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Journal of Crystal Growth 76 (1986) 645-~-655 645

North-Holland, Amsterdam


Margaret C. ETTER *, Donald A. JAHN and Brian S. DONAHUE

Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant St. SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA


Ruth B. JOHNSON and Charles OJALA

Roche/Ic Crystal Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota 55116, USA

Received 30 September 1985; manuscript received in final form 28 April 1986

High qualilty organic crystals are needed for X-ray diffraction analyses and for use as solid-state materials. Current routine and
nonroutine methods of growing organic crystals are discussed here and comparisons are made between these methods and those that
are more suitable for inorganic or protein crystal growth. Examples of growth of crystals with controlled morphology, controlled
growth of metastable crystals, and growth of polymorphic crystal forms are given.

1. Introduction 2. Background

The need for readily available high quality It is common lore among chemists and crys-
organic crystals for X-ray diffraction analyses and tallographers that organic * crystals are easier to
for use as solid-state materials has grown dramati- grow than protein crystals, but harder to grow
cally in the last decade. Organic chemists now than inorganic crystals. While there are many
routinely use X-ray structure analyses to identify exceptions to this rule, notably the relative ease
their new compounds and many organic solids with which lysozyme can be grown compared to
have been shown to have technologically im- the difficulties encountered when growing crystals
portant properties such as electrical conductivity of oxalates and citrates [4], in general it is a useful
[1] and nonlinear optical behavior [2]. Neverthe- rule. Organic compounds are usually insoluble in,
less, studies on organic crystal growth processes and may be reactive with, water while proteins
have been ignored by comparison to the efforts and inorganic compounds are usually recrystal-
devoted over the years to the study of inorganic lized from aqueous solutions. It is an advantage
crystals and, more recently, to the study of protein for organic crystals that they can be grown from a
crystal growth phenomena [3]. In this article, we wide variety of solvents, but since these solvents
compare crystal growth conditions for organic are non-aqueous, pH and ionic strength cannot be
compounds to those of inorganic and protein used as recrystallization variables. A common
crystals, discuss the commonly used techniques for organic solution recrystallization technique is to
growing small-molecule organic crystals, and pre- saturate a boiling solution of the compound and
sent representative examples of crystal growth ex- then allow it to slowly cool to room temperature.
periments carried out in our laboratories.
* Protein molecules are organic compounds, but the term
organic is used here to mean small-molecule organic cam-.
* Address correspondence to this author. pounds ( <100 atoms).

0022-0248/86/$03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
646 M.C. Etter et al. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organic crystals

Table I
Comparison of general crystal growth characteristics ‘° of small-molecule organic compounds. proteins, and inorganic compounds

Property Organic compounds Proteins Inorganic compounds

Chemical nature Covalently bonded. Macromolecules composed of Salts, composed of
neutral small molecules, covalent bonds, charged inorganic ions
<100 atoms charged groups. metal ions, and water

Soluhility Soluble in a wide variety Soluble in water Soluble in water

of organic solvents
Sensitivity to pH and NA Vet-v sensitive Sensitive
ionic strengths
Thermal properties Thermally stable up to Readily denatured by heating above Highly thermally
melting point (common room temperature stable
melting points are 50—150°C)
3, from common < 0.5 mm3, by any method No size limit for flianv
Crystal size 0.1—10 mm
crystal growth methods inorganics

X-ray diffraction Good—moderate Poor—good Excellent


Mechanical strength Fair—good Extremely poor Extremely good

The characteristics given in this table are qualitative observations that may be useful when designing growth procedures for
compounds in one of the given classes. There are exceptions to each of the above descriptions. This list should be used as a guide.
not as a definitive analysis. Organometallics have not been treated as a separate class, hut they have some of the characteristics of
both inorganic and organic crystals. A notable characteristic of organometallic crystals is that they may he extremely air and
moisture sensitive.

This procedure could not be used for proteins mechanically strong enough to be stored safely in
which are rapidly denatured at elevated tempera- glass containers or handled with a needle pointer.
lures. On the other hand, the extremely high tern- In table 1, the differences and similarities between
peratures used for melt recrystallizations of many protein, organic and inorganic crystal growth con-
inorganic compounds cannot be used for organics ditions are summarized. Features which all these
which usually melt below 200°C, and char at types of crystals have in common include char-
higher temperatures. Organic crystals, if obtained acteristic crystal properties such as optical bire-
at all, are usually in the size range 0.1—10 mm3, fringence, X-ray diffraction, polymorphism (the
while many protein crystals seem to have a limit- presence of more than one crystal form), the pos-
ing dimension of about 0.5 mm. Some inorganic sibility of habit modification, and the possibility
crystals can be grown several feet long [5], with of undergoing single crystal phase transforma-
the availability of material and the patience of the tions.
operator being the limiting factors! Inorganic
crystals frequently have superb X-ray diffraction
qualities (high scattering power, high degree of 3. Preparation of organic crystals
order, low thermal motion, and good stability in
the X-ray beam), while organics and proteins may The three most common procedures used for
not scatter well and may exhibit a mosaic spread growing organic crystals are: (1) evaporation of a
in the diffraction spots due to crystal disorder and dilute solution at room temperature; (2) boiling
impurities. Protein crystals are exceedingly fragile, then cooling a supersatured solution; (3) sublima-
sometimes containing up to 70% or 80% water. tion. For each of these techniques, preparation of
Inorganic crystals are characteristically strong, and high quality single organic crystals for X-ray dif-
organic crystals, although somewhat softer, are fraction analyses requires that one start with a
M. C. Etter et at / Growth and characterization of smallmolecule organic crystals 647

sample which is pure. It is not usually necessary to differential between the boiling point and room
remove impurities that are present at less than temperature (or freezing temperature). We usually
about 0.1% concentration. An indication that a test five to six different solvents in which the
compound is pure enough to try to grow crystals compound should be partially soluble. Using small
is that it looks homogeneous, that particles appear test tubes, we put about 50 mg of sample in six
microcrystalline under the microscope (sharp different test tubes and add ten drops of solvent
edges, reflective faces, or birefringent) and that it to each one. Solvents which completely dissolve
has a sharp melting point and a clean infrared or the sample under these conditions are not satisfac-
solution NMR spectrum. For methods 1 and 2 tory. For solvents which show partial solubility or
above, the next step is to determine what solvent no solubility, we heat the samples to boiling by
would be appropriate. If the compound is known, passing them over a gentle bunsen burner flame.
some of its solubility characteristics will be given If they are not completely dissolved at the boiling
in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [6]. point, then more solvent is added. The samples are
For the first crystal growth method, room tern- cooled in air, cold water, or an ice bath to induce
peralure evaporation, any solvent which will dis- crystal formation. If no crystals are obtained, a
solve the compound can be used. Since the rate of seed is introduced or the side of the test tube is
evaporation is directly related to the vapor pres- scratched with a glass rod to introduce nucleation
sure of the solvent, solvents such as DMSO (di- sites. The crystals can be removed by decanting
methylsulfoxide), HMPA (hemamethyiphosphor- the supernatant solvent, and gently transferring
amide), DMF (dimethylformamide), and glycerol the crystals to several pieces of filter paper.
are not good choices because of their low volatil- Crystals which stick to the sides of the test tube
ity. A sample of 10—100 mg is dissolved in the can be removed with a needle pointer or can be
solvent of choice and a filtration is done if the shaken out of the tube. The procedure can readily
solution contains visible particles such as dust or be scaled up to quantities of 500 mg to 1 g.
insoluble residue. The solution is placed in a crys- Samples larger than that will result in too large a
tallizing dish (Pyrex petri dish with sides about 2 mass of crystals and aggregation and manupula-
inches high) and covered with the glass top, which tion of the crystals becomes a problem.
does not seal the sample but does significantly The third common recrystallization technique,
lower the rate of evaporation and inhibits forma- sublimation, is an alternative for thermally stable
tion of a surface layer of crystals. This dish is then compounds. A simple test to see if a compound
set aside and periodically examined visually or will sublime readily is to put 10—20 mg of sample
under the microscope for crystal formation. When on a petri dish and cover the dish with an inverted
a good crystal is observed, it is immediately re- watch glass. The petri dish can be heated gently
moved from the solution so that it cannot trans- on a hot plate and the presence of crystals grow-
form or aggregate. A stainless steel needle pointer ing on the watch glass, indicating that sublimation
or a fine spatula is used to remove the crystal, is occurring, can be readily observed. One can
which is then laid on a piece of absorbant paper to sometimes observe the same phenomenon simply
wick off solvent, and placed on a microscope slide by heating a small sample between cover slips on
for further examination and mounting. The origi- a Fisher—Johns melting point apparatus. In many
nal solution is left to allow growth of additional cases high temperatures are needed to obtain sub-
crystals. limation, and in order to prevent sample degrada-
The second recrystallization technique, saturat- tion, the sublimation can be carried out under
ing a boiling solution and then allowing it to cool, vacuum. A commercial sublimator can be used or
is commonly used as a means for purifying bulk a simple vacuum sublimator can be made in the
quantities of samples. This technique can also be lab. The sample (50—100 mg) is placed in the
adapted for growing good single crystals. With bottom of a 5—6 inch long thick walled tube,
this method, choice of solvent is more critical, attached to a vacuum line, and the sample is
since the sample should have a large solubility gently heated under vacuum until crystals grow on
648 M. C. EOer et al. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organiv crystals

the sides of the tube. Many sophisticated modifi-

cations of this set-up are possible, including in- o
troduction of a cold finger into the tube, or setting
up a controlled temperature gradient along the
sides of the tube. Crystals can be removed by ‘.jl
cutting the tube and carefully removing the crystals ~ ~ (I)
with a pointer. Unless it is known ahead of time I
that your crystals can be obtained by sublimation, ,.—. 0
this technique is not the best choice for obtaining \
good single crystals. The sublimed crystals are H
frequently thin and fragile, or they may be stuck I
to the sides of the wall and be difficult to remove always crystallize in a trans-conformation so the
without incurring fractures. Also, the sample in carbonyl acceptor group and the —NH hydrogen
the bottom of the sublimation tube is frequently bond donor are anti— to one another [9j, as shown.
thermally degraded and must be discarded. Nev- We can control the morphology of acetanilide
ertheless, this method is an alternative to solution crystals by choosing solvents which promote or
methods and may result in new polymorphs, inhibit the formation of this hydrogen-bond chain.
crystals with modified habits, or highly purified Hydrophobic solvents like benzene and CC!4 will
crystals. The reader is referred to several books on not participate in hydrogen-bond formation, so
crystal growth (mostly dealing with inorganic they will induce the formation of rapidly growing
crystals) for other common laboratory methods chains of hydrogen-bonded amides. This mecha-
[7]. nism is reflected in the observed crystal mor-
phology, where crystals grown from benzene or
Cd4 by evaporation methods are seen to be long
4. Alternatives to routine methods needles extending from one end of the petri dish
to the other (fig. Ia). Solvents that are proton
In actual practice, if the techniques described donors or proton acceptors should inhibit chain
above do not give suitable crystals, there are two formation by competing with amide molecules for
practical choices available to the organic chemist, hydrogen-bonding sites. Thus acetone should in-
The simplest one often is to synthesize another hibit chain growth at the —NH end, and methanol
derivative of the compound, hoping that it will should inhibit chain growth at the carbonyl end of
crystallize more easily. The second alternative is to the chain. Both solvents result in the growth of
modify the crystal growth methods described short rod-like crystals of acetanilide (fig. ib), as
above using knowledge about the crystal chem- expected. These morphologies are reproducibly
istry and properties of the particular compound of observed from multiple recrystallizations. A sam-
interest. Several examples from our recent re- pie grown from benzene and acetone gave a hy-
search work serve to illustrate this point. brid crystal form (fig. Ic), which is a rod-shaped
Acetanilide crystals are readily obtainable by crystal with fine needles growing on the ends. The
recrystallization from boiling water and this pro- entire crystal is one single crystal which cx-
cedure has been used for years in undergraduate tinguishes uniformly under polarized light, show-
chemistry laboratories across the country as a ing no phase boundary between rod and needles.
safe, reliable example of crystal growth methods. Three crystal structures have been reported for
The crystals obtained are pure but of poor quality dibenzoylmethane (DBM), II, but none refer to
by X-ray diffraction standards. Crystal structure
analysis of acetanilide, I, shows that that a hydro-
gen-bonded chain of molecules is aligned along
the needle axis of the crystals [8]. This kind of / \ c —CH2--—- c / \ (II)
pattern is characteristic of secondary amides which — —
M. C. Etter et al. / Growth and charaiter,zation of small molecule organic crystals 649

Fig. 1. Modification of acetanilide crystal morphology by crystallization from solvents with hydrogen-bond properties that favor or
retard growth of the crystals along the needle axis. (a) Aeetanilide crystals grown from benzene as long needles that extend from one
edge of a crystallizing dish to the other. (b) Acetanilide crystals grown from either proton-donating solvents (alcohols) or
proton-accepting solvents (DMSO, acetone), showing retarded growth along the needle axes of the crystals. (c) Hybrid acetanilide
crystals grown from mixed solvents such as benzene and acetone.

the existence of a second polymorphic form. We unusual induction mechanism. A diamond-shaped

found a reference in Chem. Berichte [10] that gave crystal suddenly appears at the tip of the needle
two different melting points for DBM, suggesting causing neighboring regions of the needle to
that a second metastable form of DBM exists. We change into diamonds in a chain-type mechanism
found that DBM crystallizes readily from a rapidly proceeding down the length of the crystal to give a
cooled ethanol solution to give long morphologi- rock-candy type array, shown in fig. 2b. If the
cally well-developed single crystals (fig. 2a), which original needles are removed from solution, they
transform within minutes to the stable form by an immediately transform by a solvent-mediated
650 MC. Etter etal. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organic crystals

mechanism [11] into a polycrystalline pseudo- cold dry nitrogen to evaporate the solvent, the
morph (fig. 3). If the kinetically favored needle crystals remain clear indefinitely and are suitable
crystals are first cooled in the mother liquor to for X-ray diffraction analysis [12]. By heating the
about —20°C. then removed under a stream of crystals to 50°C on a hot stage, a solid-state

lig. 2. Dihenzoylmethane ( DB!tl cr~stalpols.niorphs grown frotri ethanol. .i) Kiiietieall~ fasored, thermally metastable, needle
polymorph of dibenzoylmethane. h Stable, thermodsnamically favored polymorph of dihenzoylmethane obtained by solvent-media-
ted phase transformation of a metast,ible crystal.
MC. Etter et a!. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organic crystals 651

‘ 0~

V I, a~uE
652 M. C. Euer vi al. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organic crvstal.s

transformation, much like the solvent-mediated like phase when the two components were mixed
process, takes place. together too fast or in concentrations that were

~ ~ (III)

CH3 0 CH3

One of the most challenging crystal growth too high. Fig. 4 shows three of the polymorphic
problems we have encountered involves an organic forms that we commonly obtained. The crystal
dye~—dye complex, called a cyanine-oxonol dye, structures of the gold and red plates have been
III. This compound crystallizes in at least 14 solved, showing that they are indeed polymorphs,
polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic forms. dis- and that they each contain one molecule of ebb-
tinguishable by brilliant color differences, chem- roform which is hydrogen-bonded to a carbonyl
ical stability differences, and morphology dif- group of the oxonol anion [13].
ferences. The more effort we put into learning We are presently studying the possibility of
how to preferentially grow one or the other crystal using gel-growth techniques to control and limit
form, the more polymorphs we find. For one diffusion rates of solvents and solutions. Inorganic
six-month period we were able to grow only gold chemists have used silica gels successfully for many
needles. For the next six-month period we ob- years as crystal-growing media hut relatively little
tamed exclusively red plates or purple diamonds, work has been done with organic based gels for
The only consistent result was that spaghetti- growing organic crystals. We are currently using a
shaped crystals would form from a transient gel- Sephadex LH-20 or LH-60 preparation described

Fig. 4. Polymorphic forms of esanine—oxonol d~esobtained from chloroform solutions oh a cs.ininc tosylate and an oxonol tetraethyl
ammonium salt.
M C. Etter ci a!., Grim ih and i hurat ti’r/:aj,o,
7 of .rnw/l ini’lecul~’organic cry ital~ 653

Fig. 5 Benzil crystals grown from (a) ethanol Solution and (hi cihanol Sephadex gels. Although crystal morphologic.s are distinLils
different. X-ras diffraction pattern.5 of the gel-grown crystals match patterns of solution-growi~crystahs so these are not pohsmorphic

previously by Curtin and coworkers [14] and are nique involves swelling the gel with a solution of
testing the crYstal-growth characteristics of a benzil. IV. and then adding a nonsolvezIt such as
variety of solvents and organic compounds in
these gels. Sephadex is available as heads which 0
can he swollen in organic solvents to form a thick / \ ~t ~ / \ iv
slurry. A second solution phase is placed o~er(or
under) the gel and two componetits can slowly
diffuse together with crystals forming in the gel water to the top layer. After about 24 h. cr~~tals
phase. A straightforward application of this tech- of henzil can he seen grossing in the gel phase.
6s4 .51.C Liter ci a!. , (,roo i/i and i liaroi ier,zai,on o/ anal! p110/ti u/i organic i rrsia/s

7 ~

— --

Fig. 6. A polar ers stal of I I organic complex (a) grow 1 from soh ution and ib I grow n in a Sephade \ gel. The p~‘I ar morphiohogs is
apparent in gel—grown crsstals, hut a markedh~different morphologs is reproducihhs obtained under these conditions oh diffusion
controlled crsstal growth.

Fig. 5 shows a picture of a henzil cr~stalobtained [crences for crystals of a 3 : I organic complex of
from a solution experiment, compared to the un— 4.4’—dinitrohiphen~I and phenviphenol. V. gross n
usual morphology obtained for crystals gross n ill irom solution or from Sephadex gels, fig. 6. [he
Sephadex. Similaris, we found morphology dif— picket—fence morpholog~is frequentis observed in

~ • ~—~‘0H (\)
M. C. Etter et a!. / Growth and characterization of small molecule organic crystals 655

gel preparations of V, but from solution only References

single arrow-head shaped crystals grow. Each indi-
vidual crystal from the gel is one single crystal, [1] J.B. Torrance, Ace. Chem. Res. 12 (1979) 79.
giving single crystal X-ray diffraction patterns [2] (a) D.J. Williams, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic
and Polymeric Materials (ACA, Washington, DC. 1983);
identical to those obtained from solution-grown (b) D J. Williams, Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed. EngI. 23
crystals. (1984) 690.
[3] A. McPherson, Preparation and Analysis of Protein
Crystals (Wiley, New York, 1982).
5. Conclusion [4] R. Job, P.J. Kelleher, W.C. Stalhings, Jr., CT. Monti and
J.P. Glusker, lnorg. Chem. 21(1982) 3760.
[5] K.A. Jackson, Crystal Growth Kinetics, presented at 1st
Much work needs to be done to improve cx- Intern. Conf. on Protein Crystal Growth, Stanford. CA,
isting methods for organic crystal preparation. August 1985.
The effort needs to be interdisciplinary, involving [6] CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 66th ed. (CRC
Press. Boca Raton, FL, 1985).
organic chemists, crystallographers and materials
[7] (a) A. Holden and P. Morrison, Crystals and Crystal
scientists. As scientists, we believe that crystal Growing (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982);
growth mechanisms are rational and ultimately (b) J. Buckley, Crystal Growth (Wiley, New York, 1961).
understandable. As crystal growth practitioners [8] C.J. Brown and DEC. Corbridge, Acta Cryst. 7 (1954)
we know that the art of crystal growth is much 711.
more highly developed than the science. Innova- [9] L. Leiserowitz and M. Tuval, Aeta Cryst. B34 (1978) 1230.
[10] B. Eistert, F. Weygard and E. Csendes, Chem. Ber. 85
tive, interdisciplinary approaches are needed to (1952) 164.
make advances in this field, and the future utility [11] PT. Cardew and R.J. Davey, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
of organic solids as technologically important A398 (1985) 415.
materials depends on such advances. [12] MC. Etter, Z. Urbauiczyk-Lipkowksa and D.A. Jahn, Am.
Crystallographic Assoc. Annual Meeting. Stanford, CA,
August 1985, Poster PCI2.
[13] MC. Etter, R.B. K.ress, J. Bernstein and D. Cash, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 106 (1984) 6921.
[14] G.R. Desiraju, D.Y. Curtin and IC. Paul, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 99 (1977) 6148.

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