160 ◦ C for 5 min. 220 ◦ C L
ISTD: fluorobenzene
Surrogate STD:
Several 40 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 1 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Drinking water 0.03 – 4.1–37.9 92–127.6 [160]
min to 150 ◦ C. Ramped at 6 ◦ C/ Gas flow rate: 1.3 mL/min μg/L (LLE- (LLE-GC–MS)
min to 175 ◦ C/min. Split ratio: 1:25 (LLE- GC–MS)
Oven temperature: 35 ◦ C GC–MS) 88–102
Injector temperature: 0.7–9.5 (PT-GC–MS)
175 ◦ C 0.01 μg/L (PT-GC–MS)
Detector temperature: (PT- 82–112
300 ◦ C GC–MS) 5.4–39.1 (HS-GC–MS)
Solvent delay: 14 min (HS-GC–MS)
Source temperature: 280 ◦ C 0.1 μg/L
EMV: 2200 V GC–MS)
Acquisition mode: SIM
Dwell time: 100 ms
PT-GC–MS 40 ◦ C for 1 min, ramped at 10 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Fresh red seaweed 5 μg/L – 35 – [34]
min to 230 ◦ C for 5 min. Transfer line temperature:
250 ◦ C
ISTD: 1,2-dibromoethane
PT-GC-ECD/ 35 ◦ C for 4 min, ramped at 5 ◦ C/ Carrier gas: He Seawater 2 pmol/L – 2 92 [161]
MS min to 60 ◦ C for 2 min, ramped at Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min (small
15 ◦ C/min to 130 ◦ C for 3 min (small trap) trap)
(megabore column)

35 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped 5 ◦ C/

min to 60 ◦ C for 2 min, ramped at
15 ◦ C/min to 180 for 3 min
(narrow bore column).

Fig. 2. Chemical structure of bromoform and MS spectrum adapted from NIST Chemistry WebBook 2014 [128].

methods for trihalomethanes using the range of detectors are summar­ method information and instrument parameters provided by authors
ised in Tables 2–4 and a detailed description of the operating principles, raises questions as to whether the results and method performance that
performance characteristics and the response mechanisms of detectors they present are valid and reliable. Comparison of LOD and LOQ is
have been previously reviewed [156]. difficult with authors using a mixture of different units to present these
Gas chromatography operating conditions, precision, recovery, LOD values.
and LOQ are poorly reported across the literature and highlight the need The operating conditions for a GC system are a defining feature of the
for a robust standardised method that can be easily implemented. When data quality and vary between authors. GC oven programs are generally
selecting a suitable analytical method from the literature, the lack of similar but are noted to have between 1 and 3 temperature ramps with

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 3
Summary of GC-ECD methods for bromoform quantification.
Instrument GC program Parameters Matrix LOD LOQ Precision Recovery Ref
(RSD %) (%)

GC-ECD (S) 35 ◦ C for 20 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/min to Carrier gas: He Drinking water 0.35 μg/L 4 μg/ 4.84 92.1–105 [157]
225 ◦ C and held for 2 min. Gas flow rate: L
1.3 mL/min
Split ratio: 1:25
Injector temperature:
220 ◦ C
Detector temperature:
300 ◦ C
GC-ECD 35 ◦ C for 22 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/min to Carrier gas: He Chlorinated sea – – – – [166]
145 ◦ C and held 2 min, ramped at 20 ◦ C/min to Gas flow rate: 1 mL/min water
225 ◦ C and held for 15 min, ramped at 10 ◦ C/ Injector temperature:
min to 280 ◦ C and held for 2 min. 200 ◦ C
Detector temperature:
310 ◦ C
PT-GC-ECD 45 ◦ C for 7 min, ramped at 5 ◦ C/min to 90 ◦ C, Carrier gas: N2 Sea water 0.5 pmol/ – 15 – [162]
ramped at 10 ◦ C/min to 240 ◦ C, held at 200 ◦ C L
for 5 min.
GC-ECD (S) 45 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to 100 ◦ C. Carrier gas: N2 Water 0.12 μg/L 0.36 6.06 (intra- – [163]
Ramped at 25 ◦ C/min to 230 ◦ C. Gas flow rate: 1 mL/min μg/L day)
Split ratio: 1:25
Injector temperature: 6.59 (inter-
250 ◦ C day)
Detector temperature:
280 ◦ C
LPME-GC- 40 ◦ C for 4 min, ramped at 4 ◦ C/min to 130 ◦ C. Carrier gas: N2 Tap water 0.25 μg/L – – 70–73 [164]
ECD (SL) Ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to 220 ◦ C and held for 2 Gas flow rate:
min. 1.5 mL/min
Injection volume: 1 μL
Makeup gas flow rate:
43.5 mL/min
Injector temperature:
280 ◦ C
Detector temperature:
300 ◦ C
PT-GC-ECD 35 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 5 ◦ C/min to 60 ◦ C, Carrier gas: N2 Seawater – – – – [165]
ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to 180 ◦ C for 3 min. Gas flow rate: 6 mL/min
LLE-GC-ECD 40 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped at 1 ◦ C/min to 150 ◦ C. Carrier gas: N2 Drinking water 0.01 μg/L – 0.5–8.6 94.7–112.8 [160]
Ramped at 6 ◦ C/min to 175 ◦ C/min. Gas flow rate:
1.6 mL/min
Split ratio: 1:25
Oven temperature:
39 ◦ C,
Injector temperature:
175 ◦ C
Detector temperature:
300 ◦ C
Solvent delay: 14 min
PT-GC-ECD/ 35 ◦ C for 4 min, ramped at 5 ◦ C/min to 60 ◦ C for Carrier gas: N2 Seawater 30 fmol/L – 4–6 97 [161]
MS 2 min, ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to 130 ◦ C for 3 min Gas flow rate: (small
(megabore column) 13 mL/min (large trap); trap)
10 mL/min (small trap)
35 ◦ C for 3 min, ramped 5 ◦ C/min to 60 ◦ C for 2 200 fmol/
min, ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to 180 for 3 min L (large
(narrow bore column). trap)
HS-GC-ECD 40 ◦ C for 2.5 min, ramped at 15 ◦ C/min to Carrier gas: He Seawater 50 ng/L – 2–10 75–100 [94]
(SL) 165 ◦ C, ramped at 70 ◦ C/min to 220 ◦ C for 4 Injection volume: 100
min. μL
Transfer line
temperature: 160 ◦ C
Detector temperature:
300 ◦ C
PT-GC-ECD 5 ◦ C for 5 min, ramped at 5 ◦ C/min to 220 ◦ C for Carrier gas: He Fresh red, brown – – – – [95]
41 min. Flow velocity: 14.5 cm/ and green
s seaweed

starting oven temperatures of 35–50 ◦ C, with the exception of Andersson biomass, finding splitless mode injections gave better precision of RSD 2
et al. 2019 who starts at 27 ◦ C to capture halogen-containing compounds % when compared to split mode at RSD 5 % [21,59]. In agreement,
other than bromoform and with a higher volatility [140]. Romanazzi authors that use split mode to quantify bromoform in seaweed and
et al. 2021 uses a GC oven program derived from Paul, Hys & Steinberg drinking water achieved a precision of >2 % and consequently, most use
2006 to achieve exceptional recovery of bromoform from A. armata splitless mode and achieve better precision [6,20,157].

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

Table 4
Summary of other GC methods for bromoform quantification.
Instrument GC program Parameters Matrix LOD LOQ Precision Recovery Ref
(RSD %) (%)

SPME-GCxGC- – Scan speed: 500 scans/s FD red 50 μg/ – – – [178]

TOF ISTD: Isotopically labelled seaweed kg
GC–MS/XSD 27 ◦ C for 1.3 min, ramped at 7 ◦ C/min to 80 ◦ C, Carrier gas: He Drinking – 0.05 – 81 [140]
(SL) ramped 30 ◦ C/min to 250 ◦ C and held for 5 min. MS/XSD split ratio: 1:9 water μg/L
Electron ionisation: 70 eV
Mass range (m/z): 40–550
Surrogate ISTD:
ISTD: 1-chlorodecane

Relative standard deviation (RSD); limit of detection (LOD); limit of quantification (LOQ); fresh frozen (FF); freeze dried (FD); headspace (HS); mass spectrometry
(MS); liquid-liquid extraction (LLE); split mode (S); split-less mode (SL); selected ion monitoring (SIM), internal standard (ISTD); liquid phase microextraction (LPME);
solid phase microextraction (SPME); halogen selective detector (XSD) electron capture detection (ECD); electron multiplier voltage (EMV); purge and trap (PT).

Selection of a suitable GC column ensures that the analyte and in­ on two-dimensional GC–MS (GCxGC–MS) which resulted in acceptable
ternal standard are retained to provide adequate peak separation but recovery on all days of analysis except one, demonstrating almost
also can be desorbed for analysis in a reasonable timeframe to reduce identical on-column characteristics even in a complex GCxGC setup
instrument runtime [158]. Columns used for bromoform analysis are [178,179]. GC-ECD systems are unable to benefit from ISTDs due to
generally suitable for retention of polar analytes and high temperatures, coelution with the analyte and no third dimension of separation to
including popular weak anion exchange (WAX) columns differentiate. Romanazzi et al. 2021 argued that using an ISTD for
[21,48,59,159], but also include low polarity [20] and non-polar sta­ normalisation did not improve instrument or method performance when
tionary phase materials [140]. Reproducible results and sensitivity quantifying bromoform in seaweed by GC–MS [59]. Additionally,
adequate to the studies conducted were achieved using a wide range of several other authors have omitted the use of ISTDs for the analysis of
column brands and sorbent types and selection ultimately comes down bromoform and other trihalomethanes which are shown in Tables 2–4
to the cost and availability of the column. The choice of carrier gas for without a listed ISTD in their method.
bromoform quantification varies across the literature between N2 In cases where an isotopically labelled ISTD is not available, there is
[160–165], He [20,21,27,34,37,48,50,94,95,140,157,160,161, scope to use an unlabelled compound with a similar retention time and
166–174] and H2 [59,159]. Methods can be developed to suit most of absence in the sample, sometimes referred to as a surrogate ISTD. For
these carrier gasses depending on what is available to the user, however bromoform analysis, surrogate ISTDs including fluorobenzene [167],
it has been established that the use of nitrogen in GC–MS greatly reduces bromofluorobenzene [180], d2-diiodomethane [20,168], halothane
the sensitivity with EI by a factor of >20 and literature detailing bro­ [169], 1-chlorodecane [140], 1,2-dibromoethane [34], dibromopropane
moform quantification is limited to non-MS detectors [175]. [166] and naphthalene [21,48,50,170–172] have been previously used.
The option of positive or negative chemical ionisation on a GC–MS Surrogate ISTDs are used for non-specific detectors such as FID or ECD
allows the user to select a polarity that the precursor ion is better ionised due to different retention times compared to the analyte. To our
when passing through the ionisation source and one mode may provide knowledge, there has been no comparison of surrogate ISTD for bro­
greatly improved resolution and sensitivity over the other [88]. Mostly moform quantification and it would be prudent to recommend a specific
protonated species are formed and only literature using positive mode compound, other than selecting a compound with a similar retention
was identified for bromoform analysis, it is evident that positive time to bromoform for the column of choice, due to the variation in
chemical ionisation or EI are the preferred mode for quantification methods and instrumentation.
4. Non-chromatographic quantification methods
3.4. Data standardisation for GC
While the majority of reported bromoform quantification studies
Methods of standardisation for data generated by GC-coupled sys­ have been performed using GC–MS or GC-ECD, examples of quantifi­
tems in a bid to provide results reflective of the actual analyte concen­ cation by spectroscopic methods have also been described. Infrared,
tration have been of much debate. Matrix effects, loss of analyte through fluorescence and colourimetric spectroscopic methods and NMR have
sample preparation, evaporation, degradation, conversion of precursor been used. While these methods have lower sensitivity than CG-MS and
compounds to the analyte and injection volume contribute to variations GC-ECD, they require minimal sample preparation and have additional
in the calculated concentration of the analyte [176]. Isotopically application in the identification of unknown compounds through the
labelled internal standards (ISTD) are structurally identical and share elucidation of the compound chemical structure [181–186].
binding characteristics to their unlabelled counterparts with the addi­
tion of heavy carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, or nitrogen constituents to give 4.1. Infrared (IR)
a net increase of at least 3 mass units [177]. The ISTD synchronously
elute from a column with the analyte but is distinguishable by slightly Infrared spectroscopy is an analytical technique in which molecules
different molecular weights and fragmentation patterns in MS/MS and absorb infrared light at resonant frequencies characteristic of their
should not enhance or suppress the intensity of analyte peaks. The structure. As such, infrared spectroscopy can be used to quantify
addition of an ISTD in a known concentration immediately before brominated hydrocarbons with their characteristic bromine‑carbon
analysis allows for easier identification of the analyte in a spectrum and signal appearing at a wavenumber of 690–515 cm− 1 [187,188]. As this
provides a quick means of analyte concentration estimation. Addition­ bromine‑carbon signal appears at a similar wavenumber for all bromi­
ally, the ratio of the ISTD to the analyte provides a means of stand­ nated alkanes, to quantify an individual species either a preliminary
ardisation and correction when conducting absolute quantification separatory step must be performed or knowledge of the desired target
using the ISTD and the analyte. Isotopically labelled bromoform has concentration proportional to that of other species must be known
been employed by Muizelaar et al. 2021 for quantification of bromoform [189,190].

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

One method of separation used in conjunction with infrared spec­ 250 ppb, the membrane was seen to change colour to brown. Never­
troscopy is gas chromatography (GC-IR). This method was used by theless, no colour change was observed at a bromoform concentration of
Cavanagh et al. 1992 and Richardson et al. 1999 for the identification of 8 ppb.
brominated organics in ozonated water [191,192]. In the study by
Cavanagh et al. GC-IR was used to quantify the concentration of bro­ 4.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
mohydrins in ozonated water. The samples in this study used bromo­
form, dibromoacetonitrile, and bromoacetone to calibrate their NMR has been used for the relative quantification of bromoform in
instrument while 1,2-dibromopropane was used as an internal standard. an oil fraction extracted from A. taxiformis. Burreson and co-workers
Subsequently, in the study by Richardson et al. 1999 GC-IR was also reported a method in which volatile compounds, including bromo­
used to detect the brominated organics; bromoform, tri­ form, and water were extracted from A. taxiformis under vacuum and
bromoacetaldehyde, tetrabromopropanone, dibromoacetonitrile, and collected by a dry ice-cooled condenser [196,197]. The extracted vola­
tribromonitromethane that had been spiked into samples of river water. tile compounds were further extracted from water through liquid/liquid
As this study investigated the synthesis of a range of unknown bromi­ extraction with the resulting crude oil fractionated by column chroma­
nated alkanes, further analysis by GC–MS and NMR was required to tography on silica gel. The fractions were subsequently analysed with
confirm the identity of each brominated alkane before their respective the major constituents of each fraction identified and quantified by 1H
retention times could be determined. NMR, 13C NMR, and GC–MS [197]. Bromoform was identified with a
signal at pmr δ 6.80 which matched a reference material, with integra­
4.2. Fluorescence spectroscopy tion of the signal peak used to quantify bromoform in comparison to
other signals. Of the oil collected using this method, bromoform was the
Fluorescence spectroscopy is an analytical method that measures the major constituent and estimated to be 80 % by weight. It should be noted
emitted fluorescent light of molecules whose electrons have been though that the author of the paper stated that this method of extraction
excited by light of a higher wavelength [193]. As the fluorescence in­ prevented them from collecting a number of compounds, including
tensity is typically proportional to the concentration of the fluorescing chloroform and carbon tetrachloride, while the fractionation process led
molecule, referred to as a fluorophore, this method can be used to to a further loss of compounds, including iodoform, that had been
determine the concentration of the fluorophore in a pure sample. As identified in the crude oil.
fluorescence spectra typically have broad peaks this method is unsuit­ Overall, compared to IR, fluorescence and colourimetry, gas chro­
able for the quantification of single analytes unless either their pro­ matography methods are superior for the quantification of bromoform
portion in regard to other fluorophores is known or the analyte is due to its volatility and presence within the complex seaweed matrix.
modified to fluoresce under conditions specific to it [183]. While the quantification of bromoform with spectroscopic and colouri­
Despite this limitation, fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to metric methods has been reported, the low concentration of bromoform
quantify bromoform concentration, typically in drinking water. Pal et al. and the presence of other brominated hydrocarbons in the complex
2001 sensitised bromoform through the addition of diphenylamine in seaweed matrix would make these methods unsuitable for bromoform
aqueous TX-100 medium and irradiation with ultraviolet light to create quantification [198–201]. As such, without either a means of separation,
a fluorescent compound. Following excitation at 400 nm the sensitised working with a pure solution of bromoform or knowledge of the ratio
bromoform analyte was found to fluoresce with emission at a wave­ that bromoform is present in relation to other fluorescent compounds,
length of 480 nm [194]. Both bromoform and dibromomethane were spectroscopic analysis is considered unsuitable for bromoform quanti­
found to produce fluorescent compounds under the reaction conditions fication, while with their greater sensitivity GC–MS and GC-ECD are
used in this experiment, as such this method could not be used to solely considered the more suitable methods for bromoform quantification in
quantify bromoform unless its concentration relative to dibromo­ seaweed samples.
methane was known. The interference of other haloalkanes was inves­
tigated with the use of trichloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, 5. In-field sampling and analysis
monochloroacetic acid, tetrachloromethane and chloroform. Under the
same reaction conditions, none of these resulted in a fluorescent The requirement for point-of-collection analysis has pushed the
compound. boundaries of in-field analysis over the last 25 years and has been
Trueman et al. 2016 similarly used fluorescence spectroscopy to applied to food safety, space material, environmental samples and
quantify disinfection toxicology. Specifically, for seaweed analysis the lack of lab proximity
by-products (DBP); haloacetic acids and trihalomethanes (and spe­ represents one of the major limitations for companies working on bro­
cifically bromoform), in treated drinking water [195]. A fluorescence moform in seaweed preservation due to the difficulties in maintaining
excitation-emission matrix was correlated with data from a GC-ECD to suitable transport conditions. In-field analysis presents different chal­
train a model that would predict DBP concentration from fluorescence lenges when compared to laboratory analysis, however, literature de­
spectroscopy data. As fluorescence spectra of these compounds overlap, tailing approaches and challenges for targeted in-field GC analysis is
this method could not be used to solely quantify bromoform unless the scarce [202]. In-field analysis of material allows for a fast turnaround of
ratio of these DBP's is known, again requiring additional analysis results and an almost immediate adjustment to a targeted sampling
including a means of separation. routine, ultimately saving time and money [203]. For organisations
looking to make their processes “green”, one of the strategies would be
4.3. Colourimetry minimising the physical distance between sampling and analysis.
Volatile compounds are subject to evaporation, degradation or con­
Bromoform has also been quantified through colourimetric analysis. version to different compounds between sampling and analysis time
Colourimetric analysis is a method that uses the Beer-Lambert law to which can be as a result of light or air exposure, large headspace or
determine the concentration of a coloured substance in a solution. While temperature fluctuations [204]. These environmental variations are the
bromoform is relatively colourless, Svensson 2019 produced a prototype most obvious challenge of in-field analysis and include changes in hu­
nanofibre membrane which changed colour in the presence of tri­ midity, air pressure, wind speed, air quality and particulates, back­
halomethanes, such as bromoform, through the process of a Fujiwara- ground noise and vibration [205]. Other factors to consider may include
Moritani reaction [182]. After a period of 30 min in the presence of training for non-scientific users, servicing and maintenance, storage and
bromoform at a concentration of 80 ppm, the membrane was observed disposal of hazardous chemicals, contamination and simplicity of sam­
to change colour from white to pink, while at concentrations of 80 and ple preparation [206]. For example, qualitative analysis may simply

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

confirm or deny the presence of a substance and require minimal already presents the issue of analyte loss during sampling, transport,
operator knowledge and skills to deliver a valid result [205]. Quanti­ storage and preparation. Vastly reduced time between sampling and
tative analysis, whether using an internal standard for relative quanti­ analysis, and minimising sample transport is an inherited benefit of in-
fication and/or an external standard for absolute quantification field analysis, however, warm, windy and humid environmental con­
increases the need for upskilling non-scientific users or deploying ditions may result in increased volatile analyte loss and sub-optimal
experienced personnel on-site [207]. Improvements to the sensitivity instrument performance. Yassaa et al. 2008 analysed monoterpenes
and portability of gas chromatography systems have made them useful emissions from phytoplankton using both laboratory-stationed and boat-
and robust tools for in-field analysis designed to overcome the difficult mounted HS-GC–MS and observed minimal differences in detection
environmental conditions they may be expected to perform and more limits at 0.5–5 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) and 1–5 pptv,
user-friendly for routine analysis [208]. respectively [224]. A boat-mounted trap and purge GC–MS was also
Toxins, pollutants, drugs and chemical warfare agents have been employed by Andrews et al. 2015 to measure VOCs in seawater,
extensively analysed domestically and internationally by military, po­ including bromoform and other halogenated compounds. Continuous
lice and government organisations using in-field gas chromatography and automated sampling of water was conducted through inline pumps,
platforms in order to reduce the risk of chemical exposure to personnel degassing and dewatering apparatus before GC–MS analysis. It was
or conduct investigations [209–211]. Applications of this complexity suggested that good reproducibility in-field can be attributed to the
require reproducible results and highly sensitive instrumentation in optimisation of a method that quantifies trace levels of VOCs in the
rugged, portable GC platforms which have become core to these orga­ laboratory combined with system performance testing in the field [225].
nisations and allowing for real-time data collection. There is almost A similar purge and trap GC-FID method was implemented by Lui et al.
exclusive use of MS detectors in these environments due to their ability 2009 to quantify VOCs in wastewater in-field which was compared to
to differentiate coeluting compounds and provide immediate identifi­ the laboratory system. The two systems yielded similar results with <4
cation confirmation by the use of one or more qualifier ions. It must be % difference for structurally similar chloroform, and naphthalene, a
noted that two main types of field instrumentation exist, being those that compound used frequently as a GC–MS internal standard for bromoform
are portable and can be carried by an individual, and transportable [226]. In contrast, Marcillo et al. 2023 recently argued that mobile
which may be identical to their laboratory-based counterparts and GC–MS systems are largely inferior to their stationary counterparts,
mounted to vehicle, container or trailer. Leary et al. 2019 reviewed the showing, respectively, higher RSD of 9.7 % to 3.5 %, lower signal-to-
use of deployable GC–MS for military users in theatre, noting a key noise ratio and a lower sensitivity using a mixture of 18 VOCs be­
advantage of coupling GC to an ion trap rather than a quadrupole was tween 3 mobile GC–MS and one laboratory GC–MS [227]. Qualley,
the higher operating pressure and subsequent lower power requirement Hughes & Rubenstein 2020 also acknowledged the inferior reproduc­
from smaller, lighter turbopumps [212]. Vacuum and pumping re­ ibility of quantitative data of portable instruments in the field and
quirements are a limiting factor for the transportability or portability of investigated whether the addition of internal standards into field-
a GC–MS system [213]. Smaller ion traps boast improved performance deployed thermal desorption tube, which are used to collect volatiles
but limit the number of ions that can be trapped at once for analysis for GC analysis, conjunction with the existing internal standards
which can decrease sensitivity or increase run time [214]. improved the quality of the data [228]. They found that the addition of
In-field analysis, while typically conducted with purpose-built, rug­ one or several isotopic analogues as an internal standard provided data
gedised GC, is not confined to these systems [215]. With advances in normalisation to substantially improve data reproducibility. While this
miniaturisation of GC and mass spectrometry and foregoing the need for type of GC–MS sample introduction is suited for hazardous air pollutants
exceptional grade hardware, smaller instruments with similar perfor­ and differs from what may be suitable for bromoform analysis in
mance to their laboratory counterparts are becoming available but are seaweed samples, it gives an indication of how in-field bromoform
still lagging behind the faster advancement of laboratory-based systems. quantification data can be improved by accounting for analyte volati­
However, smaller GC systems have a place within analytics with the lisation and degraded instrument performance. In another study that
potential for fitment to land, air or sea-based vehicle and allowing for compares a portable GC–MS to a laboratory GC–MS for soil and water
transport to conduct rapid point-of-collection analysis [127,216]. contaminant identification, authors concluded that the portable instru­
Modern GC instruments can operate on 240 VDC, 10 A outlets which can ment was suitably sensitive for triaging samples for further laboratory
be readily provided by a small generator or from an off-the-shelf vehicle analysis by a fast and reliable method of field sample preparation and
inverter, a significant advantage over other analytical systems requiring analysis [229]. For operators in the field looking to select red seaweed
3-phase power [217–219]. Allocation of additional power would be for harvesting with high concentrations of bromoform, a portable in­
required if cooling devices were used for the preservation of volatiles strument similar the unit evaluated could provide a readout in as little as
both during sample preparation and while waiting for analysis on an 5 min, excluding sample preparation time.
autosampler rack [220]. Positioning and shielding a GC from back­ Quantitative bromoform analysis in-field has predominantly been
ground exhaust fumes must be carefully considered, especially if struc­ conducted in air, sea and water as a result of trihalomethane-producing
turally similar compounds to those generated by the engine are being algae sources and drinking or pool water for determination of chlori­
analysed [221]. nation by-products using a variation of headspace sampling techniques
Various high-purity gases including helium, nitrogen and hydrogen such as SPME or SBME. Liquid sample injection onto a GC column is
are normally required for optimal operation of a GC system which in- seldom used in-field due to the increased complexity, use of solvent and
field is supplied from a bottle, increasing the logistical complexity of longer time required for sample preparation [230]. In contrast, Roma­
analysis [205]. Hydrogen is a common carrier gas used for GC systems nazzi et al. 2021 argue that the lower volatility of bromoform compared
and comes with the risk of explosion which can cause damage to to other volatiles provides an advantage of direct liquid injection over
personnel and instrumentation. On the contrary, hydrogen is highly headspace sampling methods in terms of sensitivity and variability [59].
abundant in supply and low in cost, when compared to helium which is Even with a robust in-field testing method and state-of-the-art instru­
at risk of depletion over the next century [222]. Safe operating pro­ mentation, laboratory-based liquid injection methods that are not sub­
cedures and engineering measures implemented in laboratories and in- ject to severe performance degradation by environmental factors are still
field testing sites are designed to mitigate the risk posed by hydrogen used for routine confirmation of in-field performance by selecting a
which may include the use of a hydrogen generator, allowing for percentage of random samples to run on both instruments for
hydrogen to be produced on demand and reducing the need for bulk comparison.
storage [223].
Analysis of volatile compounds, such as bromoform, in a laboratory

J.L. Hutchings et al. Algal Research 79 (2024) 103478

6. Stability and storage of bromoform in seaweed especially with EAE, can be extended to include other potential
methane-inhibiting compounds that are abundant in Asparagopsis. En­
As much as In-field analysis is giving an indication of the amount of zymes that can effectively degrade red alga sulphated polysaccharides,
bromoform available in seaweed at the time of the harvest, it is crucial to carrageenans and agar are recommended for future work to establish
ensure an unvarying concentration of bromoform during storage and green bromoform extraction methods. Routine on-site testing is a crucial
transportation [231]. So far, experiments conducted with Asparagopsis component for employing green processes but comes with a variety of
spp. have reported that storing the freeze-dried product in a freezer or logistical and analytical challenges. Finally, evaluation of bromoform
refrigerator prevents a decrease in bromoform concentration [50,232]. retention in storage conditions that mimic the environments that con­
Temperatures above 25 ◦ C were reported to significantly reduce bro­ sumers are likely to use, and packaged similarly to the final product
moform concentration in freeze-dried samples when stored for 24 weeks would provide much-needed data to companies looking to modify their
from 7.7 to 3.3 mg/g [50]. Nevertheless, the storage of the freeze-dried processing methods to withstand challenging environmental conditions.
samples at 4 ◦ C or − 20 ◦ C resulted in a slight decrease of 5.5 % or no
change in bromoform levels, respectively. Fluorescent light was re­ Funding
ported to not have any effect on the freeze-dried material [50]. How­
ever, storing samples for four months at a temperature of 23 ◦ C did not The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ma­
result in a significant decrease of bromoform in A. taxiformis [12]. The rine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre, University of South
same study investigated additional factors, such as light and air expo­ Australia and CH4 Australia under the grant number MBCRC304.
sure. Independent from temperature (− 20 ◦ C, 4 ◦ C, and 23 ◦ C) the au­
thors from that study reported a decrease of bromoform concentration in
CRediT authorship contribution statement
A. taxiformis by 75 % when stored in the dark and a decrease by 84 %
when stored under light conditions for four months. Such conflicting
Joshua L. Hutchings: Conceptualization, Investigation, Project
results reported in these studies suggest again that sample preparation
administration, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
for Asparagopsis spp. is crucial and differences in sample preparation and
Yevgeniya Grebneva: Investigation, Project administration, Supervi­
sample matrix (i.e. lifecycle stage, extent of homogenisation) can lead to
sion, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sarah J.
inconsistent assumptions.
Dilmetz: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – original draft.
Furthermore, water and oil have been investigated as a storage me­
Daniel W.M. Pincher: Investigation, Writing – original draft. Peter
dium for red seaweed, which also led to a decrease in bromoform con­
Hoffmann: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – review &
centration [48,50]. Regarding Asparagopsis spp. in oil, exposure to
fluorescent light was more apparent compared to freeze-dried analogues
[50]. Additionally, exposure to air was reported to rapidly decrease
bromoform levels in oil-stored red algae, from 1.35 mg/g to a remaining
Declaration of competing interest
30 % and 56 % of this value after 4 weeks of storage at 40 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C,
respectively. Interestingly, studies conducted on oil as a storage medium
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
at temperatures mentioned above reported a slight increase in bromo­
form concentration after long-term storage, with an increase of up to
Data availability
26.7 % [48,50]. This increase has been linked to a continuing release of
bromoform from small particles of red algae remaining in the oil during
No data was used for the research described in the article.
the storage period, which could additionally contribute to the fluctua­
tion of bromoform levels in the product supplemented to the animal
[50]. Ultimately, oil supplementation may also encounter additional Acknowledgements
regulatory compliance as it may interact with other ration ingredients
allowed in ruminant diets [233]. We would like to thank CH4 Global, the National Collaborative
Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and the University of South
7. Future direction and concluding remarks Australia for support and encouragement during this review.

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