Creative Writing - 2073 by Stuti Oli

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a. What are the main sources of law? Discuss brietly. b. “Rights and duties are correlative” Explain. c. What is justice? Discuss the kinds of Justice. d. Explain the basic structures of new constitution of Nepal. Creative writing (approximately 300 words) 1x20=20 In general sense, rule according to law is rule of law. The term rule of law has been derived from French phrase La Principle de legality means supremacy of law by which all other organs perform their functions. In Nepal five constructions were promulgated by the then King before 2063 and Monarchy was above the law. The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 abolished the Monarchy and introduced Republic System. The Constitution Assembly of Nepal promulgated a Federal Democratic Republic Constitution on 20 September 2015 which has guaranteed basic constitutional and fundamental rights. The elements of rule of law are incorporated in the new Constitution. However, people of Nepal are not satisfied with the functioning of the government. Do you think that the principle of rule of law is being applied properly in Nepal give your argument. TROD Pe oe) loth the promulgation ode new conssstuhton 4 the county . Nepal hos heen deffned os," An i Endependent-, TnatvStbie. ; sovereign. ,seculary Face | | Pnclustve +democrah% _, soc falvam “orvente d fedexal| it democrat’c_tepubta’can Sto. — | The _const*tuh%Sn was promulgated on sv4 | Ashwin, 2042 1_€ncor porary 3S parts, 30} . | arhles.and 9-S$cheduteg,—Mhe— Lons}¥ tusfon Arssend \\— bly wep al_promulgated_a Federal _Demeera—____— _ 4 Ae Repub) Pe _tonstutfon bes— whch hes guare, | _, ntead basPa consifrubnal and fundamen tod | ee Latghts. 9a ty = . 2. | | the elements of rule of dow are Pavorpoca ted. | fn thfs new constfhitfon. Rule of dow fe rule ae | eord Png to LaKy. The, term rule—o how hos bean. derfred_from_frene! phrase (1a Prinetpie de i | oe, |, HH | degalty whPfeh means Suprem acy of haw | Ae new constftub%n has Enttaduced nen pr | felona te enhanee_the. systam_of nite sfdaw __ fo__the countpy .Homever «people. of-wepal. are. | not sah’ jved™ withthe function tag oF the jovetnme nt. ee ee a | ace | | 1d of Mw fn Wepal fist yette under band yy, bash elements of tute of sow. AV _ Dicay fa the propounder of ult OF dau, and -acco¥dtng to him, there ave tht eater ents of rule of daw Rule of claw 4 Suprema Of don) Equality constite tor < Y - before, daw ag G product Ss oF oratnane au J compa these bashe pruvPelong | elenera with Nepaleve dega:] systam (We Can 444 thar pryes pat a of mule of dan Ps appited fr ~ Nepalese Gorttament. . CAI PLES : The pplosing _provittons enghring Rule oF ot daw fa Nep 4) ConstSutfonal supremacy ) The. constuh‘on % the Supreme daw of- the dand as all pther daws are based on & and Mrlele 4 pmufdes that any aau bacor sibtent with conatuton ehall be vePd. Care, dan Rojtb Pawapuli va Reed £2062 ¢) Adone fs above. daw a) People \s sovarelgnty tha “cunent constirbon has han dovered couse Raby and eae author?ey as menntned fo the. “le 2 te marn the absence ot arhikanp gowrmment and the Preamb e. «tars with.“ We, He. soereya people of mepas.* 3) Baste. Fundamenta | Ri hts We Nepalese People. are. guaranteed 31 boat fundamental niphis from mentale. 16-46 of ‘the. const uhdn of- Nepal ,20¥2 halong. wirk Tem edy fer wfolahdn. Example RAT to wehin of exime 4] InsKitubbons te enforee dow L Govemment has varfous gasttubons suchas Polite ,adminfs trate of pte eh whith het», anporee daws fn goikety 5] Accaunta Ps ipy F Gommmen All The tis hos. compelied. Government te be _accounte bie with enfornemenho dPpferent Fete such as. ‘Right 42 Information Achy 2064). 6] equality befor a dad a8 Supremé court = he. ~ordtng JurtdfeHon mentioned Pa Arr’cle 132 te avatd dufocracy — yz Tidspacitense. of duateSang 4 Te Tad efaty ai Mep epal Ps_fndependent, competent and ~. with three Hews cof court re mentfoned fq’ Part t1 and Supreme court auing. “Powers for final taterpretation, : Ta Ore some. oi the. suatfons shown 1 epresonce Co seule how tin Ao w Tate our mule re Haw 3 muddled Pato 7 V4nous ~ PelthteaL Problems . a A 2 dow 2a hepal= ow Fag. Ore. the problems of rute.of to 4), Potfrea| Tnstoblitny a Gowrmment of Ube inher. cparty Conifeks because of- shih nd pare “planes ar. Tene. con be Empiemented | | | Enampl Nepal Pa enstable due TS pp.oi? (premaments_os Laced. ae eee a = The. eels Juerize—s1 system Pa. poor as pow [expat Land n&eh le janie one f tt t t Pample Giada Ore protested by tne ehims have. +. dive fn Infus : = : 3 Tyrangy -Gommment — — Attho sh hastog onePuttonal su os whe. government Ys~ becomh +o_hetome eee whinsctal an. -appresatiogy-a and ee antag dows and ctrtens, Enample . House. dfssotved by kP-olk . +) Corruphon Le cormuphion py at peor. dew! 0% Author reg m&suce Power fer petsonal gatn and cPen, are dete unheard, . Snampie. : 7 Botas': case § 5) Taterference of opgans Ae The getrnmental Organs are. fhtertarfn, 0 bark Of each. othe a_tnelfre sPuaseh fh owe fever and. pressure them, fnampie cat inel eh for share ta The ese. are some. of- the. Prrbiems Of male of Kaw 2 Nepal - ~The. Pollo tyge can be peastole measures te tmprove. HBS etcaltbn » a) Awarenese Progren 1. The Gorinment should aware citund about thefr basPa s%yhts pdurea and rate tag. vote. agatosts vorong . 2] AvoPd PolttPeal Proreahton 4 [The Poltea!.. Partes should. veld pout 4 £qg protection to citmtnala and atand wir —— . tuth for Jush%re. 3) Consul with Enperts > » The Government should consult with forefgn . ¢nperts and adapt thePr adulcos to tatmduce > proper System. yf Tem aly reufalbn Of daw =] Socket, changes faster than daw 60 there Should be Hmely revfeton of-daw9 oo the can wark, O39 per the need 0 “cuntantcoutely 5) deave JudFefaay alone a) Government should Stop tnterfertng fn the le mg 4 task of Juaer. and .der Perdorra Job pots Es thd guardian of dew ond oha/ Ways hoork da nSpu lly. Conelusion. i » fn Awtshe ll + Fule of dow fs the pillare goed gowrnance. The New consrutfon has { {near poreted,. -Varitus prouretens for. rute of aw but cH thePr des eh'gma. ‘The systew on ber finprou'sed._with common efforrs of -inzen. 2 govemmenf ae

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