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Statement The sum of 8 and 9 is 20 .

True statements
False statements
The sum of 8 and 9 is 17 .
Negation ~p The sum of 8 and 9 is not 17
Compound sentence The 3 and 9 are factor of 27.
And/ or The 3 or 9 are factor of 27
True com. Sentences And – both true, or – either one
False com. Sentences And – either one , or - both
Form sentence in 1)If p, then q OR if q , then p
Implication way P = antecedent , q = consequent

2)P if and only if q

If k is a prime number, then k has only two factor.
k is a prime number if and only if k has 2 factor
Statement / : if p, then q
implication :
converse: if q, the p
inverse: if ~p, then ~ q
contrapositive : if ~ q, then
Arguments Premises: information
Conclusion :
Deductive argument General premises- specific conclusion

Inductive argument Specific premises – general conclusion

Valid deductive argument

Valid & sound

Not valid & not sound

Strong Inductive argument All premises true – strong

Strong & cogent Conclusion false – not cogent
Weak & not cogent
All premises true- strong
Conclusion true - cogent

Conclusion false- not cogent

Premise - weak

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