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Dear teacher's
and friends
Today we are going to be presenting about
our PBL (Project Base Learning) project. Our
brand name is Punchanade. Before we
start our presentation, we would like to say
that we are very happy to be invited here
to SK Damansara Damai 2 to present
about our project.
We choose to do this
project because many of
our friends and family
always drink unhealthy
drinks like sodas After
putting some thought into
this we decided to make a
juice that taste delicious
and is healthy.It also
doesn't have any sugar
just stevia.It is 100%
natural and made freshly
just for you.
P e


Wo r y
nder B e r Fantasy
01 02
This juice consist of This juice consist of
dragonfruit, strawberry, mangoes, papayas,
strawberry yogurt, mint yogurt, mint leaves and
leaves and stevia. stevia.
der B Here are some of the major benefits of the
Wonder Berry juice .To start with, dragon

erryfruit, is low in sugar and can also reduce the

risk of diabetes. Furthermore, strawberry
reduces the risks of critical illness such as
cancer & diabetes. Additionally, mint leaves
are rich in vitamin A and helps with

Our Fantasy juice also got benefits.
The mango in our juice can improved
eye health. We put papaya in our juice
because papaya can boost your
immunity system.
hank you
We hope this presentation has made you know
more about our juices and the benefits of it. We
hope you can all can try making these juices
yourself at home. Thank you for listening

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