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Order: 5422

1 Questions


1. How does the height of the tropopause normally vary with latitude in the Northern

a. It decreases from south to north

b. It increases from south to north
c. It remains constant from north to south
d. It remains constant throughout the year

2. What, approximately, is the average height of the tropopause over the Equator?

a. 8 km
b. 16 km
c. 11 km
d. 50 km

3. In the International Standard Atmosphere the decrease in temperature with height

below 11 km is:

a. 0.5°C/100 m
b. 0.6°C/100 m
c. 0.65°/100 m
d. 1°C/100 m

4. The 200 hPa pressure altitude level can vary in height. In temperate regions which
of the following average heights is applicable?

a. FL390
b. FL300
c. FL100
d. FL50

5. The temperature at FL110 is -12°C. What will the temperature be at FL140 if the
ICAO standard lapse rate is applied?

a. -6°C
b. -18°C
c. -9°C
d. -15°C

6. At a certain position the temperature on the 300 hPa chart is -54°C, and according
to the significant weather chart the tropopause is at FL330. What is the most likely
temperature at FL350?

a. -48°C
b. -60°C
c. -56.5°C
d. -64°C

7. What is the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere called?

a. Ionosphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Tropopause

ID: 5790

8. Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for 4781 ft pressure level (FL50)?

a. 500 hPa

b. 300 hPa
c. 850 hPa
d. 700 hPa

9. An outside air temperature of -30°C is measured whilst cruising at FL200. What is

the temperature deviation from the ISA at this level?

a. 5°C colder than ISA

b. 5°C warmer than ISA
c. 10°C colder than ISA
d. 10°C warmer than ISA

10. What is the most likely temperature at the tropical tropopause?

a. -56.5°C
b. -75°C
c. -40°C
d. -25°C

11. Which one of the following statements applies to the tropopause?

a. It is, by definition, an isothermal layer

b. It indicates a strong temperature lapse rate
c. It is, by definition a temperature inversion
d. It separates the troposphere from the stratosphere

12. In the lower part of the stratosphere the temperature:

a. is almost constant
b. decreases with altitude
c. increases with altitude
d. increases at first and decreases afterwards

13. What is the approximate composition of the dry air by volume in the troposphere?

a. 10% oxygen, 89% nitrogen and the rest other gases

b. 88% oxygen, 9% nitrogen and the rest other gases
c. 50% oxygen, 40% nitrogen and the rest other gases
d. 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and the rest other gases

14. How does temperature vary with increasing altitude in the ICAO standard
atmosphere below the tropopause?

a. Remains constant
b. Decreases
c. Increases
d. At first it increases and higher up it decreases

Order: 5422

1 Questions

15. How would you characterize an air temperature of -15°C at the 700 hPa level over

western Europe?
a. Within +/-5°C of ISA

b. 20°C below standard

c. Low
d. High

16. If you are flying at FL300 in an air mass that is 15°C warmer than a standard
atmosphere what is the outside temperature likely to be?

a. -15°C
b. -30°C
c. -45°C
d. -60°C

17. If you are flying at FL140 and the outside temperature is -8°C at what altitude will
the freezing level be?

a. FL75
b. FL100
c. FL130
d. FL180

18. What is the most important constituent in the atmosphere from a weather

a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
c. Water vapour
d. Methane

19. The average height of the tropopause at a latitude of 50° is about:

a. 8 km
b. 11 km
c. 14 km
d. 16 km

20. Between mean sea level and a height of 20 km the lowest temperature in the
international standard atmosphere (ISA) is:

a. -273°C
b. -44.7°C
c. -56.5°C
d. -100°C

21. The international standard atmosphere (ISA) assumes that the temperature will
reduce at a rate of:

a. 1.98°C per 1000 feet up to 36 090 feet after which it remains constant to 65
617 feet
b. 1.98°C per 1000 feet up to 36 090 feet and then will rise at 0.3°C per 1000 feet
up to 65 617 feet when it will remain constant
c. 2°C per 1000 feet up to 65 617 feet after which it will remain constant to 104
987 feet
d. 2°C per 1000 feet up to 36 090 feet and will then increase at 0.3°C per 1000
feet up to 65 617 feet

ID: 5790

22. In the mid-latitudes the stratosphere extends on average from:

a. 0 to 11 km

b. 11 to 50 km
c. 50 to 85 km
d. 11 to 20 km

23. In relation to the total weight of the atmosphere, the weight of the atmosphere
between mean sea level and a height of 5500 m is approximately:

a. 1%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 99%

24. A temperature of +15°C is recorded at an altitude of 500 metres above mean sea
level. If the vertical temperature gradient is that of a standard atmosphere, what
will be the temperature at the summit of a mountain 2500 metres above mean sea

a. 0°C
b. +2°C
c. +4°C
d. -2°C

Order: 5422

1 Answers


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a b c a b b d c a b d a
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
d b c b b c b c a b c b

Answers to Questions on page 8

Height (ft) Temperature ISA Temperature ISA Deviation

1500 +28 +12 +16
17 500 -18 -20 +2
24 000 -35 -33 -2
37 000 -45 -57 +12
9500 -5 -4 -1
5000 +15 +5 +10
31 000 -50 -47 -3
57 000 -67 -57 -10

Max temperature = +15°C

Ambient temperature = +20°C


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