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fganh O;kdj.

1. nks cSyksa dh dFkk ikB ds iz”uksrj ;kn djuk gSA
2. dchj ds nksgs rFkk lcn ikB ds iz”uksrj ;kn djuk gSA
3. ok[k ikB dsz iz”uksrj ;kn djuk gSA
4. yyn/k dh thouh fy[kuk gSA
5. okD; dh ifjHkk’kk] okD; dsz vax rFkk jpuk jpuk ds vk/kkj ij okD; ds Hksn
mnkgj.k lfgr fy[kuk gSA
6. milxZ rFkk izR;; esa varj fy[kdj 15&15 milxZ rFkk izR;; dk mnkgj.k
fy[kuk gSA
S.St- History
1. Write all ‘new words’ in chapter 1
2. Draw all political symbols.
3. Write short note on French Revolution
4. Outline on Indian political map (page no 6) Map skill
5. Write inner question (25)
6. Write a short note on palawpur write 25 inner question .
1. What is democracy, write their all fallers.
2. Write 25 inner question.
1. Diagram of mitochondria, Golgi body, plastids. With their
2. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
3. Show the diagram of Nave cell and explain it.
How unicellular organicism like protozoa obtain their food?
• Write the summary of.
1. The Fun they Had
2. The Adventure of To
3. The Little girl
4. Road not Taken
5. The Trump of Surgery

(1). Learn all formula of chapter 1 and 2

(2). Make fair of chapter 1 and 2
(3). Learn all definition of chapter 1 and 2
(4). Write all formula of chapter 1 and 2 and paste it on chart paper

Physics and chemistry

1. Explain laws of motion . Define uniform and non – uniform motion.
2. Explain average speed and average velocity with formula.
3. Explain equation of motion by graphical method.
4. Solve 15 numericals on motion.
5. State various types of state of matters, explain each with neat diagram and
6. Explain latent heat and evaporation.
7. Explain effect of pressure and tempreture of changing state of matters with
suitable example.

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