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JISCE / UG / CSE / R21 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS402 / 2022-23 JISCE / UG / CSE / R21 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS402 / 2022-23


(b) Determine the minimum traversal cost and the traversal 8 4 CS402
route for following graph using dynamic programming
method. Consider A as the starting node.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10
Marks CO No.
(i) The measure of the longest amount of time possibly taken 1 1
to complete an algorithm expressed as __.
(a) Little-O
(b) Little-Omega
(c) Big-Omega
(d) Big-O
(ii) Fractional knapsack problem is solved most efficiently by 1 4
which of the following algorithm?
(a) Divide and conquer
(b) Dynamic programming
10. (a) Solve Maxflow Mincut theorem with the following 10 5 (c) Greedy algorithm
examples: (d) Backtracking
(iii) The main objective of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is to find 1 3
(a) Maximum flow of a network
(b) traversal of a network
(c) single source shortest path of a network
(d) all pair shortest path of a network
(iv) ___ is not a balanced search tree. 1 1
(a) AVL tree
(b) Determine the MST for the given graph using Kruskal’s 5 4 (b) Binary tree
(c) Red-black tree
(d) B-tree
(v) Which of the following algorithms is an example of a 1 2
greedy algorithm?
(a) Quick Sort
(b) Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
(c) Bellman-Ford algorithm
(d) Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning tree
11. (a) Multiply the following two matrices using Stressen’s 5 3 (vi) 0/1 knapsack problem can be solved using- 1 1
Matrix multiplication: (a) Divide & conquer
(b) dynamic programming
(c) backtracking
(b) Explain Knights Tour on Chess Board. 5 3 (d) greedy method
(c) Write pseudo code for Naïve algorithm. 5 4

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JISCE / UG / CSE / R21 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS402 / 2022-23 JISCE / UG / CSE / R21 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS402 / 2022-23

(vii) Which of the given options provides the increasing order 1 4 5. Determine the chromatic number of the following graph 5 3
of asymptotic complexity of functions f1, f2, f3, and f4? using backtracking technique
f1(n) = 2n
f2(n) = n(3/2) b
f3(n) = n*log(n) e
f4(n) = nlog(n)
(a) f3, f2, f4, f1 a
(b) f3, f2, f1, f4
(c) f2, f3, f1, f4 c d
(d) f2, f3, f4, f1
(viii) The recursive versions of binary search use a ___ structure. 1 1 6. Derive the worst-case time complexity of merge sort. 5 3
(a) Branch and bound
(b) Dynamic programming
(Long Answer Type Questions)
(c) Divide and conquer
(d) Simple recursive Answer any three from the following 3×15=45
(ix) Master’s theorem is used for? 1 3 Marks CO No.
(a) solving recurrences 7. (a) Explain different asymptotic notations with their 5 1
(b) solving iterative relations mathematical significance.
(c) analyzing loops (b) Determine the shortest path following graph using 5 3
(d) calculating the time complexity of any code Dijkstra’s algorithm
(x) n-queen problem is the example of 1 4
(a) Divide & conquer
(b) dynamic programming
(c) backtracking
(d) greedy method
(xi) To find out MST of a graph we use 1 1
(a) BFS (c) Write the pseudo code for graph coloring problem using 5 2
(b) DFS backtracking.
(c) Prim’s 8. (a) Write down the algorithm for Floyd Warshall algorithm. 5+2 4
(d) Ford-Fulkerson algorithm Discuss the time complexity.
(xii) The problems 3-SAT and 2-SAT are 1 5 (b) Consider an example and solve it through the above 8 4
(a) Both NP-complete algorithm.
(b) Both in P
(c) NP-complete and in P respectively
(d) Undecidable and NP-complete, respectively
(Short Answer Type Questions) 9. (a) Solve the maximum flow value using the Ford Fulkerson 7 4
Answer any three from the following 3×5=15 algorithm for the following flow network
Marks CO No.
2. (a) Define Master’s Theorem. 2 1
(b) Determine the complexity using master’s theorem 3 1
T (n) = 3T (n/2) + n2
3. Differentiate between DFS and BFS with example. 5 3
4. (a) Find out the difference between Divide & Conquer 2 4
Approach and Dynamic Programming.
(b) Define NP-Complete and NP-Hard. 3 3
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