Powers 2014 Physiology Mech of Exercise Induced Cardioprotection REV

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Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced

Article in Physiology · January 2014

Impact Factor: 4.86 · DOI: 10.1152/physiol.00030.2013 · Source: PubMed


24 87

4 authors, including:

Scott Powers John C Quindry

University of Florida Auburn University


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: John C Quindry
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 28 June 2016
PHYSIOLOGY 29: 27–38, 2014; doi:10.1152/physiol.00030.2013
Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced Scott K. Powers,1 Ashley J. Smuder,1
Andreas N. Kavazis,2 and
Cardioprotection John C. Quindry2
Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University
Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury can cause ventricular cell death and is of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; and 2School of Kinesiology,
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
a major pathological event leading to morbidity and mortality in those with
coronary artery disease. Interestingly, as few as five bouts of exercise on consec-
utive days can rapidly produce a cardiac phenotype that resists IR-induced myo-
cardial injury. This review summarizes the development of exercise-induced
cardioprotection and the mechanisms responsible for this important adaptive

Coronary artery disease remains a major cause of higher level of myocardial injury termed “myocardial
death worldwide (71). The major pathology asso- stunning” (25). Myocardial stunning is characterized
ciated with coronary artery disease is commonly by impaired ventricular contractility that occurs in
the direct consequence of an ischemia-reperfusion the absence of cardiac cell death (9). Typically, IR-
(IR) insult. In this regard, the resultant myocardial induced myocardial stunning results in cardiac con-
damage due to IR injury is proportional to ische- traction deficits that last 24 –72 h following the insult
mic duration (98). Given the high incidence of (9). The final and most severe level of IR injury occurs
coronary artery disease and the associated IR-in- when the duration of ischemia exceeds 20 min. Dur-
duced cardiac injury, developing a countermea- ing this most severe level of IR injury, cardiac myo-
sure to protect the heart against IR-induced cytes are irreversibly damaged, and death occurs due
damage is important. In this regard, it is well es- to both apoptosis and necrosis (25). Additional evi-
tablished that exercise training provides robust dence indicates that apoptotic tissue death can be
cardioprotection against IR injury. For example, either mitigated or potentiated by autophagic pro-
human epidemiological studies reveal that regular cesses within ventricular myocytes exposed to ische-
exercise reduces the risk of death during a myocar- mia (61, 100).
dial IR insult (reviewed in Ref. 49). Importantly,
numerous animal studies provide direct evidence
Cellular Events Leading to IR-Induced
that endurance exercise protects the heart from
Cardiac Injury
IR-induced injury (reviewed in Refs. 28, 56, 92).
This review summarizes the present understand-
Despite the complexity of the events leading to
ing of the mechanisms responsible for exercise-
IR-induced cardiac damage, the key factors re-
induced cardioprotection against IR-induced injury.
sponsible for IR-induced myocardial cell death are
We begin with an introduction to IR-induced myo-
largely understood (for a review, see Refs. 33, 77,
cardial injury followed by a brief summary of the
91). During prolonged myocardial ischemia, nu-
evidence demonstrating that exercise is cardiopro-
merous interrelated events occur resulting in de-
tective. The remainder of this report focuses on the
creased cellular [ATP], small increases in reactive
putative mechanisms responsible for exercise-
oxygen species (ROS) production, accumulation of
induced cardioprotection with an emphasis on the
hydrogen ions, increased levels of cytosolic-free
important role that mitochondrial adaptations play
calcium, and activation of the calcium-activated
in producing the protected phenotype.
protease calpain (FIGURE 2). During reperfusion,
ROS production is exacerbated, cellular calcium
Levels of IR-Induced Cardiac Injury overload continues, calpain remains active, and
activation of caspase-3 occurs (50, 77). Further-
Depending on the duration of ischemia, three dif- more, leukocyte infiltration to the area of cardiac
ferent levels of IR-induced cardiac injury ensue injury occurs following severe IR damage to the
(FIGURE 1). The lowest level of IR-induced injury is heart (i.e., ischemia longer than 20 min) (77). Col-
the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias. In this sce- lectively, these factors promote mitochondrial injury
nario, rapid reperfusion occurring after 1–5 min of and subsequent cardiac myocyte death (33, 77).
ischemia often promotes ventricular tachycardia It is established that mitochondrial ROS produc-
or fibrillation without depressed myocardial con- tion is central in IR-induced myocardial injury
tractile performance or cardiac cell death (25). Rep- (124). Indeed, mitochondrial ROS are produced
erfusion following 5–20 min of ischemia produces a during both ischemia and reperfusion, with the

1548-9213/14 ©2014 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am. Physiol. Soc. 27

majority of ROS production occurring during rep- during reperfusion by permeabilization of the
erfusion (4, 124). The importance of ROS-mediated outer mitochondrial membrane and the release of
damage to the heart during an IR event is con- cytochrome c into the cytosol (65). Necrotic cell
firmed by reports demonstrating that delivery of death can occur during both ischemia and reper-
exogenous antioxidants provide protection against fusion and involves the opening of the mitochon-
IR-induced cardiac injury (2, 18, 44, 59). Although drial permeability transition pore followed by
IR-induced ROS production occurs in several cel- mitochondrial swelling and rupture (65).
lular locations, mitochondrial production of ROS In summary, numerous factors interact to pro-
plays a dominant role in IR-mediated oxidant in- duce cardiac cell injury during an IR insult. Of the
jury in the heart (2, 59). various events responsible for IR injury, mitochon-
Of the various pathological events that lead to IR drial damage plays a central role, since these or-
injury, increased ROS production and increased ganelles are vital gate keepers of life and death in
cytosolic calcium levels play key roles. Further- the cardiac myocyte. It follows that preventing
more, several lines of evidence indicate that cross IR-induced mitochondrial injury protects cardiac
talk occurs between ROS and calcium to magnify myocytes during an IR insult. Given the wealth of
IR injury. For example, increased cytosolic calcium evidence indicating that exercise training produces
levels mediate cellular injury by activation of cal- robust protection against IR injury, it has been pos-
pain, promotion of mitochondrial damage, and fa- tulated that beneficial mitochondrial adaptations un-
cilitating mitochondrial ROS production (33, 65, derpin these observations. A brief summary of the
86). Conversely, oxidative stress fosters cellular cal- evidence that exercise provides protection against
cium overload in at least two ways. First, ROS- IR-induced myocardial injury follows.
mediated formation of reactive aldehydes (i.e.,
4-hydroxyl-2,3-trans-nonenal) attenuates plasma
membrane calcium ATPase activity and diminishes Exercise Promotes Cardioprotection
calcium removal from the cell, resulting in in-
creased cellular calcium levels (102). Second, ROS- It is well established that repeated bouts of exercise
mediated oxidation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum improve myocardial tolerance to IR in animals,
calcium release channel (i.e., ryanodine receptor) which is commonly referred to as exercise-induced
fosters release of calcium into the cytosol (3, 34). cardioprotection (reviewed in Refs. 28, 56, 92).
Among the numerous factors that contribute to Similar to the ischemic preconditioning (PC) phe-
IR-induced cardiac cellular injury, mitochondria nomenon produced by a brief period of surgically
viability is a key arbitrator of cardiac cell life or induced ischemia, exercise-induced cardioprotec-
death. Indeed, the degree to which aerobic ATP tion is also biphasic. The first phase of cardiopro-
production is preserved in mitochondria following tection is acquired rapidly following an acute
an IR insult determines whether the cell will live or exercise bout (i.e., 0.5 h after exercise). However,
die via necrosis or apoptosis (35, 36, 39, 65, 81). The this initial protection is rapidly lost within 3 h
main factor linking mitochondria to IR-induced postexercise. The mechanisms responsible for the
cell death involves permeabilization of the mito- early phase of preconditioning are not well char-
chondrial outer membrane and/or opening of the acterized but likely include allosteric activation of
mitochondrial permeability transition pore, which the endogenous antioxidant enzyme superoxide
is linked to both apoptotic and necrotic cell death dismutase (SOD2) located within mitochondria of
(81). Specifically, IR-induced apoptosis occurs ventricular myocytes (46, 118). Given the similar
time course for the early window of protection in
both exercise-induced cardioprotection and PC, it
is tempting to speculate that common mecha-
nisms could mediate both forms of cardioprotec-
tion, although this conclusion requires scientific
verification. The second or late phase of exercise-
induced cardioprotection is achieved within 24 h
after the exercise bout and persists for at least 9
days following a 5-day exercise routine and is far
more robust than the aforementioned early protec-
tive window (66). This review is focused on the
mechanisms responsible for this second window of
exercise-induced cardioprotection.
As mentioned earlier, repeated bouts of endur-
FIGURE 1. Relationship between
duration of ischemia and the level of ance exercise protect against IR-induced arrhyth-
IR-induced cardiac injury mias (29, 43, 75), myocardial stunning (11, 22, 23,

28 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org

32, 42, 69, 70, 89, 113, 114), and myocardial infarc- potential cardioprotective mediators is highlighted in
tion (29, 31, 95, 118). Interestingly, only 3–5 con- the next segments.
secutive days of endurance exercise is required to
achieve a significant level of cardioprotection against Exercise-Induced Changes in Coronary
IR-induced myocardial infarction (FIGURE 3) (23, 31, Circulation Are Not Required
44). Complete details about the dose-response im- for Cardioprotection
pact of aerobic exercise intensity on cardioprotection Endurance exercise-induced structural changes in
remain unknown. Findings from several studies pro- the coronary circulation include increased conduit
vide insight into the influence of exercise intensity on artery diameters and increased arteriolar densities
resulting cardioprotection. One investigation into the and diameters (reviewed in Ref. 62). Specifically, in
role of intensity suggested that exercise below 55– both young rats and humans, several months of en-
60% V̇O2max did not achieve IR injury resistance (107), durance exercise increases the volume of the coro-
whereas another study concluded that both moder- nary vasculature because of increased conduit artery
ate- (i.e., 50% V̇O2max) and relatively high-intensity size (45, 68). Furthermore, regular aerobic exercise
(i.e., 70% V̇O2max) exercise appear to be equally pro- induces functional adaptations in the coronary cir-
tective against IR-induced myocardial stunning (67). culation, including enhanced endothelium-depen-
Regardless, it is feasible that there may be an exercise dent vasodilation (62). Although both of these
intensity threshold above which cardioprotection is training-induced adaptations within the coronary
achieved. Predictably, exercise-induced cardiopro- circulation could protect the heart during an IR
tection in rodents is lost rapidly (i.e., within 9 –18 event, at present, no experimental data exists to
days) following the cessation of exercise training (66). directly link these exercise-induced changes to short-
Although it is clear that continuous aerobic ex- term (e.g., 3–5 days) exercise-mediated cardi-
ercise (e.g., 60 min) produces a cardioprotective oprotection. Indeed, a few consecutive days of exer-
phenotype, growing evidence suggests that high- cise training can provide cardioprotection against IR
intensity interval training (1 min of exercise at injury (23, 42, 113), but structural changes in the
ⱖV̇O2max) also produces a cardioprotective pheno- coronary circulation do not occur within this short
type (69, 70). Furthermore, a recent study suggests period of exercise training (118). Furthermore, evi-
that 12 wk of resistance exercise training provides dence indicates that cardiac myocytes isolated from
protection against IR-induced myocardial infarc- the heart of exercise-trained animals are protected
tion in rats (24, 103). against hypoxia-reoxygenation injury (55). Therefore,
these results indicate that exercise can directly mod-
ify the cardiac myocyte to achieve a cardioprotective
What Are the Mechanisms Responsible
phenotype, and, consequently, a change in the cor-
for Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection?
onary circulation is not required to achieve exercise-
induced cardioprotection. Indeed, although exercise
The mechanism(s) responsible for exercise-induced
training has the potential to increase coronary flow
myocardial protection against IR injury remains a
during reperfusion (62), studies of isolated perfused
debated issue as numerous putative mediators have
hearts demonstrate that short-term exercise provides
been proposed. In theory, exercise-induced cardio-
cardioprotection independent of improvements in
protection could be achieved by any physiological
adaptation that attenuates one or more of the dam-
aging events that occur during ischemia and/or
reperfusion. For example, exercise-induced car-
dioprotection could be acquired by changes in the
coronary arteries (i.e., increased collateral circula-
tion) and/or intrinsic changes in the cardiac myo-
cyte. Potential intrinsic changes in the cardiac
myocyte that could provide cellular protection
against IR injury include increased glycolytic flux,
altered nitric oxide (NO) signaling, increased levels of
heat shock proteins (HSPs), amplified myocardial cy-
clooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity, elevated endoplas-
mic reticulum (ER) stress proteins, enhanced
function of sarcolemmal and/or mitochondrial ATP-
sensitive potassium channels, increased cytosolic an-
tioxidant capacity, and/or altered mitochondrial
FIGURE 2. Cellular events leading to
antioxidant capacity (FIGURE 4). An overview of the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the heart
evidence to support or deny the role for each of these ROS, reactive oxygen species.

PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org 29

coronary flow (11, 66, 93). Thus the remainder of this Altered NO Signaling as a Facilitator of
review will focus on exercise-induced endogenous Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection
changes in the cardiac myocyte that can contribute
NO is produced in tissues from L-arginine, oxygen,
to cardioprotection.
and NADPH by NO synthase (NOS) enzymes (90).
Numerous studies reveal that endurance exercise
Altered Glycolytic Flux as a Potential Mediator
training results in increased phosphorylation and
of Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection
activity of endothelial NOS (eNOS) in both humans
Myocardial survival during an IR insult is depen- and animals (19, 38, 41). This exercise-induced rise
dent, at least in part, on cellular energy status. To in eNOS activity is associated with increased pro-
limit the energy deficit during ischemia and hyp- duction of NO, as evidenced by augmented levels
of both nitrite and nitrosothiols in tissue and blood.
oxia, cardiac energy production switches from the
In this regard, nitrite is produced by the oxidation of
preferential use of fatty acids to carbohydrates; this
NO in aerobic conditions (117), whereas nitrosothiols
switch in fuel utilization is essential to sustain ATP
are formed when cysteine thiols in proteins are mod-
production via glycolysis (116). However, whether
ified by NO via a process known as S-nitrosylation
increased glycolytic flux is advantageous or detri-
(27). It follows that circulating levels of nitrite and
mental during ischemia depends on the duration
nitrosthiols are commonly used as biomarkers of NO
of the ischemic insult. Indeed, increased glycolysis availability (15). Importantly, nitrite is a potentially
in the ischemic heart is a double-edged sword important storage form of NO in both blood and
since the accumulation of glycolytic end-products tissues because nitrite can be converted to NO by
(e.g., lactate) during prolonged ischemia are detri- either acid reduction or nitrite reductases during
mental to postischemic recovery (104). Hence, lim- ischemia (64).
iting glycolysis during long-duration myocardial A recent review summarized the possible role
ischemia could be a protective strategy to mini- that NO metabolites play in the cardioprotective
mize IR injury (116). In this regard, it has been effects of exercise (15). In regard to the mecha-
reported that PC results in a decrease in glycolytic nisms linking NO to cardioprotection, increased
flux in the ischemic heart (116). Similarly, evidence NO levels can increase the S-nitrosylation of car-
indicates that endurance exercise training de- diac proteins during myocardial IR, which can at-
creases the rate of glycolysis in the rat heart during tenuate injurious processes such as apoptosis (15).
ischemia (14). Although the mechanism(s) by Indeed, caspase-3 activity can be inhibited via pro-
which exercise training alters the metabolic phe- tein S-nitrosylation, and NO production of nitros-
notype of the heart to produce this response is thiols can modify complex I of the mitochondrial
unknown, it is feasible that a reduction in glycoly- electron transport chain, resulting in reduced mi-
sis during ischemia could be cardioprotective. tochondrial ROS production during an IR event
Nonetheless, to date, no direct evidence exists to (15). Together, these changes could protect cardiac
myocytes against IR-induced damage (117), and a
mechanistically connect exercise-induced changes
recent study employing eNOS knockout mice con-
in myocardial glycolytic flux to cardioprotection.
cluded that increased production of NO is essential
to achieve the cardioprotection associated with en-
durance exercise. However, it is also possible that
some of the exercise-induced adaptations in the
heart are not achieved in the eNOS knockout
mouse. Indeed, a recent study reveals that several
exercise-induced adaptations within the heart re-
quire eNOS expression (20). Therefore, additional
experiments are required to confirm or deny whether
NO or other NO metabolites are a requirement to
achieve exercise-induced cardioprotection.

Elevated Myocardial Heat Shock Proteins

Are Not Essential for Exercise-Induced
It is clear that transgenic overexpression of heat
shock protein 72 (HSP72) protects the heart against
FIGURE 3. As few as 5 consecutive days of IR-induced injury (48, 51, 111). Furthermore, re-
exercise can provide significant protection
against IR-induced myocardial infarction peated bouts of endurance exercise result in a
Data are from Ref. 44. three- to fivefold increase in cardiac HSP72 levels

30 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org

(21, 44, 89, 113). In theory, elevated cellular levels properties, and overexpression of Grp94 and Grp78
of HSP72 can protect the myocardium against IR can protect cardiomyocytes against both calcium
injury by augmenting myocardial antioxidant ca- overload and oxidative damage (115, 120, 121).
pacity, protecting mitochondria against IR injury, Moreover, increased Grp78 and Grp94 expression
and preventing apoptosis (51, 109, 111). is linked to a reduction in IR-induced necrosis and
Although exercise promotes the accumulation of apoptosis in the heart (74). Nevertheless, exercise
HSP72 in the heart and HSP72 is cardioprotective, does not elevate Grp78 and Grp94 (76). Therefore,
three independent studies demonstrate that an ex- the existing evidence indicates that increased ER
ercise-induced increase in HSP72 is not essential stress proteins are not a requirement for exercise-
for exercise-induced cardioprotection (42, 95, 113). induced cardioprotection against IR injury.
Therefore, although overexpression of HSP72 is
sufficient to promote cardioprotection, increases Sarcolemmal and/or Mitochondrial
in myocardial HSP72 are not a requirement to ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels May
achieve exercise-induced cardioprotection. Participate in Exercise Trained-Mediated
Increased Myocardial Cyclooxygenase-2 is
ATP-sensitive potassium channels located in the sar-
not Responsible for Exercise-Induced
colemma (sarcoKATP) and mitochondria (mitoKATP)
of cardiac myocytes are important regulators of car-
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is the rate-limiting en- diac myocyte function (79, 84). Both sarcoKATP and
zyme in prostaglandin biosynthesis catalyzing the mitoKATP channels are composed of two protein
conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. complexes, an inwardly rectifying potassium channel
Over the past decade, COX-2 has emerged as an pore and an associated sulfonylurea receptor subunit
obligatory mediator of the late phase of ischemic that governs channel opening. These energy-sensing
preconditioning-induced cardioprotection, and it channels are named according to a classical under-
follows that COX-2 could also be a candidate mol- standing of their function, in which potassium ion
ecule to explain exercise-induced cardioprotection currents are inhibited by an abundance of cellular
(8, 10, 101). ATP. Channel activation also occurs in response to
The PC cardioprotective actions of COX-2 ap- other activating factors such as acute ischemia, in-
pear to spring from PGE2 and/or PGI2 production, creases in adenosine and MgADP, along with activa-
since this elevated prostanoid production im- tion of protein kinase C-ε (PKC-ε) (99). Independent
proves vasodilation within the coronary vascula- of the activating stimulus, opening either sarcoKATP
ture (1, 47). Nonetheless, several lines of evidence or mitoKATP channels before an IR insult confers
suggest that COX-2 is not required for exercise- cardioprotection (40, 60). The means by which KATP
induced cardioprotection. For example, exercise channels confer cardioprotection are not fully under-
does not elevate COX-2 levels in the rat heart (94). stood. Nonetheless, it is clear that KATP channel
Similarly, pharmacological inhibition of COX-2 opening prevents IR injury through multiple
does not prevent exercise-induced protection
against IR-induced cardiac arrhythmias (78). To-
gether, these findings suggest that an increase in
COX-2 is not essential to achieve exercise-induced
cardioprotection against IR injury.

Elevated Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

Proteins do not Contribute to
Exercise-Mediated Cardioprotection
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress proteins repre-
sent a group of cardioprotective proteins that could
contribute to exercise-induced cardioprotection,
since recent evidence indicates that ER stress con-
tributes to IR-induced myocardial injury (80). In-
deed, IR-induced ER dysfunction can promote both
mitochondrial-dependent and -independent cell
death resulting from a disturbance in calcium ho-
meostasis and/or impaired protein folding (115).
Two proteins that could protect against ER stress
are the glucose-regulated proteins Grp78 and
Grp94. Both Grp78 and Grp94 function in ER pro- FIGURE 4. A list of proposed mediators of exercise-induced cardioprotection
tein folding and also exhibit calcium-binding See text for details.

PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org 31

biochemical alterations within the ventricular myo- SOD isoform located in the mitochondrial matrix
cyte. For instance, opening of sarcoKATP channels is (reviewed in Refs. 28, 56, 92). Another SOD isoform
predicted to protect against IR injury by shortening (SOD1) is located in both the cytosol and the mi-
the cardiac action potential duration via the acceler- tochondrial intermembrane space (90). Emerging
ation of phase 3 repolarization (40). Shortening the evidence indicates that exercise training also ele-
cardiac action potential could inhibit Ca2⫹ entry into vates SOD1 in the mitochondria (63). In contrast,
the cell via L-type Ca2⫹ channels and avert Ca2⫹ the impact of exercise on the cytosolic isoform of
overload (40). Furthermore, the slowing of depolar- SOD1 in the heart remains equivocal.
ization could also reduce Ca2⫹ entry by avoiding the SOD is a first line of defense against superoxide
reversal of the Na⫹/Ca2⫹ exchanger. Together, these in cells, and SOD-mediated dismutation of super-
actions could protect the cardiac myocyte during IR oxide results in formation of the nonradical ROS
by reducing the cytosolic Ca2⫹ overload. Another role hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Cardiac myocytes are
that sarcoKATP channels play is triggering the open- equipped to eliminate H2O2 via several routes, in-
ing of the mitoKATP channels (84). The specific details cluding the enzymatic removal by catalase, thiore-
of how mitoKATP channels protect the heart against doxins, and glutathione peroxidase (90). However,
IR injury remains controversial, but it is believed that most studies report that the activities of catalase,
opening the mitoKATP channels protects mitochon- thioredoxins, and glutathione peroxidase are not
dria against IR-induced Ca2⫹ overload and damage increased in the heart following exercise (28, 30, 31,
(5, 40). 53, 97, 105, 112). Nonetheless, growing evidence
The role that sarcoKATP channels play in exer- suggests that exercise training increases the activ-
cise-induced protection against IR injury has re- ity of glutathione reductase in the heart via post-
ceived limited investigative attention, but two studies translational modifications (29, 30). An increase in
suggest that endurance exercise training increases glutathione reductase activity would amplify the
the expression of sarcoKATP channels in the cardiac heart’s ability to replenish cardiac levels of gluta-
myocyte (12, 122). Furthermore, other reports reveal thione that is required for glutathione peroxidase
that pharmacological blockage of the sarcoKATP to remove H2O2. In this regard, a recent report
channels impairs the exercise-induced protective concludes that increases in glutathione reductase
benefits against IR-induced myocardial necrosis (12, activity play an essential role in exercise-induced
96). Nonetheless, because of concerns associated cardioprotection (29). However, it is currently un-
with the pharmacological inhibitors used in these clear whether this exercise-induced increase in
studies, it is difficult to form a firm conclusion re- glutathione reductase activity in cardiac myocytes
garding the mechanistic role that sarcoKATP channels is confined to the cytosolic compartment alone or
play in exercise-induced cardioprotection. whether glutathione reductase activity also in-
Finally, using pharmacological inhibitors of the creases in other cellular compartments such as the
MitoKATP channel, it appears that MitoKATP channel mitochondrion. Regardless of the cellular location
activation protects the heart against IR-induced ven- of this enzyme, it appears likely that increases in
tricular arrhythmias (97) but does not protect against myocardial glutathione reductase activity contrib-
IR-induced infarction (12). Nonetheless, the inability ute to exercise-induced cardioprotection.
to detect the molecular identity of the MitoKATP
channel and concerns associated with the specificity
Exercise-Induced Alterations in Mitochondrial
of the channel blocker used in these experiments
Proteins and Phenotype Are Central to
does not permit firm conclusions regarding the role
Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection
that the MitoKATP channel plays in exercise-induced Growing evidence reveals that endurance exercise
cardioprotection. training results in alterations in mitochondrial
phenotype, and this adaptation is required to
Increased Cytosolic Antioxidant Capacity achieve exercise-induced cardioprotection. In the
May Play a Required Role in following segments, we discuss exercise-induced
Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection changes in mitochondrial phenotype and evaluate
Although the etiology of cardiac IR injury involves evidence that exercise-induced increases in key
numerous factors and varies as a function of the mitochondrial proteins are required to achieve car-
duration of ischemia, mitochondrial-produced ROS dioprotection against an IR insult.
are significant contributors to the necrotic and Exercise alters mitochondrial phenotype in the
apoptotic cell death following an IR insult (re- heart. Emerging evidence reveals that exercise in-
viewed in Refs. 77, 91). There is abundant evidence duces a mitochondrial phenotype that resists apop-
that endurance exercise training increases several totic stimuli and IR-induced mitochondrial damage
components of the antioxidant buffering system in (6, 57, 63, 73, 105). Indeed, both subsarcolemmal (SS)
the heart. In particular, many studies agree that and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria undergo
endurance exercise increases SOD2, which is the biochemical adaptations in response to endurance

32 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org

exercise that lead to decreased apoptotic suscepti- can assist cardiac myocytes in maintaining energy
bility (57, 58). For example, in vitro experiments homeostasis during IR insults (11, 106, 108). It is
using isolated cardiac mitochondria reveal that ex- also possible that exercise-induced increases in
ercise training results in a mitochondrial pheno- mitochondrial creatine kinase could benefit the
type that resists cytochrome c release from both SS heart during an IR insult (26). In this regard, one
and IMF mitochondria exposed to ROS and/or cal- study suggests short-term endurance training in
cium challenges (58). The concept that exercise humans increases the activity of mitochondrial
training results in a mitochondrial phenotype that creatine kinase in the heart (123). Nonetheless, at
resists IR-mediated damage is also supported by present, there is no direct evidence demonstrating
experiments using isolated cardiac mitochondria cause and effect between cardioprotection and ex-
exposed to anoxia followed by reoxygenation. ercise-induced increases in proteins involved in
These studies reveal that, following anoxia-reoxy- fatty acid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, re-
genation, state 3 respiration is better preserved in spiratory chain/TCA cycle function, and/or changes
mitochondria isolated from the hearts of exercised in mitochondrial creatine kinase activity.
rats (6). This finding was associated with attenu- Again, ROS play a major role in IR-induced car-
ated oxidative damage to mitochondrial proteins diac injury, and much of the IR-induced ROS
and is in contrast to the severe metabolic dysfunc- production in the heart is due to superoxide pro-
tion and oxidative damage observed in cardiac mi- duction in the mitochondria (91). Most of this IR-
tochondria isolated from sedentary animals. induced increase in superoxide is dismutated
Furthermore, a recent in vivo study employing a enzymatically by SOD1 and SOD2 located in the
physiologically relevant experimental model pro- mitochondrial intermembrane space and matrix,
vides more evidence that endurance exercise pro-
respectively (90). However, dismutation of super-
tects cardiac mitochondria from IR-induced damage
oxide results in H2O2 that is converted to H2O and
(63). This work confirms that exercise training pro-
O2 by other antioxidant enzymes to avoid oxidative
tects both SS and IMF mitochondria against IR-
damage in cells (90). Importantly, studies report
induced functional impairment and corroborates the
that exercise increases the protein abundance of
concept that exercise training attenuates IR-induced
several mitochondrial antioxidant enzymes includ-
increases in ROS release from both SS and IMF mi-
ing SOD1 and SOD2, along with the H2O2 remov-
tochondria. Moreover, this investigation establishes
ing enzymes glutathione peroxidase-1 and catalase
that exercise training also retards the IR-induced re-
(reviewed in Ref. 92). Hence, this exercise-induced
lease of proapoptotic proteins from cardiac mito-
fortification of these antioxidant enzymes has the
chondria (63). This observation may explain previous
potential to increase the removal of ROS produced
findings that exercise training is associated with at-
in cardiac mitochondria.
tenuated cardiac apoptosis following IR insults in
Furthermore, exercise training decreases the ex-
vivo (31, 95, 96). The next segment discusses the
pression of the mitochondrial enzyme monoamine
potential molecular mechanisms responsible for ex-
ercise-induced protection of cardiac mitochondria. oxidase A (MAO-A) in both SS and IMF mitochon-
Exercise-induced alterations in mitochondrial dria in the rat heart (57). This observation is im-
proteins. To understand the mechanisms by which portant because MAO-A catalyzes the oxidative
exercise training alters mitochondrial phenotype deamination of several monoamines, resulting in
to resist pro-apoptotic stimuli and stress-induced increased ROS production (85). Importantly, ROS
by hypoxia-reoxygenation, studies have investi- production by MAO-A is a contributor to myocar-
gated exercise-induced changes in mitochondrial dial apoptosis during postischemia reperfusion (7,
protein expression (13, 57, 82, 88, 110). Collec- 85). Therefore, decreased mitochondrial levels of
tively, these reports identify both increased and MAO-A in exercised hearts could be a beneficial
decreased expression of 21 different mitochondrial adaptation that contributes to cardioprotection.
proteins in hearts from exercise-trained animals. Nonetheless, additional experiments are required
These exercise-induced changes in mitochondrial to provide direct evidence for this postulate.
proteins can be classified into five functional cat- To summarize, endurance exercise training ben-
egories: 1) fatty acid metabolism; 2) amino acid efits the mitochondrion through increased ex-
metabolism; 3) mitochondrial respiratory chain/ pression of beneficial antioxidant proteins and
TCA cycle; 4) creatine kinase phospho-transfer cir- decreased expression of proteins with potentially
cuit; and 5) redox balance. Increased expression of deleterious functions. Collectively, these changes
mitochondrial proteins involved in both fatty acid improve mitochondrial capacity to produce ATP,
and amino acid metabolism could result in im- eliminate ROS, and maintain a healthy mitochon-
proved outcomes following IR (54, 72). Moreover, it drial redox balance. By extension, these exercise-
is feasible that exercise-induced expression of mi- induced changes result in a mitochondrial phenotype
tochondrial respiratory chain/TCA cycle proteins that is resistant to IR-induced damage. Direct

PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org 33

evidence to support this prediction is highlighted in IR insult, successfully protected the heart against
the next section. IR-induced calpain activation and breakdown of
Experimental evidence linking mitochondrial these calcium handling proteins (32). Importantly,
proteins to cardioprotection. Again, endurance exercise-induced protection was lost when the
exercise training alters the expression of numerous exercise-stimulated increase in cardiac SOD2 was
mitochondrial genes, resulting in a resilient mito- blocked using antisense oligonucleotides. Together,
chondrial phenotype that is less sensitive to apop- these studies demonstrate that an exercise-induced
totic stimuli and more resistant to IR-induced increase in SOD2 plays a key role in protection
mitochondrial damage. The key question becomes: against IR-induced cardiac injury.
Which of these differentially expressed mitochon- In synopsis, exercise training promotes the dif-
drial proteins are required contributors to exercise- ferential expression of numerous mitochondrial
induced cardioprotection? Although a complete proteins, resulting in a mitochondrial phenotype
answer to this question is not currently available, that resists IR-induced injury (FIGURE 5). Present
experimental evidence reveals that increased ex- evidence suggests that an exercise-induced in-
pression of mitochondrial SOD2 plays a major role crease in SOD2 in cardiac mitochondria is essential
in exercise-induced cardioprotection. For example, to achieve the full benefit of exercise-induced car-
transgenic overexpression of SOD2 alone is suffi- dioprotection. Furthermore, other exercise-induced
cient to provide protection against IR-induced mitochondrial proteins may also play a role in car-
cardiac injury in mice (17). Furthermore, two in- dioprotection, but additional research is required to
dependent studies have shown that exercise-in- demonstrate cause and effect.
duced expression of SOD2 in the heart plays a vital
role in exercise-induced protection against IR-me- Conclusions and New Frontiers
diated myocardial infarction (118). Explicitly, using
antisense oligonucleotides to prevent exercise-in- Myocardial IR injury is a major cause of morbidity
duced increased SOD2 expression in the heart, Ya- and mortality around the world, and, therefore,
mashita et al. first demonstrated that preventing protecting the heart against IR injury is important.
the exercise-induced increase in SOD2 expression Currently, the only pragmatic method of providing
abolished the cardioprotection normally associ- sustainable cardioprotection against IR-induced
ated with exercise (118). These findings were con- myocardial injury is endurance exercise training,
firmed in a study demonstrating that prevention of
exercise-induced increases in SOD2 greatly dimin-
ished the exercise-induced protection against IR-
induced cardiac cell death due to both necrosis
and apoptosis (31). Furthermore, although it is es-
tablished that the primary regulation of SOD2 is
through gene expression, deacetylation of SOD2
via Sirt3 increases SOD2 activity (16). The finding
that exercise increases the protein levels of Sirt3 in
the heart suggests that increases in Sirt3 may also
play a role in exercise-induced cardioprotection
via regulation of SOD2 activity (83).
After confirming that exercise-induced increases
in myocardial SOD2 are important for exercise-
induced cardioprotection, French et al. then inves-
tigated the downstream mechanisms by which
increased myocardial SOD2 activity contributes to
cardioprotection (31). This work reveals that exer-
cise-induced increases in mitochondrial SOD2
protects against IR-induced myocardial infarction
in part by attenuating IR-induced oxidative dam-
FIGURE 5. Illustration of several exercise-in-
age of calcium handling proteins and prevention of duced mitochondrial alterations that promote
calpain activation (31). Indeed, an IR insult results cardioprotection against IR injury
in calpain activation in the cardiac myocyte, which Exercise increases mitochondrial levels of the impor-
tant antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase 2
promotes the degradation of four vital calcium (SOD2). Exercise training could also increase the ex-
handling proteins, including the sarcoplasmic re- pression of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium
ticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA2a), phospho- channels along with other mitochondrial proteins that
could contribute to cardioprotection. MAO-A, mono-
lamban, L-type calcium channels, and Na⫹/Ca2⫹ amine oxidase; SIRT3, sirtuin 3; MitoKATP, mitochon-
exchanger. Exercise training, performed before the drial potassium ATP-sensitive channel.

34 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 29 • January 2014 • www.physiologyonline.org

and regular participation in endurance exercise for exercise-induced cardioprotection against IR
protects the heart against all levels of IR-induced injury. 䡲
injury. This work was supported by a grant from the National
The precise cellular adaptations responsible for Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01 HL-067855) awarded
to S. K. Powers.
exercise-induced cardioprotection remain a topic
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are de-
of debate. Nonetheless, there is evolving evidence clared by the author(s).
that exercise training promotes alterations in mi- Author contributions: S.K.P., A.J.S., A.N.K., and J.C.Q. con-
tochondrial protein expression and a change in ception and design of research; S.K.P., A.J.S., A.N.K., and
J.C.Q. interpreted results of experiments; S.K.P., A.J.S.,
mitochondrial phenotype that resists IR-induced
A.N.K., and J.C.Q. prepared figures; S.K.P., A.J.S., A.N.K.,
damage. Furthermore, convincing evidence indi- and J.C.Q. drafted manuscript; S.K.P., A.J.S., A.N.K., and
cates that elevated myocardial SOD2 plays a major J.C.Q. edited and revised manuscript; S.K.P., A.J.S., A.N.K.,
role in exercise-induced cardioprotection by pro- and J.C.Q. approved final version of manuscript.
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