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W09 SW Disciple Activity: Moral

Decisions – The Value of Life

Answer the following questions completely.

Question 1

Did you watch all of Moral Decisions: The Value of Life?


Question 2

Who did you choose to teach what you learned and why? How long was your conversation?

I chose to talk to my mother

because she once had a friend
who was put in a hospice. This
conversation lasted for about 20
to 30 minutes
I chose to talk to my mother she is 74 years old because she once had a friend who was put in a
hospice. This conversation lasted for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Question 3

How did your conversation help you understand this issue (and how you feel about it) better?

My conversation with my mother was rather intriguing; it helped me understand that sometimes we
just have to let people go, not because we don't love them, but because it's the only thing we can do.
Terminal illness can be a financial and emotional strain on the family, both emotionally and

BYU-Idaho SW 260
Question 4

Acting as a Change Agent, how could you ethically help someone working through such
difficult issues?

If I were a change agent, I would try to understand employees' reactions to specific circumstances and
determine whether or not change is required. Also, it is critical to inform them that, while allowing
these seriously ill people to die is heartbreaking, we must do so if there are no signs of improvements

BYU-Idaho SW 260

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