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Presentation, Roleplay & PortfolioAssignment

1. Draft team learning plan

Draft IPSO Appliances Team Learning and development plan

Overall goal for learning in accordance with the mission and vision of IPSO Appliances

 to improve customer service abilities

 to deliver superior client service
 to guarantee that employees are qualified for all job responsibilities

Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources (equipment,


E-learning New To guarantee that they can provide Staff access Intranet each month to June Sales Products catalogue in the
Products clients with the most recent learn about new products. Manager Intranet
information, tell personnel about new
Team Building To promote teamwork among workers Employees learn how to trust one July External Cooking a meal from
Activity by creating links and connections another and cooperate to attain goals provider scratch with external
amongst colleagues. through team building exercises. provider
Handling difficult  assemble fresh leads and advance Lower the possibility of financial mis August Team leader Team leader guided
customers them through the sales process selling, avoid reputational harm, session (1 session of 30
 maintain and manage connections lessen complaints, and boost client minutes)
with current clients to increase their loyalty
lifetime value to the business
 increase productivity and cut back
on marketing and sales expenses
Time Management To maximise the time, you spend on Increased productivity, decreased Sept Team Leader  watch a series of DVDs
particular tasks that aid in achieving stress, and more chances to perform about time
your goals more quickly. the important things management over a
couple of hours
 brainstorming
Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources (equipment,

techniques and discuss

every week at staff
meetings for a month.
Traffic Serving as a business metric to  Recognise how interactions with July Team leader Watch video of subject
engagement identify which goods a given client is customers affect how they behave. matter expert and discuss
analysis most likely to buy and to promote  Find the issues that are impeding it.
certain products to customers who are the consumer experience.
most likely to buy them.  increase consumer loyalty and

2. Draft individual learning plan for Prem

Draft IPSO Appliances Prem Learning and development plan

Overall goal for learning in accordance with the mission and vision of IPSO Appliances

 to improve customer service abilities

 to deliver superior client service
 to guarantee that employees are qualified for all job responsibilities

Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources


Enrolment of to assist and provide  assist with customer difficulties June Australia-International RTO’s skills set
formal customer service for an  deliver and monitor a service to Institute of Workplace resources
BSBSS00119 - organisation customers Training
Customer Service  process customer complaints
Skill Set  advise on products and services
E-learning New To guarantee that they can Staff access Intranet each month to June Sales Manager Products catalogue
Products provide clients with the most learn about new products. in the Intranet
recent information, tell
Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources

personnel about new goods.

Team Building To promote teamwork Employees learn how to trust one July External provider Cooking a meal from
Activity among workers by creating another and cooperate to attain goals scratch with external
links and connections through team building exercises. provider
amongst colleagues.
Handling difficult  assemble fresh leads and Lower the possibility of financial mis August Team leader Team leader guided
customers advance them through the selling, avoid reputational harm, session (1 session of
sales process lessen complaints, and boost client 30 minutes)
 maintain and manage loyalty
connections with current
clients to increase their
lifetime value to the
 increase productivity and
cut back on marketing
and sales expenses
Time To maximise the time, you Increased productivity, decreased Sept Team Leader  watch a series of
Management spend on particular tasks stress, and more chances to perform DVDs about time
that aid in achieving your the important things management over
goals more quickly. a couple of hours
 brainstorming
techniques and
discuss every
week at staff
meetings for a
Traffic Serving as a business  Recognise how interactions with July Team leader Watch video of
engagement metric to identify which customers affect how they behave. subject matter expert
analysis goods a given client is most  Find the issues that are impeding and discuss it.
likely to buy and to promote the consumer experience.
certain products to increase consumer loyalty and
Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources

customers who are most retention

likely to buy them.

3. Revised team learning plan [For Terry, Gieselle, Barbarra)

Final IPSO Appliances Team Learning and development plan

Overall goal for learning in accordance with the mission and vision of IPSO Appliances

 to improve customer service abilities

 to deliver superior client service
 to guarantee that employees are qualified for all job responsibilities

Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources (equipment,


E-learning New To guarantee that they can Staff access Intranet each month to learn June Sales Manager Products catalogue in the
Products provide clients with the most about new products. Intranet
recent information, tell
personnel about new goods.
Team Building To promote teamwork Employees learn how to trust one another July External Cooking a meal from
Activity among workers by creating and cooperate to attain goals through provider scratch with external
links and connections team building exercises. provider
amongst colleagues. Budget: $50 per person
Handling difficult  assemble fresh leads and Lower the possibility of financial mis August Team leader Team leader guided session
customers advance them through the selling, avoid reputational harm, lessen (1 session of 30 minutes)
sales process complaints, and boost client loyalty
 maintain and manage
connections with current
clients to increase their
lifetime value to the
Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources (equipment,

 increase productivity and
cut back on marketing and
sales expenses overall
Time Management To maximise the time, you Increased productivity, decreased stress, Sept Team Leader  watch a series of DVDs
spend on particular tasks and more chances to perform the about time management
that aid in achieving your important things over a couple of hours
goals more quickly.  brainstorming techniques
and discuss every week
at staff meetings for a
Traffic Serving as a business metric  Recognise how interactions with July Team leader Watch video of subject
engagement to identify which goods a customers affect how they behave. matter expert and discuss it.
analysis given client is most likely to  Find the issues that are impeding the
buy and to promote certain consumer experience.
products to customers who increase consumer loyalty and retention
are most likely to buy them.

Revised individual learning plan (for Prem)

Final IPSO Appliances Prem Learning and development plan

Overall goal for learning in accordance with the mission and vision of IPSO Appliances

 to improve customer service abilities

 to deliver superior client service
 to guarantee that employees are qualified for all job responsibilities

Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources

Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources

Enrolment of to assist and provide  assist with customer difficulties June Australia-International RTO’s skills set
formal customer service for an  deliver and monitor a service to Institute of Workplace resources
BSBSS00119 - organisation customers Training
Customer Service  process customer complaints Budget: $550
Skill Set advise on products and services
E-learning New To guarantee that they can Staff access Intranet each month June Sales Manager Products catalogue
Products provide clients with the most to learn about new products. in the Intranet
recent information, tell
personnel about new goods.
Team Building To promote teamwork Employees learn how to trust one July External provider Cooking a meal from
Activity among workers by another and cooperate to attain goals scratch with external
creating links and through team building exercises. provider
connections amongst
Handling difficult  assemble fresh leads and Lower the possibility of financial mis August Team leader Team leader guided
customers advance them through the selling, avoid reputational harm, session (1 session of
sales process lessen complaints, and boost client 30 minutes)
 maintain and manage loyalty
connections with current
clients to increase their
lifetime value to the
increase productivity and cut
back on marketing and
sales expenses overall
Time Management To maximise the time, you Increased productivity, decreased Sept Team Leader  watch a series of
spend on particular tasks stress, and more chances to perform DVDs about time
that aid in achieving your the important things management over
goals more quickly. a couple of hours
 brainstorming
techniques and
discuss every
week at staff
meetings for a
Activity Objective Key benefits When Who Resources


Traffic Serving as a business  Recognise how interactions with July Team leader Watch video of
engagement metric to identify which customers affect how they behave. subject matter expert
analysis goods a given client is most  Find the issues that are impeding and discuss it.
likely to buy and to promote the consumer experience.
certain products to increase consumer loyalty and
customers who are most retention
likely to buy them.
4. Mentoring guidelines

IPSO Appliances Mentoring Guidelines

 What is mentoring?

Australian businesses use a variety of mentoring strategies. Mentoring partnerships that emphasise the
mentor's significant experience are at one extreme of the spectrum. It is anticipated that the mentee will be
helped in accomplishing their career goals by the mentor's knowledge, influence, and authority. These
connections are frequently long-term and occasionally mistaken for line management positions. The
mentee becomes the focus at the other end of the spectrum. The focus is on the intellectual challenge and
personal insights that can be acquired by working with a mentor. It is expected that the mentee will take the
initiative in the relationship and involve the mentor in their inner thoughts as they sort out difficult career
choices. The majority of the time, these ties are developed through official initiatives that are frequently
brief and don't get caught up in hierarchical roles.

 Benefits of mentoring

The experience offers mentors a variety of advantages for their own personal growth. This comprises:

 a boost in self-assurance
 greater awareness of oneself
 development of leadership abilities
 powerful communication abilities
 Developing the skill of providing feedback
 better questions to ask
 learning to listen well
 exposure to fresh and unique viewpoints
 expanding one's personal network
 greater likelihood of promotion
 higher job satisfaction
 assisting someone else
 Paying it forwards Taking up knowledge from another
 anxiety levels are lower
 encourages lifelong learning

 Skills needed for mentoring

 Empathy Skill
You need to be able to identify with your mentee's worries and difficulties as a mentor. You may
assist your mentee in developing solutions and setting realistic goals when you are aware of their
thoughts and feelings. Because your mentee will feel more heard, which is a crucial component in
maintaining a successful and trusting mentoring relationship, having empathy also fosters a more
trusting relationship.
 Leadership Skill
As a mentor, having strong leadership abilities enables you to completely support the mentee on
their path to professional development.
There is no denying that having strong leadership qualities helps you be a better mentor since you
will be able to inspire your mentee and find solutions to crucial issues. The mentee frequently looks
up to their mentor because they want to experience the same success as them. This increases
mutual respect and trust. The mentee is actively looking for effective leaders who produce the
results that they promise.
 Feedback Skill
It is your duty as a mentor to give constructive criticism in a respectful but direct manner. Many
people view giving feedback as a weakness, although doing so is crucial for mentors since it helps
others improve. As a mentor, you must provide feedback in a way that benefits the individual
receiving it without undermining their self-esteem.
 Problem-Solving Skill
A mentor's ability to solve problems is essential since mentees look to them for guidance in
overcoming obstacles in their personal or professional lives. Knowing how to solve problems well
enables you to deal with any situation. Because mentoring relationships don't always go smoothly
and problems can arise, it's critical for mentors to be excellent problem solvers.
 Communication Skill
Being a good mentor requires having strong communication skills, which are important in all facets
of life. Communication is a crucial ability for making the mentoring relationship successful, from
helping your mentee create goals to running mentoring sessions. These abilities are vital whether
you're in a virtual or in-person relationship.
As a mentor, you will frequently find yourself in circumstances with your mentee when you must be
able to motivate them, listen to their difficulties, or give them feedback.

 Mentoring process
 Initial Meeting
 Mentoring Sessions
 Moving on from Mentoring Relationship
 Review and Sign Off Objectives

5. Self-assessment and learning needs report

Self Assessment and Learning Needs Report

 Why assess own competencies and learning needs?

The most crucial reason to evaluate your learning needs is that you will be more likely to change your
practise if you do so than if learning is forced upon you.
Identifying your learning needs can benefit both you personally and your organisation.
Maintaining a balance between the requirements of the individual and the needs of the entire group can
benefit your organisation.

 3 Methods to assess own competencies and learning needs

1. The Self-Assessment
Self-assessments give people the chance to consider their own advantages and disadvantages
while gaining insight into the areas where they need to improve in order to conform to the
competency model required for that position.
It is crucial to remember that self-assessments must be utilised in conjunction with manager
assessments because they cannot, on their own, produce appropriate assessments. Individual
bias causes one to either rate themselves below or above the competency model, which is why
this occurs. Most of the time, people don't appropriately estimate themselves.
2. Manager Assessment
Only after the manager has had enough time to observe and evaluate the person can the
management execute a competency assessment. This might take anywhere between 6 and 12
months, depending on the manager's skill.
Giving the employee projects and tasks that put the competencies in the competency model for
his or her role to the test is an excellent method to do this.
In general, managerial evaluation is simpler for entry-level roles with relatively simple
competencies and more challenging for senior level positions with more complicated
competencies. To be as impartial as possible, managers must be conscious of their own biases,
similar to how people skew their own judgements.
3. 360-Degree Assessment
The most accurate findings will come from 360-degree evaluations because they rate the
person as objectively as they can from all possible angles.
As a result, 360-degree exams are among the most well-liked and well-regarded techniques for
evaluating competencies. To begin a 360-degree assessment, ask the subject to evaluate their
own performance in relation to the competency framework for the role. Once this has been
done, find people that the person directly works with, such as their boss, co-workers,
subordinates, and even internal or external clients and suppliers. Calculate the individual's
competency score by averaging the results of all the assessments.

6. Learning and development activities evaluation report

IPSO Appliances Evaluation report

 Introduction
 to offer suggestions for additional learning and development activities.
 to evaluate the team's learning and development initiatives

 Analysis of surveys received

Some employees believe that more might be done, such as ensuring workplace coaching takes place
and acknowledging worker involvement in learning and development.

 Analysis of staff performance

 The success of product knowledge training, development, and intranet use is demonstrated by the
rise in employee performance evaluations.
 It's still tough to deal with demanding consumers, and the supplied training doesn't seem to have
been adequate.
 The new hire has adjusted nicely

 Recommendations
 making contact with a third party and attending a full-day workshop on dealing with challenging
 The effort of the staff needs to be rewarded.

7. Revised learning and development policy and procedure

IPSO Appliances Learning and Development Policy and Procedures

At IPSO Appliances, our mission is to promote educational opportunity and equality and the application of
knowledge within the company.

The development of all IPSO Appliances staff is integral to the pursuit of quality, effectiveness and success.
IPSO Appliances seeks to maximise individual contribution at all levels by providing appropriate
opportunities for personal and professional development and aims to establish and maintain a culture which
values lifelong learning and development amongst staff.


All individuals contribute to achieving the organisation’s objectives. As individuals and their roles vary, staff
development activities will differ. IPSO Appliances will seek to make appropriate development opportunities
available for all staff.

IPSO Appliances will aim to support those development activities, which are relevant to individuals in the
context of their work and future careers. Thus, the personal and professional needs of staff will be
considered in the context of the wider development needs of the IPSO Appliances.


Identification of Development Needs

Appraisal is a fundamental part of the staff development process. It encourages the systematic
identification of staff development needs by providing an opportunity for individuals to discuss their
performance and development and to discuss and agree an individual learning and development plan.

Personal development can be achieved in a number of ways, some of which may be less resource
demanding than others e.g. action learning sets, use of flexible learning materials, networking etc. When
development needs are identified, consideration should be given to the most appropriate mechanisms for
meeting needs. It is also important to recognise that the development of staff can provide an important
means of responding to increasing work pressures, and that opportunities for development often arise as a
natural part of work.

• Achievement [reward and recognition scheme]

- Employees who take part in the learning and development programme will be given an attendance
- A thank-you note and gift cards will be given to employees that mentor and coach others.
- One employee will be chosen as Learner of the Year each year.

Equality of Opportunity

This Staff Development policy and its implementation will be consistent with the aims and objectives
expressed in the IPSO Appliances Equal Opportunities policy statement.

Monitoring and Evaluation

IPSO Appliances is committed to the evaluation of its training and development programs.
The effectiveness of all staff development activities will be monitored and evaluated. This will include
periodic reviews of the appraisal process and the implementation of action plans arising from it.
Management will also receive regular reports on the staff development activity taking place.
8. Email to staff member (Terry) recognising workplace achievement

Dear Terry,

On behalf of the IPSO Appliances management, I would like to extend our appreciation for the amazing
work done by you on mentoring Prem for achieving his job roles well above average.

The management team at IPSO Appliances know the amount of effort that you put into your job and we
want to assure you that your efforts are recognised.

As a sign of our appreciation, you will receive a gift card of $100 to thank you for your hard work and effort.

Once again, thank you so much! We are lucky to have you on our team.

Best Regards,

Glory May G Valenzuela

Customer Service Manager

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