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Bonds & shape of molecules

Types of bonding
There are two main types of bonding:
1. Intramolecular - this is the bonding that takes place when atoms join to other atoms. The bonding within
(‘intra’) a molecule or crystal.
2. Intermolecular - the bonding between(inter) molecules. Bonding is important because it determines the
structure and properties of compounds.

Atoms ⇒ Bonding ⇒ Structure ⇒ Physical/Chemical Properties

Intramolecular bonding
Why do atoms bond together? 2. Covalent bonding - takes place between non-metallic
atoms, both of which are electron deficient in their outer
All atoms "want" to achieve the stability of a complete outer orbitals. The only way they can achieve the electronic
orbital of electrons i.e. the electronic configuration of the Noble configurations of noble gas is by the sharing of electrons.
Gases. They do this by losing or gaining outer electrons to form
The bond pair of electrons is formed when each atom donates
ions, or by sharing outer electrons with other atoms 1 electron. This type of bonding is always shown using
dot/cross diagrams.
Remember : All types of bonding involve just the outer electrons
The following represent some examples of covalent
of the atoms concerned molecules.

Atoms to atoms – the main bonding types

1. Ionic bonding - takes place between an atom that wants to lose
one or more electrons and an atom that wants to gain one or more
• The atoms that lose electrons are classified as being metallic.
They form positive ions (called cations) because they are losing
electrons, which are negatively charged.
• The atoms that gain electrons are classified as being non-
They form negative ions (called anions) because they are gaining
negatively charged electrons.
3. Dative covalent bonding/ coordinate bonding - This is a
special case of covalent bond where 1 atom donates both
electrons that form the shared bond pair.

4. Metallic bonding - The bonding in metals is caused by To explain types of bonding think ‘differences in EN values
metal atoms losing their outer electron(s) to gain the stability
of a noble gas electronic configuration. The metal atoms • If the EN difference is 0 (the same atoms, e.g. Cl – Cl) there
therefore become positive ions (cations) and the electrons will be a pure covalent bond.
move around this structure of cations, holding it together
through electrostatic attraction. • If the EN difference is very large there will be a complete
transfer of electrons causing an ionic bond.

The diagram shows the effect of EN differences on bond –


What decides the type of bonding between two atoms?

The examples given so far are the classic examples, showing
ideal ionic, covalent and metallic bonding.

However, this does not explain everything! For example, we

would expect, from what we have seen so far, that aluminium
chloride (AlCl3) would be ionic ( as it involves a metal and a
non-metal). However, is actually covalent.

At AS-level we need to use the concept of electronegativity to

explain why different atoms bond in the way that they do.

Definition : The electronegativity of an atom is the ability of The diagram shows the change from pure covalent
its nucleus to attract electrons in a bond pair. through intermediate bond-types to pure ionic. It is
vital that you understand that whilst you have seen a
The incomplete picture of the periodic table shows the trends in few examples of pure covalent and pure ionic (to
electronegativity in periods and groups - it increases across each
illustrate these bond types) in reality most bonds lie
somewhere in between the two.
period and up each group, so fluorine is the most
electronegative element, with electronegativity 4.0. Textbooks We can now explain why AlCl3is covalent - the EN
and databooks give tables of electronegativity values. difference between Al and Cl is not large enough to
cause the transfer of electrons from Al to Cl,
therefore bonding is covalent not ionic. However, it
will be a polar covalent bond, since there is an EN

Intermediate bonds
1. Polarization of anions
The atoms gain a small charge because of this electron shift
Pure ionic compounds have ions which are perfectly spherical. (δ = “delta”, is used to show a small amount). The existence
However, if there is a large difference in charge density of this δ+ and δ- within a bond is called a dipole.
between the cation and the anion, then the anion (because it • If these δ+ and δ- charges are spread symmetrically in a
molecule there is no overall polarity (Fig 10).
has the extra electron cloud) becomes distorted by the pull of • Unsymmetrical molecules containing polar bonds will be
the cation. polar molecules and are described as having a permanent
Electron cloud distortion
Molecules with polarised covalent bonding, but no dipole

This is called polarization of the anion and Fajan's Rules

explain the effect of ion size and ion charge in this situation:

Fajan's Rules: An ionic compound will have appreciable Molecules with permanent dipoles
covalent character if:
• either the anion or the cation is highly charged (as this
would make the cation highly polarising and the anion highly
• the cation is small (so it will have a high charge density)
• the anion is large (so the electrons are far from the nucleus
and hence less under its control)

2. Polar covalent molecules

In a molecule differences in electronegativity between the bonded atoms
leads to the bond pair of electrons being pulled towards the more The existence of permanent dipoles of molecules means that
electronegative atom the positive and negative ends of these molecules will be
attracted to these on other molecules, leading to inter-
Polarised covalent bond molecular forces.

Inter-molecular forces

1. Permanent dipole – Permanent dipole attraction – Dipole - dipole attraction

the negative part of one molecule is attracted to the positive part
of another, hence there is a bond between the molecules.

2. Hydrogen Bonding - This is a special case of permanent
dipole –permanent dipole bonding.

• The "δ+" is always on a hydrogen atom.

• The "δ -" is on one of the three most electronegative atoms -
nitrogen,oxygen or fluorine

The high EN difference results in the N, O or F atom having a

much greater "share" of the electrons than the H atom. As
hydrogen only has electrons in the lowest energy level, this
results in its nucleus being unshielded. The O, N or F atom has
lone pair(s), which are attracted strongly to the hydrogen

Hydrogen bonding in organic chemistry

Alchols, carboxylic acids and amimes:
These types of organic molecule exhibit hydrogen bonding
due to their functional groups.

3.Temporary Dipoles/ Van der Waals (VdW) Forces –
If you consider an atom to be a central positive nucleus Therefore there will be attraction between atoms or
surrounded by electrons which are constantly in motion , there molecules that have no permanent dipole. This weak force
will at any one time be at least one atom whose explains many structural and physical properties e.g. – the
electrons are on one side or the other. This causes a temporary properties of graphite, different boiling points of the elements
dipole within the atom itself. etc

Temporary dipoles

The strength of the Van der Waals forces increases with the
number of electrons in the atom or molecule, since the
temporary dipoles can be of a larger size if there are more
Induced dipoles electrons. For noble gases such as helium or neon, which
exist as single atoms and have relatively few electrons, the
forces are weak - this explains the very low boiling point of
these gases.

The strength also depends on the shape of the molecule - long

molecules can have induced temporary dipoles all along
them. In general, larger molecules will have larger Van der
Waals forces.

Shape of molecule
What determines the shape of a molecule?
In a molecule there are covalent bonds that hold the group of atoms together.

A single covalent bond is a shared pair of electrons (called a bond pair) between two nuclei (the central parts
of the two atoms involved). It is negative in charge because the electrons have a negative charge themselves.

Not all electrons around an atom are in a bond. We can see this by looking at a dot and cross diagram, like the
one below for water (H2O). A pair of electrons not in a bond is called a lone pair.

If you have several electron pairs (bond pairs or lone pairs) around an atom then they will repel one another
(two negatives repel -electrostatic repulsion) and because of this the electron pairs become as far apart as

This is the basic principle on which this topic is based. This theory is called 'valence shell electron pair
repulsion (vsepr)' and you may be asked to explain it

1.Electron clouds and orbitals 3.Repulsion, bond pairs and lone pairs
Although at GCSE we always thought of electrons as simple The shape of the electron cloud for bond pairs and
particles, and we show them like that in dot and cross lone pairs matters because it affects the amount of
diagrams, it's not really as simple as that!
repulsion between them. Both types of electron cloud
We never know exactly where an electron is in an atom - just
have the same total charge (-2 from the two
that it's somewhere in a region of space called an orbital. electrons), but with the lone pair, the charge is
concentrated close to the nucleus.
Each pair of electrons has its own orbital. Because we can't
know where in the orbital the electrons are, the most helpful This means the lone pair has a higher charge density
way of thinking about an electron pair is as a kind of cloud - so it repels more strongly than a bond pair does.
of negative charge – the shape of the orbital tells you the (You can imagine this with balloons as well – each
shape of the cloud. lone pair is a short fat balloon, and each bond pair a
long thin balloon.
Electron clouds are three dimensional - it can help to think
of them as like balloons!
To model the water molecule shown in the first
2.Bond pairs, lone pairs and electron clouds column, (which has two LP and two BP around the
The electrons in a bond pair are shared between two oxygen atom) we'd tie two short fat balloons and two
atoms. The positive nuclei of both atoms are attracting long thin balloons to one point.
the negative electrons, so the electron cloud for a bond
pair is pulled between the nuclei. The short fat balloons will push the other balloons
away more effectively!). the following figure shows
In a lone pair, only one nucleus is attracting the how repulsion varies for lone pairs and bond pairs.
electrons, so the electron cloud is close to that nucleus.
This means that the electron cloud for a lone pair looks
"short and fat", and for a bond pair "long and thin" Differences in repulsion with lone pairs and bond pairs

Lone pair and bond pair electron clouds

N.B. The difference between lone and bond pairs does not
alter the basic shape of a molecule BUT it does distort it and
so alter bond angles (i.e. the angle between two adjacent
bond pairs).

5. Drawing 3D shapes
4. Finding the shape
To find the shape of any molecule, go through the No one finds drawing 3D shapes very easy! One way
following procedure: of showing things more clearly is to use different
sorts of line to show bonds coming out of the page
1. Draw a dot and cross diagram towards you and bonds going into the page away
2. Count the number of electron pairs (both types) from you. Other bonds - shown with a normal line –
around the central atom. are in the plane of the page, going along it. You can
3 Decide the shape adopted by the electron pairs (see also add dotted lines to diagrams to make
table below) the shape clearer.
4 Look at the number of lone pairs, and decide the
shape adopted by the atoms (see table )
5. Draw the shape, including bond angles

6. Effect of lone pairs on shape
Although the overall shape is determined by the total number of electron pairs, lone pairs are important because
they affect the shape in two ways:

• The bond angles are reduced

Because lone pairs have a greater repulsive effect, they push the bond pairs closer together. Learn the angles in
table 2.
• The name of the shape is different
Because we can't actually "see" lone pairs, the name of the shape depends on the bond pairs. Learn the shape
names in table 2.

The best examples to look at are CH4, NH3 and H2O. Each of these have four pairs of electrons.
• CH is a perfect tetrahedral (4 bond pairs).

• NH is based on a tetrahedral shape as it has 4 electron pairs, but because it has 3 bond pairs and 1 lone pair,
the bond angle is less due to the increased repulsion from the lone pair. The shape is trigonal pyramidal.
• H O, similarly, is based on a tetrahedral, but as it has 2 bond pairs and 2 lone pairs, the bond angle is even
less due to the repulsion from the two lone pairs.The shape is bent.

Table 1:Shapes of molecules

Table 2: Distortion of the basic shapes due to lone pairs

7. Multiple bonds and shapes

Some molecules - most commonly ethene (C2H4), ethyne (C2H2), CO, CO2 and SO2 - contain double or even triple bonds.
This is the rule: When working out the shape of a molecule a double or triple bond counts as 1 bond pair. But it has
greater repulsive power!

Exam Hint:- Some molecules and ions (like CO on this page) contain dative bonds (shown as à), where both electrons come
from one atom. These behave just like normal single bonds - once the bond is formed, it doesn't matter where the electrons came
from in the first place!

8. Shapes of ions
Working out shapes of ions is very similar to molecules. You draw a dot and cross diagram as before, but you must
• If it's a positive ion (cation), remove the same number of electrons as the charge on the ion.
• If it's a negative ion (anion), add the same number of electrons as the charge on the ion
This will give the central atom a full outer shell.

1. Cations 2. Anions
You only need to know two of these - NH4+ and H3O+ You need to know NO3-, SO42- and CO32-
All of these ions, from the dot and cross diagrams,
Shapes of cations appear to contain a mixture of normal single bonds,
dative single bonds and double bonds.

Although the dative bonds wouldn't affect the shape,

the double bonds normally would. But they don't in
these anions! All the bond angles are the same!

This is because of something called delocalisation,

which you will study properly in organic chemistry.
What it basically means is that in, for example, the
nitrate ion, instead of having one normal single bond,
one dative bond
and one double bond, the "spare" electrons in the
double bond are "shared" between all three bonds, so
that all the bonds are the same. You don't have to
worry about the details of this yet!

Shapes of anions - Remember all the bond angles are equal











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