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St Paul’s College
F.3 Final Examination 2023-2024
Date: 06/06/2024
Time Limit: Nil

(A)Matching: Match the following columns together.

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1946 ‧ ‧ Outbreak of the Korean War
1950 ‧ ‧ Outbreak of the Vietnam War
1961 ‧ ‧ Collapse of the Soviet Union
1962 ‧ ‧ Outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis
1991 ‧ ‧ Outbreak of the Chinese Civil War

1946; Outbreak of the Chinese Civil War
1950; Outbreak of the Korean War
1961; Outbreak of the Vietnam War
1962; Outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis
1991; Collapse of the Soviet Union

Korean War ‧ ‧ US forces failed to defeat the communist regime.
Vietnam War ‧ ‧ It led to the formation of East and West Germany.
Suez Crisis ‧ ‧ Britain, France and Egypt were involved.
Cuban Missile Crisis ‧ ‧ Chinese voluntary soldiers fought in the war.
Berlin Blockade ‧ ‧ It took place when Kennedy was the US President.

Korean War; Chinese voluntary soldiers fought in the war.
Vietnam War; US forces failed to defeat the communist regime.
Suez Crisis; Britain, France and Egypt were involved.
Cuban Missile Crisis; It took place when Kennedy was the US President.
Berlin Blockade; It led to the formation of East and West Germany.
The US ‧ ‧ Leader of the capitalist bloc.
The USSR ‧ ‧ A national strike took place here in 1980
which was suppressed by the USSR.
Poland ‧ ‧ The USSR built a missile base here, increasing
the risk of nuclear war.
Cuba ‧ ‧ Leader of the communist bloc.

The US; Leader of the capitalist bloc.
The USSR; Leader of the communist bloc.
Poland; A national strike took place here in 1980 which was suppressed by the USSR.
Cuba; The USSR built a missile base here, increasing the risk of nuclear war.
Churchill ‧ ‧ Became the Soviet leader in 1985
Gorbachev ‧ ‧ Provided economic aid to Western
European countries
Molotov ‧ ‧ Delivered the ‘Iron Curtain Speech’

Churchill; Delivered the ‘Iron Curtain Speech’
Gorbachev; Became the Soviet leader in 1985
Molotov; Provided economic aid to Eastern European countries

East Germans escaped to
the West. ‧ ‧ The US and the USSR held the Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
took place. ‧ ‧ The USSR and Eastern European countries
formed the Warsaw Pact.
West Germany joined
NATO in 1955 ‧ ‧ The Berlin Wall was built.

East Germans escaped to the West. ; The Berlin Wall was built.
The Cuban Missile Crisis took place. ; The US and the Soviet Union held the Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks.
West Germany joined NATO in 1955. ; The Soviet Union and Eastern European countries
formed the Warsaw Pact.
Vietnam War ‧ ‧ The US provided supplies via air.
Cuban Missile Crisis ‧ ‧ The USSR agreed to remove the missiles from
Berlin Blockade ‧ ‧ The US sent many soldiers to fight.

Vietnam War; The US sent many soldiers to fight.
Cuban Missile Crisis; The USSR agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba.
Berlin Blockade; The US provided supplies via air.

The US gave financial aid
to Western Europe ‧ ‧ The USSR enacted the Molotov Plan.
The USSR built a missile
base in Cuba ‧ ‧ The US ordered a naval blockade on Cuba.
The USSR dissolved ‧ ‧ Germany was unified.
The Berlin Wall fell. ‧ ‧ The Cold War ended.

The US gave financial aid to Western Europe; The USSR enacted the Molotov Plan.
The USSR built a missile base in Cuba; The US ordered a naval blockade on Cuba.
The USSR dissolved; The Cold War ended.
The Berlin Wall fell; Germany was unified.

North Atlantic Treaty ‧ ‧ Cold War military alliance led by the US
Molotov Plan ‧ ‧ It aimed to reduce support for communism in
Western Europe
Marshall Plan ‧ ‧ It provided Eastern Europe with financial aid
from the USSR
Warsaw Pact ‧ ‧ Military alliance of the communist camp

North Atlantic Treaty; Cold War military alliance led by the US
Molotov Plan; It provided Eastern Europe with financial aid from the USSR
Marshall Plan; It aimed to reduce support for communism in Western Europe
Warsaw Pact; Military alliance of the communist camp

European Union ‧ ‧ Involved Britain, France and Egypt
Yugoslav Civil War ‧ ‧ The USSR compromised in the end
Cuban Missile Crisis ‧ ‧ A political organisation formed by European
Suez Crisis ‧ ‧ Happened after the collapse of the USSR

European Union; A political organisation formed by European countries
Yugoslav Civil War; Happened after the collapse of the USSR
Cuban Missile Crisis; The USSR compromised in the end
Suez Crisis; Involved Britain, France and Egypt

European Union ‧ ‧ The Soviet leader who formed the Warsaw Pact
August Coup ‧ ‧ It was formed in 1993.
Berlin Wall ‧ ‧ It sped up the collapse of the USSR.
Gorbachev ‧ ‧ Built by the government of East Germany in

Berlin Wall; Built by the government of East Germany in 1961.
August Coup; It sped up the collapse of the USSR.
European Union; It was formed in 1993.
Gorbachev; The Soviet leader who formed the Warsaw Pact alliance.
(B)Time Sense: Arrange the following in chronological order.
(a) Vietnam War; (b) Korean War; (c) Cuban Missile Crisis

(b) Korean War; (a) Vietnam War; (c) Cuba Missile Crisis

(a) Truman Doctrine; (b) Suez Crisis; (c) Berlin Crisis

(a) Truman Doctrine; (c) Berlin Crisis; (b) Suez Crisis

(a) Nixon visited China; (b) Marshall Plan adopted; (c) NATO was formed

(b) Marshall Plan adopted; (c) NATO was formed; (a) Nixon visited China

(a) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; (b) Formation of the Warsaw Pact alliance;
(c) Fall of the Berlin Wall

(b) Formation of the Warsaw Pact alliance; (a) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks;
(c) Fall of the Berlin Wall
(a) Formation of the European Community; (b) Gorbachev became leader of the USSR; (c)
End of the Vietnam War

(a) Formation of the European Community; (c) End of the Vietnam War;
(b) Gorbachev became leader of the USSR

(a) Reunification of Germany; (b) Formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States; (c)
Warsaw Pact alliance broke up.

(a) Reunification of Germany; (c) Warsaw Pact alliance broke up; (b) Formation of the
Commonwealth of Independent States

(a) The Marshall Plan; (b) Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech; (c) The Truman Doctrine

(b) Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech; (c) The Truman Doctrine; (a) The Marshall Plan

(a) The Cuban Missile Crisis; (b) End of the Vietnam War; (c) Formation of West Germany

(c) Formation of West Germany; (a) The Cuban Missile Crisis; (b) End of the Vietnam War
(a) China regained its seat in the UN; (b) SALT I; (c) Normalisation of Sino-American

(b) SALT I; (a) China regained its seat in the UN; (c) Normalisation of Sino-American

(a) Formation of East and West Germany; (b) Construction of the Berlin Wall; (c) Berlin
Blockade by the USSR

(c) Berlin Blockade by the USSR; (a) Formation of East and West Germany;
(b) Construction of the Berlin Wall

(a) Chinese People’s Voluntary Army sent to support North Korea; (b) North Korean army
crossed the 38th parallel; (c) Formation of North and South Korea

(c) Formation of North and South Korea; (b) North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel; (a)
Chinese People’s Voluntary Army sent to support North Korea
(a) The US joined the Vietnam War; (b) The Vietnam War broke out; (c) North Vietnam
defeated South Vietnam

(b) The Vietnam War broke out; (a) The US joined the Vietnam War; (c) North Vietnam
defeated South Vietnam

(a) Formation of the European Union; (b) Formation of the European Community;
(c) Formation of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation

(c) Formation of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation;
(b) Formation of the European Community; (a) Formation of the European Union
(a) Marshall Plan enacted; (b) Molotov Plan enacted; (c) Warsaw Pact alliance formed

(a) Marshall Plan enacted; (b) Molotov Plan enacted; (c) Warsaw Pact alliance formed

(a) Outbreak of the Suez Crisis; (b) Cold War détente; (c) End of the Vietnam War

(a) Outbreak of the Suez Crisis; (c) End of the Vietnam War; (b) Cold War détente

(a) The US adopted the containment policy; (b) Reunification of Germany; (c) The
Communist Party of China gained power

(a) The US adopted the containment policy; (c) The Communist Party of China gained power;
(b) Reunification of Germany

(a) The Berlin Wall was built; (b) The communist government in East Germany was
overthrown; (c) Lithuania declared independence

(a) The Berlin Wall was built; (b) The communist government in East Germany was
overthrown; (c) The Soviet Union was dissolved
(C)Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answers and put them in the boxes
Which of the following events symbolised the spread of the Cold War to Asia?
A. Kim Il-Sung becoming the leader of North Korea
B. The defeat of the Kuomintang
C. The North Korean army crossing the 38th parallel
D. Outbreak of the Vietnam War □


Which of the following descriptions about the Korean War are correct?
(1) UN forces led by the US assisted South Korea.
(2) China supported South Korea.
(3) South Korea started the war by invading North Korea.
(4) The Korean Peninsula remains divided after the Korean War.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (4)
C. (2), (3) D. (3), (4) □


In which year did the Korean War take place?
A. 1946 B. 1950
C. 1961 D. 1975 □

Which of the following countries consisted of capitalist and communist regimes during the
(1) Germany
(2) Cuba
(3) Vietnam.
(4) Korea
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. (1), (2), (3), (4) □

Which of the following countries was not an early member of the Warsaw Pact
A. Poland B. West Germany
C. Hungary D. Czechoslovakia □


Which of the following was not a result of the Suez Crisis?
A. Soviet expansion was stopped.
B. The Suez Canal was owned by Egypt.
C. The Cold War spread to Southwest Asia.
D. The US was unsatisfied with Egypt’s pro-Soviet attitude. □


How did the US respond to the USSR building nuclear missile bases in Cuba?
A. Asked the UN for help
B. Imposed a naval blockade on Cuba
C. Bombed the Soviet missile bases in Cuba
D. Established a hotline to negotiate with Gorbachev □


Who was the US president during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A. Truman B. Eisenhower
C. Kennedy D. Regan □

Which of the following were the results of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
(1) The US and the USSR established a hotline.
(2) Relations between the US and the USSR improved.
(3) The US and the USSR co-operated to develop nuclear weapons.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following descriptions of the Vietnam War is correct?
A. South Vietnam received support from China.
B. The war lasted for approximately one decade.
C. The USSR stopped supporting North Vietnam, causing the war to end.
D. The US continued to intervene in Vietnam after its army withdrew. □


North Vietnam and South Vietnam were divided along the ___________.
A. 16th parallel B. 17th parallel
C. 34th parallel D. 38th parallel □

Which of the following descriptions about the Vietnam War are correct?
(1) The US supported North Vietnam.
(2) The USSR backed down.
(3) Saigon was occupied by North Vietnam.
(4) The US directly participated in the war.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (3), (4) □

In which year did the Vietnam War end?
A. 1950 B. 1962
C. 1975 D. 1989 □


Which of the following were the reasons for the Cold War détente from the end of
the 1960s to the start of the 1970s?
(1) The USSR promised to stop building the Berlin Wall.
(2) The US paid a heavy price in the Vietnam War.
(3) The US and the USSR agreed to solve their differences through negotiation.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following were the reasons for the Cold War détente?
(1) Gorbachev carried out reforms in the USSR.
(2) The USSR backed down in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
(3) The normalisation of Sino-American relations.
(4) The Kuomintang won the Chinese Civil War.
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (2), (3), (4) D. (1), (2), (3), (4) □

The SALT Treaty was first signed in the period marked _________ on the timeline
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
A. (1) B. (2)
C. (3) D. (4) □


Which of the following did not occur during the Cold War détente?
A. The Helsinki Agreement
B. SALT I and II
C. Normalisation of Sino-American relations
D. The USSR suppressing reforms in Eastern Europe □

Which of the following US presidents visited China in 1972?
A. Eisenhower B. Kennedy
C. Nixon D. Regan □


In which year did the US and China officially establish normal diplomatic relations?
A. 1949 B. 1963
C. 1979 D. 1984 □


Which of the following events marked the end of the Cold War détente?
A. The Cuban Missile Crisis B. The USSR invasion of Afghanistan
C. The August Coup D. The U-2 Incident □


From 1989 onwards, democratic movements took place in Eastern European countries. Which
of the following conclusions is incorrect?
A. The socialist camp was declining.
B. The USSR reduced control over Eastern Europe.
C. Eastern Europeans were unsatisfied with socialism.
D. The Marshall Plan led to the democratic movements in Eastern Europe. □

In which year did East and West Germany reunite?
A. 1990 B. 1989
C. 1972 D. 1962 □


Which of the following individuals introduced reforms to end communist one-party
dictatorship in the USSR?
A. Stalin B. Gorbachev
C. Yeltsin D. Nixon □


Which of the following Soviet leaders played a crucial role in ending the Cold War?
A. Lenin B. Stalin
C. Khrushchev D. Gorbachev □


Which of the following individuals declared the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s?
A. Gorbachev B. Khrushchev
C. Yeltsin D. Molotov □

Which of the following descriptions about Gorbachev are correct?
(1)He was the last leader of the USSR.
(2) The Berlin Wall was removed when he was the Soviet leader.
(3) He caused US-Soviet relations to worsen.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following incidents marked the end of the Cold War?
A. Unification of East and West Germany
B. Collapse of the Warsaw Pact alliance
C. Collapse of the USSR
D. Democratic movements in Eastern Europe □


Which of the following incidents marked the end of the Cold War?
A. The US withdrawing from Vietnam
B. Normalisation of Sino-American relations
C. Unification of East and West Germany
D. Collapse of the USSR □

Arrange the following incidents in order of sequence.
(1) Cuban Missile Crisis
(2) Establishment of the European Community.
(3) The Commonwealth of Independent States replaced the USSR
A. (1), (2), (3) B. (1), (3), (2)
C. (2), (1), (3) D. (3), (2), (1) □


Which of the following descriptions about the USSR during the Cold War are correct?
(1) It used the Molotov Plan to resist the US
(2) Gorbachev introduced democratisation reforms
(3) It collapsed after the Vietnam War
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following was not a US policy during the Cold War?
A. Building the Berlin Wall B. Joining the Vietnam War
C. Visiting China D. Introducing the Marshall Plan □

Which of the following was not a Soviet policy during the Cold War?
A. Building the Berlin Wall
B. Building a missile base in Cuba
C. Establishing the Warsaw Pact alliance
D. Supporting South Korea in the Korean War □


Which of the following were policies the US adopted to resist communism?
(1) Creating posters to promote political ideology
(2) Providing economic aid to European countries
(3) Establishing NATO
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following was not an impact of the Cold War?
A. Long-term tensions in international relations
B. Rise of terrorism
C. New economic organisations appeared
D. The world became peaceful □

Which of the following descriptions about the post-Cold War international situation is
not correct?
A. The US became dominant
B. Many countries were involved in world politics
C. China and Russia became superpowers
D. International conflicts continued to happen □


Which of the following were impacts of the Cold War?
(1) International relations remain tense.
(2) Collapse of the capitalist camp.
(3) Threat of terrorism.
A. (1), (2) B. (1), (3)
C. (2), (3) D. (1), (2), (3) □


Which of the following was not a regional conflict after the Cold War?
A. Yugoslav Civil War
B. Gulf War
C. Conflicts between Israel and the Arabs
D. Greek Civil War □

Following the Cold War, which country actively intervened in the Middle East?
A. Israel B. China
C. The US D. India □


In 2001, the US started which war to eliminate Al-Qaeda?
A. The Afghanistan War
B. The Iraq War
C. The Kosovo War
D. The Arabs War □


Which of the following was not a new regional power or economic organisation after
the Cold War?
A. The European Union B. Japan
C. China D. India □

(D)Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the following blanks with the correct answers.
After the Communist Party of China established its authority, the US continued to support the
_______________ regime in Taiwan. By then, the Cold War had already spread to Asia.

Kuomintang/Jiang Jieshi

After WWII, the _______________ was divided along the 38th parallel north. The
______________________ (South Korea) formed in the south while the
__________________________ (North Korea) was established in the north.

Korean Peninsula; Republic of Korea; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

During the Korean War, the United Nations led by ___________ supported South Korea
while China sent the _________________________ to help North Korea.

the US; Chinese People’s Voluntary Army

In 1956, the _____________ government took over the Suez Canal, causing the discontent of
Britain and France.


After the _______________, the US suggested providing aid to Southwest Asian countries to
check Soviet influence in the region.

Suez Crisis
In 1961, the USSR built the _______________ to prevent East Germans from escaping to the

Berlin Wall

In 1962, the US discovered that the USSR was building a missile base in ___________. US
President _____________ immediately ordered a naval blockade.

Cuba; Kennedy

The _______________ in 1962 pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war. Afterwards, the
US and USSR established a __________ to strengthen communication between them.

Cuban Missile Crisis; hotline

In 1965, __________ intervened in Vietnam to support South Vietnam. On the other hand,
North Vietnam received military aid from __________ and ___________.

the US; China; the USSR

The Vietnam War ended with _______________ defeating _______________. The
_________________________ was thus founded.

North Vietnam; South Vietnam; Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The US intervened in the _______________ (1950-1953) and the _______________ (1965-
1975). This shows its determination to stop the spread of communism in Asia.

Korean War; Vietnam War

The US and the USSR held two ____________________________, reaching agreements on
the limitations of missile systems and nuclear weapons.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

Between 1969 and 1979, the US and USSR held two __________________________ which
limited the __________ systems and nuclear weapons on both sides.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; missile

In 1972, US President ___________ visited China. In ________, China and the US
established normal diplomatic relations.

Nixon; 1979

The détente of the Cold War ended after the USSR invaded _______________.

After _______________ became the leader of the USSR, he introduced a series of reforms
while actively improving relations with _______________. His policies were important to
ending the Cold War.

Gorbachev; the West

Gorbachev’s reforms during the 1980s aimed to achieve the two goals of ‘_______________’
and ‘_______________’.

restructuring; openness

In 1989, the _______________ was taken down. This contributed to the unification of

Berlin Wall

In December 1991, the Soviet republics formed the ______________________________ to
replace the USSR.

Commonwealth of Independent States

In 1991, conservatives in the USSR started a coup known as the ________________.

August Coup
After the Cold War, the Gulf War broke out. The joint forces led by the US stopped
___________’s invasion of Kuwait.


After the USSR collapsed, different ethnic groups within Yugoslavia wanted independence.
This resulted in the ___________________.

Yugoslav Civil War

In 1948, the Western European countries formed the __________________________ to
distribute financial aid from the _______________.

Organisation for European Economic Co-operation; Marshall Plan

Following the ____________________ by Al-Qaeda, the US started a series of wars to fight
against _____________.

September 11 attacks; terrorism
(6) Sorting: Distinguish the odd item from each question and write it on the line
(E)Short Questions: Give short answers to the following questions.
Which event marked the spread of the Cold War from Europe to Asia?


After the Communist Party of China won the civil war, the US continued to support the Jiang
Jieshi regime in Taiwan. On the other hand, China adopted pro-Soviet policies in all aspects
while the USSR supported China’s economy and military. By then, the Cold War had spread
from Europe to Asia.

What was the result of the Korean War?


Both sides signed an armistice in 1953. North and South Korea remained divided. The US
worried that communism would spread rapidly across Asia and decided to adopt tougher
measures and increase its military influence in Asia.

What was the relation between the formation of the Warsaw Pact alliance and NATO?


The Warsaw Pact alliance was a military alliance formed by the USSR to counter NATO.
After West Germany joined NATO in March 1955, Soviet leader Khrushchev created a
military organisation under Soviet leadership known as the Warsaw Pact alliance in order to
oppose NATO.
Identify the background of the Cuban Missile Crisis.


In 1959, Castro established a communist regime in Cuba. In 1962, a US spy plane discovered
that the USSR was building a missile base in Cuba and secretly sending missiles there. US
President Kennedy imposed a naval blockade on Cuba and gave an ultimatum threatening to
take military action.

What positive impacts did the Cuban Missile Crisis have on the Cold War situation?


After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US and the USSR reflected upon their relations. They
established the Moscow-Washington hotline to allow direct communication between leaders
in case of future crisis. This helped reduce misunderstandings and conflicts. US-Soviet
relations improved, helping to relieve the Cold War tension.

How did US foreign policy change after the Vietnam War?


After the Vietnam War, US President Nixon gave up the containment policy, reduced
intervention in Asian affairs and tried to improve relations with the USSSR. This helped
reduce Cold War tensions in the 1970s.
What was the background of the Helsinki Agreement?


Between 1973 and 1975, member states of NATO and the Warsaw Pact alliance held the
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe. They signed the Helsinki Agreement
which recognised their existing boundaries and promised to improve the conditions of human
rights and liberty.

Why did the Eastern Europe socialist camp collapse in the end?


In 1988, Gorbachev relaxed Soviet control over Eastern Europe. The USSR no longer
supported communist regimes there and allowed Eastern European countries to choose their
own paths for future development. Huge changes took place in Eastern Europe, with many
communist regimes replaced by multi-party parliamentary democracies. This led to the
collapse of the Eastern Europe socialist camp.
Why did Gorbachev introduce a series of reforms?


The USSR faced many problems. Politically, the government was inefficient and corrupt. At
the same time, nationalism in different Soviet republics caused political instability.
Economically, the industrial and agricultural productivity of the USSR kept decreasing. Food
and material shortages were common. Living standards declined. Therefore, Gorbachev
introduced a series of economic and political reforms.

How did the Cold War end?


After the August Coup, Gorbachev suggested dissolving the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union. The Soviet republics announced their independence from the USSR one by one. In
December 1991, Russia led some former Soviet republics to form the Commonwealth of
Independent States. The USSR officially collapsed, ending the Cold War.
(F)Data-Based Questions: Study the sources provided and answer the
following questions.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The picture below shows a wall in a German city.

Source B The following is a description about the wall shown in source A.

...Barbed wires, observation towers and fences were built along the eastern side of the wall
in order to prevent the people from escaping to the west. The fortification was patrolled by
guards and dogs and overlooked by watchtowers...
(1) What is the name of the wall shown in source A? When was it built?

(2) What was drawn on the wall, as reflected in source A? What message do the
drawings on the wall convey?


(3) On which side of the wall do you think these drawings were? Explain your
answer with reference to source B.



(4) Briefly state the historical significance of the fall of this wall.


(1) The Berlin Wall. It was built in 1961.
(2) The Statue of Liberty. The drawings of the Statue of Liberty on the wall convey
the message that the people wanted freedom.
(3) The drawings were on the western side of the wall. On the eastern side, barbed
wires, observation towers and fences were built to prevent people from escaping to
West Berlin. It was therefore impossible for the East Berliners to go near the wall
and draw pictures on it.
(4) The fall of the Berlin Wall not only contributed to the re-establishment of contacts
and communication between the West and the East Berliners, but also paved the
way for the reunification of Germany in 1990.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following passage is excerpted from Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

The parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North
America shall be considered an attack against all; ... if such an armed attack occurs, each of
them ... will assist the party or parties attacked by taking ... such action as [is] necessary,
including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic
area ...
(1) When was the treaty above signed? Name three countries that signed it.


(2) Which organisation was formed after the signing of this treaty?

(3) What was the nature of this organisation? Cite evidence from the source to
support your answer.



(4) How did the Soviet Union respond to the formation of this organisation? Explain
your answer using your own knowledge.



(1) The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949. The U.S., Britain and France were
three of the countries that signed it.
(2) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
(3) This organisation was a military alliance. The North Atlantic Treaty stated that an
attack on any one of the members would be treated as an attack against all
members. If a member-state was attacked, the other members would use force to
help it if necessary.
(4) In 1955, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries signed the Warsaw
Pact to counteract NATO.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following is a propaganda picture published in China in 1951.

The words at the bottom of the picture reads: Long live the victory of the Korean
People’s Army [朝鮮人民軍] and the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army [中國人民志願

(1) Identify the war referred to in source A.


(2) Why did China take part in this war? Explain your answer using your own

(3) Does source A reliably reflect the result of this war? Explain your answer using
your own knowledge.



(1) The Korean War.
(2) Firstly, the UN troops, led by the U.S., landed at Inchon to help the South
Koreans. They marched towards the Chinese border. Besides, both China and
North Korea were communist states. Therefore, China sent the Chinese People’s
Volunteer Army to help the North Koreans.
(3) No. The propaganda picture shows that the U.S. troops were defeated by the
Chinese and North Korean troops. China and North Korea won an overwhelming
victory. However, the war was not ended with the victory of China and North
Korea. The Korean War lasted three years, and both sides suffered great casualties.
Finally, both sides signed an armistice in 1953. Today, Korea remains divided into
two parts.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The cartoon below shows an international conflict in 1962.

(1) Which countries do the two men represent? Cite evidence from the source to
support your answer.


(2) What do you think would happen if the two men continued to pull their ends of
the rope?


(3) What was the direct cause of the crisis between these two men? How was the
crisis settled in the end?


(1) The man on the left represents the Soviet Union because he was wearing a suit that
had the symbol of the Soviet Communist Party. The man on the right represents
the U.S. because he was wearing a hat with stars and stripes.
(2) A nuclear war might happen.
(3) The direct cause of this crisis was that the Soviet Union placed nuclear missile
bases in Cuba that affected the U.S. security. When the Soviet Union agreed to
remove the missiles from Cuba, the crisis was settled.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The cartoon below, published in the early 1970s, shows the U.S. situation in a war at that

(1) Identify the war referred to in source A. Cite evidence from the source to support
your answer.

(2) Did the U.S. have the advantage in this war, as reflected in source A? Explain
your answer.


(3) What was the result of the U.S. in this war? What was its impact on the
development of the Cold War? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.



(1) The Vietnam War. It was because the phrase ‘years in Vietnam’ was written on the
(2) No. The man representing the U.S. tried to break the wall by hitting his head
against the wall continuously. His action was obviously useless. However, he
continued his action in order to ‘save face’. Finally, the man bled profusely, but
the wall was unharmed. This means that the U.S. intervened in the Vietnam War,
but it failed to defeat North Vietnam. On the contrary, as the war continued, the
U.S. suffered heavy casualties and high military expenses.
(3) In 1973, the U.S. and North Vietnam signed a ceasefire, under which the U.S.
agreed to withdraw its troops from Vietnam. Since the U.S. paid a high price for
the war, it began to change its policy towards the communist countries. This
helped ease the Cold War tension.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A The photo below was taken in Beijing in 1972.

(1) Who was the second person from the left?


(2) Who was paying him a visit when the picture was taken?

(3) What was the significance of this meeting between the two men?



(1) Mao Zedong.
(2) President Nixon of the U.S.
(3) It paved the way for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and
the U.S.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following cartoon shows the political situation of Eastern Europe in the
late 1980s.

Cancer Ward

Source B The passage below is adapted from a newspaper published in 1989. It shows
an event took place in Europe at that time.

For most west Europeans now alive, the world has always ended at the East German border
and the Wall; beyond lay darkness... The opening of the frontiers declares that the world has
no edge any more. Europe is becoming once more round and whole.
(1) To which bloc do the patients lying on the bed belong, as reflected in source A?
Cite evidence from the source to support your answer.


(2) What does ‘the Wall’ in source B refer to? Which event is the source about?

(3) Did the author of source B support the occurrence of that event? Explain your
answer with reference to the language of source B.



(4) How did the events of sources A and B lead to the end of the Cold War? Explain
your answer using your own knowledge.



(1) The communist bloc. Their eyes are the symbol of the Communist Party (hammer
and sickle).
(2) ‘The Wall’ refers to the Berlin Wall. The source is about the fall of the Berlin
(3) Yes. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Western Europeans thought that the
world had ‘ended at the (Berlin) Wall’, and the world behind the Berlin Wall had
been full of ‘darkness’. However, the world became ‘round and whole’ after the
fall of the Berlin Wall. It can be seen that the author of source B supported the fall
of the Berlin Wall.
(4) The cartoonist of source A described the communist countries in Eastern Europe
as the cancer patients who were going to die soon. It implied that the communist
regimes would be overthrown shortly. In 1989, people in Eastern Europe started
democratic movements. The communist governments in Eastern Europe were
overthrown one after another. The communist bloc no longer existed. Source B
shows the fall of the Berlin Wall, which was a symbol of the Cold War. Shortly
afterwards, the communist government in East Germany was also overthrown, and
Germany was reunified. All these paved the way for the end of the Cold War.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following is a British cartoon published in 1990. It reflects the cartoonist’s view on
the international situation at that time.

(1) Which bloc does the hammer and sickle represent?


(2) Describe the appearance and the facial expression of the hammer and sickle.

(3) Why did the cartoonist draw the hammer and sickle like this? Explain your
answer with reference to the international situation at that time.



(1) The communist bloc.
(2) In the cartoon, the appearances of the hammer and sickle were old and ragged.
Besides, they looked very upset as they were crying.
(3) Since the communist bloc was collapsing in 1990, the cartoonist described the
hammer and sickle, which symbolise communism, as old and upset. At that time,
people in Eastern Europe started democratic movements. The communist
governments in Eastern Europe fell one after another. In Soviet Union, Gorbachev
ended the dictatorship of the Communist Party. All these showed that the
communist bloc was collapsing.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
Below is a cartoon published in December 1991. It reflects the rule of the Soviet Union
at that time.

Source B
The passage below is a comment on the rule of the Soviet Union after 1985.
President Reagan of the U.S. spoke of the Soviet Union as the ‘evil empire’ in 1983.
However, it is no longer a suitable description … He came to power in 1985 … He directed
the Soviet Union to the road of democracy and played a significant role in ending the Cold
War …
(1) With reference to source A, describe how the cartoonist viewed the rule of the
Soviet Union. Explain your answer.


(2) What does the phrase ‘out of business’ refer to?



(3) Who does the word ‘he’ refer to in Source B? What was the attitude of the author
towards ‘his’ rule? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.


(4) Why did the author of source B think that ‘he’ had played a significant role in
ending the Cold War? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.




(1) The cartoonist disapproved of the Soviet rule. He used an old castle which named
the ‘Evil Empire’ to represent the Soviet Union. He also used the dark night with
the ground full of snow to imply that the atmosphere inside the old castle (Soviet
Union) was horrible.
(2) It refers to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
(3) The word ‘he’ in source B refers to Gorbachev. The author was happy with
Gorbachev’s policies as he wrote that ‘he directed the Soviet Union to the road of
democracy and played a significant role in ending the Cold War.’
(4) Gorbachev worked to improve the Soviet-American relations by signing treaties
with the U.S. to destroy nuclear weapons and reduce the production of other
armaments. He also relaxed the Soviet control over its satellite states by reducing
the number of troops stationed in Eastern Europe and by not intervening in the
reform movements over there. Thus, the author thought that Gorbachev had played
a significant role in ending the Cold War.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following Soviet poster was published during the Cold War.

Source B
The following French poster was published in 1951.
(1) Identify the blog during the Cold War represented by the gentlemen in Source A.
Cite two clues from Source A to support your answer.



(2) What was the attitude of the author of Source A towards the bloc you mentioned
above? Explain your answer with reference to Source A.



(3) Which country does the man in Source B represent? Cite two clues from Source
B to support your answer.


(4) What was the attitude of the author of Source B towards the country you
mentioned above? Explain your answer with reference to Source A.



(5) Point out the main features of the conflicts between the two blocs during the
Cold War, as reflected in Sources A and B.



(1) The gentlemen are wearing hats bearing the national flags of France, the US and
Britain. Moreover, they are holding a banner reading ‘Capitalists from Worldwide,
Unite!’. Therefore, they represent the capitalist bloc led by the US.
(2) In Source A, uncountable bodies of workers are lying beneath the feet of the
overweight gentlemen. The author of Source A believed that capitalists acquired
wealth by exploiting workers. Moreover, this poster was published in the Soviet
Union, the leader of the communist bloc. Therefore, the author held a negative
attitude towards the capitalist bloc.
(3) The man in the cartoon looks like the Soviet leader Stalin. He has tattooed a sickle
and a hammer on his arm, and is wearing a shirt with a star. The star and hammer
and sickle was the symbol on the national flag of the Soviet Union. We can
conclude that the man represents the Soviet Union.
(4) In Source B, the man is holding a board reading ‘Peace’. However, he is also
armed. This shows that the Soviet Union simply pretended to promote peace.
Instead, it was actually an evil and aggressive country.
(5) Sources A and B were published by the communist and capitalist blocs
respectively as a tool to criticise each other. During the Cold War, the two blocs
mainly used political propaganda to discredit the other side.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following British cartoon was published in January 1949.

Source B The following British cartoon was published in March 1948.

(1) How did the European countries and the Soviet Union react to the Marshall Plan
respectively? Explain your answer with reference to Source A.



(2) Why did the European countries and the Soviet Union react in the way you
mentioned above? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.



(3) What were the relations between the girls in Source B and the Soviet Union?
Explain your answer using your own knowledge.



(4) How did the Soviet Union response to the Marshall Plan? Explain your answer
with reference to Source B and using your own knowledge.



(1) In Source A, the man representing Europe is trapped in the snow. He is calling the
rescue dog with a sign reading ‘Marshall Plan’ for help. This shows that Europe
was desperately in need of assistance from the US.
In contrary, Stalin and Molotov thought that the rescue dog was a wolf and were
frightened by it. This shows that the Soviet Union was resentful towards the
Marshall Plan proposed by the US.
(2) Europe was severely devastated during the Second World War. Many European
countries were unable to revive economic development on their own after the War.
They needed help from the Marshall Plan. However, the Soviet Union considered
the Marshall Plan as a plot to control Europe’s economy and combat communism
initiated by the US. Therefore, the Marshall Plan was regarded as a horrifying wolf
by the Soviet Union.
(3) The girls represent Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
They were all Eastern European communist countries under Soviet control.
(4) According to Source B, Madame Stalin is preventing the girls from looking at the
‘Marshall Plan’ dress on display. This shows that the Soviet Union did not allow
Eastern European communist countries to join the Marshall Plan.
In fact, the Soviet Union announced the Molotov Plan to provide aid to Eastern
European countries. It also set up the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in
1949 to counteract the Marshall Plan.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A This following Dutch cartoon was published in November 1949.

Source B This following Soviet cartoon was published in 1949. It is titled ‘Marshall Plan
in practice’. The man in the cartoon is holding harnesses.
(1) Which country proposed the Marshall Plan mentioned in the sources above?

(2) What was the attitude of the Netherlands towards the Marshall Plan? Explain
your answer with reference to Source A.



(3) Did the Soviet Union hold similar attitude towards the Marshall Plan as the
Netherlands? Explain your answer with reference to Source B.



(4) Why did the Soviet Union hold such attitude towards the Marshall Plan? Explain
your answer using your knowledge.



(1) The Marshall Plan was proposed by the US.
(2) The Netherlands held a positive attitude towards the Marshall Plan. The cartoonist
of Source A believed that the Marshall Plan helped Dutch people solve the
problems of food and resource shortage. Such aid was essential to the Netherlands’
economic recovery after the Second World War.
(3) The Soviet Union held a different view towards the Marshall Plan. In Source B,
George Marshall, the architect of the Marshall Plan, is portrayed as a general who
is holding harnesses with weapons. He is going to distribute the harnesses to
France and Germany. This shows that the Soviet Union believed that the US used
the Marshall Plan to control Europe. The European countries that joined the
Marshall Plan would become American military puppets against the Soviet Union.
Therefore, the Soviet Union was hostile towards the Marshall Plan.
(4) After the Second World War, the world was divided into the capitalist and
communist blocs because of ideological differences between the US and the Soviet
Union. The Soviet Union was worried that the American influence would
penetrate Eastern Europe through the Marshall Plan. That’s why the Soviet Union
held a negative attitude towards the Marshall Plan.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
This following British cartoon was published in September 1948.

Source B
This following American cartoon was published in May 1949.
(1) Which country does the old cat in Source A represent? How did it seal the rat
hole in reality?


(2) How did the Western countries react to the Berlin Blockade? Explain your
answer with reference to Source A.



(3) How long did the Berlin Blockade last? Explain your answer with reference to
Source B.


(4) How was Germany affected by the Berlin Blockade? Explain your answer using
your own knowledge.


(1) The old cat represents the Soviet leader Stalin. The cartoonist likened the sealing
of rat hole to Stalin’s decision to stop all land and canal traffic to the three western
zones of Berlin. His aim was to weaken the Western powers control over their
occupation zones.
(2) According to Source A, the old cat is playing with a rat representing Germans
people in Berlin. The other three rats representing Western powers around the cat’s
feet feared that they might become the next victims. This shows that the Western
countries were worried that the Soviet influence would eventually spread to the
West after the Soviet Union gained full control over Berlin.
(3) Source B was published in May 1949. In the cartoon, the wall representing the
Berlin Blockade is shown collapsed. This shows that Berlin Blockade ended at the
time the cartoon was published.
(4) After the Berlin Blockade ended, the US, Britain and France merged their
occupation zones in September 1949. The Federal Republic of Germany was
established, with Bonn as the capital. It belonged to the capitalist bloc. One month
later, the German Democratic Republic was set up in the Soviet zone, with Berlin
as its capital. It belonged to the communist bloc. Germany was officially divided
into two countries.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following British cartoon was published in 1949.

(1) Name any three countries inside the enclosure representing the North Atlantic

(2) Who is the man on the right side of Source A? What was his attitude towards the
North Atlantic Pact? Explain your answer with reference to Source A.


(3) Did the cartoonist and the man you mentioned hold the same attitude towards the
North Atlantic Pact? Why? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and
using your knowledge.



(4) What action did the Soviet Union take as a response to the establishment of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?



(1) The US, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada,
Portugal, Norway, Demark, Iceland (any three)
(2) He is Stalin. He is angered by the signing of the North Atlantic Pact, condemning
its signatories as warmongers. This shows that the Soviet Union was hostile
towards the North Atlantic Pact.
(3) In the cartoon, Stalin is portrayed as a raging giant in a negatively way. His body
size is vastly bigger than those of people inside the enclosure. Though members of
the North Atlantic Pact are condemned by Stalin as warmongers, they were
actually scared by Stalin’s anger. This shows that NATO was established as a self-
defence organisation to discourage Soviet expansion.
On the other hand, the cartoonist came from the capitalist bloc. He believed that
the Soviet Union did not have the right to accuse other countries for waging wars
because Stalin himself was the true threat to peace.
(4) In 1955, the Soviet Union signed the Warsaw Pact with Poland, Hungary and other
Eastern European countries to counteract NATO.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
This painting shows the Tiananmen Square in Beijing on 1 October, 1949.

Source B
This following Chinese poster was published in July 1951.
(1) Name the historical event referred to in Source A.

(2) According to Source A, which bloc gained victory in the Chinese Civil War?
What happened to the defeated bloc? Explain your answer with reference to
Source A and using your own knowledge.



(3) What was the diplomatic stance of China in the early 1950s? Cite clues from
Source B to support your answer.



(4) How did the stance you mentioned above affect the development of Cold War?
Elaborate with reference to your answer in (3).



(1) In Source A, Mao Zedong is proclaiming the establishment of the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) on 1 October 1949 at Tiananmen Square of Beijing. The
painting shows the founding ceremony of the PRC.
(2) In Source A, the ceremony is chaired by Mao Zedong, the leader of the
Communist Party of China (CPC). This shows that the CPC gained victory in the
Chinese Civil War. On the contrary, Kuomintang (KMT) led by Jiang Jieshi was
defeated and it eventually retreated to Taiwan.
(3) The poster describes the US as ‘invader’ and the Chinese soldiers are shown being
disgusted with the Western countries. Moreover, the books held by the soldiers
record the number of Fascist troops eliminated by the Soviet Union during the
Second World War and the number of Jiang Jieshi’s troops eliminated by the CPC
during the Chinese Civil War. The author of the poster praised Soviet
accomplishment and likened the KMT supported by the US to totalitarian states
including Germany and Japan.
All these show that China adopted a diplomatic stance of ‘anti-American and pro-
(4) China became the pioneer of the communist bloc in Asia. The Western countries
were worried that this would encourage the spread of communism in Asia. The US
even increased its military intervention in Asia in order to contain the influence of
communism. The confrontation between the capitalistic and communist blocs was
then intensified during the Cold War.
Study the source below and answer the following questions.

Source A This Chinese poster was published in 1950.

(1) Identify the war referred to in Source A.


(2) What was the stance of China towards this war? Explain your answer with
reference to Source A.



(3) Why did China adopt the stance you mentioned above? Explain your answer
with reference to Source A and using your own knowledge.



(4) Point out one difference between the poster and historical fact with reference to
Source A and using your own knowledge. Explain the reason for such difference.




(1) Source A refers to the Korean War.
(2) In Source A, an American general is portrayed as a violent murderer who is killing
Koreans. The poster also claims that China will not tolerate the aggression of
imperialists. This shows that China supported communist North Korea to fight
against the US.
(3) China and North Korea belonged to the communist bloc, while the US was their
capitalist rival. In the poster, the US is dropping bombs on North Korea and China.
China believed that American intervention in the Korean War would threaten the
safety of China. Therefore, China supported North Korea to resist American
‘invasion’ in the Korean War.
(4) The Korean War took place on the Korean Peninsula. The US had never directly
attacked the territory of China. This fact contradicted the poster in which China is
also being bombed by the US.
Since the poster was a Chinese propaganda, it was pro-communism. The author
wanted to arouse anti-American emotion among Chinese people by distorting the
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following passage is related to the Berlin Wall.

In 1958, Nikita Khrushchev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,
put forward the idea of ‘normalising’ the situation of Berlin. He planned to propose a new
peace treaty with Germany in order to turn West Berlin into a non-militarised free city. The
reason was, on one hand, to drive Western powers out of West Berlin, such that the
existence of the Soviet occupation zone could be consolidated; on the other hand, it was to
reduce capitalist influence in West Berlin. The economy of West Berlin recovered quickly
and its prosperity became a mirror reflecting the life in the West. The Soviet Union feared
that such condition may make people in East Germany aspire to the Western capitalist
world. Between 1948 and 1960, around 2.5 million people moved from East Germany to
West Germany.
However, Khrushchev’s idea was rejected by the United States. In 1961, the Soviet Union
sealed off the route between East and West Berlin to prevent the East Germans from
escaping to the West. It even began to build a 3-feet wall along the frontier. That was the
famous Berlin Wall, which was known as the ‘Wall of Anti-Fascist Defence’ in East
Source B The following passage is extracted from a speech given by President John
Kennedy of the US during his visit to Berlin in 1963.
Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was ‘I am a Roman citizen’. Today, in the world
of freedom, the proudest boast is ‘I am a Berliner’. … Freedom has many difficulties and
democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in, to
prevent them from leaving us. … The wall is an offence not only against history but an
offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers
and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together.
What is true of this city is true of Germany ── real, lasting peace in Europe can never be
assured as long as one German out of four is denied the elementary right of free men,
and that is to make a free choice. In 18 years of peace and good faith, this generation of
Germans has earned the right to be free, including the right to unite their families and their
nation in lasting peace, with good will to all people. You live in a defended island of
freedom, but your life is part of the main. So let me ask you as I close, to lift your eyes
beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this
city of Berlin, or your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, beyond
the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind.
Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free. When all are free,
then we can look forward to that day when this city will be joined as one and this country
and this great continent of Europe in a peaceful and hopeful globe.

Source C The following table shows the statistics of East Germans attempting to escape
to West Berlin between 1961 and 1989.
Situation Number of people
Successfully entering West Berlin 5043
Arrested 3221
Killed 239
Injured 260
(1) Why did the Soviet Union build the Berlin Wall, as reflected in Source A?


(2) Did President Kennedy approve the existence of Berlin Wall? Cite two clues
from Source B to support your answer.



(3) Why did President Kennedy say that ‘one German out of four is denied the
elementary right of free men’? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.



(4) Could the Soviet Union achieve the aim of building the Berlin Wall? Explain
your answer with reference to your answer in (1) and Source C.



(1) The term ‘Wall of Anti-Fascist Defence’ in Source A implies that the Soviet Union
used the Berlin Wall to terminate connection between East and West Berlin so that
the infiltration of capitalism from the West could be stopped. The Berlin Wall was
also built to prevent German people from escaping to West Germany.
(2) In Source B, President Kennedy pointed out that the Berlin Wall was ‘against
history and humanity’. It divided all Germans into half and tore families apart.
President Kennedy also emphasised that East Berlin was isolated from justice by
the Wall. He believed that the Berlin Wall was an offense to peace and he held a
negative attitude towards the Wall.
(3) After the Second World War, Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union, the US,
Britain and France. It was eventually split into capitalist West Germany and
communist East Germany. The government of East Germany adopted oppressive
rule and limit people’s freedom. The Soviet Union even built the Berlin Wall in
1961 to prohibit people in East Germany from going to West Germany. The Berlin
Wall separated East Berlin from the Western world. This shows that people in East
Germany were deprived of freedom of movement.
(4) It is mentioned in (1) that the Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall to prevent people
from moving to West Germany and restrain the infiltration of capitalism.
However, Source C shows that the Berlin Wall could not discourage people from
escaping. From 1961 to 1989, around 8500 people attempted to escape to West
Germany, among which 5000 of them succeeded. This shows that the Soviet
Union was unable to achieve the aim of building the Berlin Wall.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following passage is extracted from the TV speech delivered by President John
Kennedy of the US on 22 October 1962:

I have watched and the American people have watched with deep sorrow how your
nationalist revolution was betrayed ── and how your fatherland fell under foreign
domination. Now your leaders are no longer Cuban leaders inspired by Cuban ideals. They
are puppets and agents of an international conspiracy which has turned Cuba against your
friends and neighbors in the Americas, and turned it into the first Latin American country to
become a target for nuclear war ── the first Latin American country to have these weapons
on its soil.
The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are; but it is the one
most consistent with our character and courage as a nation and our commitments around the
world. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one
path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.
Source B
The following American cartoon was published on 30 October 1962.

(1) Identify the incident referred to in the speech of President Kennedy. Cite two
clues from Source A to support your answer.



(2) How did the US react to the incident you mentioned above? Explain your answer
with reference to Source A and using your own knowledge.


(3) Who does the soldier in Source B represent? What was the impact of his teeth on
the US?



(4) Who does the dentist in Source B represent? Why did he try to remove the
soldier’s teeth?



(1) Source A was a speech given on 22 October 1962. President Kennedy mentioned that
Cuba would soon become the first Latin-American country that possessed nuclear
weapons. This shows that the speech referred to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.
(2) President Kennedy emphasised that Americans would never choose to surrender or
give in their freedom, implying that the US would not submit itself to the threat of
nuclear crisis. Moreover, he imposed a naval blockade of Cuba to prevent the
Soviet Union from shipping more nuclear missiles to Cuba.
(3) The soldier is the Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In the cartoon his teeth are portrayed
as missiles. These missiles in Cuba could threaten the big cities of the US. We can
conclude that Castro’s teeth were a serious threat to the national security of the
(4) The dentist is the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. During the Cuban Missile
Crisis, the US and the Soviet Union at first refused to back down, pushing the
world to the verge of nuclear war. Finally, the Soviet Union made concession and
decided to remove the missile missiles and other offensive weapons in Cuba.
Therefore, the cartoonist likened the end of the Crisis to the removal of Castro’s
teeth by Khrushchev.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following passage is extracted from a speech given by Senator John
Kennedy, who later became the President of the US, in 1956.
Vietnam represents the cornerstone of the Free World in Southeast Asia, the keystone to the
arch, the finger in the dike. Burma, Thailand, India, Japan, the Philippines and obviously
Laos and Cambodia are among those whose security would be threatened if the Red Tide of
Communism overflowed into Vietnam.
Source B The following American cartoon was published in August 1972. The man
holding the file is President Richard Nixon of the US. He was seeking a second term
when the cartoon was published.

Source C The following Chinese poster was published in 1975.

(1) Why did the US intervene in the Vietnam War? Explain your answer with
reference to Source A.


(2) What was the cost of entering the Vietnam War to the US? Explain your answer
with reference to Source B.


(3) What was the attitude of the cartoonist of Source B towards President Nixon?
Explain your answer with reference to Source B.



(4) Explain why Source C was published in China




(1) In Source A, Kennedy pointed out that Vietnam was the cornerstone of the Free
World in Southeast Asia. Once Vietnam came under communist control, the
remaining Southeast Asian countries would also gradually fall to communism.
Therefore, the US had to intervene in the Vietnam War to contain the spread of
communism in Asia.
(2) The tombstone in Source B shows that around 20,000 Americans had died since
1968, the year when Richard Nixon was first elected President. This shows that the
US suffered heavy casualties because of its intervention in the Vietnam War.
(3) The cartoonist of Source B held a distrustful attitude towards President Nixon. The
cartoonist criticised President Nixon for failing to fulfill his election commitment
to withdraw the US troops from Vietnam. In 1972, President Nixon ran for re-
election and promised again to end the War. The cartoonist used ‘Election-year
Plan to End the War’ to describe Nixon’s election commitment in 1972, implying
that it was only an excuse to gain support from people.
(4) North Vietnam under communist control won the Vietnam War and the whole
nation was unified. China, a member of the communist bloc, published the poster
to congratulate North Vietnam on defeating capitalist South Vietnam and driving
the Americans out of the nation.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following American cartoon was published in November 1962.

Source B
The following passage is related to the development of nuclear weapons during the 1950s
and 1960s:

In 1945, Japan declared its surrender after the atomic bombings by the US. By the 1960s,
the Soviet Union, Britain, France and the People’s Republic of China had carried out
successful in atomic bomb tests. After 1950, the quality of atomic bombs had been under
improvement and had become more powerful. Various kinds of missiles and nuclear
weapons were massively produced. Since the new weapons were extremely destructive, it
was predicted that the Third World War would end within hours and would result in no
victor but the extinction of mankind. Therefore, superpowers began to adopt measures to
lower the possibility of a nuclear war. In 1963, the US and the Soviet Union agreed to limit
nuclear testing in order to reduce the impact of radiation on people’s health and life. The
two countries also called for meetings, hoping to put restriction on the number of nuclear
Source C
The following passage is adopted from a history book:

The first series of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talk (SALT) started in 1969. It aimed at
limiting the number of armaments instead of disarmament. In an ear that both the US and
the Soviet Union were capable of fully destroying each other with nuclear weapons;
deterrence was the only strategy that could be dependent on. The superpowers would refrain
from attacking each other because of the certainty of mutual assured destruction. However,
this stimulated the armaments race between them. Under this circumstance, armaments
limitation became a possible way to resist the threat brought by the development of nuclear
The first series of SALT ended in 1972 without any conclusive result, but the two
superpowers had made two subordinate agreements. Firstly, they agreed to froze the number
of weapons at existing levels for a five-year period:
 Intercontinental ballistic missiles: 1054 for the US and 1618 for the Soviet Union
 Long-range bombers: 455 for the US and 140 for the Soviet Union
Secondly, they signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) in which each country was
allowed only two anti-ballistic missile sites. The number of missile launchers at each base
should no more than 100.
(1) The two men in Source A were the leaders of the US and the Soviet Union at
that time. Name them.

(2) How did they view the development of nuclear weapon? Explain your answer
with reference to Source A.


(3) Why did they have such view, as reflect in Source B?




(4) What attempts had the US and the Soviet Union made to limit armaments? How
did such attempts affect the development of Cold War? Explain your answer
with reference to Sources B and C, and using your own knowledge.




(1) The man on the left was President Kennedy of the US. The man on the right was
the Soviet leader Khrushchev.
(2) In Source A, President Kennedy and Khrushchev tried to prevent the monster from
coming out from the box representing ‘Nuclear War’. They even suggested
locking up the box. This shows that the two countries were worried that a nuclear
war would eventually break out. Therefore, they hoped to prevent nuclear war
through co-operation.
(3) Source B pointed out that in the 1960s, apart from the US, many other countries
also possessed the technology to produce nuclear weapons. Atomic bombs were
technically improved to become more destructive. Under such circumstance,
another global conflict would probably lead to the destruction of mankind.
Therefore, President Kennedy and Khrushchev wanted to prevent the outbreak of
nuclear war.
(4) According to Source B, the US and the Soviet Union first agreed to restrict nuclear
weapon testing in 1963 in order to control the spreading of radiation. According to
Source C, they convened the first series of SALT in 1969 to further limit the
number of intercontinental ballistic missiles, long-range bombers and anti-
ballistic missile sites. All these show that the relationship between the US and
the Soviet Union improved, and they were willing to settle conflicts through
negotiation. As a result, the tension between the capital and communist blocs
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following passage is adopted from a history book:

A major source of strength during the early years of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)
was its close ties with the Soviet Union. In 1949 Mao Zedong announced his ‘lean to one
side’ policy: ‘The Chinese people must lean wither to the side of imperialism or to the side
of socialism. There can be no exception. There can be no sitting on the fence; there is no
third path.’ … Thus, Mao went to the Soviet Union shortly after his rise to power in 1949 to
seek a treaty of friendship and alliance. It was his first trip abroad.
The Moscow-Beijing Axis, formally established on 14 February 1950, became the
cornerstone of the People’s Republic’s foreign policy for the greater part of its first decade.
Stalin granted Mao a military alliance, $300 US million in credit, and a promise to provide
experts to help the Chinese industrialisation and military modernisation. Mao in 1952
described the Axis as ‘lasting, unbreakable, and invincible’, while Liu Shaoqi paid tribute to
it in the following glowing terms: ‘There is no deceit, competition, mutual exclusion or
extortion between each other, or oppression and plunder of the one by the other ── as is
inherent among the capitalist countries.’
Source B
This following British cartoon was published in August 1978.

Source C
The following passage is adopted from a history book:

On 8 March 1963, Beijing published a list of lost territories, including part of Southern
Siberia, the Maritime Province, and at least 500,000 square miles of land in Russian Central
Asia. It demanded that the Soviets acknowledge, for the record, that the current Sino-Soviet
frontier was a product of ‘unequal’ and therefore ‘illegal’ treaties. Moscow denied having
territorial problems with any neighbouring state and refused to admit the illegality of the old
treaties with China. On 10 July 1962, Mao told a visiting Japanese Socialist party
delegation: ‘About a hundred years ago, the area to the east of Baikal became Russian
territory and since then Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka, and other areas have become
Soviet territory. We have not yet presented our bill for this list.’ Khrushchev retorted
publicly that is Tsarist Russia was expansionist, so was Imperial China; both countries had
taken land from other people and their actions should cancel out each other. Hence, the
border negotiations that began in February 1964 made no progress and broke down in
October of the same year. What followed were more frontier incidents of increasing
frequency and intensity.
(1) How were the relations between China and the Soviet Union at the early stage of
the PRC? Cite clues from Source A to support your answer.


(2) Describe how the Sino-Soviet relations changed during the period 1950 to 1978
with reference to your answer in (1) and Source B.


(3) Account for the change above with reference to Source C.




(4) How did the changing Sino-Soviet relations affect the development of Cold



(1) According to Source A, China and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship
and alliance and formed the Moscow-Beijing Axis. Other than being military
allies, the Soviet Union also support China’s industrialisation and military
modernisation by providing financial and technological support. The Chinese
leaders believed that the alliance between the two countries were unbreakable. We
can conclude that the Sino-Soviet relations were close and friendly at the early
stage of the PRC.
(2) As mentioned in (1), China established close relations with the Soviet Union the
early stage of the PRC. However, in Source B, a dragon representing China is
spitting fire towards the Soviet bear. The two countries obviously became hostile
to each other in the 1970s. In conclusion, the Sino-Soviet relations turned from
friendly to tense between 1950 and 1978,
(3) According to Source C, since the 1960s, there were serious territorial disputes
between China and the Soviet Union. The two countries were unable to reach an
agreement on setting the Sino-Soviet border. In 1964, their negotiations
completely broke down. After that, Sino-Soviet border conflicts became more
frequent and intense, further damaging their relations.
(4) Due to the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations, China sought to establish normal
diplomatic ties with the capitalist bloc, especially the US. As China was a major
communist country, the normalisation of diplomatic relations between China and
the US helped tension between the capitalist and communist blocs during the Cold
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A This following British cartoon was published in October 1988.

Source B This following British cartoon was published in in August 1991.

(1) Identify the man in Source A. Cite one clue from Source A to support your

(2) How did the cartoonist of Source A think about this man? Cite clues from Source
A to support your answer.



(3) What was the situation of the Soviet Union at the time Source B was published?
Account for such condition using your own knowledge.



(4) Do you think the man in Source A was responsible for the situation you
mentioned above? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.




(1) The man in Source A is Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Soviet Union.
He looks like Gorbachev. He is on board the icebreaker bearing the Soviet sickle
and hammer symbol.
(2) In Source A, Gorbachev is controlling the Soviet icebreaker named ‘Freedom for
political prisoners’. The ship is breaking the ice sheet representing the Cold War.
The cartoonist believed that Gorbachev’s reform could ease tension created by the
Cold War and bring peace to the world.
(3) In Source B, the ship named ‘Soviet Union’ is sinking, forcing the men
representing ‘Secret Agents’ and ‘Communist Party’ jumping off the ship. This
shows that the communist rule in the Soviet Union was on the edge of collapsing
in August 1991.
From August 1991, Soviet republics in Eastern Europe, including Lithuania,
Latvia and Estonia, declared independence one by one. The Soviet Union
eventually dissolved.
(4) Gorbachev was responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev
introduced a series of liberalisation reforms after he became the Soviet leader. He
ceased support for the communist governments in Eastern European countries. The
number of Soviet troops stationed in East Europe was reduced and Soviet control
there was relaxed. Gradually, people in Eastern European countries were able to
overthrow the communist governments. They further demanded independence and
freedom. As a result, many Soviet republics declared their independence, leading
to the breaking up of the Soviet Union. This shows that Gorbachev’s reforms were
the biggest reason for the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
(There is no definite answer for this question provided that the arguments are
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A A cartoon showing the foreign policy adopted by the US after the First World

Source B A cartoon showing the confrontation between the US and the USSR during the
Cold War
Source C A British cartoon published in 1946. It was entitled ‘A Peep under the Iron

(1) Referring to Source A and B, how did the US foreign policy change after the
Second World War?
(2) Why did this change appear?




(3) Who suggested Iron Curtain in Source C? Which historical event did Iron
Curtain symbolise?

(4) Which two camps were separated by the Iron Curtain? Explain your answer with
reference to your own knowledge.





(1) According to Source A, the US adopted isolationism by remaining indifferent to
European affairs. However, the US abandoned isolationism after the Second
World War. As shown in Source B, the US stayed active in European affairs by
confronting with the USSR.
(2) The US learnt a lesson from the outbreak of the Second World War. When it saw
the continual expansion of the USSR after the War, it decided to give up
isolationism and counter the Soviet influence.
(3) ‘Iron Curtain’ was first raised by Winston Churchill in 1946. It marked the
beginning of the Cold War.
(4) The world was separated as two camps during the Cold War: the capitalist bloc led
by the US and the communist bloc led by the USSR. The capitalist bloc thought
that Communism was a tyranny ( 暴 政 ) that encroached on individual freedom,
safety and assets; The communist bloc thought that Capitalism was a mechanism
advocating exploitation from the bourgeoisie to the working class. The two blocs
bore fundamental differences in their ideologies.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A The following passage is about the Berlin Wall

...Barbed wires, observation towers and fences were built along the eastern side of the wall
in order to prevent the people from escaping to the west. The fortification was patrolled by
guards and dogs and overlooked by watchtowers...
Source B A graffiti on the remains of the Berlin Wall. It was entitled ‘A Brother’s Kiss’.
The kissing brothers were the leader of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev and the leader of
East Germany Erich Honecker.

(1) As shown in Source A, what were the characteristics of the Berlin Wall?



(2) Explain the objectives of building the Berlin Wall with reference to your own




(3) What does ‘A Brother’s Kiss’ imply?






(1) As shown in Source A, the Berlin Wall separated Berlin as East and West Berlin.
On the Eastern side of the wall, there were plenty of defensive fences preventing
people of East Berlin from escaping to West Berlin.
(2) Germany was separated as East and West Germany during the Cold War. West
Germany belonged to the capitalist bloc whereas East Germany belonged to the
communist bloc. Berlin was the capital of East Germany. However, like Germany,
Berlin was also divided into four zones with each occupied by one of the Allied
Powers. Thus, there was also confrontations between the two blocs within the city
of Berlin. The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in 1961 to stop people from
moving to West Germany.
(3) East Germany was controlled by the USSR during the Cold War. It served as a
strategic point of anti-Capitalism base in Europe. In ‘A Brother’s Kiss’, the two
kissing leaders of East Germany and the USSR reflected the intimate partnership
between the USSR and its satellite states. Such a symbolic graffiti painted on the
Berlin Wall served as a clear example to show the confrontation between the two
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A A cartoon published during the Cold War.

Source B
(1) Name the two men in Source A.

(2) Which historical event does Source A refer to?


(3) How did the situation shown in Source B lead to the competition depicted in
Source A? Explain your answer with reference to Source B, and using your own





(4) How would the situation of the Cold War change if the US lost the competition?




(1) Left: Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the USSR; Right: Kennedy, the US
(2) Cuban Missile Crisis (1962).
(3) Fidel Castro ( 卡 斯 特 羅 ) established a pro-Soviet government in Cuba in 1959.
Source B reveals the threat to the US from the Cuban missile base backed by the
USSR. The threat of the medium-range missiles covered the entire nation of the
US. Thus, Sources A reflects the competition between Kennedy and Nikita
Khrushchev. The US hoped the USSR would give in so that the crisis would be
(4) The national security of the US would be greatly threatened by the USSR. The
capitalist bloc would then be inferior to the communist bloc.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following extract is adapted from a speech by President Truman of the US to the
Americans in 1951:

In the simplest terms, what we are doing in Korea is this: We are trying to prevent a Third
World War.

I have another secret intelligence report here… communist officer in the Far East… said: ‘In
order to successfully undertake the long awaited world revolution, we must first unify
Asia.... Java, Indo-China, Malaya, India, Tibet, Thailand, Philippines, and Japan are our
ultimate targets. … The United States is the only obstacle on our road for the liberation of
all countries in Southeast Asia. In other words, we must unify the people of Asia and crush
the United States.’
Source B

The Cu Chi Tunnel of North Vietnamese troops for fighting against the US

(1) According to Source A, which war was the United States fighting? Explain your




(2) Apart from local military conflicts, which characteristic of the Cold War does
Source A show? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and using your
own knowledge.





(3) Which war does Source B show?


(4) What was the result of this war? Explain your answer using your own


(1) Korean War. The speech was given in 1951, the period during the Korean War;
Truman mentioned ‘what we are doing in Korea’. It refers to the American action
of leading the UN forces to help the South Koreans fight the communists.
(2) Spying activities. During the Cold War, both sides carried out spying activities.
According to Source A, Truman pointed out that the United States had secret
intelligence about the words of a communist officer in the Far East. The United
States then learnt that the communist bloc intended to spread its influence to the
world and hit the United States.
(3) Vietnam War.
(4) In 1975, North Vietnam took Saigon and unified the whole country under
communist rule. The United States lost the war.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A

Source B

The signing ceremony for the entry of West Germany into NATO
(1) According to Source A, how was East and West Germany formed after the
Berlin Blockade? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and using
your own knowledge.





(2) Was the problem of Berlin solved after the creation of East and West Germany?
Explain your answer using your own knowledge.



(3) What Soviet action was caused by the situation in Source B? Explain your
answer using your own knowledge.


(4) What change(s) did the military organisations set up during the Cold War
experience in 1991? Explain your answer using your own knowledge.


(1) In May 1949, the western zones in Germany were united to form the Federal
Republic of Germany (West Germany). It belonged to the capitalist bloc. In
October 1949, the Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic (East
Germany). It belonged to the communist bloc.
(2) No. The East Germans kept trying to escape to the West. To stop them, the
government of East Germany built the Berlin Wall in 1961. The problem became
more complicated.
(3) In the same year of West Germany joining NATO, the Soviet Union and the
Eastern European countries formed the Warsaw Pact.
(4) In 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved, and then the Warsaw Pact collapsed. The
Eastern European countries became NATO members.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following extract is adapted from the acceptance speech of Gorbachev for the 1990
Nobel Peace Prize:

In this respect, the year 1990 represents a turning point. It marks the end of the unnatural
division of Europe. Germany has been reunited. We have begun resolutely to tear down the
material foundations of a military, political and ideological confrontation.
Source B

*Perestroika: rebuilding the national economy

Glasnost: carrying out a political reform which introduced democratic and liberal ideas

A cartoon about the reforms carried out by Gorbachev

(1) According to Source A, was Gorbachev recognised by the international society?



(2) Why did Gorbachev win the Nobel Peace Prize? Explain your answer using your
own knowledge.




(3) According to Source B. what problems did the Soviet Union face?

(4) How did Gorbachev’s policies lead to the end of the Cold War? Explain your
answer with reference to Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge.






(1) Yes. Gorbachev won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was recognised internationally.
(2) Gorbachev carried out political reforms by relaxing the Soviet control over the
communist countries in Eastern Europe and worked to improve relations with the
United States. All these helped ease the tensions between countries and made great
contribution to maintaining world peace.
(3) The country was unstable. Riots and strikes annoyed the country.
(4) Source A shows that Gorbachev brought world peace. Source B shows that
Gorbachev carried out economic and political reforms. In my own knowledge,
Gorbachev carried out democratic reforms. For example, he ended the dictatorship
of the Communist Party, reduced the number of Soviet troops stationed there and
worked to improve relations with the United States. All these helped to end the
Cold War.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A

Source B
The following extract is adapted from a speech by Martin Schulz, President of the
European Parliament, given on the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall:

A wall which symbolised the arbitrary division of Germany and Europe, guarded by
soldiers, fortified by barbed wire, made concrete by this very Wall,
a wall of fear, across which two superpowers eyed one another as enemies; at which two
political systems collided; a wall which had brutally rent families, a country, an entire
continent apart. This painful division was ended by a peaceful revolution. Not one single
tank rumbled through the streets. Not one single shot was fired. Not one single drop of
blood was shed. A magical moment in the history of Germany and the start of a new era in
(1) How does Source A show the unification of East and West Germany?

(2) Did the author of Source B support the existence of the Berlin Wall? Explain
your answer with reference to Source B.


(3) Was the process of the fall of the Berlin Wall peaceful? Explain your answer
with reference to Source B.


(4) What were the other events that marked the end of the Cold War? Explain your
answer using your own knowledge.



(1) The Berlin Wall fell. East and West Germans reunion.
(2) No. The author described the Berlin Wall as arbitrary and its fall brought the start
of a new era in Europe.
(3) Yes. According to Source B, the Berlin Wall was pulled down by a peaceful
revolution. No violence involved and no one got hurt.
(4) In March 1991, the Warsaw Pact was abolished; in 1991, many republics within
the Soviet Union declared their independence and then the Soviet Union no longer
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A A cartoon published in 1948


United States

Source B A photo taken in Berlin in 1948

(1) Which country did the bear in Source A represent? Cite one clue in Source A to
support your answer.

(2) Which historical event did Source A reflect? Explain your answer.


(3) Why did the people in Source B wait for the airplanes? Explain your answer by
using your own knowledge.





(4) Explain how did the event in Source A and B lead to the formation of East and
West Germany, by using your own knowledge.





(1) The Soviet Union, because there is an emblem of the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union on the bear.
(2) Berlin Blockade. In 1948, the Soviet Union stopped all traffic to the three western
zones of Berlin as show in the Source, which triggered the Berlin Blockade.
(3) As the traffic to Berlin was blocked, Britain, France and the United States sent
supplies to their zones by air. Therefore, people in Source B were waiting for the
airplanes that sent supplies to them, in order to obtain their necessities.
(4) The Berlin Airlift successfully led to the end of the blockade in May 1949. After
that, the western zones were united to form the Federal Republic of Germany
(West Germany), which belonged to the capitalist bloc. In October 1949, the
Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), which
belonged to the communist bloc. Germany was divided into East and West
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A

A photo taken in early 1950s, showing the UN troops passing through the 38th parallel.

Source B

Facing the American massacre of Korean people

We cannot be ignorant

A Chinese propaganda published in 1951

(1) Which country was Source A taken in? Cite clues from Source A to support your


(2) Using your own knowledge, why did the UN troops in Source A pass through
the 38th parallel?


(3) How was the image of the United States among Chinese, as reflected in Source
B? Explain your answer.





(4) Using your own knowledge, explain why Source B was published.





(1) Korea. The 38th parallel in Source A was a sign of dividing Korea into South
Korea and North Korea after WWII.
(2) The Korean War broke out in 1950, and the UN troops landed at Incheon, passing
through the 38th parallel to help the South Koreans fight North Korea.
(3) Negative. Source B described the American troops in the Korean War as a
‘massacre of Korean people’. The weapons that harmed women and children were
with the flag of the United States and a dollar sign of capitalism, showing a cruel
(4) First, the Korean War broke out during the Cold War. China and North Korea
were communist countries, and were hostile towards the United States of the
capitalist bloc. Therefore, it attacked the United States through propaganda,
creating a negative image of the United States. On the other hand, China sent
military aid to North Korea in 1950. Thus, it encouraged the people to engage in
the war through propaganda.
9. Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A
The following is extracted from a memoir of Soviet leader X.

We had an obligation to do everything in our power to protect Cuba’s existence as a

socialist country and as a working example to the other countries of Latin America. During
my visit to Bulgaria I had the idea of installing missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba…
Only a fool would think that we wanted to invade the American continent from Cuba. Our
goal was precisely the opposite: we wanted to keep the Americans from invading Cuba.
Source B

US bases in
Turkey, Persia,
Soviet base etc, etc.
in Cuba

A British cartoon published in 1962

(1) Which Soviet leader did the memoir in Source A belong to? Explain your


(2) Why did the Soviet leaders think that the Soviet Union should protect Cuba?
Explain your answer with reference to Source A.


(3) Identify Y in Source B.

(4) How was the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, as
reflected in Source B? Explain your answer.




(5) Which country, the United States or the Soviet Union, would compromise?
Explain your answer with reference to Source B and your own knowledge.





(1) Khrushchev, because Source A was related to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962,
and Khrushchev was the Soviet leader at that time.
(2) He thought that the Soviet Union should protect Cuba from the American invasion,
as a socialist country and as a working example to the other countries of Latin
(3) Kennedy.
(4) Tense, because Source B shows that the two countries developed nuclear weapons,
and set up missile bases in different countries.
(5) The Soviet Union. Source B showed that the United States had a stronger military
power than the Soviet Union, as it had more nuclear weapons and more missile
bases. Therefore, the Soviet Union would compromise. From my own knowledge,
the United States ordered a naval blockade of Cuba after it realised the Soviet
Union built the missile bases. As last, the Soviet Union agreed to remove the
missiles from Cuba. It showed that the Soviet Union compromised.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A A Chinese poster published in 1966

Support the
American Oppose the imperialist
people invasion of Vietnam

Source B An American cartoon published in 1967

American soldiers

Source C The following is the military expenditure of the United States during the Cold
Year Military expenditure (US dollar)
1966 $15,119,000,000
1970 $18,536,000,000
1975 $1,530,000,000
(1) According to Source A, describe the image of the United States among Chinese.


(2) What was the purpose for publishing Source B? Explain your answer.


(3) According to Source C, was the military expenditure of the United States during
the Vietnam War large? Explain your answer.




(4) As reflected in Source A, did the Americans support the participation in the
Vietnam War? Explain whether it is valid with reference to Source C and your
own knowledge.




(1) Negative, since the Chinese thought that the United States invaded Vietnam.
(2) To establish a positive image for the American soldiers, and to gain support from
the Americans for participating in the Vietnam War.
(3) Yes, because the United States spent over US$10 billion on military expenditure in
1966 and 1970, when the Vietnam War began. Although the military expenditure
dropped in 1975, before the end of the Vietnam War, it was above US$1.5 billion.
(4) Not support. Source C showed that the military expenditure was heavy for the
United States during the United States, and thus the Americans did not support the
participation in the Vietnam War. From my own knowledge, the Vietnam War
lasted for 14 years, leading to heavy casualties for the US army. It also made the
Americans opposed to the participation of the Vietnam War.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A

‘What do you mean, a threat? Surely it’s all right to go fishing, isn’t it?’
A cartoon published in 1962

Source B
The following is adapted from a speech of the US president Nixon to the Congress in

Three-fifths of all the people alive in the world today have spent their whole lifetimes under
the shadow of a nuclear war which could be touched off by the arms race among the great
powers…We have begun to check the wasteful and dangerous spiral of nuclear arms which
has dominated relations between our two countries for a generation. We have begun to
reduce the level of fear by reducing the causes of fear, for our two peoples and for all peoples
in the world.
(1) Which event in the Cold War was Source A related to?

(2) Regarding the previous question, what was the view of the cartoonist towards the
man ‘fishing’?



(3) With reference to Sources A and B, describe the transformation of the attitude of
the US towards the USSR.



(4) With reference to Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge, explain how
the event reflected in Source A led to the above transformation.




(1) Cuban Missile Crisis.
(2) The man ‘fishing’ was Khrushchev. In the cartoon, despite holding a missile, he
refuted the accusation of threat from the US, claiming that he was only ‘fishing’.
This shows that the cartoonist thought that Khrushchev’s attitude was arrogant and
would worsen the situation.
(3) Referring to Source A, the US was hostile towards the USSR. On the other hand,
referring to Source B, Nixon desired to reach consensus with the USSR on nuclear
disarmament. This shows that the attitude of the US towards the USSR changed
from being hostile to co-operative.
(4) Referring to Source A, the US saw the Cuban Missile Crisis as a ‘threat’, and
allowed the countries to realise they were at the brink of a nuclear war. Therefore,
as indicated in Source B, it was necessary for the two countries to disarm in order
to ‘reduce the level of fear for our two peoples and for all peoples in the world’.
The Crisis thus became a trigger for disarmament between the two countries.
Study the sources below and answer the following questions.

Source A

A cartoon published in 1990

Source B
The following is adapted from a commentary made by a Hungarian political scholar on
the situation of the Cold War in 1990.

Human rights transcended the claims of Marxism-Leninism and provided the Central and
Eastern European opposition with an intellectual basis from which to attack and thus erode
the official systems…As the 1990s began both the superpowers were weaker than they had
been at any time since 1945, indeed without the weakening of the Soviet Union the
transformation would not obviously have begun.
(1) According to your knowledge, why was no one attending the reunion in Source


(2) With reference to Source A, explain the meaning of ‘the weakening of the Soviet
Union’ in Source B.



(3) With reference to Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge, explain the
impact of the democratic movements in Eastern Europe had on the Cold War.




(1) According to my knowledge, in the 1990s the Eastern European countries were
undergoing democratic movements, abolishing the communist system. Therefore,
no one attended the union held by the man (the USSR).
(2) Referring to Source A, the allies of the USSR all left him. As a result, the USSR
could no longer maintain its original influence, thus leading to ‘the weakening of
the Soviet Union’.
(3) Referring to Source A, the democratic movements in Eastern Europe weakened the
communist power of the USSR to a large extent, and Source B also stated that the
democratic movements became a force to weaken the official systems. According
to my knowledge, under the democratic movements in Eastern Europe, the Eastern
European countries abolished one-party rule one after another and adopted
democracy instead. As a result, the socialist bloc no longer existed. This shows
that the democratic movements in Eastern Europe made the USSR lose its allies,
and eventually prompted its breaking up and the end of the Cold War.

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