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_________allows you to recognize and

You might notice that you

identify the specific thoughts,
feel particularly anxious
emotions, and physical sensations you
when thinking about
experience before and during public
potential mistakes. Being
speaking. By being aware of your
aware of this can prompt you
anxiety triggers, such as a racing heart
to prepare more thoroughly
or negative self-talk, you can take
or develop strategies to stay
steps to manage these reactions
calm if you stumble.

f B
_________helps you explore the
Understanding that your fear
underlying reasons for your anxiety.
of public speaking stems
This could involve recognizing past
from a past negative
experiences, beliefs, or fears that
experience allows you to
contribute to your nervousness
address that specific issue,
perhaps through
visualization techniques or
seeking support to reframe
that experience.
e C
_________involves embracing your
By accepting that everyone
imperfections and being kind to
makes mistakes and that it's
yourself. Accepting that it’s okay to
part of the learning process,
feel anxious and that it’s a common
you can reduce the fear of
experience can reduce the pressure
failure and the unrealistic
you put on yourself to perform
expectation of delivering a
flawless speech.
h D
_________means recognizing and
Validating your own efforts
affirming your own feelings and
and feelings can help you
experiences as legitimate. This can
build internal confidence.
boost your confidence and reduce the
Reminding yourself that it’s
need for external approval.
normal to feel nervous and
that you are prepared can
reduce the reliance on
audience reactions to feel
g A
4-S How it helps Example





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