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Media Storage Requirement

Analysis and Hosting Plan

1. Introduction
- Overview of the report's purpose and scope.

- Importance of analyzing photography and videography metrics for storage management.

2. Average Number of Shoots, Photos, and Videos per Month

- Presentation of average shoot , photos captured, and videos recorded per month.

3. Size Distribution of Photos and Videos

- Explanation of assumed average size for photos are 10 MB and videos are 19 MB.

4. Analysis of Storage Requirements

- 4.1. Calculation Methodology:
- Explanation of how storage requirements are calculated based on average sizes and numbers.

- 4.2. Storage Requirement Breakdown:

- Breakdown of storage requirements for photos and videos separately.

- 4.3. Total Storage Requirement:

- Summation of storage requirements for both photos and videos to determine the total storage
needed per month.

5. Storage Management Recommendations

- Strategies for effective capacity planning considering potential growth.
- Recommendations for compression techniques and backup strategies.

6. Workflow Management
- Inclusion of a flowchart illustrating the workflow involving users, administrators, and editors in
managing photography and videography assets.

7. Hosting Plan:
- Detailed overview of the selected hosting plan, including features and pricing.
8. Conclusion

1. Introduction
2. Average Number of Shoots, Photos and Videos per Month
3. Size Distribution of Photos and Videos
4. Analysis of Storage Requirements
 Calculation Methodology
 Storage Requirement Breakdown
 Total Storage Requirement
5. Storage Management Recommendations
6. Workflow Management
 Admin
 User
 Editor
7. Hosting Plan
8. Conclusion
This report provides an analysis of the monthly storage requirements for media
assets, including photos and videos, based on the average number of shoots and the
size of each asset. Additionally, it includes a hosting plan for the website to
accommodate the storage needs efficiently.
Average Number of Shoots and Photos and Videos per Month
Based on meticulous data collection spanning several months, the average number
of shoots and photos per month are as follows:
 Average number of shoots per month: 124 (Approx)
 Average number of photos captured per month: 4386
 Average number of videos captured per month:3070

Size Distribution of Photos and Videos

To gain a deeper understanding of storage requirements, let's analyze the
distribution of photo sizes captured during shoots. Both photos and videos are
assumed to have an average size of 10 MB and 19 MB, providing a baseline for
storage calculations.

Analysis of Storage Requirements

1. Calculation Methodology
To calculate the storage requirements, we multiply the average number of photos
and videos captured per month by their respective sizes.
2. Storage Requirement Breakdown:
 Photos:
 Average size per photo: 10 MB
 Total storage required for photos: 43 GB (Approx.)
 Videos:
 Average size per video: 19 MB
 Total storage required for videos: 57 GB (Approx.)
3. Total Storage Requirement
Summing up the storage requirements for all size categories yields the total storage
required is 100 GB.

Storage Management Recommendations

 Capacity Planning: Allocate sufficient storage capacity to accommodate
photo assets, considering potential growth in content volume.
 Compression Techniques: Implement compression algorithms or codecs to
optimize storage usage without compromising visual quality.
 Backup Strategies: Establish robust backup protocols to safeguard against
data loss or corruption, ensuring the integrity of valuable visual assets.

Workflow Management
Below is a flowchart illustrating the workflow involving users,
administrators, and editors in managing photography and videography
The Admin Dashboard seems to have the following features or sections:

image 01
 Shoots: This might be a section for managing photo shoots, with options to
view, book, and archive shoots.
 Admin: This could be a profile or settings section for the admin user, with
options to update availability settings and reach out for support.
 Archive: This might be a section for storing or managing archived shoots
or data.
 My Account: This could be a section for the admin user to manage their
account settings.
 Contact Us: This is likely a section for contacting the support or
development team.
Overall, the Admin Dashboard appears to be designed for managing photo
shoots, admin profiles, and account settings, with additional support options.

image 02
 The user dashboard is a centralized interface for managing photo shoots.
 It includes options to view and manage existing shoots.
 Users can view the history of past shoots.
 Users can book new shoots.
 There is no option to archive shoots, indicating that this functionality may be
reserved for administrators.
 Users can manage their account, including accessing account
settings and reaching out to support.
 Users can set their own availability for participating in shoots, which may be
useful for scheduling purposes.
 The user dashboard is a streamlined tool for managing personal shoots, with
options for viewing and managing existing shoots as well as managing the
user's account.

image 03
 The editor accesses the dashboard.
 The editor selects the option to view or manage shoots.
 The editor downloads a shoot from the system.
 The editor edits the shoot as needed.
 The editor uploads the edited shoot back to the system.
Hosting Plan

Key Features:
 Storage: 300 GB
 RAM: 12 GB
 CPU: 6 CPU Cores
 Daily Backups: Included (Value: ₹1,380.00)
 Email: Free
 SSL: Unlimited Free SSL
 Bandwidth: Unlimited
 Domain: Free Domain (Value: ₹799.00)
 CDN: Free CDN
 Dedicated IP: Included
Managed WordPress:
 Expert WooCommerce
 Automatic Website Migration: Free
 1-click WordPress Installation: Free
 Pre-built Templates: Included
 Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin: Free
 WordPress Acceleration: LiteSpeed
 Smart WordPress Auto Updates
 WordPress Vulnerabilities Scanner
 WordPress Compatibility Checker
 WordPress Multisite
 WP-CLI and SSH
 WordPress Staging Tool
 Object Cache for WordPress
 On-Demand Backup
 WordPress AI Tools
Hostinger Website Builder:
 Drag&Drop Website Builder
 AI Website Creation
 Designer-crafted Templates: 150
 Google Analytics Integration
 Marketing Integrations
 AI Copywriting Tool
 AI Heatmaps
 AI SEO Tools
 eCommerce Features: 0% Transaction Fees, 20+ Payment Methods
 Enhanced DDoS Protection
 Web Application Firewall
 Cloudflare Protected Nameservers
 Malware Scanner
 Secure Access Manager
 Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection: Free (Value: ₹799.00)
Service and Support:
 Money-Back Guarantee: 30-Day
 Uptime Guarantee: 99.9%
 Global Data Centres
 Customer Support: 24/7, Priority Support
Technical Details:
 Files and Directories (inodes): 4,000,000
 PHP Workers: 300
 Monthly Visits: ~400,000
 Subdomains: 300
 MySQL Max User Connections: 150
 Databases: Unlimited
 FTP Accounts: Unlimited
 Cronjobs: Unlimited
 GIT Access
 Multiple PHP Versions
 DNS Management
 Cache Manager
 Control Panel: Powerful
 SSH Access

Based on the analysis, the monthly storage requirement for media assets, including
photos and videos, has been calculated. The hosting plan included in this report,
the Advanced Package, offers ample disk space, bandwidth, and support for
handling the storage needs efficiently. By implementing this hosting plan, the
website can effectively manage and scale its media storage requirements while
ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

Priyanshu Burman
Mobile no.: +91 8900748898

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