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1 M3 Define an array? Explain declaration and initialization of single dimensional(1D)

and two-dimensional Array(2D).
2 M3 Develop a C program to print Fibonacci series using recursion
Develop a C program to print Factorial of a number using recursion
3 M3 Write a C program that accepts (3×3 ordered matrices A and B),and compute
the following (i)sum of Two numbers (ii) Subtraction of Two numbers
4 M3 Write a note on parameter passing mechanisms: call by value and call by
reference with a suitable example program
5 M3 Develop an C program and algorithm to search the given element in an array using
Binary search. Print the suitable message for the finding search element along
with Position.
6 M3 Develop an C program and algorithm to search the given element in an array using
linear search. Print the suitable message for the finding search element along with
7 M3 Develop an algorithm and C Program for the sorting the given array
a[10]={12,3,0,5,78} using Bubble sort technique.
8 M3 Develop an algorithm and C Program for the sorting the given array
a[10]={12,3,0,5,78} using Selection sort technique.
9 M3 Illustrate with an Example the Scope, Visibility and lifetime of a Variable, using
the concept of storage classes.
10 M3 Write a note on different types of functions with suitable examples.
11 M3 Write a c program to obtain transpose of a matrix
12 M4 Define string. How string is declared and initialized, show with an example AND
how do you represent a string as a character Array terminating with null
statement at the end.
13 M4 (a)What is pointer? give the advantages and disadvantages of pointer.
(b)Explain how the pointer variable is declared and initialized with a suitable
14 M4 Write a C program using pointers to compute the Sum, Mean and Standard
deviation of all elements stored in an array of „n‟ real numbers
15 M4 Explain the array of pointers concept with a suitable example program.
16 M4 Explain the pointers to string concept with a suitable example program.
17 M4 Write a note on pointer-to-pointer concept with a suitable example program
18 M4 a. Write a program to swap two numbers, using pointer-to-function concept.
b. Write a pointer program to print elements of an array.
19 M4 Construct C Program to check whether the given
(i)string is a palindrome or not without using built-in function
(ii)number is a palindrome or not without using built-in function
20 M4 Explain with syntax and example, any five different string manipulation library
functions with syntax and example.
21 M4 Write a C program that reads a sentence and prints the frequency of each of the
vowels and total count of consonants?
22 M4 Write a C program to eliminate multiple spaces from a sentence and make it
Write a C Program to implement string copy operation, that copies string str1 to
another string str2 without using library function strcpy()
23 M4 Write a C program to
(i)concatenate two strings without using built-in function strcat()
(ii)compare a string, without using built in function strcmp()

24 M4 Show the use of memory allocation functions: malloc(),calloc(),free() and

realloc() with a suitable example.
25 M4 Write a note on near, far and huge pointers with a suitable example program
26 M4 Write a note on Dangling pointer and Null pointer with a suitable example
27 M4 With example explain (a) wild pointer
(b)void pointer
28 M5 a) What is structure? Explain the C syntax of structure declaration with
b) Give the difference between arrays and structures
29 M5 Explain the following with examples: (I) array of structure and (II) structure within
a structure.
30 M5 Write a C program to maintain a record of “n” students details using an array of
structures with four fields(roll no, name, marks, grade).Assume appropriate data
type for each field. Print the marks of the student given the student name as input.
31 M5 Write a program to maintain a record of “n” employee detail using an array of
structures with three fields(id, name , salary) and print the details of employees
whose salary is above 5000
32 M5 Write a C program to store and print name, USN, subject and IA marks for five
different students by passing array variable as an argument to a structure
33 M5 What are the two different ways in which, a structure variable can be passed as an
argument to a function
34 M5 a. Define union? Explain the C syntax of union declaration with example.
b. Differentiate between structure and union
35 M5 a. Define Enumeration. Write a C program to show working of enum in c
b. Write a Enumeration program to print all days of a week
36 M5 a. Write a Enumeration program to access all Enumeration members using
b. Write a Enumeration program to access Enumeration members using
37 M5 List the different modes in which a opened file can be accessed
38 M5 Explain the following File handling functions with syntax and example:
(i) fopen()
(ii) fprintf()
(iii) fscanf()
(iv) fputc()
(v) fgetc()
39 M5 a. Write a c program to copy contents of one file to another
40 a. Write a c program to read contents of a text file and display
b. Develop a c program to write data into a text file
41 M5 Write a c program to detect the end of the fie EOF().
42 M5 Explain with general syntax the formatted I/O functions to handle files.
43 M5 Write a program to read Name, USN and address from keyboard and write the same into
the file.
44 M5 Explain the syntax of file opening and closing the file with general syntax of fopen() and
fclose() functions.
45 M5 Write a c program to delete a file from current directory

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