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ENGLISH 12 Time allowed: 45 minutes TEST 121

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. hooked B. travelled C. hissed D. diminished
2. A. photographs B. equals C. envelopes D. calculates
3. A. field B. believe C. obedience D. niece
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different:
4. A. generally B. biologist C. obedient D. responsible
5. A. romantic B. majority C. contractual D. attitude
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting:
6. The Americans are more concerned in physical attractiveness than the Chinese.
7. By the time Tom arrived, all of the food had eaten.
8. All of the information given by our friends are useful to us.
9. Could you tell me how many countries have you visited so far?
10. After questioning for a while, he finally admitted having stolen my bicycle.
Choose the best answer to complete the passage:
(11)_________ many Western societies, good eye contact is often highly appreciated. In the United States, (12)
_______ , a person who tries to avoid eye contact is regarded as being (13) _________ and unfriendly. In Europe, if you
don’t look straight at your teacher’s eyes while he or she is explaining the lesson, you may be regarded as an inattentive
student.(14) _________ , to show respect to a superior, a Japanese often lowers her/his eyes. In some Africa cultures,
people often have a prolonged look, but prolonged eye contact from a person of a lower status is interpreted as a sign of
disrespect. In Britain, to express politeness, you should show that you pay close(15)__________ to a speaker by blinking
your eyes. A person’s widened eyes may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The Chinese widen their eyes to
politely express anger, whereas the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of (16)____.
11. A. To B. Between C. In D. On
12. A. for example B. like C. as a result D. whereas
13. A. embarrassed B. unwilling C. untrustworthy D. astonished
14. A. Therefore B. On the other hand C. For instance D. Impolitely
15. A. explanation B. interest C. attraction D. attention
16. A. astonishment B. contact C. politeness D. informality
Choose the best answer among A , B , C or D.
17. The city center was packed with thousands of tourists of different races and ______.
A. civilizations B. cultures C. generations D. happiness
18. People often lose _______ when they are criticized.
A. politeness B. independence C. confidence D. attraction
19. * “How well you are playing!”. * “ ____________”
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words. B. I think so. I am proud of myself.
C. Thank you too much D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment.
20. I think that everything _______ ready the project procedure by the end of this month.
A. has been B. will be C. will have been D. is
21. The first turtles___________about 200 million years ago.
A. believed to exist B. are believed to have existed C. believed to be existed D. are believing to be existed
22. They refused_____to John’s proposal. They decided ________their work.
A. to listen/ to continue B. to listen/ continuing C. listening/ to continue D. listening/ continuing
23. His ideas__________marriage are quite different _______mine.
A. to/ of B. over/ from C. about/ from D. in/ for
24. * “Excuse me! Is anybody sitting here?” * “____________.”
A. Sorry, the seat is taken.B. No,thanks. C. Yes, I am so glad D. Yes, yes. You can sit here.
25. The students in this class were made _________________ very hard.
A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. having learnt
26. Body language is a potent form of ________________ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. tongue D. oral
27. * Your new hairstyle is quite attractive. * ________. I think it makes me look 10 years older. TEST 121
A. Thanks a lot B. I’m sorry I don’t like it C. I hate it D. That’s a nice compliment
28. He…………his job last month and since then he…………out of work.
A. lost – was B. was lost – has been C. has lost – was D. lost – has been
29. Peter asked me………
A. what time does the film start B. what time the film starts
C. what time did the film start D. what time the film started
30. "You shouldn't shout in restaurants" He ………me not to shout in restaurant
A suggested B. advised C. offered D. said
31. * "Would you like to go to the movies tonight?" * " ………"
A. No, I don't like B. Yes, I'd like C. Of course D. I'd love to
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer:
One key to getting along with people is to know when and how to say you are sorry. Sometimes little comments
or actions can hurt or offend others. However, we failed to see how our actions make other s feel. In most cases, if
someone is offended by something you do or say, it is much better to apologize right away. That solves the small problem
and keeps it from getting bigger.
It is not easy to apologize. Many of us are ashamed or have too much pride. Sometimes we just do not know how
to do it. Here are some tips that may make it easier to say you are sorry.
 Take responsibility. The first step is apologizing is to admit to yourself that you have offended someone. You
must admit you have done something wrong and accept responsibility for your actions.
 Explain. It is important to let the person you hurt know that you did not mean to do harm. At the same time, you
must show that you take your mistake seriously.
 Show your regret. Say that you are sorry or ashamed. I’m sorry. I’m ashamed of myself.
 Repair the damage. If you damaged someone’s property, offer to fix it. If the damage is not so obvious, ask: What
can I do to make it up to you? There may be nothing concrete you can do, but the offer must be sincere. Another
way to repair the damage is to send a note or a small gift.
Apologizing does not mean that who “won” or who “lost”. It is a good way to keep a strong friendship.
32. According to the writer, ____________.
A. sometimes an apology is not necessary. B. We should try not to hurt or offend others.
C. a proper apology helps us get along with people D. He never said sorry to anyone.
33. Which sentence is not true?
A. An apology is sometimes difficult to say B. Some people just do not know how to apologize
C. Some people have too much pride to apologize D. We all know how to apologize but we do not want to do
34. When you do something that has offended someone, you should ________
A. not admit that it is your mistake B. not assume responsibility for what you have done.
C. show that you take your mistake seriously D. let him know that you meant to do harm
35. When you damaged someone’s property, ________.
A. you should not show your regret. B. you should offer to fix it.
C. you should not send a note or a small gift. D. you should send an expensive gift.
36. The text is ___________
A. advisable B. informative C. useless D. nonsense
Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets
37. (attract) The room is arranged very ___attractively____.
38. (solve) These quick and easy __solutions__ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
39. (formality) He was __formally__ dressed in a grey suit.
40. (polite) He is one of the most _inpolite_ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not only
me but also others in the staff.
41. ( assist) People in flooded areas are in need of direct___assistance____.
42. ( depend ) Vietnamese women are no longer _dependent_on men in all fields.
43. “Shall I help you with the washing up, Jane?” John said. -> John offered to help Jane with the washing
44. He said “Why did not you come to class yesterday, Mary?”  He wondered why Mary hadn’t come to class the
day before …
45. I have not met her for 3 years.  The last time I saw her was 3 years ago
46. He looks older when he wears glasses. -> Wearing glasses makes him look older ………
47. It is believed that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour. -> He is believed to have driven through the town
at 90 km an hour. ……………………….
48. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport. -> By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken
49. I don’t allow people to smoke in my house. - > People are not allowed to smoke in my house ……………………
50. 'No, I certainly didn't use your cassette player!' Alfred said to me -> Alfred denied using my cassette player


ENGLISH 12 Time allowed: 45 minutes TEST 121

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
51. A. hooked B. travelled C. hissed D. diminished
52. A. photographs B. equals C. envelopes D. calculates
53. A. field B. believe C. obedience D. niece
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different:
54. A. generally B. biologist C. obedient D. responsible
55. A. romantic B. majority C. contractual D. attitude
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting:
56. The Americans are more concerned in physical attractiveness than the Chinese.
57. By the time Tom arrived, all of the food had eaten.
58. All of the information given by our friends are useful to us.
59. Could you tell me how many countries have you visited so far?
60. After questioning for a while, he finally admitted having stolen my bicycle.
Choose the best answer to complete the passage:
(11)_________ many Western societies, good eye contact is often highly appreciated. In the United States, (12)
_______ , a person who tries to avoid eye contact is regarded as being (13) _________ and unfriendly. In Europe, if you
don’t look straight at your teacher’s eyes while he or she is explaining the lesson, you may be regarded as an inattentive
student.(14) _________ , to show respect to a superior, a Japanese often lowers her/his eyes. In some Africa cultures,
people often have a prolonged look, but prolonged eye contact from a person of a lower status is interpreted as a sign of
disrespect. In Britain, to express politeness, you should show that you pay close(15)__________ to a speaker by blinking
your eyes. A person’s widened eyes may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The Chinese widen their eyes to
politely express anger, whereas the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of (16)____.
61. A. To B. Between C. In D. On
62. A. for example B. like C. as a result D. whereas
63. A. embarrassed B. unwilling C. untrustworthy D. astonished
64. A. Therefore B. On the other hand C. For instance D. Impolitely
65. A. explanation B. interest C. attraction D. attention
66. A. astonishment B. contact C. politeness D. informality
Choose the best answer among A , B , C or D.
67. The city center was packed with thousands of tourists of different races and ______.
A. civilizations B. cultures C. generations D. happiness
68. People often lose _______ when they are criticized.
A. politeness B. independence C. confidence D. attraction
69. * “How well you are playing!”. * “ ____________”
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words. B. I think so. I am proud of myself.
C. Thank you too much D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment.
70. I think that everything _______ ready the project procedure by the end of this month.
A. has been B. will be C. will have been D. is
71. The first turtles___________about 200 million years ago.
A. believed to exist B. are believed to have existed C. believed to be existed D. are believing to be existed
72. They refused_____to John’s proposal. They decided ________their work.
A. to listen/ to continue B. to listen/ continuing C. listening/ to continue D. listening/ continuing
73. His ideas__________marriage are quite different _______mine.
A. to/ of B. over/ from C. about/ from D. in/ for
74. * “Excuse me! Is anybody sitting here?” * “____________.”
A. Sorry, the seat is taken.B. No,thanks. C. Yes, I am so glad D. Yes, yes. You can sit here.
75. The students in this class were made _________________ very hard.
A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. having learnt
76. Body language is a potent form of ________________ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. tongue D. oral
77. * Your new hairstyle is quite attractive. * ________. I think it makes me look 10 years older. TEST 121
A. Thanks a lot B. I’m sorry I don’t like it C. I hate it D. That’s a nice compliment
78. He…………his job last month and since then he…………out of work.
A. lost – was B. was lost – has been C. has lost – was D. lost – has been
79. Peter asked me………
A. what time does the film start B. what time the film starts
C. what time did the film start D. what time the film started
80. "You shouldn't shout in restaurants" He ………me not to shout in restaurant
A suggested B. advised C. offered D. said
81. * "Would you like to go to the movies tonight?" * " ………"
A. No, I don't like B. Yes, I'd like C. Of course D. I'd love to
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer:
One key to getting along with people is to know when and how to say you are sorry. Sometimes little comments
or actions can hurt or offend others. However, we failed to see how our actions make other s feel. In most cases, if
someone is offended by something you do or say, it is much better to apologize right away. That solves the small problem
and keeps it from getting bigger.
It is not easy to apologize. Many of us are ashamed or have too much pride. Sometimes we just do not know how
to do it. Here are some tips that may make it easier to say you are sorry.
 Take responsibility. The first step is apologizing is to admit to yourself that you have offended someone. You
must admit you have done something wrong and accept responsibility for your actions.
 Explain. It is important to let the person you hurt know that you did not mean to do harm. At the same time, you
must show that you take your mistake seriously.
 Show your regret. Say that you are sorry or ashamed. I’m sorry. I’m ashamed of myself.
 Repair the damage. If you damaged someone’s property, offer to fix it. If the damage is not so obvious, ask: What
can I do to make it up to you? There may be nothing concrete you can do, but the offer must be sincere. Another
way to repair the damage is to send a note or a small gift.
Apologizing does not mean that who “won” or who “lost”. It is a good way to keep a strong friendship.
82. According to the writer, ____________.
A. sometimes an apology is not necessary. B. We should try not to hurt or offend others.
C. a proper apology helps us get along with people D. He never said sorry to anyone.
83. Which sentence is not true?
A. An apology is sometimes difficult to say B. Some people just do not know how to apologize
C. Some people have too much pride to apologize D. We all know how to apologize but we do not want to do
84. When you do something that has offended someone, you should ________
A. not admit that it is your mistake B. not assume responsibility for what you have done.
C. show that you take your mistake seriously D. let him know that you meant to do harm
85. When you damaged someone’s property, ________.
A. you should not show your regret. B. you should offer to fix it.
C. you should not send a note or a small gift. D. you should send an expensive gift.
86. The text is ___________
A. advisable B. informative C. useless D. nonsense
Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets
87. (attract) The room is arranged very ________________.
88. (solve) These quick and easy ____________ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
89. (formality) He was ______________ dressed in a grey suit.
90. (polite) He is one of the most ____________ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not
only me but also others in the staff.
91. ( assist) People in flooded areas are in need of direct______________.
92. ( depend ) Vietnamese women are no longer ____________on men in all fields.
93. “Shall I help you with the washing up, Jane?” John said. -> John offered ……………
94. He said “Why did not you come to class yesterday, Mary?”  He wondered ………………………
95. I have not met her for 3 years.  The last time …………………………………………………….
96. He looks older when he wears glasses. -> Wearing glasses makes …………………
97. It is believed that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour. -> He……………………….
98. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport. -> By the time ………………………..
99. I don’t allow people to smoke in my house. - > People ………………………
100. 'No, I certainly didn't use your cassette player!' Alfred said to me -> Alfred denied …………………
ENGLISH 12 Time allowed: 45 minutes TEST 122

Read the passage and choose the best answer:

One key to getting along with people is to know when and how to say you are sorry. Sometimes little comments
or actions can hurt or offend others. However, we failed to see how our actions make other s feel. In most cases, if
someone is offended by something you do or say, it is much better to apologize right away. That solves the small problem
and keeps it from getting bigger.
It is not easy to apologize. Many of us are ashamed or have too much pride. Sometimes we just do not know how
to do it. Here are some tips that may make it easier to say you are sorry.
 Take responsibility. The first step is apologizing is to admit to yourself that you have offended someone. You
must admit you have done something wrong and accept responsibility for your actions.
 Explain. It is important to let the person you hurt know that you did not mean to do harm. At the same time, you
must show that you take your mistake seriously.
 Show your regret. Say that you are sorry or ashamed. I’m sorry. I’m ashamed of myself.
 Repair the damage. If you damaged someone’s property, offer to fix it. If the damage is not so obvious, ask: What
can I do to make it up to you? There may be nothing concrete you can do, but the offer must be sincere. Another
way to repair the damage is to send a note or a small gift.
Apologizing does not mean that who “won” or who “lost”. It is a good way to keep a strong friendship.
1. According to the writer, ____________.
A. sometimes an apology is not necessary. B. We should try not to hurt or offend others.
C. He never said sorry to anyone. D. a proper apology helps us get along with people
2. Which sentence is not true?
A. An apology is sometimes difficult to say B. We all know how to apologize but we do not want to do
C. Some people have too much pride to apologize D. Some people just do not know how to apologize
3. When you do something that has offended someone, you should ________
A. show that you take your mistake seriously B. not assume responsibility for what you have done.
C. not admit that it is your mistake D. let him know that you meant to do harm
4. When you damaged someone’s property, ________.
A. you should not show your regret. B. you should not send a note or a small gift.
C. you should offer to fix it D. you should send an expensive gift.
5. The text is ___________
A. useless B. informative C. advisable D. nonsense
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
6. A. travelled B. hooked C. hissed D. diminished
7. A. photographs B. calculates C. envelopes D. equals
8. A. field B. believe C. obedience D. niece
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting:
9. All of the information given by our friends are useful to us.
10. Could you tell me how many countries have you visited so far?
11. After questioning for a while, he finally admitted having stolen my bicycle.
12. The Americans are more concerned in physical attractiveness than the Chinese.
13. By the time Tom arrived, all of the food had eaten.
Choose the best answer among A , B , C or D.
14. * “How well you are playing!”. * “ ____________”
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words. B. I think so. I am proud of myself.
C. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment. D. Thank you too much
15. I think that everything _______ ready the project procedure by the end of this month.
A. has been B. will be C. is D. will have been
16. The city center was packed with thousands of tourists of different races and ______.
A. civilizations B. cultures C. generations D. happiness
17. People often lose _______ when they are criticized.
A. confidence B. independence C. politeness D. attraction
18. The first turtles___________about 200 million years ago. TEST 122
A. believed to exist B. are believed to have existed C. believed to be existed D. are believing to be
19. * “Excuse me! Is anybody sitting here?” * “____________.”
A. Yes, I am so glad . B. No, thanks. C. Yes, yes. You can sit here. D. Sorry, the seat is
20. The students in this class were made _________________ very hard.
A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. having learnt
21. Body language is a potent form of ________________ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. tongue D. oral
22. * Your new hairstyle is quite attractive. * ________. I think it makes me look 10 years older.
A. Thanks a lot B. I’m sorry I don’t like it C. I hate it D. That’s a nice compliment
23. He…………his job last month and since then he…………out of work.
A. lost – was B. lost – has been C. has lost – was D. was lost – has been
24. Peter asked me………
A. what time does the film start B. what time the film started
C. what time did the film start D. what time the film starts
25. They refused_____to John’s proposal. They decided ________their work.
A. to listen/ to continue B. to listen/ continuing C. listening/ to continue D. listening/ continuing
26. His ideas__________marriage are quite different _______mine.
A. to/ of B. over/ from C. about/ from D. in/ for
27. * "Would you like to go to the movies tonight?" * " ………"
A. No, I don't like B. I'd love to C. Of course D. Yes, I'd like
28. "You shouldn't shout in restaurants" He ………me not to shout in restaurant
A suggested B. said C. offered D. advised
Choose the best answer to complete the passage:
(29)_________ many Western societies, good eye contact is often highly appreciated. In the United States, (30)
_______ , a person who tries to avoid eye contact is regarded as being (31) _________ and unfriendly. In Europe, if you
don’t look straight at your teacher’s eyes while he or she is explaining the lesson, you may be regarded as an inattentive
student. (32) _________ , to show respect to a superior, a Japanese often lowers her/his eyes. In some Africa cultures,
people often have a prolonged look, but prolonged eye contact from a person of a lower status is interpreted as a sign of
disrespect. In Britain, to express politeness, you should show that you pay close(33)__________ to a speaker by blinking
your eyes. A person’s widened eyes may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The Chinese widen their eyes to
politely express anger, whereas the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of (34)____.
29. A. To B. In C. Between D. On
30. A. whereas B. like C. as a result D. for example
31. A. untrustworthy B. unwilling C. embarrassed D. astonished
32. A. Therefore B. For instance C. On the other hand D. Impolitely
33. A. explanation B. interest C. attraction D. attention
34. A. contact B. astonishment C. politeness D. informality
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different:
35. A. obedient B. biologist C. generally D. responsible
36. A. attitude B. majority C. contractual D. romantic
Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets
37. ( assist) People in flooded areas are in need of direct______________.
38. ( depend ) Vietnamese women are no longer ____________on men in all fields.
39. (formality) He was ______________ dressed in a grey suit.
40. (attract) The room is arranged very ________________.
41. (solve) These quick and easy ____________ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
42. (polite) He is one of the most ____________ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not
only me but also others in the staff.
43. He said “Why did not you come to class yesterday, Mary?”  He wondered ………………………
44. I have not met her for 3 years.  The last time …………………………………………………….
45. It is believed that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour. -> He……………………….
46. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport. -> By the time ………………………..
47. I don’t allow people to smoke in my house. - > People ………………………
48. 'No, I certainly didn't use your cassette player!' Alfred said to me -> Alfred denied …………………
49. “Shall I help you with the washing up, Jane?” John said. -> John offered ……………
50. He looks older when he wears glasses. -> Wearing glasses makes …………………


Yêu cầu: * - 1 điểm nếu tô câu trắc nghiệm bằng bút mực
* - 1 điểm nếu không ghi đề
1. B 7. D 13. C 19. D 25. B 31. D
2. B 8. B 14. B 20. C 26. B 32. C
3. C 9. C 15. D 21. B 27. C 33. D
4. A 10. A 16. A 22. A 28. D 34. C
5. D 11. C 17. B 23. C 29. D 35. B
6. C 12. A 18. C 24. A 30. B 36. A

37. Attractively 38. solutions 39. formally 40. impolite 41. assistance 42. dependent

43. John offered to help Jane with the washing up

44. He wondered why Mary hadn’t come to class the previous day / the day before.
45. The last time I met her was 3 years ago.
46. Wearing glasses makes him look older
47. He is believed to have driven ….
48. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.
49. People are not allowed to smoke in my house.
50. Alfred denied using my cassette player.


1. D 7. D 13. D 19. D 25. A 31. A

2. B 8. C 14. C 20. A 26. C 32. C
3. A 9. B 15. D 21. B 27. B 33. D
4. C 10. C 16. B 22. C 28. D 34. B
5. C 11. A 17. A 23. B 29. B 35. C
6. A 12. C 18. B 24. B 30. D 36. A

37. assistance 38. dependent 39. formally 40. Attractively 41. solutions 42. impolite

43. He wondered why Mary hadn’t come to class the previous day / the day before.
44. The last time I met her was 3 years ago.
45. He is believed to have driven ….
46. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.
47. People are not allowed to smoke in my house.
48. Alfred denied using my cassette player.
49. John offered to help Jane with the washing up
50. Wearing glasses makes him look older

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