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Maximum Vehicle Car Temperatures under Different Meteorological


Article in International Journal of Biometeorology · March 2009

DOI: 10.1007/s00484-009-0211-x · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Andrew Grundstein
University of Georgia


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Int J Biometeorol
DOI 10.1007/s00484-009-0211-x


Maximum vehicle cabin temperatures under different

meteorological conditions
Andrew Grundstein & Vernon Meentemeyer &
John Dowd

Received: 4 July 2008 / Revised: 11 December 2008 / Accepted: 24 January 2009

# ISB 2009

Abstract A variety of studies have documented the for forecasting hazardous conditions, promoting public
dangerously high temperatures that may occur within the awareness, and to estimate past cabin temperatures for use
passenger compartment (cabin) of cars under clear sky in forensic analyses.
conditions, even at relatively low ambient air temperatures.
Our study, however, is the first to examine cabin temper- Keywords Automobile . Temperature . Hyperthermia .
atures under variable weather conditions. It uses a unique Weather
maximum vehicle cabin temperature dataset in conjunction
with directly comparable ambient air temperature, solar
radiation, and cloud cover data collected from April Introduction
through August 2007 in Athens, GA. Maximum cabin
temperatures, ranging from 41–76°C, varied considerably Every year infants and young children die from hyperther-
depending on the weather conditions and the time of year. mia after being trapped within cars. A study by Guard and
Clear days had the highest cabin temperatures, with average Gallagher (2005) found that, in the United States, 171
values of 68°C in the summer and 61°C in the spring. children died from being trapped in vehicles, either
Cloudy days in both the spring and summer were on intentionally or by accident, during the period from 1995–
average approximately 10°C cooler. Our findings indicate 2002. Since 1998, Null (2008) found an average of 36
that even on cloudy days with lower ambient air temper- deaths per year from vehicle-related hyperthermia. Often
atures, vehicle cabin temperatures may reach deadly levels. parents leave children in the car so as to avoid waking them
Additionally, two predictive models of maximum daily but are unaware of how quickly temperatures may increase
vehicle cabin temperatures were developed using common- to dangerous levels (Guard and Gallagher 2005). Indeed,
ly available meteorological data. One model uses maximum under ideal conditions with full sun exposure and no
ambient air temperature and average daily solar radiation ventilation, temperatures have been observed to increase by
while the other uses cloud cover percentage as a surrogate 22–27°C within an hour (McLaren et al. 2005; Gibbs et al.
for solar radiation. From these models, two maximum 1995; King et al. 1981) and reach maximum temperatures
vehicle cabin temperature indices were developed to assess up to 89°C (Marty et al. 2001).
the level of danger. The models and indices may be useful The temperature increase in the car is caused by a
greenhouse effect associated with a radiation imbalance and
reduced ventilation. A net radiation imbalance occurs as
A. Grundstein (*) : V. Meentemeyer
solar radiation can pass into the vehicle through the
Department of Geography, Climatology Research Laboratory,
University of Georgia, windows but long-wave radiation emitted by the car is
Athens, GA 30602, USA “trapped” and prevented from escaping (Roberts and
e-mail: Roberts 1976). In addition, a car without ventilation (e.g.,
open windows) blocks the loss of energy via convection.
J. Dowd
Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Studies comparing vehicles in direct sunlight and shade
Athens, USA reveal that cabin temperatures reached values that were 8°C–
Int J Biometeorol

19°C greater in the sun (Roberts and Roberts 1976; Surpure allow for a quantification of the influence of different
1982). In addition, cars with greater ventilation had meteorological conditions upon cabin temperatures. In
substantially lower cabin temperatures. Maximum cabin addition, maximum cabin temperature models based on
temperatures in vehicles with open windows were over commonly available meteorological data will be developed.
28°C cooler than those with closed windows but only 8°C– It is hoped that the models will be of use in forecasting
15°C cooler with the windows “cracked” (open 50 mm) dangerous conditions to promote public awareness. In
(Roberts and Roberts 1976; King et al. 1981; Surpure 1982). addition, Marty et al. (2001) noted that there is a gap in
Most of these studies collected data on a single day, the forensic literature on identifying time of death under
typically a clear one in the summer when both air and car nonstandard conditions such as bodies retrieved from
temperatures would be maximized. Two studies, however, automobiles. Thus, the maximum cabin temperature model
investigated how variations in meteorological conditions may be useful for reconstructing past car temperatures for
may affect cabin temperatures. McLaren et al. (2005) forensic analyses.
quantified the heating within cars under days with a range
of ambient air temperatures. They collected data for 16
clear sunny days with air temperatures ranging from 22°C– Data and methods
36°C. The maximum cabin temperature of the vehicle,
which depended on starting ambient air temperatures, The study was conducted from 1 April through 31 August
increased by an average of 22°C over ambient air temper- 2007 in Athens, GA. A metallic gray 2005 Honda civic
atures within an hour. Even on the coolest day in the study, with gray cloth seats was used. It was parked in an open lot
with an ambient temperature of 22°C, the cabin temperature with direct exposure to sunlight. The windows were closed
reached a hazardous value of 47°C. Marty et al. (2001) during data collection because the objective was to assess
examined car temperatures under a variety of meteorolog- maximum possible temperatures. In addition, the lack of
ical conditions and in different seasons during the 1995– ventilation represents typical conditions when children are
2000 period. Exposure to direct sunlight lead to dramatic left in cars (Roberts and Roberts 1976).
increases in car temperatures but the degree of heating The car temperature data were collected by HOBO
varied by season. They offer an approximation that under temperature sensors (Onset Computer Corporation; http://
direct sun exposure maximum cabin temperatures may that recorded temperatures every 5
reach 30°C in the winter, 60°C in the spring and fall, and min. The sensor was suspended approximately 150 mm
90°C in the summer. Their sample size of days with from the ceiling in a manner similar to that used by King et
inclement weather such as with rain were insufficient to al. (1981) and was never exposed to direct sunlight.
make any generalizations about cabin temperatures. The Ambient air temperature and solar radiation data at 5-min
authors also attempted to develop a model of cabin resolution were obtained from an adjacent weather station
temperatures based on the meteorological conditions but operated by the Department of Geography Climatology
were limited by the temporal resolution of their dataset. Research Laboratory, located on the roof of the building
Many United States state governments have recognized approximately 125 m from the parking lot. Cloud cover data
the danger to children posed by high cabin temperatures. at hourly resolution were obtained from a National Weather
Presently, 14 states have laws that prohibit leaving children Service (NWS) Automated Surface Observing Station
unattended in motor vehicles (Null 2008). However, even (ASOS) located approximately 5 km away at Athens Ben
states such as California, Florida, and Texas with such laws Epps Airport. The cloud cover data were presented in text
still experience vehicle-related hyperthermia deaths, indi- format as clear, few (>0/8–2/8), scattered (3/8–4/8), broken
cating that the legislation does not provide a complete (5/8–7/8), and overcast (8/8). Each category consists of a
deterrent. As mentioned above, many parents and care- range in coverage and is provided, if available, at different
givers are simply not aware of how quickly vehicle levels in the atmosphere. For each hour, the average
temperatures can reach hazardous levels. Thus, raising coverage for the range was used and the level with the
awareness by documenting the degree of heating may be greatest cover was set as the cloud cover value.
useful in reducing deaths. The objective of this research, The study built a daily dataset consisting of maximum
then, is to build upon the work of McLaren et al. (2005) cabin temperature, maximum ambient air temperature, and
and Marty et al. (2001) by examining maximum vehicle average daytime [9:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M. eastern daylight time
cabin temperatures under a variety of meteorological (EDT)] solar radiation and cloud cover percentage. Only
conditions during the spring and summer in Athens, days where the car was parked in the lot from at least noon
Georgia. to 3:00 P.M. EDT and in the same parking spot were
High temporal resolution meteorological and vehicle retained. A total of 58 days were included in the study.
cabin temperature datasets are used in this study and will With this dataset, maximum cabin temperatures were
Int J Biometeorol

examined under a variety of cloud cover conditions and by
season. The seasons were defined as spring (April and
May) and summer (June, July, and August). Only the warm 70
season was studied because 75% of hyperthermia deaths
related to cars occur in the summer (Guard and Gallagher

Temperature (oC)
2005). The cloud cover conditions were categorized as clear 60

if cloudiness was ≤ 30% and cloudy if greater than 30%.

The partly cloudy (0.4–0.7) and cloudy (0.7–1.0) categories 50
in Changnon (1981) were grouped together in this study to
provide a sufficient dataset.
Maximum cabin temperature models were developed using 40
meteorological data. The first model uses maximum ambient N=13 N=5 N=29 N=11
air temperature and average daytime solar radiation (9:00 A.M.–
5:00 P.M. EDT) as independent variables. These variables spring-clr spring-cld summer-clr summer-cld
were selected because previous studies have documented the
importance of ambient temperature (McLaren et al. 2005) and Fig. 1 Maximum cabin temperatures by season and cloudiness. The
box shows the lower and upper quartiles with the median marked by
solar radiation (Roberts and Roberts 1976; Surpure 1982) on
the dark line. The whiskers mark the 5th and 95th percentiles with
maximum cabin temperatures. The temporal resolution of the outliers plotted as points. Clr Clear (cloudiness < 30%), cld cloudy
data (i.e. maximum daily or average daily) were selected to
make the input data as accessible as possible for application.
In addition, solar radiation data are often not available. (Fig. 1). Cabin temperatures were highest during clear days,
Therefore, a second model was developed that uses average with the greatest values in the summer. Clear days during
daily cloud cover percentage (9:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M. EDT) as a the spring averaged 61°C compared to 68°C in the summer.
surrogate for solar radiation. Cloudy days had lower cabin temperatures, averaging 50°C
in spring and 58°C in summer.
To identify the particular conditions favorable to the
Results highest cabin temperatures as well as to quantify the
differences, anomalous values (±1 standard deviation) were
Meteorological conditions during the study examined (Table 2). The difference in average maximum
cabin temperatures between the lowest and highest days
The 58 study days include a wide variety of meteorological vary from 48°C to 74°C. It should be noted that even the
conditions (Table 1). The study period extends from a few lowest cabin temperatures in the dataset are still sufficiently
weeks after the Spring Equinox and past the Summer high to pose a significant danger. The high temperature
Solstice, which provide for a wide variety of solar angles and days had greater ambient air temperatures by 10°C, average
thus solar radiation values. Average daily solar radiation solar radiation values over 200 W m−2 greater, and very
ranged from just over 250 W m−2 to 800 W m−2. Cloud little cloud cover.
cover conditions varied from clear to overcast, with about
38% of the days classified as cloudy (cloud cover > 30%). Maximum vehicle cabin temperature model
Finally, there was a wide variety in maximum ambient air
temperatures, ranging from mild (21°C) to extremely hot Two regression models of maximum cabin temperature
(41°C). were developed from the 58 days of data. The first model
uses maximum daily ambient air temperatures and average
Maximum cabin temperatures solar radiation as input variables. The high temporal
resolution solar radiation data allowed for the computation
The maximum cabin temperature data were grouped by of average daily solar radiation. The second model was
season and cloudiness to illustrate the range in values constructed using maximum daily ambient air temperatures
Table 1 Summary statistics on
meteorological conditions Cabin temperature Ambient temperature Solar radiation Clear/cloudy
during the study (°C) (°C) (W m−2) days

Mean 64 32 621 42/16

Max 76 41 802
Min 41 21 256
Int J Biometeorol

Table 2 Average cabin temperatures and meteorological values for factors. First, cloud cover in this study is a surrogate for solar
days with cabin temperatures that are ±1 standard deviation from the
radiation and is therefore a less direct way of inferring solar
mean. Values rounded to nearest whole numbers
heating. Second, the observing station where the cloud data
+1 SD −1 SD were collected is several kilometers from the study site.
Ambient temperature (°C) 37 27 Thus, it is possible to have some inconsistencies, particularly
Cabin temperature (°C) 74 48 on partly cloud days where it may be clear (cloudy) at the
Solar radiation (W m−2) 664 437 observing station but cloudy (clear) over the study site. This
Cloud cover (%) 13 46 is exactly what happened on 20 July, where the model
N (days) 6 10 provided for a large overestimate of the maximum cabin
temperature. The adjacent weather station recorded a drop in
solar radiation during the afternoon indicating cloud cover but
the NWS cloud data indicated clearer conditions, leading the
and cloud cover as independent variables. Cloud cover data model to overestimate the cabin temperature. If this point is
are often more commonly available and provide a surrogate removed, the model performance improves considerably with
for solar radiation. the explained variance increasing to 66%. Finally, the use of
The results show that the model using ambient air average daily cloud cover, which is insensitive to the timing of
temperature and solar radiation does an excellent job the cloud cover, affected model performance. The largest
simulating maximum daily car temperatures (Fig. 2a). The residuals, particularly overestimates, tended to occur on partly
equation is:
Cabin temperature ¼ 0:036ðsolarÞþ1:02ðambientÞþ8:8 80

Modeled Temperatures ( oC)

where “solar” refers to average daily solar radiation

(W m−2) and “ambient” to maximum ambient air temper-
atures (°C). It explains 80% of the variability in the data 60

and has an root mean squared error (RMSE) of 3.7. Some

of the larger residuals, particularly overestimates at the 50
lower observed temperatures, are the result of using average
daily solar radiation values. On some of the days, there are
clear conditions for much of the day but cloud cover during
midday. As a result, the average solar radiation may be high
(leading to higher cabin temperature estimates) but since 30
30 40 50 60 70 80
the car is exposed to less solar radiation during peak
Observed Temperatures (oC)
heating times, it may have a lower actual interior
temperature. The opposite situation occurred when there b 80
were clouds most of the day but clear conditions during
midday. Overall, however, the model is capable of
Modeled Temperatures ( oC)

capturing the variability among days with a wide range in

meteorological conditions.
Not unexpectedly, the second model using ambient 60

temperatures and cloud cover, simulates the observed

maximum cabin temperatures less successfully than the 50
one using solar radiation but still is capable of capturing
much of the magnitude and variability of maximum car
temperatures (Fig. 2b). The model is as follows:

Cabin temperature ¼ 0:141ðcloudÞþ0:932ðambientÞþ37:1 30

30 40 50 60 70 80
Observed Temperatures (oC)
where “cloud” refers to average daily cloud cover percentage
Fig. 2 Comparison of observed and modeled maximum cabin
and “ambient” to maximum ambient air temperatures (°C). It temperatures for models using a maximum ambient air temperature
explains 60% of the variance and has a larger RMSE of 5.2. and average solar, and b maximum ambient air temperature and cloud
The lower model performance may be explained by three cover. The solid line is the one-to-one line
Int J Biometeorol

Table 3 Maximum vehicle cabin temperature index using solar radiation and maximum ambient air temperature. Light shading Interior vehicle
heat advisory, dark shading excessive vehicle interior heat warning

40 57 59 60 62 64 66 68 69 71 73 75 77 78
38 55 57 58 60 62 64 66 67 69 71 73 75 76
Maximum Ambient Air

36 53 55 56 58 60 62 64 65 67 69 71 73 74
Temperature (ºC)

34 51 52 54 56 58 60 61 63 65 67 69 70 72
32 49 50 52 54 56 58 59 61 63 65 67 68 70
30 47 48 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 65 66 68
28 45 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 61 63 64 66
26 43 44 46 48 50 52 53 55 57 59 61 62 64
24 40 42 44 46 48 49 51 53 55 57 58 60 62
22 38 40 42 44 46 47 49 51 53 55 56 58 60
20 36 38 40 42 44 45 47 49 51 53 54 56 58
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Average Daily Solar Radiation (W m )

cloud days. Cloud cover plays a more significant role in an apparent temperature is computed from the ambient air
affecting cabin temperatures when it occurs during midday. temperature and relative humidity (Steadman 1979). To be
However, in some cases there was heavy cloud cover for consistent with NWS terminology in their heat/health
much of the day but less during midday. This would lead to warning systems, categories that are directly comparable
higher cloud cover averages and underestimates of cabin to “heat advisory” and “excessive heat warning” are used
temperatures. Clear conditions during most of the day but (NWS 2005). The NWS issues a “heat advisory” when the
clouds during midday would lead to the reverse situation. heat index is 41°C–46°C degrees for less than 3 hours. An
“excessive heat warning” is issued when the heat index is
Maximum vehicle cabin temperature index ≥41°C for more than 3 hours or exceeds 46°C for any
period of time. This study will define a “vehicle interior heat
Maximum vehicle cabin temperature indices were devel- advisory” when the maximum cabin temperature is 41°C–
oped to aid in advising the public about the dangers of high 46°C and “excessive vehicle interior heat warning” when the
cabin temperatures (Tables 3, 4). The indices were derived cabin temperature exceeds 46°C.
from the solar and cloud-based models respectively and are The range of input values (e.g., maximum ambient air
designed to be similar to the well-known heat index, where temperature, solar radiation, and cloud cover) for computing

Table 4 Maximum vehicle cabin temperature index using cloud cover and maximum ambient air temperature. Light shading Interior vehicle heat
advisory, dark shading excessive vehicle interior heat warning. Ovc is overcast

40 74 73 71 69 67 66 64 62 60
38 73 71 69 67 65 64 62 60 58
Maximum Ambient Air

36 61 60 58 56 54 53 51 49 47
Temperature (ºC)

34 69 67 65 64 62 60 58 56 55
32 67 65 63 62 60 58 56 55 53
30 65 63 62 60 58 56 54 53 51
28 63 61 60 58 56 54 53 51 49
26 61 60 58 56 54 53 51 49 47
24 59 58 56 54 52 51 49 47 45
22 58 56 54 52 51 49 47 45 44
20 56 54 52 50 49 47 45 43 42
0 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 8/8

clear few scattered broken ovc

Average Daily Cloud Cover (octaves)
Int J Biometeorol

maximum cabin temperatures is based on the original data so temperature and thus assume no ventilation and maximum
that the index values involve no extrapolation. As mentioned sun exposure. They were also designed to use average daily
earlier, the models are designed to maximize cabin temper- meteorological values that may be more commonly
atures. Of course, the actual maximum temperatures may available. When solar radiation data are available, the
vary depending on the shading and the level of ventilation. In solar-based model (Eq. 1) is recommended because of its
addition, the hazard depends on the length of exposure to the superior performance. These models may be of use in
high temperatures, the humidity level which may affect the forecasting hazardous conditions and helping to inform the
amount of evaporative cooling from perspiration, and the age public of the dangers of leaving children and infants
and health of the child. Children are particularly sensitive to unattended in vehicles. For instance, weather forecasts
heat illness because of their less effective thermoregulatory typically provide daily maximum temperatures and cloud
systems and their inability to modify behavior such as cover, which could be used to forecast cabin temperatures.
removing excess clothing or exiting the vehicle (McLaren et These forecasts may be used in conjunction with the
al. 2005; Tsuzuki-Hayakawa and Tochihara 1995). Tables 3 maximum vehicle cabin temperature indices that assign
and 4 show that, under almost any environmental condition danger levels—“vehicle interior heat advisory” and “exces-
during the spring and summer, maximum vehicle cabin sive vehicle interior heat warning”—that are consistent with
temperatures reach the heat advisory or excessive heat official NWS terminology. In addition, the models may be
warning categories. These tables make clear that under no used in forensic analyses to reconstruct cabin temperatures.
circumstances should a child ever be left unattended in a Guard and Gallagher (2005) found that over 25% of
vehicle. vehicle-related hyperthermia deaths occurred when parents
or other caregivers intentionally left a child unattended in a
Discussion and conclusions vehicle, indicating a clear lack of knowledge about the
heat-related hazard. Public advisories have been docu-
This is the first study to quantify the influence of different mented to raise awareness. Sheridan (2007), for instance,
ambient air temperatures and solar radiation values on noted that 90% of survey respondents from several urban
vehicle cabin temperatures. It uses a unique maximum areas were aware of heat warnings. However, many of the
cabin temperature dataset that is linked with meteorological respondents did not actually modify their behavior because
data on ambient air temperatures, solar radiation, and cloud they did not perceive a threat to their health. A warning of
cover. The study period included a range of ambient air the danger of high cabin temperatures may be successful at
temperatures along with a variety of cloud cover and solar both raising awareness and modifying behavior if it clearly
radiation conditions. communicates the vulnerability of children and the distinct
The first portion of this study investigates maximum health outcomes, including serious heat-related illnesses or
cabin temperatures. These temperatures ranged from 41°C death.
to 76°C. The magnitude of maximum cabin temperatures
varied by both season and cloud coverage, which influ-
enced the amount of solar radiation. Clear days in the
spring average 61°C versus 68°C in the summer. The References
higher values are related to the higher ambient air temper-
atures in the summer. This is consistent with McLaren et al. Changnon S (1981) Midwestern cloud, sunshine and temperature
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Maximum cabin temperatures on cloudy days averaged enclosed automobile. J La State Med Soc 147(12):545–546
approximately 10°C cooler than clear days with temper- Guard A, Gallagher SS (2005) Heat related deaths to young children
in parked cars: an analysis of 171 fatalities in the United States,
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Cloudy days tended to have a wider range in maximum car King K, Negus K, Vance JC (1981) Heat stress in motor vehicles: a
temperatures than clear days owing to the variability in problem in infancy. Pediatrics 68(4):579–582
cover. The upshot of this research is to reinforce the Marty WT, Sigrist T, Wyler D (2001) Temperature variations in
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cabin temperatures can reach hazardous levels even under Med Pathol 22(3):215–219
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temperature rise in enclosed vehicles. Pediatrics 116:e109–
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