A Review of "Bodyspace Anthropometry, Ergonomics

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A review of: “Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics

and Design”. By STEPHEN PHEASANT. (London,
Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 1986.) [Pp. 276.]
£16·00 paperback; £30-00 hardback.
Version of record first published: 31 May 2007.

To cite this article: J. M. PATRICK (1986): A review of: “Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and Design”. By STEPHEN
PHEASANT. (London, Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 1986.) [Pp. 276.] £16·00 paperback; £30-00 hardback., Ergonomics,
29:10, 1295-1295

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00140138608967244


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Book review
Bod yspaee: Antbropometry, Ergonomics and it is sustained by a wealth of ideas and
Design. By STEPHEN PHWANT.(London, insights but it is somewhat lacking in
Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 1986.) material. I take this to be a reflection of the
[ P p 276.1 £ 1 6 - 0 paperback; £30.00 relatively under-developed state of the art,
hardback. and it offers an invitation to ergonomists to
apply the available antbropometric data to
Bodyspace is a book that will satisfy an design problems in their own field. Dr Phea-
increasingly important requirement in de- sant reviews briefly the topics of seating (for
sign ergonomics. It is at the same time a leisure, office and driving), the domestic
reference book, containing pages of carefully environment, manual materials handling,
compiled data and an excellent source of and controls and displays. All this is done
references, and a thoughtful text with a with penetrating analysis but leaves the
provocative and informative content. impression that there must be more to come.
The text is centred around chapter 4 The elderly and the left-handed only get the
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which is an extensive collection of anthro- briefest of mentions, and among neglected

pometric tables listing some 36 variables areas are clothing manufacture and public
ranging from head length through ab- transport: trains, buses and bicycles warrant
dominal depth to foot breadth. The main a coverage equivalent to that devoted to the
data set is for British subjects in a series of motor car.
different age-groups, and the Sth, 50th and This is a very personal book: the wide
95th centiles for males and females are given. interest of the author, his deep understand-
Subsidiary tables describe adults of other ing and his long experience show on every
nationalities, including Americans and Japa- page. Occasionally his tongue-in-cheek style
nese. The basis of the measurements and leads him to make an idiosyncratic choice
statistics is well documented, and chapter 3 among contradictory hypotheses. Many
on human diversity is itself an excellent short topics are illustrated from personal observ-
survey of this aspect of human biology. ation and reflection, and the compilation and
Chapters 1 and 2 are particularly lucid derivation of the data tables have obviously
introductions to ergonomics and to been based on an individual labour of love.
anthropometry. We owe Dr Pheasant a considerable debt of
Chapters 5 to 8 are on special regions of gratitude.
the body, on the forces exerted between Bodyspace is well-illustrated, attractively
segments of the body, on the dynamics of presented and reasonably priced. It should
.reach and clearance, and on posture. These run into many editions as this important field
round off the first half of this text devoted to develops and as new applications arise and
the fundamentals of the subject, and provide the gaps in our knowledge are filled. It
a most readable and balanced introduction deserves to be popular amongst practitioners
to applied anthropometry. It is continually and teachers of ergonomics, as well as
illuminating, and on many pages I found amongst basic scientists and applied en-
myself turning to the long reference list to gineers. There is something here for everyone
identify the source of some fascinating piece who appreciates the human form, who wants
of information. to get the measure of it, and who desires an
But after this weighty start 1 found the environment fit for it to live and work in.
rest of the book rather thin and fragmentary: J. M. PATRICK

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