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Bài tập 1: Fill in the blanks with a/an/the (or leave blank if not needed):

Điền a/an/the vào chỗ trống (hoặc để trống nếu không cần):

1. I saw _____ interesting movie last night.

2. There is _____ cat on the roof.
3. She wants to be _____ doctor when she grows up.
4. Can you pass me _____ salt, please?
5. He's going to _____ university in the fall.
6. I need _____ new phone because mine is broken.
7. We're going to _____ beach this weekend.
8. _____ Eiffel Tower is located in Paris.
9. She is learning to play _____ guitar.
10. There is _____ apple and _____ banana on the table.

Bài tập 2: Fill in the blanks with a/an or the

Điền a/an hoặc the vào chỗ trống:

1. I have _____ dog and _____ cat. _____ dog's name is Max and _____ cat's name is
2. She is _____ engineer, and she works at _____ engineering firm in _____ city center.
3. Can I have _____ glass of water, please?
4. They are planning to visit _____ Grand Canyon during _____ summer vacation.
5. He bought _____ new car, and he's really happy with _____ purchase.

Đáp án:

Bài tập 1:

1. an
2. a
3. a
4. the
5. a
6. a
7. the
8. The
9. the
10. an, a

Bài tập 2:

1. a, a, The, The
2. an, an, the
3. a
4. the, the
5. a, the

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