AmSoc Forum November 2011

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Upcoming AmSoc events Nov 5th - Angel Party Nov 5th, 6th, 26th, 27th - Softball season Nov 12th - Pickup games at Graded Nov 18th - Challenge Golf Cup

Monthly Newsletter November 2011

236th Marine Corps Ball

The Marine Corps Birthday Ball is one of the most illustrious and historically significant events the world over. This event celebrates the birth of the most faithful, most feared, and professional fighting force the world has ever known. Our Corps was born on 10 Nov 1775 at a bar called Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Every year Marines around the world celebrate the birthday of the Corps with the traditions seen at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. The event will be held at the EstanPlaza Hotel and includes a dinner, open bar, the traditional Marine Corps Birthday ball ceremony, and music until 0100. Date: November 19th, 2011 Location: Estanplaza Hotel - Rua Fernandes Moreira 1293 - Chcara Santo Antonio Cocktail hour starts at 645pm Price: R$140 For more information contact Post One at the U.S. Consulate at 5186-7373 or email

The Food Issue

Board secrets
Page 6: The AmSoc board shares their favorite restaurants with you. Just dont tell anyone else!

Page 7: Yes, you can have brunch in So Paulo! Find out where you can load up on your favorites.

Thanksgiving Celebration at Graded on November 19th

The holiday season is quickly approaching and we would like to invite you to join us at the annual Graded PTA Thanksgiving Celebration A World of Thanks, an event open to all within the So Paulo international community. This celebration will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at Graded School in Morumbi from 11:00am to 4:00pm. The days activities will include musical performances, a traditional Thanksgiving feast, childrens activities and a mini-praca featuring artisans and vendors. Children will be able to take part in a host of games and activities throughout the day. Everyone will have a chance to start Christmas shopping at the minipraca which will feature 70+ vendors as well as local charities selling handmade items to raise funds. The highlight of the day will be the traditional Thanksgiving meal, complete with succulent roast turkey and all the trimmings (including cranberry sauce). Gradeds famous homemade pumpkin and apple pies will be served for dessert. The meal starts at 12:30 (continous seating) and leftover food will be available for sale after 4:00pm. Be sure to circle November 19th on your calendar and bring friends to Graded and share in this American tradition with a Brazilian twist. The Graded PTA has a long-standing tradition of sharing and giving thanks within the community and this event will be no exception. Tickets go on sale November 7, 2011. Adults: R$30. Children 5-12: R$15. Children 4 years and under are free. Tickets will also be sold at the door. For more information please send emails to:

Thanksgiving event
Page 12: A festive buffet at the Hyatt you should not miss!

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Board Bio
Jacques L. Vaney, American Society Treasurer Living in Brazil since 2002, for the past 4 years I have served on the AMSOC board as Treasurer. In terms of background I am basically a New Yorker. I was born in Switzerland to British and Swiss parents and moved to New York as a small child, when my father took a career position at the United Nations. Growing up on Long Island I was very active in sports but never seemed to warm up to soccer, which was the one sport my father truly liked. At that time soccer wasnt so popular, and to the local youngsters it seemed strange how foreign soccer players in exceedingly tight shorts kissed and hugged each other after each goal, and consistently fell down on the ground almost crying whenever they got hit or bumped into. Traditional American sports seemed more appealing. After completing an undergraduate degree in Economics and French, then a masters of International Affairs, I went into international banking. Travel has always been a passion for me, first visiting family in Europe, then exploring many parts of the world on vacations and professionally. Brazil, however, was a place I never visited nor knew much about. That changed when I met and married a Brazilian. The country, the culture, the food and the people are all truly special. I am very pleased to live and work in So Paulo, despite its challenges as a complex, large, traffic congested city. Now, as a foreigner with two children in Brazil I face, ironically, a similar situation to that of my father when I was growing up. This time, my son loves soccer, and I am challenged to learn and play a new sport. Being in Brazil, however, it is impossible not to like and respect soccer. A wonderful benefit of living in other countries is exploring new ideas and the cross cultural learning process, which is at the core of the mission of the American Society. Amsoc has a long history in So Paulo of not just hosting traditional American cultural and holiday events, but also supporting a variety of charities and helping improve the lives of underprivileged children. This mix of cultural and sporting events, coupled with solid community service makes AMSOC a very special organization. While we are almost fully volunteer based, we do have costs to maintain our organization and serve the community. In this regard, and from my perspective as Treasurer, we are always looking ways and sources to fund our organization and charity requirements. So please dont be surprised if you may hear from me looking to renew memberships or more likely, trying to coax a truly needed corporate donation to fund our excellent events and programs.

Presidents Corner
I really enjoyed the Vida Jovem event, a nice way to celebrate my birthday. This was a major organizing effort, By Joe Sherman, AmSoc president congratulations to the Vida Jovem team. There were 870 guests, 60 volunteers at the event, 22 items in the live auction, 219 in the silent auction, and 118 items in the dream bags (caixa dos sonhos). We have received very positive feedback, especially on Toquinhos performance. The event was a financial success, a win/win for guests and Vida Jovem. Again a fantastic fun filled evening, and we need to have more of these types of events! Next on the calendar is the Angel Party organized by our Community Action Committee. There will be over 200 children participating, which means that we have over 200 sponsors for the children contributing with the gift bag for each child. There are normally 120 volunteers helping out during the event which is on November 5 at the Chapel School. Another good example of how we can help the community we live in. Our social committee is busy organizing a Christmas party. We will not be having a Thanksgiving event this year and will focus on the Christmas party, so stay tuned for the date and venue. Switching to sports, the golf Challenge Cup will be on November 18 at the Guarapiranga Golf and Country Club. This is traditional competition between the St. Andrews Society and the American Society. John Kennedy is busy organizing the final details and we are expecting a large turnout, call the office to sign up. Frank Pierce is our newest Board member. Frank is an executive at Lear Corporation. Welcome Frank! Abrao, Joe

About Forum

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome to our New Members

Welcome the following New Members who joined us in October 2011. We are very grateful for your support! NAME Corey & Janet CHAPLIN Matthew COURI Maria Beatriz MENDES Diego & Denise SANSON William M. WHALEY MEMBERSHIP TYPE Family Membership Single Membership Single Membership Family Membership Single Patron Membership American/Brazilian American American CITIZENSHIP American COMPANY OR PROFESSION CH2M Hill Fundio Balancins Speech Patology and Integral Coaching Crown Relocations

New Member Profile

from Matt, who said, Guess what Ive been offered a promotionand its in Brazil. It was completely unexpected, and quite a shock for both of us. After a lot of consideration, we decided to go for it my family is from Argentina, so the thought of living in South America for a few years (and closer to relatives) was enticing for me; not to mention the great experience it would be for our boys. It was also a terrific opportunity for Matt to gain international experience with his company. Name: Matt and Silvana Mooney, Children: Ian (10) and Alex (8) Origin, time here: Here for 9 months and counting Arrived February 1, 2011 Matt and I grew up in Huntington, WV; his work took us to Richmond, VA for 5 years, and a new job opportunity led us to Pittsburgh, PA for another 5 years before coming here. I have been a trailing spouse, giving up my jobs as a nurse practitioner with each new venture. Why So Paulo: I received a phone call last July (2010) Best things so far: We have enjoyed meeting so many great people from all over the world, the wonderful food (our kids love churrascarias), nice weather, travel opportunities we wouldnt have if still living in the States, and having the chance to expose our kids to a new culture and language. Early frustrations: All of the bureaucratic red tape involved in trying to obtain CPF and RNE numbers and having countless documents notarized of course, until these are done you cant really begin living in So Paulo in order to be able to get phone, internet, and cable, open a bank account, buy a car and receive your belongings from home. Have saudade for anything back home: Family and friends; I miss my job. We mostly miss the simplicity of day-today life the familiarity of roads; the fact that I could have 5 errands to run, and could get them all done before the kids got home from school; open spaces; local sports teams; sandwiches from Primantis. Progress with Portuguese: Since Im fluent in Spanish, Portuguese has been easy for me to learn it definitely makes life easier to be able to communicate! Though it has been harder for Matt and the boys, they are taking lessons and learning slowly, but they improve every day. Favorite place to hang out: The kids would be happy to spend all of their free time playing in the jungle inside our condo complex, while Matt and I enjoy caipirinhas by the pool; we love spending a Saturday or Sunday at Embu or Parque Ibirapuera, and Estancia is our favorite churrascaria.



Adventures in Food Near and Far

By Leslie Reed, AmSoc board member Since moving to So Paulo one year ago, Ive had the opportunity to travel to several great South American cities and beaches and have been pleased to find amazing food at every stop. Having spent the previous seven years in the culinary hot spot New York City, it has been a welcome treat to find that I can still indulge in my favorite hobby eating great food in my new home country. So if youre looking for fun and interesting restaurants near or far, here are a few I recommend. They range from sophisticated to simple and they are all worth the trip! If you like Seafood Moqueca & Fresh Fish In So Paulo try: Po de Festa (Moema) *Traditional Bahian moqueca and great caipirinhas; open during the day only 348 (Vila Olimpia & Higienopolis) *Boasts a hip crowd on weekends; be sure to try the french fries La Gloria (Moema) *Great place for large parties; their pepperoni pizza reminds me of home Due Cuochi (Itaim Bibi & Shopping Cidade Jardim) *Mouthwatering ravioli and nice wine selection When traveling check out: Brisa do Mar (Amor Beach) Praia da Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte Paraso (Morere Beach), Boipeba Island, Bahia *Traditional beach restaurants with great views of the ocean

Argentine Steak

LaCabrera, Buenos Aires, Argentina *Touristy but fun; one meal serves two plus! Mozzarello Pizza, Ilhabela, So Paulo *Open air restaurant that makes great thin crust pizza



Pousada Santa Clara, Boipeba Island, Bahia *Well-known for its food and charm not to be missed Chila, Buenos Aires, Argentina *Sophisticated atmosphere and elegant dishes Zaza Bistro, Rio de Janeiro *They serve a variety of dishes but their ceviche is a stand out Sirop, Buenos Aires, Argentina *Start with shrimp on warm brioche then try the braised beef ribs with sage and walnut mashed potatoes unforgettable! Manaca, Camburi, So Sebastio Aprazivel, Rio de Janeiro *If you like catching glimpses of monkeys and birds while dining, dont miss these two spots. Cruzeiro do Pescador, Praia da Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte *Watch the chef prepare your meal in his own kitchen, and dont miss the Seleo do Mar, a slow-grilled seafood feast!


La Mar (Itaim Bibi) *Cool atmosphere, fun dishes Ruella (Vila Olimpia) *Charming French fusion bistro Praa So Lourenco (Vila Olimpia) *Great spot for families

Cozy & Romantic

Tropical Atmosphere

Top Rated

Mani (Pinheiros) *Unique and delicious dishes fish of the day, beet risotto and acai dessert



The American Society of So Paulo

Eating Healthy in the Big City

By Ernest White II, staff writer Still, there is a traditional way of eating here in Brazil that sates both taste and nutritional concerns. The basic combination of steamed rice, boiled beans, lean grilled meat, and a mixture of raw and lightly-cooked vegetables can be found on almost every block in So Paulo, especially around lunch time. In fact, per-kilo and all-you-can-eat buffets are the best bet in terms of healthy eating outside of the home. Brazils penchant for heavy mid-day meals is actually a blessing in disguise, as most buffets come with healthy and non-healthy options alike. Its this choice that makes all the difference, and depending on the neighborhood, of course these smorgasbords can be actually good value for your real. Often, youll find nutrient-rich brown rice alongside the refined, carb-heavy white rice. A host of fresh vegetables, direct from farms in verdant So Paulo state, sit enticingly alongside steamed, buttery legumes tasty, if not quite healthy. Grilled chicken and beef almost always accompany stewed and smothered meats. Many per-kilo spots offer vegetarian or light feijoada on Wednesdays. Theres really no excuse not to eat healthy during lunch. There are two strategies you can try to ensure you dont overeat, which would defeat the purpose of eating healthy food in the first place. One is to fill half your plate with salad and greens before packing on the carbs and proteins. Youre less likely to over-fill the plate if half the space is already taken up by the green stuff. The second strategy, depending on how much time you have for lunch, is to eat in two waves. Eat a serving of food as soon as you arrive, then let that settle for a half-hour or so before returning to the buffet. This gives your body time to signal your mind that youre actually getting full. Its virtually fullproof (heh-heh). To save money and calories, skip the juices, soft drinks, and sweetened teas. Water is your friend. Regardless of how long your lunch hour is, another key to healthy eating is eating slowly. This may be difficult with a schedule chock full of meetings and things to do. Still, your personal health should always trump anything work-related, so you always need to take time out to nourish your body and mind. How else can you expect to be productive? So remember, check out the area buffets for the best, most economical selection of foods. Make sure your plate is full of varied colors and flavors, including that necessary infusion of green. Try to stay away from fats, oils, and salts, especially those hidden in sauces. Stick to water. Heres to your health.

In the fast-paced world that is So Paulo, its easy to get so caught up in the daily grind that your health and wallet take a beating when it comes to eating. The lucky ones have tasty, healthy home-cooked meals prepared for them. Most of us, however, feel like we only have expensive, inadequate fast food or hefty food-coma-enducing meals to choose from while out in the city. The expense of eating out in So Paulo is one of the things that catches most expatriates off-guard. This is often attributed to the increase in the average Brazilian salary, which in turn allows more people to eat at restaurants than had done so in the past. Unfortunately, the opening of new restaurants has failed to keep pace, thus there is more demand than supply when it comes to the food service sector, and the prices at area restaurants reflect that. Meanwhile, the prevalence of fast food outlets and the high salt content in traditional Brazilian dishes entice the unsuspecting diner into making unhealthy food choices. Pasta laden with oily or creamy sauces, fried and fatty meats, and double doses of carbohydrates and sugars at a late night dinner are all foods that pose a threat to heart and waistline. These foods may taste good to you, but they arent good for you. In fact, even in a country known for lithe beach bodies, silhouettes in So Paulo are steadily getting pudgier and pudgier.



AmSoc Board Members Share Their Foodie Secrets

Jacques Vaney Name and address: Frevo, Rua Oscar Freire 603, Jardins Cuisine: Traditional So Paulo Lanchonette Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$ 120 Why go: Amazing food and excellent old-school service. Best Beirute de filet mignon in Brazil. Just make sure to get the weird (but good) green mayonnaise on the side. Celina Sampaio Name & address: Restaurante Biondi Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 1026, telefone 3078-5273 www.biondirestaurante. Cuisine: Italian Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$200 Why go?: If for nothing else the Risotto of funghi Porcini, Tallegio cream and toasted pignoli is worth the trip. The menu of the restaurant is based on the menu of La Pergola from Rome, and the young italian Chef , Rodolfo de Santis, was trained by Heinz Beck, one of the best chefs in Europe at the moment. Jennifer Showers Name and address: Praa So Loreno, Rua Casa do Ator, 608, Vila Olmpia, Cuisine: Contemporary & World Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$250 Why go: Beautiful atmosphere, large space. Its perfect for a romantic dinner-- we celebrated Valentines day here-- but easily accommodates a large group. You can sit outside on the patio or inside with candlelight. Great Sunday buffet! Eileen Tasso Name and address: Cantina Bella Dona, Av Joao Carlos Silva Borges, 742 Granja Julieta Cuisine: Italian Price range dinner for 2 without wine: Prices very reasonable Why go: Quiet neighborhood Italian Restaurant, Great food at great prices, a diamond in the rough! Jennifer Iverson Name and address: Piselli, Rua Padre Joo Manuel, 1253, http://www.piselli. Cuisine: Classic Italian Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$200 Why go: Great idea for a long Sunday lunch outside on the terrace, but arrive early as space is limited outside. All pastas made on site, my recommendation would be the trofie al pesto. Impressive wine list. Kevin May Name and address: Ban Kao, R. Manuel Guedes, 444, Itaim, br Cuisine: Asian Contemporary Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$200 Why go: Good Thai food in an enjoyable, relaxed environment Melissa Sabella Harkin Name and address: Carlota, R.Sergipe 753, Higienpolis, http://www.carlota. Cuisine: Contemporary Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$220 Why go: Recognized for her inventive cuisine, chef Carla Pernambuco presents multicultural recipes that include dishes like the famous mix of rolls composed of rolled duck and Vietnamese shrimp with vegetables. Maureen Kennedy Alves Name and address: P no Parque, Rua Inhambu 240, Moema, www. Cuisine: Contemporary Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$80 Why go: Go on a sunny afternoon after a walk in Ibirapuera Park or a ride in the Sunday bike lane. Its a great place to go with friends or to take the kids. Dont miss the aai bowl or the banana crepe with doce de leite. Joe Sherman Name and address: Weinstube Restaurant, Rua Jose Guerra 130 (located inside the Club Transatlantico), www. Cuisine: German Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$180 Why go: There arent many restaurant options in the southern side of town, and with traffic going to the jardins is frustrating. The restaurant is located in Chcara St. Antonio with easy parking. The Wiener Schnitzer is a thin breaded pork steak, delicious. There is a good beer selection. Marlene Rubeiz Name and address: Kaa (see picture below), Av. Juscelino Kubitcheck 279 Vila Olimpia Tel. 3045-0043 Cuisine: Contemporary international Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$250 Why go: Very special, stunning decoration and creative gourmet cooking Name and address: Cantaloup Rua Manuel Guedes 474 Itaim Tel. 3078-3445 Cuisine: Contemporary International Price range dinner for 2 without wine: R$250 Why go: Always interesting food and tables spaced so you can have a conversation.



The American Society of So Paulo

On the Hunt for Brunch

By Ernest White II, staff writer hot, buttery pancakes and waffles soaked in maple syrup from noon until 4pm, only on weekends. Tucked away in Higienpolis 210 Diner knows breakfast food. Modeled on the iconic American eateries, the diner scrambles up a heaping variety of egg dishes to go alongside that short stack: scrambled, sunny side up, poached, with bacon, with salmon, with sausage. Num num! For AM comfort food, Rothko is the only way to go. Located in Vila Madalena and with an internationallyinfused menu, Rothko serves brunch from noon until 5pm, featuring the artery-hardening Fools Gold Loaf based on a sandwich Elvis used to wolf down back in the day: hollowedout bread stuffed with peanut butter, jelly, and bacon. If thats not filling enough, go hard on the lard at OMalleys in Jardins a little bit of Ireland in Brazil with the full blown Celtic breakfast, including baked beans, thatll put you back to bed. Bom appetite! 210 Diner Rua Par 210, Higienpolis, 3661-1219, Le Vin Alameda Tiet 184, Jardins, 3063-1094, OMalleys Alameda It 1529, Jardins, 3086-0780, PJ Clarkes Rua Dr. Mrio Ferraz 568, Itaim Bibi, 3078-2965, Rothko Rua Wisard 88, Vila Madalena, 3032-4295 St-Etienne Alameda Joaquim Eugnio de Lima 1417, Jardins, 3885-0691, St-Honor Rua Pais de Arajo 185, Itaim Bibi, 3071-2932,

Things weve missed

By Maureen Kennedy Alves What I missed: Organic babyfood. My son started on solids this summer when we were back in the States for six weeks. It was so easy to go pick up loads of organic baby food at Whole Foods and even Target. What I found: Emprio da Papinha. This Brazilian company makes fresh organic baby food for all stages - everything from single fruit to beef with rice and vegetables. The So Paulo store is located in Moema, but they also deliver. For details, visit

With So Paulo being such a nightlife-oriented place, finding breakfast food after breakfast time can be a challenge. The Brazilian Brunch, on the other hand, gets going all over town after about 11am and can often last the whole day, es pecially when that Saturday-afternoon Brazilian feast of stewed meats, beans, and cachaa feijoada is involved. A few places in town serve up this hearty phalanx of flavors along with good old-fashioned bacon and eggs. St-Etienne, at the corner of Alameda Lorena and Rua Jos Eugnio de Lima in Jardins, offers a stomachfilling all-you-can-eat spread for just R$33, featuring a barrage of breakfast pastries and breads to go with your feijoada. The place is a favorite with foreigners and Brazilians alike, and can get packed once the previous nights partiers have roused themselves. Other French-flavored breakfast spots include Itaims St-Honor, with its sophisticated atmosphere and line up of tasty pastries and breads, and Le Vin boulangerie in Jardins, with moist quiches and other Gallic delectables. Do expect to wait for a table though after 10am or head to the other branch in Itaim which is far less crowded. If youve got a hankering for pancakes, two spots ought to fix that flapjack fever in a flash: PJ Clarkes and 210 Diner. In Itaim Bibi, PJ Clarkes the So Paulo offshoot of the New York classic serves up scores of

Members Tip
By Monica Freyre My tip for those who want to eat well and cheap is to enroll in Diskcook on their website or by the phone. You will receive the Diskcook magazine with all the restaurants that they work with, including PJ Clarkes, Buca La Romana, Antiquarius, Almanara, and many more. On the website, you will not only have access to each restaurants menu but also to various forms of payment and tracking of your order. You can schedule delivery by both phone or online. There is even a section for special offers! Whenever I am too busy, I have no time, or I am too lazy to cook, I always use Diskcook and it works exceptionally well.

2010 2011


So Paulo - World Capital of Cuisine

By Melissa Harkin, AmSoc member considered the World Capital City of Cuisine. Its cafes and restaurants offer a wide range of national and international dishes. So Paulo is a real paradise for those loving good cuisine. It has more restaurants than Paris or London, with a vast gastronomic offer. This city is deemed to be one of the biggest gastronomic centers all over the world. A network of thousands of restaurants offers Brazilian typical dishes as well as international dishes. Therefore, when So Paulo residents go out, they always go to restaurants: after going to the theater or cinema or before going dancing or shopping. And that is why its hard to tell you where to go... there are some many good wonderfully tasty options. But Ill try: D.O.M. Alex Atala is a Brazilian chef and one of the most recognized chefs in the world. His restaurant, D.O.M., has also been considered the 7th best restaurant in the world and the best of South America, according to the San Pellegrino list of the Worlds 50 Best Restaurants 2011. So Paulo Restaurant Week Every year So Paulo promotes 2 editions of Restaurant Week with over 230 restaurants and estimated audience of 600,000 people. It is definitely one of the most important gastronomic events the world. The special menus with starter, main course and dessert are be offered at R$ 31.90 for lunch and R$ 43.90 for dinner (drinks, service and appetizers not included). www. Mercado A must go place for tourists from all over Brazil and other countries, the Mercado Municipal de So Paulo (Municipal Market of So Paulo) is one of the most traditional gourmet points of the city. And must really be.

There is not a single reason for visiting So Paulo, but rather there are many. This city offers endless attractions of different kinds. So Paulo is included among the international capital cities offering luxury, entertainment, and cuisine. Visiting this city means immersing oneself in a world of cultures, religions, and tastes. Undoubtedly, So Paulo is a high-quality tourist attraction. This city combines glamour, refinement, excitement, and a lot of attractions satisfying even the most demanding person. So Paulo means urban tourism. Culture and vanguard constitute the sun and beach of this city. Having all this in mind plus the fact that this months issue is about food, I could not suggest any other place for you to visit but our own hectic So Paulo. Our incredibly fast paced city is



The American Society of So Paulo

At Mercado, as it is affectionately known by the locals, you can find a wide variety of foods from fresh vegetables and fruits to meat, poultry from 6 am to 6 pm. and Sundays and holidays from 6 am to 4 pm. How to get there: Mercado is on Rua da Cantareira, 306, near Rua 25 de Maro and Parque Dom Pedro. If going by subway, get off at Luz or So Bento subway stations (blue line). o Bar do Man - Must Visit! Have a hot bologna sandwich with melted cheese. Its to die for! o Fruit Salads - they are all over the place and are served with condensed milk on top. OMG! o Cod-fish pastel - a must try! o Pineapple slices - the sweetest pineapples Ive ever tasted in my life! Burgers What is life without burgers? If you want to try So Paulo style huge burgers, there are a few options: New Dog (My favorite! Try their x-salada with green mayonnaise! And try their french fries with some of their green mayonnaise as well) www.; Chico Hamburguer (Best banana split in town!) www.; The Fifties (Best onion rings you can find! Try their Pic Burguer) www.thefifties. Like I said, there are countless options of where to go, what to eat and, the best thing is, it doesnt matter what you are hungry for at noon or at 2 a.m., because So Paulo has everything to offer, any day of the week, any time of day. So, enjoy and bon apptit!

and seafood of all kinds, pasta, sweets and top of the line spices from different parts of the world. Not to mention its Gourmet Lounge, which offers the opportunity to try tasty dishes while enjoying the architectural beauty of Mercado. Designed by architect Francisco Ramos de Azevedo in 1926, Mercado was opened on January 25, 1933. The stained glass windows were created by the Russian artist Sorgenicht Conrad Filho, famous for his works at S Cathedral in So Paulo and other 300 Brazilian churches. In all, 32 panels are subdivided into 72 beautiful stained glass windows. The building which occupies an area of 12,600 square meters of built area, on Tamanduate Rivers bank - employs more than 1,500 people, which together handle about 450 tons of food per day in its more than 290 boxes. Hours of operation: Monday through Saturday



Just One More Scoop... Is Food Your Weakness?

By Isabella Freyre There you are, inside your house. Maybe youre tired after a full day of work, or anxious about the whereabouts of your children, or maybe even sitting down to your favorite TV show. So, you stroll towards the kitchen. And there it is: luminous, elegant, sacred. I present to you: the refrigerator. When Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin coined the expression you are what you eat in 1825, he was referring to the pleasures of a good meal: Food is not only nourishment for the body, but also encompasses distraction, consolation, and union. We sit down at the table for reasons that extend beyond pure nutrition, including sharing a moment with friends, participating in ceremonies, and even exploring new cultures. In the 1950s however the taste of a good meal was obscured by the discovery that excess fat damaged health. Meat, dairy, and carbohydrates are all responsible culprits. So here you are staring at the food on your plate at lunch - wondering if your arteries will finally clog with another spoonful of feijoada or if it would be a wiser choice to avoid your fifth cup of beer. If indeed we are what we eat it is important to have a balanced diet in both quality and quantity. Maintaining this balance is not an easy feat. However you are not the only one struggling: The worlds most beloved cat, Garfield, has an insatiable appetite for lasagna. Mauricio de Souzas character, Magali, cannot control her desire for food. Even the epic Friends figure, Joey, embodies gluttony through his cravings for meatball subs. Some people drink coffee from the very minute they trudge into the kitchen wearing comfortable pajamas to the final minute they pull on those pajamas before going to bed. Others have learned calorie tables better than they know their multiplication tables. Food has been used by many people as a cure-all to their problems. We now know that any form of stress is a driving force that pushes people to eat, eat, and eat. These silent battles are fought with sharp forks and rugged knives. In response to repressed feelings, one engages in combat with a chocolate Easter bunny and savagely bites its head off. People continually self medicate with chunky candy bars or luscious pieces of cake, beyond the very feeling of ultimate satisfaction. Once such habits are firmly established, it is no longer a simple matter of just saying no since one scoop of dessert really never seems enough. And this is where the addiction can start. For years, experts have scoffed at the idea that one could be addicted to something as banal as ice cream or chips. But with the recent advance of technology, medical scans have revealed striking similarities in the brain chemistry of drug addicts and unceasing overeaters. People with this diagnosis have been accused of lacking will power. But research by the U.S. Department of Energys Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York suggests that they lack adequate brain receptors for dopamine instead. Dopamine is the chemical that activates the brains motivation system, that triggers that pleasing aah response, that which would restrain overeaters from going to the fridge and gulping down leftovers. It has been proven that, out of the ten fatal diseases that affect most people in the world, five are directly associated to a bad diet: obesity, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and cancer- particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, and intestinal cancer. And you do not need to be a compulsive frequenter of thinning spas to realize that a healthy and regulated diet makes the organism work better: Your breath immediately improves, your hair becomes silkier, your skin takes on a rosy complexion. You even find the energy to wake up earlier to go for a walk. We all know we should reduce portions to healthy sizes and contents easy in theory, hard in practice! Since we can now add food to the long list of fiercely addictive substances like alcohol and nicotine, shouldnt every food package now also come with an age warning and legal disclaimer?




The American Society of So Paulo

Fish, Anyone?
By Marlene Rubeiz, AmSoc board member Spending most of my life in coastal cities (Los Angeles and Salvador, Bahia), I have had a lot of good and fresh sea food. Living in So Paulo was then a challenge but I have discovered that even here you can find good fish: If you are looking for the freshest fish then you should visit CEASP on Saturday or Sunday from early morning until noon. Since there is very little traffic on these days it becomes an easy drive from most places. The top fish you will find are Garoupa, Pescada Amarelo, Robalo, Vermelho, Badejo and many others. I dont buy filets because I like to see the fish before it is filleted. I pick a large fish (47kg), notice that its body is firm, scales glossy, eyes not sunken and gills red. Then I ask them to filet it and ask for the head and spine which can be used to make fish stock. Calculate that about 60% of the fish is filet. You can find fresh shrimp, mussels, octopus, crab meat, and sometimes lobster (make sure it is alive). While you are having your fish cleaned, buy your fruits and vegetables. You can get a supermarket cart to use while you are doing your shopping. This is the best and cheapest to buy quality seafood in the city. You can also buy quite good fish at Hortifrutti (Natural da Terra) but is considerably more expensive. The markets have seafood counters too but think how far the fish needs to travel to get to the market so it would be my last choice. In general, if the seafood counter smells then the seafood is not fresh!! choose the way it is to be prepared for you, grilled, baked or in salt crust. Their octopus and shrimp prepared Hungarian style is memorable. Their prices are fair considering the quality although not inexpensive. Right now however, my very favorite seafood restaurant is the new Porto Rubaiyat on Rua Amauri in Itaim. Elegant but cozy ambiance, you feel you really went someplace special for lunch or dinner. Try the excellent grilled fish and the box (caixa) which is a selection of grilled shrimp, octopus, lobster and whatever other seafood in season is available. Portions are large so bring your appetite. No need to order a first course. The couvert is spectacular, dont miss it. There is a live lobster tank from which to choose yours to be grilled or prepared as you wish. Both places are in the same price range. All in all you wont be disappointed with either restaurant. Enjoy!!! Porto Rubaiyat Rua Amauri, 225, Itaim Tel. 3077-1111 Rufinos Rua Dr. Mrio Ferraz, 377, Itaim Tel. 11 3078-6301

What about having fish and seafood in restaurants? Many restaurants buy frozen which is ok and cover with sauces so the taste is in the sauce. I have tried many seafood specialty restaurants in So Paulo (of course, not all) and would like to recommend the two that I like best for delicious fresh seafood. Rufinos which is located on Mario Ferraz but originally in Guaruja has decades of success. Pleasant ambiance, although sometimes a little noisy and hectic especially on Saturday and Sunday lunch. You can choose your fish by size according to how many people will be eating, then

Fellowship Community Church

The Welcome Place since 1921
Phone (11) 3253-7609

09:00 am - Walking in Faith Classes (English and Portuguese)


10:30 am Worship Service (English only) 06:00 pm Culto em portugus

Conveniently located on Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 Bela Vista Just a block and a half from the Brigadeiro Metro station on the Avenida Paulista




Scouts Safety Symposium

Ever wonder what the emergency phone numbers are in So Paulo? Or, how to protect your home against burglary, fire and electrical accidents? Want to know more about first aid remedies for accidents that occur in the home? The Graded Boy Scouts plan to provide answers to these questions and much more during their December 3rd Safety Symposium at Graded. In addition to information booths the scouts will put on skits to illustrate the key safety themes. Be sure to participate in the drawing for great safety items. Participation in the Symposium will be free and take place during the AmSoc Little League Awards Bar-B-Que. Date: Saturday, December 3rd Time: 9:30am to 12:00pm Location: Graded School Student Center Participation: Everyone is welcome! Money: Free!

Dont Miss the Angel Party

One of the American Societys biggest events is coming up this Saturday, November 5, at Chapel School. The Angel Party is a Christmas party for 220 of the children which the American Society helps support year round. This years party promises to be exciting, with trained dogs, candy sculpture, a performance by an internationally famous teen idol (or someone who looks like him!), lots of food and lots of fun. Space is limited for volunteers. If youd like to help at the party, contact Guadalupe Alas at If youd like to donate to the event, we still need help, including cash for a few gift bags for children. If youd like to donate R$325 to sponsor one of the few remaining children, contact Sue Banman Sileci at or Eileen Tasso at We hope to see you there, wearing red and ready to have fun!

Thanksgiving at the Hyatt

Where: Grand Caff restaurant Grand Hyatt So Paulo When: Thursday, November 24 from 7:30pm to 11:00pm Dinner for R$ 95 per person (not including beverages) American Society members enjoy a 25% discount (membership ID required). Highlights of the festive buffet include a turkey carving station and traditional dishes such as Roast Turkey Breast with Cranberry sauce and Roast Ham with Pineapple, plus a selection of desserts, including the classic Pumpkin Pie. Reservations: 11 - 2838 3203.




The American Society of So Paulo

At Ease! A Military School Primer for Parents

By Kristina L. Dooley Its unlikely that most people would connect the dots between actor Lorenzo Lamas, author JD Salinger, and racing legend Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Even more difficult to tie together are Donald Trump, former New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, and baby food mogul Daniel Gerber. In fact, all six of these seemingly different people have one key thing in common that, most likely, contributed to their success in their respective professions: all attended a military school. For many parents, the term military school elicits images of uncooperative children in barracks waiting to be transformed into rule-abiding, respectable young adults. In fact, todays military schools are much different from those in our grandparents day. One main difference is that many of these schools are now coeducational and feature college-preparatory curriculums. Military academies today focus on college preparation, says Gretchen Herbst, Director of Admission at Admiral Farragut Academy in Florida. Our goal is to educate students to become well-rounded, self-confident, independent thinkers ready to succeed in college. Max Brooks, Director of Admission at St. Johns Military School in Kansas feels that military schools offer many benefits to adolescents: I believe todays military school environment is much more supportive, encouraging, understanding, and nurturing, says Brooks. This is representative of the lessons in leadership that the schools are striving to impart. Another common misperception is that students attending military schools are doing so as a first step towards joining the military. The reality is that few students actually continue in military service upon graduation from these schools, dispelling the myth that all military schools exist to churn out the next batch of service men and women. Why, then, would a student choose to study in one of these academies if they dont have hopes of flying jets and steering ships? According to Cristhina Starke, Director of International Admission at Wentworth Military Academy in boarding component, students have the opportunity to gain independence and learn responsibility. Beyond learning leadership skills, students experience a vast array of sports, electives, and community projects, says Herbst. This all takes place in a diverse setting among dedicated faculty and staff, many of whom live on campus. Though military schools have changed dramatically, the focus of most has remained the same: educating young people and encouraging development of leadership abilities, self-esteem, and responsibility. The type of student who would be best served by a military school is no longer a rebellious, aggressive, and selfdestructive adolescent. According to Brooks, A military school is the correct choice for a young person that may be squandering potential, requiring additional levels of structure and discipline to uncover their innate abilities. Starke echoes these sentiments and believes families value the experience provided to their children by military schools. Many parents and former students have shared with me how grateful they are for the changes they have seen in their childrens lives, says Starke. The structure and discipline that they received at our school has become ingrained in the students. Kristina L. Dooley is the founder of Estrela Consulting, an Independent Educational Consulting firm helping families navigate the college and boarding school search processes. A former college and boarding school admission counselor, Kristina enjoys sharing her behind the scenes tips with families embarking on this exciting experience. Kristina is a former AMSOC member now living in Buenos Aires and can be reached via email at or online at

Missouri, families choose military schools for many different reasons, including a desire to develop leadership skills and improve self-esteem. I have seen many students gain selfcontrol and mature in ways that often times exceed the expectations of their parents and even themselves, says Starke. The military approach places a larger emphasis on teamwork which gives them the foundation necessary to excel in any field they might pursue. For those students with a genuine desire to pursue a military career, these schools can certainly serve as an appropriate stepping stone towards that goal. There is certainly no obligation, nor any suggestion for that matter, that graduates enlist in military service upon graduation from our school, says Brooks. However, a military school background can serve graduates with additional opportunities and benefits for those interested in a military career. In addition to the college preparatory curriculum offered by these schools, many offer a significant amount of extracurricular activities and leadership opportunities for their students. Since most military schools feature a




H ousing
Furnished apartment for rent Vila Nova Conceio. So Paulos Best place to live. Near Ibirapuera Park. Modern building with sports facilities, heated swimming pool, three bedrooms (one suite), a living room with terrace, complete kitchen, maids bedroom and bathroom, big service area, two parking spaces. Fully furnished with all appliances. Call Alex or Eliane at (11) 3849-7085 or (11) 8635-7788, or send an e-mail to Looking for apartments Looking for furnished, fully equipped apartments in So Paulo. Offer management, promotion, purchasing, remodeling and decoration services for your property. We will rent your flat to foreign tourists & executives visiting the city looking for alternative accommodations. Highly experienced specialized international group. Contact: Paola B. de Estrada 9210-2201, or Luxury house on the beach in Juquehy SP For Sale- Located at 100 m of the sea. 3rd floor :office and Space Zen - view of the mountains. 2nd floor: 2 suites and 2 rooms, large bathroom. Ground floor: TV room, dining room, kitchen, restroom, service area. Recreation area: heated pool, balcony and lounge gourmet (barbecue and wood stove). House decorated and furnished by an architect. Contact-11 75474211 or 11 50529730 r213 Adriana Apartment for rent near Graded Apartment for rent/sale: Lovely duplex for family moving to So Paulo. 2 blocks from Graded School, hardwood floors, designer kitchen, plenty of natural light, ready to move in. Please contact Jessica at 11-6076-3263. Also have other apartments in the Morumbi/ Panamby region. English and Spanish spoken. Imoveis no Panamby.

S ervices
Personal Trainer I will come to your home, office, or workout facility and create an exercise/fitness program tailored to your health concerns, fitness goals, and schedule. For adults and children, individuals or groups. Sessions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. For more information please contact Daniela Franco at (11) 9739-6191 or dsf29@ Argos Dog Kennel Traveling? What about your dog? Argos Kennel Hotel could be his second home in the country. Food, water, and shelter with lots of love and personal care. No lonely kennel for him, but our home and the freedom of a spacious garden. Fetch and carry service. English and French spoken. Call Jean or Christiane at (11) 4661-1430 or (11) 7143-0837 or send an e-mail to Embu Guau, SP. Math and Science Tutor Former Graded and Chapel teacher, with 25years experience, tutors Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Science for all levels, including but not limited to the IB, IGCSE, SAT-I & II, AP and Brazilian vestibular. Elementary and middle school students are also welcome (all subjects). Call Fernando Knijnik at (11) 9134-6700. American-Licensed Expat Psychologist Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers skilled psychotherapy for children and adults. He also provides complete diagnostic evaluations in English for children with academic or behavioral difficulties, featuring individualized recommendations for school and home. For more information, contact Dr. Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 9669-8057 or visit American-Licensed Psychotherapist In this busy and ever-changing world, people often feel stressed and overwhelmed with no place to turn. Psychotherapy/counseling can provide a safe place to receive professional guidance and support. Brief or longer-term therapy offered depending on your needs, goals and expectations. Services: individual, couples, child/adolescent. Certified to conduct Adoption Home Study for American Citizens. Contact: Pamela Wax, MSW/LCSW at 5051-5988 or 9656-2106 or send an e-mail to Located in Moema. For Sale 2008 GM ZAFIRA EXPRESSION 2.0 Flex engine automatic (mint condition), ABS, airbag, alarm, on board computer, cruise control, digital air conditioner, power steering, antivandalism insulfilm protection. 7 seats, 78.000 KM, single owner, all maintenance done at dealer, new brakes, tires, oil change with filter, kept in covered garage. Price R$ 41.000,00. Please contact Eileen Tasso 11-5644 5482 (h) Airline ticket from USA to Brazil and from Brazil to USA Wholesaler, lowest price, lower than internet. Travel agents welcome. 24 years in business. Call Discover Brazil Tours , tel: So Paulo (011) 3042-7400, USA 1 (800) 524-3666 or 1 (305)-382 9443, or visit or e-mail: Qualified Housework HIGHWAY intermediates services of: Babysitter Cooker Driver Nanny Maid Housekeeper Aged-Attendant (Portuguese, English and Spanish speaking) For more information call us: (11) 3311-6971 or contact us: American-Licensed Clinical Psychologist Heloisa Garman, Psy.D. U.S.-licensed Clinical Psychologist (covered by U.S. health insurance). Bilingual, with extensive private practice in Chicago and former therapist at the Family Institute at Northwestern Uni. Treats individuals, couples, and families. Specialized in anxiety, depression, cultural issues, and adjustment disorders. Call Dr. Garman at (11)7179-9723 or 3898-2330 or send an e-mail to

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November 2011
04, 05, 06 05 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Saturday

The American Society of So Paulo

Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at
Important Dates: 2 FInaDos (Br), 15 repuBlIcs Day (Br), 24 thanksgIvIng (us)

The Infernal Comedy

Drama with one actor, two sopranos and an orchestra, with John Malkovich, Laura Akin, Aleksandra Zamojska and Orchester Wiener Akademie. Dir. Martin Haselbock. Written and directed by Michael Sturminger. At Theatro Municipal, 9, 8 or 5 pm. Espao Rosa Rosarum R. Francisco Leito, 416 (Pinheiros) For more information visit Mini-Tournament to be held at CT Yakult in Ibiuna, from 9 am to 5 pm. Please contact John Kennedy at or visit for more details. Mini-Tournament at Graded School, from noon to 4 pm. Please contact John Kennedy at or visit for more details. American Society vs St. Andrew Society At Guarapiranga Golf Cup (Estrada do Jaceguava, s/n - Parelheiros). So hurry and RSVP to or call 5182-2074. We need your name, phone, e-mail, handicap index and the team that youll play at. Time and price will be defined! At Graded School, from 11 am to 4 pm. There will be activities for children, vendors selling a variety of goods, and of course Thanksgiving Dinner. Visit to the Pinacoteca, So Paulos best museum! Some will meet for lunch at noon before the visit, but it is optional. From 2 pm for the museum visit. At CT Yakult, in Ibiuna, from 9 am to 5 pm. Please contact John Kennedy at john@ or visit for more details.

Xmas Angel Party

05, 06

Saturday, Sunday

AmSoc Softball Season



Pickup Games



6th Munro / Challenge Golf Cup



Thanksgiving Celebration International Wives of Brazilians: Pinacoteca AmSoc Softball Season



26, 27

Saturday, Sunday

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Food for Thought

By Maureen Kennedy Alves, AmSoc board member what I could do to change my mindset. Because I can tell you that focusing on what I do not like about this city gets me nowhere. Except maybe more frustrated. Then my husband reminded me of something I told him when he was going through his own adjustments as a Brazilian living in New York City. And that is that contentment is the highest form of happiness. Which I take to mean that when it comes to happiness, it really doesnt matter where we are, what we have, or even what were doing. What matters it the attitude we bring to each moment. Do I want to fight the things I dont like about So Paulo or do I want to accept where I am right now and make the most of it? And that brings me back to Thanksgiving. One of the best ways we can get content is to give thanks for what we do have. Its the opposite of indulging in mental junk food; its more like feasting on a meal that leaves you satiated and energized. With that in mind, Im going to take a cue from my dad and share with you what Im most thankful for this Thanksgiving. I am thankful that I am raising my child in Brazil. Yes, childcare is very affordable here. But its not just that. My gratitude started the moment I arrived in Brazil six months pregnant. Gone were the days of standing in lines anywhere. And once the baby was born? Wow. All the cooing and fussing that people did it was enough to make me think my baby could be Americas Next Top Model. I am thankful that I am not in the United States for the run-up to the 2012 election. Oh my goodness. Democrat. Republican. I dont care which side of the political fence you stand on. The mudslinging and finger-pointing from both parties is almost unbearable. Im glad that I dont have to read about it if I choose not to, let alone see it on the news every night. I am thankful for mangoes. Yes, thats right. Mangoes. Before moving to Brazil, I had never really eaten a mango. I mean I had eaten a mango, but theres a big difference between a mango from the supermarket in the States and a fresh mango from the local feira. Its total bliss. And who knew there were so many varieties? I am thankful for So Paulo weather. Although its raining for the fourth day in a row as I write this, I really love the weather in So Paulo. Its cold enough in the winter to feel the change of seasons, but good riddance to freezing winds and temperatures below zero. Not to mention, summer is just around the corner. So, there you have it. A quick list of things Im most thankful for this holiday season. Why not write your own? Aside from turkey and pumpkin pie, it may be exactly what your body is craving.

Thanksgiving is hands down my favorite American holiday. Its all the hoopla of Christmas family, friends, food, good wine without all the headache of holiday shopping and crowds. Although its a day when were supposed to give thanks, I have to admit, that has never really been high on my agenda except for maybe right before Thanksgiving dinner, when my father always insists that we go around the table and say at least one thing that were thankful for. But this year, for some reason Ive been giving extra thought to the thankful part. Maybe because Ive really come to believe that the thoughts we think have as much effect on our health as the food we put in our bodies. And lately, Ive been indulging in some not-so-goodfor-me mental junk food. Most of these thoughts, to be honest, have been about adjusting to life in So Paulo. Sure, no matter where you are, you have good days and bad days an adage that is especially true when you are living in a foreign country. In fact, a Portuguese teacher once told me adjusting to life abroad looks like the letter M, meaning lots of ups and downs. But what I noticed is that, at times, its easier for me to focus on the down part here, whether I am stuck in a traffic jam on Faria Lima, breathing in car fumes while walking to the park, or trying to get a handle on my Portuguese. Since I know Im not leaving So Paulo any time soon, I thought about

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