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| Electronic Devices an Circuits of Nema Heritage Publishers & Distributors Put. Ltd. Bhotahity, Kathmandu Contents uy Dropss Taran ld Diode eee 4 Tel bade = 4 fine Janet Dio: ‘ervial Characteristics eran Blas Reio Rawrs Bias Regt Breakdown Region “exnperatore Fets Paya Operation ef DD ‘Base Semaondector Conse Toe PR jens Brasksawn Phenoscooa in pa junction Mocelns the Semiconductor Diode. Signal Motel of the Diode Diode Lead Line — amafesof Sad? Gras Opera inte revere redone ener oben beGReeeEEE ESL ILLS ‘The Eps! amctoa Femsior (BIT) Operate ofthe pa mansion inthe active mode. Gapb Rreccntoe cl Tension Ghar Stat Charscicristic Set Sal et cel esas Fr PaIWABaPsess Relation between rand re DCand AC equivalent creuits ‘DCequivalent circuit : ‘AC equivalent circu Graphical Load Line nays. ‘Operating Poin (Ves, Ke ns sing BIT for diserete cireuit designs Base Bias (or fined biBsing):....nonem Emitter Biasing Biasing with collector feedback resist: Voltage Divider Rinsing General Guideline for design of voltage divider biasing ciruit (or B- “independent biasing). Analysis of the Transistor ereuits at DC ‘Transistor asan ampli. Bai Sngle Stage BT Ample Configurations (Common Emitter ConFigueations: a. Common Base Configuration Common Collestor Configuration: Emiter Follower. ‘Transs(or as a Sitch or inverter: Cutoff and Saturation [A General Large Signal Model forthe BJF: The Ebers-Moll Model Solved Nameriel ee Exercise 139 CHAPTER 3:_ FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS Introduction Met! Oude Sencondacor ld ic Transtar GIOSFET). us Sirs and Pia pert of Eabneeent Tp MOSFET ‘Nrehanael ENOSFET: P-Channel E-OSFET. Gurner volage characteris of Enhancement Type MOSFET She Depletion Type MOSFET sce Basing io MOS Arles Grete MOSFET Cicttsat DC. MOSFET as an Amplifer. Transcondictance of MOSFET. Jonction Fed Effet Transistor OPE) Constaetion of FET. Working ofn channel FET. Working of p-channel FET Sue Characters Of FET FET small signal parameters: Expressio for the Transeonducane: of JPET. SFET Rising Soul sgnal modes of JPET. Series Fad Clas A amplifier Transformer Coupled lass A ampli Chas B output ste Push Pull Grits Basi crit for case Beutput stage ~ - ‘Teaser characteristics of elas B ouput stage (Grose Over Distortion in elas B output tae. Transformer coupled class B push poll amplifier? (Complementary symmetry lass B push pull amplifier. s + Complementary symmetry push pul eet using Darlington pate (Quasi Complementary dase B amplifier: (Class AB ourpur sage : (iret for Clase AB output stages “Transer characteristic of cass AB output stage Biasing in Class AB ouput stage wn Power BIT (lass Courpet stage. Tuned Amplifiers: (Chass runed amplifier Solved Nurmrieal Exercise 216 4 (CHAPTERS: SIGNAL GENERATORS AND WAVEFORM SHAPING Oscillators: ee Principle of Sinusoidal Oscilarors Nature of escilations. Op- amp RC ofilstor Cac Wika - Bridge Oscilato: RC Phase Shift Oseilate Quadrature Oscilator UCand Crystal Oscillators LCOselators.. Basbebkibel (Crpstal Osat0F enna Amplifier Saturation: Mulivibratars: = Bistable mulivibrator using op- amp Generation of Square and triangular waveforn using arab oa Integrated Circuit Timettanneen net 4555 limer IC as monostable maltnbrator. 355 timer ICasastable multvibratr: 8355 timer [Casa voltage controlled osilator Precision Rectifier Cireuits Precision balf wave rectifier: Precision Full wave rectifier: ‘Waveform Shaping Gieuits. Exercise 255 (CHAPTER 6; POWER SUPPLIES, BREAKDOWN DIODES AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS a Unr lated DC power Supp « Regulat 1D€ power Spl. Bandgap “ference Voltage.» 259 Series Vol ge Regulators. 26 ‘Transistor Series Regulator Improved transisor series egultar (Op amp series regulator. Cureent Limiting Circuit Feedback Limiting Creat. Shuat Voltage Regulators. Transistor Shunt Regulator Improved Shunt Regulator Op amp Shunt Voltage Regulator. ICvoltage Regulators. Five positive regulator: Fined negative regulator: Adjustable Voltage regulater: Solved Numerical. Exercise 278 Bibliography ma Diodes a Introduction “In the of this book i “Electronic Devices and Circuits Buren 1” we studied fundamental cearler course “Basie Electrons Engineerin ‘Spectof Electronics and Communication Engineering In hat course we sretied basics of diode, bipolar junction transistors, field effect Transistors, operational amplifiers, communication systems, and diferent tpoliations of Electronics. This course isin fact a continuation of the ceementoned course with the emphasis on modeling of the emiconduetor devices, single stage amplifiers configurations, output fiage cireits, cscilators and waveform shaping circuits, voltage regulators et This is @ second level course on Electronics, Thus it ssumes readers have some degree of farilarity with the basie concepts of electronics. iode Diode iso to terminal nontinear device. Tan be of two types viz cum diode and semiconductor diode, A vacuum diode works on the Principle of thermionic emission of electrons. On the other hand, the Femiconducor doe is sold stata cevice which works on the principle of chemical bonding and crystal theory Due to small size, fst response and ow cost semiconductor diodes are the device of choke nowadays, Vacuum dios are getting extinct day by day This is because vacuum diodes are slow, bulky and expensive. They ‘ejure high power to operate and it takes certain Resting He to stor And operate Thee ie imei elaively mal. Also they require fequent replcement. On the ether hind, semiconductor diodes have relatively Jong iene and eure very less power a compared to vacuum diode 12 Elearone Devices ond Cite pep er ee Ideal Diode 4 “Theil lode aft cecil lent hat is npable of cond ‘nidetional erent witout any voltage drop with isl Oba ne cart inthe del dade in el It only consideced a ree {9 at we can compare erence ofthe eal diode witht Let Be the voltage ects dlde and ie the current lint ins showninhe gue below: pee Ia de ‘Then the above diode is su tobe del diode if I>oferven im dferv 0. rom characteristic curve we can se thatthe diode conducts noglgibl * cunent for 9 < 05 vole. This voltage is known as eut-in volt6t the wollage between 05 and 7 the diode conducts few current. A854 ss the voliage 2" 07 V the diode stars to conduct appreciable a0" Diodes 5 current. This voltage i known as knee voltage and is somtimes designated 25 Ve “The mathematical relstion between the current j and voltage v of the lode in his region given a Lr-1) Where f~tiode current 1, Revere saturation current © diode vlage A “T102,tsemssonceefient vy = 2 thermal votge =Poltzmarws constant =138-109)/K T =sbeolst temperatire 4 ~elctronic charge“. 6«10°C Equation () i also hnoven as diode equation. The alternative logarithmic form of he above equation is: went ffs thon the equation () may be wrtanas: tage « Le 1, be the current flowing through the diode when voltage across 3 terminal s Vy and fy be the current lowing through the diode when voltage across its termina is ‘Then using equation (@), we get ai 0) 6 Elson Devices and Cirets Reverse Bias Region | “The diode is sid tobe in the reverse bias ogion of operation when the terminal voltage ofthe dade wis negative, Le.1'<0 | ylly in the reverse bias as own ot ne Frac ici tetalio ogee epnt tll reverse voltage exceeds certain threshold valve called the break down | ‘voltage. This voltage is designated as Vou. It is written 30 because the ‘emains constant So this region of operation canbe utilized inthe voltage regulation, The breakdown will not damage the diode permanently unless the Powe! ) Pentavalentimpaity omer satis rei ge namic of ch les tis therfore eo 5 = “YP (Ot Positive type, as holes are itive) _ - Si ee an ty Hci os pease HEE og wth le “These tect : ® . a) mr few “urTent and their number is very less ha a Sere fie ce cs ei 2 rg ein mous rei cere i tila Pasian De —_— _—— | ic Dees nd rent ; — “ped with potvaent impurities Hg When intrinsic temiconttet & Ort rinsic semiconductor Is formed, tn jc, antimony ete the N-Ype EMEINET TY pure semiconductor Fee rina sicondctrfour eons ro” Pore oso mci wie with five electrons from ‘the impt maionets wus, | a ans romeach atoms pat ake in paling and one electron inc pe Be a eel called ype eae Serene reagent indo NAPE mar fy thermal holes are generated along with lect na i es tee ad “Spt rf eg cure nti ey os thn | Arno heen, Hew ent ae preset esa | {alt esp harge crs and oles Fe pee rca rt heer who anda be the corenasion of the ms : a ene tenance unde quam. at Nabe The muster ef the donor atoms or number of pentavalant impurity | Then. “The concent of elacons is approximately equal fo the numberof the donor atoms ie nas No From he seminar physics, wep nt | Thus the concentration of the inarly oles in the e-ype) semiconductors given az | er nif | “par No | 16 jorty electrons and ‘The PN junction When pype semionducor i suitably connected to m-YPe sericonductor, PN junction is formed andthe device is known as PN junction diode. The process ofcomecting plype material and 1-9PE ‘material is done by fabrication. A PN junction can't be formed by jXs" comecting ype material with ype material shouldbe fabricate Figure shows the simplified diogram of pm junction, Note that‘ terminal ae taken by forming the metal conte Diodes 17 cathe Paype | Niype gure: Simple format PN uncton doe PN junction under open circuit condition b—__+ —k —s Pp Bound Charges y = ele = Figur: PNpuneion under open ut contton Diffusion Current Io ‘The concentration of holes is more in p type material than in n type 50 the holes from p type material difuse across junction from p Sle ton se, Siulany, the concentration of electrons is nore in type ‘material than inp type material. Thus the electrons from n ype material dlftase across junction from n side to p side, These two coreent Components add together to form the diffusion current Ip. whose ‘conventional direction i from p side ton side as shown inthe figure. Formation of Depletion layer: |p type material oles are bound tothe negative acceptor stoms o fons ‘and in'n type material free electrons are bound to the positive donor atoms or ions. When hole leaves the corresponding parent atom, it will, become uncovered negative ion since the neutralizing holes are no more ————————_———SSSS== sro Doves C00 alee Senay he ment te Wen pan case in te PSO iaety the ae renal monte, ah sep epeciaain rin e ee roel a Figure: Feewar asd dine and is ogee cei sing dns voltage of mist 3 Piecewise linear model In piecewise near model, a diode is replaced by the ideal diode with its sage ag Yee nol eae ee 5s mol as tno battery plus resistance model. Fugu: Espen Cure appt wtih ins Diodes 31 Jn this model, the exponential curve is appreximated by two pieces of stright lines S, this modi hnown as the pleceize linea mod PY | wise vg ‘ tet tur Pore oni cat dn Where ry aforward eine Vo =Diode Voltage drop S$ “Il Signal analysis of diode: tat small signal model, we study the applications of smal signal a a Signals tothe diode ccc Genealy the signals with the amide “round {Om¥ oF less ane known as small signa Yo set te gure: aga fs gana iagram or he aa signa anaysiaf ade, Ir mvavefaem is superimpose on the Be source an de volage Figure shows the crc sign source ny having twang ; toltage source Vp The combination of signa seurce provides a total voltage rm acrss the ded. see Vorte nll uric and CONE ang hough ecu TAS tot Inst By a S01’ WS AN the 2 Alon ee Sutra Let teeta curtent fy ts st of the coment mous senvatioaess aye lot Ai) ave as ds og V6 A SH seg to be forward bay Testo Be ts that Hee we ; analyst, This & done 0 ensure the lee thronghout the eperation, Tangent eo Figure Graphic sl signal move Figure shows the graph for small small signal operation of the diode. In rae te etal skal operation of the dod. even when rea Fepadie, goal source Is zero. The Pal aad vlogs int ee toxphut the operation, The DC cue APS 8 point. The voltage signal wl Dinter 4 the CURE slg if) swings across the bias pu ie cate sa) sts cron the spt Qa sn the Prom thelial equation, fee from equation (i) fortis et ga ~raing the exponential function on the right hand side ofthe above ‘Since this is small signal analysis and the signal voltige tu is very small ‘So inthe above expression we can neglect the higher powers of ta Hewe dose, lot le cota v= tigety utesivetorngte onive ote a - To ave ona ‘This isthe required expression for the dynamic resistance or a resistance ofthe diode, BH Ekeronic Devices ond Circ Diode Load erst > Applying KVL forthe above circuit, Voor Ri? When = 0 then v= Vooand When o= 0 the ‘The equation (i) can be writen as T= a/R rVoo/Re “This equations in the form, yoem “This isthe frst degree equation of the straight ine having. a negative sop, The ine has the end pints (Vox, 0) ane (0528 Since wand Veo are constant for the pariculse circuit and the diferent values of i can be Sbiained for diferent values of load resistance Ry, So, the straight Line i ltso known as load ine or diode load ine. “The point of intersection of the load line and forward characteristics curve ofthe diode ie known a5 Q-point or quistent point or operating point “The diode stars functioning beyond this point. Analysis of diode circuits “The circuit containing diode can be analyzed based onthe modts tht we earn in previous section of this chapter (the signals np to the ade are large signals then we ulie large signal models where i Diodes 35 sigoals applied tothe diode ate soll signal ora signa then we uslize thesmall smal model ofthe diode Inthe follwing examples we will ty analyze few diode circuits. But itis to 66 note that Fr rapid circuit analysis in large signal codon the best ode model Ie constant voltage drop riedel. Ix some conditions we ttle ideal diode model and piecewise linear model Examples: Ext Find the yolage and 4 of the the follwing ceult Use constant volte op model of diode Wop} + op} — "| biased and the diode D; wil be forward drop seross te Solution: ‘The dle Dy will be Fevers biased, Since we are wing Constant volage drop model th th de wll be 0.7 V astursing Si base diode | therefore the voltage ete =3v-079 BT 36 Skeronic Devices an Crous Diode 37 =v ‘can onsly Shee that the cutpot of the AND site wail be “ ND gate wi only ‘Sumac ecarere am be cae Seren both the inp are high heh Coes s = eee et a sind De sutpet Maveterm ns of the flowing cult assuming diate wo oe wos i caesarean [SSS mae = asbescgetantifetehtinng sot ncn Spence dew [ez a ’ aw t+ ° ae cw wing te! Sn mB ee 9 ha ut postive and will to epe ical when he circuit whee the a willbe In Wis came the diode Ds i raversed bist and diode Dy ie forward inputis negative. Thus the output wae ‘issed Using constant voltage drop modal of diode, we can say that sehen forward biased the drop in diode Dy is O7 V, Thus the voltage © " wil becaloehted 2x on cenoreizy “Ths the coment is given as ee 3007 13 reverse breakdown region - Zener yo ssm Operation in th a ee diodes tion of junction side in the In fact the above circuit ofthe diode AND gate. Here iis verified that iF this chapter, A mentions! hn one of the fe inputs low the outpst becomes low. Simaly wwe Wve bray staid about Se oer ‘breakdown region in te ear Eltron Devices and Cirenils conuuets large amount of current cele in breahlown rion the diode conducts Nin the coresporing, change in vollge sing, very small, Thus Thiteing breakdown region of operation dine can be sel in voltage regulation, Butt should be nok that onary diodes are no lesignes to operate in ‘reakdown region Thus we cangot use ontinary diode in voltage ‘regulation. There is a special diode so callal Zener clos which is designs fo operate in the lveahdown region. Zener dicate can Be used in ‘voltage regulator circuits 90a to regulate he woltage Zener Diodes ener diode is «special purpose diode which is specially designed te operate in the beakdown replon. Unlie other ordinary PN junetion odes, the Zener diode can operate in the breskown region without any ‘Samage tothe jonction, For tis Zonee dade fe heavily dope. Lo the forward based condition, is characterises ae same as that of orsinry DN junction diodes. ts always connect in reverse bias mode inthe ‘Gc Due to the very sep FV characters in the breakdown region {dolly a straight vertical lin) the Zener voltage remains constant ever the large changein cueent. This property of Zeer diode futlied inthe design of voltage regulator circuits 3 sto get table cutputveltge, The operation af zener diode a8 voltage regulator vill be studied hy the following section. The voltage at which Zener Breakdown oecurs is known aa reverse breakdown voltage or in specie Zener Breakteang voltage. tis designate as Vz The symbol af the Zener diode yr, a eure Syl of Zn Die Diodes 39 Zener diode as 4 Voltage regulator In many cases Its desired to have a stale de output. For thi voltage regulators are use Due ts property of having the constant voltage in teahdown region, the zener die can be used as a voltage regulator the circuit forthe voltage regulator using the zener diode is 98 shown, wow. kok Figure amar dneas 9 Valoge rab ln the figure, dhe source Vis variable source Ri source resistance and the outputs taken arose the lad resister. ieuit operation Whes the input voltages less than Vz, the Zener diode doce not conduct sll he current ows through Rand outputs taken across it When the leput voltage exceeds Vzthe zener diode comes into operation and ‘rtent ie lows through the zener diode minting the output volage Constont. This is Because zener diode is so doped that whenever Iz Irereses, the zener resistance Re decreases but Ve remains constant. Simlaly, when ly decreases the zener resistance Re increases but Ve Ferins constant, Since the load resistor iz connected in parallel with er dio, the voltage across it also remains constant Thus, when input » Yate slvr, all the current is transfered to load and when the input {lst is hgh, the excess cute bypass by the zener lode. Hence, SAY ots Rig stale and constant In this way ener ioe cts as See regulator. *PAm OB KCL to above creat, baht, 40 Electronic Devices and Circuits Applying KVL to above circult, Ve= lee +Ve Steps for solving cireuit contai boOR = In order to solve above circuit containing zener diode fellowing steps are followed: 4. Open circuit the zener diode and find the voltage Yacross load resistor, R IF ¥,> Vethen zener diode conducts current, And It will aces a voltage regulator. Otherwise it will not Ii, Replace zener diode by a voltage source equal 0 ¥e(Assuming point {is satsled) Diodes at ye Current through load resistors eluate as: = 22 ee Current calculated as: IpatStt ie Then the zene current calelaed a= y— Vie The maximum current that can flow through the zener diode f termined by manienim power ating ofthe nner diode tis given by Stem = Zener Diode Modeling ener diode is always connected in the circuit in reverse bias mode lecause of its capability to handle significantly large current in the beakdown region, So zener diodes ate modelled based on their operation stbreakdown region, The two zener diode models are ideal zener diode ‘ede and practical zener diode model. | deat Zener diode model: \ | a ve 3 Figure: Charateristcs Curve of isl Zone ale ee shows the i» characteristics of the Heal zener diode, tm the «down region, ideal zener diode exhibits a constant voltage y 4&2 Becronie Dyce ond Crcts “The idea eer diode and ts equivalent model when comes _cecuit in reverse bias mode are as shown below: ae Fire: de ener eats, ‘eu: Mee lean sepa cei when enc inthecaits | Practical Zener diode mod Sirvut i revere bas mae sho Solved Numerical 1 Adivecvntucts ust TA 320 Iti operant TOOT has willbe ite current? Given dats, suctisentvatuestinvyae 17 NS aN alae = 22m mites note Thepricti Pratl zener de an is agunae nt mel sotuton Letty Bethe ane reach Sedave wane ee ee art Laan a ont ete compen et vols tage son te dinleat Cand ener Diokes question, by Ito ants oeticient = 2.20 /°C Negative temperature c los? We know, foracliode, : Ver-Vov= 23nVsloe(e) temperature coefficient i ture on the saturation current efficient sclely ro) nis question the value of negative given. $0 dil not consider the effects of tempera Tis assumed that the temperature < In this case i! TRpseent the fect of temperature on dade characteris. Wemay write, ficient x change in temperature Vou Vor temperature coef ‘or Voo= Vou -2.2*103% (100-20) orVin= Vor 0.376 Vous Vor=- 0176 Assuming Vi" 25 a\'= 00050, fomequation i on 0176 = 251 5xOWD5HogCE) or. log(les) = 139 =100" 210" fgg 1236108 mA tn the given circult the mA st forwant bias voltage of 07 Vs Find the diode used has i = 174 and it condtcts 7 current flow in the 2070 Ashad cre 46 Electron Devices an Solution Given 2174 ane Re 6600 086 KO Letus assume Vr=25 mV = 0025 V> aqvr= 23% 1.74% 0025 ‘Question doesnot sped ust use any specific model Therefore, we Sate epee solic ogunenl Ton (rom ote equotion) and te linear equation obtained by applying KVLin the circuit (One ofthe siniplest methods to find solution of non Tinear and liner equation is ieative analysis, We shall therefore use iterative procedure t solve above cuit “The question Says current through the diode is ImA when voltage ‘across it 6 07 V. We shall use these values asa reference to start the iteration. First Iteration: Fromthe cicut, vi) ipo 8i02 lo Fae = 83 mA From the diode equation, Yia=Vor4 23 Ve tog62) Sabena" 818A, Yn 07 Vand =1 mA, weg on Ven= &09, Von=07 +04 op ®2 iy Vor" 07908 Thus the result of is iteration i Second Weration Substiutng Vo = 07004 equation) we get n= 7.8933 mA, ‘ani subeating Vou = 0750, ly = 8.03 mA, Ie = 7.8933 mA in ‘quaton i, we get, ea = 7 Vox 070565 Thus thereto this Third Heaton"! Yo™ 0789654 and Ip = 7.8883 mA Following simar i eimlarProcedue the result ofthis eration is Vo 07904 V and In= 803: mA a ‘ade model. inorder to solve above circult we | Diodes 45 Vp = 0.78966 and Ip 7.8945 mA, Since the results of iterations second and third are not so much different we stop iteration here. Hence, for the given: 78966 and lo = 7.845 mA, Determine the current Ip and the diode voltage Vo for the eircult as shown with Voy * SV and R= 1k0. Assume that the diode has a current of 1 mA at a voltage of 07 V and its voltage drop changes by (0.1 V for every decade change in current, . Fi ul Yoo (F Yo Solution: This question is similar to question number 3 with slight change in language to give the details and values of source and resistance. “Thus itis evident that we should use iterative procedure to analyze above circuit. ‘The question says that current through the diode is 1 mA when ‘voltage across itis 07 V. This is a reference for performing iterative analysis. I also says that voltage drop changes by 0.1 V for every decade change in curtent This isan indirect statement for 2aqV¥r" 0 First Iteration: From the citcui, using KVL, Yoo= Vo pe. 5-07 t= aaa ma From dicde equation we may waite, Ven=¥o+ 230 os “ Re Elecrenie Dees end Crs Vane Vor ane) «6 aubitng Vo #07 V1 A an ee 43 AI auton west Va=0763¥ “Thus the resi of fist tration i Vo™ 07633 V and I= 43 mA, Second Ieeton: Sebstituting Vo = 07635 inezation (we Bet fps 427 mA Substiaing Vo Wave get Vea = 070268 V ‘has thereat of second iteration Vp = 076265 V and lp = 42367 ae Since the Yalesobsined in his iteration are not so different frm ‘hat bane in fit eration therefore, we top our iteration here ‘Thus, the coment through the diode and voltage across it area fellows 1042367 mA and Vo =076065V Find the vse ofthe dynamic resistance f voltage in the diode is 65 Vand lols IPA. (+1010), Given =2and Ve 225 2070 Chats (0761 Vly 9 43 mA a ea 12367 in equation Solution =60nV= 06509 bhs=10pA=10% 104 oa Vra25 nv =005y Theforecuent rovgh he diodes geen a lott a or lo=102 192 10405108 be uy Tee dane react dae aiven as: 6 Diudes 47 ‘lode conc 120 itty 07 ha Be Drsne Goo dot oy gee Ie Ena apa eter lees 8 m6 ‘thoes con Ceri caren ough edie ot 27 an ete cant iuah er ee mea ieen tye ke cmellg So conendea cera mann Ts ieppuaien crtsel Sei tart hai Ven Vo 23min nie qin aig pnp lia sede ciphieninabimre tt sre. In tie case, it fs assumed tht the temperature coefcint solely represents the effec of temperature on dlexe characteristics. Wemay ent, Vox= Vo temperature coofcen chang in temperature nou Voy 1.810% (10020) oFVoe" Voy-O1V or, Vor-Vor=-O1HV Assuming Vs =25 m= 0025, from equation) ko or 0144 = 2941 8:0025xt0g(42) ot Joga) = 1.99 on Toa= 108 of Ion = 4076102 hg" 407102 mA syne — 1 Diodes 49 Src luton searonie Doce onli So a vel2) 2067 Ahad Weknow, rove that Vin You" 2300" fon Vous Vor m¥ringy ston kate when voltage crop across it | For Vo=0.005, cough the de et fo, be the carent though th ST ode when vltage de p Me ve cre seg oP Ver = Vor 0025 inf across tis Vn rite diode equation as 1 ‘suring corto teperatre we may rte diode Veo=07+ 10025 « Int) ete call Weg 0:1 mA then fom above equation, aan Ver= 0683 ew) Arie 10m, then fom above equation, ‘ a Vin 0758.0 ‘isting eqetinn Oy See 9° Asi diode has the sturton current of O1pA at 20°C Fin its curent ne when it is forward biased by 0:5 volt. Find the current in the same ad doe when the temperate rss to 100°C Tokng I onbosh sie of above equation we gt Sotition fe | Ysevn 2 ty = Se “01pA L010, Var Vo* aVsinf vy 's5v Man Vore 23 Velog 7 rove that die voltage changes by 23qVr when diode current changes 5 1m. ? Satton Webzow, | la 2xhn Yau-Var= 23 vray Since, for 10°C ris in temperature saturation current doubles. to + for 20%C to 100°C Le. 80°C change in temperature, saturation current lm 1D then | oubies 8 times. From above euaton we gt, Vor-Vov= 23nVelagttoy ao 23V4 | ‘Thus, the cure’ though TASKLO+A =0.745 mA ee - err Devs otc a | = . hough the diode using ABE drop | fod te ot OV prod sae a on = Us vs sng Thevenr’s Theorem 0¥ ao Wein | = | 10v 0 seg th sour conversion cigee Coming 10V source with 20 series resistance to SmA cura source with 20 parallel resistance, we get Finding Vor Vow f)sa Sao Sao ‘The shove creutis equivalent to: fi 0 Finding: 1 ao ‘Again converting SmA current source with 1k0 parallel resisters, cb Kes ‘into SV voltage source with 1 kO series resistance | ‘4 Pee | Oe cae to 5 Cost lage hop equivalent model of diode | ™ | 10 Vo-O7¥ ae im : 52 croc Deveson Coens rating constant voltage JP 10 Diode curently == } &lp= 3A | 11, Draw the oad line for he cit given in question no 10, | Solution ‘The given cuits Using repetitive source conversion Poti = Veos 57 Aprlying KVL, we ge, Wien l=0, 0p = Yop = Sy | When, Diodes 53 12, Find the valve of small signal resistance, Vo and V, of the given figure we Solution We knore, bane Vom loxrot¥, oF, Wee Vo~loxry or, Wj= 082 ~ 107% 40 = O78 13, Use the ideal diode model and piecewive linear model to find the current through the diode or piecewise linear model rs-050) "20 Solution Using ideal diode model the equivalent the equivalent circuit i slp= B= Sma Using piecewise Hnear model the equivalent crcl i: |S Elesronic Devs ons Cet aio be see weary 080 ons ‘Theequivabentof theses 1 The const wn felne uses ree onic) diodes Di, De and son carent 10° a 00K ‘again = 05mA lp lon tl, = 118406 = 170mA Fors, es “he diodes By and Dy are identical and cent thrugh them is bo vor nie Yonssem=06v Iarrning KVL forth above reve ge (reves var Vs =O6-0606 “180 15, for te cv shown bow Bnd the pak wale of cuenta feloge st aceu He rasr when€H20 s(t) Abo drow the save ef and a. 2 Peskcurrentthvough reso 2 Valtt93sinat 2 ilypr27 sine Tee waveforms for eth) andi are shown in the figure below. gue Oupat wre ort, V4) adi) 16 nd he ener centin he gen cuit when Rist.2 KO. Asa) Van 0v, | L ® rao Sy vey A ro ov Setsten IE we open zener diode across. strate Rtn wither open Ths iis ley ‘down region, feat SoU ecm eer dete paral to toad et) Lote Ta eta Sn Bony 1. = 003333 = 767m its terminals and find voltage wil get ume that ener diode is operating in bet eh Diodes 57 1, Calculate the total curentI load current I nd the Zener current lz i the circuit shown below. How wil these values be affected if the source voltage be increased to 7097 Rem Solution ; IF we open zener dlode across i terminals and find voltage drop across load resistor R fr input voltage range then we wil ge, Vi (with zener open) > Vz Thus, it safe to assume tat zener diode Is operating in beak down, segion att, 20-5 15ma ‘Thus, when input velage varies from 40-70 V the zener current varies from Sato 15 ma 18. Find the manizmum and minimum cuent through the Zener diode from the igure shown below. — oot Solution |f we open zener diode across its terminals end find voltage drop across load resistor for input voltage rangethen we wil get. ge 58 lecronte Devices ond Cres Vetwith ener open)? Ve “Thus it fe to asume oven region When Ve. in this 82 falta Bosna jotta SE ok beth =6-5. \ teen ye aby in thease zener current will be maximum, Ye Ma sm tat zener diode is operating in bey ene current willbe mama, apf AE «samt fpalnl,e t= 52 5nd Hence, eae 970A and lain 108A Qa 1. Oiaw gosto of V chance nay 9 function dice and ae (odo Daw oe equsere mod pn MeN and dove te ‘estan aoa 2. Deserta wi th ep of al Iran Webra of he tt tir eat Watote pacer ode ears based ae 1071 San 3 Wet pm hcton doe Erin xg sana! ads of st ‘cee. ero 4 Waist stan coma eit ina? row Oo ond wn veel cdot cit andin assis eve, 270A Exxon met a gn econ eon dove th ene ferneee dam har ‘ nit 1 ane rena eakdonmofecoin lis, 7008 CH Bate my Espn wm wat egal ml cf» vice! 4 htt ie we en tet sie fmm get cadres yp tin aa 08 te Do et mn len te nd ae obo etn drove beaks oct The Bipolar Junction Transistors Introduetion ‘Alter having stedied the junction diode which is a two terminal non linear devie we are now about to study the three terminal pon Kewar semiconductor devices. Tee frminal semiconductor devies ave for ‘ore useful than two terminal ones because they can be used for multtale of operation, Tranastors ane buialy of two types namely Bipolar Junction Transistors Feld fet Trensators. in Bipolar Junction ‘ectron ake pat in the conduction proces and hones the name bip In Field Stet Transistor ther only oles or only dlectrons are esparsible for the conduction process. So, Hild Loc Transistors are ransitor both holoe and ha cll unipolar traitors. It should be note that when we say leamsistoroaly we automatically man bipoli junction transistor. Pil ict transistors are of two type nay Junction Fill Eee (PET) ancl Metal Onde Semeonductor Pld 1feet Transistor (MOSHI). FET ond MOTI wil be suid in the non chapter In toraistor an Vt the base prlatple Ist apply current oe vege letwee tv tera to contol the flow cl current though the thea termina. Ths traedito and FETS, acta antl sources, -ansistor (IRI) ‘The Bipolar Junetion T When thin doped matesla He ultably connects 10a PN Junction dade, the reli device fy Rw as tramstr. Or the seminal device wither ype materlal by nye Inatelals oe Ay water by p-lype materia scale rant. Th whl ty ford by savin rapists aro of wo lypes vz npn tans and yp Wansstor a 650 Bleconic Devices and irs npn transistor When a thin stably a {ee oped aerial is connected toa PN junction diode or esta die in such # wa fae pbpe marl T anawichad by may materials Aten np transistors fom. ii pnp ansistor When a tind ulm | Gopal mate stably —] a conmect ta PN junction de fr atl ioe An such & ay | Bat mape mer sandched by pype mitras then pap transistors form Ina nator here are ee Bsc ats, The ne 1. Enter (The hesvy dp eplon ofa trast which supple ‘hare carrer is own a eit. Fr pw transis he eter ‘Sf mppe and fr pap mans ent sof paype Thus fF Ape trance many charge criers are cletrons ikl f6r HP transistor maori change cartier ae hes 2. Base (BI: The lighely doped reson oF the eke region of be fearon is brow as hse Fern ait, the bse of PP ant for pop tacit he tase me 3 Cletor(C}: The maderately doped region ofthe transistor i eal as collet tes nthe ther se of the emitter For ap anh stir ety an er pop tansisr the cleo PTE The ferton of laste collet the charge eatirs suppl = tthe cage plot UG} fi Uke be ott dat anime engl collector is nan the sis terre = cid acl fie ae the emitter and the size of the hare Active Mode: When the emit sane seca be oto bese The tee tase jton is fran ase "rors biased the tans al ‘The Biptar dnction Tractors 61 be in the nctive mode, In this mode the transistor works as an amplifier. 7 fi, Saturation Mode: When the enter base junction and the collector base junction are both forward biased the transistor is sid to be in nturaion mode, iil, Cutoff Mode: Wien emiter bas junction and collector bass junction are both reversed biased the transistor ie ad to bein cute mode ‘The saturation andl cutoff modes of transistor are used to make the tronsistor work asa sviteh. in. Inverse active made: When emitter base junction is reversed biased sua the cllstor bose junction i forward biased the transistor i ald to bein averse astive made, Though there are very ew applications fof this mode of operation tis very dasportant. In this mode the transistor operat with the role of emitter and collector interchanged. ‘One important use ofthe mode ea be found in the TTL irults Iver the advantage of thi transistor ation i taken to remove the ‘ecess ston base charge uring saturation fo cut-off transition of nother transistor which ultiatelyinereases switching speed Operation of the npn transistor in the netive mode “The figure shows the working of npn transistor. When emule base jetion and collector base junction are base fr active mode Le. when ‘emitter Lose jonction is forwant biases andthe collet base junetion is reversed biased, the np transistor slats 60 operate, Two external ‘ators ove use establish the regula is. ‘Dae to the forward bias ithe enter base function EB], electrons in cite arene By the negative terminal he Lottery ant injett towants the EU, Likewise, Boles In Qe are repel by the postive teciinal of the bey asl av jected towards the FO, These inject bles ad elects give tise to the enter current. The conventional Alston ofthis eit current i out ef the eater fel Bas shown tn the Figure, Since the enters heavily cpa as compare to the tase, the ‘eter cument ithe np transstor wil ati be donated by the cestron component, Ths ph tants, cata are Known as majority careers al les are own as ony cain 42 Elomi ever entity 7 ? catatetL taste ‘ its a yo = wn é Sse AL tevatent Fue hea npn he at mle {Large martes of electrons she its the le oy These difosing curent ee Sai ine with some of We holes prs in Oe nation current ig. The current ite 8 He bse in, an recombination eutte using Seton inthe base al up 0 6 oto the base through the Base Tet B. ‘ecombine with fe ectront injected FO ofthe base and relatively low doping eel ns oves towards the collector base jut Thus the ite caret ia eat tHe a ‘The bipolor Jnetan Transistors — Note: Wor the she oF simpy the Meet een ad the Boura change lv the lis ode airs ae wot shows the igs, i sn ve have {gore the etfets ot the minty eaves a Operation of pnp transistor tn netlve We ano easly explain the working oF ys transistor wlth the shar we anak stor For pny Mais eoneuetion {ssh ain by oles Soles ate the majority chat genres oh Tune Open pip tans active ok, Note: However, the conduction inside the pp transistor is done mainly by ‘oes but in the external ii the coructon stil by the electrons The direction for the emer current, base current andthe eller cotent inthe conventional ection sas shown nthe igure Applying KCL, we get, lente Symbols for pnp and npn transistor While making transistor create 51 a tedious fb to draw the actual structure of the tansstar. So, we use the symbols to represent the pop nd npn tans. (64 Etectronic Devees and Cites Figure: ! | Symbol of pnp transistorpnp= pointing in point) 'b. Symbol ofrpa transistr(apnenot pointing in) [Note that the erow in the symbol sugges the direction of the enter ‘current The transistor curront at labeled as per convention. ‘Symbol Conventions for voltage and current ‘Let us consider an npa transistor connected as shown inthe figure. Here inthe input side we have an ac signal source ry as well as a dc bss ‘ollage Vie Inthe ouput sie however there is just a de bias battery Vas ‘Tha curtent setup inthe eruit wil consist of both the de components a Normally, } The Bipolar Junction Tromtistors 6 In the above circuit, le tepresents ae source Vocand Vectepresent de sources. lotepresents base current due to source ty farepresents base curent due to soutee Vse The total base currents represented as inand is given as: lathe Also the total base emitter voltage is represented as ve andi given tum 0 Vee Similarly, Collector curent due to base current iis reprecented as and collector current due to base current Is represented a le ‘The total collector currentis written as icand is piven by: femile . ‘The emitter current will lso contain de component fc and ac component 4 Therefore, the total emiter current is writen a ic ais given by, mite Filly the collector to emitter voltage ofthe transistor also consists of de terns Vis and ac component ty. Therefore, the total collector emitter voltage ui the transistors written as tee and is given as; reenVer tte Sometimes we may need to perform the de analysis only to find the ‘fects of de source. In that case we ignore the effects of ac source. 1f wee ignore the ac source in above figure then we will obtain fllowing ‘de equivalent circuit. Observe that only de currents and voltages appear Inthe circuit, Re 4G igre: DC eguilen chet the previous cet -tectrane Dies ond Cireuts sys in active mode: nlnear device and ithas three terminy ‘asap elon eg pana at T0784 serene cel grep oh Sven eg i sro take outpt from the device We need a leg 6 NPN configuratio Transistor isa thee terminal act rae wals for a circuit to 4. Common Base Configuration 2. Common Emitter Configuration 3.__Common Collector Configuration Nowe : The Bipolar Junction Transistors 67 current (lc) to change in input current (Ay) at constant collector base voltage Vere. a= atconstant Ven Leckage current loo ogo In he discutson that fllows we wil consider the application of only de source to the tasistor so a8 to simply the discussion and to explot boss, Also the terminal or sigeal source is shown but we il consider its eects. We stall postpone it until we sty small sgn model and amplifie cic ‘Common Base Configuration: ‘hen he base einai common to both, put an output cul eh thetaristor sti tobe in common base confgurstion he eae Boren PU CURTENt is emity meee wea) Nee current fy at output cu Hepa lage §Ycanotp vote ‘Current amplification factor. get pda) (0 Cun ctor (a) comin te og CE amity tr ent is calle Leb us use open the emir terminal Then when we look at collector base junction ii reverse based. Inthe reverse biased condition we assumed el ide don nt coda et ey a eg ut inthe direction ofthe applied Ve, Similrty, due to the practical reason there ois eakagecurertn base caller jnctionf he above commen base configuration, I is denoted by Ica Which means leakage current at collector base untion with emitter open, 2 Total collector current = le leno _ ewaat = ale + Tevo Common Emiter Confgueation ‘The transistor configuration in which he emir termi is esmmon to beth input an up ccut s ove as commen emir conigration Following ici agiam shows the common emitter coniguretin fr spn alps tanto: rans tension oer ba th ais of change n OF

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