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Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning

之 zhī of 与 yǔ and
02-01 万 wàn ten thousand 04-01 写 xiě to write
历 lì experience 考 kǎo to test / to examine
千 qiān a thousand 己 jǐ self
02-02 于 yú therefore / about equals 04-02 已 yǐ already
乎 hū almost / care about 色 sè color
卡 kǎ card 风 fēng wind
02-03 片 piàn slice / sheet 04-03 内 nèi inside
止 zhǐ stop / end 向 xiàng toward
无 wú no / none 正 zhèng just / right
02-04 未 wèi not yet 04-04 步 bù step / walk
支 zhī pay (money) 此 cǐ this
父 fù father 奇 qí odd / wonder / rare
02-05 交 jiāo to interact / to submit 04-05 何 hé component of question words
爷 yé grandfather 河 hé river
共 gòng together 告 gào to say / to tell
03-01 山 shān mountain 05-01 员 yuán member / employee
世 shì world 台 tái platform / station / stage
头 tóu head / beginning 各 gè each / respective / every
03-02 夫 fū husband / man 05-02 客 kè guest
失 shī to lose 路 lù road
实 shí real / fact 及 jí be in time
03-03 卖 mài to sell 05-03 极 jí pole / extremely
读 dú to read 级 jí level
式 shì method / type 床 chuáng bed
03-04 试 shì to try / to test 05-04 度 dù degree
许 xǔ to allow / to promise 底 dǐ bottom
主 zhǔ main / master 且 qiě in addition
03-05 注 zhù to pay attention to / to concentrate on 05-05 直 zhí straight
往 wǎng toward 其 qí N/A
Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning

姐 jiě older sister 由 yóu due to

06-01 租 zū to rent 08-01 油 yóu oil
季 jì season 鱼 yú fish
奶 nǎi grandmother / milk 反 fǎn opposite / anti
06-02 妹 mèi younger sister 08-02 双 shuāng double / pair
妻 qī wife 叔 shū uncle
婚 hūn marriage 业 yè industry / profession
06-03 姓 xìng last name 08-03 变 biàn to change
始 shǐ to start / to begin 受 shòu to be subjected to
弟 dì younger brother 另 lìng other / another
06-04 单 dān single / list 08-04 办 bàn to do
总 zǒng in total / always 功 gōng power / accomplishment
公 gōng public / fair 光 guāng light
06-05 至 zhì to / until 08-05 克 kè gram
室 shì room 祝 zhù to express good wishes
介 jiè to refer / to introduce 层 céng layer / level
07-01 紧 jǐn tight 09-01 居 jū home / to live at
命 mìng life / fate 据 jù according to
京 jīng capital city 冬 dōng winter
07-02 景 jǐng scenery 09-02 图 tú picture
影 yǐng shadow 终 zhōng the end
使 shǐ to use / ambassador 母 mǔ mother
07-03 化 huà change / used as a suffix 09-03 海 hǎi the ocean
像 xiàng to resemble / like 汽 qì steam
句 jù sentence 邻 lín next to / neighbor
07-04 狗 gǒu dog 09-04 阳 yáng the sun
猫 māo cat 阴 yīn shade
故 gù of the past / accident / on purpose 即 jí N/A
07-05 改 gǎi to change / to alter 09-05 却 què although / however
收 shōu to receive 节 jié holiday
Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning

市 shì city 辆 liàng measure word for cars

10-01 希 xī hope 12-01 连 lián to connect / even…
离 lí to leave 选 xuǎn to choose / to pick
达 dá to reach / to get to 合 hé together / join
10-02 近 jìn near / close by 12-02 答 dá/dā to answer
迟 chí late 拿 ná to take / to hold / to grab
通 tōng through 戏 xì play
10-03 遇 yù to encounter 12-03 成 chéng accomplish / become
迎 yíng to welcome 城 chéng city
站 zhàn to stand / station 经 jīng (pass) through / via
10-04 位 wèi position / location / measure word for people 12-04 结 jié knot / to bear
拉 lā to pull 绍 shào N/A
某 mǒu some / a certain… 馆 guǎn public building
10-05 甜 tián sweet 12-05 饮 yǐn drink
活 huó to live 饱 bǎo full
件 jiàn a measure word / document 红 hóng red
11-01 传 chuán to pass 13-01 黄 huáng yellow
转 zhuǎn to turn 蓝 lán blue
择 zé to select 换 huàn to change / to exchange
11-02 抱 bào to hug / to hold 13-02 护 hù to protect / to care
接 jiē to catch 报 bào to report
必 bì must 物 wù thing / object
11-03 态 tài state / attitude 13-03 特 tè special / very
您 nín you (polite) 持 chí to hold / to maintain
皮 pí skin / leather 音 yīn sound
11-04 被 bèi was being / blanket 13-04 香 xiāng fragrant / nice-smelling / delicious
礼 lǐ gift / courtesy / ceremony 易 yì easy
校 xiào school 查 chá to check / to search
11-05 较 jiào relatively 13-05 旧 jiù old / worn
轻 qīng light 担 dān to shoulder (a burden)
Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning

顾 gù to attend / to look after / to take into consideration 清 qīng clear

14-01 提 tí to mention / to raise 16-01 满 mǎn full / filled
题 tí question 消 xiāo to disappear
讨 tǎo to discuss 舒 shū comfortable
14-02 论 lùn opinion / comment 16-02 胖 pàng fat
讲 jiǎng to speak 鲜 xiān fresh
司 sī to manage / to control 决 jué to decide / definitely
14-03 词 cí word 16-03 准 zhǔn accurate / to allow
诉 sù to tell / to complain 推 tuī to push
课 kè class / lesson 将 jiāng will / shall / general
14-04 保 bǎo to ensure / to maintain / to protect 16-04 够 gòu enough
跳 tiào to jump 舞 wǔ dance
突 tū sudden / outstanding 旁 páng next to
14-05 哭 kū to cry 16-05 旅 lǚ to travel
厌 yàn to dislike 游 yóu to swim / to travel
原 yuán cause / origin 然 rán used as an adjectival or adverbial suffix
15-01 愿 yuàn willing / to wish 17-01 照 zhào according to / photograph / license
急 jí urgent 黑 hēi black / dark
信 xìn letter / message / trust 而 ér but / yet
15-02 借 jiè to borrow / to lend 17-02 雪 xuě snow
健 jiàn to strengthen / health 扫 sǎo to sweep
幸 xìng fortune / luck 春 chūn spring
15-03 着 zhe/zháo/zhāo used after a verb to indicate the result of an action 17-03 晴 qíng sunny
首 shǒu leader / head 街 jiē street
虽 suī although 医 yī to cure / medical
15-04 强 qiáng strong 17-04 短 duǎn short
张 zhāng to open 商 shāng business
情 qíng feeling / emotion 参 cān to participate / to join
15-05 精 jīng essence / exquisite 17-05 须 xū beard / necessary
静 jìng quiet / calm 颜 yán color
Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning Lesson Ch. Pinyin English Meaning

备 bèi to prepare / to get ready 费 fèi fee / cost / to spend

18-01 留 liú to stay / to keep 20-01 赛 sài race / competition
画 huà to draw / to paint 惯 guàn to be used to
条 tiáo long strip / article 数 shù/shǔ number / to count
18-02 夏 xià summer 20-02 教 jiào/jiāo to teach / teaching
复 fù to repeat 整 zhěng whole / entire / to arrange / to organize
种 zhòng/zhǒng to plant / seed / type 望 wàng to hope / to look at
18-03 秋 qiū autumn / fall 20-03 型 xíng type / model / mold
烧 shāo to burn / to roast 努 nǔ to try hard / to strive
声 shēng sound / noise 根 gēn according to / basis
18-04 求 qiú to beg / to request 20-04 检 jiǎn to check / to examine
康 kāng wellness 脸 liǎn face
药 yào medicine 简 jiǎn simple
18-05 练 liàn to practice 20-05 算 suàn to count / to calculate
绿 lǜ green 管 guǎn to manage / to control
疼 téng pain / to love dearly 害 hài to harm / to fear
19-01 痛 tòng pain 21-01 容 róng facial expression / look
瘦 shòu thin / skinny / tight 宾 bīn guest / visitor
解 jiě to take apart / to solve 理 lǐ logic / reason / to manage
19-02 般 bān type / in general / ordinary 21-02 班 bān work / shift
骑 qí to ride 环 huán ring / loop
闻 wén to smell / to hear 定 dìng definite / certain
19-03 聪 cōng smart / clever 21-03 蛋 dàn egg
聊 liáo to chat 楚 chǔ clear
院 yuàn institution 曾 céng once / before
19-04 除 chú except / besides 21-04 增 zēng to increase / to add to
随 suí to follow 境 jìng environment / border
怪 guài strange / to blame 超 chāo super / to surpass
19-05 懂 dǒng to understand 21-05 越 yuè more / to surpass
性 xìng sex / gender / nature 趣 qù interesting / interest

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