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Network Analysis – CYMDIST :

GIS Based Distribution Network System and Preparation of
a 20 Years Distribution System Master Plan for DPDC

[1] Introduction & Software Overview– CYME 8.0

Reliable analytic and planning tools to improve

electrical network performance.
The Distribution System Analysis of the CYME Power Engineering Software is
designed for planning studies and for the analysis of the entire distribution
network. The modeling capabilities of CYME includes the detailed
representation of medium and low-voltage distribution networks, and secondary
grids. From planning to contingency scenarios to optimization, the CYME
software is the perfect tool to address any distribution system analysis need.

The CYME power engineering software features a powerful graphical user

interface that is fully customizable to provide the one-line diagram
representation, results and reports in a level of detail needed by each user. In
addition, innovative engineering technologies and industry standards are at the
core of the CYME algorithms. With its extensive built-in equipment libraries and
advanced analyses, the CYME software can help you create the most accurate
network representation to yield the accurate results that are needed.

Major features :

Customizable interface and reports, Load flow, Motor starting, Load allocation,
Fault analysis: • Short-circuit • Fault locator • Series and simultaneous fault •
Voltage sag, Load balancing, Optimal capacitor placement and sizing

The CYMDIST Distribution Analysis software is a suite of applications composed

of a network editor, analysis modules and user-customizable model libraries
from which you can choose to get the most powerful solution.

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The program is designed for planning studies and simulating the behavior of
electrical distribution networks under different operating conditions and
scenarios. It includes several built-in functions that are required for distribution
network planning, operation and analysis.

The software workspace is fully customizable. The graphical representation of

network components, results and reports can be built and modified to supply
the level of detail needed. Innovative engineering technologies, industry
practices and standards are at the core of the CYMDIST algorithms, flexible user
interface and extensive libraries.

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[2] GUI of Software – CYME 8.0

CYME software provides great flexibility to users with very user friendly GUI
(Graphical User Interface.) User gets all required Tools, functionalities,
customization tools & visual display of network. Great flexibility is User can
modify the Menus configurations while working in CYMDIST as per their
x NA desktop client start Network analysis software CYMDIST
x Menu Bar lists all various options (Menus) available in CYMDIST.
x Status bar give information about database path of selected study & gives
status of selected component.
x Area shown under working area where UE can see, edit various modifications
on Network.
x Explorer Bar gives option to Select/connect to any existing study database,
locate any component on N/W, edit display properties etc.

Menu bar

Working Area

Explorer bar

Status bar

Fig: CYMDIST – Graphical user interface

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GIS Based Distribution Network System and Preparation of
a 20 Years Distribution System Master Plan for DPDC

ƒ To create new database, go to Database menu.

ƒ Or Click on Create Database Connection tab in Explorer Bar.

ƒ Cyme Database dialog box will appear. Choose the database mode.

Select DB type

Click Next

ƒ Then, Click on Next

ƒ Then, choose the database type.

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GIS Based Distribution Network System and Preparation of
a 20 Years Distribution System Master Plan for DPDC

ƒ Click on Next.
ƒ Choose the desired path for the equipment database.
ƒ Then, Click on Next.
ƒ Repeat the same procedure for network & project database also if UE wish
to create separate Databases.
ƒ Give the required database configuration name.

ƒ Click on Finish.

New configuration name will appear on the Explorer bar

Click Select
Click OK

Loading/Unloading of N/W, Introduction to Network

ƒ Loading/Unloading of networks can be done through, Network menu.

ƒ Click on Select Networks.

ƒ Select network screen will appear.

ƒ From Select network dialog box, user can select any desired network.

ƒ Then, click on OK.

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GIS Based Distribution Network System and Preparation of
a 20 Years Distribution System Master Plan for DPDC

ƒ Selected network/s will appear on the screen.

Overhead line


ƒ Networks can be distinguished by applying different network colors

Introduction to Network components

Equipments / components in CYMDIST

ƒ Sources/Substations

ƒ Transformers

ƒ OH Lines/Cables

ƒ Protective Devices

ƒ Capacitors

ƒ Generators

ƒ Motors

ƒ Spot Loads

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GIS Based Distribution Network System and Preparation of
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ƒ Distributed Loads.

ƒ Sections/Nodes

ƒ Zones

ƒ Meters

Modeling of new components in N/W

Network Modeling , Ex :- OH Transmission Line

ƒ Select Node from where OH line to be added.

ƒ Click on Add section

ƒ Double click on added section & see section properties.

ƒ In section properties select type of Transmission line.

ƒ Under settings, select, Line ID from the library.

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ƒ Click on OK in section properties.

Add Section

Select Node

Network Modeling, Ex :- Transformer

ƒ Select node in Network from where UE wish to add new Transformers.

ƒ Click on Add section by keeping selected that Node. Mouse curser will appear
“+ Section” Symbol.

ƒ Add new section, fill required details such as conductor details, Transformer
location name etc.

ƒ Click on “Add” under devices in section properties.

ƒ Select Two Winding Transformer in Transformer option and select required

Transformers ID from Two winding transformer Library.

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Click Two

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software


[3] Software Database : Getting Started with a Database – CYME 8.0

The explanations below are based on the use of that database.

1. Set the Configuration in CYME

Configuration files are used with CYME to keep the different settings of the
application such as the display options, the calculation parameters, the
databases configurations, etc. It is thus important to set up the configuration
files that CYME will be using.

You can create your own configuration that can be distributed to other users,
thus enforcing the use of standards.

a. From the installation folder of CYME,

open the executable file

b. The CYME Configuration

Setup dialog box is
displayed. Browse for the
correct CYME Version and
click on the New button to
create a new set of
configuration files. Enter a
name for the configuration
that you will use with this
tutorial, and then click OK.

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c.To select the path of the folder containing the configuration files, click
the Browse button located at the bottom of the dialog box. The default
directory where the files can be found is: C:\ProgramData\CYME.

Once the folder is selected, click the button Select. This gets you back to the
CYME Configuration Setup dialog box.

d. Click on the button Apply to apply the same path to all of the
configuration files. Your new configuration is now complete.

To close the CYME Configuration Setup and to save the new configuration
you have created, press the button OK. Clicking on the button Start
CYME in this dialog box will start the application using the configuration
just selected.

2. Set the Database

Once CYME is started, you first need to connect to a database containing the
network, equipment and load information. You can also create a new database
that you will populate by importing data. See the Database chapter in the
CYME Reference manual for more information.

a. From the Databases tab of the Explorer Bar, click Create Database

Or, from the menu, select Database > Create.

Both methods lead to the CYME Database
Wizard. Select “Single database” as your
Database Mode and click .

b. The wizard displays the Database Type options available. Select Microsoft

Access and click .

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c. Then the wizard

displays the Microsoft
Access Database
option. Browse or type
in the Database
File”field the full path
as shown in the picture
or browse to locate your
Note: Your CYME installation folder might be on another drive.Look for

d. Once you have selected the full path and the name of the Database
File, in this case: \Tutorial\Samples\Tutorial.mdb, click .

Note: If you enter a new *.mdb filename, CYME will create an empty database
automatically for you.

e. The wizard then asks you to confirm your database configuration setting.
Ensure that you have entered the correct settings and information, and click

f. Finally, enter the name of the database configuration to be used. By

default, the name of the database file is selected. Once you have entered
the name, click Finish.

Once you click Finish, the CYME Database

Wizard closes and your new database
configuration is added to the Databases tab of
the Explorer tab.
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The Database Configuration Name is the name

that is displayed in the Database tab of the Explorer tab or in the drop-down
list box of the Database toolbar.

It is possible to change the database configuration as the projects and studies

change. See the Database > Database Manager dialog box.

3. Get Started with CYME :

When you open CYME, the background of the work space is gray and most
of the toolbar icons and menu commands are disabled. To enable all of the
functions of the application and get started with a study, click on the New
Study icon or, from the menu, select File > New Study.

4. Load Circuits

a. From the toolbar, click on the Select Networks icon. The dialog

box Select Networks opens and lets you select the networks you wish to
load and view.

b. Check/uncheck
box into load/unload all the circuits in the one- line diagram.

c. Check/uncheck
box in to show or hide the loaded circuits in the one-line diagram, and click OK.

Note: See the chapter Network in the Reference Manual to learn about the
different options available in the Select Networks dialog box.
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To load or display a single circuit, in this case the feeder

, check only the box next to the appropriate network in
the list and click the button OK.

Your CYME screen should now look like

the following image if you have loaded
and displayed only the GA04 feeder.

e. You can also load networks (circuits)

into the study using the Explorer tab.

5. Save/Close a Study, and Update Network

a. From the Main toolbar, click on the Save Study icon , or from the
menu, select File > Save Study As.
b. Enter a name (“Tutorial” for example) for the study file in the field File
Name and press OK.
c. In order to open a study, you first need to close the current study. Do this
using the menu by selecting File > Close Study.

The main window of CYME should now be once again disabled (grayed),
most buttons of the toolbars and menu options as well.

d. Saving a self-contained study – The second option to save

modifications to the circuits is to save as a self- contained study.

The steps to save and open a self-contained study are exactly the same as for
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a simple study. The only difference is that when you open a self-contained
study you do not need to be connected to the database it was created with.
The file is autonomous, meaning that it contains all the information to
replicate the network that was loaded when the study was saved.

e. Updating the network – The third option to save modifications to the

circuits with CYME is to update the database with the command Database >
Update Network. It will save permanently all the modifications made into the

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[4] Equipment Modeling– CYME 8.0

This tutorial provides a guideline on how to create equipments with the CYME
Software. A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided.
The explanations below are based on the use of that file.

Modeling equipments is the first step in modeling a system. This tutorial

provides examples on how to input the data for a variety of equipment. The
equipment database can be found in the Equipment menu of CYME 7.2.

1. General
a. For this tutorial, open the study

b. Every equipment dialog box has a

common layout. For example, open the
Two-Winding Transformer dialog box
from the Equipment menu. On the left-
hand side is the list of Equipment IDs
that already exist in the database. Click
on any one of them to see its parameters
displayed in different tabs on the right-
hand side of the dialog box.

c. To create a new Equipment ID, click on the button located in the

Equipment List toolbar. The Equipment ID dialog box will appear where you
can enter an ID for the new piece of equipment.

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d. You can make a Copy of a piece of

equipment from the equipment library.
You may also Remove or Rename any
user-defined Equipment IDs. Right-click
on the Equipment ID and choose the
appropriate command from the pop-up
menu. See the Properties and Settings
chapter in the Equipment Reference
manual for a description of the features of
the equipment dialog boxes.

2. Create a Source or Source Equivalent

a. Go to Equipment >
Source Equivalent.

The dialog box opens

where you can create
new sources and enter
appropriate data values
such as the capacity (to
flag overload), the
nominal and the
operating voltage, the
configuration, and the
equivalent impedance

b. If the source equivalent impedance is not available, you can calculate it

using one of the two calculation methods available.

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Calculation Method 1

The first calculation method

is used when you know the
short-circuit test data. In the
Utility Equivalent group
box, select Short-Circuit
Level as the calculation
Mode and enter the data.

Calculation Method 2

The second calculation method calculates the equivalent impedance from the
sum of the impedance of the substation transformer(s) and the transmission
network. In the Utility Equivalent group box, select Short-Circuit Level as the
calculation Mode.

• Click on the Calculate button next to the Calculate using source details
option and enter the primary network impedance or the short-circuit power.

• Enter the Transformer

Configuration and in the
Transformer Branches group
box, click on Add button to
enter each substation
transformer branches’

After entering the

information, click OK for the
program to calculate the
equivalent impedance.
For Harmonic Analysis Studies,
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click on the Harmonic Tab where

you can enter the Harmonic
Impedance Envelope that
represents the utility source. By
default, the source impedance
envelope is computed from the 3-
Phase MVA short circuit level.

3. Create a Synchronous Generator

a. To create a generator, go to Equipment > Generator. There are three types

of generators available: Synchronous, Induction, and Electronically Coupled.
Select the Synchronous Generator.

b. Fill in the ratings of the unit, its impedances and connection.

c. If the Steady State, Transient and Subtransient impedances of the

generating unit are not known, then you can get an Estimate by using the
Estimation Function. Select the most appropriate fields an click on the

button to calculate the impedance of the machine using typical

impedance curves.

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• For Transient Studies, you

need to enter the additional
required data in the Equivalent
Circuit Tab. This includes the
total rotating mass inertia
constant H, damping coefficient
KD, impedance’s Xd, Xq, Xl,
X’d, X’q, X”d, X”q, and time
constants T’do, T’qo, T”do,
and T”qo.

• The program includes five

standard models of generators
which can be selected via the
Model combo box list.

• You can also display the block

diagram of the generator model by
clicking on the View Diagram

• In the Harmonic tab, you can
enter the Negative Sequence
Impedance. By default, this
impedance is set equal to the
sub- transient impedance of the

You can also configure the Skin

Effect Model in this tab.

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4. Create a Motor

a. To create a motor, go to Equipment > Motor. There are two types of motors
available: Induction and Synchronous. Select the Induction Motor.

b. You need to enter the following set of data to represent the motor for Power
Flow, Short Circuit and Harmonic Analysis studies.

• Nominal Data (Name plate data) of the motor developed HP, Rated Voltage,
Efficiency and Running Power Factor

• Sub-transient Impedance of the motor as computed, by default, from the

locked rotor data. You can also specify to “Compute from the Equivalent
Circuit” of the motor or enter any value by selecting the “User Defined”

• Locked Rotor Data such as locked rotor (starting) power factor, NEMA Code
and KVA/HP or Locked Rotor
Current.(Entering one computes the other value)

Click on the button to access the NEMA code table.

Click on the button to select a power factor from program defaults.

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Note: If the equivalent circuit parameters are estimated and entered

correctly, then the sub-transient impedance computed from the locked rotor
data and using the equivalent circuit method should approximately be the
• For Transient Stability Studies and Dynamic Motor Analysis additional
data is required in the Equivalent
Circuit Tab such as:

x Rotor Type Single, Double, or

x Deep Bar Circuit

o Equivalent Circuit Impedances

including stator impedance (Rs and
Xs), rotor impedance (Rr and Xr)
referred to the stator side, and the
magnetizing branch (Rm and Xm).

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x Cage Factor, which

represents the variation of the
rotor impedance with slip; A
linear function is assumed in
this model. Enter 0 to neglect
this effect.

o Motor Inertia which does

not include the inertia of the
load coupled to the motor

• Available impedance estimation methods are Locked Rotor / Full Load Test,
Locked Rotor / No Load Test, Nominal Conditions, Starting Conditions,
From Nameplate Data, and from Performance Characteristics. (for further
details, refer to the Motor Starting Analyses User’s Guide).

5. Create a Transformer

a. Go to Equipment > Transformer in the menu. You have six options: the
Two-winding Transformer, Two- winding Auto-Transformer, Phase
Shifting Transformer, Three-winding Transformer, Three-Winding Auto-
Transformer, and the Grounding Transformer.

b. Select the Two-winding


c. Fill in the ratings of the

transformer, its
impedances, type and
connection. Should there
be any grounding
impedance, they should

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be entered accordingly

d. If the transformer has a Load Tap Changer (LTC), select the LTC tab, and
check the Load Tap Changer option.

e. Transformer Load Tap

Changer is mainly used to
control the voltage of a network
bus within specified limits. This
is achieved by adjusting its tap

Upper and Lower Bandwidth in % specifies the range of the desired voltage at
the controlled bus. You will also have to specify the Number of Taps available
in the LTC and the Maximum and Minimum range of the LTC Tap.

6. Create a Line

You can either select a conductor or create one in the database of the
equipment. It is suggested to have an inventory of conductors and spacing
conductors prior to building overhead lines and cables. This will facilitate their
creation as you can select conductors from the inventory in the overhead line
and cable dialog boxes. The steps to create a line/cable
are outlined below.

a. Create conductors

The first step towards

creating a line or a
cable is to have
conductors ready.
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• Go to Equipment
> Conductor to
access the
conductor database.
• For this exercise, click

on and create a new

conductor and name it
• Enter the data as shown to the right.
• Since the distance
measurements are given in
imperial units, firstly, make sure
that the system units are set to
Imperial. To change the units, go
to File > Preferences and click
on the Units tab. You can also
change it from the System Units

• Click OK to save and exit.

b. Create a spacing table

• If you have information on the GMD and the

average height, you can enter them directly.

However, if such information is not available, you can

enter the detailed configuration. Choose a tower
configuration and enter all respective distances, or
choose a generic model in which the coordinates of the

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conductors and the neutral are entered.

In our example, the GMD and average height values

are not known. With respect to the point where the
pole touches the ground, the distances are as shown
on the right.

• Go to Equipment >
Overhead Line > Single-Circuit
Spacing. Double-Circuit
Spacing is also available in the
Overhead Line category.

• Click and create a new

single-circuit spacing called
Detailed Configuration and
choose the tower configuration to
be Generic. Enter
the positions of the conductor
as shown here.

•Click OK to exit.

c. Create a line

x Go to Equipment > Overhead Line > Balanced.

• The balanced type uses the same conductor for all phases, whereas the
unbalanced type uses different conductors for each of the three phases.

• The phase and neutral conductor drop-down menu lists all conductors

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created in the conductor database, and likewise the spacing drop-down menu

lists all spacing created in the database. Click on and create a new line called
• Choose the conductor created earlier, A_NEW_CONDUCTOR, for phase and
• Select A_NEW_SPACING for the spacing.

• Once all is selected, click on Update impedances for the current line to
have the equivalent impedance of the line.

• Click OK to exit.

7. Create a Cable

a. Go to Equipment > Cable to

access the cable database.

b. You can enter the parameters in

the General tab of the cable if
If the parameters are not known,
click on the Details button to
enter Cable Construction details
and calculate the equivalent

As an example, create a new cable by clicking on the button and name it


d. The information to fill in the General tab fields is unknown, except for the
type of cable to be Three Core with
Concentric Neutral and PVC insulation. Click on the
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e. Enter the cable information as follows and also shown in
the figure below:
• Copper, 3/0 AWG, Standard Concentric, with 19 strands, and 0.46 in
• PVC insulation with 0.24 in thickness
• There are 32 concentric copper wires as neutral, size 12 AWG, and the Lay
Length is 5.64 in.

f. When completed, click on OK.

g. Back in the Cable dialog box, click on the Impedances tab to calculate
impedances based on the construction details entered. Select the option
Computed from construction details and click OK to exit.

8. Create a Protective Device

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The dialog box for a fuse is shown below. It is similar for all the protective
devices where you can enter:

a. The device’s ratings

b. The operating mode
c. Information such as manufacturer, control type, rating and model, depending
on the device selected.

9. Create Other Equipment

By accessing the Equipment menu, you can create other equipments such as
Shunt/Series Capacitors, Shunt/Series
Reactors, and Harmonic devices.

10. Add from Library

It is possible to add equipment from the CYME Equipment Library. The latter
provides default equipment which can be used to populate the lists available

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to the users through the Equipment dialog boxes.

a. Go to the Equipment
Inventory section of the Explorer
tab in the Explorer bar. Select the
type of Equipment and an ID. For
this example, go to Line, Cables
and Conductors. You can also
access the same dialog box using
the Equipment menu.

b. Right-click on a cable ID and

select Properties from the
contextual menu. It displays the
Cable equipment dialog box.

c. Select the Show CYME Library

from the toolbar menu or click
once on the CYME Library bar.

d. Right-click on the ID of the

cable to add in the Equipment
Inventory from the CYME Library
and select Add to Inventory

e. The cable selected is now shown in the My Inventory section of the

Equipment > Cable dialog box and available in the Equipment Inventory,
ready to be dragged and dropped onto the one-line diagram.
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f. To install a new device, drag and drop a symbol from the Symbol Bar of the
Explorer bar onto the one line diagram. Double click on the device.2016

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[5] Network Modeling-Schematic View– CYME 8.0

This tutorial provides a guideline on how to create a network with the drag-and-
drop method.

Prior to getting started with this tutorial it is recommended to complete the

following tutorials: Display Options and Equipment Modeling.

1. Getting Started

a. Equipment Database – It is advised to have the complete inventory of

equipments needed before building the network. This is to prevent the user
from using equipments of the “default” type, and to avoid the trouble of going
back and forth from filling in the equipment database bit by bit and building
the network.

b. Launch the program.

c. Go to the Study tab

in File > Preferences to
activate the “Display
View Properties dialog
when creating a new
study” option in the
Editor tab.

d. Open a new study by

clicking on the

icon of the Main tool

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e. The Views Properties

dialog box will be
displayed on screen to
enter the:

• Name as example the

name of the industrial

• View Style is set to

Schematic for typical one-
line diagram
representation for
industrial application
(Note: the Geographically
Referenced is used for
the case of Utility type
Distribution Feeders
within urban areas).

• Network Type such as

Feeder, Substation,
Secondary Network etc.
Note: this field will only
appear if you have the
Substation Modeling
Module license and/or the
Secondary Network
Analysis license.

Schematic view Geographically referenced view

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2. Work Space

Once the Type of Network is defined, which for the purpose of this tutorial is
an industrial network, the workspace will be displayed to enable you to drag
and drop devices.

a. Click on the Display Page Layout icon if it is not already selected in the

b. Click on the icon in the upper right hand

corner to customize your workspace.

c. Examples would be:

• Fit Network in
Page to have all the
network elements
fit in the
• Portrait or
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a 20 Years Distribution System Master Plan for DPDC

• Page Setup to
specify paper size,
margins etc.
• Print and Print

3. Symbol Bar

On the left hand side of the workspace is the Symbol Bar, which provides
default categories of equipment that can be dragged and dropped to the

Categories are:
x General for Networks and Buses.
x Lines and Cables for interconnecting different devices and circuits.
x Sources and Generators for Equivalent Utility Source, Generators
(Synchronous and Induction) and Wind

x Transformers and Regulators.

x Motors and Loads for spot/distributed loads and synchronous/induction

x Capacitor and Reactors for series/shunt capacitors and inductors.

x Switching and Protection for Breakers, Switches and Reclosers.

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x Harmonics for specific equipment used in conjunction with the Harmonic

Analysis module. These include Harmonic Current Sources, Ideal and Non-Ideal
Converters, Arc Furnace and Filters. (Note that this tab will only be available if
you have the Harmonic Analysis module activated).

x Power Electronics comprises additional devices for equipment that can have

4. Drag and Drop

x Click on the “Bus” Symbol in the General category of the Symbol Bar tab and
drag to the workspace.
x Double click on the bus symbol to display the Bus Properties dialog box on

Single Port
• Click on any single port equipment and drag to the workspace to connect to
the desired bus.

• Once the equipment is dragged close enough, the bus color will change to
indicate that the mouse button can be released to complete the connection.

• Click on any two-port equipment and drag
to the workspace to connect the “From” bus
in the same manner as connecting single
port equipment.

• Once the “From Bus connection is made

slide the mouse towards the “To” bus to
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complete the connection. Again the bus will

change color to indicate that the mouse
button can be released to complete the

You can change any bus to a Node and vice
versa using the bus properties dialog box.
Nodes have the same properties as buses and
can be used to connect equipment. This may
be useful to represent single equipment
connected to a certain bus such as a motor.
Connection Port

You can drag any component to the

workspace without having to connect to a
bus. The network equipment will include
its own connection ports

Bus to node
You can connect a bus to a node by simply
selecting a bus, drag it close to the node, and
once the node color changes, release the
mouse button to complete the connection.

Intermediate node

x Select the desired branch.

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x Point the mouse cursor to the desired

location of the intermediate node along
the branch.
x Right click mouse button to access
the contextual menu and select the Add
Intermediate Node command.
x The node will be placed at the desired location.
x You can now maneuver each line segment of
the branch independently to create any desired

5. Select Network Component

Bus or Any Network Component

• Point the cursor to the desired component and click the left mouse button

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• The equipment will change its color as per the selection color specified in
the View Properties tab of the View > Display Options dialog box.

• You can select a group of equipment by simply clicking once on the left
mouse button and drag over the desired network. The Enable automatic
region selection option can be enabled in the View Properties tab of the
Display Options dialog box.

• The color all components will change color as per the selection color

• You can then Move, Copy / Paste or Delete the entire network.

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6. Resize Command

• Select the desired bus.

• Point the mouse cursor to either side of the bus until the cursor changes to
a double sided arrow, click and hold the left mouse button and slide left or
right to shorten or lengthen the bus.

7. Move Commands

• Select the desired bus.

• Point to the bus until the cursor changes to , click and hold the left
mouse button and move the bus to the new location.

Single port
• Select the desired single port equipment.

• Point the mouse cursor to the connection

between the equipment and the bus it is
connected to until the cursor changes to a
double sided arrow, click and hold the left
mouse button and slide the equipment to the
desired location along the bus.

• Select the desired branch.
• Point the mouse cursor to the branch until
the cursor changes to double sided arrow,
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click and hold the left mouse button and slide

the branch to the desired location along the
two buses.

• If you drag the branch beyond the two

branches then the buses will stretch

8. Rotate Commands

• Select the desired bus.

• Point to the located at the right hand side of the bus click and hold the
left mouse button and rotate the mouse until the bus has a vertical
orientation. Only horizontal or vertical positions are available.

Single port
• Select the desired single port equipment.

• Point the mouse cursor to equipment until the cursor

changes to , click and hold the left mouse button and

move the equipment to the desired location along the bus.

• The Graphic User Interface is extremely flexible that it

allows you to place the equipment at any location

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9. Slide a network element

Single port
• Select the desired single port equipment.

• Point the mouse cursor to equipment until the cursor

changes to , click and hold the left mouse button and

slide the equipment to either shorten or lengthen the
connection between the bus and the network element.

• Select the desired two-port equipment.

• Point the mouse cursor to equipment until the cursor changes to , click
and hold the left mouse button and slide the equipment as detailed in the
illustration below.

10. Graphic Tools

Undo Modification To undo the last change. You may undo as

many consecutive changes as desired:

click the down arrow to see the list of modifications done. Equivalent
menu command: Edit > Undo

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Redo Modification Cancels the last Undo command. You may

redo as many undone changes as desired. Not available until at least

one change has been undone. Click the down arrow to see a list of
modifications to ‘redo’. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Redo

Pan – Click the right mouse button once and hold it down (the
cursor will show “Pan”). Move the mouse and release the button.
The picture on the screen will move as though you had pulled it.

Zoom – Click the right mouse button twice and hold it down. The
cursor should change to “Zoom”. Move the mouse so that the outline
box surrounds the desired area and release the button.

Zoom – If your mouse is equipped with a wheel, you can zoom in or

out using that wheel. The center of the area that will be zoomed (the
focus of the zoom) will be the location of the cursor on the display. It
will remain visible as you change the zoom level.

Zoom tools –You can choose Zoom In or Zoom Out to

increase or decrease the size of the network components and the

level of details displayed. Zoom to fit will bring you to your original
display, while
Magnify will allow you to select and magnify a small part of the

Display Best Fit. Will resize all drawing elements (line width, font
size, symbol size) in relation to one another. The corresponding
drawing settings found in the Display Options dialog box are
changed. Note that the changes made to the display cannot be
undone using the Undo Modif command.

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Contextual Menu Commands each network element has a set of

commands that can be accessed directly in the workspace by right click
the mouse button. Below is an example of the available commands for a
Typical Two and Single Port Network Element.

Branch Motor

11. Tutorial Example

Adding any Bus or Device is simply done by clicking with the left mouse
button on the symbol of the desired device in the Symbol Bar tab of the
Explorer Bar, dragging the symbol on the workspace and dropping it at the
desired location.

The illustration below shows the industrial network that you will build using the
following instructions.

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12. Preparing the Workspace

a. Activate the Grid Lines

and Points in the Display
Tool Bar to give you a
sense of how to place the
network components.

13. Adding a Bus

a. Click on the “Bus” Symbol in the

General Tool Bar and drag and drop it in
the workspace. Double-click on the bus
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to display the Bus dialog box on screen.

b. Enter the name of the Bus, namely UTILITY-BUS.

• The Voltage Box will indicate 0.0 as the

kVLL since they are no sources
connected to the network as of yet.

• Some options are available for

different installation type, such as cable
bus and open air. For the purpose of
this tutorial, the installation type will
be Other.

• The bus is purple, which is the default

color indicating graphically that the bus
is not yet connected to a Source or Swing

• You can also change the orientation

of the Bus and change its display to a

c. Repeat and place the four buses,

namely TX1-SEC, TX2- SEC, PMCC-A,
and PMCC-B, at the location as
illustrated at section 11 above.

14. Utility Source

a. Go to Equipment >Source Equivalent, and, in the toolbar of the dialog box,

click on the icon to create a new source equivalent that you will name
1_SOURCE. Enter the data as illustrated. Click OK to save it in the Equipment
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b. Click on the Add Source icon in the Editor Toolbar and double-click on
the workspace near the bus to connect it to the UTILITY-BUS.

c. The Source Properties dialog box

will appear. Select the source Device
ID UTIL-1_SOURCE as defined in the
equipment database. The Equivalent
Source is operating at 69 kV.

d. Once the UTIL-1_SOURCE is

selected, click on to
confirm the selection.

e. The Network will be represented as

follows. The color of the bus has
changed to the network color as
defined in the Network tab of the
Network Properties, indicating that
the bus is now connected to a source.

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The bus dialog box will now indicate that the kVLL of the bus is now 69.0 kV.

15. Two-Port Elements

This applies to all two-port network elements such as Transformers, Lines

and Cables.

a. Click on the two winding transformer

symbol and drag it to the workspace to
connect the primary of the transformer to
the UTILITY- BUS in the same manner
as connecting the source.

b. Once the connection to the primary

bus is made, slide the mouse towards
bus TX1-SEC to complete the
connection. Again, the bus will change
color to indicate the connection can be
completed upon a right- click of the

c. Notice the Bus Voltage of TX1-SEC is

now 13.8 kV which is the secondary
voltage of the transformer.

d. Repeat the process for Transformer TX2, Cables C1 and C2.

16. Single Port Elements

This applies to all single port network elements such as Generators,

Motors, Spot Loads, Shunts etc.

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a. Click on the Induction motor symbol, drag it to connect to bus


b. Double click on the motor to access the

Motor Settings Dialog box in order to enter
the motor ID PM101-A, and select the
desired motor from the database of
available motors.

c. Similarly you can connect load L1 to the

same bus and enter the active and reactive
power values in the settings dialog box.

d. Repeat the process for Motor PM101-

B and Load L2 connected to bus PMCC-B.

17. Protective Devices

Protective devices can be connected either between buses (nodes) or directly to a

Cable / Line Section.

a. Drop the device to the desired bus and then slide the mouse towards the
second bus and release the mouse button to complete the connection.

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b. The red dot above the switch symbol indicates

that the switch is “Normally Open”. For more
information on the symbols used, please consult
the Symbols section from the Display Layers
Selection tab in Display Options.

c. The second method is to drag the protective

device, which in our example is a fuse, to the “To
Side” of the cable and release the mouse button
once the cable changes color.

d. The fuse will be snapped to the cable as shown in the


18. Save the Study

a. From the toolbar, click on the Save Study icon or, from the menu, select
File>Save Study As Self
Contained. This will save the Network and all equipments used into a study file.

b. Enter a name (“Tutorial” for example) for the study file in the field File Name
and press OK.

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

Network Modeling-Geo-referenced View- CYME 8.0

This tutorial provides a guideline on how to create a network with the CYME editor
tools, and with the drag-and-drop method.

1. Getting Started

a. Launch CYME.

b. Scaling factor – Whenever building a network, one of the first steps should
be to determine the scaling factor. The scaling factor is the relationship
between the user’s coordinate system and the one in CYME. Usually, it is
determined by the GIS or the DMS database, and CYME imports such
coordinates as defined by the external mapping system. To change the Scaling
factor, go to File > Preferences, Editor tab, under the One-Line Diagram

c. Equipment Database – It is advised to have the complete inventory of

equipments needed before building networks in CYME. This is to prevent the
user from using equipments of the “Default” type, and to avoid the trouble of
going back and forth from filling in the equipment database bit by bit while
building the network.

d. Open a new study.

Note: CYME will open automatically

a new study in geo- referenced view.
If this is not the case, see the View
Properties dialog box, and choose
Geographically Referenced as the

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View style. If you wish to be able to

select the View Style upon opening a
new study, enable the option
“Display View Properties dialog when
creating a new study” in the Editor
tab (Startup Options) of File >
Preferences dialog box.

e. Activate the Editor

Tools if it is not already
activated (Go to View >
Toolbars > Editor

Activate also the Advanced

Editor Tools if it is not already
activated (Go to View > Toolbars
> Advanced Editor Tools).

In both cases, you may also right-click on the toolbar area of the display and
select the toolbar(s) from the pop-up menu.

2. Create a Network with the Editor Tools

1. Feeder

a. Click on the Add network icon.

b. The cursor, when moved over the work space, should carry the word

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c. Double-click at the location where the feeder is desired. The

Networks Properties dialog box appears.
d. In the Network tab, enter a name for the new feeder.
e. Select Feeder in the Network Type drop down list. The color of the feeder
can also be changed. In the Source tab, select a Source from the equipment
f. Once all information is
entered, click OK.
The feeder should
appear as shown on
the Study page:

2. Section
a. You can create sections from a feeder head-
node or from any node.
b. Select the Add Section icon.

c. The cursor, when put on the study page, should

carry the word Section.

d. Select a node, then double left-click on the mouse to

draw a section. If you hold
down the mouse button on the second click, you will be able to change the
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and the location of the section by moving the cursor around.
e. As you let go of the mouse button, the Section Properties dialog box will
show up in which you can:

• Select the phasing of the line,

• Select the line configuration (type, length),

• Select the line to be used from the equipment database.

Note: If the Section Properties dialog box does not appear automatically,
access the File > Preferences dialog box. In the Editor tab (Network Editing
Options), enable the option “Display Section Properties dialog when adding a
section or a device”.

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3. Add Devices within the Section Properties

a. Select a section on the study page and double-click on it to display

Section Properties dialog box.

b. Click on in the Devices group box. A list

of devices will appear and you can choose the one
you would like to add.

c. It is up to you to fill in specific settings for the

device selected, and its location on the section (at
from-node, at to-node and at middle for loads and
capacitors only).

d. You can also put generating units (generator,

motors), loads (spot, distributed) and capacitors
as shunt devices. To do so, first remove the
line/cable from the Section Properties and then
add the load/capacitor.

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4. Sections with Intermediate Nodes

To make a section with several segments

(ex: useful to make a curve), you can make
use of a section with intermediate nodes.

a. Enable the Add Section icon.

b. Select a node and double-left click on the

interface away from the node chosen and
hold the mouse button at the second click;
move the cursor to a desired location for
the intermediate node. Then press the
CTRL key and release it to set the location
of that intermediate node.

Repeat as many times as desired.

c. Once finished, let go of the

mouse button to get to the
Section Properties of the
newly created line.

d. To view intermediate
nodes, go to View > Display
Options. In the Symbols
category, click on the
Modify button, go to the
Network Symbols branch
and check Intermediate
nodes. You can change the
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size and color of the symbol.

e. Please note that it is not possible to create

sections from intermediate nodes. To do so, you
first have to convert the intermediate node to a
node. Right-click on an intermediate node and
choose to Insert Node.

5. Insert Section

a. Click on the Insert Section icon.

c. The cursor, when put on the study page,

should carry the word Insert.

c. Double left-click on the section where a new

section is to be inserted.
Hold the mouse button at the second click
and move the cursor to position the new

d. When you release the mouse button, the Section Properties dialog box for
the new section appears. By default it replicates the existing section. Enter the
data correctly, such as the type and the length. Click OK when all data is
entered. The new section is inserted before the section selected.

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6. Split Section

a. Click on the Split Section icon.

b. The cursor, when put on the study page,

should carry the word Split.

c. Double left click on the section to be split

and hold the mouse button at the second click.
Move the cursor to the new node position.

d. When you release the mouse button, the Section Properties dialog box for
the new section appears. By default it takes the total length of the original line,
so enter the length of the first section. Please note that it cannot be longer than
the length of the original section. Click OK when the data is entered and the
original section should be split into two, with the first section having the new
length and the second section having the remaining of the original length.

7. Building by Dragging and Dropping

Building a network using drag-and-drop makes use of the Symbol Bar tab of the
Multi-explorer of CYME.

a. If you do not have the Multi-explorer

enabled, go to View > Explorer Bars, select
the explorer bar desired and click on OK.

b. Verify if the Symbol Bar tab is present in the Multi-explorer, if not, right-click
in the free space of the tab area in the Multi- explorer and select Add > Symbol
Bar from the pop-up menu.
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8. Customize the Symbol Bar Tab

In the Symbol Bar tab, you can make use of the Default groups
available from CYME. Each group consists of equipments listed so they
are easily accessible for dragging-and-dropping.

a. If you wish to modify the content of the Symbol Bar tab, you can open the
group and select Customize Group from the pop-up menu on the right-click.

b. In the Customize Group dialog box, you can then select which Equipment
Id from which Device is to be included in a certain group. Therefore, you can
only select those equipments most commonly used from the Equipment

c. Likewise, you can create a new group by choosing Add Group from the pop-
up menu upon the right-click. In the
Add Group dialog box, you can name the group and select the equipments
to be included in this new group.

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9. Network Building

a. You can drag and drop a network onto the study page. As previously,
the Network Properties dialog box will appear as soon as you have
dropped the Network.

b. Likewise, you can drag and drop a line onto a node (it will change color to
display it has been properly selected) from which a new section is to be
created. Release the mouse button and the line will be attached to the node
onto which it has been dropped. Move the cursor away from the node to select
the location of the end node of the section.

c. When adding a device to a section, you need to place it at the correct location.
Loads and capacitors can be at the from node, at the middle, or at the to node.
Other elements can only be at the from node or the to node.

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Device at from node Device at to node

d. Dragging and dropping a line onto a bus is also possible. You will not
have to create a connector prior to connecting a line: it will be created

Select a line from the Symbol Bar tab, drag and drop it onto a bus which
will change its color for it is selected. Move the cursor away to position the
to-node of the section and left-click. The line is created.

10. Graphic Tools

Undo Modification To undo the last change. You may undo as

many consecutive changes as desired: click the down arrow to see the list
of modifications done. Equivalent menu command: Edit >Undo Modif.

Redo Modification Cancels the last Undo command. You may

redo as many undone changes as desired. Not available until at least one
change has been undone. Click the down arrow to see a list
CYMDIST – Training Manual 65 | P a g e
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of modifications to ‘redo’. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Redo


Pan – Click the right mouse button once and hold it down (the
cursor will show “Pan”). Move the mouse and release the button.
The picture on the screen will move as though you had pulled it.

Zoom – Click the right mouse button twice and hold it down. The
cursor should change to “Zoom”. Move the mouse so that the
outline box surrounds the desired area and release the button.

Zoom – If your mouse is equipped with a wheel, you can zoom in or out
using that wheel. The center of the area that will be zoomed (the focus of
the zoom) will be the location of the cursor on the display. It will remain
visible as you change the zoom level.

Zoom tools – You can choose Zoom In or Zoom Out to

increase or decrease the size of the network components and the level of
details displayed. Zoom to fit will bring you to your original display, while
Magnify will allow you to select and magnify a small part of the network.

Display Best Fit. Will resize all drawing elements (line width, font
size, symbol size) in relation to one another. The corresponding
drawing settings found in the Display Options dialog box are
changed. Note that the changes made to the display cannot be
undone using the Undo Modif command.

Contextual Menu Commands each network element has a set of commands

that can be accessed directly in the workspace by right click the mouse
button. Below is an example of the available commands for a Typical Two and
Single Port Network Element.

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Section: Motor:

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[6] Substation Modeling– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

The CYME program includes the option to

model substations, and to create nested
networks which could be used to represent
industrial plants, motor control centers,
panel boards, etc.

Open the self-contained study

SubstationModel.sxst. The networks
should look as follows.

2. Substation

a. On the Left
Hand side of the
workspace, click on
the Network icon in
the Symbol Bar
and drag and drop
onto the workspace.
Or, use the Add

Network icon
and double click on
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the workspace at
the location desired
for the substation.
b. In the Network Properties dialog
box, specify a name for the
substation (for example,SUB-1), set
Network type to Substation, and the
View style of the network to
Schematic to obtain a single-line
diagram view.

c. In the Source tab of Network

Properties, select a source.

d. Click on OK once all the

information is entered. The
substation should appear.

e. If you click on the substation, you

can change its size by dragging the
resizing handles located at the
corners of the substation symbol.
You can also rotate the symbol by
using the rotate handles next to the

f. If the cursor is put on the

substation box, a window will pop
up to show the contents of the

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3. Building a Substation
a. Double click on the Sub-1 symbol to
open the workspace of the new network in
a new tab window in the main display. Or
right click on the substation and select
View in the pop-up menu.

b. To build inside the substation, use the Add Section icon .Select the
source node, slide the mouse away from the source node, and double-click on
create a section. The Section Properties dialog box will appear in which you can
click on to add the devices desired to the section created.

c. Buses are available if the

Substation Modeling module is
To add a bus, right click on the
node and select Properties from
the pop-up menu. In the
Coordinates tab select the
Display as a bus

d. The second method to draw a bus is to: (1) select a node and put the
cursor on either side of the node so the cursor shows a horizontal double-
arrow, (2) drag to lengthen the side and (3) repeat for the other side of the

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(1) (2) (3) (4)

e. To connect to a bus, connectors are needed. Right-click on the bus, and

choose Add Connector from the pop-up menu. You can create as many
connectors as desired on the bus. The position of the connector can be
changed by moving the connector along the bus.

Note that only Nodes can be used as connection ports to and from nested

f. From a connector, you can then create sections.

Select the connector so it is active, and use the
Add Section icon to add a section
starting from that point.

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4. Connecting to a Substation

Once the substation is built, a

connection point is needed to
connect the substation. The
substation can be connected to a
feeder, to an overhead line, etc.

There are two ways to make that connection.

Create a connection port

a. In the substation (Sub-1

tab), select the node which is to
be made a connection port.

b. Right click on it and select the option: “Create

Connection Port”.

c. The node will now be

displayed on the perimeter of the
substation symbol to allow you to
connect any network element.

d. Drag the element to which the

substation is to be connected to
and drop it on the connection
port located at the perimeter of
the substation

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Drag and drop

a. Drag and drop a source onto the substation box.

The Connect assistant appears.

b. If you choose to connect the node to another node, the Assistant will then
prompt you to select the node to which the feeder is to be connected to. Select
a node in the substation by clicking on it; its Node Id will appear in the
Selection box. Click on Connect when finished.

c. If you choose to Drop the node inside this view, it will then drop the node
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inside the substation, without attaching it. It is then up to you to drag the
feeder connection node to attach it to a node in the substation.

d. When you are finished connecting

the feeder to the substation, you will
see in the feeder view that the feeder
is now visually connected to the
border of the substation symbol.

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[7] Secondary Network Modeling– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The CYME program includes the option to model secondary networks, which
are networks along the primary distribution networks. Examples are
underground networks, secondary grids, etc.

1. Getting Started

a. Open the self-contained study SecondNetModel.sxst by using the Open

Study icon , or do so by going to File

> Open Study.

The networks should look as shown.

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2. Creating a Secondary Network

a. Click on the Add Network icon in the Editor

Tools toolbar.

The cursor, when moved over the

work space, should carry the word

b. Double click at the location

where the Secondary network is
desired. For this tutorial, create the
secondary network between the
node 79_HEAD of feeder GA09
and node 6046 of feeder GA02.
The Network Properties dialog box

c. In the Network tab, enter a

name for the new secondary

d. Select Secondary Network in

the Network Type drop down list.
The color of the secondary network
can also be changed.

e. Click on OK.

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3. Connecting to a Secondary Network

Once the secondary network is created,

it can be connected to the primary

a. Open the secondary network. Do so by:

• Right-clicking on the secondary network and

View from the pop-up menu,

• Or double-clicking on the secondary network.

Inside the secondary network,

there should already be a
source. That source will be used
as the connection point from a
primary network to the
secondary network.

b. Create as many connection

points inside the secondary
network as needed with the use

of the Add Source icon from

the Editor Tools toolbar. Inside
the Source Properties dialog

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box, choose the secondary

network in the For Network
c. In the
network view click
on the Main
tab or click on the
Step Out button
to go to the
primary network
view. Choose the
node which is to
be connected to
the secondary
network, and drag
and drop it over
the secondary

For this tutorial,

drag node
79_HEAD for the

d. Choose the option Connect the node to another node, select the source
node inside the secondary network.


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f. The Connect dialog

box should now display
the node ID of the selected

g. Click on the
Connect button to
complete the

h. Repeat the same procedure described above to connect other primary

networks to the secondary network. For this tutorial, drag node 6046 of GA02
for connection.

4. Building the Secondary Network

Once the connections from the primary networks to the secondary network
are completed, we can then proceed to building the secondary network.

The building of the secondary network is the same as the building of the
primary networks. Sections with devices can be added via the Section
Properties dialog box or by dragging and dropping the elements from the
Symbol bar tab of the Multi-Explorer pane.
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A good verification method as to whether the secondary network is being built

correctly is to use the color-coding by Network color. Activate this function
through the Display tab of the Explorer Bar, or through the Color Coding
Layer toolbar (View > Toolbars > Color Coding Layer).

If all connections are made correctly, then everything

inside the secondary network should be the same
color. If there were branches colored differently, it
would be a good indication that a connection point for
those sections is not well made.
5. Installation of Network Protectors

It is possible to install Network Protectors in secondary networks. Network

Protectors are used to prevent the current to travel away from the secondary
grid towards the primary feeders. Their main purpose is to open when a
backward flowing current is detected.

a. Open the secondary network Urban_Network.

b. In the Multi-explorer pane, select the Switching and Protection tab.

c. Drag and drop the Network Protector to the node 32. Connect to the bus

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d. Once the Network Protector is connected, the Section Properties dialog

box of the corresponding section will open with a double-click on the Network
Protector icon. The settings for the Network Protector, such as the Relay
Settings and Operation mode, can be entered.

6. Loading the Secondary Network

It is possible to work with only the secondary network without loading the
primary feeders.

a. Click on the Select Networks icon from the Main toolbar.

b. In the Select Networks dialog box, check only the Secondary Networks
(note: the network type column indicates it) and click OK.

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7. Load Flow with Network Protectors

a. When the Secondary Grid Network Modeling and Analysis module

license is available, the user also has access to the Fast Decoupled
calculation method in the load flow analysis.

e. The load flow method

includes an option to allow
the evaluation of the network
protectors’ states.
In the Analysis > Load Flow
Analysis dialog box, go to
the Calculation Options in
the Parameters tab to check
the Evaluate State of
Network Protectors option.

f. The Maximum attempts

option specifies the maximum
iterations allowed to

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determine the final state of

the network protectors. In
normal cases, 20 attempts
are sufficient.

d. Click on Run.

e. Upon completion of the

load flow analysis, a Network
Protectors report will appear
to indicate which network
protectors have changed state
(in Bold).

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Nested Network Modeling– CYME 8.0

1. Getting Started

The CYME program includes the option to model substations, and to create
nested networks which could be used to represent industrial plants, motor
control centers, panel boards, etc.

a. Launch the program and proceed to open a new study and

workspace by clicking on the icon of the

Main tool bar.

2. Nested Networks

a. To model a sub-
network such as an
industrial plant or
motor control center,
click on the Nested
View Icon and drag as
close as possible to
the desired node.

b. Once the node

color changes,
release the mouse

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c. You can then size

the network by
moving the mouse to
increase or decrease
the surface area of
the sub- network.

d. Once the size is determined

click once with the left mouse

e. The Nested View Properties dialog box will

pop up. Enter a Name and set the View style
(geographically referenced or schematic).

f. Click on the OK button.

g. You can also create a floating

nested network (without connecting to
any node) by dragging and dropping it
into anywhere inside the workspace.
Once the nested network is created,
then drag the node to which it should
be connected onto the nested network
to make the connection.

h. To open the nested network:

• double click on the nested

network symbol to open the
workspace of the sub-network,

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• or right clicking on the nested network and

Choose View from the pop-up menu (as shown to

the right),

• or click on the Step Into icon

located on the upper right hand
corner of the workspace and choose
the name of the nested network to
display (STEEL- PLANT in our case)

Example of a nested network,once opened:

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[8] Load Type & Load Modeling– CYME 8.0

Load Model

Load Models are created using the Load Model Manager. All analysis, reports
and result boxes will use the active load model.

Load Model Manager:

To create load models names. The customer types part of the load model are
created using the Customer Type button. This data is saved with the self-
contained study. Same as Network > Load Model Manager.

To create load models names. Click on New to create a new name (do not use
spaces between characters). You can either create a blank model or copy an
existing model. The Delete command deletes from the database the data related
to the load model name, whereas the Reset command sets to zero the loads of
the model while not removing the name from the database.

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For a blank load model, you may need to import the data using the menu
command Database > Import. If this option is not checked, the software will
copy the model from the load model which name is selected.

The customer load data is typically set through the load Settings group boxes
of the Section Properties dialog box of each section for which a load is
specified. You can also associate a load model to a source specified with user-
defined parameters (see Equivalent Tab)

Customer Types:

Display the Customer Types dialog box where you can edit the existing
customer types and create new ones. You can also access this function
from the menu Network > Customer Types

This command enables you to define and manage customer types and
categories. The four categories, “Residential”, “Commercial”, “Industrial”, and
“Other” are the base classes, and as such cannot be deleted. Click on New to
create new ones to be added to this list.

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To specify the portion of the load that is the constant power (P), the constant
current (I) and the constant impedance (Z).

Modeling of loads-Spot Load & Distributed Load

ƒ Select Node from where spot/distributed load to be added.

ƒ Click on Add section

ƒ Double click on added section & see section properties.

ƒ In section properties select type of load.

ƒ Under settings, select Load Model, Customer Type and select format for
study like Kw-Kvar, Amp-PF etc.

ƒ Specify value related to Real/Reactive Power, Consumption, Connected

Capacity and phase 3-ph, 2-ph, 1-ph.

ƒ Click on OK in section properties

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Specify Load Model

Load Modeling

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[9] Network Equivalent & Network Reduction– CYME 8.0

Two self-contained study files (.sxst) to use with this tutorial are provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of that file. The
Substation Modeling module is required for this tutorial.

1. Network Equivalent Calculation

The Network Equivalent calculation function of CYME allows the user to

compute an equivalent source that represents the networks connected
upstream and a load equivalent that represents all the downstream networks.

This Network Equivalent calculation runs for the networks in the database
and not only for the ones displayed.

a. Open the self contained study: NetworkEquivReduc1.sxst. The

networks contained in the self-contained study should look as illustrated.

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b. Double-click on the substation

symbol GALVESTON on the one-
line diagram to view the network
connected upstream.

You can also click on the Step into

icon located in the top right of the
workspace and select the
GALVESTON substation.

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c. For the purposes of this tutorial, display the properties of feeder GA06
before running the Network Equivalence Calculation module. To do so, click
on the GA06 feeder icon (as shown in the figure).You will be directed to the
GA06 head node in the geographical view. Click on that node to access the
corresponding Network properties dialog box.
The properties we are looking for are in the Equivalent tab window. Select
the Equivalent Impedances mode. Click OK to close the dialog box and
proceed with the next steps.

d. Select the Network > Network Equivalent

Calculation menu option.

The option Calculate the

Equivalents for all Networks in
Memory Only will be
automatically selected. Click on
the button Calculate.

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e. Select again the properties of the feeder GA06.

You will notice that the equivalent
source and the load equivalent
have been computed as shown.

2. Network Reduction

The Network Reduction function is

designed to reduce the size of a network
model by replacing sets of nodes and
the network elements (lines, fuse, etc.)
that connect them with a reduced
network yet retaining the electrical
characteristics of the original

The network can be reduced for:

• Symmetrical or asymmetrical short circuit

• Load flow calculation.

The reduced network will provide

identical short circuit and power flow
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results as the original network.

a. Open the self contained study NetworkEquivReduc2.sxst.
Feeder GA04 will be displayed.

b. Select the menu command Network > Network Reduction to display the
Network Reduction dialog box.

c. Click Add to
create a
name: Tutorial-

d. Select feeder GA04.

e. For the purposes

of this tutorial, select
in the Result group
box the option
Create new
network(s) with its
two options checked
(Show in new window
and Keep
geographical aspect).

f. Click on the button Customize. This displays the Network/Section Names

dialog box that shows you the original network name GA04 and the new
Network name that CYME proposes: NEW_GA04. Click on OK.

The tab Device Restrictions allows the user to select the devices that are not

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to be included in the network reduction. You may set some Filter rules for any

Device selected by clicking on Add button located in the Filter Rules

group box.

g. For the purposes of this tutorial, unselect all the devices.

h. Click on the tab

Node Restrictions
and select the
nodes that will be
excluded from the
Network Reduction

i. Select node 10196 to node

11829 and click on the button
Protect selected nodes.

j. To start the
network reduction
simulation, click
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After performing a Network Reduction, you will notice that the size of the feeder
GA04 has been reduced, as shown.

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[10] Load Allocation- CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The Load Allocation analysis is used to adjust the connected load to match
the metered demand. CYME will assign a portion of the metered demand to
each phase of each section according to the distribution transformer size
(connected kVA), the customer consumption data (kWh), the real
consumptions (kVA or kW) or the REA method.

1. Allocating Loads Globally

This function allows adjusting individual load

points so the total load of the circuit adds up to the
desired demand (load level).
In this first case, we will see how the user can
allocate the load to be able to analyze a circuit in
peak conditions.

Annual peak of feeder GA09:

Phase A: 382.3 Amps pf = 97.6% Phase
B: 361.7 Amps pf = 98.2%
Phase C: 359.2 Amps pf = 98.1%

a. Open the self-contained study named LoadAllocation.sxst.

b. In the Analysis menu, select the Load Allocation option to display the Load
Allocation Analysis dialog box.

c. You need to select the Networks, the Allocation Method, the Tolerance
and the Demand Type that are going to be used for this process:
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• Select the Feeder GA09 (a)

• Select Connected kVA in the Allocation Method drop down list (b)

• Click on the
button to access the
parameters of the load
allocation (c)

• Enter 0.01% for the

Tolerance, (this item is
illustrated on the next
page) (d)

• Enter the demand as

listed above (select
AMP-PF as the type) (e)

g. To run the load allocation,

click on

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e. To see the total load that

was allocated during the
process, select the starting
of the feeder and look at the
result box called
Load Flow Box.

The current (or power) that

flows through this first node
should match the demand,
or load level, you requested.

Note: If the result box does

not appear automatically,
press CTRL+V on your

f. In this example, the Allocation Method selected was connected kVA, so

the demand (load) was allocated to the individual load points as a function
(proportion) of the connected kVA entered for each load.

Using this method, one can expect that a load point having a connected kVA
value of 100 kVA would get twice the load of another load point having a
connected kVA of 50 kVA since this method distributes the demand
proportionally to the connected kVA of each load point. As an example, review
the load at section 6156 versus section 6366. Open the related Section
Properties dialog boxes to view the details.

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2. Allocating Loads by Metering Points

Now, let’s assume that not only the demand of the feeder is available to the
user, but other points on the feeder have been recorded as well. The user
has the total demand of the feeder, plus other measurements on the feeder.

Having more measured points will allow the load allocation function to
adjust the load points of the network more precisely. This will allow for a
more accurate representation of the system.

In this situation, we
know the total
demand on the
feeder (Meter #1,
switch on section
6156); and we also
know the demand
flowing through the
switch on section
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8654 (Meter#2,
switch on section

a. Open the self-contained study named Load Allocation.sxst.

b. Locate the two switches on which you want to create meters to enter the
demand to be allocated.

c. For each meter:

x Open the corresponding Section Properties dialog box. (a)
x In the Devices list, expand the Switch group and select Meter. This enables
the Demand group box and the button New. (b)

x Press to add the meter. (c)

x Enter in the Demand group box the demand mentioned above (select kW-
KVAR as the Type). (d)
x Press OK to save the changes. (e)

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d. Once the two meters have been added, select Load Allocation from the

Analysis menu to display the Load Allocation Analysis dialog box.

e. You need to select the Networks, the Allocation Method, the Tolerance and the

x Select the Feeder GA09

x Make sure the Feeder Demand set in Section 1 is disconnected and that
x Select Consumption (kWh) in the Allocation Method drop down list to
x Enter 0.01% for the Tolerance
x Verify that the meters are connected, while the demand for feeder GA09 is not
(or is 0)

f. Click on Run to perform the load allocation.

g. To verify the results of the load allocation, open the result box called Load
Flow Box and select the locations of the meters. You should see that the
d d h dh b ll d l b

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[11] Load Flow Analysis– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

a. Launch the program.

b. Open the self-contained DistribLoadFlow.sxst .

2. Network Description

This is a network as modeled in the CYME software.

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3. Power Flow Analysis

The objective of a Load Flow program is to analyze the steady-state

performance of the distribution power system under various operating
conditions. It is the basic analysis tool for the planning, design and operation
of any electrical power system which could be distribution, industrial or

a. Select Load Flow

Analysis, from the list of
available analyses. (See
illustration.) You can also
select it from Analysis >
Load Flow.

b. Click on the Run

Simulation icon in
the Simulation toolbar
open the Load Flow Analysis dialog

c. The Load Flow

Analysis dialog box
comprises of six tabs that
will allow you to set the:

Load Flow analysis

Parameters including
any Load and Generation
Scaling Factors.
The Networks that the Load
CYMDIST – Training Manual 105 | P a g e
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Flow is to be performed on.

The Controls to include or exclude particular equipment to the simulation.
The Loading Limits of equipment.
The Voltage Limits of system and customer loads.
The Output options to include reports, tags, color coding and tool tips.

4. Load Flow Study



a. Calculation method. The calculation

method is a voltage drop method that can be
used on balanced and unbalanced networks.
For this tutorial, it will be set to the Voltage
Drop – Unbalanced.

b. Convergence Parameters.
For this tutorial, they are set to 0.01
%(V) tolerances and the maximum
number of Iterations to 40.

c. Uncheck Remove all constraints. With

this option unchecked, the power flow will be
solved taking into account all generator
reactive power constraint limits and the tap
range of all voltage regulating transformers

d. Select the option “As defined” for all the

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Load and Generation Scaling Factors. In this

case, no scaling factors will be applied on the
loads, motors and generators. In other words
all active and reactive power as entered in the
network setting will be used in the power flow
analysis. The scaling factors can also be
applied as Global, By Zone or “By Equipment
(Load, Motor or Generator) Type”.

e. Voltage and
Frequency Sensitivity
Load Model is used to
account for the variation
of the load with the bus
or node voltage.

f. CYME uses the ZIP

model, equivalent to
using nP, nQ to model

g. For the purpose of this

tutorial, the load model
selection will be set to By
Load Type and the profile
to Default.

h. By clicking on , the load types are displayed in details.

i. Voltage threshold Vz is the voltage below which all loads are converted to
constant impedance. Once the voltage recovers they are switched back to their
original state. Vz is set to 80% for all load types in this case.
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j. Click on OK.

Note: The Frequency Sensitivity component Pfreq and Qfreq of the load will
only be considered during transient stability studies.


a. Select the TUTORIAL network.


a. Include all Capacitors, Generators, and Motors and select the Normal
operation of the transformer tap controls.

Loading Limits

a. Select the Limit

Category that is to be
applied on this particular
study which in our Tutorial
will be set to Planning
operating conditions.

b. The corresponding
column for the % Loading
Limits data entry will be
activated (blue) to allow
entry of the individual
loading limits for any
network component.
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c. Select the Summer

data entry for the
equipment rating criteria.
This option will use the
Summer data of each

Voltage Limits

a. The Limit Category will be set to

Planning operating conditions.

b. Set the Voltage Limits for the

planning operating conditions as 105
% for the High Voltage limit and 95 %
for the Low Voltage limit.


a. Check the Display

the Iterations Report
option to display the

b. Check the reports

check boxes to display
various load flow
results reports after the

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c. Check the Select

checkbox and click on the
Add button to display the
Analysis Reports dialog

Check the desired load

flow reports. In this case,
the following reports are

Load Flow – Abnormal Voltage

Load Flow – Detailed
Load Flow – Feeder loading
Load Flow –
Load Flow – Summary Report

Click OK.

Click on the button to solve the load flow.

5. Simulation Results

a. Display the load flow result tags by selecting Power Flow Results from

the Tag Layer drop-down menu. Click on the icon to display the dialog
box where you will be able to specify, for each type of equipment, the data
that will appear in the tags; such as the Bus Voltage (p.u.), angle in deg.,
cable current flows, MW and MVAR’s, etc.

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b. To view detailed results on a section or equipment, open the Load Flow

Box by selecting View > Result Box > Load Flow Box.

c. Power Flow Iteration Report.

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6. Abnormal Conditions

a. Click on the button to display any

abnormal conditions such as

bus voltage
violations or overload conditions.

b. As an example the
following abnormal
conditions from section T3
can be noted:
The cable supplying power to the motor PM2 is overloaded since it is color
coded in yellow. The current through the cable is 180.8A on each phase, which
exceeds the
85 % loading limit of the standard rating of the cable.

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7. Result Layer Customization

a. Go to the Customize > One-Line Diagram >

Tags and Text menu option. b. The Tags and
Text customization dialog box will be displayed on
screen. c. Click on the Add button dialog to
display the Layer Properties dialog box.

d. Enter the Layer Name and Category

which in our tutorial are Detailed Load
Flow Results and Load Flow respectively
e. Click on the to save the description of the

f. A new layer for the

Power Flow results is
now created in order
to customize the one-
line diagram display
with any simulation
results that you may
require by using the
keywords provided
with the program.

g. You can select a

combination of
keywords and
characters such as
the name or unit.
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The characters will also be displayed in the results tag.

h. An example would be the balanced current $IBal$ in amps (A). This would
be entered as $IBal$ A.

i. It is important to always click on the save button after completing your

customization so as they will be saved permanently in your configuration files.

8. Result Box Customization

a. In the Load Flow Box, Click on the

Customize this result box button .

b. An expanded version with all

the keywords will be displayed.

c. If necessary, increase the number of rows or columns.

d. To add a keyword, select the field where it is to be

added and
click on select key.
e. Add the desired keywords.
f. It is also possible to customize the result box to display different keywords per
To do so, click on the Manager button.
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Typical Keywords are listed below for your reference.

Component Keywords Description

Bus $BusId$ Bus Id
$Vpu$ Balanced Voltage in p.u.
($PH-Angle$) ( Bus Voltage Angle in Degrees )
Cable $IBal$ A Line Current in Amps
Motor or Static Load $MWTOT$ MW Total Through Active Power in
$ $

9. Reports

The reports after the

simulation are
displayed in the
bottom of the screen
in the Reports area.

The abnormal
conditions are
highlighted in the
reports using the
same colors as on
the one- line

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[12] Load Growth– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The Load Growth command allows the user to specify the percentage change
for loads during specific years, modify the loads accordingly and run the
simulation to evaluate the effect of such load changes on the network. The
growth factor (s) may be general or user defined, the latter giving the
possibility to specify annual growth rates for loads on specific sections, zones,
feeders and nested networks.

1. General Mode

The General growth option allows entering a growth percentage that is either
a total percentage of growth regardless of the number of years or a percentage
of growth per year from the actual year to the final year of the simulation.

a. Open the self-contained study named Load Growth .sxst.

b. Run a Load Flow analysis on the feeder

GA07. To do so, select the Load Flow analysis
in the drop down list of the Simulation
toolbar and click the Run Simulation button

to open the corresponding dialog box and

click on inside the dialog box.

c. Select section 6252 and open the result box called Load Flow Box
(Ctrl+V). Observe the real power through on each phase.

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Note: You can use the Detailed View tab of the Multi-Explorer pane to search
for the section.

d. Now, select section 6514, on which is connected the first load on the
network, and open the Section Properties dialog box. Click on the Spot
Load By Phase item in the Devices group box on the left-hand side to see
that the load is 10.35 kW per phase.

e. Go to Network > Load Growth > Apply Factors. Select the Feeder GA07 and
choose to perform a load growth of 5% total on all types of load until the end
of year 2007:

• Select the feeders on which the load growth is to be performed. You can select
one or more feeders at a time.
For the purpose of this exercise, we will apply load growth on the feeder GA07,
which consists of spot loads of residential (143), commercial (38) and
industrial (1) types. (1)

• You can view the Actual year(s) of the load(s) belonging to the feeder
selected. (2)

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• Type in the year (2007) to which the load will be set to after the load growth
process. (3)

• Select the General Growth option and enter the growth factor. Decide
whether the growth factor is Total or
Per Year. (4)

• Select the Load Type

(Spot Loads and/or
Distributed Loads) on
which the load growth
is to be performed. (5)

• Select the Customer

Type (residential, other,
commercial, industrial,
and/or any user-defined)
on which the growth
factor will be applied. (6)

f. Once the OK button is clicked, CYME will apply the growth factor to the
customer type(s) of the load type(s) selected.

f. Once the load growth simulation is

completed, run a Load Flow analysis. View
the results on section 6252. Compare the
real power through to what was obtained
before the load growth simulation – the values
have increased by approximately 5%.
g. Now, observe the load value on section
6514 – it is 10.87 kW per phase.

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2. User-defined Mode :

The User defined growth allows defining more precise growth percentages
through the Edit Growth Factor
dialog box. The factors can be entered per feeder, section, zone, substation and
secondary network.

a. Go to Network > Load Growth > Edit Factors to access the Edit Growth
Factors dialog box.

b. Select the Year to which the factors will be associated to. More than one
year can be selected at the same time by holding down the Ctrl button, but
the same factors will be associated to each.

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c. Growth factors can be specified per feeder, section, zone, substation and
network. Filters can be applied on the locations displayed.

d. The Growth Rate can be specified for each load type (spot or distributed) and
then for each customer class (residential, other, commercial, industrial, and/or
any user-defined).

You repeat this process if growth factors are to be set for other years, or for
the same year but by different types of factors.

For the purpose of

this exercise, we will
apply load growth to
the spot load on
section 6514 of

e. We are setting a
load growth to year
2008 such that the
residential spot
load on section
6514 will grow by

f. Once all factors

are entered, click
on Set and then on

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g. To apply the
factors, go to
Network > Load
Growth > Apply
Factors, select the
User defined
growth option, set
Load growth to
end of year 2008
and run the

h. After the load growth simulation, view the load on section 6514. The
load value is 11.96 kW per phase, which represents a 10% increase on its
previous value of 10.87 kW.

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[13] Load Balancing– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The Load Balancing Analysis of CYME will re-phase conductors or re-

connect loads according to a user-defined objective of either minimize the
KW losses, balance the load, balance the current or balance the voltage.

1. Feeder Load Unbalance Factor

a. Open the self-contained study named

Load Balancing .sxst.

b. Run a Load Flow analysis on the

network to determine the load
unbalance in the feeder. To do so,
select the Load Flow analysis in the
drop down list of the Simulation
toolbar and click the Run

Simulation button to open the


c. Click on .

d. Click on the Show Abnormal Conditions button

The one-line diagram color will change to indicate that there are low voltage
problems on almost the entire feeder.

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e. Select section 6189 and open the

result box called Load Flow Box
(CTRL-V). You can notice a large
current unbalance between the
Phase A and B (or C) of section

f. Go to Report > Analysis menu option and open the Load Flow – Summary
Report. From the report, it can be seen that the kW losses are 154.14 kW. The
Abnormal Conditions table also indicates 1016 sections with low-voltage
conditions, and 3 sections with overload conditions on the phase A.

2. Load Balancing Analysis

a. Select the Load Balancing analysis from the drop down list in the
Simulation toolbar and click on the Run

Simulation button . Select the Feeder GA02.

b. Four objective functions are available: Minimize the KW losses, Balance the

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load (KVA), Balance the current (A), or Balance the Voltage(V).

• Select Balance Currents (A) as

the Objective.

• Set the Minimum

Current to1 A.

• Set the Minimum

unbalanced factor
(difference in phase current)
to 2 %.

c. Include all possible overhead line sections and underground cables (i.e.
uncheck all the options in the Restrictions group box). These are the line
sections which are to be considered in the analysis.

d. Click on the Run button to start the load balancing simulation.

e. The program will then identify all possible re-phasing of conductors that
can be implemented on the feeder and display the results on the screen.
Each re-phasing step recommended includes specific information as to which
phase(s) is (are) involved, the Load transferred and the Total losses before
and after the re-phasing operation.

f. Right click on

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1:Feeder - GA02 and

select Apply All. Click
on OK to exit the Load
Balancing Analysis
dialog box.

g. Run a Load Flow analysis on the network, as in Part 1.

h. The Show Abnormal Conditions option should still be activated. The one-
line diagram will show that there are no more low voltage problems on the

i. Select section 6189 and open

the result box called Load Flow Box
(Ctrl+V). You will see that the
current unbalance factor is almost
reduced to 0 % at the source of
feeder GA02.

j. Access the Load Flow – Summary Report again. It can be seen that the losses
have dropped to 62.43 kW. Also, the Abnormal Conditions table does not show
any sections with a voltage problem anymore

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[14] GIS Map Overlay– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst)and map files to use with this tutorial are
provided. The explanations below are based on the use of those files.

The user can display raster or vector map images (geographical land-base
such as DWG, DXF, SHP, etc) as layers directly underneath the electrical

With this option, you will be able to perform your simulation and visualize the
results just as if you were in a view of your CAD or AM/FM/GIS system.

1. Attach a Shapefile Map

a. Along with this tutorial are the background map files used for this exercise,
which are located inside the installation folder CYME\Tutorial\How-

b. Next, open the self contained study file

BackgroundMap.sxst. (File > Open Study).

c. Select the Background Map tab from the

Multi-explorer pane. If the tab is not visible,
right-click on the Multi- explorer pane on a
free space in the tab area and choose to add
the Background Map tab from the pop- up
menu. You can also click on the Background
map icon in the Map toolbar to display the
tab in the Multi- explorer pane.

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d. In the Background Map tab under the field Type, you can select to display
three types of file: MapServer Files (*.gds), AutoCAD Files (*.DWG and *.DXF)
or Shape Files (*.shp). The Map Server program supports numerous formats
for Geographical Map information, such as Windows bitmap (.bmp), Atlas GIS
(.bna), AutoCAD (.dxf), Tagged Image File Format (.tiff), etc.

• Select the file type Shapefiles (*.shp).

• Click on the Select button to open the Dataset Selection dialog box in which
the files can be selected.

• Browse for the Background Map folder as mentioned in step 1, and select all
the files listed. Click on Open.

• Under the field Datasets, a list of the available layers is displayed. To

show or hide specific layers, click to place or remove check marks next the
file names.

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• To customize the
map layers, right-
click on the layer
and select
Properties from the
pop- up menu. The
Layer Properties
dialog box allows
users to change the
color and the
thickness of the
lines used for the

2. Importing AutoCAD Maps into a Database

a. Importing a map into the database enables the automatic map loading
when selected feeders are loaded. Files of type AutoCAD can be imported
when a database is connected. Create a new study for the next steps (File >
New Study).
b. In the Background Map tab of the Multi-explorer pane, click on the
Database button (when connected to a database).

c. Select the Browse button and choose the directory where the AutoCAD
files are stored. Once the selection is done, click on the Import button.

d. Once the file is imported, check the Automatically load the map(s) from
the database checkbox to enable the automatic loading of the map layers
covering the area shown in the main display.

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[15] Optimal Capacitor Placement– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The Capacitor Placement analysis will suggest optimal locations to install

capacitor banks on a desired feeder according to a user-defined objective of
either Minimize the kW losses or Improve the system voltage.

1. Getting Started

This exercise consists of connecting a new industrial customer to the feeder

GA04 and correcting the voltage problems introduced using the Capacitor
Placement analysis.

a. Open the self-contained study named CapPlacement.sxst.

b. Run a Load Flow analysis on the network. To do so, select the

Load Flow analysis in the drop down list of the Simulation toolbar and

click the Run Simulation button to open the corresponding dialog.

Click on .

Verify that there are no abnormal conditions on the network by clicking on the
Show Abnormal Conditions button

2. Addition of an Industrial Plant

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a. The industrial customer (2.3 MVA)

will be connected to node 14499.

b. Zoom in on node 14499 to see the industrial


c. Connect the industrial customer by

right clicking on it and selecting the
command Connected from the pop-
up menu.

d. Run the Load Flow analysis on the network and click on the Show Abnormal
Conditions button. As indicated by the red color, the addition of the industrial
load has caused a substantial voltage drop on the feeder.
3. Capacitor Placement Analysis

a. To solve the low voltage problem, run a Capacitor Placement analysis. Go to

Analysis > Capacitor Placement > Run menu option, or select Capacitor
Placement in the drop down list of the Simulation Toolbar and click on the
Run Simulation button.

b. Select the Objectives tab and choose the following options in the dialog box:

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• Objectives: Improve system voltage.

• Threshold voltage: 115 V. This is the voltage below which CYMDIST will
initiate the process of adding Capacitors.

• Target voltage: 124 V.

c. Click on the Restrictions tab

and choose to ignore all single and
two-phase line sections, and all
underground cables.

d. Click on the Capacitor Banks tab to specify

the size of capacitors that are available for the
• the Minimum capacitor bank
size to 300 kvar/phase

• the Maximum capacitor bank

size to 1200 kvar/phase

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• the Increment in capacitor bank

size to 300 kvar/phase
The number of locations to install capacitor banks can also be specified here. In
our case we are allowing only one location for the capacitor banks installation.
e. Under the Load Levels tab,
specify the feeder load levels as per
the values indicated. This will
determine the size of fixed and
switched capacitors required for
each loading condition of the feeder.

f. Click on the Run button to launch the analysis and display the results.

g. Under the Results tab, click on all the buttons to expand the tree view
and show the optimal location suggested for the installation of the capacitor
bank, i.e. section 15097. Clicking on 15097 will make the size of the banks
(fixed and switched) and the reduction in KW losses displayed.

h. Select Peak Load: 100.0 % and click on the Apply Capacitor button to
install the capacitor on section 15097.
Click on OK.

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h. Run the Load Flow analysis again, click on the Show Abnormal
Conditions button and generate the Load Flow Summary report. As it can be
noticed, the addition of the capacitor bank has eliminated all voltage
problems on phases A and B while reducing significantly the low voltage
problem on phase C of the feeder.

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[16] Short –Circuit Analysis– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

Launch the CYME program. Open the ShortCircuit.sxst self contained study
file provided with this tutorial.

2. Network Description

This is a 14-bus system as modeled in CYME. The system includes two

generators and ten motors.

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3. Short-Circuit Analysis

a. Select Short-Circuit from the list of available analyses in the Simulation

toolbar (to activate this toolbar, go to View > Toolbars> Simulation). Click

on the Run Simulation icon in the Simulation toolbar to display the

Short-Circuit dialog box.

b. You can also select this analysis from the Analysis > Fault
Analysis > Short-circuit menu option. c. The Short-circuit
Analysis dialog box is composed of five tabs that allow you to set
• Calculation Mode,
which includes a
network-wide short-
circuit analysis along
with the options for the
fault flow analysis of a
single fault.

• Short-circuit analysis
Parameters, including
fault impedances,
machine impedances
and to include or not
motor contributions.
• The Networks tab,
where you can select the
network(s) to analyze.
• The Short-Circuit
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Rating tab, where you

can specify short- circuit
and voltage limits as
function of the
equipment types.
• The Output tab,
which includes the
reports and one line
diagram result tags
that you want to
display upon
completion of the

4. Parameters

a. Pre-Fault Voltage can be specified as

Nominal Voltage, Operating Voltage or Load
Flow Solution. Activate the Transformers
at Nominal Tap option in order to
disregard any individual transformer tap
settings as specified in the Transformer
dialog boxes. This option is only available
when the pre-fault voltage chosen is
Nominal Voltage.

b. The Security Factors are

multiplying coefficients applied to short
circuit current values to account for

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c. A Fault Impedance can also be

included in the analysis to represent
arcing faults.

d. The Impedance Adjustments group box

allows users to adjust the conductor
resistance according to the temperature
and to include tolerances on transformer
and generator impedances, and line and
cable length.
Click on Edit to access the adjustments options.

e. Machine Impedances can be

specified as Steady State, Transient, or

f. Current Contributions from motors and

zero sequence line susceptance can also be
included in the computation of the fault

g. For the purpose of this tutorial, select

the following options:

• Pre-fault voltage set to nominal voltage

• Use nominal taps of transformers

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• Security factors set to 1.0

• Fault impedance set to zero which implies the computation of bolted faults

• Leave the option Adjust Impedances unchecked

• Subtransient impedance of machines

• Include contributions from motors and zero sequence line susceptance

h. Click on the button to run the short-circuit analysis.

5. Simulation Results

a. Activate the Tag Layer toolbar in View > Toolbars > Tag

b. Under the Short-circuit category, select

Short-circuit – Summary on all Buses to
display the fault levels LLL, LG, LL and
LLG in Amps at every bus of the network.
c. You can click on the icon to customize the tag
results available.

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6. Result Boxes

a. To display the Short-Circuit result box, press Ctrl-S from your

keyboard or go to View > Result Box > Short- Circuit Box. To see the
results, click on any element.

b. To customize the result boxes in order to display results as desired, click

on the icon and double-click on the cell contents so it becomes editable.

c. Increase or decrease the number of rows and/or columns to change the

size of the result box. Each cell can show some text or the results.
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d. To see specific results (such as a fault current or power), add new

keywords to the result box. To do so, select a cell and click on the Keywords

e. It is also possible to
customize the result box
to display different
keywords per device. To
do so, click on the
Manager button, or go to
Customize > Result Box
> Short-circuit Box.

f. You can also Assign a

result box to a specific
analysis so that it
automatically displays it
when you run the

7. Graphs

Graphs can also be

plotted. CYME has three
plotting options: plot from
the source to the current
point selected, plot the
current selected point
only, and plot all nodes in
the network.
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First select a node in the

network and click on the
Chart Selector button in
the result box or in the

toolbar. Refer to the

Fault Analysis Users
Guide for more

8. Result Layer Customization

a. Let us now add the fault level MVA keywords to the Summary on all buses

b. Select Short-Circuit – Summary on all Buses from the Tag Layer

toolbar, and click on to access

that layer tag properties.

c. Select the
“Bus” option
under the
Network Tags
category to display
the tag defined for

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d. Click on the

Component Keywords Description
to access the list of
Bus $BusId$ Bus Id
keywords available. $LLLmva$ LLL MVA Fault Level
$LGmvaMax$ LG MVA Fault
$LLmva$ Level LL MVA
$LLGmva$ Fault Level LLG
e. Select the MVA Fault Level
keywords as
listed in the table

f. Arrange the new

keywords and
characters to
display on screen
as shown.

Note: Inside the Format field, characters in black are user text and
characters in blue appearing between “$” are the software keywords.

g. Click on followed by the button to save and exit

the Tag and Text properties dialog box.

h. The MVA values will now be displayed on screen.

9. Fault Flow on a Single Location

It is also possible to determine the fault current in the network when a

specific fault is applied to a specified location. a. Open the Analysis > Fault

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Analysis > Short-Circuit dialog box.

b. Select the “Fault Flow Currents and Voltages” option under the
Calculation Mode category.

c. Choose the Fault Location to be

Node B6.

d. Then, apply a three-phase fault


e. Click on Run to start the analysis.

10. View the Abnormal Conditions

To display the abnormal conditions on the one-line diagram, click on the

Show Abnormal Condition icon. To customize the colors, go to the Display

Layers Selection tab in View > Display Options. In the Symbols group box,
click the Modify button.

a. Scroll down the list of Symbols to display in the left-hand side to find
the Abnormal conditions category.

b. Expand the list.

c. Select the abnormal conditions you wish to display. Only the abnormal
conditions relevant to the current studies
(such as the withstanding and interrupting ratings for the short circuit study)
will be highlighted.

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d. Click on each of the items to enable their customization. For example,

each of the abnormal conditions can be displayed in a different color. Click
OK once the customization is finished.

e. You may also see the abnormal conditions listed in the Explorer Bar. To
display Abnormal Condition, go to View > Explorer Bars and add Abnormal
Condition to the list of used bars.

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f. Results can be viewed by accessing the Load Flow Result Box (Ctrl-V).
With this result box opened, click on any node/section, in this case Bus -
B1, of the network and view its results in the box.
g. Results of the Fault
Flow analysis can
also be displayed in
reports. The Fault
Flow reports can be
found in Report
> Analysis and select Valid
Analysis Reports.

h. Should a different fault type be studied at the same location or the

same fault type be studied at an alternate location, simply run the Fault
Flow simulation again to obtain the results.

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

Short-Circuit ANSI Analysis– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

Launch the CYME program. Open the ShortCircuitANSI.sxst self contained

study file provided with this tutorial.

2. Network Description

This is a 14-bus system as modeled in CYME. The system includes two

generators and ten motors.

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3. Short-Circuit Analysis

a. Select Short-circuit ANSI from the list of available analyses in the

Simulation toolbar (to activate this toolbar, go to View > Toolbars>

Simulation). Click on the Run Simulation icon in the Simulation toolbar

to display the Short-Circuit ANSI dialog box.

b. You can also select this analysis from the Analysis > Fault Analysis
> Short-circuit ANSI menu option. c. The Short-circuit ANSI dialog
box is composed of four tabs that allow you to set the:
• Calculation Mode,
which includes a
network-wide short-
circuit analysis along
with the options for the
fault flow analysis of a
single fault.

• For the purposes of

this tutorial, select
Short-Circuit Levels
at all Buses and

• ANSI Short-circuit
analysis Parameters,
including Duty types
and to include or not
motor contributions.
• The Short-Circuit
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Rating tab where you

can specify short circuit
and voltage limits as
function of the
equipment types for
abnormal conditions
• The Output tab,
which allows the user to
select the reports and
one line diagram result
tags that are desired to
be displayed upon
completion of the

4. Parameters

a. Duty Type can be selected as per the types defined in the

ANSI C37.010 standard.
Since “Short circuit levels at all buses and
nodes” has been selected, the option “All
Duty Types” is automatically selected and
is the only selection available.

b. The Impedance Adjustments group box

allows users to adjust the conductor
resistance according to the temperature,
and to include tolerances on transformer

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and generator impedances, and line and

cable length.

c. Current Contributions from different

sources can be included or excluded.
Select all elements for the purposes of this tutorial.
Zero sequence line susceptance can be neglected if

d. For the purpose of this tutorial, select

the following options:

• Select Short Circuit Levels at All Buses and Nodes in the Calculation

• Leave the option Adjust Impedances unchecked

• Include contributions of all machines and the zero sequence line


e.Click on the button to run the short-circuit analysis.

5. Simulation Results

The ANSI result box will automatically appear once the calculations are
done. You can customize the result boxes in order to display results as
desired; see section 6 of this tutorial for the explanations.
Select any bus to view results in the result box.

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a. If the Tag Layer toolbar is not activated, activate it from View > Toolbars >
Tag Layer.

b. Under the ANSI Short-circuit category, select ANSI Short-circuit –

Summary on all Buses to display the results at every bus of the network.

c. The one-line diagram tags can be customized by clicking on .

6. Result Boxes

a. To display the Short-Circuit ANSI result box, press Ctrl-5 from your
keyboard or go to View > Result Box > Short- Circuit ANSI Box. To see the
results at a particular bus or node, click on that element.

b. To customize the result boxes in order to display results as desired,

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double-click on the cell contents so it becomes editable, or go to Customize >

Result Box > Short-circuit ANSI Box.

c. Increase or decrease the number of rows and/or columns to change the

size of the result box. Each cell can show some text or the results.

d. To see specific results (such as a fault current or power), add new

keywords to the result box. To do so, select a cell and click on the
Keywords button.

e. It is also possible to customize the result box to display different keywords per
device. To do so, click on the
Manager button.

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7. Result Layer Customization

It is possible to modify the contents of the results tags that will be

displayed on the one-line diagram by adding or removing keywords.
The ANSI factors are now to be added to the ANSI Short Circuit –Summary on
all buses layer. Proceed as follows:

a. Select ANSI Short-Circuit – Summary on all Buses from the Tag

Layer toolbar, and click on to access that layer tag properties.
b. Select the “Bus” option
under the Network Tags
category to display the tag
defined for buses.

c. Click on the

to access the list of
keywords available.

d. In the Format
field, edit the list of
keywords to add
the ones indicated
in the table below.
Note: Inside the
Format field,
characters in
black are user text
and characters in
blue appearing
between “$” are
the software
CYMDIST – Training Manual 152 | P a g e
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Component Keywords Description

Bus $BusId$

Bus Id
ANSI Three phase half cycle current
ANSI Three phase half cycle multiplicative factor
ANSI Three phase peak current
ANSI Three phase peak multiplicative factor
ANSI Line to ground half cycle current
ANSI Line to ground peak current
e. Click on followed by the button to save and exit the
Tag and Text properties dialog box. f. Once the keywords added,
the tag layer
should look as
shown in the

g. The factors will now be displayed on screen.

8. Fault Flow at a Single


It is also possible to determine the fault current in the network when

a fault is applied at a specified location. a. Open the Analysis >
Fault Analysis > Short-Circuit ANSI dialog box.
b. Select the “Fault Flow Currents and Voltages” option under the
CYMDIST – Training Manual 153 | P a g e
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Calculation Mode category.

c. Choose the Fault Location to be

Node B6.

d. Then, apply a three-phase fault


e. Click on Run to start the analysis.

9. Simulation Results

a. The Short Circuit ANSI Monitor will

appear since the option All Duty
Types is still selected. It is possible to
view only one set of results for a
particular duty type at a time.

Choose Closing and Latching as the

duty type to be displayed.

b. On the one-line
diagram, results can
be viewed by accessing
the Fault Flow Result
Box (Ctrl-4). With this
result box opened,
click on any
node/section of the
network and view its
results in
the box. The result

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box shows the

results for the
element selected.

c. Results of the Fault Flow

analysis can also be
displayed in reports.
The Fault Flow reports
can be found in
Report > Analysis and
select Valid Analysis

d. Should a different fault type be studied at the same location, or the

same fault type be studied at an alternate location, simply run the
simulation again to obtain the results.

10. View the Abnormal Conditions

To display the abnormal conditions on the one-line diagram, click on the

Show Abnormal Condition icon. To customize the colors, go to the Display

Layers Selection tab in View > Display Options. In the Symbols group box,
click the Modify button.

a. Scroll down the list of Symbols to display in the left-hand side to find
the Abnormal conditions category. b. Expand the list.
c. Select the abnormal conditions you wish to display. Only the abnormal
conditions relevant to the current studies
(such as the withstanding and interrupting ratings for the short circuit study)
will be highlighted.

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d. Click on each of the items to enable their customization. For example,

each of the abnormal conditions can be displayed in a different color. Click
OK once the customization is finished.

e. You may also see the abnormal conditions listed in the Explorer Bar. To
display the Abnormal Condition, go to View > Explorer Bars and add
Abnormal Condition to the list of used bars.

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

Short-Circuit IEC 60909 Analysis– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

Launch the CYME program. Open the ShortCircuitIEC60909.sxst self

contained study file provided with this tutorial.

2. Network Description

This is a 14-bus system as modeled in CYME. The system includes two

generators and ten motors.

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3. Short-Circuit Analysis

a. Select Short-circuit IEC 60909 from the list of available analyses in the
Simulation toolbar (to activate this toolbar, go to View > Toolbars>

Simulation). Click on the Run Simulation icon in the Simulation toolbar

to display the Short-Circuit IEC 60909 dialog box.

b. You can also select this analysis from the Analysis > Fault Analysis >
Short-circuit IEC 60909 menu option. c. The Short-Circuit IEC 60909
dialog box is composed of four tabs that allow you to set the:
• Calculation Mode,
which includes a
network-wide short-
circuit analysis along
with the options for the
fault flow analysis of a
single fault.

• IEC Short-circuit
analysis Parameters,
including Fault Current
type, Duty types, R/X
Ratio, Impedance
Correction Factors and
to include or not motor
• The Short-Circuit
Rating tab where you

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can specify short circuit

and voltage limits in
function of the
equipment types.
• The Output tab,
which includes the
reports and one line
diagram result tags
that you want to
display upon
completion of the

d. For the purposes of this tutorial, select Short-Circuit Levels at all Buses
and Nodes as the Calculation Mode.

4. Parameters

a. Select Maximum or Minimum as the Fault

Current Type. The maximum short-circuit
current determines the capacity or rating of
electrical equipments while the minimum
short-circuit current can be served as a basis
for the selection of fuses and setting of
protective devices.

b. With Short-Circuit Levels at all Buses

and Nodes, the option All Duty Types is
always selected.

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c. The Impedance Adjustments group box

allows users to adjust the conductor
resistance according to the temperature, and
to include tolerances on transformer and
generator impedances, and line and cable

c. You may choose to Model Swing Generators as

NetworkFeeders or Synchronous Generators.

e. Current Contributions from motors and

zero sequence line susceptance can also be
included in the computation of the fault

f. Assign R/X and correction factors as per

defined in the IEC 60909 standard.

g. For the purpose of this tutorial,

select the following options:

• Maximum Fault Current

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• All Duty Types as duty type

• Leave the option Adjust Impedances unchecked

• Model swing generators as Network Feeders

• Include contributions for all machines and zero-sequence line susceptance

• Assign R/X ratio to network feeders, synchronous generators and

induction motors

• Apply impedance correction factors to all

h. Click on the button to run the short-circuit analysis.

5. Simulation Results

a. Activate the Tag Layer toolbar in View > Toolbars > Tag Layer.

b. Under the Short-circuit category, select IEC 60909 Short-circuit –

Summary on all Buses to display the fault levels LLL, LG, LL and LLG in
Amps at every bus of the network.

c.You can click on the icon to customize the tag results available.

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6. Result Boxes

a. To display the Short-Circuit IEC 60909 result box, press Ctrl-6 from your
keyboard or go to View > Result Box > Short-Circuit Box. To see the
results, click on any element.

b. To customize the result boxes in order to display results as desired, double-

click on the cell contents so it becomes editable, or go to Customize > Result
Box > Short-circuit IEC 60909 Box.

c. Increase or decrease the number of rows and/or columns to change the

size of the result box. Each cell can show some text or the results.
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d. To see specific results (such as a fault current or power), add new

keywords to the result box. To do so, select a cell and click on the Keywords

e. It is also possible to customize the result box to display different keywords

per device. To do so, click on the
Manager button.

f. You can also Assign a result box to a specific analysis so that it

automatically displays it when you run the simulation.

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7. Graphs

Graphs can also be plotted. CYME

has three plotting options: plot from
the source to the current point
selected, plot the current selected
point only, and plot all nodes in the

First select a node in the network

and click on the Chart Selection
button in the result box or in the

toolbar. An example of the

types of charts available can be
seen below

8. Result Layer Customization

a. Let us now add the fault level MVA keywords to the Summary on all buses

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d. Select IEC 60909 Short-Circuit – Summary on all Buses from the Tag
Layer toolbar, and click on to access that layer tag properties.
c. Select the “Bus” option
under the Network Tags
category to display the tag
defined for buses.

d. Click on the
to access the list of
keywords available.

e. Select the
keywords as
listed in the table

Component Keywords

Bus $NodeId$

Name of the node

Initial 3-phase short-circuit current based on IEC 60909
Peak 3-phase short circuit current based on IEC 60909
Breaking 3-phase short-circuit current based on IEC 60909
Steady-state three phase current based on IEC 60909
3-phase direct current based on IEC 60909

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f. Arrange the new keywords and characters to display on screen as shown.

Note: Inside the Format field, characters in black are user text and
characters in blue appearing between “$” are the software keywords.

g. Click on followed by the button to save and exit

the Tag and Text properties dialog box.

h. The MVA values will now be displayed on screen.

9. Fault Flow on a Single Location

It is also possible to determine the fault current in the network when a
specific fault is applied to a specified location. a. Open the Shunt Fault
Analysis dialog box, go to Analysis > Fault Analysis > Short-Circuit IEC
60909 dialog
b. Select the “Fault Flow Currents and Voltages” option under
the Calculation Mode category.
c. Choose the Fault Location to be
Node B6.

d. Then, apply a three-phase fault


e. Click on Run to start the analysis.

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10. View the Abnormal Conditions

To display the abnormal conditions on the one-line diagram, click on the

Show Abnormal Condition icon. To customize the colors, go to the Display

Layers Selection tab in View > Display Options. In the Symbols group box,
click the Modify button.

a. Scroll down the list of Symbols to display in the left-hand side to find
the Abnormal conditions category. b. Expand the list.
c. Select the abnormal conditions you wish to display. Only the abnormal
conditions relevant to the current studies (such as the withstanding and
interrupting ratings for the short circuit study) will be highlighted.

d. Click on each of the items to enable their customization. For example,

each of the abnormal conditions can be displayed in a different color. Click
OK once the customization is finished.

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e. You may also see the

abnormal conditions listed in
the Explorer Bar. To display
Abnormal Condition, go to
View > Explorer Bars and
add Abnormal Condition to
the list of used bars.

f. Results can be viewed by accessing the Load Flow Result Box (Ctrl-V).
With this result box opened, click on any node/section of the network and
view its results in the box.g. Results of the Fault Flow analysis can also be
displayed in reports. The Fault Flow reports can be found in Report >
Analysis and select Valid Analysis

h. Should a different fault type be studied at the same location, or the

same fault type be studied at an alternate location, simply run the
simulation again to obtain the results.

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Short-Circuit IEC 61363 Analysis– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

1. Getting Started

Launch the CYME program and open the ShortCircuitIEC61363.sxst self

contained study file provided with this tutorial.

2. Network Description

This is a 14-bus system as modeled in CYME. The system includes two

generators and ten motors.

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3. Short-Circuit Analysis

a. Select Short-circuit IEC 61363 from the list of available analyses in the
Simulation toolbar (to activate this toolbar, go to View > Toolbars>

Simulation). Click on the Run Simulation icon in the Simulation toolbar

to display the Short-Circuit IEC 61363 dialog box.

b. You can also select this

analysis from the Analysis
> Fault Analysis >
Short-circuit IEC 61363 menu option.

c. The Short-Circuit IEC

61363 dialog box is
composed of three tabs.
The illustrations to the
right show how the values
must be set.

• IEC Short-circuit
analysis Parameters,
including Interrupting
Time, Time Parameters
and Time Constant.
• Calculation Mode,
which includes a Pre-
Fault Voltage, Fault
Impedances, Impedance
Adjustments and the
CYMDIST – Training Manual 171 | P a g e
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• The Output tab, which includes the reports and one line diagram result
tags that you want to display upon completion of the analysis.

Note: For more explanations and details about the parameters, you located
right top of Short-Circuit IEC 61363 windows to open the
associated help file.

d. After the setting of all parameters, click on the button to

run the short-circuit analysis.
4. Generating Charts

The Chart Selector dialog box appears immediately upon completion

a. Choose the Bus list in
the Results group box
and, in it, select Bus B1.
The Chart Selector offers
to plot
the Current Wave Form against
Time graphic.

b. Click on the
button to generate the
graph of the Short-Circuit
IEC 61363 for the Bus
B1. Click on
Close to dismiss the
Chart Selector and view
the graph.

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CYMDIST Power Distribution Analysis Software

[17] Network Configuration Optimization– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The CYME Network Configuration Optimization module will minimize the

losses (and hence lower the operating cost) or minimize the voltage exception in
the network by changing the network topology, while respecting voltage and
loading limits.

The module can be used as-is, or can be adjusted to specific needs.

The module may also be used to:
• Perform load transfer studies to transfer loads from a heavily
loaded substation to another.
• Minimize the number of
abnormal conditions.
• Reduce the electrical length of certain feeders by transferring some
of their circuits to other feeders.

1. Getting Started
a.Open the self contained study:

b. Go to View > Display Option >

Display Layers
Selection tab and select Network color as a
Color Coding.

c. Under the Symbols Category select

Default Symbols and, click on

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. At the bottom of the Symbols

to display list is the Abnormal
conditions category, in which the
following three options are to be
checked: Overload, Over-voltage and
Under- voltage. Click OK to exit from
the Display Options dialog box.

d. After running a Load flow analysis, the one line diagram would be color-coded
as shown.

You can see that the feeders GA04 and GA05 have an overload (yellow color)
and an under voltage (red color) problem. Both feeders GA05 and GA04 are
experiencing many abnormal conditions.
2. Switch Load from Feeder to Feeder Automatically

We will use the Network Configuration Optimization module to illustrate

how the load can be switched from feeder to feeder automatically.

a. Select the menu

command Analysis >
Network Configuration
Optimization; the following
dialog box will open.

b. Click on the button All

to select all feeders in the
list and that will be
included in the network
configuration optimization

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c. Under Objectives, select

Minimize Voltage
Exceptions from the six
objectives available.
Minimize Voltage
Exceptions will reduce the
most severe abnormal
conditions in the selected

d. Click on Parameters.

d. Select the option Allow initial

constraint violations.
This option would allow CYME to
tolerate initial violations (overloads,
over voltage, low voltage). Any
operation that would worsen these
initial constraints will be rejected.

f. The options in the User-defined

limits group box allow you to reduce
the number of possible operations
(Leave them at zero for the purpose of
this exercise).

g. Under Report selection,

select all the options. h. Click
OK to save the changes.
i. Click on the Restrictions button.
This will display the Restrictions

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dialog box. Select the Planning

criteria from the drop down menu
under Flag Levels. Then click OK.

j. Now, click on the Devices button to

select the devices that are to
participate in the switching
operations. For the purpose of this
exercise, select all protective devices
(except for the remotely controlled
ones as there is none in the network).

k. Click OK followed by Run to start the

optimization process. l. Once the
Analysis is complete, all possible
switching operations (Open and Close)
are highlighted on the One Line Diagram.

m. A voltage drop analysis is being

run automatically afterwards to
illustrate the effects of such
modification on the network

The network should look like the

one shown on the right.

The module has minimized the voltage

exception on feeders GA04 and GA05
(no under voltage condition any more),
and the load has been transferred
from GA04 to GA07, from GA06 to
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GA10, and from GA05 to GA06.

n. You should obtain the following report with all the switching operations and
the feeder’s summary.

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[18] Contingency Assessment & Restoration– CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this tutorial is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of it.

The Contingency Assessment and Restoration Analysis module of CYME is a

comprehensive tool for developing and validating contingency switching
plans. You can simulate an outage on any section of a feeder. The
Contingency Assessment and Restoration Analysis module will suggest a
switching recovery plan with user defined objective.

1. Getting Started

a. To begin, open the self-contained study


Once the study file loaded, the

network displayed in the workspace
should look like the illustration
shown here.

2. Contingency Assessment and Restoration

a. Select the Analysis> Contingency Assessment and Restoration > Run

menu option.

b. The first tab is used to define the sections of the feeder that have experienced
an outage.

c. The Contingency
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Assessment and
Restoration analysis
module can simulate
single or multiple
contingencies (non
simultaneous) on given
networks. These outages
can be saved in a text
file, which can be loaded
and applied on the
network for any future
contingency analysis
studies. To locate an
outage text file, click on

the browse button to

locate the file and select

d. For the purposes of this tutorial, an outage on Sections 9509 and 13072 is
to be simulated.

e. You can use the Find ( ) command to locate a desired device or a section
using its ID. Once located in the tree list, place a check mark next to the ID
of the device or section you wish to use for your analysis. You can save these
selections in a new .txt file for future use.

The second tab is used to specify the objective functions as shown below.

• The Restoration Mode offers three options: Pick-up the customer by

switching, by repair or by operating the strategic devices.

• The Initial State of the network is to either begin the contingency

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analysis with a new study base case (undo all modifications) or with the
currently loaded study with all applied modifications.

• The Contingency Analysis module offers five Objective Functions with the
option to apply a weight factor for each objective. However, note that the
restoration of service will always start with restoring power according to the
priority set in the Restoration Priority group box.

f. For the
purposes of this
tutorial, select
the option Pick-
up the
customers by
switching as
the restoration

g. Start with
a base case.
h. Check the
four objective
functions as

i. The next step is to select the analysis Restriction tab to set the Loading
Limits of devices (contingency levels) for voltage drop analysis. The loading
limits should be at 100% for all devices.

j. Under Recovery Area, enter the value3 for the maximum layers of back up
feeders that may be used to pick up un- served customers.

k. Select Switch as the Switching Devices to be utilized in the service

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For every switching scenario, the loading limits will be validated with the
load flow analysis to insure that none have been exceeded.

l. The Cold Load Pickup tab is used to define the analysis period along
with the load factors applied during that period.

m. Cold load
pick-up can be
specified by
entering Stage
1 (%) values in
the table of this
tab window.
This implies
that all un-
customers shall
be multiplied by
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these factors.
(Nominal Load
x Period Factor
x Stage Factor).
n. For the purposes of this tutorial, select Contingency Analysis as the
Analysis Period.

o. Click on the Display tab to select and specify color coding to be displayed
on the one-line-diagram along with the color of the open and closed device

p. You can also

select the
that will be
displayed in
those tags

q. The
Options group
box offers the
user the option
to display the
Navigator and
whether to
all feeders or not.

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r. Contingency
Reports allows
the user to
define filters
for the outage
options. This
outages with a
user defined
limit for un-
such as more
100 KW, 1000 KW
or 5000 KW.
s. Select the error log and the weak points options to view the possible causes
that left
some customers un- served.

t. Once all the analysis parameters are set, click on the Run button.

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3. Outage Area on Section 9509

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4. Outage Area on Section 13072

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[19] Display Options In CYMDIST– CYME 8.0

The Display Options dialog box is the main interface for controlling and
customizing the network display. Use this command to customize the
equipment symbols, their color, the size of the text, the line thickness and
its type; and to display the network in different colors and modes, with or
without analysis results, etc

1. Getting Started

You open the Display Options dialog box by clicking the Display Options
button located in the Display toolbar, or by using the View > Display Options
menu item.

In any of the windows of the dialog box, clicking Save would save the changes
permanently, while clicking OK makes the changes applicable for the current
study only

The Display options dialog box includes three Tabs:

a. Display Layers Selection

tab which includes the
customization of Symbols,
Color Coding by layers, Tags
and Text and Tooltips. Each
of these categories allows a full
customization of the different
display options available in
CYME. To activate a certain
display option, simply select it

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from the drop down list in the

appropriate category and click
OK. To customize a feature,
select it in the drop down list

and click on the


b. The View Properties tab is used to customize the general look and feel of the
graphic user interface and what you would like to view in the workspace.

c. The Search tab allows users to search for a display option by typing in a

2. Symbols

In the Symbols category, for each type of equipment, you can define the symbol
to be used in the O.L.D.

a. Select the device from the

Symbols to display list. Once
the device is selected, the
graphical attributes of the
symbols, such as the color and
the size, would become
accessible for modification.

b. Clicking on the symbol

figure gives you access to the
Symbol Selection dialog box,
in which a different graphical
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for the device can be chosen

among the symbols available
in the CYME library. See the
example for the fuse.

c. Additional symbols can be created using the Symbol Editor functionality. To

open the editor, select File> Tools > Symbol Editor menu option. Information
about how to use this tool is provided in the CYME Reference Manual.

d. Finally, the Find field and button below the tree list are used to locate the
desired item to be modified. To do so, type in the name (or part of the name) of
the item wanted in the field and click onFind.

3. Color Coding

Layers are sorted into different

categories that are listed in the
Color coding drop-down menu
of the Display Layers
Selection tab.

Layers are divided into three

different categories, namely,
Analysis layers, General
layers and Project layers.
Each of the layers selected
can be customized by clicking
on the


To create a new color-coding layer, go to Customize > One-Line Diagram >

Color Coding and click on . Once you have properly defined your layer, the
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conditions under which this layer will be

applied are needed. To do so, click on the Add a new row icon.

Below is an example of the network color coded in accordance to the

different voltage levels of the network

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4. Tags

Tags are boxes that appear on the one-line diagram at specific locations to
display information or results. The list of tag layers available can be found in

the drop-down menu. You can click on to customize the selected

tag layer. For each tag layer, you can specify for which devices a tag should be
displayed, and what information is to be displayed in each tag.

To add a new layer, go to Customize > One-Line Diagram > Tags and Text.
Once the Layer Properties dialog box is open, type in the layer name and
select its category and click OK. Once you have created the layer, select from
the list on the left hand side of the dialog box which devices require a tag.
Then select each device, and, in the Format field, type in the information to be
displayed in the tag of that device.

Note: The exact same procedure is to be followed to create a new tooltip

layer. Keywords can be used in conjunction with the information typed in the
Format field.

Click on the Keywords button in the dialog box to access the list of keywords
available and insert the keyword needed in the Format field. Text, border and
background of the tags can also be customized, and you can select among a
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few options as to how you want your tag to be displayed.

5. Tooltips

Tooltips display information or results when the mouse cursor is kept idle on
a device for a few seconds. To view and modify existing layers, click on the
button Modify after selecting the layer from the drop-down menu. Select the
device in the list appearing on the left-hand side of the dialog box, and define
the contents of the tooltip for the device type selected in the Format group box.
Clicking on Keywords will display the Keyword Selection dialog box where
you can select and automatically insert the necessary keyword(s).

To create new layers for tooltips, go to Customize > One-Line Diagram >
Tooltips and click on Add.

The program is supplied with two layers already configured for the two most
common analyses performed – Voltage
Drop and Short-Circuit – where tooltips for devices display the corresponding
analysis results. Note that you can create a new tooltip layer for any analysis,
and modify the existing ones.

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6. View Properties Tab

The second tab in Display

Options includes options
and features to customize
the general look of the
Graphic User interface and
the Network presentation.

The options are grouped in

the following categories:
General Options, Window
Options (Layout), Window
Colors, Window Sizes,
Selection, Device Symbols
and Automatic Coordinates

7. Search Tab

The search option allows the

user to search for a display
option. Just type in the search
field the name of the
option/feature (or type in a

string) and click on ,

it will list all the display
options corresponding to your

The example illustrates a

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search for all the display

options containing the
word Color.

By selecting a result and

clicking on CYME
will direct you to the
appropriate dialog box where
you will be able to make the
appropriate changes.

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[20] Reports– CYME 8.0

The Reports menu contains a variety of functions to allow creating and

customizing reports for all the analyses in CYME. The reports are generated
based on values obtained from the most recent analysis, and can be done in a
variety of formats. Tabular reports are displayed in a separate pane below the
main display. This window can be moved anywhere in the display. After
performing an analysis, go to Report > Analysis to select the reports to display.

1. Analysis
This menu command displays the
Analysis Reports dialog box that
will show all the reports available in
the software; and if an analysis has
just been executed, the list will
show only the reports relevant to
the analysis in question. This dialog
box can also be displayed by
clicking on the Reports button in
the Main toolbar. The reports
available in this dialog box are
classified into two categories:
Analysis and Input Data-Network.
The Analysis group includes the
reports available for each
simulation, and is classified within
the list under analysis type names.
You will find the explanations about
this category in this chapter. The
second category regroups reports
about the installed equipment. For

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more details about that second

category, please refer to section
titled Input Data.

2. Report Properties

Click on the Properties hyperlinks to display the associated Report Properties

dialog box where you can customize the contents of the report. Most reports are
composed of the same types of parameters. This chapter describes the
customization options.

3. Keywords

This field will be automatically

filled with the keywords associated
to that report; if there are none it
is left blank. You may add new
keywords by clicking on the Add

icon or on the Keyword

button to display the Keyword
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Selection dialog box. Once a

keyword is selected, click on OK to
insert the keyword in the Select
Keywords list.
You may delete unwanted keywords. Just select the keyword and click on the
Remove icon You can also type in the keyword. This field is case sensitive, so
if the keyword typed in is the same as an existing keyword, it will be displayed in
a blue typeface and will function properly.
You may also change the keywords order in the list. Select the keyword and
then click once on the arrow icons to move the keyword one position up or
down. You may check the properties of the keywords included in the list by

clicking on the properties icon next to the keyword names .

4. Selection Tab

This command is the

interface in which you can
select the network portion for
which you will generate
reports for the selected set of
input data (Networks, Areas,
Branch upstream, Branch
downstream or Zone). The
options in the Select combo
box are filters to quickly
select the sets of data you
wish to see.

x Networks: To generate the reports for the networks selected in the tree list. If
you choose two or more networks, enabling the option Include all networks in
same report in the Report Properties dialog box of the reports selected will
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generate the reports in the same window, instead of in separate tabbed

x Selected Area: to generate the reports for the sections selected on the one-
line display prior to selecting opening the Report dialog box.
x Branch Downstream or Branch Upstream: To generate reports downstream
or upstream starting from the currently selected branch (i.e. highlighted on the
one-line display). This option is only selectable if a section (but not the network
head node) is selected before opening the Report dialog box.
x Zone: to generate the reports for the networks part of the zones selected in
the Selection tab

5. Output
Check the reports check boxes to display various analysis results reports after
the simulation.

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[22] Load Flow-Unbalanced-IEEE 34 Node Test Feeder–

CYME 8.0

A self-contained study file (.sxst) to use with this document is provided. The
explanations below are based on the use of that file.

1. Highlights

• Comparison between CYME Load flow analysis voltage drop unbalanced

method results against those published in the document “IEEE 34 node test
Feeder” by IEEE Distribution system analysis subcommittee.

• Simulation includes comparison of results obtained with the voltage drop

unbalanced method: line currents and bus voltages.

• 34-bus system with two in-line regulators required to maintain a good

voltage profile, an in-line transformer reducing the voltage to 4.16 kV for a
short section of the feeder, unbalanced loading with both “spot” and
“distributed” loads and shunt capacitors.

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2. Load Flow Analysis

a. Open the IEEE_34_node_test_feeder.sxst self-contained study file. To do

so, go to the the dialog box displayed using the Help > Validation Cases
menu option. Select the “Load Flow - Unbalanced” option in the List of test
cases and enable the check box next to the file name. Click on the Start
Case button.

b. Select the Analysis > Load Flow menu option. Check that the Calculation
method is Voltage drop-unbalanced

Leave all the other settings

displayed intact.

c. Click on to Run
the analysis.

3. Comparison of Results

The following tables of comparison show the differences between CYME Load
flow analysis voltage drop unbalanced method results and those published in
the reference document. The percent difference for all bus voltages, voltages
angles, lines currents and currents angles is less than 0.44%*.

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Bus Voltages

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Voltages Angles

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Lines Currents

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Currents Angles

Notes: For regulators settings, since there are many solutions for tap
selection within their bandwidth using the R&X settings, results were obtained
using fixed taps. Cables (Undergrounds lines) were modeled as overheads lines
unbalanced to get unbalanced matrix impedances.
We suggest that you generate a report with these settings to ease the
comparison of the results:

• The selected devices are Node, Regulator, Source and two-winding


• The selected keywords are BusId, VpuA, PH-AngleA, VpuB, PH-AngleB,

VpuC, PH-AngleC, IA, IAngleA, IB, IAngleB, IC and IAngleC.

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