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22 Phasor form of Maxwell’s equations and damped

waves in conducting media

• When the fields and the sources in Maxwell’s equations are all monochro-
matic functions of time expressed in terms of their phasors, Maxwell’s
equations can be transformed into the phasor domain. ∇·D = ρ
∇·B = 0
– In the phasor domain all ∂B
∇×E = −
∂ ∂D
→ jω ∇×H = J+ .
∂t ∂t
and all variables D, ρ, etc. are replaced by their phasors D̃, ρ̃,
and so on. With those changes Maxwell’s equations take the form
shown in the margin.
– Also in these equations it is implied that
∇ · D̃ = ρ̃
D̃ = $Ẽ ∇ · B̃ = 0
B̃ = µH̃ ∇ × Ẽ = −jω B̃
J̃ = σ Ẽ ∇ × H̃ = J̃ + jω D̃

where $, µ, and σ could be a function of frequency ω (as, strictly

speaking, they all are as seen in Lecture 11).
– We can derive from the phasor form Maxwell’s equations shown
in the margin the TEM wave properties obtained earlier on using
the time-domain equations by assuming ρ̃ = J̃ = 0.

We will do that, and and after that relax the requirement J̃ = 0 with
J̃ = σ Ẽ to examine how TEM waves propagate in conducting media.

• With ρ̃ = J̃ = 0 the phasor form Maxwell’s equation take their simpli-

fied forms shown in the margin.

– Using ∇ · Ẽ = 0
∇ · H̃ = 0
∇ × [∇ × Ẽ = −jωµH̃] ⇒ −∇2Ẽ = −jωµ∇ × H̃
∇ × Ẽ = −jωµH̃
which combines with the Ampere’s law to produce ∇ × H̃ = jω$Ẽ

∇2Ẽ + ω 2µ$Ẽ = 0.

– For x-polarized waves with phasors

Ẽ = x̂Ẽx(z),

the phasor wave equation above simplifies as

∂2 2
Ẽx + ω µ$Ẽx = 0.
∂z 2
– Try solutions of the form

Ẽx (z) = e−γz or eγz

where γ is to be determined.

– Upon substitution into wave equation both of these lead to

(γ 2 + ω 2µ$)Ẽx = 0,

which yields

γ 2 + ω 2 µ$ = 0 ⇒ γ 2 = −ω 2µ$

from which one possibility is

γ = jβ, with β ≡ ω µ$.

Thus viable phasor solutions are

Ẽx (z) = e∓jβz

as we already knew.
– Furthermore, using the phasor form Faraday’s law it is easy to
show that !
e∓jβz µ
H̃y = ± with η = .
η ω

Note that we have recovered above the familiar properties of

plane TEM waves using phasor methods.
Next, the phasor method carries us to a new domain that cannot be
easily examined using time-domain methods.

• With ρ̃ = 0 but J̃ = σ Ẽ )= 0, implying non-zero conductivity σ, the
pertinent phasor form equations are as shown in the margin.

– This is the same set as before, except that ∇ · Ẽ = 0

∇ · H̃ = 0
jω$ has been replaced by σ + jω$.
∇ × Ẽ = −jωµH̃
Thus, we can make use of phasor wave solutions above after ap- ∇ × H̃ = σ Ẽ + jω$Ẽ
plying the following modifications to γ and η: = (σ + jω$)Ẽ


2 2 ⇒⇒ "
γ = −ω µ$ = (jωµ)(jω$) γ = (jωµ)(σ + jω$)
σ )= 0

2. ! # #
µ jωµ ⇒⇒ jωµ
η= = η= .
$ jω$ σ )= 0 σ + jω$
Note that the modified γ and η satisfy
γ γη
γη = jωµ and = σ + jω$ µ =
η jω
leading to useful relations shown in the margin (assuming real σ = Re{ }
valued σ and $). 1 γ
$ = Im{ }
ω η

• In terms of γ and η above, we can express an x-polarized plane wave
(a) Damped wave snapshot at t=0
together with exponential envelope

propagating in z direction in terms of phasors e−αz

Eo ∓γz
Ẽ = x̂Eoe∓γz and H̃ = ±ŷ e z
e−αz cos(ωt − βz)|t=0
where Eo is an arbitrary complex constant (complex wave amplitude).

• In expanded forms γ and η appear as: (b) Snaphot at t>0, with t=0 waveform
for comparison
γ = (jωµ)(σ + jω$) ≡ α+jβ, so that α = Re{γ} and β = Im{γ},

and z
# # #
e−αz cos(ωt − βz)
jωµ jωµ jωµ
η= ≡ |η|ejτ so that |η| = | | and τ = ∠ .
σ + jω$ σ + jω$ σ + jω$
– β appears within cosine
argument and deter-
1. In the special case of a perfect dielectric with σ = 0, we find mines the wavelength
! 2π
√ µ λ=
γ = jω µ$ ≡ jβ and η = , β
$ and propagation speed

and, therefore, vp =

∓jβz ŷEoe∓jβz – α controls wave attenu-

Ẽ = x̂Eoe and H̃ = ± ation by
as before. In this case α = τ = 0.
factor in propagation
2. Another case of imperfect dielectric (or “lousy” conductor) occurs
when σ is not zero, but it is so small that are justified in using

(1 ± a)p ≈ 1 ± pa, if |a| + 1,

with p = 1
2 as follows: For σ
ω$ + 1,
" √ σ √ σ σ µ √
γ = (jωµ)(σ + jω$) = jω µ$(1−j )1/2 ≈ jω µ$(1−j )= +jω µ$;
ω$ 2ω$ 2 $
σ µ √
Ẽ ≈ x̂Eoe∓(α+jβ)z with α = and β = ω µ$;
2 $
also in the same case
! ! !
ŷEoe∓(α+jβ)z µ µ σ µ j tan−1 σ
H̃ ≈ ± with η = σ ≈ (1+j )≈ e 2ω# ,
η $(1 − j ω$ ) $ 2ω$ $
such that !
µ σ
|η| ≈and τ = ∠η ≈ .
$ 2ω$
Note: γ and η both are complex valued, the consequences of which
will be examined later on.

3. A third case of good conductor corresponds to ω$

, 1. In that case,
! ! ! ! ! !
σ σ ωµσ µ jωµ ωµ jπ/4
γ = jω µ$(1 − j ) ≈ ω jµ = (1+j) and η ≈ = = e .
ω$ ω 2 −j ωσ σ σ
(a) Damped wave snapshot at t=0
Hence, together with exponential envelope

! ! e−αz
ωµσ " ωµ
α≈β≈ = πf µσ while |η| = and τ = ∠η = 45o.
2 σ z

4. Finally, perfect conductor case corresponds to σ → ∞, in which case e−αz cos(ωt − βz)|t=0
Ẽx → 0 as we will show later on. Wave fields cannot exist in perfect
conductors. (b) Snaphot at t>0, with t=0 waveform
for comparison

• Summarizing, in a homogeneous medium with arbitrary but con-

stant µ, $, and σ, time-harmonic plane TEM waves are in terms of
E = x̂Re{Eoe∓(α+jβ)z ejωt} = x̂|Eo|e∓αz cos(ωt ∓ βz + ∠Eo)
e−αz cos(ωt − βz)

and accompanying magnetic fields

Eo |Eo| ∓αz • β appears within cosine
H = ±ŷRe{ e∓(α+jβ)z ejωt} = ±ŷ e cos(ωt ∓ βz + ∠Eo − ∠η). argument and deter-
η |η| mines the wavelength

• Propagation velocity λ=
ω ω and propagation speed
vp = = " ,
β Im{ (jωµ)(σ + jω$)} vp =
now depends on frequency ω and it describes the speed of the nodes • α controls wave attenu-
(zero-crossings, not modified by the attenuation factor) of the field ation by
waveform. Subscript p is introduced to distinguish vp — also called e∓αz
phase velocity — from group velocity vg discussed in ECE 450 (velocity
factor in propagation
of narrowband wave packets).
(a) Damped wave snapshot at t=0
• Wavelength together with exponential envelope
2π vp e−αz
λ= =
β f
now depends on frequency f via both the numerator and the denomi- z

nator, and measures twice the distance between successive nodes of the
e−αz cos(ωt − βz)|t=0
• Penetration depth (also called skin depth if very small) (b) Snaphot at t>0, with t=0 waveform
for comparison
1 1
δ≡ = "
α Re{ (jωµ)(σ + jω$)}
is the distance for the field strength to be reduced by e−1 factor in its z

direction of propagation. e−αz cos(ωt − βz)

– For a fixed σ, and a sufficiently large ω, the penetration depth

– β appears within cosine
2 argument and deter-
δ ≈ " µ Imperfect dielectric formula mines the wavelength
σ $

which can be very small if σ is large — with small δ the wave is λ=
severely attenuated as it propagates. and propagation speed
– For a fixed σ, and a sufficiently small ω, vp =
! β
2 1
δ≈ =√ Good conductor "skin depth" formula – α controls wave attenu-
µωσ πf µσ ation by
which, although small with large σ, increases as ω decreases, mak- e∓αz
ing low frequencies to be preferable in applications requiring prop-
agating through lossy media with large σ, such as in sea-water. factor in propagation

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