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Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

SMART-1: Development and lessons learnt

Peter Rathsmana,∗ , Joakim Kugelberga , Per Bodina , Giuseppe D. Raccab ,
Bernard Foingb , Luca Stagnarob
a Swedish Space Corporation, Stockholm, Sweden
b ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Available online 5 May 2005

SMART-1 is the first of the small missions for advanced research and technology as part of ESA’s science programme
“Cosmic vision”. It was successfully launched on September 27, 2003 and is presently traveling towards its destination, the
Moon. The main objective of the mission, to demonstrate solar electric primary propulsion for future Cornerstones (such as
Bepi-Colombo), has already been achieved. At the time of writing the electric propulsion system has been working already
for more than 3400 h and has provided a Delta-V to the spacecraft of more than 2500 m/s. The other technology objectives are
also being fulfilled by the verification of the proper functioning of such on-board experiments like the X-Ka band transponder,
the X-ray spectrometer, the near IR spectrometer, the laser link, etc. The scientific objectives are related to lunar science and
will be fulfilled once the spacecraft enters its operational lunar orbit, currently expected for January 2005. SMART-1 lunar
science investigations will include studies of the chemical composition of the Moon, of geophysical processes, environment
and high-resolution studies in preparation for future steps of lunar exploration.
SMART-1 has been an innovative mission in many aspects and we are now drawing some preliminary conclusions about
the lessons to be learnt. The paper describes the spacecraft and the technology elements with particular emphasis to the
technology nature of the mission. The on-board avionics employs many novel designs for spacecraft, including a serial
CAN bus for data communication, autonomous star trackers and extensive use of auto-code generation for implementing the
attitude control system and the failure, detection, isolation and recovery (FDIR). Finally, the orbital operation phase currently
ongoing, including the routine electric propulsion operations and the instrument commissioning, is providing a wealth of
data and lesson-learnt useful for future autonomous planetary missions.
© 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction

∗ Corresponding author.
SMART-1 is the first European lunar mission. The
E-mail addresses: (P. Rathsman), spacecraft was successfully launched on September (J. Kugelberg),
(P. Bodin), (G.D. Racca),
27, 2003 from Kourou as an auxiliary payload on an (B. Foing), Ariane V launcher. The Swedish Space Corporation
(L. Stagnaro). (SSC) has been the prime contractor for the SMART-1

0094-5765/$ - see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

456 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

Fig. 2. SMART-1 flight configuration.

Fig. 1. SMART-1 trajectory to the Moon.

in mid-November 2004. The complete trajectory (ac-
tual until mid-September 2004, and predicted for later
dates) is shown in Fig. 1.
spacecraft and has also developed several of the sub-
systems. The objective of the ESA-initiated SMART
programme, is to test critical technologies required
for future Cornerstone missions. The primary mis- 2. Spacecraft overview
sion objective of SMART-1 is to demonstrate the use
of solar-electric propulsion (EP) in a relevant deep- SMART-1 is a three-axis controlled spacecraft with
space trajectory. The relevant Cornerstone mission is a launch mass of 367 kg (Fig. 2). Of this, 82.5 kg
the Mercury orbiter Bepi-Colombo. The trajectory for is xenon gas which is used as propellant for the EP
SMART-1 is a low-thrust transfer from geostationary system, and 8 kg is hydrazine used for momentum
transfer orbit (GTO) into lunar orbit, using a series of management. The attitude control system is primar-
lunar gravity assists. ily based on autonomous star trackers and reaction
During the transfer, the influence of EP with re- wheels. The data handling system is built around a sin-
spect to the spacecraft subsystems and payload has gle central processor and a serial CAN bus (Controller
been characterized. The spacecraft also carries sev- Area Network) that allows communication with all on-
eral scientific instruments mainly for use in lunar orbit board equipment. The 10 m2 solar array uses triple-
[1,2]. junction GaAs cells and produces 1850 W of power,
The first phase of the mission involved continu- 1300 of which is used by the EP system. All platform
ous EP thrusting and was completed by the beginning functions are redundant and provide single failure tol-
of February 2004 when the spacecraft had reached erance. The main purpose of the mission is to show
above the most dangerous parts of the radiation belts. that EP, in this case a stationary plasma thruster, is
This allowed for a more efficient use of the EP with suitable for interplanetary missions. To this aim, the
thrusting mainly near the perigee. The initial perigee requirement on on-board autonomy is also stringent;
altitude of 650 km had by mid-January 2004 been the nominal time between ground contact is four days
raised to more than 14,000 km. As of end of August and the minimum autonomy requirement is 10 days.
2004, the perigee/apogee has been raised to 33,000 Even though the mass allocated for additional payload
and 248,000 km, respectively. All payloads have been is only 19 kg, an advanced scientific payload com-
successfully commissioned and all on-board systems prised of seven different instruments has been accom-
are performing nominally. Lunar capture is expected modated on SMART-1.
P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 457

3. SMART-1 platform description

The spacecraft is composed of 11 subsystems:

• Structure
• Mechanisms
• Avionics
• On-board software
• Attitude and orbit control
• Hydrazine
• Telemetry tracking and command
• Power
• Thermal
• Electrical propulsion
• Scientific payload

The EP and the scientific payload instruments were Fig. 4. EP thruster orientation mechanism.
provided as customer-furnished items by ESA. The
interfaces and the overall system performance was the
responsibility of the prime contractor (SSC). 3.2. Mechanisms

Since the EP thruster operates continuously for long

periods of time, there can be a considerable buildup
3.1. Spacecraft main structure of angular momentum if the thruster is not aligned
through the spacecraft’s center of mass. The result
The basic structure consists of a cylindrical cone, would be an unacceptably large hydrazine consump-
four Al honeycomb side-wall panels and two Al hon- tion for momentum management. This is prevented by
eycomb horizontal decks. The 49-litre xenon tank, lo- the use of a thruster orientation mechanism (TOM)
cated inside the central cone structure, stores 82.5 kg with which the thruster is tilted on a two-axis gim-
of supercritical xenon at a pressure of 150 bars bal (Fig. 4). The TOM is autonomously controlled to
(Fig. 3). limit the momentum buildup of the spacecraft. During
the first phase of the mission, no hydrazine-based mo-
mentum unloading has been necessary while the EP
has been thrusting. For flight results, see [3].
The rotation of each solar array is achieved inde-
pendently with two BAPTA actuators (Bearing And
Power Transfer Assembly).

3.3. Avionics

Since autonomy was a design driver for SMART-

1, a completely new avionics design was developed
(Fig. 5). The design employs a strictly hierarchical
control scheme which has enabled the incorpora-
tion of a robust implementation of failure detection,
isolation and recovery (FDIR). The on-board
software (OBSW) runs on the Spacecraft Controller,
Fig. 3. Spacecraft structure with EP components highlighted. which is based on the single-chip ERC32 processor.
458 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of SMART-1 Avionics.

Communication between all units is through a serial the ones handling the on-board autonomy:
CAN bus. All sensors and actuators are interfaced by
remote terminal units, which perform A/D conversions • System manager
and adapt the data formats to/from the CAN protocol. • Failure detection, isolation and recovery (FDIR)
Basically all FDIR decisions are taken by the OBSW. core
To protect the system against a failed controller or • EP manager
OBSW, the health of the OBSW and on-board space- • Power core
craft controller is continuously monitored by a “plat- • Thermal core
form supervisor” function within the power control • Data handling layer
and distribution unit (PCDU). If a periodical “health
message” from the OBSW is absent from the CAN bus The system manager implements error protections re-
for more than 60 s, the PCDU powers down the active lated to the controller and the CAN bus communi-
spacecraft controller and powers up the redundant one. cation, and also controls the initial start-up sequence
A feature with operational consequences is the im- including the autonomous deployment of the solar
plementation of a non-volatile configuration register arrays.
kept in the power subsystem which is not erased other The FDIR module governs, with the help of the
than in the event of a full S/C power cycling. The reg- other cores and the configuration register, the switch-
ister contains the necessary information on the health ing of on-board units. The general philosophy of the
status of the on-board units and is used by the FDIR FDIR is that if a single failure is detected and can be
software at controller power up. isolated, the FDIR reacts by switching to the redun-
dant unit and marks the failed unit as unhealthy in
3.4. On-board software the configuration register. This is, in most cases, done
without affecting the S/C mode, thereby allowing con-
The software architecture is shown below. For the tinued EP operation. In the event of critical failures,
purpose of this paper, the most interesting modules are e.g. a double failure of AOC actuators or sensors which
P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 459

invalid parent implies invalid child The data handling module implements a large subset
of the packet utilisation services (PUS):
STSSBRTU SS • Telecommand verification
• Configuration of housekeeping telemetry reports
System GRWRTU • Event reporting
CAN bus RW
• Memory management
PCDU • On-board scheduling (time tag queue)
• On-board monitoring
board TCRTU-A
• Large data transfer
TCRTU-B • Storage and retrieval management
AMIE • Connection test

Payload EPDP The AOC, FDIR, thermal and power application soft-
CAN bus KATE ware has been developed in-house by the Swedish
SIR Space Corporation in a MATLAB/SIMULINK envi-
SPEDE ronment from which the code has been auto-generated.
unresolved child failure becomes parent failure Using MATLAB for flight-code development has
child power on implies parent power on proven to be a very efficient and reliable development
approach (Fig. 7).
Fig. 6. FDIR hierarchy with action directions.
3.5. Attitude and orbit control

The SMART-1 attitude control system uses an au-

tonomous star tracker (ST) with two camera heads as
would affect a safe mode operation, then the FDIR the primary sensors and reaction wheels as primary
orders a switch to the redundant controller which at actuators. The system also contains rate gyros which
start-up also powers up all the redundant units. Switch- are used in lower ACS modes, and for sustaining three-
ing between nominal and redundant is governed by a axis operation in the case of temporary loss of data
principle of ‘potential’ as a function of CON. On the from both ST camera heads. The spacecraft also has a
redundant CON, all units will be B-units (redundant) hydrazine system for the purpose of momentum man-
unless forced by ground to be A. Units return to B agement and detumbling. As reported in [3], the EP
upon removal of enforcement. Likewise, on the nom- mechanism (TOM) also functions very effectively as
inal CON, all units will be A-units (nominal) unless a momentum management actuator during EP opera-
unhealthy or forced by ground command to B. Units tion, thereby significantly reducing the hydrazine con-
return to A upon removal of enforcement or unhealthy sumption.
status. The AOC system governs the spacecraft modes:
The autonomy behaves according to the parent-
child hierarchy depicted in Fig. 6. Actions propagate • Detumble
between the generations in the directions of the • Safe
arrows. • Science
The EP manager reacts to errors from the EP • Electric propulsion
by powering down the thruster in a controlled
way. Fig. 8 below shows the four top level AOC modes.
A number of power modes are implemented ensur- The transitions are labelled with the possibility of au-
ing that the consumption can be supported by the on- tonomous or commanded transition.
board resources. This is handled by the power and The EP control mode and science mode are simi-
thermal cores. lar three-axis controlled modes, with the EP control
460 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

System & Mission Management Layer

FDIR System Management

Application Layer

AOC Power Thermal EP RF P/L

PUS Data Handling (DHS) Layer Basic

Services Services

Board support package RTOS Layer

Bootstrap Bootloader Vx Works

Fig. 7. SMART-1 OBSW architecture.

Fig. 8. SMART-1 AOC Mode architecture.

P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 461

addition, there are several FDIR functions within the

OBSW that monitor that the power consumed by the
EP is consistent with other platform needs (battery
charging etc.).
During eclipse or when the solar array cannot meet
the load demand, power is supplied through a mod-
ular Li-ion battery system. Each of five Li-ion cells
provides energy to the bus through its own dedicated
battery management electronics.

3.7. Thermal control

SMART-1 is, in many aspects, similar to geostation-

ary telecommunication spacecraft and therefore uses
the same thermal control techniques: The ‘north’ and
Fig. 9. SMART-1 Solar array output power (W) during first 11
‘south’ panels (+/−Y for SMART-1) are used as ra-
months of mission.
diators and equipped with heat pipes to spread out the
heat from high-dissipation units. Multi-layer insula-
mode also incorporating the control of the EP gimbal tion blankets are used on other external surfaces while
mechanism. high emissivity optical properties are used on the in-
ternal structure and units. All heaters are controlled
3.6. Power generation and storage by software thermostat control. Critical equipment,
such as hydrazine lines, are equipped with hardware-
The power on board SMART-1 is provided by six thermostats in series with the heaters in order to protect
solar panels equipped with a total of 8 m2 of triple against overheating in the case of a heater line failed
junction GaAs solar cells. The output power is 1850 W ON. The electric thruster, which operates at high tem-
beginning-of-life, equinox conditions. The predicted perature, is thermally decoupled from the spacecraft
end-of-life power is 1615 W (equinox conditions). The and has a dedicated thermal radiator.
actual solar array output power as a function of mission The mission trajectory has been designed to limit the
duration is shown in Fig. 9. The initial degradation eclipse lengths to a maximum of 2 h. A boost-heating
up till January 2004 was due to the passage through thermal mode is used prior to eclipse entry in order to
the radiation belts in combination with the very severe minimize the (battery-provided) heater energy during
solar storms of October 2003. After January 2004, the the eclipse. The maximum battery depth-of-discharge
output power follows the expected seasonal variation. so far has been 50%, with no observable degradation
The degradation so far is close to the predicted values. of battery capacity so far in the mission.
SMART-1 has a fully regulated 50 V power bus. The
need for a regulated power bus is driven by the EP 3.8. Solar electric primary propulsion
thruster and its need for a well defined and regulated
voltage. A single voltage power bus system was chosen The main technological purpose of the mission
since the added complexity of having a two-bus system is the flight test of the EP as main propulsion sys-
with its inherent demand for either redundant DC/DC tem. The components of the EP system are shown in
converters or split solar array sections proved to be Fig. 10 below.
unnecessary complex and costly. The EP thruster uses xenon as propellant. The xenon
The control and regulation system employs a hot is stored in the tank at high pressure (max 150 bars).
redundant scheme, i.e. three units working in parallel The pressure is reduced in the bang-bang pressure reg-
with majority voting logic. Power is supplied to all ulation unit to a working pressure of 2 bars and flow
loads via solid state power switches which include modulation is done by the xenon flow controller. The
over-current and under-voltage trip-off protection. In power processing unit distributes the electrical power
462 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

The Electric
CAT A propulsion subsystem
(Anode) CAT B consists of the
following units:

• Xenon tank
• Bang-bang
FU XFC Pressure
Regulation Unit

• Xenon Flow
• Power
Processing Unit
• Electrical Filter

• Pressure

Power input Monitoring
(50 V DC) & Thruster

Fig. 10. Main components of the EP subsystem.

to the thruster at the proper voltage and the electrical increasing the probability of collision with neutrals.
filter unit dampens out discharge current oscillations Collisions between drifting electrons and xenon gas
from the thruster. The thruster consumes 1220 W at create the plasma. The generated primary ions are ac-
maximum power and the dry weight of the subsys- celerated by the negative potential existing in the area
tem is 29 kg. At launch, the tank contained 82.5 kg of near the exit of the chamber due to the Hall-effect.
xenon, providing spacecraft with 4000 m/s of delta-V. The external cathode acts also as a neutralizer, in-
The EP system only contains limited redundancy. jecting electrons into the beam, in order to maintain
The cathodes, XFC and BPRU are doubled whereas zero-charge equilibrium in the thrust beam and on the
the rest of the system is single string. The SMART-1 spacecraft.
EP thruster is a stationary plasma thruster (PPS- The PPS-1350, shown in Fig. 11, has an exit di-
1350), which constitute a family of electric propul- ameter of 100 mm. Even though the thruster can
sion engines belonging to the category of Hall-effect operate at a maximum discharge power of 1500 W,
thrusters. it is also capable of start-up and functioning at a
In this type of thrusters, electrons from an external much reduced power (480 W). At beginning of life
cathode enter an annular ceramic discharge chamber, (BOL), the SMART-1 spacecraft was designed to
attracted by an anode piece. On their way to the anode, provide a maximum of 1190 W of nominal discharge
the electrons encounter a radial magnetic field created power, which produces a nominal thrust of 68 mN at
between inner and outer coils, causing cyclotron mo- a specific impulse of 1640 s. This family of thrusters
tion around the magnetic field lines and dramatically has a qualified lifetime of 7000 h in cycles at maxi-
P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 463

3.9. Low thrust trajectory

The low thrust trajectory flown by SMART-l is also

part of the technology objectives of the mission. The
trajectory has been described in a number of papers
in the past (e.g. [7,8]). The trajectory is schemati-
cally shown in the two figures below. Fig. 13 shows
the transfer trajectory from the exit from the radiation
belts (perigee at 20,000 km) until Moon capture, as
computed before the flight, while Fig. 14 shows the
as-flown trajectory so far, plus the newly computed
trajectory from now until Moon capture.
The two trajectories are rather similar, but some dif-
ferences can be highlighted. The starting point is the
orbit at the exit of the radiation belts. The two orbits
are very similar as no substantial change was intention-
Fig. 11. The SMART-1 PPS 1350 electric propulsion engine made ally made in the escape strategy (continuous tangen-
by SNECMA (F).
tial thrusting to escape the radiation belts as quickly
as possible). The slight difference is due to the actual
eclipse periods occurred and due to the mentioned ex-
mum power, which corresponds to a total impulse of treme radiation environment encountered at the begin-
106 Ns. ning of the mission which did not allow to thrust unin-
The EP system has been in operation since the very terruptedly. After exiting the radiation belts, the orbit
early phases of the mission. It was switched on at 12:25 expansion has been obtained by thrusting with an op-
UTC on 30 September 2003 (3 days after launch) and timised strategy involving changes in thrust direction
has since regularly been in operation. As of 25 August, and thrust and coast arcs. The process has been re-
the engine had completed its 266th pulse and cumu- peated many times taking into account the actual flight
lated a total ON time of about 3146 h. It had consumed thrust performance. The actual performance in terms
about 49 kg of xenon and imparted to the spacecraft of thrust has been very close to the prediction. A vari-
a velocity increment of 2330 m/s. Fig. 12 shows the ation of maximum +/ − 5% has been found during
total cumulated time and for each pulse the ON and the flight.
OFF time on the left hand y-axis. The longest pulse A major difference has been the on-board power
is out of scale as it lasted for 240 h and took place availability, which has proved to be between 100 W
from December 23rd and January 2nd. The in-flight and 200 W larger than in the prediction. This has al-
performance of the EP system has recently been de- lowed to thrust at higher power, hence obtaining an
scribed in three papers [4–6]. In general the system optimised thrust profile slightly different from the en-
has shown a very good behaviour. However, an unex- visaged one.
pected recurring event, an Optocoupler Single Event Probably the main difference in the final part of the
Transient (OSET) took place, causing an EP shutdown. trajectory is the absence in the new one (Fig. 14) of
The behaviour was characterised by a rapid drop in the two final perigee jumps. As explained in [7,8] the
anode current which was detected by the EP FDIR and previous trajectory made use of lunar gravity assists
caused a “flame-out”. The problem was traced to be in order to increase the perigee altitude. In the new
caused by a radiation-induced sensitivity of an Opto- one, it was decided to skip the two swing-bys as they
coupler in the EP power control unit. The recovery to are rather time consuming, since the proper geometry
this anomaly has been promptly implemented into the can only be achieved with a flight two months longer.
on-board software by a patch which automatically de- Swing-bys were considered necessary during the mis-
tects the OSET event and then initiates an autonomous sion analysis in order to save fuel. However, the actual
thruster restart. fuel budget was found to be adequate to skip this phase
464 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

SMART-1 EP ON and OFF Times

3200 Cum ON

3000 EP ON 60
2800 EP OFF
2600 50
2000 40

1000 20
0 0

18 Apr 04
20 Nov 03
01 Oct 03

28 Feb 04
09 Jan 04

07 Jun 04

27 Jul 04
Fig. 12. EP ON and OFF Times during first 11 months of mission.

Earth centred inertial projection on moon orbital plane Earth centred inertial projection on moon orbital plane
SPT100: launch by AR 5: 2002/09/21 -> 2003/12/29; 350 kg -> 295.764 kg 500000
Y-coordinate (× 1E5 km)

Y-coordinate (km)

-5.0 -500000 -200000 0 200000 500000
-5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 X-coordinate (km)
X-coordinate (× 1E5 km) (direction of moon ascending mode w.r.t. EQ2000)
(ascending mode of moon orbital plane)
Fig. 14. As-flown trajectory.
Fig. 13. Pre-flight predicted trajectory.

handle and enter into the realm of multi-body dynam-

and save two months of transfer time. We have main- ics. The ESA flight dynamics team at ESOC has used
tained instead another technique, a sort of “weak fly- computational techniques to obtain the wanted effects
by”, outside the sphere of influence of the Moon. These mainly on the altitude and argument of perigee. These
regions, where more than one planetary body affects encounters will repeat regularly at each Moon revolu-
the flight of a spacecraft, are much more difficult to tion (period of 27.4 days). This is obtained by varying
P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 465

Moon distance km
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240

Fig. 15. SMART-1 final approach to the Moon.

the period of the orbit so that a passage of SMART-1

at apogee takes place when the Moon is nearby. The Fig. 16. SMART-1 coverage of southern lunar hemisphere.
SMART-1 orbit is therefore in “resonance” with that
of the Moon. At the first encounter the ratio of the pe-
riods of the SMART-1 and Moon orbits was 1:5. At missioning and some preliminary observations of the
the second encounter on September 15th, the ratio was scientific instruments are given in another paper pre-
1:4, at the third one on October 12th, the ratio will sented at this congress [9]. We concentrate here on the
be 1:3 and finally the last orbit which will lead to the technological aspects.
capture on November 15th will have half the period EPDP: Electric propulsion diagnostic package
of the Moon’s orbit. Fig. 15 shows the final approach, (2.3 kg, 18 W). A suite of sensors for thruster diag-
the x-axis origin is on November 11 at 00:00 UTC and nostics with ion energy up to 400 eV and spacecraft
the units are hours. contamination monitoring. Measurements have been
The early arrival in Moon orbit is not the only made on the ion density and two peaks have been
achievement of the good performance of the mission. found at 30 and 50 eV possibly due to charge ex-
Due to the lower than expected fuel consumption, due change Xe ions. The Langmuir probe has measured a
to the good navigation, engine performance and power floating spacecraft potential orbital variation from 18
availability, we can also optimise the final lunar orbit to 23 V during the thrusting phase.
to better suit the scientific observations. Instead of the SPEDE: Spacecraft potential, electron and dust ex-
envisaged polar orbit with perilune and apolune at 300 periment (0.8 kg, 1.8 W) monitors the plasma oscilla-
and 10,000 km altitude, respectively, SMART-1 will tions during the EP operations.
fly a less eccentric orbit of 300×3000 km with a period KaTE: X/Ka-band telemetry and tele-command
of 4.962 h. This provides a synchronicity of 1:5 with (TT&C) experiment (6.2 kg, 28 W). An X-up/X-down
the earth rotation, allowing coverage from the same and Ka-down deep-space transponder running turbo-
ground station each fifth revolution when the space- codes, allowing up to 500 Kbps data rate from lunar
craft is near apolune. This orbit also provides excellent orbit. A KaTE test, using the ESA 15 m X-band an-
coverage conditions of the southern lunar hemisphere tenna at Perth, was conducted in January 2004, while
as shown in Fig. 16. the X/Ka-band test using the NASA DSN DSS13
ground station took place in February 2004. The ESA
3.10. Science and technology payload Ka-band station VIL 4 was commissioned in June
2004 and first tests of KaTE measurement modes and
The SMART-1 payload is composed of technology range rate took place successfully and will continue
and scientific experiments and its total mass is approx- until November.
imately 19 kg. Seven SMART-1 instruments support D-CIXS/XSM: Demonstration of a compact imaging
10 investigations. All the instruments have had their X-ray spectrometer (5.2 kg, 20 W, including XSM). A
commissioning performed. The results of the com- 12◦ ×32◦ FOV spectral imager in the 0.5–10 keV range
466 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

SIR: SMART-1 infrared spectrometer (2.3 kg,

4.2 W). A 1 mrad FOV point-spectrometer with 256
channels operating in the 0.9–2.4 m wavelength
range (NIR) for lunar mineralogy. A scan of the Moon
took place in February 2004 and other experiments
have also been performed.
LASER-LINK: Demonstration of a deep-space opti-
cal link acquisition (with AMIE), where a laser beam
is sent in the direction of the SMART-1 spacecraft by
the ESA optical ground station in Tenerife. The aim
of the experiment is to prepare for deep-space laser
communication links, by demonstrating the acquisi-
tion of the laser-link up to lunar distance and to vali-
date a novel beam arrangement in four sub-apertures
for mitigating the effect of atmospheric turbulence on
the laser beam. The laser link experiment is currently
on-going and the first results are promising. Roughly
one half of the objectives have been fulfilled so far.
The first step of the experiment was to determine an
efficient alignment procedure in order to align the op-
tical ground station (OGS) laser beam with SMART-
1. This procedure is now fully mastered and enables
to establish a mono-directional link between OGS and
SMART-1 with a laser pointing accuracy better than
+/ − 2 arcsec. The next step will be to redo the exper-
iment while slewing the spacecraft in order to study
laser beam propagation through atmosphere and space.
Several tries have already been attempted but unfortu-
nately hindered by bad weather conditions. New ex-
Fig. 17. SMART-1 AMIE image of Europe and North Africa, taken periments are planned before the moon capture.
from a distance of 70,000 km in June 2004.
3.11. Summary of accomplished mission objectives

based on swept charge device detectors and micro- The objectives of the SMART-1 missions are both
collimators, measuring X-ray fluorescence from the technological and scientific. Clearly the full scien-
lunar surface discriminating the solar background by tific return will be achieved only during the scientific
means of the X-ray solar monitor. Several measure- operations in lunar orbit. Concerning the technologi-
ments have been performed of bright celestial sources, cal objective, the main purpose was the flight test of
like SCO-X1 and others. electric primary propulsion. This is considered largely
AMIE: Asteroid-Moon imaging experiment (2.2 kg, achieved because of the following considerations:
9 W). A 5.3◦ FOV miniaturised camera with a four-
band fixed filter (0.75, 0.9 and 0.95 m wide-band • The engine has been functioning in space for more
mineralogical filters and a 0.847 m narrow-band fil- than 3300 h with good performance.
ter for the laser-link). The camera is based on high- • The optimisation, control and navigation of the
density 3-D cube-packed multi-chip module electron- spacecraft during the powered operations have
ics. Several images of the Earth and the Moon have been successfully performed.
been taken during the cruise. An example is shown in • The EP has been monitored with the diagnostic
Fig. 17. package and its effects have been shown and the
P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468 467

results are being analysed by the experts. So far, no that usually prevent a solid architectural design and
adverse effects have been observed on S/C subsys- changes in later stages. The end result was a coher-
tems as the result of EP operation. ent architecture that was maintained throughout the
• The second lunar resonance has been successfully project.
achieved and the remaining one will follow before • Extensive testing: Extensive testing together with
lunar capture. the capability of quickly recovering errors (software
• The innovative aspect of combining EP with “weak based spacecraft) replaced exhaustive pre-analysis
stability” gravity assists has been demonstrated. and lengthy trade-offs.
• Joint-team approach: Rather than performing a
Concerning the technology instruments they have all “surveillance” function derived from the detached
been commissioned, thereby completing their objec- role of customer to contractor, the ESA project
tive for the lunar transfer phase. team took an active part in design decisions as
well as providing a continuous and appreciated
peer-review of the prime’s work. The ESA in-
4. Lessons learnt volvement allowed a high degree of visibility in
all areas, allowing them to verify adherence to re-
4.1. EP operations quirements beyond the normal reviewing of formal
For the EP operation, the original intention was to • Keep team small: During certain critical periods,
pre-programme up to 10 days of autonomous opera- it was necessary to increase the manpower. This
tions. While this has been accomplished once or twice, was achieved by increasing the work-load for the
in the general case, also very small variations in the existing team rather than taking on new staff. This
EP thrust level generates an increased divergence be- allowed the core team to remain small and therefore
tween the predicted and actual position in space. Over quickly respond to project needs.
a few days, this error propagates to a level that is un-
acceptable. The remedy is to recalculate the flight tra-
jectory prediction every few days. This, however, pre-
vents the long term planning that is desirable in order 5. Conclusions
to reduce ground operation costs. A possible solution
for future EP missions would therefore be to have on- The performance of SMART-1, ESA’s first mission
board an autonomous guidance and navigation system. to the Moon, has so far been excellent. Due to more
On SMART-1 such a system is run as a test package, available on-board power than predicted, combined
but with the control loop closed on the ground. with good ground-based navigational techniques by
Another major aspect that we have learned in fly- the flight control team, the travel time to the Moon has
ing SMART-1 is the advantage of easily being able to been shortened by approximately 2 months compared
enhance on-board autonomous functions, and the ca- to initial predictions. The lunar capture is scheduled
pability to programme new functions (e.g. EP restart for mid-November 2004, with scientific observations
after SET flame-outs). starting once the final lunar orbit has been achieved in
mid-January 2005. In-flight commissioning of the sci-
4.2. Techniques to reduce development costs entific instruments has successfully been performed,
leading to hopes for a very rewarding scientific phase
• The Prime retained a large part of the develop- of the mission in 2005. SMART-1 is regarded as ESA-
ment functions: On SMART-1, the prime (SSC) re- s first “faster, better, cheaper” mission within the sci-
tained a significant part of the new developments. ence programme. As part of the lessons learnt activity,
This included the on-board avionics, the attitude the joint-team approach of the prime contractor and
control system and the application software includ- ESA is regarded as an important element in the suc-
ing FDIR. This allowed an evolution of the design cessful realization of a technologically advanced low-
at low cost by removing the contractual barriers cost mission.
468 P. Rathsman et al. / Acta Astronautica 57 (2005) 455 – 468

References [7] G.D. Racca, P. Rathsman, SMART-1 team, SMART-1 mission

description and development status, Planetary and Space
[1] G.D. Racca, SMART—The first small mission for advanced Science 50 (2002) 1323–1337.
research in technology, Acta Astronautica 45 (4–9) (1999) [8] G.D. Racca, New challenges to trajectory design by the use of
337–345. electric propulsion and other new means of wandering in the
[2] G.D. Racca, G.P. Whitcomb, B.H. Foing, The SMART-1 solar system, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
mission, ESA Bulletin 95 (1998) 72–81. 85 (2003) 1–24.
[3] P. Bodin, The SMART-1 attitude and orbit control system: [9] B.H. Foing, G.D. Racca, SMART-1 team, S1 STWT et
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experience, AIAA-2004-3435, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE
Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Fort Laurderdale, Further reading
Florida, USA, 11–14 July 2004.
[5] D. Milligan, D. Gestal, O. Camino, D. Estublier, C. Koppel, [10] J. Kugelberg, P. Rathsman, S. Persson, Accommodating
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and Exhibit, Fort Laurderdale, Florida, USA, 11–14 July [11] G.D. Racca, B.H. Foing, A solar-powered visit to the moon,
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[6] D.M. Di Cara, D. Estublier, SMART-1: an analysis of
flight data, S4.02 55th International Astronautical Congress,
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