XI-JEE M-4 Physics Final

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Volume 4 Class 11 JEE
Class 11 JEE

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Units and Measurements & Basic Mathematics
Motion in a Straight line
Motion in a Plane & Relative Motion
Laws of Motion & Friction

Work, Energy and Power
Circular Motion
Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision
Rotational Motion

Mechanical Properties of Solids
Fluid Mechanics
Simple Harmonic Motion

Thermal Physics
Kinetic Theory of Gases and Thermodynamics



Theory ................................................................................................................................................ 06

Exercise - 1 : Basic Objective Questions............................................................................................ 22

Exercise - 2 : Previous Year JEE MAIN Questions ........................................................................... 30

Exercise - 3 : Advanced Objective Questions .................................................................................. 33

Exercise - 4 : Previous Year JEE Advanced Questions ..................................................................... 40

Answer Key ........................................................................................................................................ 101


Theory ................................................................................................................................................ 46

Exercise - 1 : Basic Objective Questions............................................................................................ 63

Exercise - 2 : Previous Year JEE MAIN Questions ........................................................................... 71

Exercise - 3 : Advanced Objective Questions .................................................................................. 82

Exercise - 4 : Previous Year JEE Advanced Questions ..................................................................... 91

Answer Key ........................................................................................................................................ 103



Chapter 14


1. TEMPERATURE AND HEAT The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two
thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with
1.1 Introduction to Temperature and Heat a third one, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each
Temperature : Temperature is a relative measure of hotness other.
or coldness of a body.
There are also various ways to state the zeroth law of
SI Unit : Kelvin (K) thermodynamics. However, in simple terms, it can be said,
Commonly Used Unit : °C or °F 'System that are in thermal equilibrium exist at the same
Conversion : t(k) = t°C + 273.15 temperature'.
Heat : Heat is a form of energy flow (i) between two bodies Zeroth law of thermodynamics takes into account that
or (ii) between a body and its surroundings by virtue of temperature is something worth measuring because it predicts
temperature difference between them. whether the heat will transfer between objects or not. This is
SI Unit : Joule (J) true regardless of how the objects interact. Even if two objects
are not in physical contact, heat still can flow between them,
Commonly Used Unit : Calorie (Cal)
by means of radiation mod of heat transfer. Whereas, zeroth
Conversion : 1cal = 4.186 J law of thermodynamics states that, if system are in thermal
Note: equilibrium, no heat flow will takes place
Heat always flows from a higher temperature system to a Thermal Equilibrium
lower temperature system. Temperature is a property that distinguishes thermodynamics
1.2 Zeroth law of thermodynamics from other sciences. This property can distinguish between
Zeroth law of thermodynamics is one of the four laws of hot and cold. When two or more bodies at different
thermodynamics. The credit for formulating the law goes to temperatures are brought into contact then after some time
Ralph H. Fowler. Interestingly, the zeroth law of they attain a common temperature and they are said to exist
thermodynamics was actually developed much later than the in thermal equilibrium.
original three laws. However, there was some confusion Systems are said to be in thermal equilibrium if there is no
regarding the nomenclature, whether it should be named the heat transfer, even if they are in a position to transfer heat,
fourth law of some other name. The complication arose based on other factors. For example, if we put food in the
because the new law gave a much clearer definition of the refrigerator overnight then that food is in thermal equilibrium
temperature and basically replaced what the other three laws with the air of that refrigerator. Heat no longer flows from
had to state. Fowler finally came up with the name to end this food to the air or from the air to the food, this state is known
conflict. as thermal equilibrium.
The zeroth law of Thermodynamics frames an idea of 1.3 Temperature Scales
temperature as an indicator of thermal equilibrium.
Measurement of Temperature
When a body 'A' is in thermal equilibrium with another body
Principle : Observation of Thermometric property with the
'b', and also separately in thermal equilibrium with a body 'C',
change in temperature and comparing it with certain reference
then body 'B' and 'C' will also be in thermal equilibrium with
each other. This statement defines the zeroth law of
thermodynamics. The law is based on temperature  Reference situation is generally ice point or steam point.
Celcius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales

In Celsius Scale In Fahrenheit Scale

Ice point  0°C Ice point  32°F

Steam point  100°C Steam point  212°F

Fig. 14.1


It implies that 100 division in celcius scales is equivalent to

180 scale divisions in fahrenheit scale. Thermometers
Instrument used to measure temperature of any system is called
t f  32 t
Hence  c as thermometer.
180 100
Examples : Liquid in Glass thermometer, Platinum Resistance
Thermometer, Constant Volume Gas Thermometers.
Liquid in Glass thermometer and Platinum Resistance
thermometer give uniform readings for ice point & steam point
but go non uniform for different liquids and different materials.
 Constant volume gas thermometer gives same readings
irrespective of which gas. It is based on the fact that at low
pressures and constant volume, P × T for a gas is constant.
Gas A

Gas B

–273.15°C 0°C Temperature

Fig. 14.2 Fig. 14.4
Absolute Temperature Scale  All gases converge to absolute zero at zero pressure.
It is kelvin scale
Ice point  273.15 K 2. THERMAL EXPANSION
Steam point  373.15 K
Most substances expand when they are heated. Thermal
Comparing it with the celcius scale, number of scale division expansion is a consequence of the change in average
in both the scales is same. separation between the constituent atoms of an object. Atoms
of an object can be imagined to be connected to one another
t c  0C t k  273.15
 by stiff springs as shown in Fig. At ordinary temperatures,
100 100 the atoms in a solid oscillate about their equilibrium positions
 Kelvin scale is called as absolute scale, because it is with an amplitude of approximately 10 m. The average
– 10
practically impossible to go beyond 0 K into the negative spacing between the atoms is about 10 m. As the
side. temperature of solid increases, the atoms oscillate with greater
amplitudes, as a result the average separation between them
373.15 K 100°C 212.0°F increases, consequently the object expands.

273.15 K 0°C 32°F

0K –273.15°C –459.67°F
Kelvin Scale Celcius Scale Fahrenheit Scale

1K 1°C 1.8°F Fig. 14.5

Comparison of Temperature Scales

More precisely, thermal expansion arises from the
asymmetrical nature of the potential energy curve.
Fig. 14.3


At the atomic level, thermal expansion may be understood by as shown in figure, the average position of an atom will not
considering how the potential energy of the atoms varies be at the minimum point.
with distance. The equilibrium position of an atom will be at When the temperature is raised the amplitude of the vibrations
the minimum of the potential energy well if the well is increases and the average position is located at a greater
symmetric. At a given temperature, each atom vibrates about interatomic separation. This increased separation is manifested
its equilibrium position and its average position remains at as expansion of the material.
the minimum point. If the shape of the well is not symmetrical,
2.1 Linear, Areal and Volumetric Expansion

 KT constant (K)
Linear Expansion Coefficient of Linear expansion () :

L   T Increase in length per unit length per
degree rise in temp.

Area Expension Coefficient of Area Expansion () :

  T
A Increase in area per unit area per degree
rise in temp.

Volume Expansion Coefficient of volume expansion () :

  T
V Increase in volume per unit volume per
degree rise in temp.

Units of ,, = /°C or /K

 In general with change in volume the density will also change.
  for metals generally higher than  for non-metals
 is nearly constant at high temperatures but at low temp it depends on temp.

Fig. 14.6
Coefficient of volume expansion of Cu as a function of temperature.


For ideal gases  is inversely proportional to temperature at From the figure it is observed that,
constant pressure CB = CA+AB
nRT Real expansion = Apparent expansion + expansion of the
P container
V T So, Vr = Va + Vc
 
V T Unlike solids, liquids have no fixed length or surface area but
1 always take up the shape of the containing vessel. When a
  liquid is heated in a container, heat flows through the container
to the liquid; which means that the container expands first,
2.2 Relation between Real Expansion and Apparent
Expansion due to which the level of the liquid falls. When the liquid gets
heated, it expands more, beyond its unique level. We cannot
If the liquid is heated directly without using any container
monitor the intermediate state. We can only observe the initial
then the expansion that you observe is termed as a real
and final levels. This observed expansion of the liquid is
expansion of the liquid. The expansion of the liquid apparently
known as the apparent expansion of the liquid.
observed without considering the expansion of the container
is called the apparent expansion of the liquid. If we consider The real expansion of liquid = Apparent expansion of liquid
the expansion of the container also and measure the total + Volume expansion of the container.
expansion in the volume of the liquid, then the expansion is Therefore, in the case of liquids, we are concerned only with
termed as the absolute expansion of the liquid. volume changes when they are heated. The real (or absolute)
Explanation: A glass bulb with a long graduated stem is filled expansivity of a liquid is the fraction of its volume by which
with liquid up to the mark A. Now keeping an eye on the it expands per kelvin rise in temperature.
liquid column the bulb is heated and it is observed that the 2.3 Anomalous Expansion of Water
upper level of the liquid comes down from position A to
As an exception, water contracts on heating from 0°C to 4°C
position B. After that, it moves up from the graduated line B
and hence its density increases from 0°C to 4°C. Thus is called
crossing the mark A and reaches to mark C.
as anamolous expansion
The reason is that when the heat is applied the volume of the
1 gm/cc
bulb increases at first. Due to this cause liquid comes down
to B from A. Later on as soon as the liquid gets heated its
volume starts to increase and reaches from B to C. It happens
so as the expansion of liquid is more than the expansion of
Apparently it appears to us that the liquid was at mark A and
4°C 4°C
finally reaches to mark C. Therefore, CA is the apparent (a) (b)
expansion. CB is the real expansion and AB indicates the Fig. 14.8 Fig. 14.9
expansion of the container.
 In general

  3  
Proof : Imagine a cube of length, l that expands equally in
all directions, when its temperature increases by small T;
We have
l = lT
3 3 3 2 2 2 3
V = (l l) – l = l + 3l l + 3ll + l – l
= 3l l ...(1)
Fig. 14.7


2 3
In Equation (1) we ignore 3ll & l as l is very small as
compared to l.

3V V
V  l = 3VT [Using  l2 ] ...(2)
l l
 3T
 V
Fig. 14.11
  = 3
For example, when the temperatures of a brass rod and a steel
Similarly we can prove for area expansion coefficient
rod of equal length are raised by the same amount from some
 In case, thermal expansion is prevented inside the rod common initial value, the brass rod expands more than the
by fixing its ends rigidly, then the rod acquires a compressive steel rod because brass has a greater average coefficient of
strain due to external fones at the ends corresponding stress expansion than steel. Such type of bimetallic strip is found in
set up in the rod is called thermal stress. practical devices such as thermostats to break or make
we know electrical contact.

 T  compressive strain

Also     Thermal stress

T  YT
Where Y = young madulus of elasticity ...(3)
 Practical applications in railway tracks, metal tyres of
cart wheels, bridges and so many other applications.
Fig. 14.12
 If a solid object has a hole in it, what happens to the size
of the hole, when the temperature of the object increases. Variation of Density with Temperature
A common misconception is that if the object expands, ariation of density with temperature
the hole will shrink because material expands into the Most substances expand when they are heated, i.e. volume of
hole. But the truth is that if the object expands, the hole a given mass of a substance increases on heating, so the density
will expand too, because every linear dimension of an
object changes in the same way when the temperature  1
should decrease as  as    . Let us see how the density
changes.  V

 varies with increase in temperature.


or  (for a given mass)
Fig. 14.10  V V V 1
    
2.4 Applications of Thermal Expansion p V  V  t V  T 1  T
Expansion of a Bimetallic Strip
Each substance has its own characteristic average coefficient 
  
of expansion. 1  T


This expression can also be written as Weight of the solid = Upthrust on solid from liquid
   1  T   VS g  Vi l g ...(1)

–1 Here, S  density of solid

If  very small. 1  T   1 – T
l  density of liquid
    1 – T 
Vi  immersed volume of solid and
Effect of temperature on apparent weight when immersed
in a liquid V  Total volume of solid
When a solid body is complete immersed a liquid its apparent From Eqn. (1)
weight gets decreased due to an upthrust acting on it by the
Vi S
liquid. The apparent weight is given by  f ...(2)
V l
Wapp = W – F
where, f = immersed fraction of solid.
Here, F = upthrust =  VS L g
With increase in temperature S and l both will decrease.
Where, VS = volume of solid and L  density of liquid
Therefore, this fraction may increase, decrease or remain
Now, as the temperature is increased VS increases while L constant. At some higher temperature,
decreases. So, F may increase or decrease (or may remain S
constant also) depending upon the condiction that which factor f  ...(3)
dominates on the other. We can write.
From Eqs. (2) and (3), we have
F  VSL
f   S  l 
F VS L  VS  VS   1     
or      f  S  l 
F VS L VS  1   L
T 

 V   V T  1   1 
  S S S     1   l  
 VS   1   L T   1   S
 

 1   S T 
or F  F   f   1   l  
or  
 1   L T  f  1   S  
Now, if  S   L , F  F
Now, if  l   S , f   f or immersed fraction will increase.
or   Wapp and vice-versa.
If  l   S , f   f or immersed fraction will remain unchanged
and if  S   L , F  F
or   Wapp
Wapp and if,  l   S , then f   f or immersed fraction will
Effect of Temperature on Immersed Fraction of a Solid
Effect of temperature on the time period of a pendulum
in Floating condition
The time period of a simple pendulum is given by
When a solid, whose density is less than the density of liquid
is floating in it, then l
T  2

or T l
As the temperature is increased, length of the pendulum and
hence, time period gets increased or a pendulum clock
becomes slow and it loses the time.
Fig. 14.13


T l l  l F  YAT
 
T l l Expansion of Liquids
Here, we l = l  in place of l T so as to avoid the For heating a liquid it has to be ut in some container. When
confusion with change in time period. Thus, the liquid is heated, the container will also expand. We define
coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid as the apparent
T l  l  12
increase in volume per unit origional volume per °C rise in
  1   
T l temperature. It is represented by  a . Thus,

 1   r  coefficient of volume expansion of liquid

or T  T 1    (if   1 )
 2  and  g  coefficient of volume expansion of the container

or T  T  – T  T
Time lost in time t (by a pendulum clock whose actual time
period is T and the changed time period at some higher When two systems at different temperatures are connected
temperature is T  ) is together then heat flows from higher temperature to lower
temperature till the time their temperatures do not become
 T  same.
t   t
 T  Principle of calorimetry states that, neglecting heat loss to
 At some higher temperature a scale will expand and scale surroundings, heat lost by a body at higher temperature is
reading will be lesser than true value. equal heat gained by a body at lower temperature.

However, at lower temperature scale reading will be more heat gained = heat lost
or true value will be less. Whenever heat is given to any body, either its temperature
 When a rod whose ends are rigidly fixed such as to prevent changes or its state changes.
from expansion or contraction undergoes a change in 3.1 Change in Temperature
temperature, thermal stresses are developed in the rod.
This is because, if the temperature is increased, the rod When the temp changes on heating,
has a tendency to expand with since it is fixed at two Then
ends it is not allowed to expand. So, the rod exerts a force
Heat supplied  change in temp (T)
on supports to expand.
 amount of substance (m/n)
 nature of substance (s/C)
 H = msT
m = Mass of body
s = specific heat capacity per kg
T = Change in temp
Fig. 14.14 or H = nCT
n = Number of moles
Thermal strain   T C = Specific/Molar heat Capacity per mole
T = Change in temp
So thermal stress     (thermal strain) YT Specific Heat Capacity : Amount of heat required to raise
the temperature of unit mass of the substance through one
or force on supports F = A (stress) YAT degree.
Here, Y = Young’s modulus of elasticity of the rod.


Units  In case any material is not at its B.P or M.P, then on heating
the temperature will change till the time a particular state
SI  J/KgK SH O L  = 1 cal/g°C
change temperature reaches.
Common  cal/g°C SH O ice = 0.5 cal/g°C
For Example : If water is initially at –50°C at 1 Atm pressure
in its solid state.
Molar Heat Capacity : Amount of heat required to raise the
On heating.
temperature of unit mole of the substance through one degree
Step - 1 : Temp changes to 0°C first
Step - 2 : Ice melts to H2O(l) keeping the temp constant
SI  J/mol K
Step - 3 : Temp. increase to 100°C
Common  Cal/g°C
Step - 4 : H2O(l) boils to steam keeping the temp constant
Heat Capacity : Amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of a system through one degree Step - 5 : Further temp increases
 H = ST
where S = Heat Capacity
SI  J/K
Common  Cal/°C
 For H2O specific heat capacity does change but fairly very
 Materials with higher specific heat capacity require a lot
of heat for same one degree rise in temperature Fig. 14.15
3.2 Change in State  The slope is inversely proportional to heat capacity.
 Length of horizontal line depends upon mL for the process.
When the phase changes on heating
Then 3.3 Pressure dependence on melting point and boiling
Heat supplied  amount of substance which changes the state (m)
  nature of substance (L)  For some substance melting point decreases with increase
in pressure and for other melting point increases
 H = mL
 Melting poing increases with increase in temperature. We
Where L = Latent Heat of substance
can observe the above results through phaser diagrams.
Latent Heat : Amount of heat required per mass to change
the state of any substance. P P
(atm) (atm)
Liq Liq
SI  J/Kg Solid
Common  Cal/g
O Vapour O Vapour
 The change in state always occurs at a constant
temperature. T(°C) T(°C)
For H2O For CO2
For example

Solid  Liq Lf Fig. 14.16 Fig. 14.17

Line AO  Sublimation curve
Liq  Gas Lv
Line OB  Fusion curve
Lf = Latent Heat of fusion Line OC  Vapourization curve
Lv = Latent heat of vaporization Point O  Triple Point


Point C  Critical temperature

Triple Point : The combination pressure and temperature at
which all three states of matter (i.e. solids, liquids gases co-
For H2O it is at 273.16 K and 0.006 Atm.
Critical Point : The combination of pressure & temp beyond
which a vapour cannot be liquified is called as critical point.
Corresponding temperature, pressure are called as critical
temperature & critical pressure.
From the phasor diagram, we can see that melting point
decreases with increases in pressure for H2O.
Based on this is the concept of regelation.
Regelation : The phenomena of refreezing of water melted
below the normal melting point due to increase in pressure.
 It is due to this pressure effect on boiling point that cooking
is tough on mountains and easier in pressure cooker.
3.4 Mechanical equivalent of heat
In the history of science, the mechanical equivalent of heat
states that motion and heat are mutually interchangeable and
that in every case, a given amount of work would generate
the same amount of heat, provided the work done is totally
converted to heat energy. Fig. 14.18

Water equivalent of a container
Normally, a liquid is heated in a container. So, some heat is
wasted in heating the container also. Suppose water
equivalent of a container is 10 g, then it implies that heat 1. HEAT TRANSFER
required to increase the temperature of this container is equal
to heat required to increase the temperature of 10 g of water. 1.1 Introduction to heat transfer
3.5 Calorimeter Heat transfer is the process of the movemnet of energy dut to
Calorimeter, device for measuring the heat developed during a temperature difference. The calculations we are interested
a mechanical, electrical, or chemical reaction, and for in include determining the final temperatures of materials and
calculating the heat capacity of materials. how long it takes for these materials to reach these
A calorimeter consists of an insulated container, water, a temperatures.
thermometer, a stirring rod, and an object that will either
1.2 Modes of Heat Transfer
absorb or emit heat. To do a Calorimetry experiment, an object
with a certain mass and temperature is placed in the water There are three modes of heat transfer.
and the change in the temperature measured .
 Conduction
A calorimeter is a device that is in use for measuring the
warmth of chemical reactions or physical changes also as heat  Convection
capacity. The most common types of calorimeters are
 Radiation
differential scanning calorimeters, titration calorimeters,
isothermal micro calorimeters, and accelerated rate


2. CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION 2.2 Electrical Analogue of Thermal Conduction

Thermal Resistance (R)
2.1 Conduction

Thermal conduction is the process in which thermal energy is dQ T T

We know dt  H  l KA  R
transferred from the hotter part of a body to the colder one or
from hot body to a cold body in contact with it without any Here, T  temperature difference (TD) and
transference of material particles.
TC > T D R  thermal resistance of the rod.
Consider a section ab of a rod as shown in figure. Suppose
Q1 heat enters into the section at ‘a’ and Q2 leaves at ‘b’, then
Direction of
heat flow Q2 < Q1. Part of the energy Q1 – Q2 is utilized in raising the
temperature of section ab and the remaining is lost to
Fig. 14.19 atmosphere through ab. If heat is continuously supplied fro
At steady state, the left end of the rod, a stage comes when temperature of
the section becomes constant. In that case Q1 = Q2 if rod is
The rate of heat energy flowing through the rod becomes insulated from the surroundings (or loss through ab is zero).
constant. This is called the steady state condition. Thus, is steady state
temperature of different section of the rod becomes constant
C  TD 
(but not same). Hence, in the figure:
This is rate Q  KA ...(i)

for uniform cross-section rods

where Q = Rate of heat energy flow (J/s or W)
A = Area of cross-section (m )
TC,TD = Temperature of hot end and cold end respectively
(°C or K)
L = Length of the rod (m)
K = coefficient of thermal conductivity
Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity :
It is defined as amount of heat conducted during steady state
in unit time through unit area of any cross-section of the Fig. 14.20
substance under unit temperature gradient, the heat flow being T1 = constant, T2 = constant etc. and T1 > T2 > T3 > T4
normal to the area.
Now, a natural question arises, why the temperature of
Units whole rod not becomes equal when heat is being
SI  J/msK or W/mK. continuously supplied? The answer is: there must be a
 Larger the thermal conductivity, the greater will be rate of temperature difference in the rod for the heat flow, same as
heat energy flow for a given temperature difference. we require a potential difference across a resistance for the
current flow through it.
 Kmetals > Knon metals
In steady state, the temperature varies linearly with
 Thermal conductivity of insulators is very low. Therefore,
distance along the rod if it is insulated.
air does not let the heat energy to be conducted very easily.


2.3 Series and Parallel Combination of Rods

Series Combination:
We can compute the effective coefficient of heat conductivity
when different materials are linked with varying coefficients
of thermal conductivity. When the rods are linked in series,
the flow rate through both sections is the same. However,
because the different connections get varying amounts of heat
energy, the temperature differential between them will be
The total of the temperature differences between the junctions
Fig. 14.21 equals the temperature difference between the first and last
ends. When two materials are linked in series and their
 Comparing equation number (iii), i.e. heat current physical dimensions are the same.
dQ T  I 
H   where R   2K1 K 2
dt R  KA  KS 
K1  K 2
with the equation, of current flow through a resistance,
dQ V  I  Parallel Combination:
I   where R  
dt R  A  When two materials are linked in a parallel configuration,
We find the following similarities in heat flow through a the entire available heat energy per second is divided between
rod and current flow through a resistance. them. In any case, the temperature will be the same at the
end. When the rods are linked in parallel, the effect on thermal
S.No. Heat flow Current flow
resistance is identical to the effect on electric resistance.
through a through a
conducting rod resistance We may construct a simple equation for the influence on
1. Conducting rod Electrical coefficient of heat conductivity when two distinct rods have
resistance the same length and cross-section area, as shown below.
2. Heat flows Charge flows
3. TD is required PD is required K1  K 2
4. Heat current Electric current Kp 
dQ dQ
H  rate of I  rate of Note:
dt dt
heat flow charge flow Low thermal conductivity materials transmit heat at a slower
5. T TD V PD pace than high thermal conductivity materials. Metals, for
H  I 
R R R R example, have a high thermal conductivity and are extremely
6. l l effective at transferring heat, whereas insulating materials
R R
KA A like Styrofoam are the polar opposite. High thermal
7. K=Thermal   electrical conductivity materials are commonly utilised in heat sink
conductivity conductivity applications, while low thermal conductivity materials are
used as thermal insulation. Thermal resistance is the
counterpart of thermal conductity.
From the above table it is evident that flow of heat through
rods in series and parallel is analogous to the flow of current 2.4 Growth of Ice in Lakes
through resistance in series and parallel. This analogy is of Warm water generally gets more dense as it gets colder, and
great importance in solving complicated problems of heat therefore sinks. This fact may lead you to believe that ice
conduction. should form on the bottom of a lake first. But a funny thing
happens to water as it gets even colder. Colder than 4° Celsius
(39° Fahrenheit), water begins expanding and becomes less


dense as it gets colder. As a result, close to freezing, colder George D. Ashton states, "As a lake cools from above 4° C,
water floats to the top and the warmer water sinks to the the surface water loses heat, becomes more dense and sinks.
bottom. The density of water as a function of temperature This process continues until all the water in the lake is at 4°
can be seen in the plot on the right. Eventually, the coldest C, when the density of water is at its maximum. With further
water, which has floated to the top of the lake in wintry cooling (and without mechanical mixing) a stable, lighter layer
conditions, freezes to form a layer of ice. Right when the of water forms at the surface. As this layer cools to its freezing
water freezes to ice, the ice becomes significantly less dense point, ice begins to form on the surface of the lake."
than the water and continues to float on the lake's surface.
In deep lakes, water pressure may also play a role. The
gravitational weight of all the water higher up in the lake
presses down on the water deep in the lake. The pressure
allows the water near the bottom of the lake to get cold without
expanding and rising. Because of the pressure, the water at
the bottom of deep lakes can become cold without freezing
to ice.

2.5 Convection
The process in which heat is transferred from one point to
another by the actual movement of the heated material particles
from a place at higher temperature to another place of lower
temperature is called as thermal convection.
 If the medium is forced to move with the help of a fan or
a pump, it is called as forced convection.

Fig. 14.22 If the material moves because of the differences in density

of the medium, the process is called natural or free
Ice is less dense than water because of the way it forms a
hexagonal crystalline structure. Each water molecule consists
of two hydrogen atoms bonded to the bottom of an oxygen  Examples of forced convection
atom. When ice forms, the hydrogen atoms of one water Circulatory system, cooling system of an automobile heat
molecule form weak hydrogen bonds with the top of the connector
oxygen atoms of two other water molecules.
 Examples of natural convection
Lining up the water molecules in this pattern takes up more
space than having them jumbled randomly together (as is the Trade winds, Sea Breeze/Land Breeze, Monsoons,
case in liquid water). And because the same mass of molecules Burning of Tea.
takes up more space when frozen, ice is less dense than liquid
water. For this same reason, water below 4° Celsius becomes
increasingly less dense as it gets colder. Close to freezing 3. RADIATION
temperatures, the molecules in the liquid water begin to line
up into the space-filling hexagonal structure. It is a process of transmission of heat in which heat travels
directly from one place to another without the agency of any
intervening medium.
 This radiation of heat energy occurs in the form of EM
 These radiators are emitted by virtue of its temperature,
like the radiation by a red hot iron or light from a filament
 Every body radiates energy as well as absorbs energy from
Fig. 14.23


 The proportion of energy absorbed depends upon the colour 3.2 Ideal Black Body
of the body.
A body that absorbs all the radiation incident upon it and has
3.1 Basic Fundamental Terms in Radiation an emissivity equal to 1 is called a perfectly black body. A
black body is also an ideal radiator. It implies that if a black
Radiant Energy
body and an identical another body are kept at the same
All bodies radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves temperature, then the black body will radiate maximum power
by virtue of their temperature. This energy is called the radiant 4
as is obvious from equation P = eA also. Because
energy. e = 1 for a perfectly black body while for any other body
Absorptive Power ‘a’ e <1.
“It is defined as the ratio of the radiant energy absorbed by it Materials like black velvet or lamp black come close to being
in a given time to the total radiant energy incident on it in the ideal black bodiies, but the best practical realization of an
same interval of time.” ideal black body is a small hole leading into a cavity, as this
absorbs 98% of the radiation incident on them.
energy absorbed
energy incident
As a perfectly black body absorbs all radiations incident on
it, the absorptive power of a perfectly black body is maximum
and unity.

Spectral Absorptive Power ‘ aλ ’

The absorptive power ‘a’ refers to radiations of all wavelengths
(or the total energy) while the spectral absorptive power is
the ratio of radiant energy absorbed by a surface to the radiant
energy incident on it for a particular wavelength  . It may
have different values for different wavelengths for a given
surface. Let us take an example, suppose a = 0.6, a  = 0.4
Fig. 14.24
for1000 Å and a  = 0.7 for 2000 Å for a given surface. Then,
3.3 Kirchoff's law of Thermal Radiation
it means that this surface will absorb only 60% of the total
radiant energy incident on it. Similarly, it absorbs 40% of the Kirchhoff’s law
energy incident on it corresponding to1000 Åand 70% ‘’According to this law the ratio of emissive power to
absorptive power is same for all surfaces at the same
corresponding to 2000 Å.The spectral absorptive power a  is
related to absorptive power a through the relation

a   a  d

Emissive Power ‘e’

(Do not confuse it with the emissivity e which is different
from it, although both have the same symbol e).
“For a given surface it is defined as the radiant energy emitted Fig. 14.25
per second per unit area of the surface.”
e1 e 2  e 
It has the units of W/m Hence   
2 4
a1 a 2  a  perfactly black body
or J/s–m . For a black body e T =  .
But a  black body
Spectral Emissive Power ‘ e λ ’
and e black body
E  say 
“It is emissive power for a particular wavelength  .” Thus,

d   e  d Then,    constant  E
0  a for any surface


Similarly, for a particular wavelength , 3.5 Newtons Law of Cooling

Newton’s Law of cooling states that, the rate of loss of heat
 e 
   E  dQ
 a  for any body of the body is directly proportional to the difference of
Here, E = emissive power of black body at temperature T
temp between body and surrounding.
 T 4
From the above expression, we can see that dQ
Now  k  T2  T1 
e  a  dt
3.4 Stefan's Law
The amount of radiation emitted per second per unit area by where k is a positive constant depending upon area and nature
a black body is directly proportional to the fourth power of of the surface of the body. Suppose a body of mass m, specific
its absolute temperature. heat capacity s is at temperature T2 & T1 be the temp of
Amount of radiation emitted E  T4 surroundings, if dT the fall of temperature in time dt.
where T = temperature of ideal black body (in K) Amount of heat lost is
E =  T4 dQ = msdT
This law is true for only ideal black body
 Rate of loss of heat is given by
SI Unit : E = watt/m2
 = Stefen's constant = 5.67 × 10–8 watt /m2 K4 dQ dT
 ms
Dimensions of  : M1 L0 T–3 –4 dt dt
Total radiation energy emitted out by surface of area A in ...(5)
time t : From Equation 4 and 5
Ideal black body QIBB =  A T4 t and for any other body QGB dT
= erA T4 t  ms  k  T2  T1 
Rate of emission of radiation
When Temperature of surrounding T0 (Let T0 < T) dT k
  dt  Kdt
Rate of emission of radiation from ideal black body surface T2  T1 ms
E1 =  T4
Rate of emission of radiation from surrounding where K 
E2 = T04
Net rate of loss of radiation from ideal black body surface is On integrating
E = E1 – E2 = T4–  T04 =  ( T4 – T04 ) log (T2 – T1) = –Kt + C
Net loss of radiation energy from entire surface area in time t –Kt C
or T 2 = T 1 + C 1e where C1 = e ...(6)
is QIBB = A ( T4 – T04 ) t
For any other body QGB = er A ( T4 – T04 ) t equation (6) enables you to calculate the time of cooling of a
If in time dt the net heat energy loss for ideal black body is body through a particular range of temperature.
dQ and because of this its temperature falls by d

Rate of loss of heat RH = = σ A(T 4 – T04 )
It is also equal to emitted power or radiation emitted per
Rate of fall in temperature (Rate of cooling)

dθ σA 4 4  dQ dθ 
RF = dt = ms J (T – T0 )  dt = m s J dt 
 
Fig. 14.26


3.6 Wein's Displacement Law

At ordinary temperatures (below about 600°C) the thermal

radiation emitted by a body is not visible, most of it is
concentrated in wavelengths much longer than those of visible

Fig. 14.27
 For small temp diff, the rate of cooling, due to conduction,
convection & radiation combined is proportional to
difference in temperature.
 Approximation : If a body cools from Ta to Tb in t times
in medium where surrounding temp is T0, then

Ta  Tb  T  Tb 
 K a  T0 
t  2 

 Newton’s Law of cooling can be verified experimentally.

Fig. 14.29
Figure shows how the energy of a black body radiation varies
T2 T1 with temperature and wavelength. As the temperature of the
black body increases, two distinct behaviors are observed.
The first effect is that the peak of the distribution shifts to
loge (T2-T1)

shorter wavelengths. This shift is found to obey the following

relationship called Wien’s displacement law.
m T  b
Here, b is a constant called Wien’s constant. The value of this
t constant for perfectly black body in SI unit is 2.898×10–3 m-
(a) (b) K. Thus,

m 
Fig. 14.28 T
Set Up : A double walled vessel (v) containng water in Here,  m is the wavelength corresponding to the
between two walls.
maximum spectral emissive power e . The second effect
A copper calorimeter (C) containing hot water placed inside is that the total amount of energy the black body emits per
the double walled vessel. Two thermometers through the lids
unit area per unit time   T  increases with fourth
are used to note the temperature T2 of H2O in calorimeter and
T1 of water in between the double walls respectively. power of absolute temperature T. This is also known as the
emissive power. We know
Experiment : The temperature of hot water in the calorimeter

after equal intervals of time is measured. e   e d  Area under e –  graph  T 4

Result : A graph is plotted between log (T2 – T1) and time (t). 2
or Area  T 4  A 2   2  A1  16A1
The nature of the graph is observed to be a straight line as it
should be from Newton’s law of cooling.


Thus, if the temperature of the black body is made two

fold,  m remains half while the area becomes 16 times.
3.7 Solar Constant
Solar constant, the total radiation energy received from the
Sun per unit of time per unit of area on a theoretical surface
perpendicular to the Sun’s rays and at Earth’s mean distance
from the Sun. It is most accurately measured from satellites
where atmospheric effects are absent.

Fig. 14.30

Fig. 14.31



Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry 6. The radius of a ring is R and its coefficient of linear expansion
Temperature and Heat is . If the temperature of ring increases by , then its
1. At absolute zero circumference will increase by :

(a) all substances exist in solid form (a)  R (b) 2 R

(b) molecular motion ceases  

(c)  R (d)  R
(c) water freezes 2 4
(d) None of the above 7. A steel wire of cross–sectional area 0.5 mm2 is held between
2. At critical temperature, the surface tension of a liquid is : two fixed supports. If the wire is just taut at 20°C, determine
(a) zero the tension when the temperature falls to 0°C. Coefficient
of linear expansion of steel is 1.2 × 10–5/°C and its Young’s
(b) infinity
modulus is 2.0 × 1011 N/m2.
(c) the same as that at any other temperature
(a) 24 N (b) 36 N
(d) cannot be determined
(c) 12 N (d) 6 N
3. The graph between two temperature scales A and B is
shown in figure. 8. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. If the
ball is heated the volume of cavity will :
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) remain unchanged (d) data insufficient
Thermal Expansion
9. An iron ball of mass 0.2 kg is heated to 10°C and put into a
block of ice at 0°C. 2.5 g of ice melts. If the latent heat of
fusion of ice is 80 cal/g, then the specific heat of iron in
cal/g°C is :
(a) 1 (b) 0.1
(c) 0.8 (d) 0.08
Between upper fixed point and lower fixed point, there are
150 equal divisions on scale A and 100 on scale B. The 10. Equal masses of three liquids A, B and C have temperatures
relationship for conversion between the two scales is given 10°C, 25°C and 40°C respectively. If A and B are mixed,
by : the mixture has a temperature of 15°C. If B and C are mixed,
the mixture has a temperature of 30°C. If A and C are mixed,
t A  180 t t A  30 t the mixture will have a temperature of:
(a)  B (b)  B
100 150 150 100 (a) 16°C (b) 20°C
(c) 25°C (d) 29°C
t B  180 t A t B  40 t A
(c)  (d)  11. The temperatures of equal masses of three different liquids
150 100 100 180
A, B and C are 12°C, 19°C and 28°C respectively. The
4. The reading of Centigrade thermometer coincides with that
temperature when A and B are mixed is 16°C, and when B
of Fahrenheit thermometer in a liquid. The temperature of
and C are mixed, it is 23°C. What will be the temperature
the liquid is :
when A and C are mixed ?
(a) –40°C (b) 0°C
(a) 15.6 °C (b) 23.2 °C
(c) 100°C (d) 300°C
(c) 20.3 °C (d) 25.8 °C
5. Which of the following parameters does not characterize
the thermodynamic state of matter? 12. 50 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 50 g of water at 60°C, final
(a) temperature (b) pressure temperature of mixture will be :

(c) work (d) volume (a) 0°C (b) 40°C

(c) 10°C (d) 15°C

13. Two metal rods A and B are having their initial length in 19. Steel wire of length L at 40°C is suspended from the ceiling
the ratio 2 : 3 and the co-efficients of linear expansion in and then a mass m is hung from its free end. The wire is
the ratio 3 : 4. When they are heated through the same cooled down from 40°C to 30°C to regain its original length
temperature difference, the ratio of their linear expansion L. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of steel is
is 10–5/°C. Young’s modulus of steel is 1011N/m2 and radius
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 1 : 2 of the wire is 1 mm. Assume that length (L) >> diameter (d)
of the wire. Then the value of ‘m’ (in kg to nearest, integer).
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 4 : 3
14. A bi-metallic strip is made of two strips A and B having 20. Two rods of different materials having coefficients of
co-efficients of linear expansion A and B. If A <B, thermal expansion 1 ,  2 and Young’s moduli Y1, Y2
then on heating the strip will respectively are fixed separately between two rigid walls.
(a) bend with A on outer side The rods are heated such that they undergo the same
(b) bend with B on outer side increase in temperature. There is no bending of the rods.

(c) not bend at all If 1 :  2 = 2 : 3; then thermal stress developed in both

(d) None of these Y1

rods would be equal, if Y is
15. Two rods of different materials having coefficients of 2

thermal expansion 1 and 2 and Young’s moduli Y1 and

Y2 respectively are fixed between two rigid massive walls. 21. As a result temperature rise of 32°C, a bar with a crack at
The rods are heated such that these undergo the same its center buckles upwards. If the fixed distance L0 is 4 m,
increase in temperature. There is no bending of the rods. and the coefficient of linear expansion of bar is 25 × 10–6
If 1 : 2 = 2 : 3, the thermal stresses developed in the two °C–1. Find the rise x (in cm, to the nearest integer) of the
rods are equal, provided Y1 : Y2 is center.
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 4 : 9
16. Which of the following qualities are best suited for a
cooking utensil
(a) high specific heat and low thermal conductivity
(b) high specific heat and high thermal conductivity
(c) low specific heat and low thermal conductivity
(d) low specific heat and high thermal conductivity
17. What should be the lengths of steel and copper rods at
0°C so that the length of the steel rod is 5 cm longer than 22. Two vessels connected at the bottom by a thin pipe with a
the copper rod at any temperature? sliding plug contain liquid at 20°C and 80°C respectively.
 (Steel) = 1.1 × 10–5 °C–1 and The coefficient of cubic expansion of liquid is 10–3 K–1.

 (Copper) = 1.7 × 10–5 °C–1  h 20 

The ratio of heights columns in the vessel  h  is nearest
(a) 14.17 cm, 9.17 cm (b) 9.17 cm, 14.17 cm  80 
(c) 28.34 cm, 18.34 cm (d) 14.17 cm, 18.34 cm to which integer?
18. The radius of a metal sphere at room temperature T is R, 23. The area of cross - section of a railway track is 0.01 m2.
and the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is . The temperature variation is 10°C. Coefficient of linear
The sphere is heated a little by a temperature T so that its expansion of material of track is 10–5/°C. The energy stored
new temperature is (T + T). The increase in the volume per meter in the track is _____ J/m.
of the sphere is approximately :
(Young’s modulus of material of track is 1011 Nm–2)
(a) 2R T (b) R2 T
(c) 4R3 T/3 (d) 4R3 T

Calorimetry 31. Three copper blocks of masses M 1, M 2 and M 3 kg,

24. Relation between molar and principal specific heat of gases respectively are brought into thermal contact till they reach
(a) Cp = Mcp (b) Cp = M + cp equilibrium. Before contact, they were at temperatures T1,
T2, T3 (T1 > T2 > T3). Assuming there is no heat loss to the
(c) cp = MCp (d) Cp = M – cp
surroundings, the equilibrium temperature T is :
25. Liquids at temperature 60°C and 20°C, respectively, have
mass ratio 3 : 4 and their specific heats in the ratio 4 : 5. If (s is specific heat of copper)
the two liquid mixed, the resultant temperature
T1  T2  T3
(a) 70°C (b) 0°C (a) T 
(c) 35°C (d) 40°C
26. Heat given to a body which raises its temperature by 1°C M1T1  M 2 T2  M 3 T3
is (b) T 
M1  M 2  M 3
(a) water equivalent (b) thermal capacity
(c) specific heat (d) temperature gradient M1T1  M 2 T2  M 3 T3
(c) T 
27. If m is the mass,  is temp. and ‘s’ is specific heat, then 3  M1  M 2  M 3 
thermal capacity K is given by
(a) K = ms  (b) K = m  M1T1s  M 2 T2 s  M 3 T3s
(d) T 
ms M1  M 2  M 3
(c) K  (d) K = ms

32. In two experiments with a continuous flow - calorimeter
28. Dimensions of latent heat are to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid, an input
(a) [M1 L2 T–2] (b) [M0 L2 T–2] power of 16 W produced a rise of 10 K in the liquid.
(c) [M L T ]1 –1
(d) [M1 L1 T–2] When the power was doubled, the same temperature rise
was achieved by making the rate of flow of liquid three
29. Equal masses of two liquids A and B contained in vessels
times faster. Find the power lost (in W) to the surroundings
of negligible heat capacity are supplied heat at the same
in each case, assuming that heat lost to surroundings
rate. The (temperature vs time) graphs for the two liquids
depends on temp of liquid and atmospheric temp. only.
are shown in figure. If S represents specific heat and L
represents latent heat of liquid, then 33. A copper ball of mass 100 gm is at a temperature T. It is
dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100 gm filled
with 170 gm of water at room temperature. Subsequently,
the temperature of the system is found to be 75° C. (given
room temperature = 30°C, specific heat of copper = 0.1
cal/gm°C. Temperature T (in °C) is:
34. Two liquids A and B are at 32° C and 24°C respectively.
When mixed in equal masses the temperature of the mixture

 SA 
if found to be 28°C. The ratio of specific heats  S  is
 B
(a) SA > SB ; LA < LB (b) SA > SB ; LA > LB
(c) SA < SB ; LA < LB (d) SA < SB ; LA > LB
30. If mass-energy equivalence is taken into account, when water 35. A 50 gm lead bullet (specific heat 0.020 gC ) is initially
is cooled to form ice, the mass of water should
at 30°. It is fired vertically upwards with a speed of 84 m/
(a) increase
s. On returning to the starting level, it strikes a slab of ice
(b) remain unchanged
kept at 0°C. (A × 100) mg of ice is melted due to this. Find
(c) decrease the value of ‘A’.
(d) first increase then decrease
(Take:- Lice = 80 cal/gm and 1 cal = 4.2 J)

36. A liquid at 30°C is poured very slowly into an open 43. Two metal rods A and B of equal lengths and equal cross
Calorimeter that is at temperature of 110°C. The boiling sectional areas are joined end-to-end. The co-efficients of
temperature of the liquid is 80°C. It is found that the first 5 thermal conductivity of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3. When
gm of the liquid completely evaporated. After pouring the free end of A is maintained at 100°C and the free end of
another 80 gm of the liquid the equilibrium temperature is B is maintained at 0°C, the temperature of the junction is
found to be 50 °C. The ratio of the Latent heat of the liquid (a) 30°C (b) 40°C
to its specific heat will be ____ °C. (Neglect the heat
(c) 50°C (d) 60°C
exchange with surrounding)
44. In steady state
37. How much heat is required to convert 8.0 g of ice at –
15°C to steam at 100°C? (Given, Cice = 0.53 cal/g–°C, Lf (a) temperature does not change with time
= 80 cal/g and Lv = 539 cal/g, and cwater = 1 cal/g–°C) (b) all parts of the body are at same temperature
Give the answer in kcal correct to one decimal place. (c) there is no flow of heat
38. The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids (d) all of the above
A, B and C are 12°C, 19°C and 28°C respectively. the 45. Two metallic plates of equal thicknesses and thermal
temperature when A and B are mixed is 16° C and when B conductivities K1 and K2 are put together face to face and
and C are mixed it is 23°C. What should be the temperature a common plate is constructed, figure. The equivalent
when A and C are mixed (in °C, correct to two decimal thermal conductivity will be:
k1 k2
39. An ice cube of mass 0.1 kg at 0°C is placed in an isolated
container which is at 227°C. The specific heat s of the l l

container varies with temperature T according to the

K1 K 2 2K1 K 2
empirical relation s = A + BT, where A = 100 cal/kg-K and (a) K  K (b) K  K
B = 2 × 10–2 cal/kg-K2. If the final temperature of the 1 2 1 2

container is 27°C, determine the mass of the container (in 3/ 2

kg, correct to one decimal place). (Latent heat of fusion K1  K 2 K 2
 K 22 
(c) (d)
for water = 8 × 104 cal/kg, specific heat of water = 103 cal/ 2 2K1 K 2
46. Two metallic plates of equal lengths and thermal
40. m grams of steam at 100°C is mixed with 200g of ice at its conductivities k1 and k2 are put together such that their
melting point in a thermally insulated container. If it ends coincide. If their cross-sectional areas are the same,
produces liquid water at 40°C [heat of vaporization of then the equivalent thermal conductivity of the combination
water is 540 cal/g and heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g], the will be :
value of m (in grams) is _______.
41. 1 kg ice at –10°C is mixed with 0.2 kg of steam at 200°C. A k1
If final temperature (°C) of mixture at equilibrium is A k2

 255 
Teq    , then fill the value of x.
 x  k1 k 2 2k1 k 2
(a) k  k (b) k  k
1 2 1 2
Latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/gram, latent heat of
vaporization of water = 540 cal/gram, specific heat of water
k1  k 2
= 1 cal/gm K (c) (d) k1 k 2
specific heat capacity of ice  specific heat of steam =
0.5 cal/gram-K. 47. The ends of a copper rod of length 1m and area of cross
section 1 cm are maintained at 0°C and 100°C. At the
Heat Transfer
centre, power is supplied at a constant rate of 25 J/s. The
Heat Transfer, Conduction and Convection temperature gradient on higher temperature side of the rod
42. Dimension of co-efficient of thermal conductivity are in steady state (in °C/m) will be
(a) [L0M1T–3K–1] (b) [L1M1T–3K–1] (K = 400 J/m-K-s)
1 1 –3 1 –1 –2 –1
(c) [L M T K] (d) [L M T K ]

48. Three rods made of same material and having same cross 51. The temperature of the two outer surface (end surfaces
- section have been joind as shown in the figure. Each rod shown) of a composite slab, consisting of two materials
is of same length. The left end is kept at 0°C and both the having coefficients of thermal conductivity K and 2K,
right ends are kept at 90°C. The temperature of the junction thickness ‘x’ and ‘4x’ are T2 and T1(T2 > T1). The rate of
of the three rods (in degree Celsius) will be heat transfer through the slab in steady state is

 A  T2 – T1  K  1
  , where ‘f’ is equal to
 x f
(all quantities measured in S.I unit)

49. Two rectangular blocks, having identical dimensions, can

be arranged either in configuration I or in configuration II
as shown in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal
conductivity K and other 2K. The temperature difference 52. Two conducting cylinders of equal length but different radii
between the ends along the x-axis is the same in both the are connected in series between two heat baths kept at
configurations. It takes 9 s to transport certain amount of temperature T1 = 300 K and T2 = 100 K, as shown in the
heat from the hot end in the configuration I. The time (in figure. The radius of the bigger cylinder twice that of the
seconds) to transport the same amount of heat in the smaller one and the thermal conductivities of the materials
configuration II is: of the smaller and the larger cylinders are K1 and K2
respectively. If the temperature at the junction of the two
cylinders in the steady state is 200 K, then K1/K 2 =

50. Figure shows a metal rod of uniform cross section area A,

with variable thermal conductivity given by

  
k  x   k 0 sec  x  . If the end A is maintained at
 6L 
temperature T0 , the rod carries a thermal current I0 (from
I0 L 
B to A) in steady state and k AT  3 ; find the 53. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate, all of same
0 0 material and same mass, are initially heated to same high
temperature of the end B of the rod. Let’s say this temperature. Choose the correct statement.
temperature is kT0, find integer value k. (a) The plate will cool fastest and cube the slowest.
(b) The sphere will cool fastest and cube the slowest.
(c) The plate will cool fastest and sphere the slowest.
(d) The cube will cool fastest and plate the slowest.
54. Velocity of heat radiation v as related to the velocity of
light c is
(a) v > c (b) v = c
(c) v < c (d) no definite relation

55. Heat is transferred most rapidly by the process of (a) A (b) B

(a) Conduction (b) Convection (c) C (d) D
(c) Radiation (d) Combustion 59. A body cools from 50°C to 46°C in 5 minutes and to 40°C in
56. Two circular discs A and B with equal radii are blackened. the next 10 minutes. The surrounding temperature is :
They are heated to same temperature and then cooled under (a) 30°C (b) 28°C
identical conditions. What inference do you draw from
(c) 36°C (d) 32°C
their cooling curves as shown in figure?
R is rate of colling 60. Newton’s law of cooling is used in laboratory for
B (a) Specific heat of gases (b) Specific heat of liquids
(c) Latent heat of gases (d) Latent heat of liquids
61. If the rate of change of temperature is 0.2°C/ min and
excess temperature of a body over surrounding is 20°C,
the constant of proportionality is

( – 0) (a) 0.1 (b) 0.01

(c) 1 (d) 0.001
(a) A and B have same specific heats
(b) specific heat of A is less 62. Newton’s law of cooling is applicable for
(c) specific heat of B is less (a) Any excess of temperature over the surrounding
(d) nothing can be said (b) Small excess of temperature over the surrounding
57. The temperature of coffee in a cup with time is most likely (c) Large excess of temperature over the surrounding
given by the curve in figure.
(d) Very large excess of temperature over the surrounding
63. Newton’s law of cooling leads us to the following


(a) ( – 0) = Kt + C (b) log ( – 0) = –Kt + C
(a) (b)
(c) log  = Kt + C (d)  = K0 + C
Time Time 64. Two spheres of the same material have radii 1 m and 4 m
and temperatures 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. The
ratio of the energy radiated per second by the first sphere


to that by the second is

(c) (d) (a) 1 : 1 (b) 16 : 1

(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 9
Time Time
65. Which of the following is more close to a black body ?
58. A block of steel heated to 100°C is left in a room to cool.
Which of the curves shown in the figure represents the (b) Black board paint (b) Green leaves
decrease of temperature with time? (c) Black holes (d) Red roses
66. Infrared radiations are detected by
D (a) spectrometer (b) pyrometer

(c) nanometer (d) photometer


67. A liquid in a beaker has temperature (t) at time t and 0 is 71. A piece of metal is heated to temperature  and then allowed
temperature of surroundings, then according to Newton’s to cool in a room which is at temperature 0. The graph
law of cooling, the correct graph between loge ( – 0) and between the temperature T of the metal and time t will be
closed to :
t is :

(a) (b)

O t O t

(c) (d)
O t O t

72. If the temperature of the sun were to increase from T to 2T

and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio of the radiant
energy received on earth to what it was previously, will be
(a) 4 (b) 16
(c) 32 (d) 64
73. In the figure, the distribution of energy density of the
radiation emitted by a black body at a given temperature
is shown. The possible temperature of the black body is
68. The maximum wavelength of radiations emitted at 900 K 3
n × 10 K. Write n as the nearest integer.
is 4 m. What will be the maximum wavelength of –3
(Take:- b = 2.898 × 10 mK)
radiations emitted at 1200K:
(a) 3 m (b) 0.3 m
(c) l m (d) none of these
69. A bucket full of hot water is kept in a room and it cools
from 75°C to 70°C in T1 minutes, from 70°C to 65°C in T2
minutes and from 65°C to 60°C in T3 minutes then
(a) T1 = T2 = T3 (b) T1 < T2 > T3
(c) T1 > T2 > T3 (d) T1 < T2 < T3
70. Assuming the sun to be a spherical body of radius R at a
temperature of T K, evaluate the total radiant power,
incident on earth, at a distance r from the sun, where r0 is
radius of earth 74. Two starts (say S1 and S2) emit their maximum intensity
–6 –7
radiations at wavelengths 10 m and 0.4 × 10 m
4r02 R 2 T 4 r02 R 2 T 4
(a) (b)  T2 
r2 r2 respectively. The ratio of their surface temperature  T 
 1
r02 R 2 T 4 R 2 T 4 is
(c) (d)
4r 2 r2

75. A body cools in 7 minutes from 60°C to 40°C. What will be 78. A glass of boiling water at 100°C cools down to 90°C in 10
its temperature in °C after next 7 minutes? The temperature minutes when placed in surrounding temperature of 30°C.
of surrounding is 10°C. It will cool down to 80°C in an additional time
76. A solid cube of side a, density d and specific heat ‘s’ is at nx – n  x –1
t  10
temperature 400 K. It is placed in an ambient temperature n  x  1 – nx minutes. Assume Newton’s law of
of 200 K.
–3 3 3 cooling to hold. Find x
Take: a = 0.9 m, d = 4.8 ×10 kg/m , s = 2.0 × 10 J/kg K.
79. The emissive power of a black body at T = 300 K is 460 W/
Stefan’s constant   6  10 –8 W K 4 m 2 . Consider the m2. Consider a body B of area A = 100 cm2 , coefficient of
cube to be a black body. If the time for the temperature of reflectivity r = 0.3 and coefficient of transmission t = 0.5.
the cube to drop by 5 K is 1000x second, find x in nearest Its temperature is 300 K. Then the power radiated by B is
integer. ____ W.

77. Two planets X and Y revolving around the sun is circular

orbits, have temperature of their surfaces as T1 and T2. If
their distance from the sun are in the ratio of 1 : 4, then find
T1 : T2. Assume the planets to be in the steady state, and
the sun and the planets to be black-bodies. Neglect the
energy exchange between the two planets.


Questions marked with asterisk (*) are
deleted from JEE Main

Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry Heat transfer

3. The temperature  at the junction of two insulating sheets,
1. Each slide of a box made of metal sheet in cubic shape is ‘a’ having thermal resistances R1 and R 2 as well as top and
at room temperature 'T’, the coefficient of linear expansion
of the metal sheet is '  ' . The metal sheet is heated uniformly,, bottom temperatures 1 and 2 (as shown in figure) is given
by a small temperature T , so that its new temperature is by: (2021)
T  T . Calculate the increase in the volume of the metal
box. (2021)

(a) 3a 3 T (b) 4a 3 T

4 3
(c) a T (d) 4a 3 T

2. A bimetallic strip consists of metals A and B. It is mounted

rigidly as shown. The metal A has higher coefficient of 2 R 2  1 R 1 1R 2  2 R 1
(a) R 2  R1 (b) R 2  R1
expansion compared to that of metal B. When the bimetallic
strip is placed in a cold bath, it will : (2021)
1R 1  2 R 2 1R 2   2 R1
(c) R1  R 2 (d) R 2  R1

4. Two identical metal wires of thermal conductivities K1 and

K 2 respectively are connected in series. The effective
thermal conductivity of the combination is: (2021)
(a) Not bend but shrink
2K1K 2 K1  K 2
(b) Bend towards the left (a) K  K (b) 2K K
1 2 1 2
(c) Bend towards the right
(d) Neither bend nor shrink K1  K 2 K1 K 2
(c) K K (d) K  K
1 2 1 2

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are (a) 675°C (b) 1600°C
(c) 17.85°C (d) 6.75°C
deleted from JEE Main 10. A solid metallic cube having total surface area 24 m2 is
5. At what temperature a gold ring of diameter 6.230 cm uniformly heated. If its temperature is increased by
be heated so that it can be fitted on a wooden bangle of 10°C calculate the increase in volume of the cube.
diameter 6.241cm? Both the diameters have been
(Given   5.0 104C 1 ). (JEE Main 2022)
measured at room temperature (27°C). (Given:
(a) 2.4 × 106 cm3 (b) 1.2 × 105 cm3
coefficient of linear thermal expansion of gold
(c) 6.0 × 104 cm3 (d) 4.8 × 105 cm3
 L  1.4  10 5 K 1 ) (JEE Main 2022)
11. A copper block of mass 5.0 kg is heated to a
(a) 125.7°C (b) 91.7°C temperature of 500°C and is placed on a large ice
(c) 425.7°C (d) 152°C block. What is the maximum amount of ice that can
6. An ice cube of dimensions 60 cm × 50 cm × 20 cm is melt? (JEE Main 2022)
placed in an insulation box of wall thickness 1 cm. The (a) 1.5 kg (b) 5.8 kg
box keeping the ice cube at 0°C of temperature is
(c) 2.9 kg (d) 3.8 kg
brought to a room of temperature 40°C. The rate of
melting of ice is approximately: (Latent heat of fusion 12. A block of ice of mass 120 g at temperature 0°C is put
of ice is 3.4 × 105 J kg–1and thermal conducting of in 300 gm of water at 25°C. The xg of ice melts as the
insulation wall is 0.05 Wm–10C–1) temperature of the water reaches 0°C. The value of x is
(JEE Main 2022) [Use: Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 JKg–1K–1,
(a) 61 × 10–1 kg s–1 (b) 61 × 10–5 kg s–1 Latent heat of ice = 3.5 × 105 Jkg–1]
(c) 208 kg s (d) 30 × 10–5 kg s–1 (JEE Main 2022)
7. If K1 and K2 are the thermal conductivities L1 and L2
are the lengths and A1 and A2 are the cross sectional 13*. In an experiment to verify Newton's law of cooling, a
areas of steel and copper rods respectively such that graph is plotted between, the temperature difference
K2 A L (ΔT) of the water and surroundings and time as shown
 9, 1  2, 1  2 . Then, for the arrangement as
K1 A2 L2 in figure. The initial temperature of water is taken as
shown in the figure. The value of temperature T of the 80°C. The value of t2 as mentioned in the graph will
steel – copper junction in the steady state will be : be___________. (JEE Main 2022)
(JEE Main 2022)

14*. A steam engine intakes 50 g of steam at 100°C per

(a) 18°C (b) 14°C
minute and cools it down to 20°C. If latent heat of
(c) 45°C (d) 150°C
8. Two metallic blocks M1 and M2 of same area of cross- vaporization of steam is 540 cal g–1, then the heat
section are connected to each other (as shown in rejected by the steam engine per minute is ______ ×
figure). If the thermal conductivity of M2 is K then the 103 cal (JEE Main 2022)
thermal conductivity of M1 will be: [Assume steady 15. A geyser heats water flowing at a rate of 2.0 kg per
state heat conduction] minute from 30° to 70°C. If geyser operates on a gas
(JEE Main 2022) burner, the rate of combustion of fuel will be ___ g
min–1. (JEE Main 2022)

16. 1g of a liquid is converted to vapour at 3 × 105 Pa

(a) 10 K (b) 8 K
pressure. If 10% of the heat supplied is used for
(c) 12.5 K (d) 2K
increasing the volume by 1600 cm3 during this phase
9. A 100 g of iron nail is bit by a 1.5 kg hammer striking
change, then the increase in internal energy in the
at a velocity of 60 ms–1. What will be the rise in the
process will be : (JEE Main 2023)
temperature of the nail if one fourth of energy of the
(a) 4320 J (b) 432000 J
hammer goes into heating the nail ? [5pecific heat
(c) 4800 J (d) 4.32 × 108 J
capacity of iron = 0.42 Jg–10C–1] (JEE Main 2022)

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are

22*. A body cools from 80°C to 60°C in 5 minutes. The
deleted from JEE Main
temperature of the surrounding is 20°C. The time it
17*. A bowl filled with very hot soup cools from 98o C to takes to cool from 60°C to 40°C is:
86o C in 2 minutes when the room temperature is 22o (JEE Main 2023)
C. How long it will take to cool from 75o C to 69o C. 25
(JEE Main 2023) (a) 500 s (b) s
(a) 2 minutes (b) 1.4 minutes
(c) 420 s (d) 450 s
(c) 0.5 minute (d) 1 minute
23. A hole is drilled in a metal sheet. At 27°C, the
18. Heat energy of 184 kJ is given to ice of mass 600 g at
diameter of hole is 5 cm. When the sheet is heated to
12C , Specific heat of ice is 2222.3Jkg 1 C 1 and 177°C, the change in the diameter of hole is d × 10-3
latent heat of ice in 336 kJ / kg 1 . cm. The value of d will be _______ if coefficient of
(A) Final temperature of system will be 0 C . linear expansion of the metal is 1.6 × 10-5 /°C.
(JEE Main 2023)
(B) Final temperature of the system will be greater
24*. A body cools from 60ºC to 40ºC in 6 minutes. If,
than 0 C .
temperature of surroundings is 10ºC. Then, after the
(C) The final system will have a mixture of ice and
next 6 minutes, its temperature will be ____ ºC.
water in the ratio of 5 : 1.
(JEE Main 2023)
(D) The final system will have a mixture of ice and
25. A thin rod having a length of 1m and area of cross-
water in the ratio of 1 : 5.
(E) The final system will have water only. section 3  106 m2 is suspended vertically from one
Choose the correct answer from the options given end. The rod is cooled from 210 C to 160 C . After
below: (JEE Main 2023) cooling, a mass M is attached at the lower end of the
(a) A and D only (b) B and D only rod such that the length of rod again becomes 1m .
(c) A and E only (d) A and C only Young's modulus and coefficient of linear expansion
19*. A body cools in 7 minutes from 60°C to 40°C. The of the rod are 2  1011 Nm 2 and 2  10 5 K 1 ,
temperature of the surrounding is 10°C. The respectively. The value of M is kg.
temperature of the body after the next 7 minutes will
(Take g  10 ms 2 ) (JEE Main 2023)
be: (JEE Main 2023)
(a) 34°C (b) 32°C 26. A water heater of power 2000 W is used to heat water.
(c) 28°C (d) 30°C The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 K-1 .
20. On a temperature scale 'X', the boiling point of water is The efficiency of heater is 70%. Time required to heat
65° X and the freezing point is – 15°X. Assume that 2 kg of water from 10°C to 60°C is S.
the X scale is linear. The equivalent temperature (Assume that the specific heat capacity of water
corresponding to –95° X on the Farenheit scale would remains constant over the temperature range of the
be: (JEE Main 2023) water). (JEE Main 2023)
(a) – 148°F (b) – 112°F 27. Two plates A and B have thermal conductivities
(c) – 48°F (d) – 63°F 84 Wm 1K 1 and 126 Wm 1K 1 respectively. They
21. 1 kg of water at 100°C is converted into steam at have same surface area and same thickness. They are
100°C by boiling at atmosphericpressure. The volume placed in contact along their surfaces. If the
of water changes from 1.00  103 m3 as a liquid to temperatures of the outer surfaces of A and B are kept
1.671 m3 as steam. The change in internal energy of at 100°C and 0°C respectively, then the temperature of
the system during the process will be the surface of contact in steady state is __________
(Given latent heat of vaporisation = 2257 kJ/kg, °C. (JEE Main 2023)
Atmospheric pressure = 1 × 105 Pa)
(JEE Main 2023)
(a) – 2090 kJ (b) + 2090 kJ
(c) – 2426 kJ (d) + 2476 kJ


Heat, temperature and calorimetry 5. If two rods of length L and 2L, having coefficient of linear
expansion  and 2 respectively are connected end–on–
Single Choice Questions
end, the average coefficient of linear expansion of the
1. Find the ratio of the lengths of an iron rod and an aluminium composite rod, equals :
rod for which the difference in the lengths is independent
of temperature. Coefficients of linear expansion of iron and 3 5
aluminium are 12 × 10–6/°C and 23 × 10–6/°C respectively. (a)  (b) 
2 2
(a) 23 : 12 (b) 12 : 23
(c) data insufficient (d) Not possible (c)  (d) none of these
2. Two rods of different materials having coefficients of thermal
expansion 1, 2 and Young’s modulli Y1, Y2 respectively 6. The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is
are fixed between two rigid massive walls. The rods are 49 × 10–5 K–1. What is the fractional change in its density
heated such that they undergo the same increase in for a 30°C rise in temperature ?
temperature. There is no bending of the rods. If1 : 2 = 2 (a) increases by 0.015 (b) increases by 0.005
: 3, the thermal stresses developed in the two rods are equal
(c) decreases by 0.015 (d) decreases by 0.005
provided Y1 : Y2 is equal to :
7. A steel rod is clamped at its two ends and rests on a fixed
horizontal base. The rod is unstrained at 20°C. Find the
longitudinal strain developed in the rod if the temperature
rises to 50°C. Coefficient of linear expansion of steel = 1.2
× 10–5/°C.
(a) 6 × 10–4 (b) 3.6 × 10–5
(c) 2.4 × 10–4 (d) 3.6 × 10–4

(a) 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 1 8. A wooden wheel of radius R is made of two semicircular

parts (see figure). The two parts are held together by a ring
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 4 : 9 made of a metal strip of cross-sectional area S and length L.
3. A blacksmith fixes iron ring on the rim of the wooden wheel L is slightly less than 2R. To fit the ring on the wheel, it is
of a bullock cart. The diameter of the rim and the iron ring heated so that its temperature rises by T and it just steps
are 5.243 m and 5.231 m respectively at 27°C. To what over the wheel. As it cools down to surrounding temperature,
temperature should the ring be heated so as to fit the rim of it presses the semicircular parts together. If the coefficient
the wheel ? ( for iron = 1.2 × 10–5/°C) of linear expansion of the metal is  and its Young’s modulus
is Y, the force that one part of the wheel applies on the other
(a) 191 °C (b) 254 °C
part is
(c) 218 °C (d) 164 °C
4. A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The diameter of the hole
is 4.24 cm at 27.0°C. What is the change in the diameter of
the hole when the sheet is heated to 227°C ? Coefficient of
linear expansion of copper = 1.70 × 10–5 K–1.
(a) Diameter decreases by 7.2 × 10–3 cm
(b) Diameter increases by 7.2 × 10–3 cm
(c) Diameter decreases by 1.44 × 10–2 cm
(a) 2SYT (b) SYT
(d) Diameter increases by 1.44 × 10–2 cm
(c) SYT (d) 2SYT

9. A sphere of aluminium of 0.06 kg placed for sufficient time 14. A copper block of mass 2.5 kg is heated in a furnace to a
in a vessel containing boiling water, so that the sphere is at temperature of 500 °C and then placed on a large ice block.
100°C. It is then immediately transfered a vessel containing What is the maximum amount of ice that can melt ? (Specific
0.25 kg of water at 20°C. The temperature of water rises and heat of copper = 0.39 J g–1 K–1; heat of fusion of water = 335 J
attains a steady state at 24°C. Calculate the specific heat g–1).
capacity of aluminium. (neglect heat loss to vessel and (a) 2.6 kg (b) 10 kg
(c) 3.8 kg (d) 1.5 kg
(a) 870 J kg–1 k–1 (b) 1024 J kg–1 k–1
15. A block of ice of mass M = 10 kg is moved back and forth
(c) 921 J kg–1 k–1 (d) 708 J kg–1 k–1 over the flat horizontal surface of a large block of ice. Both
10. A metal block is made from a mixture of 2.4 kg of aluminium blocks are at 0°C and the force that produces the back–and
1.6 kg of brass and 0.8 kg of copper. The amount of heat –forth motion acts only horizontally. The coefficient of
required to raise the temperature of this block from 20°C to friction between the two surfaces is 0.060. If m = 15.2 g of
80°C is (specific heats of aluminium, brass and copper are water is produced, the total distance travelled by the upper
0.216,0.0917 and 0.0931 cal/kg°C respectively): block relative to the lower is : (Lice = 3.34 × 105 J/kg)
(a) 96.2 cal (b) 44.4 cal (a) 432 m (b) 863 m
(c) 86.2 cal (d) 62.8 cal (c) 368 m (d) 216 m
11. Suppose the specific heat capacity of a substance is varying Multiple Choice Questions
with temperature according to, s = A + BT2 where A and B 16. Two identical beakers are filled with water to the same level
are positive constants and T is temperature in °C. If at 4°C. If one say A is heated while the other B is cooled,
temperature of m kg of this substance has to raise from T°C then:
to 2T°C, then the amount of energy supplied to the substance
is (a) water level in A will rise
(b) water level in B will rise
 7BT 3   5BT 3  (c) water level in A will fall
(a) m  AT  J (b) m  AT  J
 3   3 
(d) water level in B will fall
(c) m [AT + 2BT3] J (b) None of these 17. An aluminium sphere of 20 cm diameter is heated from 0°C
12. A mass of a material exists in its solid form at its melting to 100°C. Its volume changes by (given that coefficient of
temperature 10°C. The following processes then occur to linear expansion for aluminium Al = 23 × 10–6/°C)
the material. (a) 28.9 cc (b) 2.89 cc
Process I : An amount of thermal energy Q is added to the (c) 9.28 cc (d) 49.8 cc
material and 3/4 of the material melts.
Assertion & Reason
Process II : An identical additional amount of thermal energy
Q is added to the material and the material is now a liquid at (A) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–II is a
50°C. correct explanation for Statement–I.

What is the ratio of the latent heat of fusion to the specific (B) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–2 is
heat of the liquid for this material ? NOT a correct explanation for Statement–I.

(a) 80°C (b) 60°C (C) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is False.

(c) 40°C (d) None of these (D) Statement–I is False, Statement–II is True.

13. When 0.15 kg of ice of 0°C mixed with 0.30 kg of water at 18. Statement -1 : A drop of cool water accidentally falls on an
50°C in a container, the resulting temperature is 6.7°C. incandescent lamp which is continuously glowing from long
Calculate the heat of fusion of ice. time, then the bulb breaks.

(swater = 4186 J kg–1 K–1) Statement -2 : As temperature of an object decreases then

it tries to contract and thermal contraction occurs.
(a) 3.34 × 105 J kg–1 k–1 (b) 3.63 × 105 J kg–1 k–1
(a) A (b) B
(c) 3.34 × 106 J kg–1 k–1 (d) 4.19 × 105 J kg–1 k–1
(c) C (d) D

19. Statement - 1 : The expanded length l of a rod of original 23. A wall has two layers A and B, each made of different
length l0 is not correctly given by (assuming  to be constant material. Both the layers have the same thickness. The
with T) l = l0 (1 + T), thermal conductivity for A is twice that of B and, under steady
if T is large. condition, the temperature difference across the wall is 36°C.
Statement - 2: It is given by l = l0 eT, which cannot be The temperature difference across the layer A is:
treated as being approximately equal to l = l0 (1 + T) for (a) 6°C (b) 12°C
large values of T.
(c) 24°C (d) 18°C
(a) A (b) B
24. Three rods of same dimensions have thermal conductivities
(c) C (d) D
3k, 2k and k. They are arranged as shown, with their ends at
20. Statement - 1 : The coefficient of volume expansion has 100°C, 50°C and 0°C. The temperature of their junction is :
dimension K–1.
Statement - 2 : The coefficient of volume expansion is
defined as the change in volume per unit volume per unit
change in temperature.
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
Heat transfer
Assertion & Reason
(A) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–II is a 200
(a) 75°C (b) C
correct explanation for Statement–I. 3
(B) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–2 is
NOT a correct explanation for Statement–I. 100
(c) 40°C (d) C
(C) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is False.
(D) Statement–I is False, Statement–II is True. 25. Equal temperature differences exist between the ends of two
metallic rods 1 and 2 of equal lengths. Their thermal
21. Statement - 1 : In natural convection, the fluid motion is
conductivities are Kl and K2 and area of cross-section are
caused by density difference produced by temperature
Al and A2, respectively. The condition of equal rates of heat
transfer is :
Statement - 2 : In forced convection, the fluid is forced to
flow along the solid surface by means of fans or pumps. (a) K1A2 =K2A1 (b) K1A1 = K2A2
(a) A (b) B (b) K1A12 = K2A22 (d) K12A2 = K22A1
(c) C (d) D 26. Two rods of copper and brass (KC > KB ) of same length
22. One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at a temperature and area of cross-section are joined as shown. End A is kept
T1 and the other at T2. The rod is composed of two sections at 100°C and end B at 0°C. The temperature at the junction:
of lengths l1 and l2 and thermal conductivities K1 and K2
respectively. The temperature at the interface of the two A Copper Brass B
sections is
(a) will be more than 50°C
l1 l2
T1 T2 (b) will be less than 50°C
(c) will be 50°C
(d) may be more or less than 50°C depending upon the size
of rods
K1 K2
(a) (K2l2T1 + K1l1T2)/(K1l1 + K2l2)
(b) (K2l1T1 + K1l2T2)/(K2l1 + K1l2)
(c) (K1l2T1 + K2l1T2)/(K1l2 + K2l1)
(d) (K1l1T1 + K2l2T2)/(K1l1 + K2l2)

27. A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one of its ends to 30. The length of the two rods made up of the same metal and
the other end under steady–state. The variation of having the same area of cross-section are 0.6 m 0.8 m and
temperature  along the length x of the bar from its hot end respectively. The temperature between the ends of first rod
is best described by which of the following figure ? (2009) is 90°C and 60°C and that for the other rod is 150°C and
110°C. For which rod the rate of conduction will be greater
(a) first (b) second
(c) same for both (d) none of these
31. A ring consisting of two parts ADB and ACB of same
conductivity K carries an amount of heat H. The ADB part
is now replaced with another metal keeping the temperatures
T1 and T2 constant. The heat carried increases to 2 H. What
should be the conductivity of the new ADB part ? Given

 3:

28. The temperature of the two outer surface of a composite

slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of
thermal conductivity K and 2K thickness x and 4x,
respectively are T2 and T1 (T2 > T1). The rate of heat transfer

 A  T2  T1  K 
through the slab, in a steady state is  x
 f, with
 
f equals to

x 4x

(a) K (b) 2 K
T2 K 2K T1

(c) K (d) 3 K

32. Water is being boiled in a flat bottomed kettle placed on a

(a) 1 (b) 1/2
stove. The area of the bottom is 300 cm2 and the thickness
(c) 2/3 (d) 1/3
is 2 mm. If the amount of steam produced is 1g min–1, then
29. Two identical square rods of metal are welded end to end as the difference of the temperature between the inner and the
shown in figure (i), 20 cal of heat flows through it in 4 min. outer surface of the bottom is : (thermal conductivity of the
If the rods are welded as shown in figure (ii), the same material of the kettle = 0.5 cal–cm–1 °C–1 S–1 and latent
amount of heat will flow through the rods in : heat of the steam is equal to 540 cal g–1)
(a) 12°C (b) 1.2°C
(c) 0.2°C (d) 0.012°C

(a) 1 min (b) 2 min

(c) 4 min (d) 16 min

Use the following passage, solve Q. 33 to Q. 36 36. A cylindrical rod of length 50 cm and cross–sectional area 1
PASSAGE –1 cm2 is fitted between a large ice chamber at 0°C and an
evacuated chamber maintained at 27°C as shown in figure.
The rate of flow of heat depends on the nature of material,
Only small portions of the rod are inside the chambers and
cross-sectional area and temperature gradient. If a material
the rest is thermally insulated from the surrounding. The
of conductivity k has set up a temperature gradient in x
cross–section going into the evacuated chamber is blackened
direction, then rate of heat flow at cross-section having area
so that it completely absorbs any radiations falling on it.
dQ dT The temperature of the blackened end is 17°C when steady
A is kA
dt dx state is reached. Stefan constant  = 6 × 10–8 W/m2–K4. Find
the thermal conductivity of the material of the rod.
Between any two points of conductor, if temperature difference
is T and rate of heat flow is H, then the resistance or
opposition offered by the material to flow is defined as =.
H 0°C 27°C
Now consider two very thin concentric metallic shells A and 37. A hot body, obeying Newton’s law of cooling is cooling
B of radii R1 and R2 (R2 > R1) and temperature T1 and T2 down from its peak value 800C to an ambient temperature
(T1 > T2) respectively. The hollow space between them is of 300C. It takes 5 minutes in cooling down from 800C to
filled with sand of thermal conductivity k. 400C. How much time will it take to cool down from 620C
33. Thermal resistance offered by the sand is to 320C? (Given ln 2 = 0.693, ln 5 = 1.609)
(a) 3.75 minutes (b) 8.6 minutes
1  1 1  1  1 1 
(a)    (b) 4k  R  R  (c) 6.5 minutes (d) 9.6 minutes
2k  R1 R 2   1 2 
38. If wavelength of maximum intensity of radiation emitted
by sun and moon are 0.5 × 10–6 m and 10–4 m respectively
 1 1   1 1  the ratio of their temperature is :
(c) 4k    (d) 2k   
 R1 R 2   R1 R 2  (a) 2000 (b) 1000
34. The rate of heat flow through the sand is (c) 100 (d) 200
39. In the figure, the distribution of energy density of the
R1R 2 R1R 2
(a) 4k  T1  T2  (b) 2k  T1  T2  radiation emitted by a black body at a given temperature is
R1  R 2 R1  R 2 shown. The possible temperature of the black body is :

 T1  T2   1 1   T1  T2   1 1 
(c)    (d)   
4k  R1 R2  2k R
 1 R 2 

35. The temperature T of a point at distance r from the centre in

steady state condition where R1 < r < R2 is

 R 2  r  R1  
(a)  T1  T2   r R  R 
  2 1 

 R  r  R1  
(b) T1   T1  T2   2
 r  R  R  
 2 1  (a) 1500 K (b) 2000 K
(c) 2500 K (d) 3000 K
 R1  r  R1   40. If a black body radiates 10 cal/s at 227°C, it will radiate at
(c)  T1  T2   r R  R 
  2 1 
727°C :
(a) 10 cal/s (b) 80 cal/s
 R r  R2   (c) 160 cal/s (d) none of these
(d) T1   T1  T2   1
 r  R  R  
 2 1 

41. A body cools from 50°C to 40°C in 5 min. The surrounding

temperature is 20°C. In what further time (in min) will it 45. In Newton’s law of cooling,  k    0  , the constant
cool to 30°C?
‘k’ is proportional to :
15 (a) A, surface area of the body
(a) 5 (b)
2 (b) S, specific heat of the body

25 (c) 1/m, m being mass of the body

(c) (d) 10
3 (d) e, emmisivity of the body

42. If a body cools down from 80°C to 60°C in 10 min when the
temperature of the surrounding is 30°C. Then, the Assertion & Reason
temperature of the body after next 10 min will be : (A) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–II is a
(a) 50°C (b) 48°C correct explanation for Statement–I.
(c) 30°C (d) none of these (B) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is True; Statement–2 is
NOT a correct explanation for Statement–I.
43. A liquid cools from 50°C to 45°C in 5 min and from 45°Cto
41.5°C in the next 5 min. The temperature of the surrounding (C) Statement–I is True, Statement–II is False.
is : (D) Statement–I is False, Statement–II is True.
(a) 27°C (b) 40.3°C 46. Statement - 1 : Two stars S1 and S2 radiate maximum energy
(c) 23.3°C (d) 33.3°C at 360 nm and 480 nm, respectively. Ratio of their absolute
temperature is 4 : 3.
Statement - 2 : According to Wien’s law T = b (constant).
Multiple Choice Questions
(a) A (b) B
44. Two identical objects A and B are at temperatures TA and
TB respectively. Both objects are placed in a room with (c) C (d) D
perfectly absorbing walls maintained at a temperature 47. A black body radiates power P and maximum energy is
T (TA > T > TB). The objects A and B attain the temperature radiated by it around a wavelength 0 . The temperature of
T eventually. Select the correct statements from the following the black body is now changed such that it radiates maximum
(a) A only emits radiations, while B only absorbs it until 3 0
energy around the wavelength . The power radiated by
both attain the temperature T. 4
(b) A loses more heat by radiation than it absorbs, while B it now is :
absorbs more radiation than it emits, until they attain the
256 27
temperature T (a) P (b) P
81 64
(c) Both A and B only absorb radiation, but do not emit it, until
they attain the temperature T. 64 81
(c) P (d) P
(d) Each object continues to emit and absorb radiation even 27 256
after attaining the temperature T. 48. The maximum energy in thermal radiations from a blackbody
occurs at wavelength 4000 Å. The effective temperature of
the source is :
(a) 7000 K (b) 80000 K
(c) 104 K (d) 106 K

Match the Column 50. A black coloured solid sphere of radius R and mass M is
49. A ball has surface temperature T initially at time t = 0, that inside a cavity with vacuum inside. The walls of the cavity
is less than surrounding constant temperature T0. On the are maintained at temperature T0. The initial temperature
vertical axis of the graph shown has either thermal energy of the sphere is 3T0. If the specific heat of the material of
radiated/absorbed per unit time or total energy radiated/ the sphere varies as T3 per unit mass with the temperature
absorbed till time t by the ball. Correctly match the curves T of the sphere, where  is a constant, then the time taken
marked in the graph : for the sphere to cool down to temperature 2T0 will be ( is
Stefan Boltzmann constant)

M 3 M  16 
(a) 2
n   (b) n  
4R   2  16R   3 

M 3 M  16 
(c) n  
2 (d) 2
n  
16R   2  4R   3 
Column I Column II

(A) Thermal energy emitted (p) 1

per unit time
(B) Thermal energy absorbed (q) 2
per unit time
(C) Total energy emitted till time t (r) 3
(D) Total energy absorbed till time t (s) 4


Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry 5. A current carrying wire heats a metal rod. The wire provides
1. A cubical block of co-efficient of linear expansion s , is a constant power (P) to the rod. The metal rod is enclosed
in an insulated container. It is observed that the temperature
submerged partially inside a liquid of co-efficient of volume
(T) in the metal rod changes with time (t)
expansion   . On increasing the temperature of the system
as T(t)  T0 (1   t1/4 ) where  is a constant with
T , the height of the cube inside the liquid remains
appropriate dimension while T0 is a constant with dimension
unchanged. Find the relation between s , and l . of temperature.The heat capacity of metal is :
(2004) (2019)
2. A piece of ice (heat capacity = 2100 J kg–1 °C–1 and latent
heat = 3.36 × 105 J kg–1) of mass m gram is at –5°C at 4P(T(t) - T0 )4 4P(T(t) - T0 )3
atmospheric pressure. It is given 420 J of heat so that the ice (a) (b)
β 4 T05 β 4 T04
starts melting. Finally when the ice–water mixture is in
equilibrium, it is found that 1 g of ice has melted. Assuming
there is no other heat exchange in the process, the value of 4P(T(t) - T0 ) 4P(T(t) - T0 )2
m is (2010) (c) 4 (d)
β T02 β 4 T03
3. Steel wire of length L at 40°C is suspended from the ceiling
and then a mass m is hung from its free end. The wire is 6. Two identical beakers A and B contain equal volumes of
cooled down from 40°C to 30°C to regain its original length two different liquids at 60°C each and left to cool down.
L. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the steel Liquid in A has density of 8 × 102 kg/m3 and specific heat of
is 10–5/ºC, Young’s modulus of steel is 1011N/m2 and radius 2000 Jkg–1K–1 while liquid in B has density of 103 kg m–3 and
of the wire is 1 mm. Assume that L>> diameter of the wire. specific heat of 4000 Jkg–1K–1. Which of the following best
Then the value of m in kg is nearly. (2011) describes their temperature versus time graph
4. The figure below shows the variation of specific heat schematically? (assume the emissivity of both the beakers
capacity(C) of a solid as a function of temperature (T). The to be the same) (2019)
temperature is increased continuously from 0 to 500 K at a
constant rate. Ignoring any volume change, the following
statement(s) is (are) correct to reasonable approximation.

100 200 300 400 500

(a) the rate at which heat is absorbed in the range 0–100
K varies linearly with temperature T
(b) heat absorbed in increasing the temperature from
0–100 K is less than the heat required for increasing
the temperature from 400–500 K
(c) there is no change in the rate of heat absorbtion in the
range 400–500 K
(d) the rate of heat absorption increases in the range 200–
300 K

7. A liquid at 30° C is poured very slowly into a open 11. An ideal black-body at room temperature is thrown into a
Calorimeter that is at temperature of 110°C. The boiling furnace. It is observed that (2002)
temperature of the liquid is 80°C. It is found that the first 5
(a) initially it is the darkest body and at later times the
gm of the liquid completely evaporates. After pouring brightest
another 80 gm of the liquid the equilibrium temperature is
found to be 50°C. The ratio of the Latent heat of the liquid (b) it is the darkest body at all times
to its specific heat will be _____ ºC. (Neglect the heat (c) it cannot be distinguished at all times
exchange with surrounding]
(d) initially it is the darkest body and at later times it cannot
(2019) be distinguished.
8. When the temperature of a metal wire is increased from 0ºC
12. The graph, shown in the adjacent diagram, represents the
to 10ºC, its length increases by 0.02%. The percentage
variation of temperature (T) of two bodies, x and y having
change in its mass density will be closest to :
same surface area, with time (t) due to the emission of
(2020) radiation. Find the correct relation between the emissivity
(a) 0.06 (b) 0.008 and absorptivity powers of the two bodies (2003)
(c) 2.3 (d) 0.8

Heat Transfer
9. The plots of intensity versus wavelength for three black
bodies at temperatures T1, T2 and T3 respectively are as
shown. Their temperature are such that (2000)

(a) Ex > Ey and ax < ay (b) Ex < Ey and ax > ay

(c) Ex > Ey and ax > ay (d) Ex < Ey and ax < ay
13. Two identical rods are connected between two conatiners.
One of them is at 100°C containing water and another is at
0°C containing ice. If rods are connected in parallel then the
rate of melting of ice is ql g/s. If they are connected in series
then the rate is q2. The ratio q is (2004)

(a) 2 (b) 4
(a) T1 > T2 > T3 (b) T1> T3 > T2
(C) T2 > T3 > T1 (d) T3 > T2 > T1 1 1
(c) (d)
10. When a block of iron floats in mercury at 0ºC, fraction k1 of 2 4
its volume is submerged, while at the temperature 60ºC, a 14. Three discs, A, B and C having radii 2 m, 4 m and 6 m
fraction k2 is seen to be submerged. If the coefficient of respectively are coated with carbon black on their outer
volume expansion of iron is Fe and that of mercury is Hg, surfaces. The wavelengths corresponding to maximum
then the ratio k1/k2 can be expressed as (2001) intensity are 300 nm, 400 nm and 500 nm, respectively. The
power radiated by them are QA, QB and QC respectively
1  60  Fe 1  60  Fe (2004)
(a) (b)
1  60  Hg 1  60  Hg
(a) QA is maximum (b) QB is maximum

1  60  Fe 1  60  Hg (c) QC is maximum (d) QA = QB = QC

(c) (d)
1  60  Hg 1  60  Fe

15. Variation of radiant energy emitted by sun, filament of 20. A metal rod AB of length 10x has its one end A in ice at 0°C
tungsten lamp and welding arc as a function of its and the other end B in water at 100°C. If a point P on the rod
wavelength is shown in figure. (2005) is maintained at 400°C, then it is found that equal amounts
of water and ice evaporate and melt per unit time. The latent
heat of evaporation of water is 540 calg–1 and latent heat of
melting of ice is 80 calg–1. If the point P is at a diatance of x
from the ice end A, find the value of . (Neglect any heat
loss to the surrounding). (2009)
21. Two spherical bodies A (radius 6 cm) and B (radius 18 cm)
are at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively. The maximum
intensity in the emission spectrum of A is at 500 nm and in
that of B is at 1500 nm. Considering them to be black bodies,
what will be the ratio of the rate of total energy radiated by
Which of the following option is the correct match?
A to that of B ? (2010)
(a) Sun-T3, tungsten filament-T1, welding arc-T2
22. A composite block is made of slabs A, B, C, D and E of
(b) Sun-T2, tungsten filament-T2, welding arc-T3 different thermal conductivities (given in terms of a
(c) Sun-T3, tungsten filament-T2, welding arc-T1 constant K) and sizes (given in terms of length L) as shown
(d) Sun-T1, tungsten filament-T2, welding arc-T3 in the figure. All slabs are of same width. Heat Q flows
16. In which of the following processes, convection does not only from left to right through the blocks. Then in steady
take place primarily? (2005) state (2011)
(a) sea and land breeze
(b) boiling of water
(c) heating air around a furnace
(d) warming of glass of bulb due to filament.
17. A spherical body of area A and emissivity e = 0.6 is kept
inside a perfectly black body. Energy radiated per second
by the body at temperature T is (2005)
(a) 0.4  AT T 4 (b) 0.8  ATT 4

(c) 0.6  AT T4 T4
(d) l.0  AT
18. Water of volume 2 litre in a container is heated with a coil of
1 kW at 27°C. The lid of the container is open and energy (a) heat flown through A and E slabs are same
dissipates at rate of 160 J/s. In how much time temperature
(b) heat flown through slab E is maximum
wil rise from 27°C to 77°C.
[Given specific heat of water is 4.2 kJ/kg] (2005) (c) temperature difference across slab E is smallest
(a) 7 min (b) 6 min 2 s (d) heat flown through C = heat flow through B + heat
(c) 8 min 20s (d) 14 min flown through D.
19. Initially a black body at absolute temperature T is kept inside 23. Three very large plates of same area are kept parallel and
a closed chamber at absolute temperature T0. Now the close to each other. They are considered as ideal black
chamber is slightly opened to allow sun rays to enter. It is surfaces and have very high thermal conductivity. The first
observed that temperatures T and T0 remains constant. and third plates are maintained at temperatures 2T and 3T
Which of the following statements is/are true? (2006) respectively. The temperature of the middle (i.e., second)
(a) The rate of emission of energy from the black body plate under steady state condition is : (2012)
remains the same
1 1
(b) The rate of emission of energy from the black body  65  4  97  4
increases (a)   T (b)   T
 2   4 
(c) The rate of absorption of energy by the black body
increases. 1
(d) The energy radiated by the black body equals the energy  97  4 1
(c)   T (d)  97  4 T
absorbed by it.  2 

24. Two rectangular blocks, having indentical dimensions, can 28. A water cooler of storage capacity 120 litres can cool water
be arranged either in configuration I or in configuration II at a constant rate of P watts. In a closed circulation system
as shown in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal (as shown schematically in the figure), the water from the
conductivity K and the other 2K. The temperature difference cooler is used to cool an external device that generates
between the ends along the x-axis is the same in both the constantly 3 kW of heat (thermal load). The temperature of
configurations. It takes 9s to transport a certain amount of water fed into the device cannot exceed 30°C and the entire
heat from the hot end to the cold end in the configuration I. stored 120 litres of water is initially cooled to 10°C. The
The time to transport the same amount of heat in the entire system is thermally insulated. The minimum value of
configuration II is : (2013) P (in watts) for which the device can be operated for 3
Configuration II hours is (2016)

Configuration I


K 2K K
(a) 2.0 s (b) 3.0 s
(c) 4.5 s (d) 6.0 s
25. Heater of an electric kettle is made of a wire of length L and (Specific heat of water is 4.2 kJ kg–1 K–1 and the density of
diameter d. It takes 4 minutes to raise the temperature of 0.5 water is 1000 kg m–3)
kg water by 40 K. This heater is replaced by a new heater
(a) 1600 (b) 2067
having two wires of the same material, each of length L and
diameter 2d. The way these wires are connected is given in (c) 2533 (d) 3933
the options. How much time in minutes will it take to raise 29. A metal is heated in a furnace where a sensor is kept above
the temperature of the same amount of water by 40 K? the metal surface to read the power radiated (P) by the
(2014) metal. The sensor has a scale that displays log2 (P/P0), where
P0 is a constant. When the metal surface is at a temperature
(a) 4 if wires are in parallel (b) 2 if wires are in series
of 487°C, the sensor shows a value 1. Assume that the
(c) 1 if wires are in series (d) 0.5 if wires are in parallel emissivity of the metallic surface remains constant. What
26. Two spherical stars A and B emit black body radiation. The is the value displayed by the sensor when the temperature
radius of A is 400 times that of B and A emits 104 times the of the metal surface is raised to 2767°C?
 A 
30. Two conducting cylinders of equal length but different radii
power emitted from B. The ratio   of their
 B  are connected in series between two heat baths kept at
temperatures T1 = 300 K and T2 = 100 K, as shown in the
wavelengths A and B at which the peaks occur in their figure. The radius of the bigger cylinder is twice that of the
respective radiation curves is (2015) smaller one and the thermal conductivities of the materials
27. The ends Q and R of two thin wires, PQ and RS, are soldered of the smaller and the larger cylinders are K1 and K2
(joined) together. Initially each of the wires has a length of respectively. If the temperature at the junction of the two
1 m at 10°C. Now the end P is maintained at 10°C, while the cylinders is the steady state is 200 K, then K 1 /K 2
end S is heated and maintained at 400°C. The system is = _________.
thermally insulated form its surroundings. If the thermal (2018)
conductivity of wire PQ is twice that of the wire RS and the
coefficient of linear thermal expansion of PQ is 1.2 × 10–5 K–
, the change in length of the wire PQ is
(a) 0.70 mm (b) 0.90 mm
(c) 1.56 mm (d) 2.34 mm

31. Match the temperature of a black body given in List-I with (a) P  3, Q  5, R  2, S  3
an appropriate statement in List-II, and choose the correct (b) P  3, Q  2, R  4, S  1
option. (c) P  3, Q  4, R  2, S  1
[Given: Wien’s constant as 2.9  10 m-k and (d) P  1, Q  2, R  5, S  3

 1.24 10 6 v-m ] (2023)

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1.2 Pressure Calculation
In this topic, we discuss the behaviour of gases and how
Pressure of an Ideal Gas and Its Expression:
are the various state variable like P, V, T, moles, U etc
Pressure exerted by the gas is due to continuous
are interrelated with each other?
bombardment of gas molecules against the walls of the
1.1 Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases container.
 A gas consists of a very large number of molecules Expression:
(of the order of Avogadro’s number, 1023), which Consider a gas enclosed in a cube of side l. Take the
are perfect elastic spheres. For a given gas they are axes to be parallel to the sides of the cube, as shown in
identical in all respects, but for different gases, they
are different.
 
figure. A molecule with velocity v x , v y , v z hits the

 The molecules of a gas are in a state of incessant planar wall parallel to yz-plane of area A (= l2). Since
random motion. They move in all directions with the collision is elastic, the molecule rebounds with the
different speeds., (of the order of 500 m/s) and same velocity; its y and z components of velocity do not
obey Newton’s laws of motion. change in the collision but the x-component reverses
 The size of the gas molecules is very small as sign. That is, the velocity after collision is
compared to the distance between them. If typical  v , v , v  .
x y z The change in momentum of the
size of molecule is 2Å, average distance between
molecule is:  mv x   mv x   2mv x . By the principle
the molecules is 320Å. Hence volume occupied by
the molecules is negligible in comparison to the of conservation of momentum, the magnitude of
volume of the gas. momentum imparted to the wall in the collision = 2mvx.
 The molecules do not exert any force of attraction
or repulsion on each other, except during collision.
 The collisions of the molecules with themselves
and with the walls of the vessel are perfectly
elastic. As such, that momentum and the kinetic
energy of the molecules are conserved during
collisions, though their individual velocities
 There is no concentration of the molecules at any
point inside the container i.e. molecular density is Fig 15.1
uniform throughout the gas.
To calculate the force (and pressure) on the wall, we
 A molecule moves along a straight line between
need to calculate momentum imparted to the wall per
two successive collisions and the average straight
unit time, if it is within the distance v x t from the wall,
distance covered between two successive collisions
is called the mean free path of the molecules. that is, all molecules within the volume. Av x t only
 The collisions are almost instantaneous, i.e., the 1
can hit the wall in time T is A v x t n, where n is
time of collision of two molecules is negligible as 2
compared to time interval between two successive the number of molecules per unit volume. The total
collisions. momentum transferred to the wall by these molecules in
1 
time t is: Q   2mv x   nAv x t  . The force on the
2 


wall is the rate of momentum transfer Q/t and pressure

is force per unit area:

Q 1.3 Ideal Gas Laws

P  nmv 2x
 A t   Ideal Gas
That gas which strictly obeys the gas laws, (such as
Actually, all molecules in a gas do not have the same
Boyle’s Law, Charle's law, Gay Lussac’s Law etc.)
velocity; there is a distribution in velocities. The above
equation therefore, stands for pressure due to the group Characteristics
of molecules with speed vx in the x-direction and n 1. The size of the molecule of an ideal gas is zero.
stands for the number density of that group of 2. There is no force of attraction or repulsion amongst
molecules. The total pressure is obtained by summing
the molecules of an ideal gas.
over the contribution due to all groups:
2  Real Gas
P  nmv x All gases are referred to as real Gases. All real
2 gases show nearly the ideal gas behavior at low
where v x is the average of v 2x . Now the gas is pressures and temperatures high enough, where
isotropic, i.e. there is no preferred direction of velocity they cannot be liquified.
of the molecules in the vessel. Therefore by symmetry, Gay Lussac’s Law:
2 2 2 2 
vx  vy  vz We know that PV  NK
2  1  2 2 2  1  2 
 
vx    vx  vy  vz    v
3 3
where K is the average kinetic energy of translation
per gas molecule. At constant temperature. K is
2 constant and for a given mass of the gas. N is constant.
where v is the speed and v denotes the mean of the
squared speed. Thus Thus, PV = constant for given mass of gas at constant
temperature, which is also called Boyle’s Law.
1 2
P    nmv Charle’s Law:
2 
2 1 M 1 2 We know that PV  NK
1 3
P  mnv   v
3 3V 3
For a given mass of gas, N is constant.
M = Total mass of gas molecules  3 
Since K  k B T, K  T and as such PV  T.
V = Total volume of gas molecules 2
Relation Between Pressure and KE of Gas Molecules If P is constant, V  T, which is the Charles’ Law.
Constant Volume Law:
1 2
From equation P  v
3 2 
We know that PV  NK
2 1 2 
 P  Mv  For a given mass of gas, N is constant. Since
3V  2 
 3 
K  k B T, K  T
2 K.E 2
3 V
Thus, PV  T
2 If V is constant, P  T, which the constant volume
P E
3 law.
Pressure exerted by an ideal gas is numerically equal to Avogadro’s Law:
two third of mean kinetic energy


Consider two gases 1 and 2. We can write empirical law of Boyle, the law of Charles, the law of
2  2  Avogadro, and the law of Gay-Lussac. In an empirical
P1V1  N1 K1 , P2 V2  N 2 K 2
3 3 form, the ideal gas law is also written:
PV  nRT
If their pressures, volumes and temperatures are the Real Gas Law
same, then By explicitly including the effects of molecular size and
  intermolecular forces, the Dutch physicist Johannes van
P1  P2 , V1  V2 , K1  K 2 .
der Waals modified the ideal gas law to explain the
Clearly, N1 = N2 Thus: behavior of real gases. The Vander Waal real gas
Equal volumes of all ideal gases existing under the equation is given below.
same conditions of temperature and pressure contain Real gas law equation,
equal number of molecules which is Avogadro’s Law or
hypothesis.  n2a 
 P  2   V  nb   nRT
 V 
This law is named after the Italian physicist and
chemist, Amedeo Avogadro (1776 – 1856). Where a and b represent the empirical constant which is
PV unique for each gas.
Aliter: As PV  Nk B T, N 
k BT n2
represents the concentration of gas.
If P, V and T are constants, N is also constant. V2

1.4 Ideal Gas Equation P represents pressure

R represents a universal gas constant and T is the
2   3
As PV  NK and K  k B T temperature.
3 2
Difference Between Ideal and Real Gases
2 3 
PV  N  k B T  or PV  Nk B T The table below shows the properties and the behaviour
3 2  of ideal and real gases.
which is the ideal gas equation Ideal Gas Real Gas
1.5 Real Gas Equation and Related Concepts No definite volume Definite volume
Real Gas Definition: A real gas is defined as a gas that Elastic collision of Non-elastic collisions
at all standard pressure and temperature conditions does particles between particles
not obey gas laws. It deviates from its ideal behavior as No intermolecular Intermolecular attraction
the gas becomes huge and voluminous. True gases have attraction force force
velocity, mass, and volume. They liquefy when cooled
Does not really exist in the It really exists in the
to their boiling point. The space filled by gas is not
environment and is a environment
small when compared to the total volume of gas.
hypothetical gas
Ideal and Real Gas Equation An ideal gas is defined as
a gas that obeys gas laws at all pressure and temperature High pressure The pressure is less when
conditions. Ideal gases have velocity as well as mass. compared to ideal gas
They have no volume. The volume taken up by the gas Independent Interacts with others
is small as compared to the overall volume of the gas. It Obeys PV  NRT Obeys
does not condense, and triple-point does not exist.
 n2a 
The ideal gas law is the equation of the state of a  P  2   V  nb   nRT
 V 
hypothetical ideal gas, also called the general gas
equation. Under many conditions, it is a reasonable
approximation of the behavior of several gases, but it
has many limitations. In 1834, Benoit Paul Emile
Clapeyron first described it as a variation of the



Maxwell’s speed Distribution Law, average, RMS and Fig 15.2

most Probable Speeds. Based on this we define three types of speed for
molecules of gas
Molecule Nature of Matter: Same as Atomic Theory
 2 1/ 2  1 1/ 2
given by Dalton, according to him, atoms are the
smallest constituents of elements. All atoms of one
Vrms  V   N

   V2 dNv 

element are identical, but atoms of different element are 3RT
different. Vrms 
In solids: Atoms are tightly packed, interatomic Where M = Molecular Mass of Gas
spacing about 1A°. Interatomic force of attraction are  1
strong. Similarly, Vav  V   VdN v
In liquids: Atoms are not as rigidly fixed as in solids. 8RT
Interatomic spacing is about the same 2Å. Interatomic 
force a attraction are relative weaker.
dN v
In Gases: Atoms are very free. Inter atomic spacing is But VMP is velocity at which 0
about tens of Angstroms. Interatomic forces are much
weaker in gases than both in solids and liquids. 2RT
 VMP 
In this chapter, we mainly focus on gases
Physically VMP is
2.1 Maxwell’s Law of Distribution of Molecular 3. ENERGY OF GAS velocity possessed
Velocities MOLECULES by Maximum
Assumptions of Maxwell Distribution number of
 Molecules of all velocities between 0 to  are
present. NOTE:
 Velocity of one molecule, continuously changes, Vrms  Vav  VMP
though fraction of molecules in one range of
velocities is constant.
3/ 2 mv2
 M  2

2k BT
N v  4N   Ve 3.1 Degrees of Freedom
 2k B T 
The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical
dN v
where N v  system is defined as the total number of co-ordinates or
independent quantities required to describe completely
where dNv = Total number of molecules with speeds the position and configuration of the system.
between V and V + dV
N = Total number of molecules. Example:
 A particle moving in straight line, say along X-axis
need only x coordinate to define itself. It has only
one degree of freedom.
 A particle in a plane, needs 2 co-ordinates, hence
has 2 degrees of freedom.


In general if
A = number of particles in the system Fig 15.4
R = number of independent relations among the Linear
particles A=3
N = Number of degrees of freedom of the system R=2
N = 3A – R N=33–2=7
Monoatomic Gases Non-Linear
The molecules of a monoatomic gas (like neon, argon,
helium etc) consists only of one atom.
Here 3 degrees of freedom are for translational motion Fig 15.5
 Here again vibrational energy is ignored.
Diatomic Gases
Polyatomic Gas
A polyatomic gas has 3 translational, 3 rotational
Assuming the distance between the two molecules is
degrees of freedom. Apart from them if there V
fixed then R = 1
vibrational modes then there will be additional 2V
 N  3 2 1  5
vibrational degrees of freedom.
Here 5 degrees of freedom implies combination of
 Total degree of freedom
3 translational energies and 2 rotational energies.
n = 3 + 3 + 2V = 6 + 2V
3.2 Internal Energy and Kinetic Energy
Internal Energy: As studied in thermodynamics,
Internal Energy of any substance is the combination of
Potential Energies and Kinetic Energies of all
molecules inside a given gas.
 In real gas
Internal Energy = P.E of molecules + K.E of
 In real gas: Internal Energy = K.E of Molecules
Here PE of molecules is zero as assumed in Kinetic
theory postulates; There is no interaction between
the molecules hence its interactional energy is zero.
Average KE per Molecule of the Gas:
1 M 2
We know, P  v
1 2
 PV  Mv
Fig 15.3 3
If vibrational motion is also considered then [only at 1 2
Hence, nRT  Mv
very high temperatures] 3
N=7 1 2
where 3 for translational  nRT  Nmv
2 for rotational
n 3RT 1  2
2 for vibrational   mv
N 2 2
Triatomic Gas


Also N  nN A Specific Heat Capacity:

3 R 1 2 3 As we know the law of equipartition, we can predict the
 T  mv  K B T   K.E avg
2 NA 2 2 heat capacity of various gases.
Average KE of translation per molecule of the gas Monoatomic Gas
3 Degree of freedom = 3.
2  Average Energy of a molecule at temperature T
Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature
From above equations, we can easily see that KE of one 1 
 E  3  k BT 
molecule is only dependent upon its temperature. 2 
 KE of molecule will cease if, the temperature of the Energy for one mole  E  N A
gas molecules become absolute zero.
 Absolute zero of a temperature may be defined as  U  kB NA  T
that temperature at which the root mean square velocity 2
of the gas molecule reduces to zero. 3
 U  RT
All the Ideal gas laws can be derived from Kinetic 2
Theory of gases.
In thermodynamics, we studied
3.3 Law of Equipartition of Energy
Q  U
CV   [ W = 0 for constant V]
Statement: According to this law, for any dynamical T  V T
system in thermal equilibrium, the total energy is
distributed equally amongst all the degrees of freedom,  Cv 
and the energy associated with each molecule per
5R Cp 5
1  Cp  and    .
degree of freedom is k B T, where kB is Boltzman 2 Cv 3
constant and T is temperature of the system. Diatomic Gases
k T When no vibration
Application: U  f B where f = Total degrees of Degree of freedom = 5
freedom. This law is very helpful in determining the 5
Average energy for one mole  RT
total internal energy of any system be it monatomic, 2
diatomic or any polyatomic. Once the internal energy is U 5
 Cv   R
know we can very easily predict Cv and Cp for such T 2
systems. 7R
Remark: In case vibrational motion is also there in any Cp 
system, say for diatomic molecule, then there should be
Cp 7
energy due to vibrational as well given by  
2 Cv 5
1  dy  1 2
Ev  m    ky When vibration is present.
2  dt  2
There is only one mode of vibration between 2
dy ky 2 molecules.
where  vibrational velocity and  Energy
dt 2  Degree of freedom = 7
due to configuration. 7
According to Law of Equipartition  U RT
1 7 9
Energy per degree of freedom  k B T  C v  R and Cp  R
2 2 2
1 1 9
 Total energy  k B T  k B T  k B T and  
2 2 7
is energy for complete one vibrational mode Polyatomic Gases
3.4 Specific Heat of Gases Degree of freedom


= 3 for translational Q U
 C   3R
+ 3 for rotational T T
+ 2V for vibrational  The above equation is called as Dulong and Petit’s
= 6 + 2V Law.
If v = Number of vibrational modes  At low temperatures the vibrational mode may not
RT be that active hence, heat capacity is low at low
 U   6  2V  K
2 temperatures for solids.
 Cv   3  V  R
Cp   4  V  R
and  
3 V
Specific Heat Capacity of Water
Water is treated like solid. Fig 15.6
Water has three atoms, 2 of hydrogen and one of
 Total degree of freedom for every atom
 Total degree of freedom for every molecule of water 3.5 Mean Free Path
= 3  6 = 18 The path traversed by a molecule between two
 1  successive collisions with other molecule is called the
18  RT 
Q U  2 
mean free path
 C    Total distance travelled by a molecule
T T T l
No. of collisions it makes with other molecules
C  9R
Specific Heat Capacity of Solids Mean Free Path
 In solids, there is very less difference between heat
capacity at constant pressure and at that constant
volume. Therefore we do not differentiate between
Cp and Cv for solids.
Q U
 C 
T T
{As solids hardly expand or expansion is
negligible} Now in solid the atoms are arranged in
an array structure and they are not free to move
independently like in gases. Fig 15.7
Therefore the atoms do not possess any Suppose the molecules of a gas are spheres of diameter
translational or rotational degree of freedom. d. Focus on a single molecule with the average speed
On the other hand, the molecules do possess V. It will suffer collision with any molecule that comes
vibrational motion along 3 mutually perpendicular within a distance d between the centres. In time t, it
directions. 
sweeps a volume d 2 V t wherein any other
Hence for 1 mole of a solid, there are NA number of
atoms. The energy associated with every molecule molecule will collide with it (as shown in figure). If n is
the number of molecules per unit volume, the molecule
 1 
 3  2  k B T   3K B T 
 2  suffers nd 2 V t collisions in time t. thus the rate of
 U = 3 RT for one mole

collisions is nd 2 V or the time between two condition of system are called thermodynamic state
successive collisions is on the average.    2  In thermodynamics we deal with the
 n V d  thermodynamic systems as a whole and study the
interaction of heat and energy during the change of
The average distance between two successive
one thermodynamic state to another.
collisions, called the mean free path l, is:
Thermal Equilibrium
 1
lV τ The term ‘equilibrium’ in thermodynamics implies the
 nπd  2
state when all the macroscopic variables characterising
the system (P, V, T, mass etc) do not change with time.
In this derivation, we imagined the other molecules to
 Two systems when in contact with each other come
be at rest. But actually all molecules are moving and the
to thermal equilibrium when their temperatures
collision rate is determined by the average relative
 become same.
velocity of the molecules. Thus we need to replace V  Based on this is zeroth law of thermodynamics.

by 2V in equation. A more exact treatment. According to zeroth law, when the thermodynamic
 systems A and B are separately in thermal
 equilibrium with a third thermodynamic system C,
 2nd 2  then the systems A and B are in thermal
equilibrium with each other also.
4.1 Basic Terms of Thermodynamics
State Variables: P, V, T, no. of moles and internal
Result energy They can be extensive or intestive.
Equation of State: The equation which connects the
 1
 pressure (P), the volume (V) and absolute temperature
 2nπd 2  (T) of a gas is called the equation of state.
PV = constant (Boyle’s law)
for N molecules PV = NKBT
 cons tan t (Charle’s law)
n 
V K BT  PV = nRT
 K BT Thermodynamic Process: A thermodynamic process
 is said to take place when some changes occur in the
2 d 2 P
state of a thermodynamic system, i.e., the
NOTE: thermodynamic parameters of the system change with
Mean free path depends inversely on the number time. Types of these thermodynamic process are
density and size of the molecule. Isothermal, Adiabatic, Isobaric and Isochoric.
Quasi Static Process: A thermodynamic process which
It is is infinitely slow is called as quasi-static process.
4. INTRODUCTION TOthe  In quasi static process, system undergoes change so
THERMODYNAMICS stud slowly, that at every instant, system is in
y of equilibrium, both thermal and mechanical, with the
interrelations between heat and other forms of energy surroundings.
Thermodynamic System: A collection of large number  Quasi-static process is an idealised process. We
of molecules of matter (solid, liquid or gas) which are generally assume all the processes to be quasistatic
so arranged that these possess certain values of unless stated.
pressure, volume and temperature forms a Indicator or P-V, Diagram: A graph between pressure
thermodynamic system. and
 The parameters pressure, volume, temperature, volume of a gas under thermodynamic operation is
internal energy etc which determine the state or called P-V. diagram.


Where Ps is the Pressure of system on the piston. This

work done by system is positive if the system expands
and it is negative if the system contracts.
 Work and Heat are path functions whereas internal
energy is a state function.
 Heat and work are two different terms through they
Fig 15.8 might look same.
a 
b 
Isothermal The first law of thermodynamics is a thermodynamics-
c  Adiabatic adapted version of the law of conservation of energy. In
d  Isochoric principle, the conservation law asserts that an isolated
Area under P – V diagram gives us work done by a gas. system's total energy remains constant; energy can be
transferred from one form to another, but it cannot be
4.2 Heat, Work Done and Internal Energy of Gas
created or destroyed.
Internal Energy is the energy possessed by any system The first law states that the change in internal energy of
due to its molecular K.E. and molecular P.E. Here K.E the system ( U system) is equal to the difference
and PE are with respect to centre of mass frame. This
between the heat provided to the system (Q) and the
internal energy depends entirely on state and hence it is
work (W) done by the system on its surroundings in a
a state variable. For a real gases internal energy is only
closed system (i.e., there is no transfer of matter into or
by virtue of its molecular motion.
out of the system).
U for ideal gases where  U system  Q  W
n = number of moles
f = Degree of freedom 5.1 Relation of Heat and Internal Energy
R = Universal Gas Constant
Let Q = Heat supplied to the system by the
T = Temperature in Kelvin
Internal Energy can be change either by giving heat surroundings
energy or by performing some work. W = Work done by the system on the surroundings
Heat Energy is the energy transformed to or from the U = Change in internal energy of the system.
system because of the difference in temperatures by
First law of thermodynamics states that energy can
conduction, convection or radiation.
neither be created nor be destroyed. It can be only
The energy that is transferred from one system to
transformed from one form to another.
another by force moving its point of application in its
own direction is called work. Mathematically: Q = U + W
Sign Conventions:
 When heat is supplied to the system, then Q is
positive and when heat is withdrawn from the
system, Q is negative.
 When a gas expands, work done by the gas is
positive and when a gas contracts then work is
Fig 15.9  U is positive, when temperature rises and U is
negative, when temperature falls. Remember here
Work done by the system   F dx
we always take work done by the system.
  Ps Adx
5.2 Mayer’s Formula
  Ps dV


 dQ  Non-Cyclic Process: In Non-cyclic process the series of

CP   
 dT  P changes involved do not return the system back to its
initial state.
Or, dQ  C P dT
i.e., change in internal energy for cyclic process is zero
From equation and also U  T  T  0
dQ  CP dT  dU  PdV i.e., temperature of system remains constant. i.e, heat
Again, from equation (2) substituting supplied is equal to the work done by the system.
dU  CV dT
6.2 Work done and Heat exchange in Cyclic
CP dT  CV dT  PdV...  4  Processes
For one mole of gas    1 , from ideal gas equation, In cyclic process, initial and final points are same.
PV  RdT
PdV  RdT
From equations
 CP  CV  dT  RdT
Or, CP  CV  R
Where C P is the Specific heat at constant pressure and
C V is the specific heat at constant volume.

Fig 15.11
Therefore,  pi Vi , Ti    p f , Vf , Tf 

6. CYCLIC AND NON-CYCLIC PROCESSES Internal energy is a state function which only depends
on temperature (in case of an ideal gas).
Ti  Tf
6.1 Introduction to Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Processes
 Ui  U f
Cyclic Process: A cyclic process is one in which the
system returns to its initial stage after undergoing a Or, U net  0
series of changes. If there are three process in a cyclic abc, then
Indicator Diagram U ab  U bc  U ca  0
From first law of thermodynamics,
Q  W  U,if U net  0, then
Q net  Wnet
Or, Qab  Qbc  Qca  Wab  Wbc  Wca
Further, Wnet  area under P-V diagram. For example,
Wnet   area of triangle ‘abc’ in the shown diagram.
Cycle is clockwise. So, work done will be positive.
Fig 15.10 6.3 Reversible and Irreversible Processes
U = 0
W = Area enclosed by the loop. Reversible Process: A reversible process is the process
Q = W as per First Law of thermodynamics where it never occurs; on the contrary the irreversible
Here W is positive if the cycle is clockwise and it is process is the one which can be said to be the natural
negative if the cyclic is anti clockwise. process and cannot be reversed.
Thermodynamics is the example of the reversible
process. Here the system and the surroundings return to
the same stage at the end of the process.


A Reversible process takes two processes into account
while in the first process participants convert into
another form, tin the case of this second process the
Fig 15.12
reverse reaction takes space where the resultants get
back to the initial state. dP
Slope of P – V curve is at any point.
Types of reversible processes: There are two types of
reversible processes. The internally reversible process PV = nRT
and the external reversible process. Internal reversible   dP  V  P  dV   0
process involves no irreversibility within the system
boundaries. This states that the system undergoes the dP P
 
stage of equilibrium but when it returns it again passes dV V
through the same stage.
U = 0 (Temperature remains constant)
 In the externally reversible process there are no
W  Pg dV
Irreversible Process: an irreversible process is a
naturally occurring phenomenon, which does not go
back to its original state. nRT
Factors behind Irreversibility of process:   dV [Using PV = nRT]
An irreversible process can be said to be the
thermodynamics process that departs equilibrium. V2
 nRT ln
When we talk in terms of pressure, we can say that it V1
occurs when the pressure of the system changes and the
volume does not have time to reach equilibrium. Since P1V1  P2 V2
The system and the surrounding does not come back to P 
the original state even after the completion of the Therefore, W  nRT ln  1 
process in the spontaneous process.  P2 
Hence, The Reversible Nature of a Process is First Law of Thermodynamics
Dependent on Multiple Factors Such as non-elasticity,
Q  U  W
friction, viscosity, electrical resistance etc.
7.1 Isothermal Process NOTE:
Description: A thermodynamic process in which All the heat supplied is used entirely to do work against
temperature remains constant external surroundings. If heat is supplied then the gas
Condition: The walls of the container must be perfectly expands and if heat is withdrawn then the gas contracts.
conducting to allow free exchange of heat between gas Practical Examples:
and its surroundings.
The process of compression or expansion should be Melting of ice at 0C
slow so as to provide time for exchange of heat. Boiling of water at 100C
These both conditions are perfectly ideal. 7.2 Adiabatic Process
Equation of State: T = Constant or PV = Constant Description: When there is no heat exchange with
Indicator Diagram: surroundings.
Conditions: The walls of the container must be
perfectly non-conducting in order to prevent any
exchange of heat between the gas and its surroundings.


The process of compression or expansion should be P1V1  P2 V2  constant

rapid, and so, there is no time for the exchange of heat.
These conditions are again ideal condition and are hard 1  P2 V2 P1V1 
   
to obtain 1    V2 1 V1 1 
Equation of State:
P2 V2  P1V1 nR  T1  T2 
PV   constant W 
 1  1
or TV  1  constant
 First Law of Thermodynamics
1 
or PT  constant
Q  U  W
Indicator Diagram
Substituting the values
We get Q = 0
If gas expands adiabatically then its temperature
decreases and vice versa.
Practical Example
Fig 15.13  Propagation of sound waves in the form of
dP compression and rarefaction.
Slope of adiabatic curve 
dV  Sudden bursting of a cycle tube.

PV   const 7.3 Isochoric Process

Description: Volume remains constant
 PV1  dv    dP  V  0
Condition: A gas being heated or cooled inside a rigid
dP P container.
 
dV V P
Equation of State: V = constant or = constant
As shown in graph adiabatic curve is steeper than T
isothermal curve.
nfRdT nR  T2  T1  P2 V2  P1V1
U   
2  1  1
Work Done by Gas: If a gas adiabatically expands from
V1 to V2 Fig 15.14

W  P  dv  U 
v2 2
v2 Work
 cons tan t  
W = 0 as gas does not expands
v2 V First Law of thermodynamics
Q  U  W
 PV   constant 
  nfRT
 P  constant  Q
 V 
1 V2
V  constant  1 1  Since we have studied earlier, that when heat is
 constant      1  1 
 1    V1 1   V
 2 V1  supplied to any process. Its temperature increases
according to relation.
Also we know


Q  nC T Similar to molar specific heat at constant pressure and

Q molar specific heat at constant volume, we can define
C .... 1
nT molar specific heat for any process.
Now this C depends upon external conditions for gases. For example:
Q  Cadiabatic  0
Here it is referred as  2
nT  v Cisothermal  
i.e. Molar heat capacity at constant volume Comparing Basically gas does not possess a unique specific heat.
equation 1 and 2 Mainly we have Cp and Cv .
We get C v  ...  3  Specific Heat at Constant Volume: It is defined
2 as the amount of heat required to raise the
7.4 Isobaric Process temperature of 1g of a gas through 1°C, when its
volume is kept constant. It is denoted as CV.
Description: When pressure remains constant
 Specific Heat at Constant Pressure: It is defined
Condition: When in one container, the piston is free to
as the amount of heat required to raise the
move and is not connected by any agent.
temperature of 1g of a gas through 1C keeping its
Equation of State: P = constant
pressure constant. It is denoted as Cp.
 cons tan t
Indicator Diagram:
cP , cv means Molar heat Capacity and C P , CV means
specific heat capacity
CV  McV and CP  Mc P where M stands for molar
mass of any sample.
cp  c v 
Fig 15.15 M
U  same as always
W   PdV  PV (as pressure is constant) 7.5 Melting Process
 PV2  PV1  nRT In any case first law is always applicable
First Law of Thermodynamics Q  mLf as learned earlier.
Q  U  W W=0
nfRT (In the change of state from solid to liquid we ignore
Q  nRT
2 any expansion or contraction as it is very small)
 fR  According to first law of thermodynamics
 Q  n   R  T ...  4 
 2  U  Q  W
Similar to Cv, we can define molar heat capacity at U  mLf
constant pressure
 Cp  ...  5
nT  p The heat given during melting is used in increasing the
internal energy of any substance
From equation 4 and 5
fR 7.6 Boiling Process
We get C p   R ...  6 
Here, Q  mL v
From equation 3 and 6
fR W  P  V2  V1 
Replacing by Cv we get
2 (Pressure is constant during boiling and it is equal to
Vp  C v  R atmosphere pressure)
which is also called Mayer’s Relation.  U  Q  W


U  mL v  P  V2  V1  Key Elements:
7.7 Polytropic Process
9. CARNOT CYCLE A source of heat at higher
A polytropic process is a thermodynamic process that
obeys the relation:  A working substance
PV  C  A sink of heat at lower temperature.
Where P is the pressure, V is volume, n is the Working:
polytropic index, and C is a constant. The polytropic  The working substance goes through a cycle
process equation can describe multiple expansion and consisting of several processes.
compression processes which include heat transfer.
 In some processes it absorbs a total amount of heat
Particular Cases:
Some specific values of n correspond to particular Q1 from the source at temperature T1.
cases:  In some processes it rejects a total amount of heat
n  0 for an isobaric process, Q2 to the sink at some lower temperature T2.
n   for an isochoric process  The work done by the system in a cycle is
In addition, when the ideal gas law applies: transferred to the environment via some
n  1 for an isothermal process, arrangement.
n   for an isentropic process. Schematic Diagram
Where  is the ratio of the heat capacity at constant
pressure  CP  to heat capacity at constant volume  Cv 

7.8 Free-Expansion
A process in which gas is allowed to expand in vacuum
and this happens so quickly that no heat leaves or enters
the system this type of process is also known as Fig 15.16
adiabatic process and because this happens so fast the
gas does not cross the system boundaries, hence no First Law of Thermodynamics
work is done by the system or on the system, then the Energy is always conserved
expansion is called the free expansion.  Q1  W  Q 2
We can for the equate free expansion into
Uf  Ui  Q  W
8.1 Thermal Efficiency
Now, as know heat is exchange and no work is done Thermal Efficiency of a heat engine is defined of the
Q  0 and W  0 i.e., U f  U i ratio of net work done per cycle by the engine to the
Further, as we see there is no change in the internal total amount of heat absorbed per cycle by the working
energy, Hence, the temperature remains constant. substance from the source.
7.9 Limitation of First Law of Thermodynamics W
It is denoted by   ... 1
 The first law does not indicate the direction in Using equation 1 and 2 we get
which the change can occur. Q
 The first law gives no idea about the extent of   1 2 ...  2 
Ideally engines should have efficiency = 1
 The first law of thermodynamics gives no
information about the source of heat. i.e. whether it NOTE:
is a hot or a cold body. The mechanism of conversion of heat into work vanes
for different heat engines.
8. HEAT ENGINE The system heated by an external furnace, as in a steam
engine. Such engines are called as external combustion
It is a device that converts heat energy into mechanical engine.


The system in which heat is produced by burning the  Adiabatic compression

fuel inside the main body of the engine is called as The cycle is carried out with the help of the Carnot
Internal Combustion Engine. engine as detailed below:

Sadi Carnot devised on ideal cycle of operation for a

engine called as Carnot cycle.
Engine used for realising this ideal cycle is called as
Carnot heat engine.
The essential parts of an Ideal heat engine are shown in
figure. Fig 15.18
Consider one gram mole of an ideal gas enclosed in the
cylinder. Let V1, P1, T1 be the initial volume, pressure
and temperature of the gas. The initial state of the gas is
represented by the point A on PV. diagram, We shall
assume that all the four processes are quasi-static and
dissipative, the two conditions for their reversibility.
 Isothermal Expansion: The cylinder is placed on
Fig 15.17 the source and gas is allowed to expand by slow
outward motion of piston. Since base is perfectly
 Source of heat: The source is maintained at a fixed
conducting therefore the process is isothermal.
higher temperature T1, from which the working
substance draws heat. The source is supposed to Now
possess infinite thermal capacity and as such any U1  0
amount of heat can be drawn from it without V2
q1  W1  RT1 ln  Area ABMKA
changing its temperature. V1
 Sink of heat: The sink is maintained at a fixed q1  Heat absorbed by gas
lower temperature T2, to which any amount of heat
W1  Work done by gas
can be rejected by the working substance.
 Adiabatic Expansion: The cylinder is now
It has also infinite thermal capacity and as such its
removed from source and is placed on the perfectly
temperature remains constant at T2, even when any
insulating pad. The gas is allowed to expand further
amount of heat is rejected to it.
from B (P2, V2) to C (P3, V3). Since the gas is
 Working substance: A perfect gas acts as the
thermally insulated from all sides, therefore the
working substance. It is contained in a cylinder
R  T2  T1 
with non-conducting sides but having a perfectly processes is adiabatic q2  0 U 2 
conducting-base. This cylinder is fitted with  1
perfectly non-conducting and frictionless piston. R  T1  T2 
W2   Area BCNMB
 Apart from these essential parts, there is a perfectly  1
insulating stand or pad on which the cylinder can  Isothermal Compression: The cylinder is now
be placed. It would isolate the working substance removed from the insulating pad and is placed on
completely from the surroundings. Hence, the gas the sink at a temperature T2. The piston is moved
can undergo adiabatic changes. slowly so that the gas is compressed until is
The Carnot cycle consists of the following four pressure is P4 and volume is V4.
stages: U 3  0
 Isothermal expansion
 Adiabatic expansion W3  RT2 ln  Area CDLNC
 Isothermal compression


V4 T2
q3  RT2 ln  n Carnot  1 
V3 T1
q3 = Heat absorbed in this process  Carnot engine  depends only upon source
W3 = Work done by gas
temperature and sink temperature.
 Adiabatic Compression: The cylinder is again
 Carnot engine  1 only when T2 = 0 K or T1 = 
placed on the insulating pad, such that the process
remains adiabatic. Here the gas is further which is impossible to attain.
compressed to its initial P1 and V1.  If T2  T1    0  Heat cannot be converted to
R  T1  T2  mechanical energy unless there is some difference
U 4 
 1 between the temperature of source and sink.
R  T1  T2  9.3 Carnot Theorem
W4   area DAKLD
 1 Statement: Carnot theorem states that all reversible
q4  0 engines working between same two temperatures have
W4 = work done by the gas same efficiency irrespective of the nature of working
substance. The source and the sink works between the
9.1 Analysis of Carnot Cycle
same temperature.
Total work done by the engine per cycle.  Working between two given temperatures, T1 of
 W1  W2  W3  W4 hot reservoir (the source) and T2 of cold reservoir
(the sink), no engine can have efficiency more than
 W1  W3
that of the Carnot engine.
V2 V  The efficiency of the Carnot engine is independent
W  RT1 ln  RT2 ln 4
V1 V3 of the nature of the working substance.
Q1 = Total heat absorbed = q1 Engine used for realizing this ideal cycle is called as
V Carnot heat engine.
 RT1 ln 2 Proof:
Step - 1: Imagine a reversible engine R and an
Q2 = Total heat released = q3 irreversible engine-I working between the same source
[q3 = Heat absorbed and not heat released] (hot reservoir T1) and sink (cold reservoir T2).
V Step - 2: Couple two engines such that I acts like heat
 RT2 ln 3
V4 engine and R acts like refrigerator.
We can see that for heat engine Step - 3: Let engine I absorb Q1 heat from the source
W  Q1  Q2 deliver work W1 and release the balance Q1  W1 to the
sink in one cycle.
= Area under ABCDA
9.2 Efficiency of Carnot Engine

  1 2
Q1 Q1
Now steps 2 is adiabatic and step 4 is also adiabatic
 T1V2 1  T2 V31
Fig 15.19
and T1V11  T2 V4 1
Step - 4: Arrange R, such that it returns same heat Q, to
V2 V3 the source, taking Q2 from the sink and requiring work
  ...  21
V1 V4 W = Q1 – Q2 to be done on it.
From equation 19, 20 and 21 we get Step - 5: Suppose R  I (i.e.) If R were to act as an
Q1 T1 engine it would give less work output than that of I

Q 2 T2 (i.e.) W < W1 for a given Q1 and Q1 – W > Q1 – W1


Step - 6: In totality, the I-R system extracts heat (Q1   Heating up of the vapour due to external work
W)  (Q1  W1) = W1  W and delivers same amount of done on the working substance.
work in one cycle, without any change in source or  Release of heat by the vapour to the surroundings
anywhere else. This is against second Law of bringing it to the initial state and completing the
Thermodynamics. (Kelvin - Planck statement of second cycle.
law of thermodynamics) Schematic Diagram.
Hence the assertion 1  R is wrong.
Similar argument can be put up for the second
statement of Carnot theorem, (i.e) Carnot efficiency is
independent of working substance.
 We use ideal gas for calculating but the relation.
Q1 T1 Fig 15.20
 will always hold true for any working
Q 2 T2
First Law of Thermodynamics
substance used in a Carnot engine.
Q2  W  Q1 ... 1
9.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics
10.1 Coefficient of Performance
The second law of thermodynamics states that the heat
energy cannot transfer from a body at a lower Coefficient of Performance of refrigerator () is
temperature to a body at a higher temperature without defined as the ratio of quantity of heat removed per
the addition of energy. cycle from contents of the refrigerator (Q2) to the
There are number of ways in which this law can be energy spent per cycle (W) to remove this heat.
stated. Though all the statements are the same in their Q
contents, the following two are significant.  2 ...  2 
Kelvin Planck Statement: No process is possible whose Using equation 1 and 2 we get
sole result is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and
the complete conversion of the heat into work. 
Q1  Q 2
Clausius Statement: No process is possible whose sole
result is the transfer of heat from a colder object to a Ideally heat pumps should have  = 
hotter object.
Significance: 100% efficiency in heat engines or
infinite CoP in refrigerators is not possible.


A refrigerator or heat pump is a device used for

cooling things.
Key Elements:
 A cold reservoir at temperature T2.
 A working substance.
 A hot reservoir at temperature T1.
 The working substance goes through a cycle
consisting of several process.
 A sudden expansion of the gas from high to low
pressure which cools it and converts it into a
vapour-liquid mixture.
 Absorption by the cold fluid of heat from the
region to be cooled, converting it into vapour.



Introduction to Kinetic Theory of Gases 7. One mole of an ideal gas at an initial temperature of T
kelvin does 6 R joule of work adiabatically. If the
1. Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving
ratio of specific heats of this gas at constant pressure
with uniform speed. The temperature of the gas
molecules inside will 5
and at constant volume is , the final temperature of
(a) increase 3
(b) decrease the gas will be
(c) remain same (a) (T + 4) K (b) (T – 4) K
(d) decrease for some, while increase for others (c) (T + 2.4) K (d) (T – 2.4) K
2. If the pressure of the gas is doubled at constant Speeds of Gas Molecules
volume and mass, the frequency of collision of the
molecules with the walls of a container will 8. The density of a gas is 6 × 10–2 kg/m3 and the RMS
(a) Not change (b) Increase four times velocity of the gas molecules is 500 m/s. The pressure
exerted by the gas on the walls of the vessel is
(c) Be doubled (d) Increase by 2 times
(a) 5 × 103 N/m2 (b) 0.83 × 10–4 N/m2
3. If pressure and temperature of an ideal gas are
(c) 1.2 × 10–4 N/m2 (d) 30 N/m2
doubled and volume is halved, the number of
9. The mean free path of a gas molecule at 27°C is 2 cm.
molecules of the gas
If the rms velocity of the gas at that temperature is
(a) become half (b) become 4 times
10 m/s, what is the time interval between two
(c) become two times (d) remain constant
successive collisions?
4. Real gases obey gas laws more closely at
1 1
(a) High pressure and low temperature (a) s (b) s
(b) Low pressure and high temperature 5 500
(c) High pressure and high temperature 1 1
(c) s (d) s
(d) Low pressure and low temperature 50 250
5. By what percentage should the pressure of a given 10. Mean free path () is
mass of a gas be increased so as to decrease its (a) inversely proportional to the diameter of molecule
volume by 10 % at a constant temperature? (b) inversely proportional to the square of diameter of
(a) 8.1 % (b) 10.1 % molecule
(c) 9.1 % (d) 11.1 % (c) inversely proportional to the number of molecules
6. A cylinder containing an ideal gas is in vertical per unit volume
position and has a piston of mass M that is able to (d) both b and c
move up or down without friction, as shown in figure. 11. Four molecules of speed 2 km/s, 3 km/s, 4 km/s and
If the temperature is increased. 5 km/s. The RMS speed of these molecules in km/s is
(P and V are the initial pressure and volume of the 54
gas respectively) (a) (b) 3.5
(c) (d) 3 3

(a) both P and V of the gas will change

(b) only P will increase according to Charles law
(c) V will change but not P
(d) P will change but not V

12. A cubic vessel (with faces horizontal + vertical) 16. 1 mole of an ideal gas is contained in a cubical vessel,
contains an ideal gas at NTP. The vessel is being ABCDEFGH at 300 K, figure.
carried by a rocket which is moving at a speed of
500 m/s in vertical direction. The pressure of the gas
inside the vessel as observed by us on the ground:
(a) remains the same because 500 m/s is very much A D
smaller than vrms of the gas
(b) remains the same because motion of the vessel as
a whole does not affect the relative motion of the E
gas molecules and the walls
2 2 One face (EFGH) of the vessel is made up of a
vrms   500
(c) will increase by a factor equal to 2 , material which totally absorbs any gas molecule
incident on it. At any given time:
where vrms was the original root mean square
velocity of the gas (a) the pressure on EFGH would be zero
(d) will be different on the top wall and bottom wall (b) the pressure on all the faces will be equal
of the vessel (c) the pressure on EFGH would be double the
Energy of gas molecules pressure on ABCD
13. The increase in internal energy of a gas per unit mass (d) the pressure on EFGH would be half that on
per unit rise in temperature is equal to ( Cv and C p ABCD
are specific heat capacities at constant volume and
17. If C p and Cv denote the specific heats of nitrogen
pressure respectively)
(a) Cp (b) Cp + Cv per unit mass at constant pressure and constant
(c) Cp – Cv (d) Cv volume respectively, then
14. Which of the following statements is correct for any
thermodynamic system? (a) CP – CV  28 R (b) CP – CV 
(a) The internal energy changes in all processes
(b) Internal energy and entropy are state functions R
(c) CP – CV  (d) CP – CV  R
(c) The change in entropy can never be zero 14
(d) The work done in an adiabatic process is always
18. Two monoatomic gases are at absolute temperature
15. A system goes from A to B via two process I and II as 300K and 350K respectively. The ratio of average
shown in figure. If U1 and U 2 are the changes in kinetic energies of their molecules is
internal energies in the processes I and II 3.5 3
respectively, then (a) (b)
3 3.5
(c) 6 : 7 (d) 36 : 49
19. A sample of oxygen and a sample of hydrogen have
the same mass, volume and pressure. The ratio of
their absolute temperature is
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/16
(c) 4 (d) 16
(a) U 2  U1
(b) U 2  U1
(c) U1  U 2
(d) relation between U1 and U 2 cannot be

20. In the diagrams (i) to (iv) of variation of volume with 23. An air sample consists of 78% N2 and 22% oxygen.
changing pressure is shown. A gas is taken along the The values of Cv for N2 and O2 is 0.2 kcal/kg/K and
path ABCD. The change in internal energy of the gas 0.15 kcal/kg/K. Heat required to raise the temperature
will be of 1 kg of air through 1°C is
(a) 0.350 cal (b) 0.189 cal
(c) 0.350 kcal (d) 0.189 kcal
24. A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of
molecular mass M and ratio of specific heats  . It is
moving with speed v and it is suddenly brought to rest
Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, its
temperature increases by
  1  Mv 2
(a) Mv 2 K (b) K
2 R 2R
  1   1
(c) Mv 2 K (d) Mv 2 K
2R 2    1 R
25. The difference between two principal specific heats of
nitrogen is 300 J/kg.K and ratio of the two specific
heats is 1.4. Value of Cp (in J/kg.K ) is:
(a) Positive in all cases (i) to (iv) Introduction to Thermodynamics
(b) Positive in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in (iv) 26. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends on:
case (a) Pressure (b) Volume
(c) Negative in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in (iv) (c) Temperature (d) Size of the molecule
case 27. Which one of the following is not a thermodynamic
(d) Zero in all four cases co-ordinate?
21. Consider a process shown in the figure. During this (a) V (b) R
process the work done by the system (c) T (d) P
28. Which one of the following gases possesses the
largest internal energy
(a) 2moles of helium occupying 1m 3 at 300 K
(b) 56kg of nitrogen at 107 Nm 2 and 300 K
(c) 8 grams of oxygen at 8atm and 300 K
(d) 6 1026 molecules of argon occupying 40 m 3 at
(a) Continuously increases 900 K
(b) Continuously decreases 29. If the gases have initial temperature 300K and they
(c) First increases, then decreases are mixed in an adiabatic container having the same
(d) First decreases, then increases
22. Three perfect gases at absolute temperature T1, T2 and volume as the previous containers. Now the
T3 are mixed. The masses of molecules are m1, m2 temperature of the mixture is T and pressure is P.
and m3 and the number of molecules are n1, n2 and n3 Then
Assuming no loss of energy, the final temperature of
the mixture is
n T  n T  n3T3 n T 2  n2T22  n3T32
(a) 1 1 2 2 (b) 1 1
n1  n2  n3 n1T1  n2T2  n3T3
(a) P  PA , T  300K (b) P  PB , T  300K
n 2T 2  n22T22  n32T32 T1  T2  T3 
(c) 1 1 (d) (c) P  PA , T  300K (d) P  PA , T  300K
n1T1  n2T2  n3T3 3

30. The molar heat capacity in a process of a diatomic 34. A and B are two adiabatic curves for two different
Q gases. Then A and B correspond to
gas if it does a work of when a heat of Q is
supplied to it is
2 5
(a) R (b) R
5 2
10 6
(c) R (d) R
3 7
First Law of Thermodynamics
31. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50 N/m2 (a) Ar and He respectively (b) He and H2
from a volume of 10 m3 to a volume of 4 m3. Energy
of 100 J is then added to the gas by heating. Its
(c) O2 and H2 respectively (d) H2 and He
internal energy is:
(a) increased by 400 J (b) increased by 200 J respectively
(c) increased by 100 J (d) decreased by 200 J 35. In a given process for an ideal gas,
32. The slopes of the isothermal and adiabatic curves are dW = 0 and dQ < 0. Then for the gas,
related as: (a) temperature will decrease
(a) isothermal curve slope = adiabatic curve slope (b) volume will increase
(c) pressure will remain constant
(b) isothermal curve slope =  × adiabatic curve slope
(d) temperature will increase
(c) adiabatic curve slope =  × isothermal curve slope
36. Starting with the same initial conditions, an ideal gas
(d) adiabatic curve slope = (1/2) × isothermal curve
expands from volume V1 to V2 in three different
33. Consider P-V diagram for an ideal gas shown in ways. The work done by the gas is W1 if process is
figure isothermal, W2 if isobaric and W3 if adiabatic. Then,
P (a) W2 > W1 > W3 (b) W2 > W3 > W1
1 (c) W1 > W2 > W3 (d) W1 = W2 = W3
P 37. At 27°C, a gas is compressed suddenly such that its
pressure becomes (1/8)th of its original pressure. Final
temperature will be ( = 5/3):
V (a) 420 K (b) 300 K
Out of the following diagrams, which represents the (c) –142°C (d) 327°C
T-P diagram? 38. In an adiabatic change, the pressure P and
T temperature T of a diatomic gas are related by the
2 relation P  TC, where c is equal to:
(i) (ii) (a) 5/3 (b) 2/5
1 1 (c) 3/5 (d) 7/2
P P 39. The P-V diagram shows seven curved paths
T T (connected by vertical paths) that can be followed by
a gas. Which two of them should be parts of a closed
2 1 1 2
cycle if the net work done by the gas is to be at its
(iii) (iv) maximum value
P a
(a) (iv) (b) (ii) d
(c) (iii) (d) (i) e
(a) ac (b) cg
(c) af (d) cd

40. Consider two containers A and B containing identical (c) zero (d) cannot say
gases at the same pressure, volume, and temperature. 45. In the cyclic process shown in the figure, the work
The gas in container A is compressed to half of its done by the gas in one cycle is
original volume isothermally while the gas in
container B is compressed to half of its original value
adiabatically. The ratio of final pressure of gas in B to
that of gas in A is:
 1
(a) 2–1 (b)  
 1 2
 1   1 
(c)   (d)  
 1     1 
41. In the following indicator diagram, the net amount of (a) 28PV (b) 14PV
1 1 1 1
work done by the gas will be
(c) 18PV
1 1 (d) 9PV
1 1
46. Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a
cyclic process shown in figure is
1 2

(a) Positive (b) Negative
(c) Zero (d) Infinity
42. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat to raise
the temperature by 10K, when heated at constant
pressure. If the same gas is heated at constant volume (a) 107  J (b) 104  J
to raise the temperature by 10K, then heat required (in (c) 102  J (d) 10 3  J
joules) is (R = 8.3 J/mol.K) 47. In a cyclic process, work done by the system is
Cyclic and Non-cyclic Processes (a) zero
(b) Equal to heat given to the system
43. An ideal gas undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as
(c) More than the heat given to system
shown in given P-V diagram
(d) Independent of heat given to the system
48. In a cyclic process, the internal energy of the gas
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
P0 B
A (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
V 49. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle
V0 3V0
The amount of work done by the gas is: PQRSP process. The net work done (in joules) on the
(a) 6P0V0 (b) –2P0V0 system is
(c) +2P0V0 (d) +4P0V0
44. Work done by the gas in the process shown in figure

(a) positive (b) negative


Thermodynamic Processes Heat Engine

50. A given system undergoes a change in which work 55. An ideal heat engine working between temperature T1
done by the system equals the decrease in its internal and T2 has an efficiency h, the new efficiency if both
energy. The system must have undergone the source and sink temperature are doubled, will be
(a) isothermal change (b) adiabatic change
(c) isobaric change (d) isochoric change 
(a) (b) 
51. The temperature of a hypothetical gas increases to 2
2 times when compressed adiabatically to half the (c) 2 (d) 3
volume. Its equation can be written as 56. The thermal efficiency of a hat engine for which the
(a) PV 3/ 2  constant (b) PV 5/ 2  constant work output is 2500 J/cycle and the heat input is
(c) PV 7/3  constant (d) PV 4/3  constant 10000 J/cycle, is
52. Two samples A and B of same gas have equal (a) 75% (b) 40%
volumes and pressures. The gas in sample A is
expanded isothermally to double its volume and the (c) 25% (d) 0.25%
gas in sample B is expanded to double its volume 57. An ideal gas heat engine operates in the Carnot cycle
adiabatically. If work done by the gas is same in two between 227C and 127C . It absorbs 6 104 cal of
processes, then value of  for the gas is best given by heat at higher temperature. Amount of heat converted
(a) 1  2      1 ln 2 into work, is
(a) 1.2 104 cal (b) 2.4 104 cal
(b) 1  2   1     1 ln 2
(c) 6.0 104 cal (d) 4.8 104 cal
(c) 1  2   1  2    1 ln 2
58. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle
(d) None of these ABCD as shown in figure. Heat rejected by the gas
53. Two samples A and B of a gas initially at the same during the cycle is:
pressure and temperature are compressed from
volume V to (A isothermally and B
adiabatically). The final pressure of A is

(a) Greater than the final pressure of B

(b) Equal to the final pressure of B (a) PV (b) 2 PV

(c) Less than the final pressure of B (c) 4 PV (d) PV
(d) Twice the final pressure of B 59. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible
engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is
54. An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from
the same initial state, as shown in figure. Four
processes are adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and
isochoric. Out of 1, 2, 3 and 4 which one is adiabatic?

1 2
V (a) (b)
3 3
1 1
(c) (d)
2 4

60. The shown P-V diagram represents the (b) find ideal sources
thermodynamics cycle of an engine, operating with (c) reach absolute zero temperature
an ideal monoatomic gas. The amount of heat, (d) eliminate friction
extracted from the source in a single cycle is:
67. Which statement is incorrect?
(a) all reversible cycles have same efficiency
(b) reversible cycle has more efficiency than the
irreversible one
(c) Carnot cycle is a reversible one
(d) Carnot cycle has the maximum efficiency in all
68. A Carnot engine, having an efficiency of   as
heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done
on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed
from the reservoir at lower temperature is
 13  (a) 100 J (b) 99 J
(a) P0V0 (b)   PV 0 0 (c) 90 J (d) 1 J
69. A Carnot engine takes 3 × 106 cal of heat from a
 11  reservoir at 627°C, and gives it to a sink at 27°C. The
(c)   PV 0 0 (d) 4PV0 0
2 work done by the engine is
61. A reversible engine converts one-sixth of the heat (a) 4.2 × 106 J (b) 8.4 × l06 J
input into work. When the temperature of the sink is 6
(c) 16.8 × l0 J (d) zero
reduced by 62C , the efficiency of the engine is 70. Two Carnot engines A and B are operated in
doubled. The temperatures of the source and sink are
succession. The first one, A receives heat form a
(a) 80C ,37C (b) 95C , 28C
source at T = 800 K and rejects to sink at T2 . The
(c) 90C ,37C (d) 99C ,37C
second engine B receives heat rejected by the first
62. A heat engine operates between a cold reservoir at engine and rejects to another sink at T3  300K . If
temperature T2  300 K and a hot reservoir at
the work outputs of two engines are equal, then the
temperature T1 . It takes 200 J of heat from hot
value of T2 is
reservoir and delivers 120 J of heat to cold reservoir
in a cycle. What could be the minimum temperature (a) 100 K (b) 300 K
of hot reservoir? (c) 550 K (d) 700 K
(a) 200K (b) 300K Refrigeration
(c) 400K (d) 500K 71. A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at
63. An ideal heat engine exhausting heat at 77C is to 9C . If room temperature is 36C , calculate the
have a 30% efficiency. It must take heat at coefficient of performance.
(a) 127C (b) 227C (a) 10.9 (b) 20.9
(c) 327C (d) 673C (c) 30.9 (d) 40.9
72. The coefficient of performance of a Carnot
64. A reversible heat engine coverts one-fourth of the
heat input into work. When the temperature of the refrigerator working between 30C and 0C is
sink is reduced by 52K, its efficiency is doubled. (a) 10 (b) 1
The temperature in Kelvin of the source will be (c) 9 (d) 0
……… 73. A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at
65. For an ideal heat engine, the temperature of the 9C , calculate the coefficient of performance?
source is 127C . In order to have 60% efficiency the (a) 10.44 (b) 11.44
temperature of the sink should be ……… kelvin (c) 12.44 (d) 13.44
(Round off to the Nearest Integer).
Carnot Cycle 74. The coefficient of performance for a refrigerator
should be:
66. Even Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency
because we cannot (a) Greater than 1 (b) smaller than 1
(a) prevent radiation (c) Equal to 1 (d) None of these

75. A refrigerator is 78. The freezer in a refrigerator is located at the top

(a) Heat engine section so that
(b) An electric motor (a) The entire chamber of the refrigerator is cooled
(c) Heat engine working in backward direction quickly due to convection
(b) The motor is not heated
(d) Air cooler
(c) The heat gained from the environment is high
76. An ideal refrigerator has a freezer at a temperature of
(d) The heat gained from the environment is low
13C. The coefficient of performance of the engine
is 5. The temperature of the air (to which heat is 79. The inside and outside temperature of a refrigerator
rejected) will be: are 273 K and 303 K respectively. Assuming that
(a) 325C (b) 325K refrigerator cycle is reversible, for every joule of
work done the heat delivered to the surrounding will
(c) 39C (d) 320C be
77. The coefficient of performance of a Carnot (a) 10 J (b) 20 J
refrigerator working between 30C and 0C is (c) 30 J (d) 50 J
(a) 10 (b) 1 80. A refrigerator works between 4C and 30C . It is
(c) 9 (d) 0 required to remove 600 cal of heat every second in
order to keep the temperature of the refrigerated
space constant. The power required is (take, 1 cal =
(a) 23.65W (b) 236.5W
(c) 2365W (d) 2.365W


Questions marked with asterisk (*) are
7. Two ideal polyatomic gases at temperatures T1 and T2
deleted from JEE Main
are mixed so that there is no loss of energy. If F1 and
1. If one mole of the polyatomic gas is having two
vibrational modes and  is the ratio of molar specific F2 , m1 and m2 , n1 and n2 be the degrees of
freedom, masses, number of molecules of the first and
 C 
heats for polyatomic gas    p  , then the value of second gas respectively, the temperature of mixture of
 Cv 
these two gases is: [2021]
 is: [2021] n1T1  n2T2 n1 F1T1  n2 F2T2
(a) (b)
(a) 1.02 (b) 1.20 n1  n2 n1 F1  n2 F2
(c) 1.25 (d) 1.35
n1 F1T1  n2 F2T2 n1 F1T1  n2 F2T2
2. On the basis of kinetic theory of gases, the gas exerts (c) (d)
F1  F2 n1  n2
pressure because its molecules: [2021]
(a) continuously lose their energy till it reaches wall 8. What will be the average value of energy along one
(b) are attracted by the walls of container degree of freedom for an ideal gas in thermal
(c) continuously stick to the walls of container equilibrium at a temperature T? ( k B is Boltzmann
(d) suffer change in momentum when impinge on the constant) [2021]
walls of container 2
(a) k BT (b) kBT
3. Given below are two statements: 3
Statement I: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational
energy at a given temperature obeys Maxwell's 1 3
(c) k BT (d) k BT
distribution. 2 2
Statement II: In a diatomic molecule, the rotational 9. The root mean square speed of molecules of a given
energy at a given temperature equals the translational mass of a gas at 27° C and 1 atmosphere pressure is
kinetic energy for each molecule. 200 ms-1. The root mean square speed of molecules of
In the light of the above statements, choose the
the gas at 127° C and 2 atmosphere pressure is
correct answer from the options given below: [2021]
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true. x
ms-1. The value of x will be [2021]
(b) Statement I is false but Statement II is true. 3
(c) Both Statement I and Statement II are false. 10. A monatomic gas of mass 4.0 u is kept in an insulated
(d) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
container. Container is moving with velocity 30 m/s.
4. The internal energy (U), pressure (P) and volume (V)
If container is suddenly stopped then change in
of an ideal gas are related as U = 3PV + 4. The gas is
[2021] x
temperature of the gas (R= gas constant) is .
(a) Diatomic only 3R
(b) Polyatomic only Value of x is ……… [2021]
(c) Either monoatomic or diatomic 11. Match List-I with List-II
(d) Monoatomic only List-I List-II
5. Calculate the value of mean free path (λ) for oxygen A Isothermal (i) Pressure constant
molecules at temperature 27°C and pressure 1.01 × B Isochoric (ii) Temperature constant
105 Pa. Assume the molecular diameter 0.3 nm and C Adiabatic (iii) Volume constant
the gas is ideal. (k = 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1) [2021] D Isobaric (iv) Heat content is constant
(a) 86 nm (b) 102 nm Choose the correct answer from the options given
(c) 32 nm (d) 58 nm
below [2021]
6. A polyatomic ideal gas has 24 vibrational modes.
(a) A – (iii), B – (ii), C – (i), D – (iv)
What is the value of  ? [2021]
(b) A – (ii), B – (iv), C – (iii), D – (i)
(a) 1.03 (b) 1.30
(c) A – (i), B – (iii), C – (ii), D – (iv)
(c) 1.37 (d) 10.3
(d) A – (ii), B – (iii), C – (iv), D – (i)

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are 14. A diatomic gas, having CP 
7 5
R and CV  R, is
2 2
deleted from JEE Main heated at constant pressure. The ratio dU : dQ : dW :
12. n moles of a perfect gas undergoes a cyclic process
ABCA (see figure) consisting of the following
(a) 5 : 7 : 2 (b) 3: 5 : 2
(c) 5 : 7 : 3 (d) 3: 7 : 2
A → B: Isothermal expansion at temperature T so
15. Thermodynamic process is shown below on a P-V
that the volume is doubled from V1 to V2 = 2V1 and
diagram for one mole of an ideal gas. If V2 = 2V1 then
pressure changes from P1 to P2.
B → C: Isobaric compression at pressure P2 to initial the ratio of temperature 2 is: [2021]
volume V1. T1
C → A: Isochoric change leading to change of
pressure from P2 to P1.
Total work done in the complete cycle ABCA is:

(a) (b) 2
(c) (d) 2
16. The volume V of an enclosure contains a mixture of
 1
(a) 0 (b) nRT  ln 2   three gases, 16 g of oxygen, 28 g of nitrogen and 44 g
 2 of carbon dioxide at absolute temperature T. consider
 1 R as universal gas constant. The pressure of the
(c) nRT ln 2 (d) nRT  ln 2   mixture of gases is: [2021]
 2
88RT 5 RT
13. If one mole of an ideal gas at (P1, V1) is allowed to (a) (b)
V 2 V
expand reversibly and isothermally (A to B) its
pressure is reduced to one-half of the original (c) (d)
pressure (see figure). This is followed by a constant V V
volume cooling till its pressure is reduced to one- 17*. A Carnot’s engine working between 400 K and 800 K
has a work output of 1200 J per cycle. The amount of
fourth of the initial value (B → C). Then it is restored
heat energy supplied to the engine from the source in
to Initial state by a reversible adiabatic compression each cycle is: [2021]
(C to A). The net work done by the gas is equal to (a) 3200 J (b) 1800 J
[2021] (c) 1600 J (d) 2400 J
18. Which one is the correct option for the two different
thermodynamic processes? [2021]

 1  RT
(a) RT  ln 2   (b) 
 2   1 
 2    1
(c) RT ln 2 (d) 0

(a) (c) and (a) (b) (c) and (d)

(c) (a) only (d) (b) and (c)

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are 24*. A reversible heat engine converts one-fourth of the
heat input into work. When the temperature of the
deleted from JEE Main
sink is reduced by 52 K, its efficiency is doubled. The
19. The P-V diagram of a diatomic ideal gas system
temperature in Kelvin of the source will be ………
going under cyclic process is shown in figure. The
work done during an adiabatic process CD is (use
25. A container is divided into two chambers by a
  1.4) : [2021]
partition. The volume of first chamber is 4.5 litre and
second chamber is 5.5 litre. The first chamber contain
3.0 moles of gas at pressure 2.0 atm and second
chamber contain 4.0 moles of gas at pressure 3.0 atm.
After the partition is removed and the mixture attains
equilibrium, then, the common equilibrium pressure
existing in the mixture is x 101 arm.
Value of x is ……… [2021]
26. The volume V of a given mass of monoatomic gas
changes with temperature T according to the relation
V  KT 3 . The work done when temperature changes
(a) – 400 J (b) 400 J by 90 K will be xR. The value of x is: (Assume one
(c) 200 J (d) – 500 J mole of gas only)
20. Consider a sample of oxygen behaving like an ideal [R = universal gas constant] [2021]
gas. At 300 K, the ratio of root mean square (rms) Q
27. 1 mole of rigid diatomic gas performs a work of
velocity to the average velocity of gas molecule 5
would be: when heat Q is supplied to it. The molar heat capacity
(Molecular weight of oxygen is xR
32 g/mol; R = 8.3 J K-1 mol-1) [2021] of the gas during this transformation is . The
3 3 value of x is:
(a) (b)
8 8 [R = universal gas constant] [2021]
8 8 28*. For an ideal heat engine, the temperature of the
(c) (d)
3 3 source is 127°C. In order to have 60% efficiency the
21. For an adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the temperature of the sink should be ……… °C. (Round
fractional change in its pressure is equal to (where  off to the Nearest Integer) [2021]
is the ratio of specific heats): [2021] 29. The relation between root mean square speed (vrms) and
1 dV V most probable speed (vp) for the molar mass M of
(a)  (b)  
 V dV oxygen gas molecule at the temperature of 300 K will
dV dV be: (JEE Main 2022)
(c)   (d)
V V 2 3
(a) vrms  vp (b) vrms  vp
22. An ideal gas in a cylinder is separated by a piston in 3 2
such a way that the entropy of one part is S1 and that
of the other part is S2. Given that S1 > S2. If the piston (c) vrms  v p (d) vrms  vp
is removed then the total entropy of the system will 3
be: [2021] C 
(a) S1  S2 (b) S1  S2 30. The ratio of specific heats  P  in terms of degree of
 CV 
S1 freedom (f) is given by: (JEE Main 2022)
(c) S1  S2 (d)
 f   2
23. In a certain thermodynamical process, the pressure of (a) 1   (b) 1  
 3  f 
a gas depends on its volume as kV3. The work done
when the temperature changes from 100°C to 300°C  f   1
(c) 1   (d) 1  
will be ……… nR, where n denotes number of moles  2   f 
of a gas. [2021]

31. A flask contains argon and oxygen in the ratio of 3 : 2 37. Which statements are correct about degrees of
in mass and the mixture is kept at 27°C. The ratio of freedom?
their average kinetic energy per molecule respectively. (A) A molecule with n degrees of freedom has n2
(JEE Main 2022) different ways of storing energy.
(a) 3 : 5 (b) 9 : 4 1
(B) Each degree of freedom is associated with RT
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 1 : 1 2
32. According to kinetic theory of gazes. average energy per mole.
A. The motion of the gas molecules freezes at 0 C. (C) A monoatomic gas molecule has 1 rotational
B. The mean free path of gas molecules decreases if degree of freedom where as diatomic molecule has
the density of molecules is increased. 2 rotational degrees of freedom.
C. The mean free path of gas molecules increases if (D) CH4 has a total to 6 degrees of freedom
temperature is increased keeping pressure constant. Choose the correct answer from the option given
D. Average kinetic energy per molecule per degree of below: (JEE Main 2022)
3 (a) B and C only (b) B and D only
freedom is k B T (for monoatomic gases).
2 (c) A and B only (d) C and D only
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options 38. Given below are two statements :
given below: (JEE Main 2022) Statement I : The average momentum of a molecule
(a) A and C only (b) B and C only
in a sample of an ideal gas depends on temperature.
(c) A and B only (d) C and D only
33. A vessel contains 16 g of hydrogen and 128 g of Statement II : The rms speed of oxygen molecules in
oxygen at standard temperature and pressure. The a gas is v. If the temperature is doubled and the oxygen
volume of the vessel in cm3 is: (JEE Main 2022)
molecules dissociate into oxygen atoms, the rms speed
(a) 72 × 105 (b) 32 × 105
(c) 27 × 10 4
(d) 54 × 104 will become 2v. In the light of the above statements,
34. 7 mole of certain monoatomic ideal gas undergoes a choose the correct answer from the options given
temperature increase of 40K at constant pressure. The
below (JEE Main 2022)
increase in the internal energy of the gas in this process
is (Given R = 8.3 JK–1 mol–1) (JEE Main 2022) (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(a) 5810 J (b) 3486 J (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(c) 11620 J (d) 6972 J (c) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
35. A gas has n degrees of freedom. The ratio of specific
heat of gas at constant volume to the specific heat of (d) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
gas at constant pressure will be : (JEE Main 2022) 39. A vessel contains 14 g of nitrogen gas at a temperature
n n2 of 27°C. The amount of heat to be transferred to the
(a) (b)
n2 n gap to double the r.m.s. speed of its molecules will be :
n n
(c) (d) (Take R = 8.32 J mol-1 k-1) (JEE Main 2022)
2n  2 n2
(a) 2229 J (b) 5616 J
36. Same gas is filled in two vessels of the same volume at (c) 9360 J (d) 13,104 J
the same temperature. If the ratio of the number of 40. The root mean square speed of smoke particles of mass
molecules is 1:4, then
5 × 10–17 kg in their Brownian motion in air at NTP is
A. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels
will be the same. approximately. [Given k = 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1]
B. The ratio of pressure in these vessels will be 1 : 4 (JEE Main 2022)
C. The ratio of pressure will be 1 : 1 –1
(a) 60 mm s (b) 12 mm s–1
D. The r.m.s. velocity of gas molecules in two vessels
will be in the ratio of 1 : 4 (JEE Main 2022) (c) 15 mm s–1 (d) 36 mm s–1
(a) A and C only (b) B and D only
(c) A and B only (d) C and D only

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are 48. A monoatomic gas at pressure P and volume V is
suddenly compressed to one eight of its original
deleted from JEE Main volume. The final pressure at constant entropy will be:
41. Following statements are given: (JEE Main 2022)
(1) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule
(a) P (b) 8P
decreases when the temperature is reduced.
(2) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule (c) 32P (d) 64P
increases with increase in pressure at constant 49*. Read the following statements :
temperature. A. When small temperature difference between a
(3) The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule liquid and its surrounding is doubled the rate of loss
decreases with increases in volume.
of heat of the liquid becomes twice.
(4) Pressure of a gas increases with increase in
temperature at constant pressure. B. Two bodies P and Q having equal surface areas are
(5) The volume of gas decreases with increase in maintained at temperature 10°C and 20°C. The
temperature. thermal radiation emitted in a given time by P and
Choose the correct answer from the options given Q are in the ratio 1:1.15.
below: (JEE Main 2022) C. A carnot Engine working between 100 K and 400
(a) (1) and (4) only K has an efficiency of 75%
(b) (1), (2) and (4) only
D. When small temperature difference between a
(c) (2) and (4) only
(d) (1), (2) and (5) only liquid and its surrounding is quadrupled, the rate of
42. 0.056 kg of Nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a loss of heat of the liquid becomes twice.
temperature of 127°C. The amount of heat required to Choose the correct answer from the options given
double the speed of its molecules is _________k cal. below : (JEE Main 2022)
(JEE Main 2022) (a) A, B, C only (b) A, B only
43. The total internal energy of two mole monoatomic (c) A, C only (d) B, C, D only
ideal gas at temperature T = 300 K will be ____ J. 50*. In 1st case, Carnot engine operates between
(JEE Main 2022) temperatures 300 K and 100 K. In 2nd case, as shown
44. At a certain temperature, the degrees of freedom per in the figure, a combination of two engines is used.
molecule for gas is 8. The gas performs 150 J of work The efficiency of this combination (in 2nd case) will
when it expands under constant pressure. The amount be : (JEE Main 2022)
of heat absorbed by the gas will be …….. J.
(JEE Main 2022)
45. One mole of monatomic gas is mixed with three mole
of a diatomic gas. The molecular specific heat of
mixture at constant volume is volume is
RJ / molK ; then the value of α will be ______,
(Assume that the given diatomic gas has no vibration
mode) (JEE Main 2022)

46. Starting with the same initial conditions, an ideal gas

expands from volume V1 to V2 in three different ways.
The work done by the gas is W1 if the process is purely
isothermal. W2. if the process is purely adiabatic and
W if the process is primly isobaric. Then choose the (a) same as the 1st case
correct option (JEE Main 2022) (b) always greater than the 1st case
(a) W1 < W2 < W3 (b) W2 < W3 < W1 (c) always less than the 1st case
(c) W3 < W1 < W2 (d) W2 < W3 < W1
(d) may increase or decrease with respect to the 1st case
47. 7 mole of certain monoatomic ideal gas undergoes a
temperature increase of 40K at constant pressure. The 51*. A Carnot engine has efficiency of 50%. If the
temperature of sink is reduced by 40°C, its efficiency
increase in the internal energy of the gas in this process
increases by 30%. The temperature of the source will
is (JEE Main 2022) be : (JEE Main 2022)
(a) 5810 J (b) 3486 J (a) 166.7 K (b) 255.1 K
(c) 11620 J (d) 6972 J (c) 266.7 K (d) 367.7 K

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are (b) Increases by 200°C

(c) Increases by 120°C
deleted from JEE Main (d) Increases by 73°C
52*. Consider the efficiency of Carnot’s engine is given by 57*. A Carnot engine takes 5000 kcal of heat from a
 x reservoir at 727°C and gives heat to a sink at 127°C.
 log e , where  and  are constants. If T
sin  kT The work done by the engine is (JEE Main 2022)
is temperature, k is Boltzman constant, θ is angular (a) 3 × 106 J (b) Zero
displacement and x has the dimensions of length. (c) 12.6 × 106 J (d) 8.4 × 106 J
Then, choose the incorrect option. (JEE Main 2022) 58*. The efficiency of Carnot’s engine, working between
(a) Dimensions of β is same as that of force. steam point and ice point, will be (JEE Main 2022)
(b) Dimensions of α–1 x is same as that of energy. (a) 26.81% (b) 37.81%
(c) Dimensions of η–1 sinθ is same as that of αβ (c) 47.81% (d) 57.81%
(d) Dimensions of α is same as that of β 59. A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of
53. A thermodynamic system is taken from an original molecular mass M and ratio of specific heats 1.4.
state D to an intermediate state E by the linear process Vessel is moving with speed v and is suddenly brought
shown in the figure. Its volume is then reduced to the to rest.
original volume from E to F by an isobaric process. Assuming no heat is lost to the surrounding and vessel
The total work done by the gas from D to E to F will temperature of the gas increases by (R = universal gas
be (JEE Main 2022) constant) (JEE Main 2022)
Mv 2 Mv 2
(a) (b)
7R 5R
Mv 2 Mv 2
(c) 2 (d) 7
7R 5R
60. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic
process ABCA as shown in figure. It absorbs, 40 J of
heat during the part AB, no heat during BC and rejects
60 J of heat during CA. A work of 50 J is done on the
gas during the part BC. The internal energy of the gas
(a) –450 J (b) 450 J
at A is 1560 J. The work done by the gas during the
(c) 900 J (d) 1350 J part CA is: (JEE Main 2022)
54. A certain amount of gas of volume V at 27°C
temperature and pressure 2 × 107 Nm–2 expands
isothermally until its volume gets doubled. Later it
expands adiabatically until its volume gets redoubled.
The final pressure of the gas will be (Use   1.5 )
(JEE Main 2022) (a) 20 J (b) 30 J
(a) 3.536 × 105 Pa (b) 3.536 × 106 Pa
6 (c) –30 J (d) –60 J
(c) 1.25 × 10 Pa (d) 1.25 × 105 Pa
61. Given below are two statements:
55*. Let 1 is the efficiency of an engine at T1  447C
Statement – I: When amount of an ideal gas
and T2  147C while 2 is the efficiency at undergoes adiabatic change from state (P1, V1, T1) to
1  R T2  T1 
T1  947C and T2  47C . The ratio will be: state (P2, V2, T2) then work done is W  ,
2 1 
(JEE Main 2022) C
where   P and R = universal gas constant.
(a) 0.41 (b) 0.56 CV
(c) 0.73 (d) 0.70
Statement – II: In the above case, when work is done
56*. A Carrot engine whose heat sinks at 27°C, has an on the gas, the temperature of the gas would rise.
efficiency of 25%. By how many degrees should the Choose the correct answer from the options given
temperature of the source be changed to increase the below. (JEE Main 2022)
efficiency by 100% of the original efficiency ? (a) Both statement – I and statement – II are true
(JEE Main 2022) (b) Both statement – I and statement – II are false
(c) Statement – I is true but statement – II is false
(a) Increases by 18°C
(d) Statement – I is false but statement – II is true

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are (JEE Main 2023)

(a) Both statement I and Statement II are true
deleted from JEE Main (b) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
62. At a certain temperature, the degrees of freedom per (c) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
molecule for gas is 8. The gas performs 150 J of work (d) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
when it expands under constant pressure. The amount 71. Let  1 be the ratio of molar specific heat at constant
of heat absorbed by the gas will be …….. J.
pressure and molar specific heat at constant volume of
(JEE Main 2022)
63. The pressure P1 and density d1 of diatomic gas a monoatomic gas and  2 be the similar ratio of

 7 diatomic gas. Considering the diatomic gas molecule

    changes suddenly to P2 (>P1) and d2 1
 5 as a rigid rotator, the ratio, is (JEE Main 2023)
respectively during an adiabatic process. The 2
temperature of the gas increases and becomes ______ 27 35
(a) (b)
times of its initial temperature. (JEE Main 2022) 35 27
64. 0.056 kg of Nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at a 25 21
temperature of 127°C. The amount of heat required to (c) (d)
21 25
double the speed of its molecules is _________k cal. 72. The root mean square velocity of molecules of gas is
(JEE Main 2022) (JEE Main 2023)
 
65. A monoatomic gas performs a work of where Q is (a) Proportional to square of temperature T 2
the heat supplied to it. The molar heat capacity of the (b) Inversely proportional to square root of
gas will be _________R during this transformation. 1
Where R is the gas constant. (JEE Main 2022) temperature
66. When a gas filled in a closed vessel is heated by
(c) Proportional to square root of temperature T
raising the temperature by 1°C, its pressure increases
by 0.4%. The initial temperature of the gas is ______ (d) Proportional to temperature T 
K. (JEE Main 2022) 73. According to law of equipartition of energy the molar
67*. In a carnot engine, the temperature of reservoir is specific heat of a diatomic gas at constant volume
527°C and that of sink 200 K. If the work done by the where the molecule has one additional vibrational
engine when it transfers heat from reservior to sink is mode is :- (JEE Main 2023)
12000 kJ, the quantity of heat absorbed by the engine 9 5
(a) R (b) R
from reservoir is ________x 106 J. (JEE Main 2022) 2 2
68*. A heat engine operates with the cold reservoir at 3 7
(c) R (d) R
temperature 324K. The minimum temperature of the 2 2
hot reservoir, if the heat engine takes 300 J heat from 74. At 300K , the rms speed of oxygen molecules is
the hot reservoir and delivers 180 J heat to the cold  5
times to that of its average speed in the gas.
reservoir per cycle, is ____ K. (JEE Main 2022) 
69. A diatomic gas    1.4  does 400 J of work when it is 22
Then, the value of  will be (used   )
expanded isobarically. The heat given to the gas in the 7
process is __________ J. (JEE Main 2022) (JEE Main 2023)
(a) 32 (b) 28
(c) 24 (d) 27
70. Given below are two statements :
75. The pressure  P  and temperature T  relationship of
Statements I : The temperature of a gas is –73C .
When the gas is heated to 527C , the root mean an ideal gas obeys the equation PT 2  constant. The
volume expansion coefficient of the gas will be:
square speed of the molecules is doubled.
(JEE Main 2023)
Statement II : The product of pressure and volume of
2 3
an ideal gas will be equal to translational kinetic (a) 3T (b) 2
energy of the molecules. T
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct 3 3
(c) 3 (d)
answer from the options given below : T T

76. A flask contains hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of Choose the correct answer from the options given
2 : 1 by mass at temperature 27C . The ratio of below: (JEE Main 2023)
average kinetic energy per molecule of hydrogen and (a) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(III)
oxygen respectively is : (JEE Main 2023) (b) (A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(II)
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(I)
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1 (d) (A)-(I), (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)
77. The average kinetic energy of a molecule of the gas is 83. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of oxygen and 4
(JEE Main 2023) moles of neon at temperature T. Neglecting all
(a) Proportional to absolute temperature vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the
(b) Proportional to volume system will be, (JEE Main 2023)
(c) Proportional to pressure (a) 16RT (b) 4RT
(d) Dependent on the nature of the gas (c) 11RT (d) 8RT
78. The number of air molecules per cm3 increased from 84. Three vessel of equal volume contain gases at the same
temperature and pressure. The first vessel contains
3 1019 to 12 1019 . The ratio of collision frequency
neon (monoatomic), the second contains chlorine
of air molecules before and after the increase in
(diatomic) and third contains uranium hexafloride
number respectively is: (JEE Main 2023)
(polyatomic). Arrange these on the basis of their root
(a) 1.25 (b) 0.75
(c) 0.25 (d) 0.50 mean square speed  vrms  and choose the correct
79. The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 200 answer from the options given below:
K to 800 K. If r.m.s. speed of gas at 200 K is v0 . Then, (JEE Main 2023)
r.m.s. speed of the gas at 800 K will be: (a) vrms  dia   vrms  poly   vrms  mono 
(JEE Main 2023)
v0 (b) vrms  mono   vrms  dia   vrms  poly 
(a) (b) v0
4 (c) vrms  mono   vrms  dia   vrms  poly 
(c) 4v0 (d) 2v0
(d) vrms  mono   vrms  dia   vrms  poly 
80. The ratio of speed of sound in hydrogen gas to the
speed of sound in oxygen gas at the same temperature 85. The root mean square speed of molecules of nitrogen
is: (JEE Main 2023) gas at 27C is approximately: (Given mass of a
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 nitrogen molecule  4.6  10 26 kg and take Boltzmann
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1
81. The temperature at which the kinetic energy of oxygen constant k B  1.4  10 23 JK 1 ) (JEE Main 2023)
molecules becomes double than its value at 27C is (a) 91 m / s (b) 1260 m / s
(JEE Main 2023) (c) 523 m / s (d) 27.4 m / s
(a) 1227C (b) 927C
86. If the r.m.s speed of chlorine molecule is 490 m / s at
(c) 627C (d) 327C
82. Match List I with List II: 27C , the r.m.s speed of argon molecules at the same
List I List II temperature will be (Atomic mass of argon  39.9 u ,
molecular mass of chlorine  70.9 u )
(A) 3 Translational (I) Monoatomic gases (JEE Main 2023)
degrees of freedom
(a) 451.7 m / s (b) 651.7 m / s
(B) 3 Translational, 2 (II) Polyatomic gases (c) 551.7 m / s (d) 751.7 m / s
rotational degrees of 87. A flask contains Hydrogen and Argon in the ratio 2:1
freedoms by mass. The temperature of the mixture is 30C . The
(C) 3 Translational, 2 (III) Rigid diatomic gases ratio of average kinetic energy per molecule of the two
rotational and 1 gases (K argon/K hydrogen) is:
vibrational degrees of (Given: Atomic Weight of Ar = 39.9)
freedom (JEE Main 2023)
(D) 3 Translational, 3 (IV) Nonrigid diatomic 39.9
(a) (b) 1
rotational and more than gases 2
one vibrational degrees (c) 2 (d) 39.9
of freedom

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are

deleted from JEE Main
88. The rms speed of oxygen molecule in a vessel at
 5 2
particular temperature is  1   v, where v is the
 x
average speed of the molecule. The value of x will be:
(Take   ) (JEE Main 2023) 91*. A Carnot engine with efficiency 50% takes heat from a
source at 600 K. In order to increase the efficiency to
(a) 4 (b) 27
70%, keeping the temperature of sink same, the new
(c) 28 (d) 8
temperature of the source will be : (JEE Main 2023)
89. The mean free path of molecules of a certain gas at
(a) 360 K (b) 1000 K
STP is 1500d, where d is the diameter of the gas
(c) 900 K (d) 300 K
molecules. While maintaining the standard pressure,
92. Match List I with List II:
the mean free path of the molecules at 373 K is
approximately: (JEE Main 2023) List – I List – II
(a) 1500d (b) 2049d A. Isothermal I. Work done by the gas decreases
(c) 1098d (d) 750d internal energy
90. In an Isothermal change, the change in pressure and process
volume of a gas can be represented for three different
B. Adiabatic II. No change in internal energy
temperature; T3 > T2 > T1 as : (JEE Main 2023)

C. Isochoric III. The heat absorbed goes partly

to increase internal energy and
partly to do work

D. Isobaric IV. No work is done on or by the

process gas
Choose the correct answer from the options given
below: (JEE Main 2023)
(a) A  II, B  I, C  III, D  IV
(b) A  II, B  I, C  IV, D  III
(c) A  II, B  II, C  IV, D  III
(d) A  II, B  II, C  III, D  IV
93. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as
Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
(b) Assertion A : If dQ and dW represent the heat
supplied to the system and the work done on the
system respectively. Then according to the first law of
thermodynamics dQ = dU – dW.
Reason R : First law of thermodynamics is based on
law of conservation of energy.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
answer from the option given below
(JEE Main 2023)
(a) A is correct but R is not correct
(b) A is not correct but R is correct
(c) (c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
explanation of A

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are Cp

98. The correct relation between   and temperature
deleted from JEE Main
94. A bicycle tyre is filled with air having pressure of 270 T is (JEE Main 2023)
kPa at 27ºC. The approximate pressure of the air in the 1
(a) r  (b) r  T 0
tyre when the temperature increases to 36°C T
(JEE Main 2023) 1
(a) 70 kPa (b) 262 kPa (c) r  (d) r  T
(c) 278 kPa (d) 360 kPa 99. A hypothetical gas expands adiabatically such that its
95. Heat is given to an ideal gas in an isothermal process.
A. Internal energy of the gas will decrease. volume changes from 08 litres to 27 litres. If the ratio
B. Internal energy of the gas will increase. of final pressure of the gas to initial pressure of the gas
C. Internal energy of the gas will not change. 16 Cp
D. The gas will do positive work. is . Then the ratio of will be
81 Cv
E. The gas will do negative work.
Choose the correct answer from the options given (JEE Main 2023)
below : (JEE Main 2023) 4 1
(a) A and E only (b) B and D only (a) (b)
3 2
(c) C and E only (d) C and D only
3 3
96*. Given below are two statements : one is labelled as (c) (d)
Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. 2 1
Assertion A : Efficiency of a reversible heat engine 100. Heat energy of 735 J is given to a diatomic gas
will be highest at –273°C temperature of cold allowing the gas to expand at constant pressure. Each
reservoir. gas molecule rotates around an internal axis but do not
Reason R : The efficiency of Carnot’s engine depends oscillate. The increase in the internal energy of the gas
not only on temperature of cold reservoir but it
will be: (JEE Main 2023)
depends on the temperature of hot reservoir too and is
given as (a) 572 J (b) 525 J
(c) 441 J (d) 735 J
 T 
  1  2  .
 T1  101. A sample of gas at temperature T is adiabatically
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct expanded to double its volume. The work done by the
answer from the options given below : 3
(JEE Main 2023) gas in the process is (given,    :
(a) A is true but R is false
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct (JEE Main 2023)
explanation of A (a) W  TR  2  2
(c) A is false but R is true
(d) Both A and R are true and R is the correct T
(b) W   2  2 
explanation of A R
97. The pressure of a gas changes linearly with volume R
from A to B as shown in figure. (c) W   2  2 
If no heat is supplied to or extracted from the gas then
(d) W  RT  2  2 
change in the internal energy of the gas will be
(JEE Main 2023) 102*. A Carnot engine operating between two reservoirs has
efficiency . When the temperature of cold reservoir
raised by x, its efficiency decreases to . The value of
x, if the temperature of hot reservoir is 99o C, will be:
(JEE Main 2023)
(a) 16,5 K (b) 33 K
(c) 66 K (d) 62 K
(a) 6 J (b) Zero
(c) –4.5 J (d) 4.5 J

Questions marked with asterisk (*) are volume. The ratio of final pressure of gas in B to that
of gas in A is (JEE Main 2023)
deleted from JEE Main 1
(a) (b) 8
103. For three low density gases A, B, C pressure versus 8
temperature graphs are plotted while keeping them at 3
constant volume, as shown in the figure. (c) 4 (d) 8 2
(JEE Main 2023) 109. A gas is compressed adiabatically, which one of the
following statement is NOT true. (JEE Main 2023)
(a) The change in the internal energy is equal to the
work done on the gas.
(b) There is no heat supplied to the system
(c) The temperature of the gas increases.
(d) There is no change in the internal energy
The temperature corresponding to the point 'K' is:
(a) –273°C (b) –100°C 110. The Thermodynamic process, in which internal energy
(c) –373°C (d) 40°C of the system remains constant is (JEE Main 2023)
104. A source supplies heat to a system at the rate of 1000 (a) Isothermal (b) Isochoric
W. If the system performs work at a rate of 200 W. (c) Adiabatic (d) Isobaric
The rate at which internal energy of the system 111*. An engine operating between the boiling and freezing
increases is (JEE Main 2023) points of water will have
(a) 600 W (b) 1200 W A. efficiency more than 27%.
(c) 500 W (d) 800 W B. efficiency less than the efficiency of a Carnot
105. Given below are two statements: engine operating between the same two temperatures.
Statement I: If heat is added to a system, its C. efficiency equal to 27%
temperature must increase. D. efficiency less than 27% (JEE Main 2023)
Statement II: If positive work is done by a system in a (a) B, C and D only (b) B and D only
thermodynamic process, its volume must increase. (c) A and B only (d) B and C only
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct 112. A thermodynamic system is taken through cyclic
answer from the options given below process. The total work done in the process is:
(JEE Main 2023) (JEE Main 2023)
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(b) Statement I is true but Statement II are false
(c) Statement I is false but Statement II are true
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
106. An air bubble of volume 1 cm3 rises from the bottom
of a lake 40 m deep to the surface at a temperature of
12°C. The atmospheric pressure is 1×105 Pa, the
density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and g = 10 m/s2 . There (a) Zero (b) 300 J
is no difference of the temperature of water at the (c) 100 J (d) 200 J
depth of 40 m and on the surface. The volume of air 113. Under isothermal condition, the pressure of a gas is
bubble when it reaches the surface will be: given by P = aV-3 , where a is a constant and V is the
(JEE Main 2023) volume of the gas. The bulk modulus at constant
(a) 3 cm3 (b) 4 cm3 temperature is equal to (JEE Main 2023)
(c) 2 cm (d) 5 cm3 (a) 3P (b) P
107*. Work done by a Carnot engine operating between P
temperatures 127°C and 27°C is 2kJ. The amount of (c) (d) 2P
heat transferred to the engine by the reservoir is:
114. The initial pressure and volume of an ideal gas are PO
(JEE Main 2023)
and VO. The final pressure of the gas when the gas is
(a) 4 k J (b) 8 kJ
(c) 2.67 kJ (d) 2 kJ V
suddenly compressed to volume o will be:
108. Consider two containers A and B containing 4
monoatomic gases at the same Pressure (P), Volume (Given   ratio of specific heats at constant pressure
(V) and Temperature (T). The gas in A is compressed and at constant volume) (JEE Main 2023)
1 1
isothermally to
of its original volume while the gas (a) Po  4  (b) 4 Po

in B is compressed adiabatically to
of its original (c) Po  4  (d) Po


Objective Questions I [Only one correct option]
7. A gas molecule of mass M at the surface of the Earth
1. Which one of the following gases possesses the has kinetic energy equivalent to 0°C. If it were to go
largest internal energy up straight without colliding with any other
(a) 2 moles of helium occupying 1 m3 at 300 K
molecules, how high it would rise? Assume that the
(b) 56 kg of nitrogen at 107 Nm-2 and 300 K
height attained is much less than radius of the earth.
(c) 8 grams of oxygen at 8 atm and 300 K
(kB is Boltzmann constant)
(d) 6 1026 molecules of argon occupying 40 m3 at 273k B 546 k B
900 K (a) (b)
2 Mg 3Mg
2. What will be the temperature when the rms velocity is
819 k B
double of that at 300 K: (c) 0 (d)
2 Mg
(a) 300 K (b) 600 K
8. A gaseous mixture consists of 16 g of helium and 16
(c) 900 K (d) 1200 K
g of oxygen, The ratio CP/CV of the mixture is
3. If Maxwell distribution is valid and VP denotes the
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.54
most probable speed, V the average speed and Vrms
(c) 1.59 (d) 1.62
the root–mean–square speed, then: 
(a) V < VP < Vrms (b) V < Vrms < VP 9. Let v, v rms and vP respectively denote the mean
speed, root mean square speed and most probable
(c) VP < V < Vrms (d) VP < Vrms < V speed of the molecules in an ideal monoatomic gas at
4. The root–mean–square (rms) speed of oxygen absolute temperature T. The mass of the molecule is
molecules (O2) at a certain absolute temperature is V. m. Then
If the temperature is doubled and the oxygen gas (a) no molecule can have a speed greater than
dissociates into atomic oxygen, the rms speed would ( 2vrms )
be: vp
(b) no molecule can have a speed less than
(a) V (b) 2V ( 2)
(c) 2V (d) 2 2V (c) v  v p  vrms
5. The temperature at which the root mean square speed (d) the average kinetic energy of the molecules is
of a gas will be half its value at 0°C is (assume the 3
pressure remains constant): 4

mv 2p 
(a) – 86.4°C (b) – 204.75°C 10. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible
(c) – 104.75°C (d) – 68.25°C engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is
6. Tyre of a bicycle has volume 2 × 10-3 m3. Initially the T
tube is filled to 75% of its volume by air at
atmospheric pressure of p0 = 105 N/m2. When a rider 2T0
rides the bicycle the area of contact of tyre with road
is A = 24 × 10-4 m2. The mass of T0
rider with bicycle is 120 kg. The number of
strokes which delivers, V = 500 cm3 S
S0 2S0
volume of air in each stroke required to inflate the
(a) 1/3 (b) 2/3
tyres is [Take g = 10 m/s2]
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/4
(a) 10 (b) 11
11. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant
(c) 20 (d) 21
pressure, the fraction of the heat energy supplied
which increases the internal energy of the gas, is
2 3
(a) (b)
5 5
3 5
(c) (d)
7 7

12. A monoatomic ideal gas, initially at temperature T1, is 17. The temperature of a hypothetical gas increases to
enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston. 2 times when compressed adiabatically to half the
The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a volume. Its equation can be written as
temperature. T2 by releasing the piston suddenly. If L1 (a) PV3/2 = constant (b) PV5/2 = constant
and L2 are the lengths of the gas column before and (c) PV7/3 = constant (d) PV4/3 = constant
after expansion respectively, then T1/T2 is given by 18. When an ideal gas ( = 5/3) is heated under constant
L  L1 pressure, then what percentage of given heat energy
(a)  1  (b)
 L2  L2 will be utilised in doing external work
(a) 40 % (b) 30 %
L L  (c) 60 % (d) 20 %
(c) 2 (d)  2 
L1  L1  19. The shown P–V diagram represents the
13. A mono atomic gas is supplied the heat Q very slowly thermodynamic cycle of an engine, operating with an
keeping the pressure constant. The work done by the ideal monoatomic gas. The amount of heat, extracted
gas will be from the source in a single cycle is:
2 3
(a) Q (b) Q
3 5
2 1
(c) Q (d) Q
5 5
14. An ideal gas expands isothermally from a volume V1
to V2 and then compressed to original volume V1
adiabatically. Initial pressure is P1 and final pressure
is P3. The total work done is W. Then
(a) P3 > P1, W > 0 (b) P3 < P1, W < 0  13 
(a) P0V0 (b)   PV
(c) P3 > P1, W < 0 (d) P3 = P1, W = 0 2
0 0

15. A cylindrical tube of uniform cross-sectional area A is

 11 
fitted with two air tight frictionless pistons. The (c)   P0V0 (d) 4P0V0
pistons are connected to each other by a metallic wire. 2
Initially the pressure of the gas is P0 and temperature 20. Two samples A and B of a gas initially at the same
pressure and temperature are compressed from
is T0, atmospheric pressure is also P0. Now the
volume V to V/2 (A isothermally and adiabatically).
temperature of the gas is increased to 2T0, the tension The final pressure of A is
in the wire will be (a) Greater than the final pressure of B
(b) Equal to the final pressure of B
Wire (c) Less than the final pressure of B
(d) Twice the final pressure of B
21. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle
(a) 2 P0A (b) P0A PQRSP process. The net work done by the system is
(c) 0 (d) 4 P0A
16. The molar heat capacity in a process of a diatomic gas
if it does a work of when a heat of Q is supplied
to it is
2 5
(a) R (b) R
5 2
(a) 20 J (b) – 20 J
10 6 (c) 400 J (d) – 374 J
(c) R (d) R
3 7

22. Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are 25. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A  B  C
placed on a table. Box A contains one mole of  A, as shown in the figure. If the net heat supplied
nitrogen at temperature T0, while Box B contains one to the gas in the cycle is 5 J, the work done by the gas
mole of helium at temperature (7/3) T0. The boxes are in the process C  A is
then put into thermal contact with each other and heat
flows between them until the gases reach a common
final temperature. (Ignore the heat capacity of boxes).
Then, the final temperature of the gases, Tf, in terms
of T0 is
5 3
(a) T f  T0 (b) T f  T0
2 7 (a) – 5 J (b) – 10 J
7 3 (c) – 15 J (d) – 20 J
(c) T f  T0 (d) T f  T0 26. In the cyclic process shown in the figure, the work
3 2
done by the gas in one cycle is
23. An ideal gas of mass m in a state A goes to another
state B via three different processes as shown in
figure. If Q1, Q2 and Q3 denote the heat absorbed by
the gas along the three paths, then


B (a) 28 P1V1 (b) 14 P1V

V (c) 18 P1V (d) 9 P1V1
(a) Q1 < Q2 < Q3 (b) Q1 < Q2 = Q3 27. Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a
cyclic process shown in figure is
(c) Q1 = Q2 > Q3 (d) Q1 > Q2 > Q3
24. A thermodynamic process is shown in the figure. The
pressures and volumes corresponding to some points
in the figure are:
PA = 3 × 104 Pa, PB = 8 × 104 Pa
and VA = 2 × 10–3m3, VD = 5 × 10–3 m3
In process AB, 600 J of heat is added to the system
(a) 107  J (b) 104  J
and in process BC, 200 J of heat is added to the
(c) 102  J (d) 10-3  J
system. The change in internal energy of the system
in process AC would be

(a) 560 J (b) 800 J

(c) 600 J (d) 640 J

28. One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic 32. Two Carnot engines A and B are operated in
process ABC as shown in figure. The process BC is succession. The first one, A receives heat from a
adiabatic. The temperatures at A, B and C are 400 K, source at T = 800 K and rejects to sink at T2. The
800 K and 600 K respectively. Choose the correct second engine B receives heat rejected by the first
statement: engine and rejects to another sink at T3 = 300 K. If
the work outputs of two engines are equal, then the
value of T2 is
(a) 100 K (b) 300 K
(c) 550 K (d) 700 K
33. A reversible engine converts one-sixth of the heat
input into work. When the temperature of the sink is
reduced by 62°C, the efficiency of the engine is
(a) The change in internal energy in the process CA is doubled. The temperatures of the source and sink are
700 R.
(b) The changes in internal energy in the process AB (a) 80°C, 37°C (b) 95°C, 28°C
is –350 R. (c) 90°C, 37°C (d) 99°C, 37°C
(c) The change in internal energy in the process BC is 34. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by
–500 R. a spring-loaded piston of cross section 8.0 × 10–3m2.
(d) The change in internal energy in whole cyclic Initially the gas is at 300 K and occupies a volume of
process is 250 R. 2.4× 10–3 m3 and the spring is in its relaxed state as
29. A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process shown in figure. The gas is heated by a small heater
ABCDA as shown in figure. The work done by the until the piston moves out slowly by 0.1 m. The force
system is constant of the spring is 8000 N/m and the
C B atmospheric pressure is 1.0 × 105 N/m2. The cylinder
and the piston are thermally insulated. The piston and
2P0 O the spring are massless and there is no friction
between the piston and the cylinder. The final
P0 temperature of the gas will be:
(Neglect the heat loss through the lead wires of the
V0 2V0 heater. The heat capacity of the heater coil is also
(a) P0V0 (b) 2P0V0 negligible)
(c) 0 0 (d) Zero
30. Two samples A and B of same gas have equal
volumes and pressures. The gas in sample A is
expanded isothermally to double its volume and the (a) 500 K (b) 300 K
gas in sample B is expanded to double its volume (c) 800 K (d) 1000 K
adiabatically. If work done by the gas is same in two 35. When a system is taken from state i to state f along
the path iaf, it is found that Q = 50 cal and W = 20
processes, then value of  for the gas is best given by
cal. Along the path ibf, Q = 36 cal. W along the path
ibf is
(a) 1 – 2– = (– 1) ln 2
(b) 1 – 2–( – 1) = ( – 1) ln 2
(c) 1 – 2–( – 1) = 2 ( – 1) ln 2
(d) None of these
31. If CV for an ideal gas is given by CV = 3 + 2T, where
T is the absolute temperature of gas, then the equation
of adiabatic process for this gas is
(a) VT2 = constant (b) VT2e2T = constant (a) 14 cal (b) 6 cal
(c) VT3e–2T = constant (d) VT3e2T = constant (c) 16 cal (d) 66 cal

36. A Carnot engine absorbs 1000 J of heat energy from a 42. Four curves A, B, C and D are drawn in the adjoining
reservoir at 127oC and rejects 600 J of heat energy figure for a given amount of gas. The curves which
during each cycle. The efficiency of engine and represent adiabatic and isothermal changes are
temperature of sink will be:
(a) 50% and – 20oC (b) 40% and – 33oC
(c) 70% and – 10 C (d) 20% and – 43oC
37. Equal masses of three liquids A, B and C have
temperatures 10°C, 25°C and 40°C respectively. If A
and B are mixed, the mixture has a temperature of
15°C. If B and C are mixed, the mixture has a (a) C and D respectively (b) D and C respectively
temperature of 30°C. If A and C are mixed, the (c) A and B respectively (d) B and A respectively
mixture will have a temperature of:
Objective Questions II
(a) 16°C (b) 20°C
[One or more than one correct option]
(c) 25°C (d) 29°C
38. The temperatures of equal masses of three different 43. During an experiment, an ideal gas is found to obey a
liquids A, B and C are 12°C, 19°C and 28°C P2
condition = constant [  = density of the gas].
respectively. The temperature when A and B are 
mixed is 16°C, and when B and C are mixed, it is The gas is initially at temperature T, pressure P and
23°C. What will be the temperature when A and C density  . The gas expands such that density
are mixed ?
changes to  /2
(a) 15.6 °C (b) 23.2 °C
(c) 20.3 °C (d) 25.8 °C (a) The pressure of the gas changes to 2P
39. An ideal gas at 27°C is compressed adiabatically to (b) The temperature of the gas changes to 2T
8 (c) The graph of the above process on the P-T
of its original volume. The rise in temperature is
27 diagram is parabola
 5 (d) The graph of the above process on the P-T
   diagram is hyperbola
 3
(a) 475° C (b) 402° C 44. Pick the correct statement (s)
(c) 275° C (d) 375° C (a) The rms translational speed for all ideal-gas
40. A mass of diatomic gas ( = 1.4) at a pressure of molecules at the same temperature is not the same
2 atmospheres is compressed adiabatically so that its but it depends on the mass
temperature rises from 27°C to 927°C. The pressure (b) Each particle in gas has average translational
of the gas in the final state is: 1 2 3
(a) 256 atm (b) 8 atm kinetic energy and the equation mvrms  kT
2 2
(c) 28 atm (d) 68.7 atm establishes the relationship between the average
41. In the following P-V diagram two adiabatics cut two translational kinetic energy per particle and
isothermals at temperatures T1 and T2 (fig.). The
temperature of an ideal gas. It can be concluded
V that single particle has a temperature.
value of a will be
Vd (c) Temperature of an ideal gas is doubled from
100°C to 200°C. The average kinetic energy of
each particle is also doubled.
(d) It is possible for both the pressure and volume of a
monoatomic ideal gas to change simultaneously
without causing the internal energy of the gas to

Vb Vc
(a) (b)
Vc Vb
(c) V (d) VbVc

45. For the P–V diagram shown, for path 1  2  3, 100 (d) For the change described, the temperature of the
J of heat is given to the system and 40 J of work is gas decreases by 2 K.
done by the system. For path 1  4  3, the work 48. A monoatomic ideal gas having an initial volume of
done by system is 10 J. Then 0.1 m3 and a pressure of 106 N/m2 absorbs 6 × 104 J
of heat. For this situation mark out the correct
(a) The change in internal energy if process is isobaric
is 3.6 × 104 J.
(b) The change in internal energy if process is isobaric
is 6 × 104 J.
(c) The change in internal energy if process is
(a) U3 – U1 = 60 J isochoric is 6 × 104 J.
(d) The change in internal energy if process is
(b) For 3  1 the heat is rejected and equal to 85 J
isothermal is 6 × 104 J.
(c) For 1  4 the work done by system is 10 J
49. In the figure shown, a horizontal cylindrical tube
(d) For 1  4 the heat given to system is 20 J
connected to the vertical wall of a chamber of volume
46. In a certain process, final volume of the gas is equal
V, contains V0 volume of air at atmospheric pressure
to its initial volume. Then for this process
(a) work done by the gas may be equal to zero P0 and temperature T0 by means of a movable piston
(b) work done by the gas is zero A and a valve B. In the beginning valve is closed and
(c) change in internal energy of the gas may be equal the chamber is evacuated. The valve gets opened and
to zero air starts leaking into the chamber very slowly. The
(d) ratio of final to initial pressure is equal to ratio of
volume V  V0 . Take the molar heat capacity of air
final to initial temperature
47. 1 mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a at constant volume equals R, where R is universal
cylinder fitted with a piston as shown in the figure.
gas constant. When air occupies the total volume of
Take mass of the piston as 0.5 kg, spring constant,
the chamber, (All walls and piston are made up of
k = 100 N/m, atmospheric pressure p0 = 105 N/m2, insulating material):
and the cross–section area of piston, A = 50 cm2. If
energy of 50 J has been supplied to the system, then
piston moves up by 5 cm [Take g = 10 m/s2]. Initially
the spring is in its natural position. Mark out the
correct statement(s).

(a) Its internal energy is 7PV

0 0

(b) Its temperature is 1.4T0

1.4PV0 0
(c) Its pressure is
(d) None

(a) Increase in internal energy of the system is

(b) Initial pressure of the gas is 1.01 × 105 N/m2.
(c) For the change described, the temperature of the
gas increases by 2 K.

50. A monoatomic gas undergoes a cyclic process as 55. Determine efficiency of Carnot cycle if in adiabatic
shown in the figure. The ideal gas follows the expansion volume 3 times of initial value and (Given;
equation T = bV2 for the process B → C. During the 1
cycle; the ratio of maximum to minimum pressure is
  1.5,  0.58 )
2 and heat supplied to the gas in B → C is QB → C = 56. For a refrigerator, heat absorbed from source is 800 J
120 J. Assuming usual meanings for the symbols, and heat supplied to sink is 600 J then find
pick correct option(s) coefficient of performance is:
57. A Carnot engine works between 27ºC and 127ºC.
Heat supplied by the source is 500 J. Then heat
ejected (in joules) to the sink is:
58. In an isobaric process, the work done by a di-atomic
gas is 10J, the heat given (in joules) to the gas will
59. A sample of 0.1 g of water at 1000C and normal
TA pressure (1.0 105 Nm-2 ) requires 54 cal of heat
(a) PA = PC (b) 2
TB energy to convert to steam at 1000C. If the volume of
TC the steam produced is 168 cc, the change in internal
(c) 2 (d) QC → A → B = –130J
TB energy (in joules) of the sample, is: (Given; 1cal = 4.2
51. The internal energy U of an ideal gas depends on joules)
pressure P and Volume V of the gas according to 60. One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic
equation U = 3PV, which of the following conclusion process ABC as shown in figure. The process BC is
can you make regarding the gas? adiabatic. The temperatures at A, B and C are 400 K,
(a) The gas is not a monatomic gas 800K and 600 K respectively. The magnitude of
(b) The gas can be a diatomic gas change in internal energy in the process BC is nR
(c) The gas can be a triatomic gas joules Where R is gas constant. Find the value of n.
(d) Molar specific heat of the gas in an isobaric
process is 4R
Numerical Value Type Questions
52. Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons contain
equal amounts of an ideal diatomic gas at 300 K. The
piston of A is free to move, while that of B held fixed.
The same amount of heat is given to the gas in each
cylinder. Determine the greatest integral value of the Assertion & Reason
ratio of change in temperature of B to the change in For the following question choose the correct answer
temperature of A. from the codes (A), (B), (C) and (D) defined as follows.
53. On mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken through (A) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is also true;
a thermodynamic process shown in the p–V diagram. Statement-II is a correct explanation of Statement- I.
(B) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is also true;
The heat supplied to the system in this process is
Statement-II is not a correct explanation of
k  (  10) p0V0 . Determine the value of k. Statement-I.
(C) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false.
(D) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true.
61. Statement-1: The internal energy of a given sample
of an ideal gas depends only its temperature
according to kinetic theory of gases.
Statement-2: The ideal gas molecules do not exert
54. If sink and source temperature of a refrigerator are inter-molecular forces.
7ºC and 847ºC respectively. Then efficiency of the (a) A (b) B
refrigerator is: (c) C (d) D

62. Statement-1: Internal energy change is zero if the Match the Columns
temperature is constant, irrespective of the process 68.Match the quantities given in column-I with column-II
being cyclic or non-cyclic.
Statement-2: dU = n CvdT for all process and is Column-I Column-II
(A) Adiabatic bulk modulus (p) – P/V
independent of path.
(B) Slope of P-V graph in (q) 2/(–1)
(a) A (b) B
isothermal process
(c) C (d) D
(C) Degree of freedom (r) P
63. Statement-1: A quasi-static process is so called
because it is a sudden and large change of the system. (D) The ratio of molar heat (s) 
Statement-2: An adiabatic process is not quasi-static capacity at constant  1
because it is a sudden and large change of the system. pressure to universal gas
(a) A (b) B constant R
(c) C (d) D 69. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the
following diagram.
64. Statement-1: When an ideal gas is taken from a
given thermodynamics state A to another given
thermodynamic state B by any polytropic process, the
change in the internal energy of the system will be the
same in all processes.
Statement-2: Internal energy of the gas depends only
upon its absolute temperature.
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D Match the following:
65. Statement-1: Work done by a gas in isothermal Column-I Column -II
expansion is more than the work done by the gas in
P Process I a. Adiabatic
the same expansion adiabatically.
Statement-2: Temperature remains constant in Q Process II b. Isobaric
isothermal expansion but not in adiabatic expansion. R. Process III c. Isochoric
(a) A (b) B S. Process IV d. Isothermal
(c) C (d) D 70. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken along
66. Statement-1: In an isothermal process whole of the two cyclic processes E  F  G  E and E 
heat energy supplied to the body is converted into F  H  E as shown in the P–V diagram. The
internal energy. process involved are purely isochoric, isobaric,
Statement-2: According to the first law of isothermal or adiabatic
thermodynamics Q = U + PV
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
67. Statement-1: In an adiabatic process, change in
internal energy of a gas is equal to work done on or
by the gas in the process.
Statement-2: Temperature of gas remains constant in Match the paths in List I with the magnitudes of the
work done in List II and select the correct answer
a adiabatic process.
using the codes given below the lists.
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D List I List II

P. G  E 1. 160 PV
0 0 ln 2

Q. G  H 2. 36PV
0 0

R. F  H 3. 24PV
0 0

S. F  G 4. 31P0V0

Paragraph Type Questions 72. Identify the gas filled in the container A and B

Use the following passage, solve Q. 71 to Q. 75 (a) N2, Ne (b) He, H2

(c) O2, Ar (d) Ar, O2
Two closed identical conducting containers are found in the
73. Total number of molecules in 'A' (Here NA =
laboratory of an old scientist. For the verification of the gas
Avogadro number)
some experiments are performed on the two boxes and the
results are noted. 125
(a) N (b) 3.125 NA
64 A
(c) N (d) 31.25 NA
28 A
74. The initial internal energy of the gas in container 'A',
if the containers were at room temperature 300 K
Experiment 1: When the two containers are weighed
WA = 225 g, WB = 160 g and mass of evacuated container (a) 1406.25 cal (b) 1000 cal
WC=100 g. (c) 2812.5 cal (d) none of these
Experiment 2: When the two containers are given same 75. If the gases have initial temperature 300 K and they
amount of heat same temperature rise is recorded. The are mixed in an adiabatic container having the same
pressure change found are PA = 2.5 atm, PB = 1.5 atm volume as the previous containers. Now the
temperature of the mixture is T and pressure is P.
Required data for unknown gas:
Mono (molar mass)
(a) P > PA, T > 300K (b) P > PB, T = 300K
He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rd
4g 20 g 40 g 84 g 131 g 222 g (c) P < PA, T = 300K (d) P > PA, T < 300K
Dia (molar mass)
H2 F2 N2 O2 Cl2
2g 19 g 28 g 32 g 71 g
71. Identify the type of gas filled in container A and B
(a) Mono, mono (b) Dia, dia
(c) Mono, dia (d) Dia, mono


1. Two gases, Argon (atomic radius 0.07 nm, atomic 4. The PT diagram for an ideal gas is shown in the
weight 40) and Xenon (atomic radius 0.1 nm, atomic figure, where AC is an adiabatic process. Find the
weight 140) have the same number density and are at corresponding PV diagram. (2003)
the same temperature. The ratio of their respective
mean free time is closest to (2001)
(a) 4.67 (b) 2.04
(c) 1.83 (d) 3.67
2. P-V plots for two gases during adiabatic processes are
shown in the figure. Plots 1 and 2 should correspond
respectively to (2001)
(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

(a) He and O2 (b) O2 and He

5. If liquefied oxygen at 1 atmospheric pressure is
(c) He and Ar (d) O2 and N2
heated from 50 K to 300 K by supplying heat at
3. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle constant rate, the graph of temperature vs time will be
A  B  C  A, as shown in the figure, if the net (2004)
heat supplied to the gas in the cycle is 5 J, the work
done by the gas in the process C  A is (2002)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) - 5 J (b) - 10 J
(c) - 15 J (d) - 20 J
6. An ideal gas expands isothermally from a volume V1
to V2 and then compressed to original volume V1
adiabatically. Initial pressure is P1 and final pressure
is P3. The total work done is W. Then (2004)
(a) P3 > P1, W > 0 (b) P3 < P1, W < 0
(c) P3 > P1, W < 0 (d) P3 = P1, W = 0

7. Statement-1: The total translational kinetic energy of 10. The buoyancy force acting on the gas bubble is
all the molecules of a given mass of an ideal gas is (Assume R is the universal gas constant) (2008)
1.5 times the product of its pressure and its volume.
( p0    gH ) 2/ 5
Statement-2: The molecules of a gas collide with (a)   nRg T0
( p0    gy ) 2/ 5
each other and the velocities of the molecules change
due to the collision. (2007)   nRgT0
(a) Statements-1 and 2 are true and statement-2 is a ( p0    gH ) [ p0    g ( H  y )]3/5

correct explanation for statement-1.

(b) Statements-1 and 2 are true and statement-2 is not ( p0    gH ) 3/ 5
(c)   nRgT0
a correct explanation for statement-1. ( p0    gy )8/ 5
(c) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.   nRgT0
(d) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. (d)
( p0   gH )3/5 [ p0    g ( H  y )]2/5
Use the following passage, solve Q. 8 to Q. 10
11. CV and CP denote the molar specific heat capacities
 5
A small spherical monoatomic ideal gas bubble     is of a gas at constant volume and constant pressure,
 3 respectively.
trapped inside a liquid of density l (see figure). Assume Then, (2009)
that the bubble does not exchange any heat with the liquid. (a) CP – CV is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for
The bubble contains n moles of gas. The temperature of the a monoatomic ideal gas
gas when the bubble is at the bottom is T0, the height of the (b) CP + CV is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for
liquid is H and the atmospheric pressure is p0. (Neglect a monoatomic ideal gas
surface tension) C
(c) P is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a
monoatomic ideal gas
(d) CP - CV is larger for a diatomic ideal gas than for a
monoatomic ideal gas
12. The figure shows the p–V plot an ideal gas taken
8. As the bubble moves upwards, besides the buoyancy through a cycle ABCDA. The part ABC is a semi–
force the following forces are acting on it (2008) circle and CDA is half of an ellipse. Then, (2009)
(a) Only the force of gravity
(b) The force due to gravity and the force due to the
pressure of the liquid.
(c) The force due to gravity, the force due to the
pressure of the liquid and the force due to
viscosity of the liquid
(d) The force due to gravity and the force due to
viscosity of the liquid
9. When the gas bubble is at a height y from the bottom,
its temperature is (2008) (a) The process during the path A  B is isothermal
2/5 (b) heat flows out of the gas during the path
 p0   gH 
(a) T0   BCD
 p0   gy  (c) work done during the path A  B  C is zero
 p0   g ( H  y )  (d) positive work is done by the gas in the cycle
(b) T0   ABCDA
 p0   gH 
 p0   gH 
(c) T0  
 p0   gy 
 p0   g ( H  y ) 
(d) T0  
 p0   gH 

13. One mole of an ideal gas in initial state A undergoes a 19. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken along
cyclic process ABCA, as shown in the figure. Its two cyclic processes E  F  G  E and E  F 
pressure at A is p0. H  E as shown in the p–V diagram.
Choose the correct option(s) from the following The process involved are purely isochoric, isobaric,
(2010) isothermal or adiabatic.

(a) Internal energies at A and B are the same

(b) Work done by the gas in process AB is p0V0 ln 4
(c) Pressure at C is p0/4 Match the paths in List I with the magnitudes of the
work done in List II and select the correct answer
(d) Temperature at C is T0/4 using the codes given below the lists. (2013)
14. A diatomic ideal gas is compressed adiabatically to List-I List-II
P. G  E 1. 160 p0V0 ln 2
of its initial volume. If the initial temperature of Q. G  H 2 36 p0V0
R. F  H 3 24 p0V0
the gas is Ti (in kelvin) and the final temperature is
S. F  G 4 31 p0V0
aTi, the value of a is (2010)
15. A real gas behaves like an ideal gas if its (2010) P Q R S
(a) pressure and temperature are both high (a) 4 3 2 1
(b) pressure and temperature are both low (b) 4 3 1 2
(c) pressure is high and temperature is low (c) 3 1 2 4
(d) 1 3 2 4
(d) pressure is low and temperature is high
16. 5.6 L of helium gas at STP is adiabatically
compressed to 0.7 L. Taking the initial temperature to
be T1, the work done in the process is (2011)
9 3
(a) RT1 (b) RT1
8 2
15 9
(c) RT1 (d) RT1
8 2
17. A mixture of 2 moles of helium gas (atomic mass = 4
amu) and 1 mole of argon gas (atomic mass = 40
amu) is kept at 300 K in a container. The ratio of the
 v  helium  
rms speeds  rms is (2012)
 v  argon  
 rms 
(a) 0.32 (b) 0.45
(c) 2.24 (d) 3.16
18. Two non-reactive monoatomic ideal gases have their
atomic masses in the ratio 2 : 3. The ratio of their
partial pressures, when enclosed in a vessel kept at a
constant temperature, is 4 : 3. The ratio of their
densities is : (2013)
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 6 : 9 (d) 8 : 9

Use the following passage, solve Q. 20 to Q. 21 23. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a horizontal
cylinder by a spring loaded piston (as shown in the
In the figure a container is shown to have a movable
figure). Initially the gas is at temperature T1, pressure
(without friction) piston on top. The container and the piston
P1 and volume V1 and the spring is in its relaxed state.
are all made of perfectly insulating material allowing no heat
The gas is then heated very slowly to temperature T2,
transfer between outside and inside the container. The
pressure P2 and volume V2. During this process the
container is divided into two compartments by a rigid
piston moves out by a distance x. Ignoring the friction
partition made of a thermally conducting material that
between the piston and the cylinder, the correct
allows slow transfer of heat. The lower compartment of the
statement(s) is (are) (2015)
container is filled with 2 moles of an ideal monoatomic gas
at 700 K and the upper compartment is filled with 2 moles of
an ideal diatomic gas at 400 K. The heat capacities per mole
3 5
of an ideal monoatomic gas are CV  R , CP  R , and
2 2
5 7 (a) If V2 = 2V1 and T2 = 3T1, then the energy stored in
those for an ideal diatomic gas are CV  R , CP  R .
2 2 1
the spring is P 1V 1
(b) If V2 = 2V1 and T2 = 3T1, then the energy in
internal energy is 3P1V1
(c) If V2 = 3V1 and T2 = 4T1, then the work done by
the gas is P1V1
20. Consider the partition to be rigidly fixed so that it
(d) If V2 = 3V1 and T2 = 4T1, then the heat supplied to
does not move. When equilibrium is achieved, the
final temperature of the gases will be (2014) 17
the gas is P 1V 1
(a) 550 K (b) 525 K 6
(c) 513 K (d) 490 K 24. Heat given to process is positive, match the following
21. Now consider the partition to be free to move without option of column I with the corresponding option of
friction so that the pressure of gases in both column II. (2015)
compartments is the same. Then total work done by
the gases till the time they achieve equilibrium will be
(a) 250 R (b) 200 R
(c) 100 R (d) –100 R
22. A thermodynamic system is taken from an initial state
i with internal energy Ui=100 J to the final state f
along two different paths iaf and ibf, as schematically
shown in the figure. The work done by the system
along the paths af, ib and bf are Waf =200 J, Wib=50J Column-I Column-II
and Wbf=100 J respectively. The heat supplied to the (a) JK (p)  W > 0
(b) KL (q)  Q < 0
system along the path iaf, ib and bf are Qiaf, Qib and
(c) LM (r)  W < 0
Qbf respectively. If the internal energy of the system (d) MJ (s)  Q > 0
in the state b is Ub=200 J and Qiaf= 500 J, the ratio
Qbf/Qib is (2014)

25. Column-I contains a list of processes involving 26. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through a
expansion of an ideal gas. Match this with Column-II cycle ABCDA as shown in the p–V diagram.
describing the thermodynamic charge during this Column- II gives the characteristics involved in the
process. Indicate your answer by darkening the cycle. Match them with each of the processes given in
appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the Column-I. (2015)
ORS. (2015)

Column-I Column-II
(a) An insulated container two (p) The
chambers separated by a temperature
valve. Chamber I contains of the gas
an ideal gas and the decreases
Chamber II has vacuum.
Column-I Column-II
The valve is opened.
(a) Process A  B (p) Internal energy decreases
(b) Process B  C (q) Internal energy increases
(c) Process C  D (r) Heat is lost
(d) Process D  A (s) Heat is gained
(b) An ideal monoatomic gas (q) The (t) Work is done on the gas
expands to twice its original temperature
gas increases or volume of the gas 27. A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a movable
such that its pressure increases frictionless piston. Its initial thermodynamic state at
pressure Pi = 105 Pa and volume Vi = 10-3 m3 changes
remains constants. p  , to a final state at Pf = (1/32) × 105 Pa and Vf = 8 × 10-
V2 3
m3 in an adiabatic quasi-static process, such that
where V is the volume of 3 5
P V = constant. Consider another thermodynamic
the gas
process that brings the system from the same initial
(c) An ideal monoatomic gas (r) The gas
state to the same final state in two steps: an isobaric
expands to twice its original loses heat
expansion at Pi followed by an isochoric
volume such that its
(isovolumetric) process at volume Vf. The amount of
1 heat supplied to the system in the two-step process is
pressure p  , where
V 4/3 approximately (2016)
V is its volume. (a) 112 J (b) 294 J
(d) An ideal monoatomic gas (s) The gas (c) 588 J (d) 813 J
expands such that its gains heat 28. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes an
pressure p and volume V adiabatic expansion in which its volume becomes
follows the behaviour eight times its initial value. If the initial temperature
shown in the graph. of the gas is 100 K and the universal gas constant R =
8.0 J mol-1 K-1, the decrease in its internal energy, in
Joule, is (2018)

29. One mole of a monatomic ideal gas goes through a 31. In a thermodynamic process on an ideal monoatomic
thermodynamic cycle, as shown in the volume versus gas, the infinitesimal heat absorbed by the gas is
temperature (V-T) diagram. The correct statement(s) given by TdX, where T is temperature of the system
is/are: [R is the gas constant] (2019) and dX is the infinitesimal change in a
thermodynamic quantity X of the system. For a mole
3 T  V 
of monatomic ideal gas X  Rn    Rn   .
2  TA   VA 
Here, R is gas constant, V is volume of gas. TA and
VA are constants. The List-I below gives some
quantities involved in a process and List-II gives
some possible values of these quantities. (2019)
List-I List-II
(I) Work done by the system (P) 1
in process 1  2  3 RT0 n2
(a) Work done in thisthermodynamic cycle (II) Change in internal (Q) 1
1 energy in process RT
(1  2  3  4  1) is | W | RT0 3
2 123
(b) The ratio of heat transfer during possesses (III) Heat absorbed by the (R) RT0
Q12 5 system in process
1  2 and 2  3 is  123
Q23 3
(IV) Heat absorbed by the (S) 4
(c) The above thermodynamic cycle exhibits only RT0
system in process 1  2 3
isochoric and adiabatic processes.
(d) The ratio of heat transfer during processes (T) 1
RT0  3| n2 
Q12 1 3
1  2 and 3  4 is 
Q34 2 (U) 5
30. A mixture of ideal gas containing 5 moles of 6
monatomic gas and 1 mole of rigid diatomic gas is If the procession one mole of monatomic ideal gas is
initially at pressure P0, volume V0 and temperature T0. as shown in the TV-diagram with P0V0 = RT0, the
If the gas mixture is adiabatically compressed to a correct match is,
volume V0/4, then the correct statement(s)/are,

(Given 21.2 = 2.3;23.2 = 9.2; R is gas constant) (2019)

(a) The final pressure of the gas mixture after

compression is in between 9P0 and 10P0.
(b) The average kinetic energy of the gas mixture
after compression is in between 18RT0 and 19RT0
(c) Adiabatic constant of the gas mixture is 1.6
(d) The work |W| done during the process is 13RT0 (a) I  P, II  R, III  T, IV  S
(b) I  P, II  T, III  Q, IV  T
(c) I  S, II  T, III  Q, IV  U
(d) I  P, II  R, III  T, IV  P

32. Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules

are assumed to be triangular and made of massless
rigid rods whose vertices are occupied by atoms. The
internal energy of a mole of the gas at temperature T
is: (2020)
The value of is

(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 3
(a) RT (b) 3 RT 35. A thermally insulating cylinder has a thermally
insulating and friction less movable partition in the
5 9
(c) RT (d) RT middle, as shown in the figure below. On each side
2 2
33. An ideal gas undergoes a four-step cycle as shown in of the partition, there is one mole of an ideal gas,

the P − V diagram below. During this cycle, heat is with specific heat at constant volume, CV  2R.
absorbed by the gas in (2021) Here, R is the gas constant. Initially, each side has a
volume V0 and temperature T0 . The left side has an
electric heater, which is turned on at very low power
to transfer heat Q to the gas on the left side. As a
result, the partition moves slowly towards the right
reducing the right-side volume to V0 / 2.
(a) steps 1 and 2 (b) steps 1 and 3 Consequently, the gas temperatures on the left and
(c) steps 1 and 4 (d) steps 2 and 4 the right sides become TL and TR , respectively.
34. A thermally insulating cylinder has a thermally Ignore the changes in the temperatures of the
insulating and frictionless movable partition in the cylinder, heater and the partition.
middle, as shown in the figure below. On each side of (2021)
the partition, there is one mole of an ideal gas, with
specific heat at constant volume, CV  2R. Here, R is

the gas constant. Initially, each side has a volume V0

and temperature T0 . The left side has an electric

heater, which is turned on at very low power to
transfer heat Q to the gas on the left side. As a result, Q
The value of is
the partition moves slowly towards the right reducing
the right-side volume to V0 / 2. Consequently, the gas (a) 4(2 2  1) (b) 4(2 2  1)

temperatures on the left and the right sides become (c) (5 2  1) (d) (5 2  1)
TL and TR , respectively. Ignore the changes in the
temperatures of the cylinder, heater and the partition.

36. An ideal gas of density   0.2 kg m 3 enters a is compressed adiabatically from volume kJ
chimney of height h at the rate of   0.8 kg s 1 1
V  m3 and pressure 2 kPa to volume
from its lower end, and escapes through the upper end
as shown in the figure. The cross-sectional area of the V
lower end is A1  0.1 m 2 and the upper end is 8
(IV) Three moles of a diatomic ideal gas (S) 5
A2  0.4 m 2 . The pressure and the temperature of the
whose molecules can vibrate, is given 9 kJ
gas at the lower end are 600 and 300 , kJ of heat and undergoes isobaric
respectively, while its temperature at the upper end is expansion.
150 . The chimney is heat insulated so that the gas (T) 3
undergoes adiabatic expansion. Take g  10 ms 2 and kJ
the ratio of specific heats of the gas   2 . Ignore
atmospheric pressure. (2022) Which of the following options is correct?
(a) I → T, II → R, III → S, IV → Q
(b) I → S, II → P, III → T, IV → P
(c) I → P, II → R, III → T, IV → Q
(d) I → Q, II → R, III → S, IV → T
 5
38. In the given P-V diagram a monoatomic gas    
 3
is first compressed adiabatically from state A state B.
Then it expands isothermally from state B to state C.
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct? [Given :    0.5ln 2  07 ] (2022)
(a) The pressure of the gas at the upper end of the
chimney is 300 .
(b) The velocity of the gas at the lower end of the
chimney is 40 s-1 and at the upper end is 20 s-1.
(c) The height of the chimney is 590 .
(d) The density of the gas at the upper end is 0.05
37. List I describes thermodynamic processes in four
different systems. List II gives the magnitudes (either
exactly or as a close approximation) of possible
changes in the internal energy of the system due to Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
the process. (2022) (a) The magnitude of the total work done in the
process A → B → C is 144 kJ.
List I List II (b) The magnitude of the work done in the process B
(I) 10-3 kg of water at 100° is converted (P) 2 → C is 84 kJ.
to steam at the same temperature, at a kJ (c) The magnitude of the work done in the process A
pressure of 105 . The volume of the → B is 60 kJ.
system changes from 10-6 m3 in the (d) The magnitude of the work done in the process C
process. Latent heat of water = 2250 → A is zero.
(II) 0.2 moles of a rigid diatomic ideal (Q) 7kJ
gas with volume V at temperature 500 K
undergoes an isobaric expansion to
-1 -
volume 3 V. Assume = 8.0 K
(III) One mole of a monatomic ideal gas (R) 4

39. One mole of an ideal gas expands adiabatically from 42. One mole of an ideal gas undergo two different cyclic
an initial state TA , V0  to final state T ,5V  .
f 0
process I and II, as shown in the P-V diagrams below.
In cycle I, processes a , b, c and d are isobaric,
Another mole of the same gas expands isothermally
isothermal, isobaric and isochoric, respectively. In
from a different initial state TB ,V0  , to the same
cycle II, processes a , b, c  ’and d  are isothermal,
final state T f ,5V0  . The ratio of the specific heat at isochoric, isobaric and isochoric, respectively. The
constant pressure and constant volume of this ideal total work done during cycle I is WI and that during
gas is  . What is the ratio A ? (2023) cycle II is WII . The ratio is _____. (2022)
(a) 5 1 (b) 51 
(c) 5 (d) 51 
40. A closed container contains a homogeneous mixture
 5
of two moles of an ideal monatomic gas     and
 3
 7
one mole of an ideal diatomic gas     . Here 
 5
is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure
and constant volume of an ideal gas. The gas mixture
does a work of 66 Joule when heated at constant
pressure. The change in its internal energy is _____
Joule. (2022)
41. An ideal gas is in thermodynamic equilibrium. The
number of degrees of freedom of a molecule of the
gas in n . The internal energy of one mole of the gas
is U n and the speed of sound in the gas is vn . At a
fixed temperature and pressure, which of the
following is the correct option? (2022)
(a) v3  v6 and U 3  U 6
(b) v5  v3 and U 3  U 5
(c) v5  v7 and U 5  U 7
(d) v6  v7 and U 6  U 7

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Answer Key


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1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 1. (a) 2. (b) 3.(b) 4.(a)

5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b)

9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (a) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (90.00)
13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 13. (16.00) 14. (6.2) 15. (42.00) 16. (a)
17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (3.00) 20. (1.50) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (8.00) 22. (1.00) 23. 5.00 24. (a) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (12.00) 24. (28.00)
25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (b) 25. (60.00) 26. (300.00) 27. (40.00)
29. (d) 30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (8.00)
33. (885.00) 34. (1.00) 35. (9.00)
36. (270.00) 37. (5.8)
38. (20.26) 39. (0.5) 40. (40.00) 41. (6.00)
42. (b) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b)
46. (c) 47. (212.50) 48. (60.00) 49. (2.00)
50. (2.00) 51. (3.00) 52. (4.00) 53. (c)
54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (c)
58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (b) 61. (b)
62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (a) 65. (c)
66. (b) 67. (d) 68. (a) 69. (d)
70. (b) 71. (c) 72. (d) 73. (2.00)
74. (25.00) 75. (28.00) 76. (5.00) 77. (2.00)
78. (6.00) 79. (0.92)




Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions. Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 1. (    2 s ) 2.(8.00) 3.(3.00) 4. (b, c, d)

5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7. (270.00) 8.(a)

9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(c)
9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13.(d) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(d)
13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (a, b) 17.(c) 18.(c) 19.(a, d) 20.(9.00)
21.(9.00) 22.(a, c, d) 23.(c) 24.(a)
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (a) 25.(b, d) 26.(2) 27.(a) 28.(b)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 29.(9) 30.(4.00) 31.(c)

25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d)

29. (a) 30. (c) 31. (a) 32. (d)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (2.00)
37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (b, d)
45. (a, d) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (a)
49. (A - p; B - q; C - s; D - r) 50. (b)

Answer Key



Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions. Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4. (b)

5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8. (c)
9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (b) 9.(400) 10.(3600) 11.(d) 12.(b)
13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 13.(a) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(b)
17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (d) 17.(d) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(b)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (c) 21.(c) 22.(a) 23.(50.00) 24.(208)
25. (1050) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 25.(26.00) 26.(60.00) 27.(25.00)
29. (b) 30.(c) 31. (a) 32. (c) 28.(-113.00) 29. (b) 30. (b) 31. (a)
32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (a)
33. (c) 34.(d) 35.(a) 36. (a)
36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (c)
37. (c) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40. (a)
40. (c) 41. (a) 42. (12.00)
41. (b) 42.(124) 43.(b) 44. (b)
43. (7479.00) 44. (750.00) 45. (3.00)
45. (d) 46.(c) 47.(b) 48. (c)
46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (a)
49. (20.00) 50.(b) 51. (a) 52. (b)
50. (c) 51. (d) 52. (d) 53. (b)
53. (c) 54.(2.00) 55.(b) 56. (c)
54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (c)
57. (a) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60. (b) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (b) 61. (a)
61. (d) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64. (208) 62. (750.00)63. (4.00) 64. (12.00) 65. (2.00)
65. (160) 66.(c) 67. (a) 68. (c) 66. (250.00)67. (16.00) 68. (540) 69. (1400)
69. (b) 70.(c) 71. (a) 72. (c) 70. (b) 71. (c) 72. (c) 73. (d)
73. (a) 74.(a) 75. (c) 76. (c) 74. (b) 75. (d) 76. (b) 77. (a)
77. (c) 78.(a) 79. (a) 80. (b) 78. (c) 79. (d) 80. (d) 81. (d)
82. (d) 83. (c) 84. (b) 85. (c)
86. (b) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (b)
90. (d) 91. (b) 92. (b) 93. (c)
94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (d)
98. (b) 99. (a) 100. (c) 101. (d)
102. (d) 103. (a) 104. (d) 105. (c)
106. (d) 107. (b) 108. (c) 109. (d)
110. (a) 111. (b) 112. (b) 113. (a)
114. (c)




Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions. Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d)

5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d)
9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (d)
9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (b,d) 12. (b,d)
13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (c)
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c) 13.(a,b) 14.(4.00) 15.(d) 16.(a)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (a) 17.(d) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(d)
25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (c) 21.(d) 22.(2.00) 23.(a,b,c)
29. (d) 30.(b) 31. (d) 32. (c)
24.(a – q; b – p,q; c – s; d – q,r)
33. (d) 34.(c) 35.(b) 36. (b)
25.(a – q; b – p, r; c – p, s; d – q, s)
37. (a) 38.(c) 39.(d) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42.(c) 43.(b,d) 44. (a,d) 26.(a – p,r,t; b – p,r; c – q, s; d – r,t) 27.(c)
45. (a,b,c) 46.(a,c,d) 47.(a,b,c) 48. (a,c) 28.(900) 29. (a,b) 30.(a,c,d) 31.(d)
49. (b,c) 50.(a,b,d) 51. (a,c,d) 52. (1.00) 32.(b) 33.(c) 34.(a) 35.(b)
53. (1.00) 54.(0.75) 55.(0.42) 56. (3.00) 36.(b, c) 37.(c) 38.(c, d) 39.(a)
57. (375) 58.(35.00) 59.(210) 60. (500) 40.(121) 41.(c) 42.(c)
61. (a) 62.(a) 63.(d) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66.(d) 67. (c)
68. (A - r; B - p; C - q; D- s)
69. ( P  c, Q  a,R  d, S  b )
70. ( P  4; Q  3; R  2; S  1 )
71. (c) 72. (d) 73. (b) 74. (c)
75. (b)

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