Trends and Diass Reflection

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I have no idea about this subject at first, but it makes me understand about the trends that for me is
important to know beacuase in today's generation, Trends, Network and Critical Thinking is relatable. As
technologies, fashion, ways of doing, values, language evolved that's the definition of a trend for me, in
this subject we discussed deeper meaning and understanding about trend for that is a part pf our
Society today.

Network is not surely easy to understand for me, but i can make as definition about it as a connection
between who needs a thing that's why they need network to fill the unfill things like for example we
needed to have a relationship with other institutions to provide goods, what i mean is the School and
the Baranggay and Baranggay also let us get what we need for them to benefit also,

For Critical Thinking, I have enjoyed the activity we have during tha time of this Topic discussed it's
about the Strategic analysis, our activity is like a game. One would count 1-100 and numbers with 3,6
and 9 should be clapping, and i learned about that activity is that teamwork makes the dream work and
you have to apply strategy.


This Subject is about Counseling and counseling means you try to fix a person but not at all aspect, i
mean it by mental health, it talks about a human persons mind, about behaviors attitude and others that
may affect a persons life to need counseling.

I am a deep thinker person and i want to always have a answer to the questions made up in my head,
this subject made me interested about how can individuals have life problems specially about mental
illness, because in today's time i found it relevant. That we should be careful not only in physical but
mental as it leaves a damage not only in our mind but in our heart that makes the mental illness more
dangerous, i have known some people who has this an i am proud that they too brave to fight fo lives.

Including our Subject teacher who shared her experience with us and how she still fighting her battle,
that makes me more interested about that counselor can do about it.
Not focusing on that side of Disciplines and Ideas Applied in Sociel Science, this subject also can be a
Societal change as the alteration or transformation of social structures, institutions, behaviors, and
attitudes over time by the experst power of counselors.
Trends, Network and Critical Thinking encompasses an interdisciplinary approach to understanding
modern phenomena. It explores emerging trends across various domains such as technology, culture,
economics, and society, analyzing their interconnectedness within networks. Critical thinking is central
to this subject, as it encourages students to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and discern
credible information amidst a sea of data and opinions.

Topics may include social media dynamics, globalization, information dissemination, and the
implications of emerging technologies on society and ethics. Students develop skills to navigate complex
networks, anticipate trends, and make informed decisions in an ever-changing world.

Also, this subject would likely explore contemporary trends and their impact on various networks, such
as social, economic, and technological. It would delve into analyzing and evaluating these trends
critically, considering their implications, validity, and potential consequences. Additionally, it nvolve
understanding how networks shape and are shaped by these trends, fostering critical thinking skills to
navigate complex information landscapes effectively.

Understanding trends and networks helps individuals filter information effectively, distinguishing
between noise and valuable insights. Adaptability because trends and networks are constantly evolving,
presenting new opportunities and challenges. Developing a keen understanding of these dynamics
enables individuals and organizations to adapt quickly to changing circumstances, staying ahead of the

Problem-Solving: Critical thinking is integral to solving complex problems. By critically evaluating

information and considering multiple perspectives, individuals can devise innovative solutions to
challenges in various domains, from business to science to social issues. Decision-Making: Informed
decision-making relies on the ability to analyze trends and assess network relationships. Critical thinking
allows individuals to weigh evidence, anticipate consequences, and make rational choices that align with
their goals and values.

Innovation and Creativity by this subject, trends often indicate areas ripe for innovation. By critically
analyzing existing trends and network structures, individuals can identify gaps or inefficiencies and
develop creative solutions to address them, driving progress and growth.

In summary, understanding trends, networks, and critical thinking skills are interconnected pillars that
empower individuals to navigate complexity, make informed decisions, and drive positive change in an
increasingly dynamic world.

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