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D: Good morning teacher Good morning class my name is Deyvis and his name is
Alexis, well Today we are going to present our final project about “How do i get to..?,
ok let’s start
D: hi son, what are you doing(duen)?
A: Hi, Dad, my friend just called me
D: Who? Maycol?
A: Yes
D: well, and what did he say(sey) to you?
A: He called me to invite me to his 18th birthday.
D: Really?
A: yes, That's why I wanted to ask your permission to go to his party in two days. can i
D: Yes, no problem, but have you cleaned the house?
A: No, i haven’t cleaned the house yet
D: why? Your mother told me that you didn't help her with the cleaning today.
A: because I have been sick since morning
D: really? So, you should(shood) go to the hospital
A: of course, but How do I get to the hospital?
D: Well, go straight ahead for four blocks, turn right about one block, cross the
avenue(aveniu) and it’s on your right
A: Thanks, where is the Jewelry store?
D: Ez it’s on the corner of San Juan Street, next to the bank. Why?
A: because I am going to buy him a gift
D: Excellent that’s my puppy, but but you're not going to go if you haven't cooked yet,
Haven't you bought the ingredients yet?
A: I go now, where is the Plaza Vea store?
D: umh, it’s across from the hospital, on San Juan Street, by the way you cut your
hair(her), You know where the hair salon is, right?
A: not really, how do I get there?
D: OMG this kid doesn't know anything, turn right and go straight ahead for two blocks,
it’s on the corner of Maria Street.
A: ok dad, I already wrote it down so I will be back home in two hours
D: ok, but don't be late for lunch because I've been hungry since morning
A: Ok dad, see you later
D: Bye
D: Well That would be all for our project and I hope you liked it, thanks


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