Arm Motions in The Horizontal Plane

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A I I E Transactions
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Arm Motions in the Horizontal Plane

a b c
Stephan A. Konz , Carl E. Jeans & Ranveer S. Rathore
Kansas State University,
Kansas State University,
Kansas State University,
Version of record first published: 09 Jul 2007.

To cite this article: Stephan A. Konz , Carl E. Jeans & Ranveer S. Rathore (1969): Arm Motions in the Horizontal Plane, A I I E
Transactions, 1:4, 359-370

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Arm Motions in the Horizontal Plane
STEPHAN A. KONZ, Associate Member, AIIE
Kansas State University
CARL E. JEANS, Associate Member, AIIE
Kansas State University
RANVEER S. RATHORE, Associate Member, APIE
Kansas State University

Abstract: The principles of motion economy, "Motions of the The least errors were made a t 90 and 90 degrees. For
arms should be made in opposite and symmetrical directions, movements of a slide in a groove, for which no visual
Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

and should be made simultaneously," and, "Eye fixations

should be as few and as close together as possible," are
control was required, the best condition was 0 and 180
evaluated. The two principles are replaced with five principles: for the four fastest operators, but for the overall group it
1. For one-hand motions, movements which pivot about the was 60 and 120 degrees.
elbow are preferred to movements which pivot about the Barnes never published a formal study of: one hand at
shoulder. 2. For one-hand motions, movements with the at various angles; two-hand simultaneous and symmetri-
preferred hand are more desirable than movements with the
non-preferred hand. 3. Two-hand motions are preferred to cal versus two-hand simultaneous but nonsymmetrical
one-hand motions. 4. For two-hand motions, simultaneous motions; two-hand simultaneous motions versus two-
motions are preferred to alternating motions. 5. For two-hand hand nonsimultaneous motions; and two-hand simul-
simultaneous motions, a pattern which minimizes eye fixa- taneous and parallel motions versus two-hand simulta-
tions is preferred. neous and symmetrical motions. This paper reports the
results of experiments considering these hand motions.
Frank Gilbreth (Reference 17) first stated as a prin- Since 1940, there have been a number of studies of one-
ciple of motion economy: hand motions at various angles ( l l ) , (12), (13), (19), and
(23). These and others are reported in more detail by
When work is done with two hands simultaneously, it can be
done quickest and with least mental effort, particularly if the Konz (19). In general, they concluded that angle does
work is done by both hands in a similar manner, that is to say, affect the speed and accuracy of movements, and that
when one hand makes the same motions to the right as the movements which pivot about the elbow are faster and
other does to the left.
more accurate than movements which pivot about the
Barnes (3) made it more concise: "Motions of the arms shoulder. For right-hand movements, the best angle is
should be made in opposite and symmetrical directions, somewhere between 10 and 60 degrees. When close eye-
and should be made simultaneously." hand coordination is required, the best angle seems to be
On the other hand, Barnes also stated: "Eye fixations between 30 and 60; when relatively inaccurate move-
should be as few and as close together as possible." ments can be made, the best angle is between 10 and 30.
Which principle has precedence? Since 1940, there also have been a number of studies of
Barnes and his co-workers (2), (4)) (5), (6), (7) and (8) two-hand motions. Nichols (20) studied four conditions:
had made an outstanding series of studies on motion single-hand motions, simultaneous and symmetrical
economy which Barnes used to formulate his famous motions, nonsimultaneous and symmetrical motions, and
principles of motion economy. The only study bearing simultaneous and nonsymmetrical motions. Using in-
directly on the above principles, however, was Bulletin crease in heart rate as a criterion, he concluded the follow-
17 (6) in 1939. Bulletin 21 (7) demonstrated that pro- ing: For an equal amount of work performed, one-hand
ductivity with two hands was greater than with one hand. motions have a smaller increase in heart rate than non-
Barnes and Mundel (6) had each of 10 students posi- simultaneous but symmetrical two-hand motions; and,
tion an electrode in a hole 3600 times under each of four for an equal amount of work performed, two-hand simul-
conditions (zero will hereafter be defined as "three taneous and symmetrical motions have a smaller increase
o'clock") : zero degrees for the right hand and 180 degrees in heart rate than two-hand simultaneous but nonsym-
for the left hand, 30 and 150, 60 and 120, and 90 and 90. metrical motions.

December 1969 AIIE Transactions 359

Reichard (22) contrasted parallel versus symmetrical wise from C. The right hand moved at an angle of 53 de-
patterns for simultaneous motions. For the three subjects grees while the left hand moved at an angle of 143 degrees.
studied, he concluded that simultaneous parallel motions In Condition C (alternating and symmetrical), the hands
could be completed in 8 percent less time and with 31.3 moved along the same paths as Condition A but in an
percent less eye movements than simultaneous symmetri- alternating manner; that is, the right hand was at D while
cal motions. Parallel movements to the right were better the left hand was at A, and then the right hand moved
than parallel movements to the left. inward while the left hand moved outward and vice-
Bouisset, Henon, Monod, and Laville (9), (10) investi- versa. In all three conditions, the distance moved was 18
gated two-hand simultaneous and symmetrical motions inches.
at: 1. 90 degrees and 15 cm. (6 inches), 2. 90 degrees and A force platform measured the combined static and
30 cm. (12 inches), and 3. 30 to 150 degrees and 30 cm. dynamic forces in the three coordinate orthogonal planes.
(12 inches). Using Mueller's method of contrasting the Physiological cost, in this experiment, was defined as the
sum of the heart beats above the basal level, they found amount of force exerted for a given time and was mea-
that Condition 2 was worse than Conditions 1and 3, but sured in units of pound-seconds. Readings were taken of
that Conditions 1 and 3 were equivalent. They concluded the costs exerted in each plane when the subject "touched
that the additional six inches of Condition 2 over Condi- down" on each black circle. The pound-seconds for each
tion 1caused the extra heart beats. The extra six inches of axis were added arithmetically to obtain the total cost.
distance apparently increased heart rate as much as shift- The three conditions can be done in six possible se-
ing the angle from 30 degrees to 90 degrees. Note that quences; three subjects followed each of the six sequences.
in this study, as in Barnes and Mundel's (6), when visual Each subject performed three sets of five trials for each
control requirements are low, the optimum angle does not condition. Within each sequence, the sets were counter-
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seem to be 90 degrees. balanced to counteract the effects of fatigue and learning.

The subjects were paced by a metronome set at 66 clicks
per minute to eliminate pace as a variable.
EXPERIMENT ONE The analysis of variance was based on Snedecor's
A study (18) made a t Kansas State University used "Model I" design, a treatment by subject analysis with
output of a force platform as the criterion to determine the a single case for each factor combination. For significant
effect of (a) two-hand simultaneous and symmetrical sources of variation, Duncan's '(New Multiple Range
versus two-hand simultaneous and nonsymmetrical mo- Test" was used to test for differences between means.
tions, and (b) two-hand simultaneous motions versus
two-hand nonsimultaneous motions.
Eighteen female undergraduates with an average age
of 21.9 years (range 18 to 281, an average height of 64.5
The subjects moved a two-pound weight in each hand inches (range 62 to 68), and an average weight of 125
between two specified points, as illustrated in Figure 1. pounds (range 107 to 160) were paid $1 per hour.
In Condition A, the subject's hands moved simulta-
neously and symmetrically from points A and B to points
C and D. In Condition B, the hands moved simulta- From the analysis of variance of the total cost for the
neously but nonsymmetrically. The left hand followed three axes, it was concluded that the physiological cost of
path AE where E was located 16 degrees counterclock- Condition A (2.33 pound-seconds) was significantly
(p<.05) less than that of Condition C (2.62 pound-
seconds); that is, simultaneous and symmetrical motions
are better than alternating and symmetrical motions.
This conclusion agreed with the literature.
However, Condition A (2.33 pound-seconds) had sig-
nificantly ( p < .05) greater costs than Condition B (2.11
pound-seconds). For this motion pattern, simultaneous
and nonsymmetrical was better than simultaneous and
symmetrical. This finding did not agree with the litera-
Outward motions (1.39 pound-seconds) had more cost
than inward motions (1.2,5 pound-seconds). This did not
agree with the results of Wu (19).

Figure 1. The three experimental conditions The case of outward versus inward motions seems to be
of Experiment One. a problem. Since the results of this experiment contradict

3 60 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

those of another experiment performed in the same labo-
ratory on the same equipment (although the other task
was done with one hand while this was done with two
hands), a reasonable conclusion is that more investiga-
tion needs to be done.
The conclusion that nonsymmetrical motions may,
in some cases, be better than symmetrical motions was
unexpected. Note, however, that this was not a visually
directed task and that the left hand was moving at a lower
cost angle (143 degrees) than in the symmetrical condi-
tion (left hand at 127 degrees).
Therefore, it was decided to explore hand-arm motions
in greater detail (21).

Figure 2. The apparatus used in Experiment Two.

TASK imum accuracy and speed. There was a five-minute rest
The subjects made repetitive motions between outer period between trials.
targets (1-inch diameter) and inner targets (3.5-inch The statistical model was a four-factor, twice repli-
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diameter). See Figure 2. The angles were 0, 30, 60, 90, cated, completely randomized mixed factorial design. The
120, 150, and 180 degrees; the three o'clock position was criteria were: hits on the outer target per l&second trial,
referred to as 0 degrees. The worktable was adjustable misses on the outer target per l&second trial, average
and was set one inch below the standing subject's elbow speed of movement in inches per second, and information
(19). The centers of the inner targets were located five processed in bits per second.
inches from the front edge of the worktable (3). In order Average speed was calculated by totaling hits plus
to study the effect of distance on single-hand movements, misses and dividing by the 18-second trial period to get
the distances moved were 9 and 16 inches. Single-hand movements per second. For simultaneous motions, the
motions with both the left and right hands were made for total hits and misses of both hands was divided by two.
all seven angles and both distances. The subjects set their Then this was multiplied by 18 or 32 inches per move-
own pace to allow the largest number of accurate hits ment.
within the l&second trial interval. Fitts (15), (16) combined speed and accuracy into one
To study simuItaneous hand motions, the angle be- index, bits per seconds. The basic concept was that any
tween the hands was studied at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, movement was really limited by the amount of informa-
and 180 degrees of spread for angles from 0 to 180. For tion to be processed. Shannon (24) had defined informa-
zero spread, there were seven conditions; for 30-degree tion in terms of a signal to noise ratio transmitted from
spread, there were six conditions; for 60-degree spread, a transmitter over a channel to a receiver. Since the ratio
there were five conditions; for 90degree spread, there was logarithmic and logz has customarily been used, the
were four; for 120-degree,there were three; for 150-degree, unit of information commonly has been called bit, short
there were two; and for 180-degree spread, there was one for binary digit. Fitts proposed that the distance of the
condition-28 conditions in all. The conditions were move A was akin to the signal and that the width of the
designated by two-letter codes, the first letter indicating target W was akin to noise. He then demonstrated ex-
the direction of movement for the left hand and the perimentally that movement time for hand-arm motions
second letter, the right hand. Tables 1and 2 indicate the can be predicted well if the information of the task is
sequence of spreads. Different randomized sequences for defined as:
each operator and replication were used to counter- A
balance fatigue and learning. For her replication, each I (bits) = logz--,
subject reversed the sequence of her first set of trials. w/2
A formal set of introductory instructions was given to where
the subjects although the complete objective of the ex-
periment was not explained to them to reduce the possibil- A =Amplitude of movement
ity of bias. A practice session was given to each subject W = Width of target.
for one set of trials before beginning each part of the The validity of this formula has been substantiated by
experiment. She was told her response scores and errors other investigators in other laboratories (1) (14) (25).
after completing each trial during the practice session. The 9-inch movement required 4.17 bits for the move-
This was to motivate her to perform at her best and to ment to the outer 1-inch diameter target plus 2.37 bits
enable her to adjust her hand movements for the max- for the movement to the inner 3.5-inch diameter target,

December 1969 AIIE Tra~

Table 1:Sequence of experimental conditions for single-hand motions
Subject Repetition Conditions (Angles) a n d Distances

1. (i) X-A Y-B Y-c X-D X-E Y-F Y-G X-G X-F Y-E Y-D X-c X-B Y-A
(ii) Y-A X-B X-C Y-D Y-E X-F X-G Y-G Y-F X-E X-D Y-C Y-B X-A

2. (i) Y-B X-C X-D Y-E Y-F X-G X-A Y-A Y-G X-F X-E Y-D Y-C X-B
(ii) X-B Y-C Y-D X-E X-F Y-G Y-A X-A X-G Y-F Y-E X-D X-C Y-B

3. (i) X-C Y-D Y-E X-F X-G Y-A Y-B X-B X-A Y-G Y-F X-E X-D Y-C
(ii) Y-C X-D X-E Y-F Y-G X-A X-B Y-B Y-A X-G X-F Y-E Y-D X-C

4. (i) Y-D X-E X-F Y-G Y-A X-B X-C Y-C Y-B X-A X-G Y-F Y-E X-D
(ii) X-D Y-E Y-F X-G X-A Y-B Y-C X-C X-B Y-A Y-G X-F X-E Y-D

5. (i) X-E Y-F Y-G X-A X-B Y-C Y-D X-D X-C Y-B Y-A X-G X-F Y-E
(ii) Y-E X-F X-G Y-A Y-B X-C X-D Y-D Y-C X-B X-A Y-G Y-F X-E

6. (i) Y-F X-G X-A Y-B Y-C X-D X-E Y-E Y-D X-C X-B Y-A Y-G X-F
(ii) X-F Y-G Y-A X-B X-C Y-D Y-E X-E X-D Y-C Y-B X-A X-G Y-I?
7. (i) X-G Y-A Y-B X-C X-D Y-E Y-F X-F X-E Y-D Y-C X-B X-A Y-G
(ii) Y-G X-A X-B Y-C Y-D X-E X-F Y-F Y-E X-D X-C Y-B Y-A X-G
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A-0 degrees D-90 degrees G-180
B-30 degrees E--120 degrees X-9 inches
6 6 0 degrees F-150 degrees Y-16 inches

or 6.54 bits per movement. There are 8.19 bits per move- As can be calculated from Table 3, the average speed
ment for the 16-inch movement. of movement at 16 inches, 50.7 inches per second, is 141
Defining a movement was a problem since, in theory, percent of the speed at 9 inches, 35.9. Since the ratio of
a miss means less information was processed. How much 16 to 9 is 179 percent, and acceleration and deceleration
less is difficult to decide so both hits plus misses were form a larger proportion of the shorter move, the data
considered as movements. For simultaneous motions, agrees with the literature. Note also that angle does affect
bits for each hand were totaled. Thus the bits per second speed. The slowest movements were at 180 degrees for
that the subjects' brain-eye-muscle system processed both distances, but the fastest movements were at 0 and
could be estimated. 30 degrees for 9 inches and 30 and 60 degrees for 16 inches.
Movements a t the best angles were approximately 18
percent faster than a t the worst angles. The overall
Seven right-handed female subjects with an average speed was 43.3 inches per second.
age of 18.8 years (range 17 to 22), an average height of Speed also can be expressed in bits per second. The
64.6 inches (range 62 to 68), and an average elbow height formula is designed to compensate for the effect of dis-
while standing of 39.8 inches (range 38 to 43) were paid tance so that, in theory, the bits per second should be
by the hour. the same for both distances. Comparing the rates for the
RESULTS MOTIONS same angle in Table 3, it seems that the formula does, in
practice, compensate for distance. The average rate is
Data is provided in Tables 3 and 4. When hits were 12.9 bits per second. The effect of angle is not included
analyzed, the main effects of subjects, angles, and dis- in the formula, but perhaps it should be.
tances, as well as the subject Xdistance interaction, were
all significant (p <.01). The difference in performance
from the best angle to the worst angle (Table 4) was 8 FOR SINGLE,
percent. For the right hand, movements to the right were Data is provided in Tables 5 and 6. When hits were
best, and movements across the body to the left were analyzed, the main effects of subjects, angles, and dis-
worst. tances were all significant (p < .01). The difference in
Figure 3 shows the percent of the movements that performance from the best angle to the worst angle
missed the target for each angle. From the curve, they (Table 6) was 8 percent. For the left hand, movements to
missed about 5 percent of the time at the best angle and the left were best, and movements across the body to the
10 percent a t the worst angle. The least misses were made right were worst.
with cross-body movements. Figure 3, the misses made a t each angle, indicates that

362 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

Conditions (Angles) and Distance
X-1 Y-2 Y-3 X-4 X-5 Y-6 Y-7 X-7 X-6 Y-5 Y-4 x-3 x-2 Y-1
Y-1 x-2 X-3 Y-4 Y-5 X-6 X-7 Y-7 Y-6 X-5 x-4 Y-3 Y-2 x-1

Y-2 X-3 X-4 Y-5 Y-6 X-7 X-1 Y-1 Y-7 X-6 X-5 Y-4 Y-3 X-2
X-2 Y-3 Y-4 x-5 X-6 Y-7 Y-1 X-1 X-7 Y-6 Y-5 x-4 x-3 Y-2

X-3 Y-4 Y-5 X-6 X-7 Y-1 Y-2 X-2 X-1 Y-7 Y-6 X-5 X-4 Y-3
Y-3 X-4 X-5 Y-6 Y-7 X-1 X-2 Y-2 Y-1 X-7 X-6 Y-5 Y-4 X-3

Y-4 X-5 X-6 Y-7 Y-1 X-2 X-3 Y-3 Y-2 X-1 X-7 Y-6 Y-5 X-4
X-4 Y-5 Y-6 X-7 X-1 Y-2 Y-3 X-3 X-2 Y-1 Y-7 X-6 X-5 Y-4

X-5 Y-6 Y-7 X-1 X-2 Y-3 Y-4 X-4 X-3 Y-2 Y-1 X-7 X-6 Y-5
Y-5 X-6 X-7 Y-1 Y-2 X-3 X-4 Y-4 Y-3 X-2 X-1 Y-7 Y-6 X-5

Y-6 X-7 X-1 Y-2 Y-3 X-4 X-5 Y-5 Y-4 X-3 X-2 Y-1 Y-7 X-6
X-6 Y-7 Y-1 X-2 X-3 Y-4 Y-5 X-5 X-4 Y-3 Y-2 x-1 x-7 Y-6

X-7 Y-1 X-2 X-3 X-4 Y-5 Y-6 X-6 x-5 Y-4 Y-3 x-2 x-1 Y-7
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Y-7 X-1 X-2 Y-3 Y-4 X-5 X-6 Y-6 Y-5 X-4 x-3 Y-2 Y-1 x-7

1- 0 degrees Spread-AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG.

2- 30 degrees Spread-A3, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG.
3- 60 degrees Spread-AC, BD, CE, DF, EG.
4- 90 degrees Spread-AD, BE, CF, DG.
5-120 degrees Spread-AE, BF, CG.
6-150 degrees Spread-AF, BG.
7-180 degrees Spread-AG.
X-Distance- 9 inches.
Y-Distance-16 inches.

Table 3: Mean results by angle for the right hand in single-hand motions

Criterion in inches
A@") B(30°) C(60°) D(90°) E(120°) F(150°) G(180°)
Mean hits on outer 9 34.65 35.92 34.85 35.28 34.65 32.50 30.57
target per 18 seconds 16 25.65 26.28 28.28 2'7.21 25.50 24.57 24.15

Mean misses per 9 2.57 2.57 2.07 1.71 1.07 1.21 1.65
18 seconds 16 3.50 3.85 2.50 2.57 1.85 1.78 2.07

Average speed, 9 37.22 38.49 36.92 36.99 35.72 33.71 32.22

inches per second 16 51.79 53.54 54.70 52.92 48.60 46.82 46.59

Index of performance, 9 13.52 12.68 13.41 13.44 12.98 12.25 11.71

bits per second 16 13.26 13.71 14.00 13.55 12.44 11.99 11.93

Table 4: Mean hits for the right hand in single-hand mo-

tions. (Hits underlined by the same line are not signifi-
cantly (a<.05) different. Hits for 9 and 16 inches totaled.)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Angle 60 30 90 0 120 150 180
Hits 63.13 62.20 61.56 60.30 60.15 57.07 54.72


December 1969 AIIE Transactions


A(OO) B(30°) C(60°) D(90°) E)120°) F(150°) G(180°)

2. The movements at most angles for the nine-inch

tions. (Hits underlined by the same line are not signifi- movement were made exclusively from the elbow. In
cantly (a<.05) dserent. Hits for 9 and 16 inches totaled.) contrast, 16-inch movements in most cases began at the
Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

elbow, were taken up by the shoulder, and were finished

Angles 90 120 150 180
by the wrist.
Hits 55.28 54.65 53.85 52.14 51.48 49.06 48.71 3. Maximum speed and maximum accuracy seemed
incompatible. The subjects concentrated on one or the
other of these goals. The subjects did not maintain con-
sistent speeds for each trial and usually stated that they
were not aware of the change in attention until after it
had been made. For the 9-inch movement, the subjects
often started with maximum speed but changed to less
the subjects missed the target about 10 percent of the speed and more accuracy while for the 16-inch movement,
time at the best angle and about 14 percent at the worst
angle. As with the right hand, the least misses were made
with cross-body movements.
As can be calculated from Table 5, the average speed
of movement at 16 inches, 46.2, is 143percent of the speed
a t 9 inches, 32.1. This is compatible with the results from
the right hand (Table 3) commented on above. As with
the right hand, angle does affect speed. Again the slowest
movements were to the opposite side. The fastest move-
ments were to 90 degrees for 9 inches and 150 degrees for
16 inches. Movements at the best angles were approxi-
mately 16 percent faster than at the worst angles; this
again is compatible with the results for the right hand.
The overall speed was 39.2 inches per second. Expressing
this speed in other units, the average for the left hand
(Table 5) was 11.7 bits per second.

I When the hits of the left and right hand were compared
(Table 4 versus 6), the right hand was superior. This is
compatible with Experiment One and the literature.
Accuracy of the right hand (Figure 3) was also higher.
Some general observations were :
1. Many of the subjects tended to lean their bodies in 0 30 60 90 120 150 leo
the direction of movement even though this was not ANGLE, DEGREES
necessary and the subjects had been requested not to Figure 3. The effect of angle on accuracy
move their body. for one-hand motions.

1 364 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

they started accurately but changed to attempt maximum ment ahead was preferable to movement to the sides; if
speed. movement had to be made to the side, then movements
to the right were better than movements to the left.
HANDMOTIONS I t seems more important to minimize the degree of spread
When hits were anaIyzed, the main effects of subjects, between the two hands than to be concerned whether the move-
angles, distances, hands, and the interactions of subject ments are symmetrical. However, for the two situations
distance, subject times hands, and angle hands were all where spread was held constant and symmetrical motions
significant ( p < .01). were possible (60 and 120 degrees), symmetrical motions
Tables 7 and 8 summarize the hits for each distance. were better than nonsymmetrical.
From Table 9, the very best combination was zero spread The total misses for both the left and right hand for
between the hands with an angle of 90 degrees; worst both the 9- and 16-inch condition are given in Table 10.
was 150 degrees spread with the right hand at 30 degrees As can be seen, the degree of spread is the controlling
and the left hand at 180 degrees. In general, for this variable just as it was for hits (Table 9). Within spreads,
visually directed task, the less spread, the better the movement ahead was preferable to movements to the
performance. At any particular degree of spread, move- sides; if movement had to be made to the side, then move-
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0 degrees E E

30 degrees C D

90 degrees A D

December 1969 AIIE Transactions 365

0 degrees E E
D D 22.21

30 degrees E F
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120 degrees B F

150 degrees A F

180 degrees A G 13.43 13.21 26.64 8.21 8.93 17.14 39.4 20.1

n~entsto the right were better than movements to the shown that the right hand was more accurate for one-hand
left for 0 and 30 degrees of spread. For more spread, motions. It is expected that the eyes and brain have con-
everything is bad. As with hits, there is little evidence centrated on their most difficult task (the left hand) and
that it makes any difference whether the motion is sym- ignored the right hand.
metrical or nonsymmetrical; the degree of spread is the The average speed of movement a t 9 inches (Table 7)
controlling variable. was 29.4 inches per second; the average speed at 16 inches
Table 2 gives the ratio of misses to hits for the various (Table 8) was 40.9. The ratio is 139 percent, which is
conditions of simultaneous motions. Use of a sign test consistent with the ratio of 141 percent for the right hand
indicates, as expected, that the 9-inch movements are alone (Table 3) and 143 percent for the left hand alone
made significantly (p < .01) more accurately than 16- (Table 5).
inch movements. To compare right versus left, when the The average speed a t 9 inches of the right hand alone
spread is held constant and the angles are mirrored (that was 35.9 inches per second, of the left hand alone 32.1,
is, compare 60 degrees for the right hand versus 120 de- and with both hands 29.4. The average speed at 16 inches
grees for the left), there are 56 pairs. The error rate was of the right hand alone was 50.7, of the left hand alone
higher for the right hand on 53 of the 56 pairs; thus, 46.2, and with both hands 40.9. Thus simultaneous mo-
somewhat surprisingly, the right hand was significantly tions slowed down the right hand 23 percent and the left
(p < .01) less accurate in two-hand motions. Figure 3 had hand 11 percent.

366 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

Table 9: Mean hits for both hands in simultaneous motions when arranged by amount
of spread. (Hits underlined by the same line are not significantly
(a<.05) different. Hits for 9 and 16 inches totaled.)

0 degree Rank 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
Angles D D E E C C B B F F A A G G
Scores 98.78 97.78 96.00 92.57 90.14 85.21 81.93
- -
30 degree Rank 6 8 10 11 12 15
Angles C D D E B C E F A B F G
Scores 86.86 82.14 81.78 81.78 79.28 75.42
- -

60 degree Rank 13 14 16 17 18
Angles C E B D A C E G D F
Scores 77.57 76.14 75.21 74.50 74.21

90 degree Rank 20 21 22 24
Angles C F B E A D D G
Scores 72.93 72.50 70.28 69.50
Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

120 degree Rank 19 23 26

Angles B F C G A E
Scores 73.57 70.28 67.93
150 degree Rank 25 28
Angles A F B G
Scores 68.86 64.57
- -
180 degree Rank 27
Angles A G
Scores 65.86

Key: A = 0 degrees, B =30 degrees, C = 60 degrees, D = 90 degrees, E = 120 degrees, F = 190 degrees, and G = 180 degrees

When the speed is expressed in bits per second, the of the right hand instead of both hands; the average of
formula compensates for the effect of distance. The Table 7 minus the average for 9 inches for the right hand
average was 21.4 bits per second for 9 inches and 20.9 (Table 3), or 21.4-12.9 =8.3 bits per second, and the
for 16 inches or a combined average of 21.2. When the average of Table 8 minus the average for 16 inches for the
right hand worked alone, an average of 12.9 bits per right hand (Table 3)) or 20.8 - 13.0 = 7.5 bits per second.
second was processed, and when the left hand worked Thus the average reduction for the preferred hand was
alone, it was 11.7. Thus, when both hands worked at the 7.9 bits per second. The reductions for the left hand using
same time, almost twice as much information was pro- Tables 5, 7, and 8 were 9.7 and 9.2 bits per second or an
cessed. If it is assumed that the person is processing infor- average of 9.45 bits per second. These reductions clarify
mation at his maximum rate in each condition, why is the a key aspect of the "one-channel hypothesis" of human
rate not the same for all three conditions? information processing.
If it is hypothesized that the 23.0 bits per second (max- It seems that the bottleneck in the brain-eye-muscle
imum of Tables 7 and 8) is the maximum brain-eye- system is neither the brain (command subsystem) nor
muscle system output, then the reduction in output due the eyes (tracking subsystem), but the muscles and
to the targets being in different visual fields can be estab- nerves (effector and feedback subsystem). In other words,
lished from the maximum difference between conditions the limiting factor in hand-arm movements is not the
within Tables 7 and 8. This differencewas 2.9 bits. ability of the brain to command or the ability of the eyes
There are two estimates of the reduction due to the use to supervise, but the ability of the nerves and muscles to

December 1969 AIIE Transactions 367

Table 10: Mean misses for both hands in simultaneous motions when arranged by amount of
spread. (Misses underlined by the same line are not significantly (a<.05)
different. Misses for 9 and 16 inches totaled.)

0 degree Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Angles D D C C E E B B A A F F G G
Error, LH+RH 12 .50 13 .50 14.21 14.27 16.65 18.06 21.71

30 degrees Rank 8 9 10 11 12 13
Angles D E C D A B B C F G E F
Error, LH+RH 23.42 23.86 25.13 25.79 26.07 26.78

60 degree Rank 14 15 16 17 20
Angles E G B D A C C E D F
Error, LH+RH 27.35 28.72 28.92 29.14 30.20

90 degree Rank 18 19 22 24
Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

Angles C F D G A D B E
Error, LH+RH 29.28 29.79 31.20 31.66

120 degree Rank 21 23 25

Angles B F C G A E
Error, LH+RH 30.86 31.56 33.56
150 degree Rank 26 28
Angles A F B G
Error, LH+RH 34.35 35.56

180 degree Rank 27

Angles A G
Error, LH+RH 34.91

carry out the orders. The spirit is willing but the flesh ferred hand are preferred to movements of the non-pre-
is weak. ferred hand
3. Two-hand motions are preferred to one-hand mo-
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 4. For two-hand motions, simultaneous motions are pre-
ferred to alternating motions
In the introduction, the potential conflict in some situa- 5. For two-hand simultaneous motions, a pattern
tions between simultaneous and symmetrical motions which minimizes eye fixations is preferred.
versus minimization of eye fixations was discussed. Based
on the literature and experiments, i t would seem that
the principle, "Motions of the arms should be made in REFERENCES
opposite and symmetrical directions, and should be made (1) ANNETT, J., GOLBY, G., AND KAY,H., "The Measurements
simultaneously," should be subdivided into several prin- of Elements in an Assembly Task-The Information Out-
put of the Human Motor System," Quarterly Journal of
ciples : Experimental Psychology, Volume 10, 1958.
1. For one-hand motions, movements that pivot about (2) BARNES, R., "An Investigation of Some Hand Motions Used
the elbow are preferred to movements which pivot about in Factory Work," Bulletin 6, Studies in Engineering, Uni-
versity of Iowa, February, 1936.
the shoulder (3) BARNES,R., Motion and Time Study, 2nd Edition, John
2. For one-hand motions, movements with the pre- Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, 1940.

1 3 68 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

(4) BARNES, R., A N D MUNDEL, M., "Studies of Hand Motions tion of Amount of Practice," American Journal of Psychology,
and Rhythm Appearing in Factory Work," Bulletin 12, Volume 66, Pages 45-56, 1953.
Studies in Engineering, University of Iowa, February, 1938. (13) CORRIGAN, R., A N D BROGEN,W., "The Effect of Angle
(5) BARNES, R., A N D MUNDEL, M., "A Study of Hand Motions Upon Precision of Linear Pursuit Movements," American
Used in Small Assembly Work," Bulletin 16, Studies in Journal of Psychology, Volume 61, Pages 502-510, 1948.
Engineering, University of Iowa, January, 1939. (14) CROSSMAN, E., "The Information Capacity of the Human
(6) BARNES,R., AND MUNDEL,M., "A Study of Simultaneous Motor System in Pursuit Tracking," Quarterly Journal of
and Symmetrical Hand Motions," Bulletin 17, Studies in Experimental Psychology, Volume 12, Pages 1-16, 1960.
Engineering, University of Iowa, April, 1939. (15) FITTS,P., "The Information Capacity of the Human Motor
(7) BARNES, R., MUNDEL, M., A N Y MACKENZIE, J., "Studies on System in Controlling the Tolerance of the Movement,"
One- and Two-Handed Work," Bulletin 21, Studies in Journal of Experimental Psychology, Volume 47, Pages 381-
Engineering, University of Iowa, March, 1940 391,1954.
(8) BARNES, R., PERKINS,J., A N D JURAN, J., "A Study of the (16) FITTS, P., A N D PETERSON, J., "Information Capacity of
Effects of Practice on the Elements of a Factory Operation," Discrete Motor Responses," Journal of Experimental
Bulletin 22, Studies in Engineering, University of Iowa, Psychology, Volume 67, Pages 103, 1964.
November, 1940. (17) GILBRETH, Motion Study, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York,
(9) BOUISSET,S., HENON,D., A N D MONOD,H., "Influence de New York, 1911.
L'Amplitude de Mouvement sur le Cout d'un Travail (18) JEANS,C , "A Study of the Physiological Costs of Sym-
Musculaire," Ergonomics, Pages 256-270, 1962. metrical and Simultaneous Motions," MS Thesis, Kansas
(10) BOUISSET,S., LAVILLE,A., A N D MONOD,H., "Recherches State University, 1966.
Physiologiques sur LJEconomie des Mouvements," Pro- (19) KONZ,S., "Design of Workstations," Journal of Industrial
ceedings of Second International Congress on Ergonomics, Engineering, Volume 18, No. 7, Pages 413-423, July, 1967.
Dortmund, 1964, Taylor and Francis, London. (20) NICHOLS,D. A N D AMRINE,H., "A Physiological Appraisal
(11) BRIGGS,S., "A Study in the Design of Work Areas," P h D. of Selected Principles of Motion Economy," Journal of
Dissertation, Purdue University, 1955. Industrial Engineering, Volume 10, No. 5, September-
(12) BROGDEN,W., "The Trigonometrical Relationship of October, 1959.
Precision and Angle of Linear Pursuit Movements as a Func- (21) RATHORE, R., "A Study of Effect of Angle and Distance on

December 1969 AIIE Transactions 369

the Speed and Accuracy of Single Hand and Two Hand Collins Radio, and the University of Illinois, where he earned a
Simultaneous Motions in the Horizontal Plane," MS Thesis P h V in Industrial Engineering. He also holds a B S I E and a n
Kansas State University, 1968. M B A from the University of Michigan and a n M S I E from the
(22) REICHARD,F., "A Kinesiological Evaluation of Parallel State University of Iowa. He is a member of the H u m a n Factors
versus Symmetrical Patterns in Simultaneous Hand and Society, the Ergonomics Research Society, ASQC, A S T M E ,
Arm Motions," MS Thesis, Texas Tech., 1967.
(23) SCHMIDTKE, H., AND STIEB,F., "An Experimental Evalua- A S H R A E , I E E E , Sigma X i , and Alpha P i M u .
tion of the Validity of Pre-determined Elemental Time
Analysis Systems," Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol- Mr. Jeans i s a rate engineer at Southwestern Public Service
ume 12, No. 3, 1961. Company in Amarillo, Texas, where he i s currently working on
(24) SHANNON, C., "A Mathematical Theory of Communica- economic analysis and the design of utility rate structures. He
tion," Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 27, Pages 379- holds B S and M S degrees i n industrial engineering from Kansas
423 and 623-656, 1948. State University.

Mr. Rathore i s a n instructor in mathematics and computer

science at Marymount College in Salina, Kansas, where he i s
Dr. Konz i s a professor in the Department of Industrial also a consultant i n data processing work connected with college
Engineering at Kansas State University. He i s currently involved administration. H e has been a n instructor at Kansas Technical
i n the design of work stations, automotive braking, cooling suits, Inititute and a n industrial engineer for Craddock Uniform Inc.
training and information content of hand-arm motions. He was Mr. Rathore received a B S degree from Birla Institute of Tech-
previously associated with the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, nology and a n M S from Kansas State University.
Downloaded by [betsy peralta] at 14:36 24 April 2013

REFERENCE-"^^^^^^^^ Performance Studies 111: Three-Dimensional
Equations for Hand Motion Path" by Appu Kuttan and Gerald
Nadler, A I I E Transactions, Volume I , No. 3, September, 1969, pp.
ERROR-Reference 12 on page 228 is in error.

C O R R E C T I O N - R12~should ~ C ~Smalley, H. E., "Another Look

~ ~ ~ ~read:
a t Work Measurement," Journal o f Industrial Engineering, Volume
XVIII, No. 3, March, 1967, pp. 202-218. Consequently, "Stukey's
equation" on page 228 should read "Smalley's equation," and Smalley's
name should be substituted for Stukey's in line 9 of the first column on
page 228.

COMMENT-The authors regret this error and apologize for any incon-
venience it may have caused the readers.

AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 4

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