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1 Oe) “ Page | _Angicspesnns lieth lh Angiosperm are the flocering plants_cahich forrn the larg ——_\group—of plant kingdom including about 300 families,” —8000_genera_4__3.lakhs_species. Te general characterishies : —psospenen ce as follows: ae dorsioaat plant Lin “the. Vifecyeleis_sporwphyte evhich ____differentiaked into racts , slern & loaves. one cm -2., The_vageular system “containg Ire vessels in the xylen | & companion celle in the phloegn—_ | Me mnicrosporephylis staren)£megasporphy!) Coa. cpel Ore organized into a strackure called fle. 4 the _ovules are. rided seu aedepmedaslak ike leg _____ region of _megaspora phy} —___ me nat hs Binds of spores Cheterosporous), je. micro spores qad__meghaspores ___ 6. Presence of single funckig nal me a.spare ONT He 3+, fol n_consist_of the transference of polle.o grais I the stigen tg Ae 3. Spore dimorphism results “productions of male game _____yle £ female _gametophyte - 3 Mh mate ametophy fe “consists of a pollen grains & | __ D ee Mmetea & th fe ucla mate cell. are_non-ciliated. a4 the female gametophyte mnsisis_of three egg Appa cells; three Gntipedal_cells and two polar nuclei in. ——____| center. tp Soule Sexllization “and. _higle “fusion is the chara: em) 8 Dev ie) sw Cr OG | 30 the ime developed. ‘after fertilization ie. triploid - a _ Scanned with CamScanner | Taxonomy —and_systemahics One oaonmmy ihe ast describing. naming and classifying ‘ihe ageahes to Aaconamy different organisms _dre_scientifically named & Per in ae taxonomic [evel Soa refers taalacatedivladeae Hey | rgani's r ea of _organiom - “Tertoe the sysenabe cvs OF both taxonamy and evolution. Ta considered ag the branch of systemakic hi “gral, behavioural >-genshics Q the biochemiml abseorvatinn Carelous linneaus (170 F = 1722) is vegarded os the founder of tossnemy -tltoday + Classification __Sdeniification _Nomenclature iis _ Description ‘clos ication a anis_oxe_armiged_in_gzatips_afsisnlae howoiliee these gripe cvt-cnsdored-00 toon € fLoxro-tacco nomic sy Scanned with CamScanner Tderki Ceorion = sia, M0 identify & dere the name -ePenganise by. vefering to aN ey classification. a Nomenclature = peas Ss aH pectile “sciendific name to an. 01g. anicm phion:- “Te describe the choracterishirs of the tarep. Se main rine palin eng iaPplaet feta a = fie first objective if fo Kkn0.wo the varsaus kinds af — plant 00 earth with their _names,geographical dislri bution 9 X economic _inoporkanee ithe _seand objective is to have reference system for plants where the scientists ate ae ee ea enus & fomi —— period, 9 (he2°4 objective ig_to _demostrate ‘the various diversities 0 ° ot_ki their relation to evolution of plant - et Bective “ig_to_ascertain the a nomenclature. —__fanonamy prepares foundation for all seience tI Include plant: “the scope of baxoman 3 Plows \foronomy is of | greal_value in foreshy.bvery type ¢ _— 9, trees in the forest must be named and classified their chara ctoristios , features, distribubian & abanday _b) St provides informatio or — of Posile & is sed in. tracing the —stigin_ of plants._ Z I Scanned with CamScanner 9 the study of toronamy_is equally essential 10 agriculture sill andierdtoa i Giese With sufficrent knowledge of systematic _-botany , the foreign soed and plant can be introduced and. _ tg needa eee eanete: penn 3 8) 9 sludg plant et ecology , arano myaty assential «fhe — plant eal must-soei tame of the” plank, thelr habitat and environment - 2), Tt provides classification chich have great value in most of the branches of biology like evolubonarg bio -chemi sy _ | aeercan genetics ihe 2s aml ea aie t Pee ee 42) Plant apllechinn and_herbarium techniques: . p Pal Herbarium : A Herbarium ica collection of preserved plant specie ____and_associated data _vsed for scientifi the ime may be whole plant _or plant parte whi anni geste mounted CK 00 herbarium cheek tdendhied —.4 clossified ace: to some approved cystern of clastifi'calro» — But _dependendin \y—vpon the materiale, they may by dare in container or m din same scitoble _ pectoral suth.09 xmaline. asthe Ob ea “The colleclee_plants are good source of reference fr scion tif'e snag Se eS Se ae ee — botanist emnamit_hotanit-, masphalogist » and the slede ——jef many other disciplines. the importance of herbarium ore.” tilfhe calde ronge af materials in herbarium Moy. be used. fo_mtalogue or een the florq of Qn area: a» | Scanned with CamScanner 4 Date Toalheaases ‘also_preser ve a “historical_record of change in = _-vegetalion aver Lime Cnuironmental screntisd make us of such data to track changes ip climate £ humanime —$-|Herbasta—has_alse_proven useful as _souree of plant LDNA for uced in plant laxonomy ¢ moleculor Systeme Mey abo may bea ceposilor y—0 F vival seed for tare ____.Specied te a _ — 2 herkosue proyide bacie for taxonomic reasearch. —.both_monographic & Florishie — titel peels ae ne | the dracoinge , ph olagiaphe_anc_slessiplione of | the plant cannot Show heh (What is desired or give ull ilpaln ay pov! o-pre pore —_ _ herbarium to get_adepuate information in fiture the pref of herbarium involves the follecing method __ | Field viet & coltection of plan 2 Pe nt : lag eel api tog at fatein aA TeDih\ ii eee 2 | Mounting __W | Preservation a ae hs iBicd @ lie visit and sollection of plant: the gecimens rust be _— collected in every stage of their eg and _reproductior ——1and fom different tecalities and — eb Sh eat = reap ae es All _ploeh parts of the plank indudin acithe system having both fPinisera. -and_ young fiuils . Scanned with CamScanner 6 Oate | Page — ihe Lick of instruments required by a plant callecter Ore = —.B_pdir of secoteurs for cutting eooody taige, A digger hurpi) for diggi > rooke a. A koief , A pair of forceps ,A vasculure for keeping the ants and their ah eee ears a Tate e bag , a field note book. iv —fa AL the time colleclion , one can record the follacoing in, ___lthe field ooke beak - i), @tlection _ 2%) eae 8 alitudé & tasgtudeif possible 1 habit and habitat —y., Feld identi fication |3 © S cpeciernen of och plank chowd_hp collestsdida ausid damage _or boos. --@| Pressing. 3 Dryi ee — oe Dey Be acta es Lea — —Thefire aot H _——.are_eplits_ber” 4 de of oid nearspaper ov bleating — ee aveiding overlapping of fords. ‘he larger apocimen is ~ —~feldedt oN ox—wW_cheipes. ‘The news paper caith plant i papel dios he-_plaseel 2-28 plan iA teelohyita ____After every 9 to UP hee, the prece is apenéd— —.9nd_the News is changed fequenlly. the changing — ie 1, esha tips Hie asoa tienen a Mesias Ste t hadi ta aS aca . days artifieral at is_cusedl.. Ky rn x th lant cailectors. fhis method is asually.! o ppliedd Scanned with CamScanner q fms Page tig ining snasne api sa hilly regions. oe | | Mociating : a ea -nurl the dy. Specimens are. mounted. on herborionm _——sheel_of_ standard Size Lom x 290m _ ee ape alae ose eal tape. he dissected _/ loose —port_ouch_as dry fruits, Flowers ceeds cones eke are dried _and_put in small_enve lope called fragment _ — past Usually one specimen should be mounted on | one -hetbarinm sheet . Sueeslant plant qrenokrraunted on herbarium sheet but are collected in Yl ferrnali'ne or foxsnalin acetic _alech SEE oti a Cl Bresenmabion —_______the_plant_specimen_ore_spread crith 2+). _____ Mercaric chipride ohich is igh paiantinin. to Quoid_ insect and fur 3: D9T are used aa insect repellents — a also applied to Kil_the-inest _ ee take) is pasted “or_printed_an the lower __ tial Dons “Ihe labo) must contain as mud momeoment v i ____must_contain collectors names ____botanical_name,_ net somes Toes, ald tad i habit eho, ~@ Stoigge: - i Dropariy, dri ed Pressed. & identif re, - gpecimens are spews a specially const retcted hethoriun Scanned with CamScanner B (daey |e / | pboords io thei [ay led a hls pp glint aad ie ia So eee one Lapecimens are pleed in a fol an SE al Si calthin the genus ___ | ET Fone alae 0 eeling plank ov atthe field one nsider the fo owing things « M4 [Belice going to the private ow werent london — ___should eee eet ibe owner ia 9. Seis Qduiced to far ko i i as sunscreen , a Aleoays—tet sotheor om eet be: collecid Hom thes place ahene— —_, low poe” suffers_no_harm_ jvibnln biskes Scanned with CamScanner 9 Nomenclature = Page _,_ __the erm nomenclature mera eee lads cp {Naming oF an_organsro ace. established system. ___ fhe emming-of the plant ace. to Stienki fie basig is calle botanical nomenclature. the present day bianemal systen lof nomenclature has along evolu tion gry development-__ —_In_earhier days common_0r vernacular namec- where in_used which generally change with change of language tater, if the_hant_of ‘one commofi_inte | nationally accepted name fora _specier, SCienlifre | name have been introduced in the Bolla! ng form! ___| Te Cam viel po ig. ace Amenclature. thy. ____| was idotbd baenate pela ecu 4) Differe frond “scholar 4o_sebalar based onthe chavack ___:3 choosen by them. 1 ee oon oa Eras - | Minomial nomenclat re! i a ___ Mayer introduced the concept of sub- _speeies_cahieh meant the geographically defined aggreg eof bal pop”. the naming _of a sper pectally @ni'm b- el_is cAlled brinom'al nomenclate Botani'st donot consider trinomenctature. : @ Hania teense: re luo Dd he bionimal nomenclature aystem is a jformabsdckem af naming that cas introdcaed by a Scanned with CamScanner | 40 (‘on | \ Page] bel | I . _. Scien tisk _ Carley lous Linnaees - In_J53, Linnaeaus publid his great tmork Species p cam aiea the Bisional ‘ails tat ee — ham ‘ames: ‘Soine ailad at hiprinval’ noMedalsiesve td ‘le _coriting the name_are a9 follows‘ etl cee fife same of | gems align ath a copital_tetle, 9 he generic name Is“noun and the specific name sar RE Ske nome ane alainya ‘Halisied—— ee eee enh ae iAhn & the pame or the abbreviated name OF the scientist who firot desoribe the patie tein Mie the bionimal. for q+ Magnifera indica Linn = To avoid ewor, duplication and tia —nomec, the rtiler of nomenclature are framed and ___ | ized. WV e cede sich agro) Scanned with CamScanner 41 ste Page __* Internahional_ ode of Botanimal Nomenclabure (TCR). + International code of Zooleg ical Nomen dature CLC? N) _ . Inkernakional Code of hadlerialogteal —Noinancldtare eTeRacW) a 2 + fdnternaiinoal fis of tn women clatyre Chewn) Ons aura eee ———INeeeaclotune it-the 29k _of rules cind_recommendatsa al_botanical _pames that « vas fies nen independant al gil j ee Ths ale pine to the names af daronomic group treated as. nt here or snot _ meth — these groups ore r niin Andie eu ~~ 2 | Application of _namea slid etic Det ete peck ciadatatctenien es “ie men la nomenclature types: 3 enclature of tatonsmic group 1 > is based oD Sasa priority of publication. ek Society a ak aa, taronomic group «ith a parlicalas. eircaimscriphon ion and root Can be only one arrect name , the porliesds ie. in accordance aoith the rules escent id Specific mses. 5: |the 4 scientific name of laxonomia Group Are Scanned with CamScanner Tipe beds gol ashen tues ea scaieeak Airing elke + earliest eg mate abe..." ly published a athe. Ronkof toxa —f tanon_is_teferredtp_a_farxanemic Gunup. he Bon of specis ec ig_basi ant or Mare spasitt tne « __ order ‘Toren clase, One ox more class ft diuieco_and | gevera)_divisop form keine a a | must end = ‘aceae’ and thace of grder end~leo* Moet Smily and order mua be treated ac plural naan for 29: : Ibptiingrantharpe Berg Roast — Tribe 1 Amarantheac_ ee Gub=.tribe 1» Amaranthinae Scanned with CamScanner 1s ae an Bi Authoreitobion + 7933 Ge name of a toxan_is_ineomnplete un lese ______ the name _of {he author or authors aho fir + = published the namer_is cited car the names are cited in abbrevialed hory form bak” ——fever_anderlined_ or_typed_in Stale Nile tifalia 5 Line as | 8 the mame of the plant _is__fo intly published by their authors, their name ghould be link ed by — ______dAhe means of et al_or ees plates. 4 Valid publicablion + _ aia ___ the new _name_of a faxan_is considered oie eta eine ea ee eee: Slee aoe fed ea _____ comMunica tic MH. OY “nam ——Tidin — has bo to Buhl mony es et narmne—oF — p-of theyiazo nome gr - te deberm ined_ by the Means OF. Nomendature dypas. ood this means when A species is described ef as a new, the author mast indicate the kinds of type Scanned with CamScanner | ” Date | — me on cahich a _apeniec ic based: following Kinde of dypet One —__w ized | Holotype — Specimen or clement chonseo by author as the ® | Ssolbypes- | The duplicate of Holotype. for eg: TF a_ma.of ___| plants ore collected ata same time belonging to a 90m ___| Mew species, one may be selected as Hnlotype ond — — phe rest ore isolype Syntype = HLS Bite abaeti> MAI i _atthor —poit jon ohich ke | © | Raralype : th I is a_subatituke of Holotype when it i¢ [08 ond_ic io be getected ror iso type - Z| Neolype:- i noi ‘al ae Neatype is Selected Aorta eigen lebialkene cay/hdiea) ce Scanned with CamScanner \s ste Page _#! Rejection of name: L A leg imate name WieEnot be rejected only because ik is inappropriate or disaggreable ov | + hesatuse—it_has _lost_it's original meaning However Q_ ss t must be rejected if if cas nomenclatural super Fflaouc when i ant SM A__name_is rejected if it is synontom _ (soo _name for same taxa) and homanyms (same noms fy. differen tara). A_name_is_rejecked” fit ie toutony } i f . te 7 oystem of arranger Piece oP simile characte ristyoa:At wag Ort froral § ~ascleate tiestldioonetangiar i poimale chormelars-ahich co be_casily. _ fla realy -shiled faved nateeel € ____ phy logenetic deco be. __ #, Pre-Bsabainism classification. soe) 0 pM stead ee Natural classificalian | when clagsificalion started to reflect the situation < _iL_might hove existed in nature: During that period ___ Pumber of sinipholapial. characters of the plant me __, considered as ¢ found in mature and the cane ___ lof species cmp bead on Typological concept. 1s prt Major contributor of this period me _fieophasies > Grlous linnequs, A-P. de Condolle, — mn Bia or. Scanned with CamScanner 6 fost = 3 Damn inuansicatnent _class%fieakiso: auf it With reoin's [oa chiaped’ tha layolera af dlasifitatinn «oot honed. abich_isadl°a'o Phy he ist enelic cystem of clacsification or —| Pronk CE Reta Hy tchison ; Gr angi | PRAT am ranie ener A: Drie VaRIRe Lean be divided inte three systems of dassifiradion 1. —__arlificta) system, nalsrra system & Phylage noble cyclem 28, Artificial oyctem : _ fhe arlifierol_systern of classification is based on only a few ch araatero of eae a min best IgNoesr tern_systenn of classificahon is of Linnae vs_ | published (ois coed danadl AG, diee-atlmbgeia® tan - ce dytes_or the lypec of the flower fRere are _ : ‘fie £. close? Elen toe —Wahih da : Se ee 92 parated_ ira pinntuinia iin giepinitdl Jol domapeenua bie team omayee {Geena ina grup. 3 eo pt bag . Tp the natural _oystem all the imp- coe the plants are being considered Rithe __ are classified qae-4o their related affinitio® . Scanned with CamScanner 1% a Page - [hese “system is based on characters of agpeeda orga ___| structural relationship ao ell a9 at) other characters - All_mordern systems of classification. “are | palural. fhe best known natural system of clagsificas was. proposed by Greorge Bentham “(1800 = 1284) & _Soseph Daitan hooker C4217= j944) | a0 aca ie) dtusal system: mere prop nosed bee ______|the theory of descent (ancestor) so that € fe reg didnot er cla ite arcane fate elie nding eel fhslngeneli nF hylogenelic -ayst sb the evolutionary em_of classifvahn a! —fhylogenehie_classifircation_syster ~ Jaan of fase! sesarde “itie cobb diéticeit a ala gail the plont perfectly — hia a aI endencies. So_at present the plants are alags fied ———porllg acto. natural_and_phylogenchic basis. hi ______|of clagsificalfon 090.1 propesed by Engler and frant ,_ _____ Hutchison and Cranguist - Theee system generates & called Cladagrams which ne that include Ancestor Species i Ma lage Scanned with CamScanner | w (vat | 1. aw mae System: et) ystemn. abe (Geaton ies finéa_cnd eae ix apa tana Slo efi | Angicsperm (Mag.noliphyta) into teao_clasce: magnelte. there are subclasses, 64 ocder, 912 families ani ——Labsut 165000 ¢-psrise_in_magnoliopeida_tohereas_in— —lilte, Ottacdns Wea dee al rwias See : _families_and about 5p, 096—sp. nee [class 4 > Mag Y at ag pa i ____, Subclass 17 Sa ae 7 Sovbclass 2° Hamomelidae — Subclass 3° Cary piidqe ia ok all oe ae eee __Svbelase_ St Jie Subclase. thid@e@d bn teh alin le : | Sabclass 2+ Lilie. }__|__Subolocs 3: | Subclass ¢ ! esate. Subclass 5 Araleg Scanned with CamScanner as Date | Sas of clags) ion (HI = pemematl Eementineneeniinnnsicitts cqnetiiinstmiaai en Artificial Sys tern pare Corlous Lianaevs ( 5204- IPAS grea Swedish botoni st_eoas the father of mordern en followe. deceribed Tbsht Miata: Soraidiceants dysteral tho ___morld. He published ano. of important worlee - e9: Genera \Plaotawm, Species Planta vorn_ate_in_cahich he deseri bed hundreds of plant. artifical cystem a snes kane ea SAE '___|baced on ea: of stamens and t ee Ts Ge uh pulintithee daa: -afchles:asfabens dana ——Lpublished. Geir tind Pasaclieae olih.atisanegeet laa “Genera Plantarum” in 173% alang dith all Eneron) ——of ask Reve angel natal face hb godichd | “Spesies Plantarum” canteining 5900 species, 1936 genera in Torpmten cf db ecoe sie, ka Ai ip: Uicahio® be ©. Pentandira > 5 6 Kexandria + Biren 2 ® > 4 to I9 stamens Scanned with CamScanner b)) and @, Teosandria > 20 or more tached. teee 86 (ol ap) __@)| Poly andria —> 20_or more aactenptaititna “te_vecealode ——)| Based a0 posilian of stamens; nia _@_|Didyramia—_slomens 4 in_242 cirole. _ —@_Telradynamovs > stamens 6 in 244 circle. —s) —__@ a 1 svaaieae io bundle. ae he |Modnadelphia indie. phandia = hme gman fae pill - hey mit of this his system aig. the gui ke a pele Hoeictcall pain bones d_on_one_or few) Demerils:- wa 44 ‘em_isnot at_al]| sexual io p r sense, bat — “ only on numerical ss pope Sex organs. Scanned with CamScanner + She_dosaly colated_members_go-apart and the distan et | ielaled_members become very cloce_to—each other fa the numerical relation So 4 + the ysnnospermae_ 99 aT along a escent fon’ ee Never Needs fossils characterc or ancesteral cho) Notural_aystem. of _clasaificalont=) t Fe gen below + {| et Kingdon) Seed plants} C+ er be re eer Clogs Dicotyledorae agape’? Monocalyledanae b leap epee —Henebliighow me [Subclass 2 Pol lae (Petals Separate) Series 1+ Shalamiflorae a 2 Visciflarae - UNS.» Colyciflovae an na i Scanned with CamScanner Loe 9) Subclass 2“ Gamopetatoe (Petals fused) | Sertes 4-9 Snferae ee |S 5 Hele | Ss i é=> Bicarpe lalae Scanned with CamScanner 99 oa 7 oo 4: |$4 is based onal possible chararkere from mosphalogy ____.andkomy and pohameeah oN wee: 2 | ok = Es coy Glen al pln pape ond that 1's -ahy few ral other 1 “in dhe world ar 3. Ranales have been given a _primilive position in this 4 this syslem,the_manocots_oxe-derised ftom clic __TPemeriigns - __this_system _ . - = elic_in this system " Ve wel. vet inva by fata deta nebo of Breslau in 1892. [, ron fom ted 5 0 Late the sys ekpan flame eb Scanned with CamScanner go ees ate Page ___amilren' which means identifica: ion_af the genera pf the bole plant kingdom ___this_publication” continuet ith numerous — _____Wolumes_, Many sy peepee bi_and_rewistons _____frorn_1895. to present day reat coor cas compiled inthe collabor ion af his ateoriohe : oorker Eugen Prantls (1849 — $393). — ____ — the general_outli ine of this eyckem is ___given belo? = 6 uni Aisa pi Meret Ap inbryophyka_ oS es - ar : Angiospermae G@ymnospermae | { 2 classes Mews nf Engler wand Pape 1 _+ his is_a_conuenient and well-known Filling system af ms pel apc Pia ami Monochlas E Bantham_and Hacker St ee tie iy a Pra nk_is y = —Teeiieetioioe Ia CI + Ti 4 Orchidaceae Qnd_ near ae ta - | iieg 1 _ «|| is 6 several closely « velated families are Scanned with CamScanner __* Monocots have _becn placed before dicot in this syshem + Phylogenic isnot established in all groups ___ + Naked flomers_of Amentiferae have been treated as _primili _Lin_ahis Flocer. He abide, cancshing Of prim: : live forme have been placed isicgegtenn dldaeand flees Giurnsllinde ind. Pandan! + | Procone are derived from liliacege , but Engler and iProntlplaced Praceae before libiacea @ _ | Bests of Cranguiabs eg sien ohio system —is_highly cha eh baleen —* ;hlamendature _is_in accordanse maith the Te@N. ——__ ~ Neons \ Ne a ——wighlly_placed_fowards_the end of recperkive gvoteps -____ TORE. erable aldltmeonksqidc git van dil ee, scliaed ——with_diograms cohich provide valuable io formation an __Ivelative advancement _and_size of the various eub=clagies as Magnoliidae is considered as the most aiidive group one Scanned with CamScanner 92 =——< - ——Demerits of Cmngigh:= + [Not very oseful for idenlificatioD and _ddapkahion in_ ~_Herboxia’ since indented keys for genera_arenot __ prouded: + Dahlgren 4.839, 89) and thbne (1990, 23) treated angiosperm in the xank of alass and not that ofa divison. ~—t the sobelassAstenid ae represents a_looce assem bhge ____of ceveral dixaice sympelaious familia. « here is a_differetice in _apinioO ith other authors _— regarding ibe Mp clesal— pha Tn some orders |e ——tTyphalei, Arales ,obicales_ BHClien coed So ihe late 19902, an infernal grou p_ Fpecagiesciat = major oi tea of _the

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