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This project report outlines the tools and technology stacks learned during the
general training phase, along with the project-specific trainings. The general
training phase covered various tools and technologies, including Visual Studio
Code, HTML, CSS, SQL, Azure, and API Programming. The automation training
focused on web application automation using Katalon, UFT, REST APIs, and
performance testing using Jmeter and Load Runner.
The training provided a foundation for understanding different processes and
collaborating with different teams to address user and business needs. The project
specific training included functional knowledge about the Application and
Automation using Katalon, and the usage of various tools such as Jira, BitBucket,
QMetry, and Confluence. These processes and technologies will be used to address
user needs and business requirements for the Project.
This project aims to develop the scripts for the Web UI automation project using
Katalon Studio and the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern. The POM design
pattern is a widely used industry standard for organizing and maintaining UI tests
for web applications. The framework includes creating and maintaining reusable
page objects, creating and executing test cases using the Katalon Studio test
runner, and generating test reports for analyzing test results.
The framework incorporates advanced features like data-driven testing, modularity
of test cases, parameterization of test data, and integration with CI/CD pipelines.
The project's goal is to provide a reliable and efficient testing solution that
improves software quality and reduces the testing time and effort required for web
applications using Katalon Studio and the POM design pattern.

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This report has been developed in a close co-operation with Fastenal India
Sourcing, IT and Procurement Private Ltd.
 Fastenal is a leading industrial supply company that was founded in 1967 by
Bob Kierlin in Winona, Minnesota. Today, Fastenal has over 3,200 stores in
26 countries and employs over 23,000 people.
 Fastenal provides a wide range of products and services to customers in
various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and government.
 Their products include fasteners, tools, safety equipment, and other
industrial supplies. Fastenal also offers customized solutions to customers to
meet their unique needs and requirements.
 Fastenal's success is driven by its commitment to customer service,
innovation, and continuous improvement.
 They invest heavily in research and development to create new products and
services that meet the changing needs of customers.

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1. Introduction
1.1 Aims and Objectives………………………………………………………………….11
2. Important Concepts
2.1 Testing………………………………………………………………………………………12
2.1.1 Web UI Testing (Functional & Non-Functional)………………12
2.1.2 API Testing…………………………………………………………………….13
2.1.3 Performance Testing……………………………………………………..14
2.2 Automation Testing…………………………………………………………………..14
2.3 Page Object Model (POM)…………………………………………………….…..15
2.4 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)……………………….………….16
2.5 Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)……………………………………………..17
2.6 Bug Life Cycle (BLC)……………………………………………………………………19
3. Tools and Technologies Used…………………………………………………………………20
4. Cost Savings Application……………………………………………….…………………..…..25
5. TCO Application………………………………………………..………….…………………..…..26
6. FCOM Application……………………………………………….……………….…………..…..28
7. Automation Framework……………………………………………….…………………..…..30
8. Workflow…………………………………………………………………………………………..….32
9. Scripts and Screenshots…………………………………………………………………………33
10. Conclusion and Future Scope…………………………………………………………………41
11. References……………………………………………………………………………………..…….42

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1. Introduction

1.1 Aims and Objectives

 To improve the overall quality of the web application by detecting and
fixing defects early in the development cycle.
 To increase the efficiency of the testing process by automating
repetitive and time-consuming tasks.
 To reduce the time and effort required for testing, allowing more focus
on other important aspects of the project.
 To provide accurate and reliable results by eliminating the human
error factor in manual testing.
 To ensure that the web application functions correctly across different
browsers and platforms.

 Develop a comprehensive test plan and strategy for web UI
automation testing.
 Identify and prioritize the critical test cases for automation.
 Create reusable test scripts that can be executed repeatedly with
minimal maintenance.
 Perform regular regression testing to ensure that new changes do not
affect existing functionality.
 Generate comprehensive test reports that provide actionable insights
to improve the quality of the web application.
 Ensure that the automation tests cover all the functional and non-
functional requirements of the web application.
 Conduct regular reviews and updates to the automation framework to
ensure it remains relevant and effective.

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2. Important Concepts

2.1 Testing
Testing is the process of evaluating a system or a product to determine
its functionality, quality, and performance. It is an essential step in
software development, as it helps identify and correct defects or
errors in the code before it is released to the end-users. Testing can be
done manually or using automated tools, and it typically involves
running various test cases to verify the expected behavior of the
system. The goal of testing is to ensure that the product meets the
requirements and specifications, and is reliable, efficient, and user-
friendly. Proper testing can save time, money, and resources in the
long run, as it helps prevent costly bugs and ensures a high-quality

2.1.1 Web UI Testing

Web UI testing is the process of verifying that the user interface of a
web application functions correctly, including the layout, design, and
functionality of web pages, as well as the validation of user inputs and
responses. It can be performed manually or automatically using
testing tools and aims to ensure the application is user-friendly, easy
to navigate, and operates as expected. The goal of web UI testing is to
improve the quality and reliability of the web application.
Functional testing is a sub-part of web UI testing that focuses on
verifying that the web application's features and functionalities work
correctly. It includes testing individual features, such as buttons,
forms, and links, as well as testing the integration between different

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Non-functional testing is another sub-part of web UI testing that
focuses on the performance, reliability, and usability of the web
application. It includes testing aspects such as the application's load
time, response time, scalability, security, and accessibility.
Together, functional and non-functional testing ensure that the web
application not only performs its intended functions but also meets
the user's expectations for usability and performance. By performing
these sub-parts of web UI testing, developers and testers can identify
and resolve issues with the web application's UI, ensuring a high-
quality user experience.

2.1.2 API Testing

API testing is the process of verifying the functionality, reliability, and
performance of an application programming interface (API). APIs are
software interfaces that allow different systems to communicate with
each other, enabling data exchange and integration between them.
API testing involves sending requests to the API and verifying the
responses received from it. It includes testing the API's input
parameters, output parameters, error handling, and security. API
testing can be done manually or using automated testing tools, which
can simulate different requests and verify the corresponding
The goal of API testing is to ensure that the API functions as intended,
meets the requirements, and is reliable and secure. By performing API
testing, developers and testers can identify and resolve issues with the
API before it is integrated into a larger system, ensuring a high-quality
and robust application.

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2.1.3 Performance Testing
Performance testing is the process of evaluating the speed, scalability,
stability, and responsiveness of a software application or system under
different loads and conditions. It aims to identify the performance
bottlenecks, measure the system's capacity, and optimize the system's
performance to meet the desired performance requirements.
Performance testing typically involves simulating a realistic load on the
application, such as a large number of users or a high volume of
transactions, and measuring the system's response time, throughput,
and resource utilization. It may also involve stress testing, where the
system is tested beyond its expected maximum load to identify its
breaking point and measure its recovery time.
The goal of performance testing is to ensure that the application
performs optimally under expected and unexpected loads and
conditions, and meets the user's expectations for speed, scalability,
and stability. By performing performance testing, developers and
testers can identify and fix performance issues before they impact the
end-users, improve the application's performance, and enhance the
overall user experience.

2.2 Automation Testing

Automation testing is the process of using software tools to automate
the execution of tests, comparing actual results with expected results,
and generating detailed test reports. It involves writing scripts or
programs that can simulate user interactions and validate the
software's behavior, without requiring human intervention.
Automation testing can be used to test different types of software,
including web applications, mobile applications, desktop applications,
and APIs. It typically involves creating a test suite, consisting of a set

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of test cases, which can be executed repeatedly to ensure that the
software works as expected.
The benefits of automation testing include increased efficiency, faster
feedback, improved test coverage, and reduced costs. It can also help
to identify defects early in the development cycle, enabling faster and
more efficient bug fixing. However, automation testing requires
significant upfront investment in tool selection, script creation, and
Overall, automation testing is a valuable practice for software
development and testing, particularly for applications that require
repeated testing or have complex and critical functionalities.

2.3 Page Object Model (POM)

Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern used in test automation
for web applications. It is a structured way of organizing and managing
the elements of a web page, making it easier to write and maintain
automated tests.
In POM, each web page is represented as a separate class, which
contains the elements of the page and the actions that can be
performed on them. The elements are defined as variables, while the
actions are defined as methods. This separation of concerns makes it
easier to modify the code and maintain the tests, as any changes made
to the elements or actions of a page are limited to that page's class.
POM also helps to improve the readability and maintainability of the
test code by reducing the amount of duplicated code and increasing
code reusability. It also helps to make the tests more robust and
reliable by reducing the chances of errors due to changes in the UI or
Overall, POM is a powerful technique for structuring and organizing
test automation code, enabling more efficient and reliable testing of
web applications.

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2.4 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by software
development teams to plan, design, build, test, and deploy software
applications. It is a framework that outlines the stages involved in
creating software and provides a structured approach to software
The SDLC typically consists of the following phases:
1. Planning: In this phase, the project goals, requirements, and scope
are defined. The feasibility of the project is evaluated, and a
project plan is created.
2. Analysis: In this phase, the requirements of the software are
analyzed in detail, and the system specifications are defined. The
project team identifies the features and functionalities that the
software should have and how they will be implemented.
3. Design: In this phase, the software architecture and design are
created. The project team develops a high-level design and a
detailed design that will guide the development process.
4. Development: In this phase, the software is built according to the
design. The project team creates the code, integrates the modules,
and performs unit testing to ensure that the software meets the
5. Testing: In this phase, the software is tested to ensure that it
meets the specifications and is free of bugs and errors. Different
types of testing, such as functional testing, performance testing,
and security testing, are performed to ensure the quality of the
6. Deployment: In this phase, the software is released to the users.
The project team installs the software, configures it, and performs
user acceptance testing to ensure that it meets the user's needs.
7. Maintenance: In this phase, the software is maintained and
updated to ensure that it continues to meet the user's needs. Bug

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fixes, feature enhancements, and performance improvements are
made as needed.

2.5 Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a process used by software testing
teams to plan, design, execute, and report on software testing. It is a
framework that outlines the stages involved in testing software and
provides a structured approach to software testing.
The STLC typically consists of the following phases:
1. Requirements Analysis: In this phase, the software requirements
are analyzed in detail, and the testing objectives are defined. The
testing team identifies the features and functionalities that the
software should have, creates test scenarios, and identifies the
types of testing that will be required.
2. Test Planning: In this phase, the test plan is created. The testing
team develops a test strategy and creates a detailed test plan that
will guide the testing process. The test plan includes details such
as the testing approach, testing scope, testing schedule, testing
environment, and testing resources.
3. Test Design: In this phase, the testing team designs the test cases.
The test cases are designed to cover all the scenarios identified in

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the requirements analysis phase. The test cases are reviewed and
approved by the stakeholders.
4. Test Environment Setup: In this phase, the testing team sets up
the test environment, which includes hardware, software, and
network configurations. This is done to ensure that the testing
environment is as close to the production environment as possible
5. Test Execution: In this phase, the test cases are executed. The
testing team performs the tests according to the test plan and
records the results. The defects are identified and tracked using a
defect tracking tool.
6. Test Reporting: In this phase, the testing team generates the test
report. The report includes details such as the test results, defects
identified, and recommendations for improvement.
7. Test Closure: In this phase, the testing team evaluates the overall
testing process and documents the lessons learned. The testing
team identifies the areas for improvement and creates an action
plan for future testing projects.

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2.6 Bug Life Cycle (BLC)
The bug life cycle, also known as the defect life cycle, is the process that
a software bug or defect goes through from its discovery to its resolution.
The bug life cycle consists of several stages, and each stage has its own
set of activities and stakeholders involved.
Here are the typical stages in the bug life cycle:
1. New: This stage begins when a bug is first discovered and reported.
The bug report usually includes information such as the bug
description, the steps to reproduce the bug, and any other
relevant details.
2. Assigned: After a bug is reported, it is assigned to a developer or a
team of developers for further investigation and resolution.
3. Open: Once the developer receives the bug report, they begin
investigating the bug to identify its root cause and determine the
appropriate fix.
4. Fixed: Once the developer identifies the root cause of the bug,
they create a fix for it and implement the fix in the code.
5. Verified: After the fix is implemented, the tester or quality
assurance team will verify that the bug has been resolved and that
the software is functioning as expected.
6. Closed: If the bug is verified and resolved, it is marked as closed in
the bug tracking system. If the bug is not resolved or cannot be
replicated, it may be marked as "Cannot Reproduce" or "Deferred"
and sent back to the developer for further investigation.

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3. Tools and Technologies Used
3.1 Katalon Studio
Katalon Studio is a free test automation tool that is designed to
simplify the process of creating and executing automated tests for
web applications, mobile applications, and web services. It is built on
top of the open-source automation frameworks Selenium and
Appium, and it provides an integrated development environment (IDE)
that includes all the necessary features for test automation, such as
recording, scripting, debugging, and reporting.
Some of the key features of Katalon Studio include:
1. Cross-platform support: Katalon Studio supports test
automation for web applications, mobile applications (iOS and
Android), and web services on Windows, macOS, and Linux
operating systems.

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2. Object Repository: Katalon Studio allows users to create and
manage object repositories, which are collections of web
elements and their properties that can be used in test scripts.
3. Record and Playback: Katalon Studio provides a record and
playback feature that enables users to record their actions on a
web application or mobile application and generate test scripts
4. Test Case Management: Katalon Studio provides a test case
management feature that allows users to organize their test
cases into test suites, execute them in batches, and generate
detailed reports.
5. Integrations: Katalon Studio integrates with various third-party
tools such as JIRA, Jenkins, Git, and Slack, which enhances the
collaboration and productivity of the testing team.
Katalon Studio is user-friendly and easy to learn, making it a popular
choice for beginners and experienced test automation engineers alike.

3.2 Jira
Jira is a popular issue tracking and project management software tool
developed by Atlassian. It is widely used by software development
teams to plan, track, and manage their work throughout the software
development life cycle.
Jira provides a user-friendly interface that allows teams to create and
track issues, bugs, tasks, and stories. It also provides tools for agile
project management, including Scrum and Kanban boards, burndown
charts, and agile reporting.
Some of the key features of Jira include:
1. Issue tracking: Jira provides a centralized platform for tracking
issues, bugs, tasks, and stories, and allows teams to manage
their workflows and prioritize their work accordingly.

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2. Agile project management: Jira provides tools for agile project
management, including Scrum and Kanban boards, which help
teams to plan and manage their work effectively.
3. Customization: Jira can be customized to meet the specific
needs of different teams and projects. Users can create custom
workflows, fields, and issue types, and configure Jira to fit their
unique requirements.
4. Integration: Jira integrates with a wide range of other software
tools, including development tools like Git, Bitbucket, and
GitHub, as well as testing tools like Selenium and Jenkins.
5. Reporting: Jira provides powerful reporting features that
enable teams to track their progress and identify trends and
patterns in their work.
Overall, Jira is a flexible and powerful tool that can help software
development teams to manage their work more efficiently and

3.3 QMetry
Qmetry is a software testing platform designed to help software
development teams manage their testing processes and improve the
quality of their software products. It offers a range of features,
including test management, test automation, and quality analytics,
and supports agile methodologies to facilitate rapid testing cycles.
Additionally, Qmetry integrates with a wide range of other software
tools and provides advanced reporting features to help teams
measure the quality of their software products and make data-driven
Overall, Qmetry is a comprehensive testing solution that can help
software development teams accelerate their testing processes,
increase testing coverage, and improve the overall quality of their

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software products. By providing end-to-end testing capabilities and
advanced analytics features, Qmetry can help teams to streamline
their workflows and deliver high-quality software products on time
and within budget.

3.4 Bitbucket
Bitbucket is a web-based version control system (VCS) developed by
Atlassian, the same company behind Jira and Confluence. It allows
software development teams to collaborate on code, manage source
code repositories, and review and merge code changes.
Some of the key features of Bitbucket include:
1. Git and Mercurial support: Bitbucket support both Git and
Mercurial as version control systems, allowing teams to choose
the one that best fits their needs.
2. Code collaboration: Bitbucket provides a centralized platform
for teams to collaborate on code, share knowledge, and manage
source code repositories.
3. Code reviews: Bitbucket enables teams to perform code
reviews on their code changes, helping to catch bugs and
improve code quality before it's merged into the codebase.
4. Integration: Bitbucket integrates with a wide range of other
software tools, including Jira, Trello, and Slack, as well as
development tools like Jenkins and Bamboo.
5. Security: Bitbucket provides advanced security features,
including access controls, encryption, and two-factor
authentication, to help protect source code and ensure that it is
only accessible to authorized users.
Overall, Bitbucket is a powerful version control system that provides
software development teams with the tools they need to manage their
codebase, collaborate effectively, and ensure that their code is of the

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highest quality. By providing a flexible and secure platform for
managing source code, Bitbucket can help teams to streamline their
workflows and deliver high-quality software products.

3.5 Confluence
Confluence is a web-based collaboration software developed by
Atlassian that provides a centralized platform for teams to create,
share, and collaborate on documents, ideas, and knowledge. It offers
a range of features, including document collaboration, knowledge
management, customization, integration with other software tools,
and advanced security features.
By providing a flexible and customizable platform, Confluence helps
teams to work more efficiently and effectively, streamline their
workflows, and improve productivity. It enables teams to collaborate
effectively, share knowledge, and create high-quality documents,
ultimately leading to better outcomes and more successful projects.

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4. Cost Savings Application
• As the name suggests, Cost Savings is a web application which is used to track
the cost spent by the customers on the products.
• It starts with the contracting process, reviewing or receiving the contract has
some processes which is done through CRM.
• Components related to cost savings –
1. Loading contract pricing or loading LPP (Last Price Paid) file.
2. Baselines
3. Freight
4. Rebates and many more
• It is a tool that is used to manage the projects centrally and things they do
for cost savings. Instead of doing these things which are done manually in
the spreadsheets previously, now they use this tool to enter the projects and
track their information and then this data is finally grouped together and
feed into reporting.
• The analyst group can work where there is some additional stipulations or
customization in customer requirements and build those reports.
• This gives them the opportunity to have things in cleaner, controlled, refined
environment and put forth a much better product in front of their customers.
• Within the cost savings group, there is a section of measurement periods
which allows for flexibility in guaranteed cost savings that they are offering
but also have some flexibility like what baselines are used and what reports
these specific components appear on.
• They create a cost savings group based on the contracts and then the
contract id is linked to the newly created group so that they can easily
manage the contracts.

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5. TCO Application
This web-based portal is a comprehensive sales enablement tool designed to
provide lean solutions to Fastenal's customers. The portal is accessible to
Fastenal lean consultants, who can log in and utilize its features to assist
customers in evaluating the economic feasibility of various solutions.
The primary function of the portal is to help users run Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) calculations, generate reports, and conduct floor plan
simulations. These tools are designed to help users make informed decisions
and provide concrete evidence to support their economic case for
implementing lean solutions.
The TCO calculator is a powerful tool that enables users to calculate the total
cost of ownership for various products or solutions. This includes not only
the initial cost but also ongoing maintenance costs, operational costs, and
any other expenses associated with the solution over its lifetime. By

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accurately assessing the total cost of ownership, users can make informed
decisions about the economic feasibility of various solutions.
The floor plan simulator is another important feature of the portal. This tool
allows users to visualize the layout of a facility and simulate the
implementation of various solutions. Users can experiment with different
configurations and evaluate the impact of each solution on the overall
efficiency and productivity of the facility.
In addition to these tools, the portal also allows users to generate detailed
reports for each TCO calculation and floor plan simulation. These reports
provide valuable insights into the economic impact of various solutions and
can be used to support decision-making processes.
Overall, this web-based portal is a powerful sales enablement tool that
provides Fastenal lean consultants with the tools they need to evaluate the
economic feasibility of various solutions. Its TCO calculator, floor plan
simulator, and reporting features are all designed to help users make
informed decisions and optimize their operations for maximum efficiency
and profitability.

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6. FCOM Application
Fastenal is an American company that operates a global network of industrial
and construction supplies stores. Fastenal also has a robust e-commerce
website that offers a wide range of products and services to its customers.
The Fastenal e-commerce website allows customers to browse and purchase
products online, manage their account information, and view their order
history. Customers can also access a range of tools and resources, including
product information, technical support, and inventory management tools.
One of the key features of the Fastenal e-commerce website is its inventory
management tools. Customers can use these tools to manage their inventory
levels, track their orders, and access real-time inventory data.
Fastenal also offers a range of value-added services to its customers through
its e-commerce website. These services include custom packaging and
kitting, vending solutions, and fastener engineering and design support.
Overall, the Fastenal e-commerce website is designed to provide a seamless
and efficient shopping experience for customers while offering a range of
tools and resources to help them manage their inventory and grow their

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7. Automation Framework
Katalon Studio is an all-in-one test automation solution that enables testers
to automate their web, mobile, and API testing. It provides a variety of
features such as record and playback, object spy, script mode, data-driven
testing, and integration with various tools and frameworks.
Here's a detailed explanation of the Katalon Studio framework:
1. Test Cases: Test cases are the heart of Katalon Studio. It is a set of
steps or instructions that define the user actions and expected results.
Test cases can be created using the Script mode or Record and
Playback mode.
2. Object Repository: The Object Repository is a centralized place where
all the web and mobile objects are stored. It contains information such
as object name, locator type, and locator value. The Object Repository
can be created manually or by using the Object Spy feature.
3. Test Data: Test data is an essential part of any testing process. Katalon
Studio supports data-driven testing, which enables testers to use
different sets of data for a single test case. Test data can be stored in
different formats such as CSV, Excel, or SQL databases.
4. Test Suites: Test Suites are a collection of Test Cases. It is used to
organize and execute test cases in a specific order. Test Suites can be
executed using the Console mode or from the Test Suite Collection.
5. Test Suite Collection: Test Suite Collection is a group of Test Suites that
are executed in a specific order. It enables testers to execute multiple
Test Suites as a single entity. Test Suite Collection can be executed
from the command line or from the Katalon Studio.
6. Test Execution: Test Execution is the process of running Test Cases or
Test Suites. Katalon Studio provides multiple ways to execute tests
such as Console mode, Test Suite Collection, or Integration with CI/CD
7. Reporting: Reporting is an important aspect of any testing process.
Katalon Studio provides a variety of built-in reports such as Test Suite

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Report, Test Case Report, Execution Summary Report, and Log Viewer.
It also supports integration with external reporting tools such as JIRA
or TestRail.
8. Integration: Katalon Studio provides integration with various tools and
frameworks such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, and Selenium Grid. It also
supports integration with other third-party tools such as JIRA, TestRail,
and Slack.
Overall, Katalon Studio is a robust test automation framework that provides
a wide range of features to automate testing processes. It is easy to use, even
for non-technical users, and supports a variety of technologies and

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8. Workflow

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9. Scripts and Screenshots
9.1 Test Case – Create Group Using Guide Me Button

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9.2 Class - K_GBL.groovy

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9.3 Class – CSD.groovy

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9.3 Class – GroupDetails.groovy

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9.4 Test Listener – CostSavingTestListener.groovy

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9.5 Profile – TST

9.6 Test Suite – Sanity Collection

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9.7 Test Report

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10. Conclusion and Future Scope
Web UI test automation has become an indispensable part of software
testing. Automated testing tools help testers identify defects quickly, reduce
manual testing efforts, and achieve better test coverage, thereby improving
the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of the testing process. Test
automation also helps organizations save time and resources while
improving the quality of their software.
The future of web UI test automation is likely to see significant
advancements. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
Learning (ML) with automation tools will improve the accuracy and efficiency
of test automation. Test automation will also shift towards low-code and no-
code testing frameworks, enabling even non-technical users to create and
execute automated tests. Additionally, the adoption of cloud-based testing
solutions will increase, allowing testers to perform testing activities from
anywhere and anytime.
In the future, test automation will focus more on testing for user experience
(UX) and accessibility. The integration of DevOps practices with test
automation will become more prevalent, leading to the implementation of
continuous testing and continuous delivery. Overall, the future of web UI test
automation looks promising, and with the advancements in technology and
the evolving needs of software development, it is likely to witness significant
growth and transformation.

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11. References

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Plagiarism Report

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