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indicator("Trading Hub 3 + signals GainzAlgo_Pro + Volume Profile (Maps) [LA]",

"Trading Hub 3 + signals GainzAlgo_Pro + Volume Profile (Maps) [LA]", true,
max_bars_back = 5000, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500)

candle_stability_index_param = input.float(0.5, 'Candle Stability Index', 0, 1,

step=0.1, group='Technical', tooltip='Candle Stability Index measures the ratio
between the body and the wicks of a candle. Higher - more stable.')
rsi_index_param =, 'RSI Index', 0, 100, group='Technical',
tooltip='RSI Index measures how overbought/oversold is the market. Higher - more
candle_delta_length_param =, 'Candle Delta Length', 3,
group='Technical', tooltip='Candle Delta Length measures the period over how many
candles the price increased/decreased. Higher - longer period.')
disable_repeating_signals_param = input.bool(false, 'Disable Repeating Signals',
group='Technical', tooltip='Removes repeating signals. Useful for removing clusters
of signals and general clarity')

GREEN = color.rgb(29, 255, 40)

RED = color.rgb(255, 0, 0)
TRANSPARENT = color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100)

label_size = input.string('normal', 'Label Size', options=['huge', 'large',

'normal', 'small', 'tiny'], group='Cosmetic')
label_style = input.string('text bubble', 'Label Style', ['text bubble',
'triangle', 'arrow'], group='Cosmetic')
buy_label_color = input(GREEN, 'BUY Label Color', inline='Highlight',
sell_label_color = input(RED, 'SELL Label Color', inline='Highlight',
label_text_color = input(color.white, 'Label Text Color', inline='Highlight',

stable_candle = math.abs(close - open) / > candle_stability_index_param

rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)

bull1ish_engulfing = close[1] < open[1] and close > open and close > open[1]
rsi_below = rsi < rsi_index_param
decrease_over = close < close[candle_delta_length_param]

bull1 = bull1ish_engulfing and stable_candle and rsi_below and decrease_over and


bear1ish_engulfing = close[1] > open[1] and close < open and close < open[1]
rsi_above = rsi > 100 - rsi_index_param
increase_over = close > close[candle_delta_length_param]

bear1 = bear1ish_engulfing and stable_candle and rsi_above and increase_over and


var last_signal = ''

if bull1 and (disable_repeating_signals_param ? (last_signal != 'buy' ? true :

na) : true)
if label_style == 'text bubble' ? bar_index : na, low, 'BUY', color=buy_label_color,
style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=label_text_color, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'triangle' ? bar_index : na, low, 'BUY', yloc=yloc.belowbar,
color=buy_label_color, style=label.style_triangleup, textcolor=TRANSPARENT,
else if label_style == 'arrow' ? bar_index : na, low, 'BUY', yloc=yloc.belowbar,
color=buy_label_color, style=label.style_arrowup, textcolor=TRANSPARENT,

last_signal := 'buy'
if bear1 and (disable_repeating_signals_param ? (last_signal != 'sell' ? true : na)
: true)
if label_style == 'text bubble' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', color=sell_label_color,
style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=label_text_color, size=label_size)
else if label_style == 'triangle' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', yloc=yloc.abovebar,
color=sell_label_color, style=label.style_triangledown, textcolor=TRANSPARENT,
else if label_style == 'arrow' ? bar_index : na, high, 'SELL', yloc=yloc.abovebar,
color=sell_label_color, style=label.style_arrowdown, textcolor=TRANSPARENT,
last_signal := 'sell'

alertcondition(bull1, 'BUY Signals', 'New signal: BUY')

alertcondition(bear1, 'SELL Signals', 'New signal: SELL')

//drawing options
showPOI = input.bool(true, "Show POI", group="POI settings")
poi_type = input.string ("---",title='POI type', group="POI settings",
options=["---", "Mother Bar"])
mergeRatio = input.float(defval=0, minval=0, maxval=0.5, step=0.02, title="Merge
Ratio", group="POI settings" )
maxBarHistory =, title="Max IPA age", group="POI settings")

structure_type = input.string ("Choch without IDM",title='Structure type',

group="Structure", options=["Choch without IDM", "Choch with IDM"])
showHL = input.bool(true, "Mark H/L", inline = "HL", group = "Structure")
showCircleHL = input.bool(true, "Mark Circle",inline = "HL", group = "Structure")
showMn = input.bool(false, "Show internal structure", group = "Structure")
showBOS = input.bool(true, "Show B O S", group = "Structure")
showChoCh = input.bool(true, "Show CHoCH", group = "Structure")
showIDM = input.bool(true,"Show IDM", group = "Structure")
showPdh = input.bool(false,"Show PDH", inline = "PDH", group = "Structure")
lengPdh =, title="", inline = "PDH", group="Structure")
showPdl = input.bool(false,"Show PDL", inline = "PDL", group = "Structure")
lengPdl =, title="", inline = "PDL", group="Structure")
showMid = input.bool(true, "Show Equilibrium", inline = "mid", group = "Structure")
lengMid =, title="", inline = "mid", group="Structure")
showSw = input.bool(true, "Show H/L sweeping lines", inline = "sweep", group =
markX = input.bool(false, 'Mark "X"', inline = "sweep", group = "Structure")
showTP = input.bool(false, 'Show Target profit',group = 'Structure')
showliveBOS = input.bool(true,"Show live BOS", inline = "liveB", group =
lengBos =, title="", inline = "liveB", group="Structure")
showliveChoch = input.bool(true,"Show live ChoCh", inline = "liveCho", group =
lengChoch =, title="", inline = "liveCho", group="Structure")
showliveIDM = input.bool(true,"Show live IDM", inline = "liveI", group =
lengIDM =, title="", inline = "liveI", group="Structure")
showbarcolor = input.bool(true,"Bar color", inline = "Bar",group = "Structure")
showSCOB = input.bool(true, "Show SCOB", inline = "Bar", group = "Structure")
showISB = input.bool(false, 'Show ISB', inline = "Bar", group = "Structure")
showOSB = input.bool(false, 'Show OSB', inline = "Bar", group = "Structure")

colorHL = input.color(color.rgb(141, 59, 255), "High/Low", group = "Structure |

bull = input.color(, "Bullish", group = "Structure | Color")
bear = input.color( , "Bearish", group = "Structure | Color")
scobUp = input.color(#0bf982 , "Bullish SCOB", group = "Structure | Color")
scobDn = input.color(#62360e, "Bearish SCOB", group = "Structure | Color")
colorISB = input.color(#bb06f7,'Inside Bar', group = "Structure | Color")
colorOSB_up = input.color(#0b3ff9,'Bullish OSB', group = "Structure | Color")
colorOSB_down = input.color(#da781d,'Bearish OSB', group = "Structure | Color")
colorIDM = input.color(color.rgb(216, 49, 49, 20), "IDM", group = "Structure |
colorSweep = input.color(color.rgb(35, 39, 50), "Sweeping line", group =
"Structure | Color")
colorTP = input.color(color.purple, 'Target profit', group = 'Structure | Color')
colorDemand = input.color(color.rgb(47, 130, 96, 80), 'Demand', group = "Structure
| Color")
colorSupply = input.color(color.rgb(205, 92, 72, 80), 'Supply', group = "Structure
| Color")
colorMitigated = input.color(color.rgb(94, 87, 87, 77), 'Mitigated', group =
"Structure | Color")
puUpco = input.color( , "High pivots", group = "Structure | Color")
puDnco = input.color(, "Low pivots" , group = "Structure | Color")

//#region variable declaration

const string IDM_TEXT = "I D M"
const string CHOCH_TEXT = "CHoCH"
const string BOS_TEXT = "B O S"
const string PDH_TEXT = "PDH"
const string PDL_TEXT = "PDL"
const string MID_TEXT = "0.5"

//line babel
var label idm_label = na
var line idm_line = na
var label choch_label = na
var line choch_line = na
var label bos_label = na
var line bos_line = na
var line pdh_line = na
var label pdh_label = na
var line pdl_line = na
var label pdl_label = na
var line mid_line = na
var label mid_label = na

//high low
var puHigh = high
var puLow = low
var L = low
var H = high
var idmLow = low
var idmHigh = high
var lastH = high
var lastL = low
var H_lastH = high
var L_lastHH = low
var H_lastLL = high
var L_lastL = low
var motherHigh = high[1]
var motherLow = low[1]
var puUp = high
var puDn = low
//bar indexes
var int motherBar = time[1]
var int puBar = na
var int puHBar = na
var int puLBar = na
var int idmLBar = na
var int idmHBar = na
var int HBar = time
var int LBar = time
var int lastHBar = time
var int lastLBar = time
var int puUpbar = na
var int puDnbar = na

//structure confirm
var bool mnStrc = na
var bool prevMnStrc = na
var bool isPrevBos = na
var bool findIDM = false
var bool isBosUp = false
var bool isBosDn = false
var bool isCocUp = true
var bool isCocDn = true

var bool isSweepOBS = false
var int current_OBS = na
var float high_MOBS = na
var float low_MOBS = na

var bool isSweepOBD = false

var int current_OBD = na
var float low_MOBD = na
var float high_MOBD = na

var arrTopBotBar = array.new_int(1, time)
var arrTop = array.new_float(1, high)
var arrBot = array.new_float(1, low)

var arrPbHBar= array.new_int(0)

var arrPbHigh = array.new_float(0)
var arrPbLBar = array.new_int(0)
var arrPbLow = array.new_float(0)
var demandZone = array.new_box(0)
var supplyZone = array.new_box(0)
var arrIdmHigh = array.new_float(0)
var arrIdmLow = array.new_float(0)
var arrIdmHBar = array.new_int(0)
var arrIdmLBar = array.new_int(0)
var arrLastH = array.new_float(0)
var arrLastHBar = array.new_int(0)
var arrLastL = array.new_float(0)
var arrLastLBar = array.new_int(0)
var arrIdmLine = array.new_line(0)
var arrIdmLabel = array.new_label(0)
var arrBCLine = array.new_line(0)
var arrBCLabel = array.new_label(0)
var arrHLLabel = array.new_label(0)
var arrHLCircle = array.new_label(0)

color transp =,100)

curTf = timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period)
dayTf = timeframe.in_seconds("1D")
i_loop = 2*dayTf/curTf
[pdh, pdl] =, 'D', [high[1], low[1]])
len = curTf*1000


//#region Inside Bar

isb = motherHigh > high and motherLow < low
if isb
motherHigh := motherHigh
motherLow := motherLow
motherBar := motherBar
motherHigh := high
motherLow := low
motherBar := time
//#region drawing functions
mnMark(bool UD) =>
if showMn
x = UD ? puUpbar : puDnbar,
y = UD ? puUp : puDn,
yloc = UD ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar,
text = "",
color = UD ? puUpco : puDnco,
style = UD ? label.style_arrowdown : label.style_arrowup,
size = size.small
//Bar color
ba_color = if showSCOB
if low[1] == puDn and low >= low[1] and close > high[1] and close[1] > low[2]
else if high[1] == puUp and high <= high[1] and close < low[1] and close[1] <
isCocUpValue = isCocUp
ba_color1 = if showbarcolor
isCocUpValue ? :

barcolor(ba_color1, -1)

//#region drawing function

isGreenBar(int bar) => close[bar] > open[bar]

textCenter(int left, int right) => int(math.avg(left,right))

getStyleLabel(bool style) => style ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up

getStyleArrow(bool style) => style ? label.style_arrowdown : label.style_arrowup

getYloc(bool style) => style ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar

getDirection(bool trend, int HBar, int LBar, float H, float L) =>

x = trend ? HBar : LBar
y = trend ? H : L
[x, y]

getTextLabel(float current, float last, string same, string diff) => current > last
? same : diff

getPdhlBar(float value) =>

int x = na
if value == pdh
for i = i_loop to 1 by 1
if (high[i] == pdh)
x := time[i]
for i = i_loop to 1 by 1
if (low[i] == pdl)
x := time[i]

updateTopBotValue() =>
array.push(arrTop, high)
array.push(arrBot, low)
array.push(arrTopBotBar, time)

updateLastHLValue() =>

updateIdmHigh() =>

updateIdmLow() =>
getNLastValue(arr, n) =>
if array.size(arr) > n - 1
array.get(arr, array.size(arr) - n)

removeNLastLabel(arr, n) =>
if array.size(arr) > n - 1
label.delete(array.get(arr, array.size(arr) - n))

removeNLastLine(arr, n) =>
if array.size(arr) > n - 1
line.delete(array.get(arr, array.size(arr) - n))

removeLastLabel(arr, n) =>
if array.size(arr) > n - 1
for i = 1 to n
label.delete(array.get(arr, array.size(arr) - i))

removeLastLine(arr, n) =>
if array.size(arr) > n - 1
for i = 1 to n
line.delete(array.get(arr, array.size(arr) - i))

fixStrcAfterBos() =>
removeLastLabel(arrBCLabel, 1)
removeLastLine(arrBCLine, 1)
removeLastLabel(arrIdmLabel, 1)
removeLastLine(arrIdmLine, 1)
removeLastLabel(arrHLLabel, 2)
removeLastLabel(arrHLCircle, 2)

fixStrcAfterChoch() =>
removeLastLabel(arrBCLabel, 2)
removeLastLine(arrBCLine, 2)
removeNLastLabel(arrHLLabel, 2)
removeNLastLabel(arrHLLabel, 3)
removeNLastLabel(arrHLCircle, 2)
removeNLastLabel(arrHLCircle, 3)
removeNLastLabel(arrIdmLabel, 2)
removeNLastLine(arrIdmLine, 2)

drawIDM(bool trend) =>

[x, y] = getDirection(trend, idmLBar, idmHBar, idmLow, idmHigh)
colorText = trend and H_lastH > L_lastHH or not trend and H_lastLL > L_lastL ?
color.rgb(255, 7, 7) : colorIDM
if showIDM
ln =, y, time, y, xloc.bar_time, color = colorIDM, style =
lbl =, x), y, IDM_TEXT, xloc.bar_time, color =
transp, textcolor = colorText, style = getStyleLabel(not trend), size = size.small)
array.clear(trend ? arrIdmLow : arrIdmHigh)
array.clear(trend ? arrIdmLBar : arrIdmHBar)

drawStructure(name, trend) =>

[x, y] = getDirection(trend, lastHBar, lastLBar, lastH, lastL)
color = trend ? bull : bear
if name == "BOS" and showBOS
ln =, y, time, y, xloc.bar_time, color = color, style =
lbl =, x), y, BOS_TEXT, xloc.bar_time, color =
transp, style = getStyleLabel(trend), textcolor = color, size = size.small)
if name == "ChoCh" and showChoCh
ln =, y, time, y, xloc.bar_time, color = color, style =
lbl =, x), y, CHOCH_TEXT, xloc.bar_time, color =
transp, style = getStyleLabel(trend), textcolor = color, size = size.small)

drawLiveStrc(bool condition, bool direction, color color1, color color2, string

txt, int length, label lbl, line ln) =>
var line _ln = ln
var label _lbl = lbl
if condition
colorText = direction ? color1 : color2
[x, y] = if txt == IDM_TEXT
getDirection(direction, idmHBar, idmLBar, idmHigh, idmLow)
getDirection(direction, lastHBar, lastLBar, lastH, lastL)
_txt = txt + " - " + str.tostring(y)
_ln :=, y, time + len*length, y, xloc.bar_time, color =
colorIDM, style = line.style_dotted),
_lbl := + len*length, y, _txt, xloc.bar_time, color =
transp, textcolor = colorText, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.small)

drawPrevStrc(bool condition, string txt, label lbl, line ln) =>

var line _ln = ln
var label _lbl = lbl
[x, y, color, x2, style] = switch
txt == PDH_TEXT => [getPdhlBar(pdh), pdh, bull, time + len*lengPdh,
txt == PDL_TEXT => [getPdhlBar(pdl), pdl, bear, time + len*lengPdl,
txt == MID_TEXT => [math.min(lastLBar, lastHBar), math.avg(lastL, lastH),
colorIDM, time + len*lengMid, line.style_dotted]
_txt = txt + " - " + str.tostring(y)
if condition
_ln :=, y, x2, y, xloc.bar_time, color = color, style = style)
_lbl :=, y, _txt, xloc.bar_time, color = transp, textcolor =
color, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.small)

labelMn(bool trend) =>

[x, y] = getDirection(trend, puHBar, puLBar, puHigh, puLow)
color = trend ? bear : bull
if showMn, y, "", xloc.bar_time, getYloc(trend), color,
getStyleArrow(trend), size = size.tiny )

labelHL(bool trend) =>

[x, y] = getDirection(trend, HBar, LBar, H, L)
txt = trend ? getTextLabel(H, getNLastValue(arrLastH, 1), "HH", "LH") :
getTextLabel(L, getNLastValue(arrLastL, 1), "HL", "LL")
if showHL
lbl =, y, txt, xloc.bar_time, color = transp, textcolor =
colorHL, style = getStyleLabel(trend))
array.push(arrHLLabel, lbl)
if showCircleHL
lbl2 =, y, '', xloc.bar_time, getYloc(trend), color = trend ?
bull : bear, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny)
array.push(arrHLCircle, lbl2)

sweepHL(bool trend) =>

[x, y] = getDirection(trend, lastHBar, lastLBar, lastH, lastL)
if showSw, y, time, y, xloc.bar_time, color = colorSweep, style =
if markX, x), y, "X", xloc.bar_time, color = transp,
textcolor = colorSweep, style = getStyleLabel(trend), size = size.small)

TP(H, L) =>
target = isCocUp ? high + math.abs(H - L) : low - math.abs(H - L)
target := target < 0 ? 0 : target
if showTP, isCocUp ? high : low, bar_index, target, color =
colorTP, style = line.style_arrow_right)

createBox(left, right, top, bottom, color) =>, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom, xloc = xloc.bar_time,
bgcolor=color, border_color=color, extend = extend.right)

removeZone(zoneArray, box zone) =>

index = array.indexof(zoneArray, zone)
array.remove(zoneArray, index)

marginZone(zone) => [box.get_top(zone), box.get_bottom(zone), box.get_left(zone)]

handleZone(zoneArray, left, top, bot, color) =>

_top = top
_bot = bot
_left = left

zone = getNLastValue(zoneArray, 1)

[topZone, botZone, leftZone] = marginZone(zone)

rangeTop = math.abs(_top-topZone)/(topZone-botZone) < mergeRatio
rangeBot = math.abs(_bot-botZone)/(topZone-botZone) < mergeRatio

//Merge zone
if _top >= topZone and _bot <= botZone or rangeTop or rangeBot
_top := math.max(_top,topZone)
_bot := math.min(_bot,botZone)
_left := leftZone
removeZone(zoneArray, zone)

if not (_top <= topZone and _bot >= botZone)

array.push(zoneArray, createBox(_left, time, _top, _bot, color))
processZones(zones, isSupply) =>
if array.size(zones) > 0
for i = array.size(zones) - 1 to 0 by 1
zone = array.get(zones, i)
[topZone, botZone, leftZone] = marginZone(zone)

//Breaker block zones

if isSupply and low < botZone and close > topZone
array.push(demandZone, createBox(leftZone, time, topZone, botZone,
else if not isSupply and high > topZone and close < botZone
array.push(supplyZone, createBox(leftZone, time, topZone, botZone,
//Mitigated zones
else if (isSupply and high >= botZone and high < topZone) or (not
isSupply and low <= topZone and low > botZone)
box.set_right(zone, time)
box.set_bgcolor(zone, colorMitigated)
box.set_border_color(zone, colorMitigated)

//Delete sweep zones

if (time - leftZone > len*maxBarHistory) or (isSupply and high >=
topZone) or (not isSupply and low <= botZone)
removeZone(zones, zone)

scob(zones, isSupply) =>

[topZone, botZone, leftZone] = marginZone(getNLastValue(zones, 1))

if not isb[1]
if not isSupply and low[1] < low[2] and low[1] < low and close > high[1]
and low[1] < topZone and low[1] > botZone
else if isSupply and high[1] > high[2] and high[1] > high and close <
low[1] and high[1] < topZone and high[1] > botZone

//#region get value from array

top = getNLastValue(arrTop, 1)
bot = getNLastValue(arrBot, 1)
topBotBar = getNLastValue(arrTopBotBar, 1)

top1 = getNLastValue(arrTop, 2)
bot1 = getNLastValue(arrBot, 2)
topBotBar1 = getNLastValue(arrTopBotBar, 2)

//#region Outside Bar

osb = high > top and low < bot


//#region Minor Structure

if high >= top and low <= bot //notrend
if not na(mnStrc)
prevMnStrc := mnStrc ? true : false
if prevMnStrc and isGreenBar(0) and not isGreenBar(1)
puHigh := top
puHBar := topBotBar
if high > H

if not prevMnStrc and not isGreenBar(0) and isGreenBar(1)

puLow := bot
puLBar := topBotBar
if low < L

if low < L and isGreenBar(0)


if high > H and not isGreenBar(0)


puHigh := high
puLow := low
puHBar := time
puLBar := time
mnStrc := na

if high >= top and low > bot //uptrend

if prevMnStrc and na(mnStrc)
puHigh := top1
puHBar := topBotBar1
else if (not prevMnStrc and na(mnStrc)) or not mnStrc

if high > H

puHigh := high
puHBar := time
prevMnStrc := na
mnStrc := true

if high < top and low <= bot //downtrend

if not prevMnStrc and na(mnStrc)
puLow := bot1
puLBar := topBotBar1
else if (prevMnStrc and na(mnStrc)) or mnStrc

if low < L

puLow := low
puLBar := time
prevMnStrc := na
mnStrc := false

//#region update IDM

if high >= H
H := high
HBar := time
L_lastHH := low
idmLow := getNLastValue(arrIdmLow, 1)
idmLBar := getNLastValue(arrIdmLBar, 1)

if low <= L
L := low
LBar := time
H_lastLL := high
idmHigh := getNLastValue(arrIdmHigh, 1)
idmHBar := getNLastValue(arrIdmHBar, 1)


// #region structure mapping

// Check for IDM
if findIDM and isCocUp and isCocUp
if low < idmLow
if structure_type == "Choch with IDM" and idmLow == lastL
if isPrevBos
lastL := getNLastValue(arrLastL, 1)
lastLBar := getNLastValue(arrLastLBar, 1)
findIDM := false
isBosUp := false
lastH := H
lastHBar := HBar
labelHL(true) //Confirm HH
H_lastH := getNLastValue(arrLastH, 1)
L := low
LBar := time

if findIDM and isCocDn and isBosDn

if high > idmHigh
if structure_type == "Choch with IDM" and idmHigh == lastH
if isPrevBos
lastH := getNLastValue(arrLastH, 1)
lastHBar := getNLastValue(arrLastHBar, 1)
findIDM := false
isBosDn := false
lastL := L
lastLBar := LBar
labelHL(false) //Confirm LL
L_lastL := getNLastValue(arrLastL, 1)
H := high
HBar := time

//Check for ChoCh

if isCocDn and high > lastH
if structure_type == "Choch without IDM" and idmHigh == lastH and close >
removeLastLabel(arrIdmLabel, 1)
removeLastLine(arrIdmLine, 1)
if close > lastH
drawStructure("ChoCh", true) //Confirm CocUp
findIDM := true
isBosUp := true
isCocUp := true
isBosDn := false
isCocDn := false
isPrevBos := false
L_lastL := getNLastValue(arrLastL, 1)
if idmHigh == lastH
removeLastLine(arrIdmLine, 1)

if isCocUp and low < lastL

if structure_type == "Choch without IDM" and idmLow == lastL and close < idmLow
removeLastLabel(arrIdmLabel, 1)
removeLastLine(arrIdmLine, 1)
if close < lastL
drawStructure("ChoCh", false) //Confirm CocDn
findIDM := true
isBosUp := false
isCocUp := false
isBosDn := true
isCocDn := true
isPrevBos := false
H_lastH := getNLastValue(arrLastH, 1)
if idmLow == lastL
removeLastLine(arrIdmLine, 1)

//Check for BoS

if not findIDM and not isBosUp and isCocUp
if high > lastH
if close > lastH
drawStructure("BOS", true) //Confirm BosUp
findIDM := true
isBosUp := true
isCocUp := true
isBosDn := false
isCocDn := false
isPrevBos := true
labelHL(false) //Confirm HL
lastL := L
lastLBar := LBar
L_lastL := L

if not findIDM and not isBosDn and isCocDn

if low < lastL
if close < lastL
drawStructure("BOS", false) //Confirm BosDn
findIDM := true
isBosUp := false
isCocUp := false
isBosDn := true
isCocDn := true
isPrevBos := true
labelHL(true) //Confirm LH
lastH := H
lastHBar := HBar
H_lastH := H

//#trigger update High and Low

if high > lastH
lastH := high
lastHBar := time

if low < lastL

lastL := low
lastLBar := time

if showPOI
if not isSweepOBS
high_MOBS := high[3]
low_MOBS := low[3]
current_OBS := time[3]
if high_MOBS > high[4] and high_MOBS > high[2]
isSweepOBS := true
if low_MOBS > high[1]
handleZone(supplyZone, current_OBS, high_MOBS, low_MOBS, colorSupply)
isSweepOBS := false
if poi_type == "Mother Bar" and isb[2]
high_MOBS := math.max(high_MOBS,motherHigh[2])
low_MOBS := math.min(low_MOBS,motherLow[2])
current_OBS := math.min(current_OBS,motherBar)
high_MOBS := high[2]
low_MOBS := low[2]
current_OBS := time[2]
if not isSweepOBD
low_MOBD := low[3]
high_MOBD := high[3]
current_OBD := time[3]
if low_MOBD < low[4] and low_MOBD < low[2]
isSweepOBD := true
if high_MOBD < low[1]
handleZone(demandZone, current_OBD, high_MOBD, low_MOBD, colorDemand)
isSweepOBD := false
if poi_type == "Mother Bar" and isb[2]
high_MOBD := math.max(high_MOBD,motherHigh[2])
low_MOBD := math.min(low_MOBD,motherLow[2])
current_OBD := math.min(current_OBD,motherBar)
high_MOBD := high[2]
low_MOBD := low[2]
current_OBD := time[2]

//#region run function

barcolor(showSCOB ? scob(supplyZone, true) : na, -1)
barcolor(showSCOB ? scob(demandZone, false) : na, -1)
barcolor(showISB and isb ? colorISB : na, 0,title="InSide Bar")
barcolor(osb and isGreenBar(0) and showOSB ? colorOSB_up : na)
barcolor(osb and not isGreenBar(0) and showOSB ? colorOSB_down : na)
processZones(supplyZone, true)
processZones(demandZone, false)
drawLiveStrc(showliveIDM and findIDM, not isCocUp, colorIDM, colorIDM, IDM_TEXT,
lengIDM, idm_label, idm_line)
drawLiveStrc(showliveChoch, not isCocUp, bull, bear, CHOCH_TEXT, lengChoch,
choch_label, choch_line)
drawLiveStrc(showliveBOS and not findIDM, isCocUp, bull, bear, BOS_TEXT, lengBos,
bos_label, bos_line)
drawPrevStrc(showPdh, PDH_TEXT, pdh_label, pdh_line)
drawPrevStrc(showPdl, PDL_TEXT, pdl_label, pdl_line)
drawPrevStrc(showMid, MID_TEXT, mid_label, mid_line)


alertcondition(isBosUp, title="Bullish BoS Confirmed", message="Bullish BoS

structure has been confirmed")

alertcondition(isBosDn, title="Bearish BoS Confirmed", message="Bearish BoS

structure has been confirmed")

alertcondition((isCocUp or isCocDn) and not findIDM, title="ChoCh Confirmed",

message="ChoCh structure has been confirmed")

alertcondition(findIDM, title="IDM Confirmed", message="IDM structure has been


alertcondition(showSw, title="High/Low Sweep", message="High/Low Sweep structure


alertcondition(showTP, title="Target Profit", message="Target Profit structure


alertcondition(showliveBOS or showliveChoch or showliveIDM, title="Live

Structures", message="Live Structures detected")

alertcondition(condition=showCircleHL, title="Show Circle HL", message="Circle HL

condition met!")

if (isBosUp)
alert("Bullish BoS structure has been confirmed",

if (isBosDn)
alert("Bearish BoS structure has been confirmed",

if ((isCocUp or isCocDn) and not findIDM)

alert("ChoCh structure has been confirmed", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if (findIDM)
alert("IDM structure has been confirmed", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if (showSw)
alert("High/Low Sweep structure detected", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if (showTP)
alert("Target Profit structure detected", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if (showliveBOS or showliveChoch or showliveIDM)

alert("Live Structures detected", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if (showCircleHL)
alert("Circle HL is marked on the chart",alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

// Settings
sp1 =' ' , sp2 =
' '
src = input.source( close , 'source'
mtV = input.bool ( false , sp2 + 'Volume * currency'

,tooltip= 'Example BTCUSD -> volume in

USD' )
barsBack = ( 5000 , 'Amount of bars'
, maxval=50000 )
maxLines = ( 500 , 'Max lines'
, minval= 100 , maxval= 1000
,tooltip= 'max 1000'
iStep = input.string( 'Round' , ''
, group ='Round', options=['Round', 'Step'])
mlt = ( 0 , 'Round'
, group ='Round', minval= -8 , maxval= 4
,tooltip= 'Example: 123456.789 \n 0->123456.789\n 1->123456.79\
n 2->123456.8\n 3->123457\n-1->123460\n-2->123500' )
step = input.float ( 1
, group ='Round' )
offset = ( 200 , 'Offset'
, group ='display Volume Profile', maxval=500 )
width = ( 205 , 'Max width Volume
Profile' , group ='display Volume Profile' )
cReg = input.color(color.rgb(178, 181, 190, 50), sp1
, group ='display Volume Profile', inline='c' )
cH_1 = input.color(color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 25), ''
, group ='display Volume Profile', inline='c' )
cH_2 = input.color(color.rgb(255, 153, 0, 25), ''
, group ='display Volume Profile', inline='c' )
sTab = input.bool ( false , sp1 + ' Show table'
, group ='display Volume Profile' )

m = mlt > 0 ? math.pow (10, mlt) :

src := iStep == 'Step' ? math.round(src / step) * step : mlt > 0 ?
math.round(src / m) * m : math.round(src,
math.round(math.abs(math.log10(syminfo.mintick)) +mlt))

// Methods
method set (line ln, int x, float y, int o) =>
ln .set_xy1 (math.max(0, bar_index + o ), y)
ln .set_xy2 (math.max(0, bar_index + o - nz(x)), y)

method set (box bx, int x, float y, int o) =>

bx .set_lefttop (math.max(0, bar_index + o ), y)
bx .set_rightbottom(math.max(0, bar_index + o - nz(x)), y)

method inOut(int [] a, int val) => a.unshift(val), a.pop()

method inOut(float[] a, float val) => a.unshift(val), a.pop()

// Variables
var originalMap = <float, float>() //
key: close, value: volume
var lines = < line >() //
array of lines
var boxes = < box >() //
array of boxes
var tab =, 2, 7, chart.bg_color,
chart.bg_color, 1, chart.bg_color, 1)

// Execution
n = bar_index
barsBack := math.min (barsBack , last_bar_index) //
minimum of ['Amount of bars' - total available bars]
mxLines2 = math.round(maxLines / 2)

if barstate.isfirst
for i = 0 to math.min(500, maxLines ) //
fill line array till "maxLines" or "500" reached
lines.unshift(, na, na, na, width=2))
for i = 0 to math.min(500, math.max(0, maxLines - 500)) //
fill box array till "maxLines" or "500" reached (only after line array is filled)
boxes.unshift(box .new(na, na, na, na, border_width=1))

if last_bar_index - n == barsBack, close, n, close+ syminfo.mintick, extend=extend.both)

if last_bar_index - n <= barsBack

if originalMap.contains(src)
originalMap.put(src, originalMap.get(src) + (volume * (mtV ? src : 1))) //
if originalMap already contains the close value, add volume on that same key level
(instead of replace)
originalMap.put(src, (volume * (mtV ? src : 1))) //
key (close) :value (volume)

if barstate.islast
maxVol = 0.
for ln in lines
ln.set_color(cReg) //
set colour of all lines to default
for bx in boxes
bx.set_border_color(, 70)) //
set colour of all boxes to default

if originalMap.size() > 1
copyK = originalMap.keys().copy() //
make a copy of the keys -> array
copyK.sort() //
sort (ascending)
idx = copyK.binary_search_leftmost(src) //
look for position of 'current' src in copyK
szL = idx, szR = copyK.size() -1 - idx //
check how many left (lower) and right (higher) of idx (size: left - idx - right)
sml = math.min(szL, szR) //
smallest side
if szR == sml
szL := math.min(maxLines - math.min(mxLines2, szR), szL) //
if R side has 'unused' lines -> give them to L side
szR := math.min(mxLines2, szR)
szL := math.min(mxLines2, szL)
szR := math.min(maxLines - math.min(mxLines2, szL), szR) //
if L side has 'unused' lines -> give them to R side

sliceK = copyK.slice(idx - szL, idx + szR) //

grab (max. 500) keys around 'current' close

newMap =<float, float>() //

new map
for i = 0 to sliceK.size() -1 //
all keys from sliceK : values from originalMap
getKey = sliceK.get(i) //
key from sliceK
getVal = originalMap.get(getKey) //
values from originalMap
if getVal > maxVol //
get max volume of the set
maxVol := getVal
newMap.put(getKey, getVal) //
put in 'newMap'

w = width / maxVol //
make sure lines don't exceed 'max width Volume Profile'

aMaxI = array.from(0 , 0 ) //
index of largest and second largest volume
aMaxV = array.from(0., 0.) //
value of largest and second largest volume

max = 0., keys = newMap.keys(), vals = newMap.values()

for i = 0 to keys.size()-1
clo = keys.get(i)
vol = vals.get(i)
if vol > max //
when largest volume is found -> set index so line can be coloured later
max := vol
aMaxI.inOut( i )
else if vol > aMaxV.get(1) //
when second largest volume is found -> set index so line can be coloured later
aMaxI.set(1, i )
if i < 500
lines.get(i ).set(math.round(vol * w), clo, offset) //
update 'lines' array
boxes.get(i - 500).set(math.round(vol * w), clo, offset) //
update 'boxes' array (line array is full -> box array)

uno = aMaxI.first( ), duo = aMaxI.get (1)

if uno < 500
lines .get(uno) .set_color(cH_1) //
colour line with largest volume
boxes .get(uno - 500) .set_border_color(cH_1) //
colour line (box) with largest volume
if duo < 500
lines .get(duo) .set_color(cH_2) //
colour line with second largest volume
boxes .get(duo - 500) .set_border_color(cH_2) //
colour line (box) with second largest volume

// map.put(originalMap, price, volume)

// or
// originalMap.put(price, volume)

// if originalMap.contains(price)
// originalMap.put(price, originalMap.get(price) + volume)
// copyK = originalMap.keys().copy()
// copyK.sort()
// idx = copyK.binary_search_leftmost(src)

// newMap =<float, float>()

// Table
if sTab
tab.cell(0, 0, text='size originalMap' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 0, text=str.tostring(originalMap.size()) ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 1, text= '# higher' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 1, text=str.tostring(originalMap.size() - idx),
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 2, text= 'index "close"' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 2, text=str.tostring( idx ) ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 3, text= ' ' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 4, text= 'size newMap' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 4, text=str.tostring( newMap.size() ) ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 5, text= '# higher' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 5, text=str.tostring( szR ) ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(0, 6, text= '# lower' ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)
tab.cell(1, 6, text=str.tostring( szL ) ,
text_font_family=font.family_monospace, text_color=chart.fg_color, height=2)


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