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Aerwolies , dathanain, — TOXplorrass , is tepasro Hepertaleunn Aue level ki-6 (Krebs von dan Luger fg) DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHOLOGY : Hematorglin £ toxin + _cleesnot stain 1 forovedi 5 Aweals acellutes frarey eonopiilie exudate. in taminad alveoli @ Aangporabig | vouulatd -appeaaiue Neutroprils * Jugenphorrtss ~) Mfostiium Diff Atveolay dannsege tan be Aeon bub not peutic Granulomatra veyone — 0m ~ neevobiig / pomty revohaiy Ponulera Jack clanie feahner of aintia fic in Mint Hw/aips 4 Anamsppeatie | 4004 realigned - alveolar emp cxdats CEL WALL STAINS (nsensi hve Whey, only stain the cell wall of cyst fem Hota, Het cells — atveriin culls» tracey hot stained : wie THE WAMINE Me stain wed St VER shun ( Grocott [ gongs vau‘ahey, ny 1 : black Uys (tup shaped) agdumk @ green basher, a pont i green Poteau oluidenn bux , per ath Wale, Caleafous ute Toluidene Hur ¢ Ousyd eke vider 9» purrte uypts (upshoed CAbe}iune wihute + Abdiny CHITIN: in to way Blu — white uysts Other Atauw used NUCLEAR © Cynic STAINS. tain all» f a Avrelsprrontal Ages { ned aersitity rain Ast ally (can oon ‘ ' punt 7 Giewa , Youihe Giemsa 4 Giema- Lie Atting “Frophpls ruuulsi + Appeas DEEP PURPLE Saint Aig BLUE fap. _ ayes NUE cuerentin cogs epic eae arkibodls cecled a pneu! 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BAL cell wall staining # at. 0s burden 4 [or ford colt wall stain ve perf mer aes ama an > [ 9 at wash mere convenient, reasihie "fran induted = ~puhurs _, (e& intaatve Sample are oblatnel by allen ngerg gsml of BlowLe sale pe (0 AD 5D pees = geri Fivity depends ov urdestgirg Function @ Sune 4 x dove aith = vemithye PCR method, oral Warh sensitivity a adequate for inital Kew fe arpenred er 4) hug Propy call wall / nucley stains ax ced. senniinty a [swe in Hiv sve pabients DIAGNOSIS - CONSENSUS DEFINIToM Proven Aiageors _, Reteehin gf etgarai in Sputum, BAL Go ‘ Hara tse usirg usnventional methects / mrad wares atau) Pardpable ingress at fat ote ¥ cuntca + Respiratoy agmprone < Aadiogrophie hictorys in Host +» HIV /AtDs Cow othe, usndition Ladiiy to Cg < 20vcelbe, st call dapletirg. therary » : High doe unticotenid therapy > o3nylhg 4 2 2 rrede Aolid gen praruplantahsr positive By. 3-BD om acomeuchye samples om posite preLmoushs PR on Absypratory Apeimen Possible FeP —» rast + clinical no tyedtogial emdenu “TREATMENT y Trinetiicprin = Su [fancethoxegole i ee an aH HIV +e Dex - 15 bp dary [hate Avnded in 31 4 dovs fox Al days Modnat te swe — Iv dbseivs dno swith eal ope tre & clinicat anirorerent t z Dose aay, - fh A eae ; Pex 24tjunement in Kenad Iupaciacent: GI dohivbances , shun seals , drug poe Hypolalenia (by blockads 4 Distal Nephron Ni? channels ‘ ly THP) Creatinine elevation ( by @ o oetiune Aenehin bg THA) Sou adrewe offees Mae eth = Acll ard bu roma franplant weépent v ve ' Nephroto xray or § hansamunau oh Tye 2 Type 4 yeni syal < Naa eusersit phn & — PENTAMID INE tv - 41y My once dary by shoo ty 8 1 te vhy Sadeol fects — Nephrotorrecty Hypelenstin erhatron ins te A arin ERT EME dygquasen. hallecinahin prise te Ay damnnge of prcells 9 TP acleaw apreg wyecenia ane 4 fice s 4 ne. 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