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Task 3
Portfolio and Roleplay

Part A
1. Short (one-page) report on potential work-life balance strategies
• The benefits of work-life balance programs
 A happier workforce will result from employees being able to feel fulfilled on both a
personal and professional level.
 Productivity gains - When workers get the tools they need to stay focused, their pro
ductivity rises.
 Increased dedication and loyalty among employees Employee loyalty and commitment
will increase for an employer who encourages work-life balance.
 Higher levels of employee engagement - Workers who believe that their personal an
d professional life are in harmony are more engaged.
 Less absenteeism - Burnout among employees is a very serious issue. Lack of assista
nce makes employees more likely to miss work or arrive late.
 Encourages employees to prioritise their overall well-being - Encouraging employees t
o do so fosters trust between the employer and employee.

• Use of work-life balance programs in Australian companies

 6 Work Life Balance Policy and Flexible Working.pdf (
 02_A4Letterhead_V4 (

• Examples of work-life balance strategies

- Strategy 1 - Work Life Balance policy
It is crucial to have a clear policy statement that states, "The company is committed to pro
viding a flexible responsive workplace, which enables all employees to balance work and fa
mily/personal responsibilities," and that is supported by policy guidelines outlining what that
entails for everyone in the workplace. This policy statement should be incorporated into co
re values statements and corporate plans.
- Strategy 2 – Create a culture of trust
Since they think that the amount of time employees spend at their desks directly correlates
with productivity, many managers try to limit the amount of time workers spend away fro
m the company.
Effective work-life support necessitates an attitude shift: if you can convince workers that yo
u believe in their ability to do high-quality work regardless of where they work or how lon
g they work, you will go a long way towards improving their welfare and engagement.
- Strategy 3 – Promote an open-door policy
Establishing a culture that values communication in both directions and trust is the first ste
p towards promoting work-life balance. It will be simpler to assist employees in managing t
heir time and workload the more you encourage them to talk to you about their struggles.
- Strategy 4 – Train managers to tackle stress
At their best, managers monitor team morale and respond to issues in a helpful manner. At
their worst, they might exert pressure on workers or foster a hostile work environment. Eff
ective stress management training will assist them in becoming the supportive leaders they
need to be in both situations.
- Strategy 5 – Build flexibility into annual leave policies
Employees can put aside time for well-deserved breaks or side projects they've been trying
to limit to weekends and evenings by purchasing more annual leave through holiday trading.
It never ceases to amaze me how many businesses don't provide this benefit; given the si
gnificant payroll savings it produces, it should be obvious.

2. Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Date: 22/05/2024
Time: 10am
Place: Meeting Room
Attendees: Ron, July, Brian, Sam, Karen, Novia
Apologies: Keith

Item Description
1 Welcome the attendees
Follow-up previous meeting
Action/resolution Who Status
Service Level Agreement HR Manager Ongoing
Recruitment Process HR Manager Completed
Item discussed
Outcomes (brief description and actions only should be noted):
Importance of work-life balance program
The necessity of work-life balance programmes was discussed. Everyone
is eager to witness these developments. This Friday, the HR manager w
ill announce the time and date of another meeting.
Item discussed
Outcomes (brief description only and actions should be noted):
Work-life Balance Program Policy & Procedures
HR Team will make a work-life balance policy & procedures to support
the wellbeing of all employees. The policy & procedures will be check
by CEO and will be discussed with all managers in next meeting.
Next meeting
Time: 29/05/2024
Date: 10am
Place: Meeting room
6 Meeting close

Minute taker: HR Manager


Name: Novia

Date: 24/05/2024

3. Email to all managers to introduce and summarise the contents of meeting mi


Dear managers,

Thank you for attending the meeting to discuss the work-life balance program. From the m
eeting, everyone has agreed to vary existing working arrangements by implementing new wo
rk-life balance programs. The new work-life balance program policy and procedures will be d
iscussed at the next meeting with all the managers by HR Manager.
Please find the attached meeting minutes in this email. Do not hesitate to contact me if yo
u have any questions.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Glory May Valenzuela

Part B
4. Social Media Guidelines

Social Medial Guidelines


The purpose of this policy is to make social media usage clear to all Boutique Build Australi
a employees and contractors.


Any online medium that allows for user participation, interaction, or posting is referred to g
enerically as "social media."


All employees and subcontractors of Boutique Build Australia are subject to this policy.


Not divulge critical or proprietary information belonging to Boutique Build Australia.

You must not publish any content that might, harass, discriminate against, or bully a memb
er of the Boutique Build Australia team, a supplier, or a client.

Potential breach

Publishing disrespectful comments that could harass, discriminate against, or bully co-workers
or uploading photos that could harm Boutique Build Australia.
Social Media good practice

Not to publish photos of anyone without their consent or divulge personal information abou
t them.

5. Email to all staff members explain the purpose of the social media guidelines
and the reason that they have been introduced

Dear Staff,

Please find attached Social Media Guidelines in this email.

The social media policies' aim is to give employees clear instructions on what they can and
cannot say about the company they work for and what they can and cannot do regarding
their personal and professional use of social media. The social media guidelines should give
employees a sense of protection from cyberbullying and give businesses peace of mind tha
t their employees won't harm their name.
The reason that the social media guidelines have been introduced are the following.
 Social media rules are crucial because what is posted on these platforms influences
how employees and potential employees communicate with one another, how they t
reat one another, and how businesses manage and promote their reputations.
 Negative effects could include time theft, defamation, cyberbullying, freedom of spee
ch, and privacy invasion if not properly managed by a corporation.
 Possibility of unauthorised exposure of proprietary and sensitive information belongin
g to the employer
 Violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties.
 Responsibility for offensive or disparaging remarks made by workers
 Damage to reputation
If you have any questions regarding the social media guidelines, do not hesitate to contact
Thank you.

Best regards,

HR Manager

6. Formal letter to the carpenter

Private and confidential
Sydney, NSW

Dear Carpenter
Warning letter
I am writing to you about your social media post during your employment with Boutique Build

After considering the situation it is expected that your social media post was offensive and
specifically that you has to take action regarding your social media post to immediately remove the
photos and offensive comments from your Facebook.

This is your first warning letter. Your employment may be terminated if your social media post does
not remove by 27/05/2024.
I propose that we meet again on 29/05/2024 to review your progress. Please let me know if this time
is convenient to you. If you wish to respond to this formal warning letter, please do so by contacting
me on 0452589594 or by replying in writing.
Yours sincerely,

Glory May Valenzuela

HR Manager


7. Screen shot of folders and documents

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