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Hypereola Hyper oola shat -the ratio of its distance from a fixed. pont to sts distanu fiom a -fixed line ¥ greater shan 4. Ghe ratio is constant). 48 locus of a moving point suth” always ME—-#P pg ry ee a d MP is [Ps= eM?) emit. General equation of hypesbola: ax + zhay + by’ + kyr taf +#C=0 represent a hyper bola if aA #0 oh rab wil Ato hr 2ab,a4b=0 then WH represents vectangular hyperbola alah aoe. s [ b | eabe +14gh—2f - 69 —ch if¢ = Fuss 1H” Divectrin | bxt my tn=0 Poy) Sth, ®) spyee’ PM htm eA yw = ae ja | Standard equation of Byperer”’ 53> fous OR divectit divide sP in vatio 7 evi inter nollg | | es enternattar - ~~ SA = eAD —-@ sais end —@ O+0> Sptsn'= ¢(ADFAD) 0S-9f +0540 = e(an’) 205 = era) 05 = ae $= (ae,0) \-65 sai- sA =e(p'9-Ap) An! =e(a'o+00 ~toe 2a=e.208 on =a @ a = (400) equation of QR > x=a @ 4-BaO P(A) SA et AD ot Sh! - n'D Bs spre PM goat ey sere (x ae) 44> =(ex -a)~ (-e)a ye aie) a = 4 ae ay at") 6 fet a 1 | Tmportant points related fypeebolar wey eg i av (i) Fou = Chae, SiS, = Lae (ri) vertices: A (0,0) 5 ACH) An'=20 (wu) centre = Co) () Transverse Preis: AA’ length = 2a 3x -ans equation y = 0 [55 > TA} bi) Conf ugerte Dpuis : BB" length =26 > y-axis equation > =0 (vil) Bivechiws! x =40 é (iti) Lotus -Rectum | length =26" a (in) Focal Bistances: SiP= @PM =e(u-%) SP = eu—-a P= ePN =e (ut) SP = exita This equation represents h peroola w a lous ; of a rnoving point “P’ such that [5P- $f] = Ae where, 51 and 6, ave fined points called -forii and. that const. is hength of Transverse ans : a (on vga Hyperoo.a’ a -the hyperbola Hi Ha =4 then On obt eae fee ct ae aE - ac ov) ( me a = 4 cablea an cong vg ort havo of H. (ii) forii (0, £66) (iti) Bivectries y= ¥be @v) TA = 8B" @) cA = pp! (W centre =(00) (i) WhR = 2a> Pe” a eights oy. S > tet & be eccentricity of % -4 24° omel a Ge & be mt yy a4 an t= 146" _ attb u a a L 4,32 San ei” a tb @ = 14.00 _ ota eer ee = mee ee cat 424 oe | & a+6~ > Fquation of hyper bola and conjugate hyperbola diffe only by the constant berm. Rectangular Ayperbolat A hyptr 6010 for which transverse ais and conjugate axis Vs equal TA = it a =b We wks Bees ofa=y ea] (eae f= 140 leat) RE see te ee ee te ™ pquaction of hyperbola whose TA ana CA allel to co-ordinate axis and arauiel “wy co-ordnale axis and Equation of hyperbola reffered 2 tut perpendicular lines: con -f ocal means samt fous +. Exercise Il 3. oA = 29n0 DA =sinO Lu We ed ae ae=s fous = (1,0) = CAE) AE HL C= 1: A4Bs 4 ge cos*6 Yake + 2h Beye IO” 3 L ye manta mek Bw Po = tht Bk +d =th tu Byh ar Me ye ae Les ss A ties) + I \3- P= (1 Co66,% sin) g= (x, c0$ @0-6),¥, $17 (20-6) § = (yr 5in8, ¥, 050) se oe as Pand § satisfies 4" @ 1 [Se -Se) od a ig Ce ge L oS yo a 6 L ae ag 4 Oo aS < te a ee L ec Galea 6 (a-b]. (Lg See 2 oa Exercise-T : * [Yarra ty ea et POM en 2 (010) 5, (3,4) (fs, -PSe] OF | i520 eK HT hp Nk Pr a ead pas ce Anil : e 4, Auxiliary circle [Foxametric GAR! SFTP oey. circle described on transverse axis of hy per bola iS called auxillary circle of hyperbola Aux. circle» x4 y =a * OT OT 2 wea = os@ ON 0 aw : pe asece put in @ seco- 4-4 B c htan® parametric co-ordinates ’ = asece yr Gtand (ORE (0, aT) T = (aros0, asin®) 6 T (acos®,asin®) Plasec@ , Btand) (o 2) L quadrant T quadrant (i7) 1 quadrant TL quadrant (r, 3%) w quad rank (37% 1211) WW quadrant Tr quadrank W odvort: ¥ post ~ Sinh't = 1 yc acosh't { can be consiclered as ye psinh’d pramert equation Ye e-y Tsition of a point wrt a Sgee y PAY) (Trerior regin pe ‘of the conic (jo ( BK +o be suid that | ) In which . ‘ 3 egyOn the 6. 2p gts? focus Hes. Qn he Lo p | = Ett P lies outsicle 7 Sy eo- pies on aol P Kes mnside 1S 70 yr ae ts at fst ea ys (ar -1) ey a Mey L Ae ot 24 (Ge a : F Sizo whin Pb outa! Equation of -tangent in ofifferent Jovms: ) Point form ‘ Mo YT Ses ay of 0% ; es =4 a bs *)favametsic formn's tn,4)) = (asece, tone) x Seco _ a ae detond =f. 3) Slope form: Yr MLtN Gem pr atm pT a Qi moi) =ahmn— Q : (#= am 2,4, + (y/46)=0 (ah ™, +”, “Oy L ™, n= tb ay ta , wy o 8 he angle bho pair of tangents shin tan Ei mi | Ue ee [tm +an® =| paby-su mi ty) 046 Gi) uation of Bivectoy circle: ee, a pe fonly ats if >Ib : xn +4 =G -6 (i Bh nol aid i. ; i fo ellipse tome | 2060 | if lale lb mu tyy ab] Gquation of raormaal jy different foes: 4) Point fam: an : va by =a” MI 2) farametaic fom p Oy) = (a.s¢t0, brand) on + bY = 46” 0c tym ) sgn goons yoo # Ee _ *~Asymnginis Hf A soaight vine is said to be agymptrt Dean oarve if the disianu btw straight ine and the curve approaches d¢pwards fe? 5 point gn the A MYVe approath és towavels inginlty- s yb L | Hi -- -] =0 ag i equation of any mptotes are 4 Me 2 =0 a py 2 fe 6 a $2 Be AG Yee =tbx yath | a Cra oy aod a 6 ain o.> by asyraptotes Yf Hoavol CH are SQvntes) => the eq uation of hyperbola and asyrapto ws differ only by the const: terms > Hyperbola anol conj ugeite hyperbola have Ge aly mapto ies. ‘i —> Transverse axis and conjugal axis ave angular bist ctors of asymptots ang to anys = 20 ae =>-toné = bp bsighs ‘ secO = \artho 5 [ee Rae ay a A = Oana) ( Properties: qhe foot of perpendiculars from fous upon Mag angint “a hy perbola lies cies P quxilary circle and the product of -theve 4wo perpindi cular % equal to 6”. 2) the gottion of any -tan ent intercepted bhe point of contalt and ohrectrix sublenal right angle at corresponding fous. 3) the portion of any tangent bo hyperbola intercepted btw two asymptotes 6 bisected at the point of contact itself and the avea of the triangle formed by the tangents and. the wo asymp totes a a constant and equal to ab. a Bias — e “a Hh shan =4—0 go yan in @ og (sec tan) =4 O Dx = a(secdttans) © Y= b(seco+tane) - he (a(secé-++anb), b/sece +tano)) ee Tee XL eco Hand) = 4 : oc a (Seto tan 0) Y= —b (ec —+ané) B= (A(sed -tanB), 6 (seco ~tane)) oe eee —— = (asecé, btane) =p avc4B) = + Jab-t tab] = ab. es nrtotes ave ev bola fe pisecaovs > For Rectang ular Hyp « perpenciiculars and they are ang btw TA ond CA. Equation of pair of hang ents: SSit =(51)" Equation of chav of contact + §, =0 Equation of chord whose micl-pomt i given , Rectang ula” Type bora 04/4-/24- we « length of HONSVETSE Anis = length of conjugate ants, 2A = 2b aA=6 aya gt Fry mpto tes: nt y =o y =t% a= Xy 103 (-4 5) — gin(-45/ Mer eg Me DSi y= xsin casi viens? = oy, vi we al i yea \ os [lak | =20 ee Sa foes Lv — ( “ TA [x1 =2") => X= constant : > (rectang ulor hy peréola) —_+ i) ee (ii) Asymptoles : x=0 and yo Se (iii TAY Ver cA eur Gy) vertices > (£440) (W kength of TA= pec leyth of CA=Z0C (at) forii = (tic, tV0) (vii) Bivectrices + uty = tape | (vii) Divectoy ovele of recta ula hyper bold | is js centve j.€ (0,0) (i) Porommetis_co-ordinates + xy = ¢* eect HY =e t 14 sides | op equation of tangent frfoint forme fey ry x = 20> CB) pmamesrss form | x ety ach 2 = a te a =2e] (xi) Fquaction of Normal: my, - Y at ee) Wyn 4 20 907 Taramehu form’ Abo ye eet et -{ df 4. eee = cdc 4 ri tn ty = «a= Rectangular Ayperbola whose axymptths aye parallel to axis St casead waen@—™" ~~ orn z combined equation of asymptons: (xh) fy -K)=0 => equation of vectarg ular hy (u-h)ly-h) =e aty-ku-hy the -c°=0 \ poy eae oe fe “type vepresents vectang ular hypesbola with its osymptles porallel nm aris, peroola: Exercise L Rae set 21. Wwe an" ony. vty+ 5xu tly 6 =O AL gute shy 24 +5H rIly rA=0 Feymptotes ‘are Post so & =? arg, be~eh= “hor A 9 = op, of = ye abe rfgh af ~ 69" =e -6A + (UN) — ad -a(38) =< | -RA 254A _ 2954369750 + a ea 39 0d SE 49) = 589 A’ fee argg ot tg IE H+C =2A4 C= 2A-H c! Bx > Say - 2445 +114 “bo 2b x°- yrs a”. ¢=(0,0) $= (ia, P= Cx .y1) | HI y Rg s'2 € hia, ea V2 ; SP.S'P= (eX, -A) Cex, +a) 250 uy eats =. 200)5-A~ 90 ya fre ge at Bet) (F th est at P. ycmn t San o~ met atm’-6=4~ ? agt peg L FE on tby ter nyed =atso a” 6 54. yr 240 art 2 =mx 46 Yom 18 ao yon 4.6 ye mt + Vat aoe =\Mr5 doy comer ) mM ay op ee aE aa e oo” 4 OKO oy a’ bY “tn ante 10 gb corm Ee Det LOX + (8°CO G6) og [id= gel hen c oe mb) tt Ab!) Att = GT Cam bib ct tt b atin Ce tion tp ae we ot ak 64. yt = as v * - HL jy amity ay gt at mab Cao =b im (9 6) =a'+6 met me tt Ye tut van Slog Tf A,B and c ave vertices of triangle lying. on, ni an ular hyperbola then orthocentre of th, triangle also lies on hyperbola. — Teoperties of Rectang ar Hyperbola: Slsha ay ace ff A =the a BE (cts, %) © =( ch, A) Hen orthocenbe of anpc is /=¢ Gas ee 4 — If. 4 points MY) = Cod, 6, ) B(%42) = (ch, Ay) € (43,45) =) RC Ye) = (eta, y, -) > Ay fe the hyp erbola xy =ct ave conty clic then (i) tyr bte = 1 GH) 9% Yan rye = ET and ovibourhe | of AABO _ Batt le D : Proof! tpt 4 1 nat 2fy 4A=0-() be the “clvcle Tofo AL BCD (.e) val satisfy Q nt ree ae =O i. ae ct + ae t Ab afet 4c-0 41.44 =4 WH Aa AB KH _y c Cy Cure Hi Ay, A3 WH = an nee + co-Nowmnat paints on Fly perbola : Maximum -four normals can be drawn from & sink. tan 9, lee an oy =t Se ah pen 4 OKI] Lig ep he ht Ze ites -,3 i Qaht -2ahte+be -bkK1 = 20°@ 4 +2a%e't bet t (rate 42 ah)4° + (2@'e'—2ah) t -6k =o Csi: normals can 6é drawn 57 Sotan®s = bare ah) eS bk Sy = > +an8i ton Os =D 2 oe 5; = S+on8i tan Or tan, = (ore 2ah ) x tee! pe. re bk $e Se = Toon: = -6 ay of ees R oobs ave Hane ran ran Bs aud tan = tan ©, Ov 4 03 6 8 = tS = 8 -S (3 iz sete) 5 ase {-$, 434 — cons. 1-o0+(-1) 9) +, + 0) tO = (2nvi) 1 2 ‘i 7 Bit O14 0; 404 = Tana) oTf «,B, 7,6 ave OCcentbic angles of four o-normal points on fy perbola (eUlipse) then X+B414 6 =(ens))m if x, B? ave eccentaic angles of three points on a hyperbola (ellipse) the normals at whith ave concurrent then Sin(“413) + sin(BHP) 4 sin(7+=0 KL 4angents to hyperbola are Arqwon from a point that ies in whith he branch of hyperbola lie then both the tangents will be tangent n single branch if the port lies in the region fn which con) ugate hyperbola exist then the qwo -tangorts will be -tongert to cif ferent branches. : ay f 4 s\ : | yr am : ; 2 aes a Any Strat ght line parallel to asymptot 1 hyperbola - wetersect the hyperbola only af one point. Refltoe perf Hyperbole she tangent and normal at a point Pof a hyperbola ave intemal and extenal angle bisects of angle S)PS. This gives the reflection prope of hypetbila whith Says if a vay is diverted towards. one of the fowus of +he hyper bola then aftr getting vef lected from the oukty surface iE will pass through the other fou! of the Ayperbola: L L Beds! a” bY a. , a Ls = at S(aeo SP= eased -A S'P= ea seco +a a esece -( SP seca +1 “seve epee = Ts (O26 SECO Se eee x ST = ae-O_ cee = a (eseco -!) a seve sTo ae t a seco = a (esecd +1) see ST _ eseco -I sit esecet! ST 8a5P $a s'P —Ppr bs angle bisector of < SPs! > If an ellipse and a hyperbola av ortho onal then they ave con-fawt Cfous same) ty \ ie foci = (ago) =((a=05 2) Hig ax a> Va bs af Heeb ab Grek a ey = lab g=k~ bare deed focii of WM = (Jaze ,°) 3 and + art confocal. Exercise ee EP Es Gare z S at “ ) <2 f es [G ae eis A —= - - ie a L : MS Soy Po 25 4” oon x4 Ele xe 25 (6 tBY) ale 5° (16 FY) 4 4-25 E | a6 porcgry tO RATED AUR ae x 8. “yo * Dye 257 32 py 45716 x29) ar? i 16° ( 25425) oe | yitgr we 2530 RY | ee en 25 | ar) ee! UE cae bee ICS 29) 4 rz 25. B L215 Bp 2 2p. =f 2.48 oF | _ P= (aseco. btan@) | \ : | angen > seco —4 tan6 = 4 : 6 {Pu A (alserd +449), g(sec0 44am) Ye be B(acsecd ~ -tan@), _6 (sece—tand)) oA tOB = arth" (see0 4448) 4 ath er? —tano = 2Vare” sec ® = rere! = spa? — 5 L L ) ety +!) —(H-y-3) =5 xr _yt L aS ces (Au) . (ge L XO ney =1 A as Me i, of, we! edt) Data Jee ah yer sce = = aty tl Beye al #(,-2) Mies HEL BLY c(0,-%) RC = diaweter of circle vad ws = JS: a c(o,-Y) = foot of perpendi ular fom focus upor am asym htt lies o” aunti Kory civele 4) Plaseco, brane) ar OX 4 by Cc eS ee aap a ke gz (Cate) seed Po cece fate tee (22 a) oes Oo = 6 [attanre +5'5e"? oO 6 Ja tar'et gto tar8 a at 4a =0 o PGnar |b a b = 8 (mtr Om) 7° ve m7 hee (ot 1) LM lI) 72 me (~-7--u (1,7) mb FL L m m? —m*-4 FO mt £415 es Or m+ 146 L acre L mye (— 2) Y (1,0) RE : L K Equator of 8-9, chord on S se ea a4 ee ree. ee 210s (8.t0>) 41) ae + HY 55 ec = {and “xX tan & Pe 2g $00e 2- tanec = se a Seve ) —tane ie Rett pails a ve Ao net) Seco = vve that pe il a) x?-RNRe ey” : 2x —Ry = ny ¢ ie (2% + -2y* C fi L : 2 se oe ae ee LG ~F4t6er (eke 2 eee | set ye Ae ee wv BS = ae — Cb = (ae Cb) , fp me, et rs A —— 41% = zhth Oe She 3 —3k =2rhth-O and ty in form of hand my +he put qh= —, m ™m get h 22) eon ec Boyt at ce Jet 1 L € é el sy) 1G fo we yO ate | ek aol a ee —- g : L = [ede yn 6 even L fe dies 3 fe = | fe es odd i = al de e-let™ jess fede =-£tdt 2 ede =4dat . " +dt + O rs - (4), = pAz — ee tay | 2) ee a ef og an AG. y= thu a y= moet Vain-b~ m* > br ae eS mee bf 2 > 1th > 14h %. an | 22N2| em — Diameter: mid points of a system of parallel chor, Locus of Ch) © oe \ xt C ; amt \ \ ea * L oo af os a b* Le L be ore 8 : 5 eo me bh ak C S of Ch) b= m= bx arg p> an Equation of diameter ory fO— x avr | whtre m % slope of system parallel chorels: f d i (onju ate DIAM EreY | 0 Ve ae A diameter that bisects all the chords waa diorrt er : fet ee be -the diameter aun congaw dfamttcr Gisectes all -the chords of +ypt Ye 2 Fquation of conjugate diameter ie arm slope of conjugate diameter | m, = b a > produtt of Slopes of diameter ano. coy aga diameter % bo av | ye 7 haa ) Zo | >% Bina pair o diameter and conjugate diame-ter only ont © ahem meets the fiyper bola in veal parts, the other diameter meets the conjugacte hy ptr bol in veal points. ©. If CA and CP are pair of diameter anal conf ugate diamtter , c= centre A= (ase.O, btane) then P= (atqnd, bsece) and cA pp ce A- CP =(Ca*secto4 btarto) - (attan'® + b*sec*@) = ab ~ ®, she tangents drown af end points of diameker amd confugacte diametty form & parallelogram of avea tab Sy units the vertices of these para belogram fie on ony mptotes

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